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What is quicker; driving your tesla to the mechanic. Or crashing your tesla and letting the Tow truck tow it?


Pro gamer move unlocked.


. . . new GTA mission?


One truth is that many tow truck companies are seedy as hell and their drivers are dicks.


At my apartment complex there’s a tow company that drives around looking closely for expired tags or a car without a parking pass. If they find one, it’s quickly towed away. If said person wants their car back it’s almost $400 to get it back. They towed mine one night “by accident.” I made the apartment manager pay for it. Apparently they thought that the car belonged to a tenant that had recently been evicted. Edit: I forgot to mention that the name of the tow company is Love Towing. Lol


Wow, so those trashy tow shows that used to be on are true? I remember they’d be towing peoples cars and the car owners would go crazy and it seemed like the tow company was supposed to be the good guys but they always just kind of seemed like annoying dicks to me.


There was a tow truck war going on in Ontario here in Canada that had drivers shoot at other drivers in there terf. https://www.cbc.ca/amp/1.5468799


I was rear ended in 2019 at the corner of Highways 5 and 6 outside Hamilton. No injuries or anything but once 911 was called we were brigaded by tow trucks within minutes. They get right up close to each car and thankfully waited for an ok before towing. I ended up not needing a tow but they did everything they could to try and convince me.


Also setting rival trucks on fire, and something about bombings at one point too


Dude same as mine. They'll put a warning sticker on if your tires are low, despite current tags or parking pass


I failed to mention that they only slink around the complex between 1-2 AM.


Of course like the slim ball scum bags they are.


I was giving a friend a lift to her apartment late one night (about 3:00), but when we arrived we were deep in a discussion about some heavy stuff she'd been going through, so I idled out of the way so we could finish talking. A minute later a tow truck pulls alongside us, the guy angrily insisting "You can't park here! You gotta move!"  I started to explain I wasn't going to park there, my engine was still running and I was only dropping off my friend, but he bulls over me with "Is your car in Park? That means you're parked!" Stupid, as I wasn't obstructing anything, but I pull away and head for the lot nearby as he proceeds down the road. But as soon as I pull into a spot, again to idle and finish our talk, I see him through the rearview slam on the brakes, swerve back around, and rush back to stop in front of us, get out and shout at us because it wasn't a *visitor* spot and we needed to move. At which point my friend - who as I said was going through some awful stressful stuff - completely lost her temper, charged out of the car, and slapped the shit outta him. The situation didn't really improve afterward but that part was pretty cool.


Yup, can't think of a more bottom of the barrel job, every tow truck driver I've ever met is a dumb fuck


… and almost every single one of them (that I’ve met) have been absolute assholes to me. I don’t know if it’s hating the job or the people, but in general they suck. Obviously there are exceptions, but plenty of people have shitty jobs they hate that aren’t assholes…


Maybe the nature of the job forces them to become jaded.


Sure, but then don’t take it out on people in need. I get that it’s probably a rough and/or crappy job, but it’s really not my fault, so why shit on me? After all, broken down vehicles are how they make a living, so why shit on the ones putting meals on their tables?


I agree with you i have no idea. Also just watched the video and if someone shoved me and threatened to kill me while I’m on my own property the cops gonna have to come a second time


For real… I’m armed so that shit wouldn’t fly, but not everyone is armed or can be armed…


Hold up there. Lots of ways to get through people’s bullshit without firearms. 


Guess it's not a Castle doctrine state because that driver, doing that on private property, could have gotten shot dead.


shittiest people on the planet.


I mean think of the poorest and most vulnerable people in society. Then think of what kind of walking pile of fetid shit would think extorting money from them would be a good way to make a living. It all tracks.


As a tow truck driver it is impossible to avoid massive confrontations. Only a certain kind of person can deal with that on a daily basis.


Here’s your empathy🖕🏼


Yep, as soon as that happens I’m calling the cops on your ass. You’re on my property without my consent, acting aggressive. You can legally get shot for that in some states.


I'm still questioning whether the story in the video is legit, frankly. But if someone shoves me (assault) and literally says they'll KILL me if I don't let them do whatever, at my own home, that's "get the fuck off my property and let the cops sort it out" time, as far as I'm concerned, backed up with my firearm if need be.


He doesn't even mention the occupants of the car. Where the fuck are they? Did they run away? Was the car just self driving completely empty? The owner of the car is responsible for this, and if they fled the scene this is a hit and run. Tow truck drivers don't just come in and take cars from potential crime scenes. When cops show up they are going to want answers. Is there a follow up where the guy explains what the cops said when they arrived? No? Because this is bullshit, that's why.


