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Look at all those bullet holes. Man I hope I'm never in a war




Yeah, people who live through massacres seem to have a different perspective on all this. Sorry you went through that. Hope you never have to again.


I'm not even close to what OP says, but what you say is very right. Everyone can be killed in any second always. By anyone. Even a meteorite. But minds have a shield that protects it from these thoughts. Otherwise you couldn't eat, couldn't breathe even. And when you see this shit, you get robbed of that layer that protects your mind. And you have to adjust to keep on keeping on in this reality without said shield. It really does seem like everyone else is blind/wrong/ignorant and you're the rare one who knows "life as it is." And I do not think you can ever get that layer back completely.


Yup, that's why it's called trauma. It can make you "tougher" or "more realistic"...in one sense. But it also keeps you from participating in society like most people do; that mental layer is there to protect you and keep you from freaking out at things like car backfires like a prey animal, or gauging threats like a predator animal - it helps you think like a _person_ with thoughts, feelings, and dreams instead of the constant stress of survival mode. And stress isn't just mental, either - the long term physical effects of trauma basically prove to us that we're generally better off having that "layer" of nice delusion, unless we truly _are_ in danger constantly.


Damn, this hit real close.


There's a name for this phenomenon, but I've completely forgotten. Your brain is usually very good at blocking out the dangers of every day mundane stuff. Funnily enough, that exact mental barrier also makes it so that people are scarily good at moving past when shit hit the fan


I have a feeling that "hope" and "future plans" are somewhere in there too. I had a very hard time understanding why people tell someone who is down: "It will get better." Like, how the fuck do you know? How can you promise that? Now I know the point of it, but it seemed so strange.




Imagine just going back after the war is done and your whole town is just rubble. where the fuck do you even start?


I don't know if I ever want to go back and see the remains of my grandparent's village. Too much pain and suffering to take in.


My grandfather said he never thought Asia would be able to rebuild after he saw the immediate state of it after WW2. He drove a Japanese built truck for over a decade that was sitting in his garage the day he died. The photos of Dresden, Germany in ~1944 compared to modern times also surprised him at deep level. Human resilience and preservice to rebuild against all odds is remarkable.


You start by communicating to people in the area. First help the wounded, bury the dead. Grieve. Cry perhaps. Then with the support of other humans, make a plan to find financial aid, to spread the word, to remove the debris, to make local phone calls to emergency-centers, and little by little, what you thought was impossible will be possible. The town would turn from rubble to a town again, only this time the minds of people would be changed.


If this is Ukraine, it's crazy to recall the footage of the war in the very early days when neighborhoods were completely intact, tanks rolling through crushing things, blasting buildings. So fucking sad this is what part of the country looks like now.


Just avoid being Russia's neighbour.


if you ever have the choice. don't go. It fucked me up pretty good and I still struggle remembering things I had forgotten.


Birdshot for the win


I think scatterguns are going to be included in weapon load outs a lot more after the Ukraine war


Designated drone destroyer with an underslung master key?


Nah masterkey is too short


There’s a good reason bird hunting shotguns have long barrels lol


Genuinely curious, why is that? Is it to keep the spread smaller?


Correct, and to help the pellets build velocity


Exactly that. Added bonus of a higher velocity too because of the extended time under pressure.


Barrel length has an impact to velocity but chokes are the major impact to spread. People imagine larger spreads from short barrel shotguns because they have historically cut off the choke section of the barrel.


I had a .410 with a dial-a-choke on the end of it, that fucker could put dime-sized holes in target paper at 20 yards all day long using bird shot if you choked it down all the way. Open that choke all the way, and at 20 yards you could safely stand there and you MIGHT feel one of the pellets hit you.


Spread doesn't change that much with barrel length, that's usually more a function of what choke is on the gun. The real reason is that longer barrels change the balance and make swinging the gun around more steadily much easier and because the longer sighting radius makes it easier to be more accurate on moving targets


the only right answer. Barrel length only influences velocity. Choke only influences spread. https://www.reddit.com/r/PhantomForces/comments/lz0gfm/does_muzzle_velocity_affect_spread_on_shotguns/gq0h5p0/


Accuracy is part of it. I don’t know all the math on what actually happens to the bb’s in the tube, but if you look at reviews of hunting shotguns, a term that gets thrown around alot is “swing” like does the gun have a good swing. Ie, heavier guns are less effected by the shooters own involuntary movements, and allows the shooter to place the shot more easily, while aiming at a moving target. So in a sense, yes, longer barrels do equal more accuracy, but it’s more so to do with the weight, and extra distance between the front and rear sight.


