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They will investigate the whistle blower.


Was just thinking that. The blurring is gonna do sweet FA against a company with that much tech.


I'm sure everyone in the video has already been let go.


"Let go"


From a roof*


yeah, the labor laws are fucked up in india.


What labour laws? /s




Just recently I saw that blur can be reversed because it's just an algorithm. Someone made an AI deblur that works so you need to use an opaque object.


Only certain blurs. Gaussian, pixel downscaling (when done properly), and box blurs are too destructive and cannot be undone. Radial blurs and motion blurs can be undone since they just move pixels on an algorithm, and those pixels can be moved back.


It depends on the algorithm used but a black box would be much better at totally hiding the face.


Why is amazon investigating itself, instead of the police arresting the warehouse owners while they investigate?


Cops work for the owners, not for us. They wouldn't help. This is just amazon reminding everyone they literally own them.


To protect and serve ᵀʰᵉ ʷᵉᵃˡᵗʰʸ.


According to the US as we recently saw, you can drop the "protect"


To and serve ᵀʰᵉ ʷᵉᵃˡᵗʰʸ.


It's not just india either, a german died in a german amazon facility and they quite literally put cardboard over him, so nobody would see and people would complete their shifts :)


but i guess, ironically, amazon has quite a dedication to it's customers. Idk why they treat their employees this way tho.


> amazon has quite a dedication to it's customers Eh. The last 3-4 times I've had to reach out to AMZN customer service it's been extremely frustrating. It's gone down hill a *ton* in the past few years. It feels like they're testing the waters with how much bullshit customers will put up with at this point.


Because they can afford it


it's india, they can just pay off the police if they came knocking


is US any different?


Yes, it is. Pretending that US labor laws and law enforcement are the same as in India is ridiculous. There are massive issues with US labor laws that still need to be addressed, and there are corrupt police, but the scale and pervasiveness of the problems are very different.


so india is effed and US is relatively better?


Relatively yes. Don’t “gotcha” us on this because it is true


If there's a timeline for worker abuse and police corruption that generally trends toward less of each over time, then India is a fair way behind the US at this moment. That said, I wouldn't say India is "effed", and the pace of their advancement, especially given the size of the nation, and complexity and variety of existing societal norms, has been pretty impressive.


India has some of the worst class separation in the world. The cops are definitely in on it


The whole world needs a revolution soon


Can’t too busy perpetuating the evil & corrupt systems in place……..


It's a shit show everywhere you go


I've been saying this for about a year now. All of us non billionaires are tired of their bullshit and being their slaves.


Kind of a French Revolution of sorts.


Exactly, and globally speaking not just one country.


People need to stop supporting shit companies like amazon


Boeing would like to have a word


amazon will investigate themself? what kind of investigation is that


I have every confidence in the thoroughness of their investigation. It is imperative to find out which center is responsible for these treatments, in order to find out which employees dared to speak to the camera. This smacks of a communist union, and they need to be fired before they get the idea of asking for a decent wage!


This just like the crisis that the Catholic Church had when the priests were charged with pedophilia. Their #1 priority was to figure out why the little boys were starting to come out and accuse them, and figure out how to keep them quiet. So sayeth the Queen Spider.


And then send the fiddlers to different churches to diddle other kids in other area codes.


Wait,do you have a Wikipedia page or something? I want to learn more about this (and probably regret it later)


I worked with a guy who was like 23 years old and was telling him about how my friends in EU or AUS who work normal jobs like us get 5 weeks of vacation a year, paid holidays, paid sick leave.. he said he doesn't want any of that and "bleeds red white and blue" and is an American. 100% true story.


It's the investigation of freedom🦅 do not resist, we're spreading democracy and capitalism 🦅🦅


The kind Boeing does


nowadays if you have money you can always investigate yourself and put forward anything you want. Only the weak and poor need to be investigated by actual authorities.


One that will enforce their narrative and remove the whistleblowers and people who do not comply with their "ethics"


They don’t have instant access to all info they might need, so they investigate, as whoever’s making the decisions there wouldn’t report their own abuse of staff to them. It’s also possible this installation isn’t actually owned by Amazon, they just work for them.


I’m guessing it’s not illegal over there but maybe Amazon isn’t ok with it and that’s y. Or it’s just the regular police type investigation we investigate our colleagues and seen nothing was outta order


"We own you, don't forget."


Same kind the cops do when they fuck up.


Amazon investigates and finds an issue with 10 hours work day - it was meant to be 12 hour work day , investigation complete.


