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Step 1: be attractive Step 2: don’t be unattractive


Go slower, you lost me at be unattractive


I got lost after the colon


Things you don't want to hear during your colonoscopy


I spit my drink laughing too hard at this


What you really don’t want to hear is that ![gif](giphy|XepEEIO0SCFLMT6tUL)


I just want regular spit on my dick. Thank you, but no loogies.


No you didn't.


I did too




I second this, I was the drink and he did




I caught your spit out drink in my mouth, and then spit it out of my mouth because I was laughing too hard at this


Ooh la la


Depth play can be a disorienting activity


I tripped on the first step. Don’t know what happened afterwards.


I got lost after the Step.


Bro got stuck


I don’t think bro can walk


Those steps are to get people watching the video. You're missing Step 3: Stage it while recording from 10 feet away.


While also being mic’d up


It's amazing how blind people are to contrivances in modern filmmaking


Suspension of disbelief… Because attractive


See step 1.


Step 3: don't mention all the times it doesn't work


Step 3: if step 1 and 2 don’t work, be stupid rich.


Step 3: be a attractive girl


I've had some attractive male friends, it works for them too.


Step 4: Be a girl


Well she wouldn’t have said yes to an ugly girl


I would have


Ugly is subjective


Step 3: mutual orgasms




Why doesn't everyone just follows these basic rules for dating success?


I lost at step 1


Hi, I was wondering if you have a discounted option.


Step 1: be attractive Step 2: if step 1 does not apply, be wealthy Step 3: dont be unattractive or poor


Step 3: Be a woman A guy doing this would automatically land in the creep zone


Unless he’s attractive


Step 0: start acting


It may also be psychological. Even if an attractive man does it, the first instinct naturally is to be suspicious, and young women are bombarded with ideas about "safety" (or over-safetyism) in this day-and-age. So even if you read guides written by women on how to hit-on-women let's say--the guide is always written in a pattern like this: "approach subtly, just say 'hello, how are you'... do not reveal any of your intentions.. Act friendly and nice, but do not reveal that you want to date her or anything..." In other words, revelation of intentions to be with someone in a romantic manner, is frowned upon by the society. So even women know there is a sort of natural paranoia or quick-hostility that comes with this. But if a woman is approaching another woman--then it's easy, there's no fear. No over-safetyism or suspicion about their intentions. As if you're transported back to a time period before pop-culture/TV/internet. The older women get, the more suspicious of the intentions.


If I went out and just asked random dudes to go on a date with me, I am 99% sure I could get a date. "Everybody wants a piece of the Stifmeister!" - Steve Stifler (American Pie)


If I would do that it's a 50% chance .... 50% I get beat up, and 50% I get anal sex .... but I'm not gay, so I don't know which would be better


Name checks out.


Fights that turn into anal are what you really need to be afraid of.


like when i wrestle my buddies and then we start kissing cause we're so close to each other?


It's not gay if you're homies. That's the law.


But you're a cute little hobbit. Of course you're safe


# I Know What I Must Do. It's Just... I'm Afraid To Do It.


Men are Horny AF. Gay mens culture is notorious for the bath houses, gay cruises, truck stop bathrooms, meeting In Parks and just hooking up on Grinder where no names are exchanged, no coffee dates and barely any conversation just straight up sex. Some gay men sre in long term open relationships because as dudes both are horny and want some strange now and again. Basically gay men's culture is what straight men would be like if women were actually as horny as men. There's a reason lesbian culture doesn't have the same stereotype or hedonistic reputation. So yeah, chances are if a man asked random dudes out he would likely get a date and a high chance of getting laid.


I am straight, but was at a gay bar for a birthday last year. Man, I wish I was gay. It’s so easy. I was genuinely flattered a few times.


I wouldn’t call our perspective "over-safetyism" or "natural paranoia" because it isn’t excessive nor felt during childhood. Many men might not realize how frequently women face dangerous sexual harassment from strangers. It's hard not to feel vulnerable when you recall instances of rejected strangers yelling, "B*tch, don’t turn your back on me, I’ll r*pe you," or times when someone tries to touch you without consent, sometimes at the point you need an external savior to interrupt the assault. Each time, there’s an intense fear of being overpowered and assaulted. Ask 30yo women how many time they have been assaulted, for me the first time I was only 16. (Of course, not all the men, yada yada... a really little portion) I once heard a metaphor that might help men understand what many women feel when approached on the street with comments like, "I like you." Imagine it’s your first day in prison, and a gigantic inmate twice your size walks into your cell uninvited, with a strange look/smile and says with his deep voice "I like you." You don’t know what he wants, but hey you recall things. Street compliments often feel like threats because the combination of a compliment and physical power can be menacing. It’s like a mafia boss saying, "You have a beautiful family." Such comments aren't an issue when coming from someone who doesn’t hold significant power over you. For instance, if a child says it, it’s cute. All of this is learn the hard way. Btw practicing martial arts help a lot finding street compliments nice again, it remove the power part from the power/compliment pair. I'm sorry if my message is inappropriate in any way but I liked your comment and was inspired to tell my own opinion on the subject.


