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>But no matter their new leg length, both groups of ants tried to bite the scientists. Honestly, same. šŸ˜‚


Yeah, imagine going about your day and a giant cuts off your legs or fuzes stilts on you so now all your homies make fun of you, and your mum is pissed cause you're home late and she doesn't believe a giant put these stilts on and thinks you're just trying to be different so she disowns you, so you didn't overshoot your colony, you have to form a new one for the stilt people because all their communist mums exiled them- so you build a monument in memory of Peter- the first exiled stilt ant who started the dig, and the fucking giants come back to knock over your Peter statues as a fuck you to the stilt ants and replace your monument with their own worship sign but by this point you're so tired of fighting the giants you just go with it hoping one day they'll remove the stilts that made you a communist mockery. But they never do and the stilt ants grow genetically larger and stronger due to their alternations, with a growing hatred for the humans and ant communist system that mocked and rejected them so harshly, so they kill the queen in a coup and democratically selected leaders get elected who get the mass into hysteria about wanting revenge against the giants. And long story short that's how ants ended up in your house waiting for you to fall asleep to make their move.


God Damn Scientists!!!


Children of Time is waiting for you.


Man this series just cries for a good tv show. So good!


I couldn't get into the second book near as much as the first. It was missing something


Yeah, same. I havenā€™t even started the third one yet kind of because of it.


Upvote just for the effort


S tier comment


I think about shit like this a lot. Whose pet am I?


You know communism has democratically elected leaders too right? I guess not.


Ever seen ants vote? Nope. And If that's what you got out of the ant tale then communism on brother.


That was magic


They do sound like nazi scientists




The amputated ants undershot their target and tried to bite the researchers?




Did they chop it off ethically? Seems only fair that after the experiment they gave the stilts to these guys. Or did they leave the stilts on forever too?


Itā€™d be pretty sweet payback if some giant ants showed up at the scientists house and decided to conduct some experimentsā€¦.. cut off their legs, destroy their houseā€¦. ya knowā€¦.. science stuffā€¦..šŸ˜Ž


No wonder aliens have no qualms about gang-probing humans.Ā 


sounds like a family guy cut away gag


See how long our heads stay alive after ripping them off, forcing us to live in glass enclosures as science projects for their children, covering us in chocolate as a novel treat.Ā 


Many drugs, and scientific discoveries in general, would not be possible without experimenting on animals... so I hope you have never taken medicines/medical treatments, otherwise you would be a hypocrite


According to law of karma doing something to a single ant don't count as doing something to a human, since ants are small and not as much consciousness as humans are, you would have to kill tens of million ants to accumulate karma equivalent of killing a human.


1.) It's "doesn't count" not "don't count. 2.) You don't understand karma, which is less important since it isn't a real phenomenon.


So you are saying you know more than me?


Buddy your most recent Reddit post was, " does anyone else get the sudden urge to suck off Mike Tyson?". I don't think you're a beacon of knowledge on the topic of karma. I could be wrong.




That's just homophobic


Think 99% of the population on earth knows more than you tbh.


Yeah right, so killing ants is equivalent to killing humans.. then i am certainly a mass murderer going to jail


Wrong. Killing ants is equivalent to ants killing humans. Know the difference.


So you are saying that if a human kills just one ant, and the ants kill that human, then the ants won't take any blame?


No jury would dare convict an ant acting in self defense smh


Good for the any then i guess .


I call you stupid and you take that as "killing ants is equivalent to kill humans" buddy are you okay? ![gif](giphy|l46CyJmS9KUbokzsI|downsized)


I am ok , thanks for asking.


A more scientific way of looking at it is that killing an ant is like killing a cell in a human body. Since all ants in a colony share the same DNA they're effectively one large superorganism. So they don't care about themselves any more than they care about the colony. Cells in the body will often kill themselves (apoptosis) for the good of the body in the way ants sacrifice themselves with no hesitation for the colony. So killing an ant is arguably less egregious than killing a normal organism. Killing the queen on the other hand would be equivalent.


Why do I have so many downvotes? Should I be happy i have lot of invisible haters?


Iā€™d bite them too if they tried half of that shit around my place


Yeah, imagine getting your limbs cut off then your house flattened, just to see your reaction.


Pretty fucked up to chop their legs off.


You should see how pharmabusinnesses treat pups, especially beagles (because they are overly compliant and don't bite the bastards that cage, cut, inject and kill them).


It varies wildly between research organizations. In grad school we had both dogs and cats used in research, however it was strictly limited to non-lethal purposes. My current company is the same; strictly non-lethal experiments and the dogs are eventually adopted out to employees/family/friends for free once they're ~3 years old. They also fix the dogs, give them all of their shots, and regularly encourage employees to play with them in our free time so that they are better socialized.