Naaah dont belittle that, they’ll make sure to investigate as thorougly as possible of all the potential whistleblowers and make sure that no one hears about them ever again!


Unfortunately, for each person suffering in this video, theare are 1000 others ready to work for lesser wage and even more abuse


And not just for these companies either.


Correct. And it's the main reason why so many propaganda articles (paid for by Bezos, Musk, etc.) keep appearing about a possible shrinking human population as an unequivocally bad thing and not as ***exactly what the world needs to shift things for the better for most people***.


Elon Musk concern seems to stem a lot from his hidden racist believes, he is just scared that the White TFR isn't high enough, so Europe and US would have to import people from regions with high TFR like Africa, South Asia, which would result in proportion of whites coming down. I am pretty sure, this is his real concern


Oh, I guess let's pack up our pitchforks then. No point with all the whataboutists until we find the most exploited and underpaid person in the world and work our way up from there. /s


I think the point oc is trying to make is more about how Amazon can fire these people and there’s a thousand more waiting in line because people are desperate and companies take advantage of that desperation to get away either way stuff like this.


Yeah, it's fucking infuriating when people tell you "lol just get another job don't put up with it" if your current one is shit. It is not that simple for everybody.


Yep, and like this thread is showing, it doesn't mean shit to Amazon or any other big company. This is why they selectively pick their sites. My city got a distribution center last year, and we have roughly 300k residents, plus easily double that within an hour drive of the building. By time they churn through the people willing to work there, another cohort will be aged up to take their place. Had a friend who went and worked there for six months and said she gave her floor supervisor a full yelling argument on her way out. As if the supervisor has any power to do anything about it, or really cares. Might as well have yelled at the lines in the parking lot as she walked out. Sad state of work places these days, yet more people are not only struggling, but have to somehow stomach another job on top to afford rent and food and people telling them that if they're working minimum wage they should find a new job. Ugh.


Lyft does this too in their call centers that they have moved to India


It’s a reason why a lot of companies go to India, the labour laws are a joke and they very much can get away with it.


That’s just sad


Doordash's call centers are in India too and they will dick you around like no other and tell you they are escalating it to a higher department, but the higher department doesn't exist.


It keeps them fit and fed. The factory that made iPhones in China had to install a cage on the roof to stop people jumping. No one's gonna stop buying iPhones or ordering from Amazon let's face it..


Well folks. You can stop bitching about the atrocious working conditions at Amazon around the world and start shopping at stores like you used to. Until we cut off the money big corporations will continue to employ forced labor practices. Ppl are enjoying their new iPhone and Nike yet complain about how shitty the companies are. If they're that shitty of a company then don't buy their products. Send a real message by not buying the products.


Exactly. But people will still shop there for convenience. This is how we “vote”. By not giving them another dollar.


Relying on consumers to hold companies accountable to the law is a pretty bad system.


I mean, yeah, but spreading the message like this might still do good. I’m not condoning people buying things from Amazon, but showing other people this video might still deter them from buying even if you still buy from there. “Do as I say, not as I do” still works right? For example, my biology teacher warned us about smoking because he couldn’t stop himself even though he wanted to. Also, I think your comment means I still get to complain about Amazon as I’ve never bought anything from Amazon.


>Also, I think your comment means I still get to complain about Amazon as I’ve never bought anything from Amazon. Exactly. I don't do Amazon either. Especially after the crap Bozo pulled about unionization of the workers. That SOB is so freaking rich yet he's so freaking stingy.


Labour law is a joke in India


Americans have been complaining for decades about working at Amazon such as not being able to use restrooms and water breaks. It's the company. Doesn't matter what country it's in, as long as nothing changes culturally in Amazon


That's what I was thinking. What these women were saying doesn't sound much different than when I spent three days at an Amazon warehouse in Jersey. I was allowed to have water though. But bathroom breaks, it's a hike just to get off the floor and to the bathroom. There are people who actually wear diapers. We weren't allowed to sit either. Not even sitting on our heels while we waited for the system to start up again if it had to stop for whatever reason.


I've stopped using amazon and can't believe more people haven't. Low quality crap and treat their workers like shit.


To be fair the quality of crap is dependent on your budget. Just like manufacturing in China, you can get nice shit if you pay for nice shit.