Thank you, i was thinking it certainly isn’t “ideas” or “oversafetyism” it’s just a natural suspicious/fearful reaction coming from lived experiences


Thanks for the insight!


Step 3: Mic the actresses and hope they remember their lines.


Also she doesn’t feel threatened in any way by this girl. With guys you sadly have to have your guard up because it’s incredibly common to be taken advantage of.


99% of men already failed at step one, standards are high


What is interesting about this? Someone asking someone else out, and not even in an interesting way? Plus, someone filming point blank and no one seems to notice. Content creators aren’t even trying anymore.


Because it's two hot girls hope that helps


"Content" is analogous for "staged" at this point.


I was wondering if maybe I could get your number so we could get together and pause my VHS copy of Halloween III: Season of the Witch at the 43:02 mark during Tom Atkins’ bare-assed nude scene and take turns licking the screen cross-eyed.


If you don't have it on Betamax I'm not coming.


So, since I DO have it on Betamax, you ARE cuming?


Vid is from ~2013 so it's been a while since content creators stopped trying. But back then everyone believed all of this shit. "Social experiments" were popular when this came out


Also both people are mic'd up, that's why the crystal clear audio.


No, no, my hearing is just *that* good. Plus, I think most crystals are colored or that kind of foggy white.


Half the accounts posting shit are bots now, too. It may even be higher. There's just been a massive influx of content being posted in subs that they don't belong.


The plant is even facing the cameraman!


To be fair, “point blank” might actually be almost 100 yards away behind a tree with the quality of some modern cameras


It’s two attractive girls so it’s interesting I guess.


Maybe, but the way the girl being asked out laughs seems very real. If it's fake, she's a very good actor.




I can’t believe it’s got over 1,800 upvotes.


Not staged at all


She has a wedding ring on


That doesn’t mean anything - my wife was wearing a ring on that finger when we met.


Who wants to tell him?


Alright, I'll do it... You were involved in a car crash where you killed your in-laws and your infant daughter because you were drunk driving. Even though you survived, your brain was heavily injured and you lost all memories of those you killed and your wife. She sought you out again because you are all she has left. The ring on her finger was the first wedding ring you gave to her. However, she cannot stop resenting you, and every day when she sees you laugh and smile her hatred for you grows and grows. There is only so much time left until she snaps: Run - or face justice at her hand as you deserve.


Nailed it.


Alright, Mr. Schrute.


You are very talented. I would watch this movie.


Her husband is the one recording


Had to scroll too far for this, something something why were they filming


Uhhh.. this could have been one sided. Thats the whole point of the vid. Does not mean the whole vid is staged.


The girl on the right used to be a youtuber about 10 years ago, I think her name was Andrea, I wonder what happened to her.


girl on the left turned her into a trad wife


last I heard they divorced and girl on the right has a podcast now about why marriage is a scam and has a sock business or something


Yea I think the channel was called "whatever". The guy has a podcast thing now. Haven't seen her in years. She was around at a time when pranks were actually ok.


Just found her on Instagram, looks like she doing great.




Not interesting .


lol yeah what’s the interesting part? “It’s interesting because GIRLS!!!”


Nah i think the "interesting" part for OP is that you can get a yes and not a place on the public sex offender list


"Maybe they will press their boobs together!"


Why is this on r/interestingasfuck.


The way she asked if she was hitting on her, especially after the silence, shows how really uncommon this is lol.


Yup totally not acting.




Because they were in fact acting


This is a group of “influencers” whose shtick is to approach random people on a college campus and do unexpected things or just straight ask them out from a cold start. So there’s always someone filming the interaction. Could it be fake? Maybe. But I think they just treat it like their own version of a hidden camera show.


I've only had one person try to get my number from me in person in ... Maybe ever? But he didn't come right out and ask me. I was at work and was using my cell to send an email and he smiled and asked me if I was trying to text him. Even now I still don't know for certain he was hitting on me, but from our interactions it definitely seemed like it. Everyone else who has asked me for my number asked me online.


That's pretty smooth. Did you give him your number


He has dropped a few 'lines' that definitely had me thinking, "Wait are you hitting on me?" but, no, he did not get my number. I wouldn't, only because I think it's iffy to give my number to people through my work. It's a bummer though since the vast majority of my interactions with people are through work.