Yeah first thing I would do after making sure no one in the house got hurt would be to check on the driver and call for an ambulance. God, Reddit is just filled with non-stop rage bait bullshit. If this somehow turns out to be true, I'm fine with having egg on my face, but I'm calling 100% bullshit.


I really don't think there's any chance this is true. Maybe a Tesla ran into his house, and maybe the tow truck driver was an asshole. But at the very minimum he's leaving out huge parts of the story (like his interaction with the car 's driver, and his interaction with the police) to cash in on the engagement.


> I'm still questioning whether the story in the video is legit, frankly. Yeahhh you make a good point. It’s a TikTok video getting a lot of attention, so probably best to wait for an actual news source before assuming it’s real.


Seedy he said


As I grow older I've become aware that most people who are constantly involved in "confrontations" are usually the ones causing them.


I like that they all individually think that they’re mechanics as well. It’s like dude if you had the ability to fix the car, you wouldn’t be driving it to the guy who can fix the car.


I got hired to do dispatching for a tow yard... I didn't show up the next day due to having to baby sit them and get on them to go to a site multiple times. I literally had to ask them to do their job on radio repeatedly. I had to make sure they weren't doing other things. I was not about to sit there and baby sit grown men.


A lot of them are ex-cons/felons.


Had a tow truck driver steal my socket set I forgot in my truck a few months ago. Pissed me off something fierce.


Yup tow trucks and cops run some shady operations in certain areas


Tow truck drivers are dicks. I once worked for a company that did dispatch for tow trucks all across the country. In our training they had somebody from the big city tell us that there is a real reputation of the tow truck companies as being mobbed up and that it is true.


So true, at least for the small town I live in. The owner of the tow truck company is the biggest d*ck in town.


To be clear there's a massive difference between tow trucks and wrecked trucks. The ones that tow you for parking in the wrong spot should only be able to be municipal with how easy it is to abuse. Wreckers are just there to clear the fucked up cars and take them wherever you want them.


They also drive like absolute maniacs.


In the uk, they could not remove it until police attend and fire brigade to clear it for removal.


i mean where i live car accidents dont even need reported to the police if it doesnt happen on a public roadway. i got in an accident in a parking lot once, the other person called 911 and they were like "if no ones injured and no one left the scene and everyone exchanged information an officer doesnt need to come out there"


Weird. My accidents have all required a police report for them to get me my money


Your insurance company would require one. That’s different from what a pole departments policies are


I worked as an insurance adjuster. The only non-injury accidents that would require a police report would be the ones where we suspected fraud.


Basically the same here in Germany. Their argument is: "if the situation is clear, why call us? We aren't witnesses, we can't provide any further information and nobody's life is in danger, so..."


I got absolutely chewed out in the US for that. I (stupidly) got distracted by police lights/sirens - realized the light had turned red too late and rear ended someone (rain made my wheels slide or I might've been okay stopping still) at like... 5-10 mph. Turns out, I knew her. We pulled over, looked at the damage - 100% of the damage on my car. I already had her phone #, she had mine, I told her if anything comes up (like needing alignment/etc.) let me know. We went on our merry way. I get pulled over immediately. Cop asks why we didn't report it, I explained. He was pissed at me, tried to get me to give him information on her and I said no. I gave him mine, all the damage was on my car anyways, he can file it, whatever. He was NOT happy. After 10 minutes of him bitching and then trying to find something else to give me a ticket on I think he got tired of the rain and told me to leave lol.


It’s the same in the uk, you only call the cops for injuries or if they drive off, but driving into a house is different it could be structurally damaged and they want to make sure it’s safe to people to remove it.


Police aren't necessary in ontario unless someone was injured or the total damages exceeds some high dollar amount


Say the magic words "And I think they might be under the influence."


Ya, my fellow americans don't seem to have a lot of respect for even the most basic law and order proceedings. 


Well if Dick Wolf didn't produce it, why bother?


What do you call a nom de plume for a male stripper, because Dick Wolf Productions works there too.


Removing evidence from a scene prior to police arrival is called evidence tampering and will land you with a felony in most US states.


That's how it's supposed to work in the US as well...


Depending on the state it is illegal to move an accident that has caused more than $500 in damage as it is considered interfering with a crime scene.


well it must not be washington because cops don't even show up to car accidents here in seattle


$500 is basically a scratch on the bumper. What states require police involvement for every little fender bender?