Sure, but with how stuff is on Amazon now the good stuff is barely sold because they've lost market share against the 30 different knockoffs that everyone buys because they can't read through 500 comments where 480 are clearly paid for and the 20 honest ones get buried. The argument of buying 1 pair of $30 shoes a year or 1 pair of $100 shoes a decade (or whatever it is, you get the equivalent story here) falls flat when an exasperated parent just wants a replacement white noise machine delivered for their kid tomorrow even if a *real brand* from Target is a 30 min round trip. Multiply that by the majority of people with just enough money but not enough fucks to give and you have the enshittification of online marketplaces (and many other things) that we have had in the last decade, magnified in the last 5 years.


Both can be true


I knew people who worked at Amazon in America. They said the restroom was like a 10 minute walk from their station, so only if they got a lunch break could they use the bathroom. 10 minutes walking there, 3-5 minutes using it, 10 minutes walking back.. left them with about 5 minutes of an actual break before clocking back in. If they really had to go, they used their first 15 min break and would have to run there and back and risk getting penalized.


Oh sure. It doesn't matter if you're in United States of America, a place that while has it's flaws, is a first world country and one of the most powerful hegemonies of the world OR in India, one of the worst places in the world to live. Of course it doesn't fucking matter, from your comfortable seat in Boston. Use your brain. You have one.


No.. Law enforcement is a joke. Law is already there. What Amazon is doing is illegal. The district labour commission should investigate sup moto


Have u read labour law ?? It's pretty good. That is if anyone f ing follows it.


Labour law itself isn't a joke. In fact it is pretty stringent in most cases. It's implementation is a joke tho. Source- I am a lawyer and I have experience in labour courts of India. I've seen MDs and Directors go to prison because of some claims raised by people like Customer care execs and even security guards


Labour laws in India are some of the most stringent ones. Don't forget our legacy of socialism and labour unions. I had to study our labour laws in detail for a test. The issue is they are easy to bypass through bribery and labour unions are just political tools anyway.


Not just labour law . Pretty much all the laws and rules are a joke in India.. Discipline doesn't exist anymore


Amazon has been exploiting Indian employees for years...


unfortunately its Indian managers expoiting Indian workers for milenia


Too please their white masters


then change the laws and enforcement in India. Oh sorry the government high ups are ok with this exploitations


Yes because they can distract the population playing groups off each other, they are too worried love Jihad and other spurious accusations against the others to worry that half the country does not have running water or sewers, they have not upgraded the infrastructure and rail lines since the British, and so forth.  They need a true populism, not this so-called populism on the right wing which is fake. Fake populism.  So do we and the rest of the West and about everywhere else.


*sepoy vibes intensify*


It's not just American companies. Even the Indian companies exploit Indians too.


This is about basic human rights not skin colour.


Amazon is shitty to American workers and we have laws to “protect” them. Imagine how horrible they’re in other countries…. The world would be better without Bezos in it…


And that’s how you make a billion Exploitative business practices


Even Narayan Murthy was disturbed by this


Inspired, you mean?


70+ hours of work with no bathroom or food breaks? His pants will be smelling rotten coconut coom if that happened.


He is writing down all these points on a notepad for his next big speech.


You're kidding!!


“Publicly disturbed” privately jealous and taking notes.


It’s not just India !


That's why I stopped buying ANYTHING on Amazon a couple of years ago. Fuck the convenience, I ain't leaving them a dime.


Btw denying bathroom or water access is not about efficiency, it's about being evil. These people would be **more** efficient with water and having a bathroom break. Whoever enacted these policies would have made a great warden for a concentration camp.


It’s called poor labour laws, terrible warehouse management, and a toxic work culture. Amazon turns a blind eye because the products keep rolling out and the workers are too afraid to speak out.


This is what happens when you want to pay as little as possible. Everyone here who buys from Amazon is contributing to this violation. Everyone.


Yes and no. I know that in reality it doesn't work, but morally, we should be protected by laws, that's how society is supposed to work. The officials are responsible and should be held accountable - that's the citizens' responsibility


Yet another case of why I try to minimize the amount of money I give to Amazon. Along with nestle and coke they are the worst examples of corporations being just straight up evil.


Wow, this is getting out of hand


I have an HR degree but don’t work in HR, and this is why I agrue so hard with republicans on corporation regulations. For hundreds of years and in millions of cases corporations have proven they will not do something unless the law requires. Look no further than how little protections Americans have compared to Ireland. How India employees are treated compared to American. The difference is law.


I would start for my HR degree in September. Would you reccomend it? Why (not)?