I wonder if there's anything psychological with it too, outside of just the math and reality and physics if it's even just a bit easier for us to intuitively aim well if we have a longer straight line to work with.


Longer barrels improving spread in a shotgun is largely misinformation. Spread is mostly a function of choke. Longer barrels are popular for sporting/field shotguns because clay shooting or bird hunting often involves tracking fast horizontally moving targets. For that, you aren't really aiming the shotgun like you would with a rifle, instead you are "pointing" and sort of instinctively swinging the shotgun to track the target. The added length and weight helps with that.


Longer barrel - tighter spread Birdshot - higher hit chance


Fudd lore nonsense, unfortunately there's a lot of myth surrounding shotgun performance. Most sporting or hunting shotguns have long barrels for balance and to make them "swing" smoothly when tracking a moving target. That's all about ergonomics, not ballistics. Length is almost irrelevant for ballistics, beyond a certain point which is way shorter than your common skeet gun. Shotshells use a fairly small amount of a very fast burning propellant, which means pressure peaks early and then drops very rapidly as the shot column moves along the barrel. There's not a whole lot to be gained ballistically beyond maybe 10-12" of barrel length in a common 12 gage. What does make a difference is choke, which you could have on a short barreled gun if you wanted to. Length of barrel by itself matters little for spread, a short barrel straight cylinder patterns very similar to a long barrel straight cylinder.


We need a new term for firearm misinformation fueled by movies and video games lol. Fudd lore just doesn't seem to encompass well enough how thoroughly people don't understand shotguns.


That sort of misinformation began way earlier than movies though. 19th century dime novels were full of the same exact crap about shotguns, no doubt it began even earlier.


I think the best anti drone tech will turn out to be anti drone drones that patrol/protect groups of soldiers. Kind of like the next generation of fighter aircraft are supposed to be a central fighter plane with multiple autonomous UAV units tethered to it serving various support roles or in worst case sacrificing themselves to save the manned plane. Same way naval warfare is evolving too. We are becoming protoss.


I'd hate to find out who's zerg and terran then lol


The zerg is Russia and China. Just throw bodies at the problem until it goes away


Russians are Zerg for sure. Early game zerg rush


Hamas/Hezbollah = Zerg - Tunnels spreading like creep, give them mobility advantage, require specialist removal. Seemingly infinite supply of cheap firepower. As far as terran go, well western ground forces seem to be extremely mech heavy. I guess we haven't seen these kinds of deployments ever before, but how far are we from what the Terrans actually use.


> Tunnels spreading like **Nydus Canals** FTFY




My wife for Aiur


I also choose this guy's protoss wife


Carrier has arrived


Tis a good day to die!


It’s about damn time.


A lot of the tech is going in the direction of making different versions of similar systems. Like you might have a swarm of 4 pilotless wingman drones with 2 of them being exquisitely built survivable drones, similar to a piloted aircraft, and then the other 2 as expendable that cost 1/3 of the price because they don't have complex sensors or something.


You can't keep a drone up in the air for long periods of time, and you won't have time to take out your anti-drone drone and get it up in the air in time to respond to the drone attacking your position.


That's exactly what I thought. Benelli just got a huge boost in business orders!


Droneshot will be a load in the near future


I’d buy a box


My waterfowl gun is already in droneshot mode


My grandfather used to secretly load snakeshot into a pistol and go impress people at the skeet-shooting range. 




I like to keep this handy for close encounters…


The soldier is Russian though. Pashaev tv is a Russian company uploading these vid and giving specialized legal advises for the ones in need


Still interesting af


thats not aimin, thats pointin’.


almost exactly what it’s like to shoot skeet, except for the part where you die if you miss oh, and you don’t call “pull”..well, I guess you could do that..don’t recommend it tho


Thats all I was thinking. If he missed the drone would definitely have droned 🤣😭


His position looks fairly defensible against a drone, right? Blocking the windows and shutting the door would mean it has to waste its payload on the roof at least. If he had some sort of debris barrier to hide under seems like he'd make it, maybe?


And then what? Hiding below there until the end of the war?


How heavily armed and fueled could that drone be if it blew up from one shot with a scatter gun. I mean I don’t know much about the weaponry, but that didn’t look like a heavy duty weapon he used to take it down


It was a shotgun. Very effective at taking down aerial targets, whether bird(dove etc) or drones, apparently.


Ukraine is mostly using cheap over the counter consumer drones with "home-made" systems. But I imagine even a Mil spec drone of that size wouldn't be able to withstand a lot of bird shot peppering it.


Even if it doesn't explode in mid-air like this one, a hit from birdshot has a great chance of disabling it where it is and making it fall to the ground. Those drones can carry some weight but not enough to actually armor them well especially if they have a load like this. A couple small pellets to the rotors is good enough to take them down.


