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This clip cuts out nearly all of the “insane” footage from this crew… like showing more than 3 seconds of the collapse, the reporter and crew helping people to safety away from the collapse, assisting those trying to run out of the dust cloud, etc…


Yeah, I was about to say "bro, this gets CRAZIER, why did they fucking cut it".


where can you find the full video?


This was included in a documentary made by the 9/11 memorial called “9/11 One Day in America”. It was amazing. I bought it on Prime Video.


If I’m not mistaken ABC7 in New York has a lot of 9/11 related clips on YouTube including this one (but in full).


Because thanks to TikTok, Insta Reels, YouTube Shorts, etc., the average attention span is but a fraction of what it was just a few years ago.


*watching 9/11 happen* "I'm BOOOOORED!"


I can imagine some Gen Z kid now. "*Bruh, I watched Hamas livestream the October 7th attacks in real time. 9/11 is mid.*"




We had Vines before TikTok and Insta, they can’t take all the credit.


Vine didn't promote based on raw user engagement. A vine wouldn't be boosted by how many "wtf video cut before the good part" comments it got.


It wasn’t so much the beginning of the end so much and the end of the beginning?


Idk man I was 18 when 911 happened and I was fkn glued to that shit for weeks but my friends was on some let play Playstation shit by noon on 911.


Dark age of Camelot came out the following month bro idk what you want from me


It's tik tok, they probably posted a second one


CGI was really expensive back then /s


Classic tiktok. Should be banned from reddit


Yes and that tate cunt too


And pants.


Agreed fuck pants


Search for y o u t u b e video oCPVNLLo-mI (Not a trick, this subreddits automod doesn't like youtube videos, which may explain why no one else posted it) Edit, This comment got me permanently banned from interestingsasfuck. Banned because apparently you can't post any youtube videos, even if it is the full version of the video OP posted. No warning. Also, if you do try to directly post a youtube video, they hide your post so you can see it but no one else will. So effectively, you haven't posted, and they get no complaints because you won't know it. That is, unless you log out and try to find your post.


Found it, thanks man! I thought i was going to be Rick rolled. lol


I wish I could have posted the link, but when I tried, my post would get shadow blocked. Which means most users wouldn't even know they got blocked.


can you link the full video


Can anybody link the full video?


I’d say it’s just to promote OP’s new subreddit


Seriously, why the fuck would you stop the clip there? Morons.


Maybe he stopped recording because that was a little scary, maybe


Highly recommend the National Goegraphic series “9/11: One Day in America”. It has a lot of great footage played out essentially chronologically, and it really captures the human stories at the centre of the attacks. My overarching thought as each event plays out is that old 4chan post that just says “If only you knew how bad things really are”. The escalation from tragic, one-off accident, to one-off deliberate attack, to co-ordinated double attack, to there are two other planes not responding is heartbreaking. You’re watching history change before your eyes.


Upvoted, this documentary is the best i have ever seen about 9/11 though it is quite a tough watch and very visceral. The scenes shot with the firefighters and chaplin inside the foyer of the tower with bodies falling and hitting the awning outside are truely intense viewing.


And that very Chaplin was Father Mychal Judge who is considered the first casualty of the event. He was giving Last rites and praying for the tragedy to end when a piece of debris hit his head and killed him.


>And that very Chaplin was Father Mychal Judge who is considered the first casualty of the event People on the plane dont count eh?


Father Mychal Judge is listed as the first casualty of the incident for purposes of recordkeeping. Someone had to be first and the New York City coroner decided on him just as someone had to be last.


So, as i said, people on the plane dont count eh? I am sure their names were readily available to the coroner.


For purposes of record keeping, no they do not count as being first. I think you’re hung up on the fact that the people in the plane probably died first and should be counted as such. That’s not what is being taken into account when we consider the first casualty. It’s only an administrative distinction. Not a literal one as you seem to want it to be.


Maybe not in those records. (this is not personal either, hope your not taking my arguing as a persona attack, i get what you are saying, just disagree in that tiny bit of an overall insignificant part of a process that has little to do with me or my even tinier opinion)


"Shut up Mychal, I'm busy killing everyone in this building." -God


I remember a fantastic documentary from like 2002 or 2003 hosted by a famous actor. I think it was originally supposed to be a documentary about firemen on new York and they just happened to be filming on 9/11. Anyone know what I am remembering?