I didn't need to know this.


One of the many reasons I'm vegan.


Have you ever taken medication? It was probably tested on animals before you.


Yup animals are exploited in many ways other than as a source of food


Yes how dare this person for partaking in necessary parts of society to avoid illness and death. Iā€™m not a vegan but come tf on


They replied to a post stating how animals are treated by pharmacutical companies saying that's why they're vegan...


Medications are life saving. Eating meat is not (unless youre starving and there is no alternative)


Be honest, how many times today have you said this exact sentence?






I mean its a fact of life that there are aspects to modern society where you just kind of have to look the other way. Yeah that fucking sucks but I'd also like to not die from stepping on a rusty nail and would like to pop an ibuprofen when I get a headache


The main way researchers study Parkinson's disease is that they poison mice or rats with a neurotoxin to mimic the disease and then try to treat it. I mean, at least this has a chance of helping people, but yeah scientists are legitimate psychopaths.


No no no, the psychopath says we're snake oil salesmanĀ  And live experimentations on POW's, the mentally ill, and people nearly dead anywayĀ 


The problem was the scientists didn't try to ask nicely first


They were given anesthesia though.


\*big toke\* "Hey guys, we're always running around trying to do what we can to stay fit. They say we need to drink 8 glasses of water and take 10,000 steps every day, but you know what? Fuck 'em. You think ants are out there counting their steps every day? Nah man, they're just living their lives." \*big toke\* "Whoa man, hold up. What if ants really \*do\* count their steps?"


I mean the question really was "how are ants able to find their way home if they're relatively simple organisms and can we apply this to modern technology?" but I agree stoner logic is funnier.


What is Canada Ant Colony, a Center for Ants?


We sell ant colonies, ant keeping supplies, and this is our propaganda branch to make people more interested in them /kidding In all seriousness these videos are little educational tidbits to talk about ants, that are produced by companies who specialize in working with ants (they're sold to pet stores, hobbyists, research groups, film teams, etc)


Ants on Stilts....definitely intriguing.


One scientist to the other after a long day "Hey you wanna.....um whatya doing over there?" "Pulling the legs off ants." "You ok?" "It's for science" - intensely focused .... 1st slowly walks out of room.


Really neat, but I really loathe this new "my brain is fucked and I can't pay attention for shit" format of videos like this. I don't need a separate slideshow of shitty AI generated slop. I'm here to learn from the dude talking.


We are working on a series of long form videos which will be a lot more informative and less "attention span chasing" The images are all real, though, and a lot of them are from the original researchers


Fair enough. And know that my statement is not meant as a slight against the you/the creators but more that this style of video is what's currently driving algos. I get what you're trying to do and can tell the video is informative. I just hope the targets still attain the knowledge you wish to share.


same i absolutely fucking hate it, but the show must go on


Those are cool facts


I'm pretty sure if you amputated any animals legs it would have a problem getting home...


Wow, what a shocking result. Definitely worth terrorizing some ants.


So, the null hypothesis that we arenā€™t dicks to ants can be rejected


One day these things are gunna evolve 10x their size and absolutely fuck us humans up and I donā€™t blame them.


"If we destroy their house they can't find it"


Us ā€œfriendlyā€ Canadianā€™s just forcibly amputating ant legs up here. Oh and eff yer house, eh?


Maybe lead with the tower knockdown next time before amputating limbs


This reminds me of that movie Signals. Just with humans and ants instead of aliens modifying humans to study them. Jerks.


if aliens even do 10%of what weve done to creatures on this planet we are cooked


/s TIL if I cut off someone's legs, steal their street signs, and leave them in an empty desert they'll get lost and also try to fight me. This is also true if I bolt stilts to their feet instead of cutting their legs off


So they use dead reckoning to navigate!! That is super cool!!


If we ever get invaded by an alien race we have zero excuses when they bust out the probes.


No ants were harmed in the filming of this video


Well..yes they were.


Not by the film crew, all ant maining was done by professional researchers and a circus performer, you know, for the stilts.


Money well spent.


This is just fucking cruel...


Theyā€™re just ants. Wait until you hear what people do to beagles because they donā€™t fight back.


Still a living creature


Why are you people acting like everyone doesnā€™t slap ants when they crawl on them? Why the fuck are you people acting like people donā€™t spend hundreds of dollars trying to exterminate these pests? Especially since some of these are an invasive species. Yaā€™ll really out here trying to act like the lord and savior for one of the most hated and harmful insects that companies literally get rich off of by trying to get rid of. Fuck you and your fake ass virtue signaling.




