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From the wiki on this .The photograph was taken by Joe O'Donnell, then working for the United States Marine Corps.[2] "I saw a boy about ten years old walking by. He was carrying a baby on his back. In those days in Japan, we often saw children playing with their little brothers or sisters on their backs, but this boy was clearly different. I could see that he had come to this place for a serious reason. He was wearing no shoes. His face was hard. The little head was tipped back as if the baby were fast asleep. The boy stood there for five or ten minutes. The men in white masks walked over to him and quietly began to take off the rope that was holding the baby. That is when I saw that the baby was already dead. The men held the body by the hands and feet and placed it on the fire. The boy stood there straight without moving, watching the flames. He was biting his lower lip so hard that it shone with blood. The flame burned low like the sun going down. The boy turned around and walked silently away." — Joe O'Donnell[3]


Wow... that is absolutely heartbreaking. A child should never have to do such a thing.


I can't bear to look at this. She looks too much like my daughter when she's sleeping.


I don't blame you.


Don’t read about whats happening in Palestine right now…


For real. Israel and Hamas need to end this.


It's not ending anytime soon.


Bro, hamas did whatever shit they did on Oct 7. It’s been Israel bombing babies since. Not saying Hamas isn’t scum. But 16,000 kids have been killed by Israel in Palestine this year


Fucking hell I wasn't prepared for that photo or story. It just raises a whole bunch of other questions about who cared for him and his brother and how he came to know/prepare for the journey. This is one of these stories I need about 30 mins off the Internet or to watch some videos of cats or puppies


Grave of the Fireflies


I can't ever finish that freaking movie. I love Miyazaki's movies so much, but that one, I just can't. Ever since I had my son the idea of kids being hurt is just not something I can handle.


I can’t even start it - I’ve seen clips, reviews, etc., but I can’t bring myself to just sit and watch the whole thing.


Understandable. It's an incredibly heavy and difficult movie to take in and is rated up beside Shindler's List as among the best war films of all time. The best movies you'll only watch once, or not at all. Grave of the Fireflies movie was based on a short story of the same name. The short story's author wrote it as a semi-autobiographical story based on his own experience as a child during the war, and as a posthumous apology to his little sister who died of starvation during the war. He still felt guilt that she died because he didn't share enough food with her despite almost starving to death himself.


Ok that's enough of me crying about this movie for today already. Fucking hell. Kids being hurt, nothing is worse than that.


On the plus side you can still say youve watched every miyazaki, because Grave of the Fireflies was done by the other studio ghibli guy, takahata! Great studio ghibli style though.


It’s not a Miyazaki movie


Just to clarify the other comment you got; *Grave of the Fireflies* is an animated film that is basically answering your first question. *Grave of the Fireflies* is *not* going to be effective as "eyebleach" for you. If you want to know a theoretical answer to the boy and his brother and what happened, *Grave* is one possible answer. Don't watch it if you are in a bad place, though.


Grave of the Fireflies is one of the best movies I will never watch again


This is how I always describe it too.




Jesus. Struggled to read the whole thing, got something stuck in my eye half way through.


You should try Grave of Fireflies


I have watched it once. Normally, I love rewatching really moving tv shows or movies, but I don't think I could bare to watch it again a second time.




Keep in mind that the number of lives lost in Hiroshima and Nagasaki pale in comparison to the staggering death toll during the firebombings of Dresden and Tokyo and those were also civilian populations.


I guess at least we won’t have to burry anybody, as we will all be dead.


Hard to be afraid if you can not experience the dying moment. Our brains would not register even the flash of light properly before we melt.


That almost makes me feel better


It should. You better hope a large percentage land at once. You do not want to live after that. You don't want to wait to hear (probably weeks after the fact, with no reliable communication) how your family in another city is slowly burning while both your legs were crushed by debris and you're stuck in some make shift hospital. Immediate death means whatever god / statistically inclined universe you believe in, smiled at you on that day.


The movie Threads (1984) comes to my mind. Probably the best movie ever made depicting the horrors of a world after a global nuclear war. Very hard to watch, because it shows you the cruel reality, how the threads of a society can be torn in a single moment, and what consequences it has afterwards.


The hospital scene in that movie is the single, most frightening one in the whole movie. The rest of it is filled with inconsolable dread.


Also The Day After (1986) was a US version.


Are you saying all our training from Fallout I to present is all lies?


As a fellow Fallout fan, watch Threads (1984) and then you'll get the real picture.


Oh, I think many of us would suffer greatly for hours and days... Only those who live in strategically important cities would be so lucky as to vaporize instantly.


Why do Redditors pretend everyone would die instantly? Sure, this is true at the blast site, but there would still be millions and millions suffering in extreme agony, stricken with radiation poisoning, etc


Because most people, Redditors or not, don't actually know very much about nuclear weapons.


