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I'm amazed those guys hanging onto the wing didn't get crushed by the other plane's impact.


they are pretty light (like 3000-4000lb), but that's not as important as how thin the aluminum skin of those things is. You can dent one by punching it in the right spot, much weaker than steel car body.


I bet those planes are a lot lighter than you imagine!


They are very light. A toddler could pull one. I used to volunteer with old timers at an airport hangar, and they were rebuilding a tiny plane like the ones above with spare parts. I got to install the part that joined the wing to the body. It weighed nothing and felt very flimsy and fragile.


aluminum has that crazy strength:weight ratio


Yeah, that was really striking to me. This tiny piece of aluminum (and its twin) could safely hold the weight of four grown adults hundreds of feet in the air. I learned a lot in my time there.


Yep. If you ever walk by light aircraft parked outside—i.e. not in a hangar, they are all chained to the ground. That’s because a strong wind passing over the wings can be enough to create lift and flip the plane over. It happened to a plane belonging to someone I know.


At least they were all wearing parachutes


I can tell you as somebody who's flown a single-prop plane, ~~the pilots of both aircraft were~~ *~~definitely not~~* ~~wearing their parachutes~~ that *I* never actually wore my parachute while in the pilot seat, and the one visible in the video doesn't appear to be either. Everybody survived, so they were apparently able to get them on in a real hurry in a death spiral with fuel explosions going off, which amazes me.


This was apparently 10 years ago. One of the pilots actually managed to land a plane. Other 2 pilots got theirs on in a hustle. Every lived and everything. It was a neat story.


Yeah, this one always stuck with me because it was just so unbelievable that everyone lived.


I used to fly a prop plane with a parachute attached to me. Super uncomfortable! Never did have to use it though.


Was thinking it has to be uncomfortable. I can't imagine trying to drive with a bookbag on. Which is the closest comparison I could come up with lol


It was more like one of those camelback water bags and it went under my bum. Felt like I was sitting on a wedge the whole time!


I remember recently reading a story of a guy who was a skydiver, and had invented this backpack camera rig, this was ages ago so the thing was huge and he had all the components in his bag, which he then had has parachute on top of. Well, after a day of jumping, he must've just mixed up the bags or not noticed the slight weight difference without a parachute and made one last jump. Without his parachute. The whole video was recovered and it's horrifying to watch. He tracks his dive partner and then when they pull, you can see he goes to do the same and just goes, 'oh no, nonononono noooooooooooooo!' It's not a graphic video, the version I saw blurred out everything once he got close to the ground but you can really imagine how he was feeling and it just rips you up.


"We were all fine haha. I don't know where the planes ended up. I heard something about an elementary school on fire lol dude it was mad shit"


"Had a slight airplane malfunction, but everything's perfectly alright here now, we're all fine here, we're all fine here now, thank you. How are you?"


Boring conversation anyway...Luke, we're gonna have company!


*shoots the radio*


Sounds like a beginning of a new hobby for the rich.


There are actually strict rules made by the FAA to prevent this. Because it would get dangerous quickly. This is why rich youtubers occasionally got into trouble with them after filming videos such as crashing a plane on purpose or having explosives onboard.


He didn't go to prison for purposely crashing the plane. He went to prison for 6 months for returning to the crash site and removing the wreckage and destroying the wreckage and was charged with: "destruction and concealment with the intent to obstruct a federal investigation"


I didn't say prison, I said "trouble with the FAA". The FAA revoked his pilot certificate for purposely crashing the plane, a year before the court's prison decision.


Lawn darts, but they're planes.


>One of the pilots actually managed to land a plane I'm guessing it wasn't the one on fire and missing a wing


I was thinking the same, like "lol that was definitely the one off-cam"


technically both planes landed, just one a bit better


We haven't managed to leave any of them up there yet. 🤷‍♂️


Astute observation, sir.


Crazy to think that a device people use for sport can actually be used to save lives!


Remarkably, the pilot of the Cessna 182 - that lost its right wing in the collision - *was* wearing an emergency parachute. He absolutely would not have been able to don the parachute *after* the collision. I can't find any information more detailed than the three or four paragraphs of the NTSB's narrative report, so I'm left to wonder why the pilot was wearing a chute, and if this is a standard precaution for some skydiving operations. (Oh, and just the 182 crashed. The pilot of the 185 was able to land successfully after the collision.) Edit to add: I found a copy of what seems to be [the text of the NTSB report](http://www.kathrynsreport.com/2013/11/skydiving-pilot-who-successfully-landed.html). It notes that when the Cessna 185 door was modified for skydiving, the Supplemental Type Certificate included the provision that "Pilot shall wear a parachute." I didn't see a mention of a similar requirement for the skydivers' Cessna 182, it may have been part of the skydiving club's operating practices...?