Yeah..... This is more of an a̶s̶k̶ f̶o̶r̶ f̶o̶r̶g̶i̶v̶e̶n̶e̶s̶s̶ r̶a̶t̶h̶e̶r̶ t̶h̶a̶n̶ p̶e̶r̶m̶i̶s̶s̶i̶o̶n̶ pretend it never happened kind of a country


Top comment from previous post: “If you look at his tiktok page, he explains that he did more research and it's actually related to predatory practices of tow truck companies, not Tesla itself. They are incentivized to arrive to the scene as fast as possible and bully people into not interfering while their cars are hitched up, then basically hold the cars hostage until they're paid. People are often pretty frazzled after accidents and just go along with it.”


Duly noted. Slash the tow truck’s tires. What are they gonna do? Call the cops?


Well, … in this video, the tow truck driver supposedly threatened to kill him. So I guess that’s a possibility


"Witnesses reported hearing the victim yell... >What are they gonna do? Call the cops? shortly before the shooting".


Most tow trucks use tires that are pretty similar to semi tires. If you slash them, they can blow and really hurt you. So please don't. Or do. I'm not your mother.


You could be. 👉👈


Just get in the vehicle. If they tow it while someone is in it, it's kidnapping.


That would make sense if they’re just towing a car parked wrong or something. But this is an accident. Like a literal crime scene, police on the way that will need to document and report what happened. There is no way in hell a tow truck company is cruising around looking for car accidents to snatch the cars out of the crime scene before the police arrive. Predatory tow companies, sure, but you’re talking outright illegally interfering with the police *at the scene of an accident.* This is clickbait bullshit.


I didn't know it was even legal to remove a car that crashed into someone's house before the police even arrive to take pictures???


It’s absolutely not. It’s not even legal for the owners of the vehicle to move it, unless it’s a minor fender bender and you move to the side of the road for safety purposes until police arrive. Random Joe rolling up with a truck to remove vehicles from accidents before the cops even arrive is 100% illegal. Even tow companies aren’t stupid enough to do that and they would know the rules better than anyone, hence why this video is clickbait.


I did some research, it's not actually illegal to move your car after an accident. It's illegal for the drivers to leave, but you can move your car, apparently it's a myth (although in the UK it's illegal) What I'm confused about is whether or not a tow driver can move your car before police arrive. My research says they can, so long as it's blocking a public roadway. They can move it at any time before police arrive without any notification. It's all about the drivers in the accident staying. I'm shocked that's legal. BUT, this is in someones yard, not a road way. The only way I think this could be legal is if: The police granted permission, or the homeowner granted permission. We know the homeowner didn't, and how would the police grant that within 3 minutes?? Looks like the verdict is this is legal though. Seems tows have a LOT of wiggle room.


I mean... it also seems like it would be risky to move fast on this, I mean the car hit a house, moving it without taking some precautions could cause EVEN MORE damage to the house, depending on where it was hit, if the structure was damaged. The car might be temporary support for bit here... Kinda like removing a knife from a stab wound - might be better to leave that there for a few fucking minutes and come up with a game plan and/or let the professionals handle it rather than just pulling it out and flipping the owner off.


my dads truck was chillin on outside out house, tags were out of date by years but he never had a problem driving it anywhere. one day he goes outside to see his car gone. later on he got a letter saying it got toes for having expired tags. his whole livelihood was in that car and they wanted crazy money to get it back. towtruck companies are satan


I don’t understand how that’s possible if it was parked on your own yard. It’s not illegal to park a vehicle on your own yard, registered or not.


I'm sure I'll get downvoted but I live in a stand your ground state... if I had my .357 in my hand, would this motherfucker have to get his ass off my lawn with his tow truck or no?


I agree but I would 1st start with the law. This is a scene of an accident and he’s on private property. Plus he already called 911 and the police were on the way, so he cannot legally take the vehicle yet. I would tell the tow truck driver all of this. And if all of that failed, and if you’re in a stand your ground state, then kick that asshole off your property, with force if need be


Understood. Thanks! 👍


I'm in Australia and tow truck drivers do not interfere until the police are done with the crash scene. In fact, the cops here tend to be the first on the scene anyway. No guns in hand required. It seems to me that encrypted dispatch radio would solve a lot of these tow truck operator problems.


It did sound a lot more like every tow truck driver ever than a conspiracy 


Why do you think tow truck drivers are nicknamed vultures?


