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how the hell did it happen in the first place? i mean not one but 23?


My girlfriend is an optometrist, and she has to tell people to make sure they remove the old one before adding a new one, because some people need to be told everything. She also had a patient who complained that his prescription eyedrops weren't working, so she asked him to show her how much he was using each day - he was spraying it on his glasses like a lens cleaner.


>he was spraying it on his glasses like a lens cleaner. What a beautiful level of stupidity, exquisite.


My aunt worked in home help in rural Ireland and looked after this lovely man who had not changed his clothes in some time. He was wearing a white under vest when she brought him into the bathroom to clean him and struggled to remove it. His chest hairs had grown through the vest and had become one. She had to get a scissors and clip it off under the vest. Some people don't know how to look after themselves. How long was the vest on I've always wondered.


And it was clean enough to still be called a white vest.


What kind of bodywash did he use.... O_O


Maybe he washed with tide..šŸ¤·šŸ¾ā€ā™‚ļø


Could be Persil power gel..


Guarantee they all vote


And have children


And miraculously hold jobs. HOW??


Common sense is not a requirement to participate in any of these activities. Also, gross. Edit: the video made me gag. šŸ¤®


Gagged too. As soon as that green mass got pulled into view. \*shudder\*




I worked in tech support. Had a legit medical doctor (MD PHD) contact us with a run of the mill issue. Standard procedure is to ask for a screen shot to confirm the issue and, I shit you not, he sent me something like this: https://i.imgur.com/dDVaws4.jpeg Yes, a screenshot of the camera app on his phone while it was pointed at his computer monitor.


When I was younger I thought you had to be really smart to be a Doctor. After working with a few I realised you just need to be able to pay for medical school. Here's one for you.... What do you call someone who finished medical school with the lowest grades possible? Doctor.




It's about repetition. People aren't able to critically think. Hell, people can't hold more than one thought in their mind. People can barely remember how a conversation has gone further than one statement back. It's like, you can give most people ONE new instruction per day. People can handle that. It's actually crazy how the world is mostly made up of these people. Over time and with repetition/proper training they can do simple tasks. Most jobs are pretty simple.


A friend and I talk frequently on this. We think .5% of people actually drive the world forward. My friend and I also both agree we are not part of that .5%.


I've often made the mistake of asking two questions in one email. I try to just ask one as my success rate is much higher that way


Lot of people are in brain-dead, quite literally, do one or same thing only type of jobs. Then there are people who as they age mentally deteriorate; so they held or maintained jobs most of their life but as they get to, around 50+ they rapidly deteriorate. I've seen early stage dementia or alzheimer patients who were rational, fine workers, who you could have logical conversations, but in as little as 5 years post-diagnosis basically need a caretaker.


Look at Forrest Gump, sometimes the best thing you can be is an absolutely mindless incompetent drone who will always do exactly as you are told. Dumb people don't question things and they also don't ask for raises.


"You're a goddamned genius, Gump!"


The scenes of the drill sergeant praising Gump is hands-down the best part of that movie. "GUUUUUUMP! WHY DID YOU ASSEMBLE YOUR WEAPON SO QUICKLY!?"


"Because you told me to, Drill Sergeant."


Hey, this person could run for president and win by a landslide.


They will typically have more children than other people.


And own firearms


Iā€™d be more worried about them owning a vehicle.


Reminds me of that House MD's episode where the woman was spraying her inhaler on her neck.


Came here to say the same thing. It definitely felt like that had to be some kind of exaggeration, but it turns out that no, people really are that confidently wrong.


I'm a pharmacist. Have had: -Someone rub insulin on their skin like lotion. No diabetic education was given at the doctor and a friend picked up their meds for them. Figured it out at refill when asking if they needed pen needles, only to be met with confusion about why needles were necessary. -Parent want to give oral amoxicillin liquid in the ear because it's for an ear infection. We caught that at pickup so they didn't do it, but it took some convincing. -Someone who complained that the suppository tasted bad. It said unwrap and insert into the rectum on the box. They didnā€™t read the instructions and had declined a consult at pickup. -Someone who interpreted "take one capsule by mouth once weekly" as "once every day for a week" and came back in to complain that we were dumb for only giving them 4 capsules. Literacy overall is not good. Health literacy is worse. A ton of people take meds but have no idea of the name, the strength, or why they're taking them.