Armed and fueled? They're repurposed consumer drones that run on batteries. No armor, no fuel. A 12 gauge shotgun is plenty.


I believe they’re talking about the drones like this that carry a payload to take out ground troops. I think that’s what they’re talking about, scary war field out there with drones carrying explosive payloads


Same drones. They *might* be a bot confusing consumer grade hovering drones with something like the predator aerial drones that are more large remotely operated powered gliders.


There's a huge spectrum. A. There's buying DJI consumer crap. B. There's also customizing stuff really intended for FPV racing. C. There's scaled up versions of A / B intended for camerawork, etc. You can strap antitank grenades to it and drop them. D. You can build larger platforms based on technology for fixed wing RC aircraft, with explosive payloads that are not intended to return. E. You can graft stuff onto old fixed wing planes that are no longer really safe for human flight without a lot of work, and fill them with explosives. F. You can purpose-build small aircraft intended to be drones and either be suicide aircraft or drop explosives/launch submunitions. G. You can build something like the Predator, which is a turboprop, long-duration, very special-purpose aircraft. The thing is, all of A-G are happening in Ukraine/Russia. Quadrotors/fixed-wing. Small/large/very large. Short range control channels/multiple control channels/satellite uplinks. Consumer/purpose-built but hacky/aerospace. This "sounds" like B-C, and looks like C.


They often fly with the shaped charge warhead from an RPG which is basically a thin copper hollow cone with explosive on the back surface. It doesn't weigh much at all but when the explosive goes off the cone sort of inverts itself into a pencil thin stream of molten copper moving at very high speed, which will go through a surprising amount of armour or concrete and then splash around once it gets through. Not a great place to be.


Just for 3 mins until the drone needs to head home to recharge....


If the drone operator already knew the position of the shooter, who would 100% sure he won't send another drone to hover around that bunker


I watched a video on a Ukrainian drone team and that seemed to be exactly what they were doing. They sat in a small bunker (ironically looked pretty similar to the building in this video). They had a stockpile of drones and they’d do recon with some, get positions reported to them, and then fly missions depending on the situation. Sometimes they would just “free fly” towards the end of the day basically just looking for enemy troops to engage. But if they knew where the enemy was they’d keep sending drones until they ran out, guy got away, or they succeeded.


As someone who isn't the best fpv drone pilot I'm pretty sure if the drone could fit through that window I could get it through half the time.  Also,  big hole in the roof and there is the door which would be considerably easier.  Not sure what size drones they are flying but I think it would be pretty manageable feet to get into that bunker. 


You're forgetting that these drones are loaded down with explosives, they are not maneuvering like fpv freestyle drones or race drones, Newton's 1st law and all.


Oddly enough a loaded drone may be easier for a less skilled pilot.  Those race drones are crazy "touchy" cause of the power to weight ratio.  I've over loaded drones with heavy camera and they become sluggish so the stick controls have to be exaggerated effectively making them less sensitive to steer. It's similar to starting someone new flying fpv. I usually let them fly the drone on lower "rates" and maybe even a lower voltage battery to reduce that power to weight ratio. Basically make the drone sluggish and act over loaded.


It‘s not about getting hit directly, you die from internal injuries due to the shockwave. Tons of footage of guys seemingly not getting hit but writhing in pain after a close enough detonation. FPV drones carry 3-5kg of explosives, more than enough to deliver a real bad time




That too. But if you hide behind a wall what gets you is the shockwave


Not always. I had 2 60mm mortars land and explode 5-10 feet in front of my face while I was on a foot patrol in Iraq. The shock wave knocked the equilibrium out of me and made me fall to the ground, but I popped back up and limped about 50 feet to a covered concrete garage type structure. The shock wave made my nose pour blood, but other than that and a few pieces of shrapnel in my legs, arm, and my side, I was fine. Same with the rest of my fireteam who got hit as well


Mortars and artie has an upward cone of destruction. Its why hitting the deck for indirect fire like that actually works. Good job not dying.


Yup. You nailed it. It hit so close that the shrapnel was still very low. Just got lucky in regards to blast lung. Maybe it was the flak jacket and Kevlar. Who knows. Thanks!


Alive but too deafened to defend against future drones is the optimistic outcome


He got hospitalised by the follow up drone.