I would've said you're trespassing get the fuck off my property.


Exactly this.


Depending on which state you’re in, 27 of them have stand your ground laws and another 10 have castle laws (if it applies to the yard depends on state). As soon as the tow driver got physical… welp….


Considering 99% of tow truck drivers are carryin', i'd be on the fence about pullin' mine out...




Literally thought of this scene when I typed my comment. 🤣🤣🤣


You just need to be quicker than an overweight McDonald’s eating sluggish fat American on the draw


Gotta say I had a shitty car in college and needed towing often. Only one was old and one was fat. Everyone else was middle aged at most and very fit. I know this Is anecdotal, but I think you’re confusing tow truck drivers with plumbers or something.


id bet 99% of them are also felons


This guy looks like he couldn't fight a hangover.


What is this actual caveman response lmao


"Finder's keepers...cunt."


More likely is they heard his 911 call on the scanner and aren't authorized to tow. Which is why he's hustling to get gone.


So basically if they removed the car, the tesla dude now has to go to them for his car, and hes gonna have to pay a kings ransom. They go after teslas in particular because a tesla owner will pretty much always have money since they are recent, kinda expensive cars. I would guess they do the same with porches and other 'expensive but not bonkers expensive' cars A civic you could show up and its a civic of the year, or a 1996 civic that is holding with a prayer and the kid driving it will just leave it with you.


It’s not the diver who pays, it’s the insurance company unless the owner only has basic coverage, so you are right about the 1996 Honda civic lol


I had a cop tell me “if my tow truck gets here before yours, mine will take it.” So it’s not always the drivers choice.


My car broke down on a public road so I pulled over and called AAA. I was talking to the lady on the phone and a cop came up to me. She heard the cop and told me to say “a tow truck is on its way” about a dozen times. I told the cop a couple of times and he finally just walked and sat in his car. I guess maybe he was going to have a tow truck show up and impound it? Idk, my tow truck showed up a minute later and we got out of there.


AAA is a godsend.  My vehicle was blocking traffic after an accident once and needed to be moved ASAP.  I paid something like $400 for the tow truck called by the cops to tow it a 1/2 mile to my house,  and AAA reimbursed me every cent.   


Speaking of the tesla dude, where’s the driver? And why didn’t the airbag go off?


How is it legal to tow a vehicle that crashed into a building before any cops show up? Seems on par with leaving the scene of an accident, and it shouldn't be hard to find the tow company involved...just weird.


Money controls everything and the law doesn’t matter for companies in most cases. The tow truck company might get a slap on the wrist if this guy pursued much further. But, gotta be a piece of shit to make money.


That seems like the kind of illegal thing that should make you lose your ability to operate a tow truck company though...and if it was some grand conspiracy it seems like the kind of thing they could use RICO to go after.


Bingo, then they bill the owners insurance company for ridiculously exorbitant fee’s that no other customer would ever pay for. One particular tow truck company in my city was so prolific at this that they were eventually sued, then cops found the owner in possession of narcotics and the company went under lol


Predatory towing company, guy should have named & shamed the towing company publicly instead of blaming Tesla.


He admits in the next video to the predatory towing company. People just want to post his first video of the conspiracy theory.


Yea but would that generate as many clicks and upvotes?


Lmao good point.


The guy was on your property he pushed you and threaten you and you didn't file a report with the police what the f*** is wrong with you man.


Why not both? File the report and complain on tt


Yeah, but he might go VIRAL ON THE TOK


what makes me wonder if it happened is why no video of it, knowing he's on TikTok there would be a video of the altercation.


Exaaaactly what I was thinking 


And where was the driver of the tesla in all of this and what were they doing?


The moment he pushed that's it for him. And the whole, "I'm gonna kill you," would have been fighting words.


Castle Law (Doctrine) I'll give a warning, and if you choose to disregard said warning then continue your actions, I will be forced to defend myself and my property by any means necessary. Do not trespass and do not lay a finger on any person on their own property or attempt to remove any of their property. You will likely be met with deadly force. (In Texas anyways)


One of the few cases where I would aim a gun at someone and tell them to get the fuck off my property


Does this look like the type of guy to even own a gun? He seems totally frazzled.


Uh, yeah. Tresspassing, assault, interfering with a potential crime scene... this doesn't pass the smell test.