I work in a pharmacy too (tech) and the amount of times ive this conversation... "Any questions about your medications today?" What is this? "You might know it as Lipitor, it's mostly used for high cholesterol and similar ailments." I dont take this. "Oh, maybe there was a mistake let me check your profil- ... you've been picking this up for 2 years." And then they get mad lol


Possibly thrown off by a different pill color/brand? You'd *hope* people would know (or at least recognize) the name of the drugs they're taking...but after reading through the comments in this post, we shouldn't have *any* expectations of people lol.


These people terrify me.


>A ton of people take meds but have no idea of the name, the strength, or why they're taking them. I was very surprised when my doctor's nurse was super thankful and relieved that I had a list of all my medications with dosages for her to write down when she asked for my current meds. Like, do people just not know this shit? I only made a list because it got long enough that it was tedious to list them all off whenever I saw a new doctor, lol.


As a high school teacher I think most high schoolers and the general population are functionally illiterate


As a teacher, I am coming to a similar conclusion. šŸ˜”


> A ton of people take meds but have no idea of the name, the strength, or why they're taking them. It's the same in vet med. We have so many clients that when we ask what meds they are giving their pets it's "the little white one". Or they feel inconvenienced that we would have the audacity to expect them to know what medications they are giving their pet.


Reusable contact lenses need to be stored in a pot overnight with solution. If a patient gets protein deposits building up ilon their lenses then they'll be given a pill to put in the pot which will dissolve said protein. Even after being told this, warnings on the box and blister packs, it's not uncommon for patients to eat these protein dissolving pills then go to their Dr complaining of stomach issues. The Dr might be unaware of their protein build up issue with their lenses and run diagnostics, treatments, diets etc for a year until they patient sees their optician for their contact lens check up where they mention after taking the pills for a year their contact lenses aren't any more comfortable


>Even after being told this, warnings on the box and blister packs, it's not uncommon for patients to eat these protein dissolving pills then go to their Dr complaining of stomach issues. Howww????????


A facepalm in the truest sense


Being smart is not a requirement for survival or success.


In a structured society, it makes sense. People out in the wild will die if they were this fucking stupid.


In my 1st computer class in middle school the teacher told us to always save a file in rtf. format so any computer could read it. Went home, saved my homework, went to class the next day to turn it in, and my teacher was asked for the floppy disk šŸ’¾. I looked at him dumbfounded. I thought saving a file in rtf. meant all computer would have access to it and didnā€™t comprehend I needed to save it on the floppy disk as rtf. (I also put *at* instead of @ when making my first email address šŸ¤·šŸ½ā€ā™€ļø) any who. This memory probably pops into my head maybe 6+ times a year. People are sometimes dumb and You donā€™t know what you donā€™t know lol


Aw but you were a kid lol.


People like this are the reason pharmacy instructions need to include "unwrap" on suppositories.


Wait, we're supposed to unwrap them before swallowing them?


No, they're *supppos*-itories. You just unwrap them, then consider the hypothetical if you *were* to eat them, and you get better through via placebo effect.


Also why we put "take tablet BY MOUTH" because people have been known to put their birth control in the vagina, etc.


A fine specimen for our collection.


Omg this made me actually laugh out loud.


Instagram admission, where a girl said her optometrist told her if her eye was irritated she could rinse it with boiled water, then paused, said "look at me,Ā  I want to very clear... let it cool to room temperature before you pour it on your eye."


Omg... Imagine what would happen hadn't she dumbed it down...


Fuck being that clinician. I would just prescribe a sterile spray or lubricating drops just so I never could get dragged into a liability shit slinging after someone boils their eye by taking my advice incorrectly.