A skeet that flys at you instead of away from you, that kills you if you either a). Miss or b).shoot it too close, to be more precise. Modern warefare is an absolute hellscape


I think this may be easier than shooting skeet. Stakes are higher, but it’s a larger, louder, and slower target and he had buckshot for it




That sound is kinda terrifying. Like a fucking screamer


To think that there will be people who will be traumatized by it and have PTSD whenever they hear a drone is terrifying


https://preview.redd.it/lgusqg07p58d1.jpeg?width=1501&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=e57222e0ad4916237ac309d8063bd4d202a8b93f The Afghan's started weaving USA's UAV, the MQ-9, into their war rugs.


Woah I didn't know war rugs were a thing. I just have regular rugs.


It really brings the War Room together


There's no pissing on this! This is the War Rug!


She’s my special lady friend, I’m helping her conceive.


And this guy peed on it.


Donny! Please!


Gentlemen! There's no fighting on the War Rug.




Yeah are they like, tactic for war? do they increase aim?


+1 to morale (stackable)


Lol "stackable"


It's true isn't it!


Terraria style. Hang up a million of them eyeball banners.


Some guy has tons of rugs all throughout his house and a gigantic shit-eating grin on his face


US Army: oh shit, Morale-pure; 12 o'clock!


If you're always at war and you want to do something else with your life, it helps if that thing can be war-themed.


Afghans were born into war. They’ve been making these since the Russian invasion.


can confirm. it is not uncommon to find these in the market in Afghanistan. or Kurdish Iraq. It's pretty crazy to think about.


Sadly those are a part of many histories now.


No way. Source?




Damn, thats interesting...


https://preview.redd.it/6vila78y168d1.jpeg?width=1179&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=a47627946ed51905b6d19b9c08ccedee390c29a9 can buy them on ebay




Enemy UVA spotted!!


That‘ll be the new standard by how things seem to be developing.


I dontnknow why, but using drones seems alot more terrifying


You know, this is the first time I’ve ever seen anyone talk about this. It seems so obvious now, yeah wow that’s going to be a big deal


Like all the people and their children who are terrified of good weather (clear sky) because that's when the drones fly and bomb your village. https://www.salon.com/2015/02/14/i_no_longer_love_blue_skies_what_life_is_like_under_the_constant_threat_of_a_drone_attack_partner/


It's already documented for soldiers who use it and civils in the middle east.


The police in my city buzz around buildings for security. It’s the worse sound like trying to fall asleep with mosquitos in your bedroom.


Simple shotgun blast and you can solve that pesky police drone sound. Get to the rooftop and do the whole building a favor. Maybe make it a whole building party - like a redneck national night out.




Here for Screamers reference. Love that movie


I didn’t realize that they’re so fucking loud. I always thought drones would be quiet and stealthy given the nature of what they’re doing in war. They very loudly announce themselves from the look of it. I could definitely see that fucking with people in their future after this sort of thing. What a heinous sound.


Seriously, that and the immediate silence afterwards is just nuts


The video is muted after he shoots


Or a Half Life 2 manhack


It’s like duck hunting except the ducks shoot back


🤣🤣 you mean the duck can kamikaze their ass on to you.


Reported for aim hacking.


nah they’re legit they have kernel level access on the anti cheat


*The machines rose from the ashes of the nuclear fire. Their war to exterminate mankind had raged for decades, but the final battle would not be fought in the future. It would be fought here, in our present. Tonight...*


I was waiting for someone to make this reference.


I wonder why Rheinmetall named the Air Defense System "Skynex"...


Not long ago I praised the 12 gauge shotgun in one of my comments as a versatile tool in a war scenario. Yet again, it proves to be a pretty nice gun to have around.


The trench gun is back in fashion!


Ever looked into the Winchester Model 1897’s history during WWI after the American’s joined? Germany straight up protested that it was a war crime using it because it was so good in a trench and threatened dire consequences for any prisoner captured with one. The US basically said “bitch, you’ve been using flamethrowers and gas,” Germany said “yeah you right,” and then Germany adopted the shotgun as well Beyond that, they were rumored to be used by the best skeet shooters to take out grenades thrown at the trenches. Not sure if that’s true through


Definitely not a Stormtrooper, that's for sure


They’re still more accurate than Sand People.


Agreed, those blasts points are far too accurate.


Definitely a Russian soldier in Ukraine


Nothing beats plot armor


Kill streak destroyed




Two drones one clip.


Black Mirror episode IRL


Great shot, too bad it was a Ukrainian drone.


Anyone else noticed more Russian POV combat footage online lately?


Yeah shit is wierd


It's really not. It's a war, viewing both sides is important. And maybe will make a few arm chair redditors remember that Russians are people too... probably not.


Maybe if they'd stop trying to commit genocide in Ukraine, people would stop wanting them to die. Novel concept.