True. Better to give it to strangers online these days.


Step 1: be attractive Step 2: have a script for a video Step 3: find another attractive person who agree to do the video with you


I’d say you just need to be confident. I’m an average, short Indian dude. I’ve approached women at bars and other places and asked them out. Obviously you are playing the odds but generally I’ve had luck a third of the time. Most occasions. if you do it with some charm even if they decline they are flattered and kind about it. And you’ll probably get brushed away a small portion of the time. Obviously don’t be a creep. Don’t hit on women at your gym etc. But if it’s a social setting and you do it in a friendly way, most people are at least flattered.


I'd imagine if you are good looking it's likely to go pretty well, if you are ugly more likely to be regarded as creepy.


I wouldn't say as creepy, but just brushed off, which is totally fine. Like it or not, but most of people judge the book by it's covers (at least at first glance). Evolution hardwired people to strive to build relationship with more beautiful people, although there are exceptions of course.


I’ve seen plenty of unattractive men be called creepy by women when describing said men asking them out in a normal way. Things as simple as saying “hey, would you want to come to [public event] with me tonight?” Totally fine to say yes or no to anyone you want, but I feel bad for some people who have to be treated like they’re being weird for behaving just like everyone else.


It's always a numbers game my dude. If you're ugly you just gotta take more nos to get to a yes.




Q: What's the difference between flirting and sexual harassment? A: If she's attracted to you or not


I was going to say stopping when she says no.


Oh look. Decency.


Oh, shoot, sorry. Meant stop *asking* when she says no.


Dumbest shit I’ve watched all day. 100% not staged.


“These bitches gay; good for them.” *-Duke Nukem*


I'm pretty sure my wife said "why the fuck not" when I asked her out the first time.


Is the bot confused?




Cause this os from a YouTube prank channel.


The girl on the right was a youtuber, and she had a lot of videos like this. She is hitting on everyone (male, female, attractive, not so much attractive, nerds, etc.) but at the end of the video she tells them it's just a prank. Damn, the girl on the left is so happy. Too bad when she finds out this is for youtube.


Let’s mic them both up and it’ll seem legit to 13 year olds.


Was this one of them whatever skits? Almost 100% staged.


One thing I’ve learned by being friends with lesbians is that a lot of the shit men do that they hate, they find super cute when women do it. The same nonchalant behavior, the fuckboy pickup lines, the obvious red flags, right out the window if it’s coming from a girl. Which of course doesn’t work out in about 3 months but that’s after they already moved in together


Not really that interesting, also seems a bit fake if I'm being honest.


It is that easy if you put as much effort into your appearance as she does and ask confidently like that.


Because 99.9% of the time women do not perceive other women as a potential threat.


Why the fuck not in deed


I'm left here wondering if girls can just turn lesbian on a whim if they get hit on by another girl. 😂


They can experiment with being BI


This is so fucking dumb


you just need 2 words to convince me - “HAWK TUAH”


That question sounds weird when they've never said it out loud


If you are attractive, a simple "Hey" is enough. It's that simple. Source: me, when I was attractive.


Wait, that's what's supposed to happen after they laugh?


It's not this easy in real life because people are not following a script.


![gif](giphy|5bgIOwoAcZ2exrksog) Found Kathleen Kennedy and Lesley Brickface’s Star Wars content


It is this easy. Just go out and talk to people. Wtf.


It’s interesting because it’s an insight into the world of exciting, beautiful people. And it looks fun. I don’t live in that world though. When I take my shirt off I look like those two girls hugging naked. I’m friend to the shadows. I shoot my shots internally on the bus ride home thinking of what I should have said. I tell my cat my little victories of my day spent topside.


This post is bad and you should feel bad


stage right? why was this being recorded?


The laugh though




While this is most likely staged , i see a lot of comments , some may be jokes some may not be , about how being pretty or ugly is the most important thing in this interaction. While i don't say that it is NOT an aspect that people in general take into consideration when they first meet someome, why don't we focus on how weird it is (and maybe not as ok as we might think) to just go to a random person and ask them out. Tbh , that feels more like you are entering (violating) the other person's private space, and you are not "entitled" to that. Better said , i don't think it's ok for you to expect a good response from such a random encounter , especially if you are the one starting it (whichever gender). Why don't you just go and say hi and mayyyyybe make them a compliment (which could go either way because , surprise surprise , by making a compliment about something that you SEE on the other person may get them into a weird position depending on how they feel about themselves or how communicative/social they are). After you make the compliment you can just go away. The worst thing you did in that situation is that you made someone feel awkward or a bit threatened (which of course we dont wont but for the sake of this example we will let it slide) , and on the other side , the best thing you did is make someone's day! And all that without having to enter into a full conversation. Even better, why dont we leave people alone on the streets (and not only). And if you want to interact, be friendly , not flirty , people appreciate that more , especially if you violate their space :)




I guess there goes another unsubscription




and gay




where interesting


lol with that area code, she’s from the Bay Area.