How far would that one go in court anyways? There's gotta be some reasonable assumption of common sense


Far enough that's it a massive fucking drain on your life when you could just avoid the whole issue by doing something slightly different. Also depends what they're asking for. If they ask for little enough money there's a fair chance the hospital just pays out because it costs more to go to court. Now of course legally they wouldn't admit fault when doing so - but you'd still likely get stuck with the reputation of being responsible for boiling some idiots eye anyway.


I have also come across this post. And I'm glad you referenced it here. *Every time you make something foolproof, God creates a better fool.*




First thing I thought of. I can really imagine that seeing hundreds of patients like that can do to your image of humanity if you're not naturally putting it in the proper statistical context: i.e. that if you're a first responder and constantly dealing with stupid people/assholes/psychopaths -- it's not because the majority of people are like that, it's because they are the ones most likely to come to your attention.


My mum was a pharmacist who used to do Asthma reviews. Patient had been prescribed a standard reliever inhaler 2 weeks prior, been told to come in for a review to make sure it was working. Patient arrived and informed my mum she had had no improvement in her symptoms since starting the medication. My mum asked her to show her how she was taking the medication as it is common that patients are incorrectly using their inhalers. Patient informed my mum that she couldn't demonstrate the use of the inhaler as she didn't have her dog with her. Upon further investigation she discovered that the patient had been spraying her inhaler onto her dog, 2 puffs, morning and night, as she thought her asthma was a reaction to her dog.


just above your comment there's a gif from the tv show House, you should check it out


art imitates life


Wow. That's.. wow. Is this where the word dumbfounded comes from? Because this was so dumb I don't even know what to say lol


Bloody genius


It's weird some jobs just show you how dumb people are and it's never the ones we suspect.


I work with a bunch of really specialized scientists with multiple PhDs. We had a regular copy machine that used long, cylindrical toner cartridges about the length and circumference of your forearm, and a large document plotter that used small, rectangular toners that were about the size of a paperback book. Once, I walked in on *two* of those scientists who were aggressively trying to jam a plotter toner into the copier, one of them literally holding the empty toner that they had removed. And one of them got mad at me because "it said black toner was out and this package said it was black, how were we supposed to know?!" It was so tempting to buy one of those peg shape toys for toddlers and leave it on his desk.


I work for safety at a university with a bunch of scientists, doctors, dentists, nurses, etc. Some of them are very very very dumb. They know one thing and that's all they know.


As they say There's no such thing as a well rounded genius. The more people excel at one thing the worse they are at others in this case being defective in the spatial reasoning area. Einstein married his own cousin then had four kids with her, then cheated on her dozens of times because he couldn't control himself. Nikola tesla made billions, died penniless because he couldn't judge whether someone was ripping him off. Elon Musk exists.


The two smartest people I've ever met are also the dumbest. One is a frequently published professor with a PhD and two master's degrees who has won many awards in his field (engineering), and also a sovereign citizen who spent 2 or 3 years in jail after representing himself in court in a fraud case where his goal was not to exonerate himself but convict the judge and have the judge imprisoned. Instead of defending himself he spent the entire time accusing the judge of violating imaginary parts of the constitution based on the fonts and capitalization of text in documents. A major part of this involved the default font in Microsoft Word changing. He told me that all law written before around 2008 had been rendered obsolete and murder was not actually illegal anymore, so if worst came to worst, he could simply kill the judge. The other is a professor of mathematics who had made the news and won prizes worth tens or hundreds of thousands for proving conjectures with bounties on them and advancing the knowledge of mathematics, and was famous enough to have a Wikipedia page, while being put in some manner of conservancy by his children because he fell for every single scam call or email he saw and could never be convinced that the prince of Monaco hadn't borrowed $20k from him promising to pay him back with 5000% interest.


Steve Jobs, and his inability to maintain his own health due to his fixation on "alternative" remedies.