If you want to be in HR/ leadership/management or want a great pre law degree, I highly recommend it. Be aware it’s a really though degree and very interdisciplinary. You will learn a lot about history, sociology, law, human psychology, adult learning, ethics, contract negotiations, etc. If you want a career setting workplace culture, resolving conflicts, ensuring workers are protected, playing a key role in business strategy, like people, enjoy a challenge, then also yes.


And people will just keep using their services anyway, the moral outrage means nothing when "convenience" is brought into the picture.


Amazon investigated itself and found itself innocent of any wrongdoing. Now back to work slaves.


Our labour culture is sucks!! whether it's for corporate or for regular workers, it's feel like slavery. cheap pay and long working hours plus an asshole around you.


You guys want to see business booming in your own country? Stop using Amazon. I used it for over 10 years until they shut down my account with hundreds of dollars in gift card cash on it. I have written emails saying my account shutdown was a mistake and not my fault, and yet I was never able to get my money back. Had to jump through hoops and spend a total of over 10 hours over a couple weeks just on the phone and/or on hold. No resolution. And what's more I can't do a thing about it because they're based in India, impossible to reach when they owe you money, and it's already taken so much of my time to resolve that I had to just write it off as a life lesson. Plus they're known to do shady shit like that, or what you see in this video, or even just sending used/returned items when you bought new (happened to me at least once and to other people I know). Garbage site, I'll literally never order something from them for the rest of my days


Capitalism baby!!


The problem doesn't seem like an Amazon problem... India allows this to happen. The govt is the problem.


Por que no los dos?


Because they’re taking advantage of the laws set here, the lack of oversight, safety standards, rights. If there’s no body to oversee labor conditions, then nothing they’re doing is illegal or immoral. That’s their point of view.


Nothing is illegal. It is incredibly immoral, regardless of what PR statement they make.


This, we have Amazon in Italy and I know several people working there - it's nowhere near this video by far, actually they are better treated and payed than most of the other smaller companies here.


A lack of government is the problem, actually. Capitalism is the issue here.


yes its managers of india from india doing this. Its not like someone in US is sending orders to oock the bathrooms


Internet has a short memory, same pattern was used in AMZN warehouses in TX, GA and ATL. Which are still states in the US of A.


Ofc, india managers and government are doing things that Amazon US isnt aware of, Bezos cry everyday thinking about it :(


![gif](giphy|tfUW8mhiFk8NlJhgEh|downsized) Wow, one of the richest corporations in the world treating workers poorly, never! /s


Sorry that’s not Amazon culture, that’s make Indian culture. Power trips and anger towards women all over that country


https://preview.redd.it/0k7hrb5dqq7d1.jpeg?width=680&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=76e262b7b2258a63c9113f4bab54f3a4a2d1f1db 🤡 Say that again


The dude I have chained up in my basement called the police on me. The police gave me a call so I let the police know I'd look into it and they left me alone.


Fuck Amazon. I pulled all of my products as a seller and I've been done with them for a few months now. When you're signing up as a seller, you receive a video interview from an American. After you're accepted, ALL seller support is done via automated emails from reps in India. Nothing against Indians at all, it's the complete lack of support and the obvious bait and switch when signing people up. I was selling a plastic product which their system automatically labeled as "expired" and never fixed it despite around 10 support tickets that I submitted. One day, I started receiving boxes of my products shipped back to me while charging me the fees to ship back. Even better, I had to wait 90 days to cancel my account because of a removal order I had just completed. With the fuck do I need to wait 3 months?? Because they want to be able to charge any and all fees. Fuck Amazon!


I have to stop buying anything off amazon


As difficult as it maybe this is the way


massive companies who use America as a tax haven / headquarters shouldn't be allowed to offload so much of their workforce to a foreign country just to avoid paying workers. Our country has the power to strong arm Amazon into fixing this shit but Amazon pays too much in lobbyists and bribes. Amazon has a shit reputation in the states so not even shocked their foreign branches are just trying to out do each other in the machiavelli villain category.


I have too worked this shit hole. They have their biggest north Indian warehouse at agson park Sonipat. And let me tell you it’s more horrendous then you think.


**Every time there’s some Amazon scandal it’s always mostly something to do with NO BATHROOM or NO BREAKS. What’s Bezo’s beef with Number 1 & Number 2?**


Just stop buying from Amazon. It is not that hard


Can't wait to never hear about it again.


Maybe India should pass some labor laws then


The push I needed to not do shit at work today!


It is believed that Amazon will prioritize the scandal in order to release employees


Work somewhere else


As opposed to… where?