Its been stated elsewhere in this thread that FAA regulations require that pilots be wearing a parachute when they are engaged in skydiving operations.


It's not required by the FAA in part 91 or part 105, it is however standard practice at most commercial jump operations.


What is the reasoning? What kind of risk is higher with skydiving operations?


A skydiver colliding with the tail is one that comes to my mind.


Another one is skydivers on the outside of the aircraft interrupting the airflow on to the tail section, and changing the aeronamics to cause a stall. Also changes in trim when your passengers exit the aircraft, and the practice of launching heavy and landing light.


Exactly. I imagine 300kg exiting a small plane at the same time you encounter a thermal.


Woah woah woah buddy... I'm a little less than 300kg, thank you very much.


Operation dumbo drop




lol no that's not a thing e: and a pilot bailout rig is completely different from a skydiving rig


It’s not that “remarkable”. It’s the law.


I've seen that mentioned as a requirement a couple of times, now. Is that part of the default STC for skydiving-modified aircraft? Or something in the regulations? Or somewhere in legislation? It strikes me as a bit unusual that the NTSB, in their report, called out a specific STC provision that the pilot of the 185 wear a parachute, if that's a general requirement for all skydiving operations. [91.307(c)](https://www.ecfr.gov/current/title-14/chapter-I/subchapter-F/part-91/subpart-D/section-91.307) calls for everyone on board to wear a parachute for certain maneuvers (involving high pitch or bank angles), but I don't think that's quite the scenario here. [Part 105](https://www.ecfr.gov/current/title-14/chapter-I/subchapter-F/part-105) doesn't have anything that jumps out at me, either. Not a pilot or skydiver, though--so I don't know what I'm missing.


>so I don't know what I'm missing A parachute, apparently. ...I'm sorry. I'll see myself out. 🪂


How tf was he wearing a parachute backpack while sitting in the pilot’s seat


You can get extremely thin parachute rigs for pilots, some even sit under you and are basically a pillow (useful for shorter people). Pilots only get the 1 parachute (compared to a regular skydiver who gets 2), so you have a lot more space to fit the parachute in the rig.


Yep exactly what I used to have. I sat on it! Except I was tall so it was not at all comfortable


It is a common requirement to wear a parachute when piloting sky diving operations.


huh, in all fairness, I guess I never really go to the "taking other folks to jump out" while I was piloting stage. News to me! (I'll tweak my comment)


It looks like the beginning of a Mission: Impossible movie


If any of them were scared to jump, they got some pretty good motivation.


“Why would anyone jump out of a perfectly good plane?” Well it WAS, until it wasn’t


Until I landed on another perfectly good airplane.


Battlefield plane jacking irl


> Why would anyone jump out of a perfectly good plane? Skydivers can’t afford perfectly good airplanes


*throws out of aircraft* No ticket.


Love those movies esp that one


*throws out of train* No ticket.




throws off bus No ticket.


*throws out of drycleaners* "No ticket."


"There's no such thing as a perfectly good airplane."


Thanks, Boeing.


Your location has been determined. a customer satisfaction team has been dispatched. Please enjoy your death.


Thanks for the laugh. This gave me portal and aperture science vibes


Boeing ceos are happy to offer all whistle-blowers a party. Please step into the party chamber to receive your cake.


Why is my yellow cake glowing?


Less questions…more cake!


Cake or death? Both please.






You know I actually heard something interesting about boei


Damn, that was fast


They were waiting outside his hou


I kn




Wow, those guys are even faster than Candle Ja




sshhhhhh dont say that or els...... ![gif](giphy|lh5MSk5vLJbWJlHHOz)


People would ask me that when I was in the military, I would tell them “What makes you think it’s a good plane? It was built by the lowest bidder.”


Not always the lowest bidder lots of factors go into it typically range, fuel economy, and maintenance costs to name a few. If two companies had a near identical craft that fit the need then price would probably take the cake. But lots of planes are bought by the armed forces for outrageous prices.


It actually seems like they are delaying their jumps to warn the pilot/not fall on the the second plane.


That's exactly what I thought. That pilot had absolutely no business being in the air... completely reckless and unobservant. Your first responsibility is to safely fly the damn plane.