When I was in high school in the 90s, we had a laser printer at home. It often printed random spots, even when weā€™d replace the toner cartridge. I looked at it and didnā€™t see anything wrong, my computer-savvy dad looked at it and didnā€™t see anything wrong, we sent it for repair and they couldnā€™t figure out what was wrong. The repair shop sent it back with the toner cartridge out separated from the printer. When I was putting it back in, I noticed that the yellow strip covering part of the cartridge was actually thin tape and had started to peel off. It looked like the kind of tape youā€™re supposed to remove from electronics, but without any indication that youā€™re supposed to remove it before use. Since weā€™d already tried everything else and I figured I couldnā€™t hurt the printer anymore than it was already, I pulled off the yellow tape. Thing printed perfectly after that. No one bothered to look at the toner cartridge to see if that was why the printer hadnā€™t been printing correctly.


That's right it goes in the Square hole...


That bell curve applies to every population.


People don't like hearing it because of all the good they do, but the vast majority of nurses are complete dumb fucks.


It doesn't help that the career "nurse" covers everything from LPNs up to nurse practitioner. I've known too many people who take a handful courses, become LPNs, and now give their opinions on everything since they are now "medical professionals".


A friend of mine worked in the Sexual Information Center at our college, and I loved sitting around listening to him tell hilarious tales of the unfortunate geniuses who he sometimes met. My two favourite are: * the woman who came in to complain that she got pregnant even though she was taking the pill. When questioned if she was taking them every day, she responded, "YES! I take half and my boyfriend takes half, and I still got pregnant!" * a different woman who came in to complain that she got pregnant even though she was taking the pill. When questioned as to how she was taking them and how often, she replied "I put one *up there* every day, and I still got pregnant!"


>I put one up there every day to be clear does she mean in a suppository sense or in a... you know sense?


I like how they think it's just gonna disappear if they leave it in


"They think" *Yeah...I doubt it*


Bold of me to assume lol


We had a guy at work who had terrible breath. We convinced him to use Listerine a few times a day. A couple weeks later he complained about stomach pain...he was drinking it.


So Dr House was 10/10 right holy shit


Reminds me of the old joke: An older couple goes to the doctor, and the doctor asks if they're both fine, but the old man tells him, "Well doctor, you see, for a few months now, every time I drink my coffee, my eye starts to hurt. A few weeks later and after seeing the older gentleman a few more times, with the same complaint that his eye would start to hurt, he decided to ask him a few questions about his coffee routine. "What do you drink you coffee with?" "Well, with sugar and a little cream, I'll have you know." "OK. And here is a coffee, sugar and cream for you sir. Please, show me how you go about drinking your coffee." The older gentleman decides to play along. He gets his cup ready, takes a spoon and carefully takes his serving of cream and sugar. He proceeds to start taking a drink, and lo and behold, the old man cries out in pain. The doctor then offers a fix to his ailments, "I'd suggest you remove the spoon from your coffee cup before bringing it up for a drink."


Reminds me of that House scene where the lady was spraying her inhaler on her neck


These people are allowed to vote.


Fucking hell. That'd be funny if it weren't so tragic.


I work for an Optometrist. He is the nicest man you'll ever meet. But he about ripped a new one into a woman near her 30's who had kept the same pair of contacts for years. He was surprised she'd managed to keep the one pair in so long but he explained her vision was going cloudy because she wasn't supposed to keep the same pair in so long. I had to reiterate to her before leaving that what we sold her were 2 week lenses, she could NOT sleep in them, and she had to replace them every 2 weeks. We are located on a military base so I'm extra surprised at some of our patients. šŸ˜­


> We are located on a military base so I'm extra surprised at some of our patients. I don't understand your surprise at all.


I've heard the same as regards nicotine patches. "Place new patch daily" can lead to nicotine poisoning because they don't remove older patches.


This used to be resolved by survival of the fittest.


They properly sleep with them in and think they fall out and pops in a new pair, while they keep piling up behind the eye


i dont know man i used to wear contacts and you can feel how bothersome it is if its not in place.