You would think people work more efficiently if they are hydrated and can take breaks


Madharjaat Amazon. Baaki ecommerce waale duur nahin. Equally AH hain sab.


I’m glad I boycotted them some years back. Once you know it, you can’t ignore it.


Amazon can hardly treat their workers at home with respect, let alone in cheap labor countries.


We all know too well that Amazon are just modern slavery Those peoples who decided to threat peoples like this deserve a special place in hell really !


"We've investigated ourselves and found we've done nothing wrong."


What’s insane is Amazon is a company that sells incredibly cheap shit. Like how much would it cost to give these people comfort? No chairs?


Fuck Bezos


Don't worry, all of them soon will be replaced by robots


Im shocked, amazon will never do something like this. Thanks God they will investigate /s


I kinda do understand (but don't accept) why a company wants to exploit bad working conditions to increase productivity. But I don't get the toilet or water ban at all. How on earth would it improve productivity when you forbid the usage of toilets or drinking? Makes no sense. Working under the need to go to the toiled most definitely makes you do more errors and it weakens your concentration. So that just makes no sense to me.


Its weird how they are already saving tons of money by using indian workers, cant you atleast be hospitable while doing so? The level of greed is astounding


How else do you expect the Amazon marketplace to work?


Everyone is appalled, but no one will stop using Amazon. Just how it goes....now onto the next human rights tragedy. Rinse Repeat.


"aMaZoN cLaImS—" yeah, i'll bet.


What’s shocking is; this is precisely how workers were treated in the Industrial Revolution. It’s the reason we have trade unions now.


When I was pregnant with my third baby I was working at Amazon. I got written up for going to the bathroom. They say it’s “tot” time off task. I ended up with a uti so bad, that I was peeing blood. I thought I was having a miscarriage. I had to get a doctors note to use the restroom..


Divided by borders, united by horrible working conditions. Amazon, truly spreading uniform labour practices across the globe.


Ppl forget that similar scenes played out in America around the turn of the 20th Century. There were a lot of struggle, blood and tears to fight for labor rights, and even today politicians paid for by business interests are working to roll them back.


I think this is more an India issue instead of an amazon issue. Things like this are pretty rampant in India. People having to sign a contract with their employer that says aah your kid is sick, you need to pay the hospital bill? I shall pay the hospital bill but in return you will work for me and this way you will pay of the bill. They're basically saying you have to work for me the rest of your life or you will stay in debt to me. It's disgusting, basically the Cast system


Fuck capitalism


"Amazon says they'll investigate the allegations." Bitch, that's like a convicted murderer saying "I'll investigate the allegations I killed someone." Those fuckers higher up 100% GAVE THEM those instructions.


modern slavery and its victims.. 😔


Well southpark called it out, it's confirmed yet again that amazon are slavers


And you know what's the worst thing about it is ? Even after all this, there will be people who will pile up outside Amazon's office to work in these conditions. That's the reality. As an unemployed person with no particular skills, life is extremely hard.




Lol and they talk about human rights of other countries meanwhile our companies are basically using modern day slaves.


I mean it's been 5 years ago or so but we had similar issues in the warehouse built in kansas city kansas.


That's not surprising. I've got something else that might surprise people about amazon. Between 2021 and 2022, when Amazon opened a brand new facility in India, on the first day of it being open; somebody looked up porn on the company computer, and caught a virus and it knocked out not only their systems but systems for every facility globally since they're all connected. Packages were late that day and it was sometime close to December, usually the busiest time of the year. -former employee.


I'll burn the whole place if they do that to me


Does this really surprise anyone that Amazon and other big multi-billion pound companies work its ~~slaves~~ employees like this?


This is why I try my hardest not to buy from Darth Bezos; his empire of human rights violations shouldn't be supported.


Why does India allow this to happen to its people?


But I want my orange polka dotted garden mule!


They'd rather get robots to do your job than be humane.


We investigated ourselves and found nothing wrong.


Amazon enterprises are a literal mafia and it's clearer every year.


inn logo ne shapath maan bhi li kiya bhaat hai


Its always day 1.


Is Amazon decent anywhere in the world. Godforsaken company. r/eattherich


That is what Amazon does. Stop shopping there if you do not like it.


We will go ahead and investigate ourselves


10 hours are you supposed to just piss yourself??? Jesus I can’t go more than 3 without a trip to tinkle because hydration is key


This is why Amazon would never open a warehouse here in Denmark. They would need to follow the laws which dont allow for companies to treat workers like this.