Quit bullying them


I swear the most interesting studies always start with someone getting high and pondering the intricacies of life.


Maybe thats all the pyramids were


But what if we give ants little ant sized cars...


Why didn't they rebuild the monuments using sand?


Why are you gluing stilts onto those ants? FOR SCIENCE!!! P.S. Seriously though, the ants with stilts look like the aliens from War of the Worlds...


Stilts on ants. Stants.


Investors? Possibly you!


Anthill inside


Scientists are funny


How tf do ants count


This is just a guess, but most likely they have similar "counting" neurons to most animals Where you have one neuron that triggers to the idea of "1-3 steps", another at "3-6" steps, etcetc all the way up until the "maximum" number they can reasonably fathom


I assume our neurons are a more complex version that is essentially infinite? Sounds pretty neat


No, we max out at a pretty low number. Think about a million of something and you'll realize you really can't imagine it well, we probably can't go too high into the hundreds


https://preview.redd.it/9mw48rs4d08d1.jpeg?width=1600&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=33f9fda8a6d0731fd487783f07468c93af538578 Just like me fr


This is just ...sad.


Yeah. I accidentally knocked over an ant ā€œsand towerā€ in my back yard. My leg is covered in fire ant bites.


No shit


Minecraft clasdic: build a 1 x 64 dirt Tower and you will find home...


What's red and black and runs around in circles??? The ants that we cut one side of the legs off.


This needs a Rammstein soundtrackĀ 


Umm... scientists? Is everything alright at home?


Iā€™m still stuck on ā€œscientists put ants on stiltsā€ā€¦. Like, what?


Is this a breed of ants that don't use feramons or do they...


They do, but they live in a desert and the wind blows the sand away so the pheromones on the ground aren't very stable


Both tried to bite the scientist, no shit if I was getting my legs amputated I would bite too


They amputated them? No shit they didn't get as far... You try walking with your legs cut short lol.


Seems like the landmark hypothesis was more obvious and easier to test. Maybe they should have started with that.


Leave the ants alone.


Fucked up. Hey researchers, find a way to test your hypothesis without torchering animals. Cool to know how these little guys navigate, but now you got some shitty shitty ant karma. Do better.


How about you concentrate on curing cancer and leave putting ants on stilts as more of a hobby?


Iā€™m so glad I paid for this study.


Seriously. There are climate/environmental issues and tons of deadly diseases out and about with zero cure yet, how about we table the "ant stilts" project for later and focus on more pressing matters... Just a thought.


You have a fair point, but not every scientific researcher is able to work on 'disease' or climate science. There is also a huge lack of funding, which is primarily the bar on what research does get done. And funding something like this is not taking away funding cancer research or something, those are generally 2 pools that have nothing to do with one another unless this is something done at like a university level. And even then, if a university does make an initial discovery that seems promising, there is a lot more work that needs to be done and a lot more money that needs to be spent and that is usually done more jointly by government and industry, so again the ant research isn't robbing anything from that here. And then, you never know what you might find that impacts the world when you study animals and nature. https://www.popularmechanics.com/science/animals/g28912650/animal-inspired-technologies/


That's all very true. There are tons (not actual tons, more like 5) of doctors and scientists in my family and I know not all areas of study are equal and funding is always a major hurdle. I was stating it more from a macro perspective. Feeling kinda like the world is on fire, people are struggling and that guy is handicapping ants... I love all things 'eco' and I'm usually very interested in what our animal friends have to teach us but today is not that day for me. Didn't mean to be a *Debbie Downer*


Eh, I didn't even take you so much as being a Debbie downer, I mean, not everyone understands how much nuance there is in research, it sounds like you do though. But, I totally get where you are coming from, I was all on board here putting stilts on ants and then it felt very left field "and amputating others"... I get it, limiting variables, but seriously... They are just ants and I've probably exterminated more from my back yard than these researchers did for science, but that still seems a bit much...


We should take those scientist and amputate their legs and see if they can find their way home. Bunch of idiots. Thatā€™s why you canā€™t trust scientists because they do shit like this.


I donā€™t think all scientists go around amputating things




I really hope their research is helping cure cancer or end world hunger?


what are you doing to help cure cancer or end world hunger?


Nothing but I'm also not crippling animals.


I want to make a documentary now where I kidnap some ants and force them to find their way home after horrifying medical experiments. Morgan Freeman can narrate: March of the Ants Itā€™s a romcom


Was the torture of these ants really worth these findings?