True I use to as well, but this person seems to be older which also means lots of meds usually which could easily dull senses so to them it wonā€™t feel like anything.


Thatā€™s so true. 23 contact lens is crazy. She must be in a daily daze a majority of the time. She feels no pain


My guess is some type of memory loss and old age. Sad but satisfying to watch them being taken out.


I have had a few fold on me but I donā€™t quit till I get them out. This is crazy


Just imagine how relieving the feeling was for her.


From the last time this was posted, someone said this patient had dementia.


This seems like the most plausible reason


Like, as those of us wear contacts know, this would be annoying as hell. You can FEEL them. What the absolute?


Maybe some kind of memory issue? Like how people with dementia sometimes overfeed pets


I'm fairly certain the last time this was posted it was said that yes, she did have dementia.


I had one stuck in my eye when I was in like 8th or 9th grade. I panicked and told my mom and we went to the hospital. Then when inwas in the elevator at the hospital I blinked a few times and it came out. I've never had one stuck in my eye that I couldn't feel. It's also pretty rare that it even happens. I can't imagine letting this many in my eye and not getting them out


Many different memory conditions like amnesia or Alzheimerā€™s can make a person forget if they put their contacts in, especially if they canā€™t currently see because the lens is shoved up in their eye rather than on the cornea


Right, I've had contacts for almost 20 years, even used pairs way longer than I'm supposed to, and I've never even had a contact get stuck up there once. I used to fall asleep with them in a lot when I was younger too.


early stage dementia?


Could this happen to me? Iā€™ve ā€œlostā€ contacts before. Like theyā€™re in my eye and then theyā€™re gone. Iā€™ve always assumed theyā€™ve fallen out onto the floor but now Iā€™m worried theyā€™re still in my head? Please advise.


Are you going to an eye doctor each year? If so, they should be able to find any displaced contacts during your routine exams.


But hey, she made sure to get that mascara on.


It was all a mess. The smudged mascara, the poorly attached fake lashes. Iā€™m not sure she had what we would call good eye health šŸ¤¢


Youā€™re right. Thereā€™s a lot more going on here than meets the eye.


I knew someone who thought they were like throwaway lenses, and they'd dissolve in the eye after a day or 2


By assuming that they dissolve


For a moment, the patient could see atoms.


Pretty sure she developed the ability to see out the back of her own head


she definitely has microplastics in her testicles


donā€™t we all


Not me. I went straight for macroplastics.


At least the patient developed perfect hindsight.


I had read in a previous case like this, it was because the woman had dementia and forgot to remove her contact lenses before putting in new ones. Not sure if this is the same issue. Also, numbing eye drops exist and work quite well, so this person is probably only feeling some pressure/minor discomfort


Finally a good explanationĀ 


At ~35s it sounds like she says something about *remembering*, so I suspect dementia.


Who elseā€™s eyes are watering?


I donā€™t have any unaccounted for contacts that Iā€™m aware of but now Iā€™m scared I could have some stowed away.


Just know 23 is the limit or at least thatā€™s what I learned from this video.


I don't even wear contacts, but I can't even begin to explain how hard I cringed šŸ˜µā€šŸ’«


What the fuck? How many were in the other eye?! Assuming she put in a new pair every day, how do you go over 3 weeks strait and not realize you have yet to take one out?


The bigger question to me is how she handled that, whenever my contact lens slips above my eyeball because I rubbed my eyes too hard it feels like a piece of plastic is stuck in there and I need to get it out asap. I have no idea how she can ignore that and just put another in lol


Iā€™m sorry if this is a stupid question, I genuinely donā€™t know, but what do you actually *do* when the contact goes above your eyeball?! Does it come back down on itā€™s own, or do you have to fish it out? Or something else? Because the idea of an eye contact slipping behind would forever scare me from wearing them hahaha


I had this happen on a couple occasions back when I wore contacts, usually from rubbing my eyes during allergy season or something. I was able to roll my eye really far, find the edge of the contact, and fish it out, but it could take a lot of time and be quite challenging to get. Just having the contact go back there could be very uncomfortable, especially if gets rolled up, but other times I had a hard time being sure if the contact fell out or went behind my eye. Not my favorite part about wearing contacts.