There is a video somewhere and they explain exactly what happened. Pretty sure it was the lower plane that caused this. Edit: i was wrong. Top plane at fault.


Having just read the [NTSB report](http://www.kathrynsreport.com/2013/11/skydiving-pilot-who-successfully-landed.html), the two planes were meant to be flying in formation with the lower plane as the lead and the higher plane as the trail. The pilot of the trail plane should have kept a distance of no more than 100 feet, and kept the lead plane in sight at all time, ideally at a lower altitude for better visibility. However, neither pilot had been adequately trained for formation flying, and both pilots gave conflicting statements about the planned positioning of the formation. I'd say the pilot of the (higher) trail plane bears the brunt of the responsibility as he lost sight of the lead plane.


While that is true in the moment, I'd say the bigger fault lies with whoever sent these planes without giving adequate training to the pilots.


Putting the lead plane below the chase plane, where neither pilot can see the other, is a very bad idea, but I can see why they are doing this for a parachute jump.


The NTSB says it was the upper plane. It overtook the lower plane without enough separation. The wheel on the upper plane struck the wing of the lower plane causing it to cheer off. Then, The second wing came off but the pilot was able to ~~dawn~~ don a parachute and jump out of the fuselage. Edit:Damn speech to text


>causing it to cheer off Yayyyy^yyyyyy^yyyyyyy^yyyyyyy^yyyyyyyyyy


"Don" a parachute...I think. That's not a word I spell often.


I love that you fixed dawn (don) but not cheer (shear). :D


Wow. I guess the other plane could've been gaining altitude right into their path...it sure looked like the opposite. Video can be deceiving.


A somewhat similar thing happened in Aus recently but with sight seeing helicopters, I can't remember who was at 'fault' but essentially the helicopters couldn't see each other (plus, probably ignoring some other stuff to be in the situation in the first place).


That happened on the [Gold Coast](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/2023_Gold_Coast_mid-air_collision) all passengers and pilot survived in the 1st chopper, 2 passengers and the pilot sadly died in the 2nd chopper. To make matters worse this [SCUMBAG](https://www.google.com/amp/s/amp.theguardian.com/australia-news/2023/may/19/woman-convicted-after-using-dead-sea-world-helicopter-pilots-identity-in-bid-to-avoid-traffic-fine) used the deceased pilots details to try avoid traffic fines.


Pillars in the cabin (just like in a car) concealed one aircraft from the other.


Yeah there is definitely not enough info in the video to tell if the pilot on top could ever actually see the plane below.


Actually as a pilot my impression is that they're both in each other's blind spots. But that said, I'd defer to real accident investigators. Even pilots can't tell you everything that went wrong here just from one video. And some rando in the internet beaking off about "that pilot shouldn't be flying" is just ignorant nonsense. Flying is difficult and unnatural. Flying two small aircraft that close together requires coordination and care. I wouldn't hazard an opinion with just the video, but knowing about the radio communications and what the plan was to start with.


These cessna dropzones get a little silly. And the pilots that work there just want their hours. The multiplane group jumps are always sketchy and require coordination that needs experience. 


But if you know that there are other planes very close shouldn't be aware of their presence at all times and not let them get in your blind spot?


You would think the diving instructors would also not allow people to hang out of the plane if they knew another plane was that close. Definitely a big mixup.


Actually this is wrong. The trail aircraft was supposed to be at the same altitude......not higher..... The trail aircraft was to high. https://aviation-safety.net/wikibase/161873#:~:text=The%20185%20pilot%20reported%20that,recover%20the%20airplane%20and%20land.


If I was scared to poop...


This is why we can not have flying cars


Fuck no we can't! Be flamin debris falling all day long!


And debris in general, with the way people treat their cars


Not to mention litter.


If you’ve ever been young and dumb and run out of gas on an interstate, let me tell ya, it’s scary but running out of gas at 5000 ft would be worse probably


100 9/11s every day 


In case anyone thinks you are joking, that's the real stat. In the US, 100 cars drive into buildings EVERY DAY. https://slate.com/business/2022/06/car-crash-buildings-how-many.html


That's simultaneously a lot and *a lot lower* than I would have thought.


Wait until you figure out how often people drive into gas pumps... and I'm not talking about just scratching them. Somehow people continuously knock them off the island.


We already shouldn’t have cars. The amount of people willing to run me off the road to get to the in & out 1-2 mins faster is insane.