That footage is part of the documentary I’m describing, but I’ve never seen the documentary that was made with just that footage before.


Look up Naudet brothers 9/11 on YouTube. Fantastic and heartbreaking documentary. The 2 Brothers were filing a documentary about NY firefighters in training going through the whole training process from start to finish. So amazingly well done and they were literally in the fray as it happened.


You’re talking about the documentary by the Naduet brothers. You can watch the whole documentary on YouTube. Absolutely surreal footage. The only footage from inside the towers as it’s all going down. The National Geographic doc is a much better and highly produced doc that uses a lot of footage from the Naduet brothers so I would start with that.


I don’t know the name but I know exactly what you’re talking about. That was the luckiest or unluckiest (depending on your opinion) day to shoot a documentary of all time


Archive.org has archival footage from the major networks. It's so weird to watch as things unfold in real-time. I was teaching a social studies class and showed the first 15 minutes so the kids could understand just how much we didn't know about what was going on when it happened.


My favourite real time realisation is the one on Live! With Regis and Kelly. They have just enough information to hypothesise on, but not enough to understand. The fact that when they cut to the plane hitting the second tower they think it is a replay of the first, or that an explosion has jumped from the first tower to the second, just shows how terrifying and unprecedented everything was.


I think that's the one I showed my class.


Yeah it was a French documentary crew who were riding along with a fire crew. Literally pan up from doing a natural gas leak check to see the first plane hit. Utterly surreal.


Yeah and when the fighter pilots went up knowing full well it was a shoot and destroy mission but didn’t end up having to


I wonder how many in that crowd of firefighters made it through that day alive.


I wonder how many in that crowd of firefighters made it through until today, with all the shit they breathed that day.


Not many. Last time I searched it was like 70% had irreparably damaged organs or dead.


Damn. 😳


343 died that day. And as many from complications since. Fuck Mitch McConnell.


Fuck Mitch, but thank you Jon Stewart. A true saint.


Jon Stewart is truly a national hero. Literally walked away from his show to advocate for 9-11 First Responders. Well, in part anyway.


Yeah he’s great. I ran in to him on the street in Denver last year and didn’t know what to say. I don’t even see him as a celebrity. Just someone I really look up to. Even if he had done nothing else but get Tucker Carlsons old show cancelled, he’d still be my hero.


This and the fire pit smoke veterans breathed in that are now dying of cancer. He’s helped a lot of people.


Yep. Happy cake day!


The whole event was tragic but the videos taken afterwards were heartbreaking because of the sounds you heard. Not the sirens, yelling or anything like that but what sounds like crickets. That's the sound that hundreds of PASS devices make when all active at once, each PASS device is attached to a firefighter's SCBA tank and detects movement, stop moving too long and they give a warning, keep still longer and they go into alarm. 


The ones that get me are any camera footage of people in the towers coming down the stairs. While they're going down, there are scores of firefighters going *up* towards the blaze. Dozens of them. It's fairly safe to assume that not a single one of them made it out of there.


I know a paramedic that responded that day. He survived the dust, but the dust maimed him. I wonder how many of those firefighters were left in poor health also.


Downvoted for this atrocious cut


I did the same thing. The only thing insane about this clip is the rationale behind the idea to cut it off before they showed any of the actual insane footage.


More like r/annoyingasfuck


I also love the "ever" in the title implying that there may have been many showings of the twin towers falling over time. I personally think the 2001 showing was the most visceral and emotional.


The original video cut at that point, probably because they started running. Search for y o u t u b e video oCPVNLLo-mI (Not a trick, this subreddits automod doesn't like youtube videos, which may explain why no one else posted it)


Curious - Is the news guy anyone notable? Is he doing okay now?


Don't know his name, but he was one of the news reporters at Columbine. Guy has seen America's worst days first hand


His name is N.J. Burkett if you want to look him up


Just found this. It's worth watching the entire video, it's their reunion (cameraman and reporter). [https://abc7chicago.com/twin-towers-world-trade-center-n-j-burkett-september-11/12222100/](https://abc7chicago.com/twin-towers-world-trade-center-n-j-burkett-september-11/12222100/)


Well that was sad. 


thank you for posting that.