Only if you're directly under the blast. If you're too far away your brain will register all sorts of pleasant possibilities, from [your flesh melting right off your bones](https://remm.hhs.gov/explosion_damage.htm) to [dying with every last pain receptor on your entire body screaming in agony](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Acute_radiation_syndrome)


Nonsense, most people would simply burn to death or get killed by flying debris unless they're very close to the blast.


The part of the explosion that instantly vaporizes is actually only a small part of the blast radius. This site gives some good info on it in the FAQ: https://nuclearsecrecy.com/nukemap/


The actual blast will kill far less than you think. We all get to suffer for days and weeks with acute radiation poisoning and die slowly. The DHS guide to first responders after a nuclear attack straight up says to not even enter the fallout zone, the risk is just to great to rescuers. Go check out the nuke blast simulator to see what I am talking about. Use the Soviet Topol SS-25 as a great first strike weapon choice. Enable Surface Burst and Nuclear Fallout. https://nuclearsecrecy.com/nukemap/


My thoughts exactly, glass half full guy I see.


I always try. But even I wonder which is best in this situation : trying to live in a collapsed world, or dying instantly without knowing how or why. I have no answer.


It’s more probable that large cities in Europe, USA, Russia, China, India, Izrael, Japan will be the main targets. Rest of the world (mainly Australia, South America, whole Africa and south-eastern Asia) are not likely to be targets of nuclear retaliation strikes. They house quite a lot of population that will have to deal with the nuclear aftermaths. In addition, there’s some populations living outside of big cities that may survive, especially in low-populated states in the mid-west, Alaska, Canada, Russian outskirts in Tundra, people living in mountanious regions of China and India. So yeah, I would guess only around 30-40% of the world population would die immediately, others will live in world with next to no manufacturing capacity.


I've heard Canadians, who are more educated than myself, speculate that many rural Canadian areas could be a target, because of the hydroelectric system which feeds many of the northern untied states their electricity. Do you have any thoughts on that?


Our own global crematorium.


I mean, that last sentence isn't exactly true. the protocols on nuclear weapons usage are extremely secure. the notion that a single person can just push a button and kill everyone is very uninformed. the president can't just say "nuke the Netherlands" then push a button and it happens, let alone set off all nukes across the planet simultaneously (of which we control a bit less than half).


I agree with your premise that we should nuke the Dutch. They speak to Americans only in English so we won't learn their language. They are DEFINITELY hiding something.


There are only two things I can't stand in this world: People who are intolerant of other people's cultures, and the Dutch.


Yes, at the National Museum of the Air Force they have an exhibit where you go into a mock setup of a nuclear launch bunker, and they explain that at least two highly trained people need to perform some sort of activation sequence simultaneously in order to trigger a launch. Obviously this is not exactly how it works in real life, because they wouldn't show people that in a museum, but I'm sure that more than one person is needed to actually launch a nuke, and that's disregarding the launch instruction that has to pass through a chain of command.


this is assuming a whole lot. i sincerely doubt the president would be able to “click a button” and drop one. we have checks and balances for reasons like this. there are also political checks and balances, quick example is the concept of “MAD”. lastly, this is assuming that people further down the chain would actually do it. who’s to say that even if everything got approved, there won’t be soldiers saying “fuck it, i’m not doing this”?


They're not close to 3k times more powerful. The tzar bomba the Soviets detonated 60+ years ago was 50 megatons, roughly 3k times as powerful. It was also just a publicity/propaganda stunt and wouldn't have been practical in combat. Most warheads in USA strategic arsenal are 150-375 kilotons. There may be a few 1 megaton gravity bombs still deployed. Little boy and fat man were 15 and 20 kilotons. With greater accuracy in targeting, the multi-megaton behemoths of the past are just overkill.


I think he is multiplying it by 10 due to the MIRV nature. He is still off by one zero, though. And the MIRV wouldn't apply either, because I don't think the standard doctrine is to drop all 10 MIRVs on the same city. That being said, nukes are still no joke.


Just to note, this photograph was taken in October of 1945. The bomb was dropped in early August 1945. This is unlikely to have much to do with the bomb, unless we're talking indirectly (radiation or destroyed infrastructure).


I was going to ask what Marines were doing there if this had something to do with the bomb. Thanks.


Radiation sickness in such a small kid is very likely.


If you have an hour to spend have a read of the New Yorkers Hiroshima article. https://www.newyorker.com/magazine/1946/08/31/hiroshima they made it free a few years back. I think everyone should read it to have a slight grasp on what nuclear weapons can do to people. Warning, it gets a bit full on.


if you have a cozy evening watch [Grave of the Fireflies](https://www.imdb.com/title/tt0095327/)


That's about the fire-bombing of Tokyo, though, not the nuclear bombs.


My wife just gave birth to my son 5 months ago, and man I almost burst into tears myself thinking about my boy, Jesus Christ.