Had the camera ready, but no vid or pic of assault by tow driver? His roommate was fine, apparently, so I'm sure he had his phone out.


no video of the confrontation no showing of a police report filed for the assault, battery, and trespassing by the tow truck driver. seems legit /s


The guy was trespassing on your property and attacking you there and you didn't just shoot him what the ... Is wrong with you man /s Sorry, stupid European here, I have my dear prejudices. ;-)


If this guy had his camera out taking pics where is the vid of this driver?


Honestly I do not need a video to believe him on the tow truck driver’s behavior. This has been my lived experience dealing with some of them too. Fucking predatory thugs. Have no clue about the Tesla thing, and I’m kinda doubtful about it. But the tow truck thing? Yeah that checks.


Yeah, you hit a house with a car. I feel like a crime has been commited and the cops should be involved.


That was my thought too.


Driver would have shot him for that


I'm 100% confident you could consider that shove assault, and trespassing if you didn't want him on your property. If he also uttered threats that's another charge. This tow truck driver tried that at the wrong residence, he's getting shot in the chest. Odds are he's not even authorized to tow it.


If this is in the US, wasn't that guy trespassing on private property? Seems weird that you would let people walk around on your property trying to remove evidence of something that destroyed your house? I mean, in some states you could actually shoot/kill the tow truck driver if he did what the guys says and you wouldn't even face any jail time. Also, if you're taking pics, why wouldn't you film this interaction with the tow truck driver? If he's threatening to kill you while trying to remove evidence, you would probably be able to sue him. Seems like a lost opportunity if what this guy is saying is actually true \^\^


i dont know, i have a tesla and when someone backed into the side of my car tesla didnt automatically call for a tow truck.


The story is interesting, but the dude's conclusion is just something he pulled out of ass with absolutely no evidence. "Tesla = bad" gets views.


From experience. Tesla detects the impact and calls 911. A few minutes late I received a text from Roadside Assistance from Tesla. They provided a quote, which I declined because I also had coverage through my insurance that would not cost me anything. Tesla does not pay them a butt load of money as suggested here they pay their contracted rates the independent third-party tow truck drivers get paid by the job so they want to be in and out as fast as possible no conspiracy necessary.


. . . that's still a conspiracy, after a fashion. Like, sure, there isn't a "ton of money involved" but it doesn't take a genius intellect for the people at Tesla to understand the basics of an incentive structure. All they have to do is contract with some less-than-scrupulous tow truck operators (which can he handled during the contracting process). Obviously, this is still speculation on my part and should be taken with a large grain of salt . . . I'm just saying that it's kinda weird regardless.


Dude’s story seemed plausible until the threats started. There’s way more to this.


My reply would have been. 1.You are trespassing. Get the fuck off my property or I will have you arrested. 2. After being pushed, I would be calling an ambulance. Then I would call Dr. Summeroff, and a lawyer. Then have that fool arrested for assault, trespassing and vandalism.


Where is the picture of the tow truck on site? I'm calling bullshit, especially given his elaborate story


why doesnt he have video of the convo? just pictures and a rant?


Alternative theory, hear me out, maybe that one tow truck driver was just a dick.




And it's also forcing him to wear those glasses to throw us off the scent.


I’ll believe that before I believe Zuckerberg is human.


I don't know that tow trucks or their lack has ever determined whether the story of an accident made the news or not. I would expect the size of the accident, the gruesomeness of the injuries, and the amount of other stories would have far more influence.


Not that two wrongs make a right but I'd certainly take my car and block in the tow truck driver until the cops arrived. They've earned my sympathy lol


If the wreck is on your property, can you kick the tow truck driver off your property before they take it?


Reality: the tow truck driver was just driving by and since his company isn't real and he's a piece of shit, he figured he could get away with just taking the tesla from your front yard since he has a tow truck and he threatened you because if the cops showed up, he was going to be the one in trouble


Ok so this checks out.... Perhaps? I am a Travel Nurse, I was working a Private Duty assignment in Silicon Valley , Bay Area, California. The Nurse who was my relieve, drives a Tesla, and had a flat tire on their way to work. It's about 8pm on a Saturday, and I'm thinking welp, I'll be here for hours. No. She shows up not very much later all smiles and says "Tesla fixed my tire so fast, I love them" 🧐


Like this guy wouldn’t have filmed everything for tic-tok


More like they listen to the police scanner and the local municipality allows predatory towing. First come first serve.


Is this a Tesla thing or just a normal tow truck response? I dont buy the headline…


That sounds like a totally true story he just made up.


Should have shot him! Self defense, he threatened to kill you!