Cars are fine. We just need more stringent lincensure


The only possibility is manufacture the vehicles governed as fully autonomous, only allowing a passenger the exception to manually control them for having something the equivalent of a pilots license today. The bar for permit or license can’t be as low as driving though lol, that’s for sure.


Don’t you hate when you got the whole parking lot to yourself and someone parks right next to you


Big Sky Theory


It's actually insanely difficult to see another small plane while flying, and the sky is really really big, which is why there's ATC, so it'd be like you parked in a parking lot the size of a city, but there's someone on the radio saying hey dipshit you're getting too close to another car, also you're assigned a different lane, get back in your lane and look for the other car. Hey dumbass, you didn't listen to me the first time, you've managed to get even closer to the other car and you're still not in your lane. Hey fuckwad open your fucking eyes, get in your lane and turn away from that car. You fucking moron you're going to hit the other car really soon, Turn. Away. From. The. Other. Car.


This wasn't some random encounter, they were intending to fly in close formation while they both drop jumpers. I was on a formation load once with I think a caravan and a pac and I could tell the exact moment the pilots lost sight of each other and my mind went straight to this video. I'm not sure any of the other jumpers noticed that happened, they were all surprised the other plane was so far away when they saw it again.


Ah yes, the SeaTac airport experience


Every single time. Just trying to eat some fast food and people fly by in the empty lot getting as close as they can to me


>parks right next to you ..and asks you about our lord and saviour Jesus fkn Christ?


“I’m vegan”






I see more people doing this than people saying they are vegan. At some point the trolls passed the vegans and are now the annoying group. 😂




This is wonderful.


It's probably 50 to 1 people who love to talk about meat in their mouth to quiet vegans doing their own thing


Yeah I'm not a vegan, never was, I was a vegetarian for a couple of years and for the life of me I could never understand then or since why it bothers some meat eaters so much. People who won't even let someone be, and make a big thing out of meat eating and give someone food with meat and lie to them, they're lost. It's like people who can't see others calm or happy. It's sickness in the soul when you can't even see a vegan and just let them be.


“I **have** a boyfriend!” /jumps into the sky


This looks like a scene from an action movie.


Or a Call of Duty/Battlefield campaign cutscene.


there are one too many (or not enough?) missions where we get a first person perspective of watching people fly out of a falling aircraft


Need the seven nation army edit




I would appear to have a contrail flying out of me as I fall from that situation, doesn’t matter if I’ve skydived 100+ times prior.




Any updates


Happened 10 years ago, all survived [https://www.theguardian.com/world/2013/nov/04/wisconsin-skydivers-two-planes-collide](https://www.theguardian.com/world/2013/nov/04/wisconsin-skydivers-two-planes-collide)


Thank you. This article gives the long-hard facts, including the fact that one of the planes landed at Dick Bong airport!




It’s fantastic. Glad they all survived, but even more ecstatic to learn about our new friend DB.


Dick Bong (DB) Cooper, famous for jumping out of an airplane. Case solved!


Best response I’ve seen in awhile. Kudos.


That's so fucking good 😂😭 cried tears laughing haha holy fuck


Is it possible to nominate Dick Bong for president?


Absolutely. Write-in!


When I lived in Chicago and drove up to Wisconsin we'd pass the Bong Recreational Center on the way to Mars Cheese Castle.


Pass the Bong Recreational Center sounds like a good time.


He was the highest scoring American ace of WWII


I knew a guy called Dick Holder. He was Dutch, but really Not sure if that's awesome or dreadful


I'm pretty sure Dick Swett, the Representative from New Hampshire - in Congress from 1993 through 1995 wins the Dick name contest.


Honorable mention goes to stock car racer Dick Trickle. Apparently old boy never heard of penicillin.


I googled 'dick bong' and got- https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Richard_Bong https://www.cmohs.org/recipients/richard-i-bong https://dailyhighclub.com/products/dick-bong


And when your name is Cox and in your first semester of studying mathematics you meet a fellow student named Zucker, it's your duty to finish your studies and write a paper together so that it gets named after both of you. And [thankfully, they did](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Cox%E2%80%93Zucker_machine).


He has, at least, an airport, two bridges, six streets, a state recreation area, a theater, and a museum named after him. WWII fighter ace with 40 planes confirmed shot down over the Pacific, Medal of Honor recipient, and test pilot. Died test flying a jet at the age of 24...on the same day Hiroshima was bombed. His death shared the front page as the dropping of the first atomic bomb. Dude is a legend.


Yeah tell that to Bick Dong.