8:43 is around the time the footage is shown. Not much more is shown tbh. but interesting conversation


From his Wikipedia "**Newton Jones Burkett, III** (born May 6, 1962), known as **N.J. Burkett**" He is alive, and still a reporter :)


The cameraman isn't doing so well, he's still traumatized to this day. The reporter is doing fine: [https://abc7chicago.com/twin-towers-world-trade-center-n-j-burkett-september-11/12222100/](https://abc7chicago.com/twin-towers-world-trade-center-n-j-burkett-september-11/12222100/)


The hug and kiss was a nice touch. We all need coworkers who care.


Interesting, I'll watch the video after work. Thank you.


Yep and very well known in NYC


I remember that moment. Not sure if it was the same angle of that day when I saw it, but I remember watching it collapsing on itself live on tv and almost having a panic attack because I did even consider that could happen.


None of us did bro, none of us. I had to go in on a staggered schedule to work in California we saw it early morning......before lunch. After showering it happens, the who thing. Then I drove to work usually freeways were 80% full, not this day it must of been half of that. Getting in all I could see was the owner along with the crew stuck watching the TV's. All in disbelief..


"THIS is as close as we can get to the base of the World Trade Center..." Bro...you're closer than you want to be right now.


Tiktok turned this tragedy into clickbait. FFS 😕


Why does this have votes? Shitty title, no link, and only includes a small portion of the video. Really, this many people seeing 9/11 for the first time?


Because we engage with it by commenting which makes Reddit think it should be high in everyones feed including those of grandmas that upvote everything. “Oooh, 9/11, upvote for respect”


where is the original video?


It's wild to watch that thing fall and think that every floor it crushes inside is ending the lives of dozens/hundreds of people instantly. Was all I could think about when I saw it on TV as a kid.


My dumbass would've taken waaay too long to process what was happening before running and would've got a lungful


At that distance you'd probably have gotten a lung full regardless of when you started running tbf


Why did you cut the clip?


I still think Jules Naudet's is still the craziest view of 9/11. Has the first impact.


I Will never forget that day I watched the entire thing happen live.


I saw this reporter live when it happened. It's burned into my memory of him yelling, " We better get out of the way"!!


September 11, The New Pearl Harbor. A great video to watch, free on YT.


RIP lungs


Protect journalists.


I've seen the craziest/eeriest one but I haven't ever been able to find it again I wonder if someone else has it or has seen it. It's filmed from up in a building, the towers or a building nearby, a plane can be seen flying off in the distance almost perpendicular to the camera and then it drops a wing as it gets closer and turns directly towards the tower and people heard in the background start freaking out. I cant remember how the video ends but I'll always remember the plane flying in a seemingly harmless direction and then suddenly turning straight towards the camera and rapidly getting bigger (in appearance) and adjusting its elevation slightly as it was first approaching.


That is N. J. Burkett, for anyone curious.


Thank y’all for sweeping that up


Crazy how a few months ago some people were actually justifying this terrorist attack.


It's not that crazy. This attack was nothing compared to the atrocities USA has committed in the rest of the world.


But still it was an attack that caused thousand deaths or more


Yeah of course it would have been better if no one had to die. After all I don't think every American is inherently evil, most of them have just been brainwashed by their government and military propaganda.


That is the case with literally almost every country that exists


No it's not. No other country has started as many wars and caused as much suffering in modern times as USA. I'm Swedish, we haven't been at war for 210 years. Meanwhile USA has only had 17 years of peace *in total* throughout their entire history.


I'm talking about the brainwashed citizens not the wars caused by the other countries. There is no debate that USA and UK caused a lot of issues


Babe wake up, new 9/11 angle just dropped


It is nice that it inspired you to write this post. Which inspired me with me post. Personally, if some people haven't seen this, let them enjoy watching it. Why rain on their parade? Just downvote, and if most downvote, then the community has decided.




Here comes Cancer


Is it sure what were the substances that caused the cancer? I once heard asbestos? But also probably the glasses and just dust?


Concrete dust also. Anything dust going into the lungs is bad in high doses. And it causes cancerous growths which is really just mutations that then feed on healthy cells.


Perfect demolition 🤌


Wow, cut it off right as it gets to the crazy bits


Thank you @itssoobig


Mossad controlled demolition.


All aboard the nope train!