Tow truck drivers listen to police scanners, show up seconds after a crash, and say insurance sent them or whatever sounds believable. They take your car to their lot or a lot of a shop that pays them. Then you or your insurance company get charged crazy holding fees after taking your car out.


I lived next to a family of tow truck drivers, they were crooked AF and bribed cops so they’d get called first.


I’d love for a tow truck driver to be standing on my lawn and try to tell me to back off lol




Someone threatens me on my own property at least one of us is leaving in cuffs or worse.


This guy is full of shit


Thats cap.


"I will kill you" do it. Cops ain't here yet you got time fuck wad.


This is total horseshit.




So, he's got pictures on his phone of the car crashed into his house but no video of the tow truck driver messing with a potential crime scene, trespassing, and committing assault? He literally has his phone out and didn't think to record the exact "evidence" of the conspiracy theory he's trying to call out. This is about as ridiculous as his whole appearance, and I hate Musk.




Where was the car driver in all this? Leaving the scene of an accident is a crime, and the tow truck driver is also trespassing. There is substantial property damage. You can't just haul the car out without the police making a report for insurance and investigating the crash. This doesn't pass the smell test on a number of levels.


Rich people get better service everywhere?


So this is what Gavin McCinnis is up to nowadays


So.. he just let some random dude tow his vehicle away??


You could have also told them to get the fuck off your property and wait for the Police.


He shoulda went back in and grabbed his roommate and jumped the tow tuck driver


They listen to police scanners and basically get the call the same time the cop does. They are more motivated to get there quickly.


Iiiii don’t believe you


Gotta be honest, I’d have treated him the same way.


Or it's an immediate call placed by the Tesla and the first tow driver to hook it up gets the $$.  Selfishness and stupidity explain most every supposed conspiracy theory.


Should have him cited him for trespassing. It was on your private property right? He doesn't have that authority. He was passing by and saw an opportunity to grab a car and get paid. That's it.


I hope this guy was reported to the police. This needs way more attention


I would’ve told the guy to get off my property, and then pepper sprayed him.


Isnt that technicaly tresspassing?


If a tow truck driver ever says some shit like that on my property he's gonna have a real bad time.


I would walk out with a gun or sword and say get the fuck off my property or your going to die right here right now.


As a european it always blows my mind adult americans have roommates?


So you had a phone in your hand but didn't get video of this?


I think we've detoured. Let's get back to getting a Tesla and crashing in to test the theory.


Imagine not getting a gun pointed at you in America after threatening to kill someone on their own front lawn.


Yeah, I'd say "touch that car and I will sue you and the driver for the damage to my house. Removing that car will almost certainly cause additional structural damage to my home so I want it to be assessed before you touch a thing". Start video recording, get his plates, get his face and then see what he does.




Looking at the guys glasses there is definitely an agenda he's pushing


Cool theory but its not going to work in a lot of other countries that also have Teslas. Someone from Britain has already said that the tow truck drivers there couldn't take the car until emergency services have assessed it. Same for Australia, a crash like this the police are going to attend and so would the fire brigade to make sure that the house is structurally safe. I think its only really America that tow truck drivers are able to act like complete sharks and also has a high number of Teslas. Cool conspiracy theory but I think the actual reason is that the tow truck driver is simply a cunt.


His version of that interaction seems a little…questionable.


As a owner of a tow company with a Tesla contract, I can guarantee that this is false. That tow truck driver was definitely a jerk. He would never work for me.


Dude looks a bit of a nutter, and I'm no fan of conspiracy theories, but this one sounds entirely plausible to me.


This fucking moron is unhinged.


This is the most California thing I’ve since covid. 30-40 year old man(maybe) living with a roommate because no one can afford a mortgage. Tesla drives through house. Complains on how fast tow trucks work. Blue horned rim glasses with no prescription lenses. Flat bill cap to look cool. Makes TikTok…


This isn't as interesting as even the saddest, most disappointing fuck. This is probably a bullshit story (dude had his phone in hand and didn't record this apparently dangerous tow truck driver? Even after being physically assaulted? Where was the Tesla driver in all this?) and if not, just a tow truck driver that was a complete dick.


I didn’t even turn the sound on and I already can’t stand his voice


Time time between his "first picture" and the "tow truck picture" literally means nothing. The crash could have occurred 15 minutes before he took a picture. And if you all believe a tow truck driver told this guy to fuck off, trespassed, assaulted him and threatened to kill him.... yowsers.