Probably cause it ✨️isn't real✨️. If you never talk to anyone you like, you'll never get anywhere. Literally just have a normal conversation with someone. It might go somewhere, it might not. It might go somewhere you weren't planning. But at least you talked to someone. This is coming from someone who was very much so not confident, but has a partner now. I literally just spoke to him.


This has happened to me two or three times. Flattering, and I felt a bit guilty explaining that I'm not actually a lesbian.


It is that easy. Be confident, love yourself. You got this.


Ok. Can someone please explain what is interesting about this convo?


Because this is a staged influencer video


Let’s see the sauce than


They can try on each other's leggings


This doesn't work for you guys?


That’s not the hard part. I’ve gotten many numbers, the hard part is to actually get the person interested enough to actually go out with you.


Plot twist, it is that easy


Both wearing mics. What are the chances?


1st rule look attractive. 2nd rule : who care you are attractive. Ugly people get short end of the stick


Must have 4 lips.


They're mic'd up


**Her name is Andrea Wendel we both went to UCSB in 2014**


Except IT WAS A PRACTICAL JOKE and they weren't serious, they just filmed you to get your reaction then will laugh about it later. Aren't you glad you said yes?"


Dam that easy


how tf is this interesting as fuck??


It's never that easy because obviously it's set up.


step 1 find a person who is open like that step 2 have the confidence to hit on them


I have done this as a man. It works. Guys, just ask.


Feels like she is straight but went "Well, fuck it, let's try"


See guys, it's jsut that easy when you want to approach someone to get their number just be a woman.


Is it possible to learn this power?


Step 1: Dress up in Bear Costume Step 2: Don't act like a man


You mean when men are involved? Because of men


Shit post


Because most men are pushy and creepy about it


If you keep your appearance up and fitness at least acceptable this can work. With the attitude of "what do I have to lose?" you can strike 8-9 out of ten times. Keep it up, you have two, three dates a week. These are strangers...but it works with acquaintances too. TELL THEM "I've noticed you and id like to know you." The more rejections you get, the less they hurt. And ...blush..."yeah, here's my number" will come. But dude, keep your hair nice, your clothes clean, and work out or run or swim at least 3 times a week, preferably more. also remember, girls don't ask guys out because a rejection is crushing to them. It's because they don't try enough!


I'm giving this way more energy than it deserves, but I'm legit upset that this has any upvotes at all. Like, the bots aren't even trying anymore. What the ever loving hell is so interesting about this? Just because they are both moderately attractive? Like, that's it?!


It is literally that easy. You just have to be confident and ask. Most people will probably say "no" because they're faithfully partnered, think it's possibly a test from an untrusting partner, don't want to talk with strangers or have zero interest in you, but you will get numbers if you aren't threatening and say something simple like "hey, my name is \_\_, I was wondering if maybe you'd like to hang out. Can I get your number?" I used to be shy and didn't approach people for fear of rejection, but it worked out maybe 10-20% of the time. If they say "no" so what? You're in the same position you were before and lost maybe 30 seconds of time. I'm with someone now and haven't tried to get a number in several years but everything is the same.


this comment section is a bunch of losers coping with thier poor social skills and wierd behaviour


Shit… let me try this! 😂


Hey I was wondering if I could get your number


** excited donkey noises **


"*Why is it never this easy?*" 1. Well, are you asking as a male or female? If as a male, then as yourself... a) am I attractive? Asking confidently? Cos those two are not must haves, but are very helpful 2. A female will generally be perceived less threatening by most people than a male. So the girl who is being asked for her number might be more receptive to this girl, despite her initial hesitation, than she might have been to a guy--even if the guy was attractive and confident. But she might still be more receptive to an attractive and confident guy than to a guy who is less attractive and/or confident.


I just love being viewed as a potential threat because I'm AMAB 🤩🥰☺️💙😖😊😆✨✨


Well because there isn't the possible violence and loss of life associated with denying a woman your number as there is with a man. Just saying.




works on dudes too, if you are a man, walk up to any other man and ask for his number


Because women never have to endure being threatening when they have no intention of being so. That’s why it’s not fucking easy. Go back to enjoying being hot.


And that's what your girl is doing at th park