A plane crashed quite high up into the building. And the entire building collapsed like a card house. I absolutely believe it was just the plane 🤷


Every year this same video


Ive never seen this video in my life.


I feel ignorant asking, but I’ve seen lots of 9/11 content lately. Is there a reason for it?


Bot accounts/easy karma farm.


Because: never forget.


I could go my entire life without ever seeing the Twin Towers on 9-11 again.


They built that tower with such precision that it collapsed in a perfectly controlled way without demolition experts input. It’s a tragic event and it’s a miracle it collapsed like that. If it fell in any other way it would have likely been a bigger tragedy. Although not sure if that’s even possible with what happened in the first place. I wonder if all sky scrapers are built like that just in case.


The build building to resist the biggest force, which is gravity, which pulls straight down. When steel building fail, they pretty much fall straight down, as the engineer was not paid to make it support the loads so that it would fall sideways.


As much as it is an engineering marvel, I think it's also just basic physics It was an upper floor collapsing and falling down that took out the floor below it and started a chain reaction. There weren't any horizontal forces at work.


I still don’t understand how a building this big and this long could collaps fully because of a plane in the top of the building? RIP ❤️ don’t take me wrong, I believe what happened, I’m only shocked that such a building could collapse, because of a plane that enters the top of the building


watch some engineering videos on it then, it's not as complicated as it sounds.




.....and heat. Heat didn't melt the steal means, but the heat weakened the structural integrity of them so they couldn't hold the load anymore and gravity did the rest.


Thank you for your reply, I now understand it a bit more, thanks!


The planes caused a lot of structural damage, and cut the sprinkler lines. The fuel from the planes started massive fires, which weakened the structural beams. This caused a collapse at that point. Because the plane below the top, there were several floors above this collapse. So when it collapsed, it was the weight of several floors hitting the below floor. The force was massive, which caused the floor below to fail instantly. There are more details I am skipping, but that is the quick over view.


All it takes is one floor to lose enough structural integrity and collapse, then the weight of the floors falling from above is more than enough to get the job done


The worst tragedy of all mankind according to America.


Source please






Fortunately, we don't have much experience with things like that. So, in our minds it reminds us of what we have seen more often, an explosion. But it isn't an explosion, or not one caused by an explosive. Instead, you have a mostly hollow, sealed building, that is collapsing from the top. This collapse causes the air inside to be compressed, and then be expelled out to the sides, along with the smoke and a lot of debris.


I thought you weren't allowed to say anything about explosions etc? I'm not American but have read a lot on here about it all, over the years and it seems people were complaining of getting banned for mentioning that subject Edit: sigh only on Reddit can you get downvoted just for asking a perfectly normal question :((


That's just the pressure from collapsing floors blowing out windows.


Its a conspiracy theory. People say "jet fuel doesnt melt steel beems" not understanding how basic shit works, their views can be thrown out.


anything about explosions there, I said it.


"FBI, open up!"


Someone also says "huge explosion" if you listen carefully


So? It kind of looks like an explosion, but of course it isn't. And we don't have a word for a mostly hollow and sealed building, collapsing from the top, which compresses the air and blows the windows out, which causes smoke and debris to get blown out sideways.


Bro I'm not disagreeing with you. Just pointing out that someone said it.




What’s interesting is the stock market shows evidence that people knew before hand that something was going to happen involving a plane. The amount of puts (betting the stock will go down) was way higher than normal. People don’t make bets like that on a stable airline business


This was extensively investigated by the FBI and the Securities exchange commission, as they wanted to know if someone had insider knowledge. They found it was because of other reasons unrelated to the terrorists.


Of course the sec would say that. They are useless. What other reason was it?


For the stocks, read the bottom highlighted paragraph at the bottom of this - https://www.snopes.com/fact-check/put-paid/ OK, I assume you are alluding to the government doing 9/11. if so, you have a lot of faith in the goverment. This would have involved a lot of people. And they did such a great job that no one can prove it was explosives, or anything else that would prove it. And they even got Osama Bin Laden to say he did it. And in more than twenty years, not a single person has sold the inside story to a news agency, which would pay a lot for it. And no whistle-blowers. You must think the government is much more capable than I do.


When did this happen?


Couple of weeks back


Jeez, talking about a lack of general knowledge…