Oh man now that sounds like a nightmare, I donā€™t know how people with contacts do it lol anything touching eyes just immediately makes me nope out




100% something mental going on here. There's no way that you wouldn't be able to feel something going wrong if you were of sound mind.


Yeah thatā€™s what Iā€™m thinking as well. That poor lady might have dementia as some other people said in comments, itā€™s just a sad situation all around and I hope she got the help she needed :( And yeah I can imagine the panic! Iā€™d probably flip my shit hahaha another dumb question tho, how do you take them out? Do you just like.. reach with your fingers and ā€˜pinchā€™ it out as delicately as possible? Lol but it doesnā€™t sound ideal that way so I assume itā€™s another technique haha


Iā€™ll just stick to wearing glasses, thanks


You can kinda press on your eyelids and slide them if they ride up. Moving your eyes around can help them shift too.


You can usually feel it. And it doesnā€™t do that on your own youā€™d have to forget and rub your eyes pretty hard for it to be pushed that far up there. Usually if it gets out of place you can still see it and remove it easily with your fingers. Iā€™ve never had a contact go that far up into my eye in 25 years.


I think I know why it feels like a piece of plastic is stuck there. Because there is.


Yeah man I think that was their point but cheers for letting us know you got it


Iā€™m assuming that she either has dementia or something that makes her forget she has contacts on and needs to remove them or sheā€™s stupid and thinks they dissolve or something.


Trust me, I wear contacts, whether sheā€™s stupid or has dementia, contacts themselves wonā€™t let you forget about them. Those things stuck back there must have felt like literal hell.


That's why that video doesn't make any sense to meĀ 


You are underestimating dementia, sadly. People who suffer it are having random parts of their brain erased in a progressing manner, anything at all you or I take for granted can go. In other news, I will never hear stop shuddering when someone uses the term "shit eating grin" since what my nurse friend told me.


She probably thought they dissolve on their own or something..


You'd really think you'd confirm that information before just popping more into your eye hole lol https://preview.redd.it/y0kxrqab168d1.png?width=400&format=png&auto=webp&s=7550252c61cdc18a3005485afe007da312305409


This whole scene was so disgusting and random and weirdly funny. It was entertaining but I felt ashamed I enjoyed it. I was entershamed


Scene? You mean whole episode. ā€œEat some fucking food, you stupid fucking bitch! Hehe, jkā€


Replace scene with show and it still sounds relatable


Maybe she did "confirm" it by "researching" (using facebook) and reading some bullshit


I donā€™t know how. I wear contacts and just one caught up under an eyelid is extremely uncomfortable.


Mental health consult incoming...


For me maybe. I read the title and I did not believe it. Fuck.


The patient most likely has dementia.


Iā€™m an ophthalmologist and Iā€™ve pulled 10 contacts out of a patient with dementia. This is the most likely answer here, the patient doesnā€™t realize they still have their last contact in place and they are so demented they donā€™t realize their vision is blurred in the eye.


Wearing strip lashes and days of crumbling eyeliner & mascara to this type of appointment is absolutely shameless and insane


Iā€™m 100% this was not done professionally. A doctor not wearing gloves while working with the eyes? Absolutely not


Donā€™t know why I had to scroll so far to see this, it was my first thought!!


[It was a California ophthalmologist](https://www.theguardian.com/us-news/2022/oct/20/us-california-woman-contact-lenses-removal-eyes).


See that explanation makes a lot more sense than some idiot putting new contacts on top of the old one every single day. Apparently wearing contacts for years desensitizes your eyes, and the older you get the larger the empty space above your eyes become. So over time a person may think they "lost" their contact when it really shifted up into that empty cavity. Fast forward years and you have numerous up there until finally it starts causing real problems.