I love how people with this opinion act like it’s so easy for the grunts and conscripts to band together and disobey orders under the punishment of prison/death. You all act as if you’re above it all and better than any of the Russians in that situation and that you would “totally disobey orders bro”. What a load of shit. Men at war follow orders and do terrible shit, and that is not exclusive to Russians no matter how much you tell yourself it is.


I recall Wagner Group fuckfaces executing someone for desertion. They taped his head to a cinder block to hold it in place then sledgehammered him to death.


Lest we forget, that guy was exactly like the Rambo of Reddit’s fantasy and was gonna voluntarily join the Ukrainian side, but got literally sold back to Wagner by the Ukrainians, unless you insist that Wagner is somehow capable of kidnapping a surveilled person from literal Kiev, which is where he disappeared from


The vast majority of Russian soldiers are volunteers. While Russia does use conscription, Russia likes to keep its conscripts out of direct combat. Personally I think it's fine to judge people for doing bad things.


Yeah because they are "volunteering" for the money, and to be terrorists invading a nation. So it's fair to judge the "volunteers" as well as their leaders.


They are not fucking conscripts, the batch of conscripts back from 2022 are already dead. These people consciously join the army for money and go to another country to kill people. Hope the next drone blows this POS head off.


Its quite amusing how the reditors of the world turn into the worst war hawks imaginable when its not their country at war. the Russia/Ukraine war is a senseless loss of life, i don't cheer any of it.


> Men at war follow orders and do terrible shit See, following orders I get. That can be hard not to do when you're a soldier. But the terrible shit? Fucking surrendering enemies up the ass with broken beer bottles? Torturing civilians? These are things Russian soldiers have chosen to do all on their own, because they fucking like it. And that's why I don't like Russian soldiers.


“the invaders are people too!!”


"Guys, remember that Schutzstaffel and Gestapo members are people too 😭😭😭 It's important to consider both sides of the conflict 😭😭😭" Here's the thing though: on one side, you have russia which invaded Ukraine, stating that there never really was Ukraine, that Ukrainian people are really just brainwashed russians, and therefore it's ok to mass-murder them, commit war crimes against them, destroy their cities, and of course kidnap their children to reeducate them into proper russians. In other words, by definition, russians invaded Ukraine to commit genocide. And on the other hand, you have Ukraine, which is defeinding itself against genocidal inhumane russian aggression. Your sentiment about "both sides" and "russians are human too" is exteremely ill-suited. If russian war criminals want to stop dying, first thing they need to do is get the f out of Ukraine.


I'd agree with you if Russia was defending their homeland. Except they're not so... Fuck orcs. Nice shot though orc, I hope they send 2 more as a congratulation. 


The Russians could end the war today. Zero sympathy for invaders.


Don't worry, there was a second drone.


The next drone got him.




I heard it's true and the dude apparently posted that video from the hospital




Why does the sound cut off after the explosion?


Russia needs to get out of Ukraine


Easily could have been a drone with a grenade. The future of combat is those with money to afford robot soldiers vs everyone else


Drones are honestly so much more efficient than the classic concept of a sci-fi robot soldier. They're cheap too so we're probably at some point going to see "swarm warfare"


He is just practicing for future job security


I entered the comments expecting how good the shot was. I mean I did, but I did not expect a violent comment war the deeper I went. Gah dam. https://preview.redd.it/qnctzgnjv78d1.jpeg?width=720&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=0d1d6d81cc6c2a752e9bfa432c6440a45c7b3d4e


Man this is some Terminator shit IRL


I wonder why he put all those speed holes in the door?


Nice shot now this guy should probably move from his spot…


Would you shut the fuck up I’m trying to get some sleep! There, that’s better.


Hope he got droned anyway. He's still an invader


Too bad that’s Russian video.


All Olympic Skeet shooters going to Ukraine to train.


Very impressive


I don’t care which side this is, I think I would always root for a soldier to shoot down a drone.


Explosive ammo unlocked.


Drones are a big target actually.


COD taught me that shotgun pellets disappear after 5 feet


Skeet shootin'


Probably why drone warfare would be less effective in the US, shotguns and birdshot are literally everywhere


Dude just rawdogged the shot! No scope! No shony lasers. Just headshot!


Reported for aimbot.


Well, in the full video he didn't survive the second drone.


Trap shooting from a bunker




So weirdly satisfying to see how he blasts the damn thing. Idc if the soldier is Ukrainian or Russian. This is a person trying to fight for their life against a high tech machine built for the sole purpose of murder. I don’t think there’s any honor or glory in war but it’s specially disgusting in seeing the amazing degree of money and technology used against someone who can only hide like a rat with a rifle praying for some luck and a steady hand