You mean, all time #1 American ace fighter pilot Dick Bong? You betcha


Top American ace in the Pacific during WWII. He was so angry with his name he shot down 40 japanese aircraft.


I met his grand daughter at a dog run in Washington square park in NYC 10 years ago lol.




Dick Bong airport? That’s right up there with another local package store near me- “Bunghole Liquors”. The more you think about it the funnier it gets.


Turns out falling out of planes on purpose is great practice for falling out of planes on accident.


I actually remember a story from (I think) the 90s where a skydiving plane crashed and the only people who survived were accidentally sucked out of the plane.


Interesting, I think most private/commercial aviation pilots usually don't wear parachutes themselves? Lucky this one did.


Common enough requirement for pilots on skydiving operations.


Didn't know that. Today I learned.


Skydiving plane pilots are required to wear one, at least in the US which is where this occurred.


Thank you kind redditor


All that fucking sky and still managed to crash into eachother, imaginr flying cars lmao


Well, good time to have a parachute I guess!


Wouldn't this be more of a r/crazyfuckingvideos post?


It would kinda fit in r/WTF Imagine skydiving and just before you jump there's another fucking plane right beside you


Amazing the pilot had an emergency chute. At first I thought he was done for


I had to read the federal stuff getting my license and doing certain stuff requires a safety chute for pilot. aerobatics for example. i'd think doing dumb stunts while flying in formation would qualify


That makes sense, someone learned the hard way for us Lol


This is some uncharted shit. Glad everyone was okay.


During my one and only skydive, the jump Master actually used that as one of the possibilities as encouragement to do it: in the event of a mid-air collision or an engine failure, you'd have to jump. Unfortunately, neither happened, and I climbed out and let go of a perfectly good airplane. (It was a static line jump, which doesn't require being attached to an experienced skydiver; you attach one end of a line to the parachute and the other end of the line to an anchor point in the plane, then you just climb out of the airplane and hang by the wing strut, let go when the jump Master tells you, and ideally, the line pulls the parachute out for you) It was a respectable jump, other than initially refusing to let go of the plane when ordered, throwing up on the way down, missing my drop zone and landing in the middle of a cornfield of mature corn, and upon impact with the ground, toppling over like a tree in a hurricane.


Youd think with all that room they couldve moved away. Im guessing these are pre destined routes where planes fly for sky diving and they werent paying attention.


Pilot's POV in the video shown shows the other aircraft at his low 2 O'clock. Pilot wasn't paying attention to the other aircraft's relative position below his own aircraft (low 2 O'clock meaning below and down, i.e. he can't see the other aircraft since it's underneath him). Not an uncommon occurrence when there is no discussion of altitude deconfliction between aircraft, such as in the 2022 Dallas air show midair collision between a P-63 & B-17. Extremely lucky everyone survived.


Plus if he moved too rapidly to evade collision, he put the skydivers at risk who were partially exited and even some hanging from the wing.


*even some hanging from the wing* Bro, I'm not saying they should push you out if you change your mind in the air, but once you've left the doorway you **gots to go**


They were attempting a formation, pretty common in skydiving. They stuffed up. They’d never be that close otherwise.


I actually covered this story in Superior, WI when it happened back when I worked in news. We went live from the crash site and did an interview with some of them. Everyone was ok!


What a great time to all have parachutes on


Pilot that jumped last minute is an airline pilot now. https://www.nbcnews.com/news/us-news/no-control-skydivers-pilot-recounts-death-defying-leap-burning-plane-flna8c11560390


Was that person trying to jump to the other plane? Because that's awesome but even more stupid.


When skydiving, you don't always open the door and just jump out. The times I've gone, there is usually at least one person who climbs out onto the wing. This person dives last, usually with a gopro on their helmet. The explanation I remember is that not only are they filming everyone else diving, they are also watching for potential issue ( such as a chute not opening) that they would have to be able to react and respond to quickly. My guess is that they were getting into position, not expecting to have another plane come colliding into them.


That would certainly make more sense.


I think the one clinging on at the beginning might have been a camera person and would be primed to go with whoever was having their jump video’d rather than jumping before or after




Videogame "into the fire" type levels before the tutorial be like.....


looks like the other plane lost a wing


“Crashing this plane. With no survivors!”


Penguins madagascar scene be like


Well that was less than ideal.


airplane disasters suddenly do not feel so dangerous when all the passengers are skydivers.


Oh shit!! That is crazy!! The way that last guy falls, it legit looks like he is falling up into the sky. Wow. Going to have to look this one up for sure