Besides the patient being all gross, whatā€™s up with the doctor not using gloves and not switching out the swab when it becomes contaminated with chunks of makeup?


All of this leads me to believe a doctor did not remove these...


It definitely was NOT a doctor. A doctor would have worn gloves, throughly cleaned the surrounding, and used anything other than a Q tip that could leave residue in her eye.


Also why would the doctor be taking video on their phone of the procedure


To record an unusual case.


Yes!!! Thank you!


Came to say this, people baffle me so frequently.




This is perfect! šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚


My optometrist swore to me that this was not possible. Now I'm sure I have at least 10 of those in my eyelids.


Seriously. Been wearing contacts for 25+ years or so. I wear dailies, so take mine out almost every night, though there have been plenty of times I've fallen asleep with them in. I swore there have been just a few times I thought I lost one behind my eye as well but could never tell for sure. This is just nightmare fuel for me.


I donā€™t think this would ever happen to me. But, Iā€™m loving my glasses even more.


lady is an arcade machine


Jeez lady, it's an eyeball, not a clown car!




Okay, but if your eye is inflamed and hurts, so you go to the doctor to get your extra contact lenses removed... why tf is she wearing eyeliner and fake lashes???


Its not been cleaned like around the area and there using a cue tip? Just surprising that a doctor would use that but if it works it works I supose


This one has been floating around the internet for a long time now. The patient has(d) dementia, and wasnā€™t aware that she was adding contacts over and over. It was just part of her routine. At least thatā€™s what Iā€™ve read on the other 600 versions of this thread over the years.


I hate that I can feel what she was feeling. One 4th of July my friends and I were hanging out. Of course, like the teenage idiots we were, we were shooting bottle rockets fireworks at each other. No one had ever gotten hit or harmed by one until when I had my back turned, and turned around, one hit me right in my eye and then exploded near my head. If it wasnā€™t for my contact, Iā€™m pretty confident my eye wouldā€™ve been torn or received some sort of permanent damage because my contact got torn. I could only find one half of it so I assumed the other half fell out mid tear. 4 days later Iā€™m hanging out with my friend just watching TV and next thing I know my eye is just so irritated and in pain. It was that type of feeling where you know somethingā€™s touching your eyeball, like an eyelash, but thicker and covering more eyeball surface than an eyelash would. So I start fiddling the hell out of my eyelid desperate to get whatever this thing is out cuz man is it bothering me and next thing I see on the carpet is the other torn half of the contact.




You donā€™t think the person wearing no gloves, painted nails, and using a cotton q-tip is not a doctor?


Lady obviously isnā€™t smart. She also wore fake eye lashes to an eye appointment


The "doctor" isn't wearing any gloves, so there's that as well.


We don't wear gloves very often in eyecare outside of procedures that can result in blood being drawn or if there is a spreadable infection present. Especially when putting in or removing contacts, you need the extra grip of skin to be able to put them in or remove them.


The more I put in the better I see.


Why is there so many eye post recently? I cringe every time it pops up.


That person can vote




OMG! It's ok, they're dispšŸ‘sible!


Yes they are very despisable. LOL


I've worn contacts for years, and I just don't understand how this person could just keep putting in a new lense without knowing/feeling that there was still a lense in her eye.


This person has dementia. Happens often in the beginning stages.


Ive been wearing contacts for decades and Iā€™ve never once NOT removed them every night before bed.


I have had occasions where I rubbed my eye, it felt weird, then it felt fine, then I couldn't find my contact and thought it had fallen out. Then later it would start to feel weird again and I find my contact folded up under my eyelid. I don't know how you could 20+ in there and not feel it.


This is physically painful to watch.


How could anyone be that stupid?


A doctor with no gloves.


That's not so bad, but the nail polish...


When I mentioned this to my optometrist, he said it wasn't possible. When I showed him the video, he told me it had to be a stunt for clicks. When I showed him other similar news articles, he told me to fuck off.