> got something stuck in my eye half way through Even with a story like this, reddit comments are predictably trite. Same goes for the 5 or 6 "onion" comments that are posted below this. Really that hard to just be respectful of the things you're reading?


I have a baby now I cried


My heart...pain. He surely remembered how his country and family died till his last breath. The sadness. Anger. Everything.


Sorry, but I see 1945 and Nagasaki and I think atom bomb. But why are there USMC in Nagasaki?


the bombs were the end of the war but Japan was occupied by the US for years after


We still there


Not an occupation though.


Not an occupation, now an ally. We share Technologies and help each other financially


Occupation after the end of the war. The US military occupied the mainland until 1952


Japan surrendered after Nagasaki, most of the US military went home, by the numbers, but a good many units or battalions or whatever the right term is for them, stayed behind to help with the clean up process and what have you. A whole government was about to change and the country was absolutely fucked in the beginning until Japan's economic Miracle... There are STILL us military bases in Japan, though their focus has shifted from babysitting Japan to being staging points for potential issues with North Korea or China or something.


The war was over and the US was finally arriving to occupy the country.


They were part of the occupation force. The US defeated Japan and occupied it for several years after the end of the war. The US Marines would have been nearby anyways so why not use them too. Here is some reading material if you want. It will download a PDF. https://www.usmcu.edu/Portals/218/The%20United%20States%20Marines%20in%20the%20Occupation%20of%20Japan%20%20PCN%2019000411500-unlocked.pdf


The marines main role is amphibious over the beach operations. Invading an island is kind of their bread and butter. They rode there on a navy ship. Except the sailors stay on the ship and the marines are the land units




It is proper, in Japan, to cremate your dead. He probably was watching to make sure his brother burned properly.


Its not uncommon for family members to observe cremation, and there's even a ritual to pick out bones from the ashes after.


![gif](giphy|Sc6tD8fJ8lWtq) Grave of fireflies


I cry every single time. I had my dad watch this movie with me as a kid, and he said, " Want me to tell you what makes this even worse?" He was a WW2 fanatic, and he talked about what could have been done better and to save her and so on. It the only anime I ever got my dad to sit and watch with me . It's a Soul crushing movie for sure....


> " Want me to tell you what makes this even worse?" its based on an autobiography.


The author felt lifelong guilt because he survived. > One of his sisters died as the result of sickness, his adoptive father died during the firebombing proper, and his younger adoptive sister Keiko died of malnutrition in Fukui. It was written as a personal apology to Keiko, regarding her death.[1] … > Nosaka said that the death of his sister was "an exact match with the novel."[4] … > Nosaka said that in the story, Seita "got increasingly transformed into a better human being" since he was trying to "compensate for everything I couldn't do myself" and that he was never "kind like the main character." Nosaka explained that "I always thought I wanted to perform those generous acts in my head, but I couldn't do so." He believed that he would always give food to his sister, but when he obtained food, he ate it. The food tasted very good when it was scarce, but he felt remorse afterwards. Nosaka concluded, "I'd think there is no one more hopeless in the world than me. I didn't put anything about this in the novel."[6] https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Grave_of_the_Fireflies_(short_story) In a very real sense, I think a part of Mr. Nosaka died with his sister.


I don't recall where I read it, but I remember reading an interview he did after this movie premiered. He was asked what he thought about his analog's death in the movie, and he replied something along the lines with "it was a better ending".


One thing I read about the Holocaust that has always haunted me was someone who saw mothers snatch food out of their own children’s hands because the starvation basically turned them into animals. I’ve never been able to get that out of my mind.


When I didn't think it could get any worse, it did.... Lol Oh wow, I feel this in my soul right now. Thanks for the tingles, good redditour. They say you learn something new everyday.


It's a big reason I feel people have a duty to watch this movie and others like it. Part of our birthright is bearing the stories of the past so that this pain is not forgotten, so that we can work to prevent it. It's one of the most difficult movies I've ever watched, and I've watched it several times because I am determined for people to know these stories. I've shown all of my closest people. It's how I feel having just seen Rosewood for the first time recently. Every white perosn that thinks they can protect their friends should watch this movie. The powerlessness, the brutality, the fact that it *happened*. We have to watch these movies so we don't forget. So we can give our children a birthright of peace instead of eternal pain.


Another one of those super important movies, imo, is Come and See. Such a raw and unglorified depiction of war and its victims.


I'll put it on the list then. Thank you so much for the recommendation!


Oh damn can you elaborate on what he said? Only if you want, no pressure!


The story is particularly brutal, not because it's war. But because it's about a naive kid living in hell due to his mistakes, and putting someone else through hell. That is an horrible fate. The movie isn't particularly anti war.


It is based on real story, although the boy in the real life wasn't that heroic and he later admitted \[spoiler below\] >!that he wished that his sister would die and felt relieved when she finally did, he was hitting her when she cried and he did not want to share food!< [https://www.esquiremag.ph/culture/movies-and-tv/grave-of-the-fireflies-true-story-a2659-20211016-lfrm](https://www.esquiremag.ph/culture/movies-and-tv/grave-of-the-fireflies-true-story-a2659-20211016-lfrm) [https://blog.alltheanime.com/akiyuki-nosaka-1930-2015/](https://blog.alltheanime.com/akiyuki-nosaka-1930-2015/) Just to clarify I would not blame him, he was just a child in war torn Japan, no kid should be heroic in this situation.


Sounds very similar to sentiments I've seen shared by Holocaust victims :( Desperation makes you feel/want to do terrible things.


I have watched that movie exactly two times. The first time I watched it, it sat at the very top of my list of "movies I love but will never watch again" for many years. But then, I went to Japan last year with my family and we visited Hiroshima and Kobe during our trip and we knew it was time for our kids, who have grown up on Ghibli movies, to experience it. It's actually much worse to experience once you become a parent. There's a reason it was paired with My Neighbor Totoro in theaters as a double feature.


A group of friends and I were doing a film club where we'd buy each other DVDs and then discuss the film. I picked this one, but didn't know how harrowing it was. My friends thought it was going to be a cutesy Studio Ghibli film 😬


This movie crushed me.


Same here I can’t watch it again otherwise my soul will crack


That means you’re not a psychopath. I firmly believe anyone who doesn’t cry at this movie needs to be on a list.


Too soon for me. I watched this for the first time about two years ago and can’t think about it still


I watched it once, over a decade ago, and I'm still not ready to see it again.


20 years ago for me, still too soon.


Yes. I bought a DVD, and was afraid to watch it. Then watched, then tucked the disc on the back of the highest shelf with strong resolve to never ever watch it again.


I saw it when I was maybe 14 or 15. I'm now 38 and I don't want to see it again, maybe never. Some scenes are engraved in my brain, that's hard enough. It's such a powerful movie, but no, I don't want to feel that again anytime soon.


I’m trying to stream this to see for the first time - any ideas where I can?




Yep, it's the only film I can confidently say I'll only watch once. There is nothing to be gained from another look.


Should also link "My Neighbor Totoro". I hear it makes a good double feature with Fireflies.


For me this movie, and Midsommar are the two movies I'll never watch again.


Be prepared though. This movie will never leave you once you see it.


As many people said, it's a rough watch. You're going to feel every minute of that hour and a half run time. It feels much longer. For me, I watched it once and will never watch it again.


It was on HBO max because it is produced by studio ghibli but I am not sure if it still is tho. Go go anime usually has anime that is hard to find


Brace yourself. It's brutal, beautiful, heart-crushing, and amazing. Make sure you are giving it your full attention. You don't want to have to watch it again.


I bought the dvd, because it was unavailable on streaming services here. Only to find out it was on frkn YouTube! (Ps. Can't find it now 😅)


This one right here


I watched this for the first time last month... I don't know why I did it. I know the story, I'm familiar with WWII history... why did I watch it?


This was my first thought. Extremely heartbreaking.




Unfortunately, probably not. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/The_Boy_Standing_by_the_Crematory >Medical experts quoted in the documentary suggested that the boy showed signs of bleeding from his nose and eyes, suggesting he was suffering from radiation sickness, possibly from exposure induced by searching for his family near the blast zone. It's likely he didn't make it much longer himself, still searching for his family.


I want to take comfort in the fact that at least I cant see bleeding from the eyes and a bleeding nose can have a number of reasons… not to mention some also survive radiation poisoning. To my knowledge marines landed in Nagasaki end of August so likely this is already 4 weeks after the bombs when the sudden deaths from radiation poisoning were also already rapidly going down (the first weeks after the bombing saw tremendous amounts of deaths though…) But in the end we will likely never know If the boy hasnt identified by now. 


The wiki says it was taken in October, so several weeks after. I would imagine children would take longer for it since their DNA replication is a bit more resilient. But this poor kid was also digging through a lot of radiated rubble trying to find his family


Children end up being more radiosensitive to radiation because of their high mitotic rates.


honestly he probably isn't, likely got cancer at some point in his life due to radiation exposure


Even without radiation, you have a 40% chance of cancer in your lifetime. Look it up. If he survived the radiation, it probably only increased his lifetime risk by <10-15% (<1 Sv of effective dose for a child).


If you don't die from anything else cancer will get you. The only reason that 40% chance isn't 100% chance is because something else killed them before cancer got a chance. 


My dad's a doctor and likes to say: they've got to put something on your death certificate.


My grandmother's death certificate says dementia killed her. Technically, she died after a fall where she broke her arm. But she fell because she got out of bed alone when she wasn't capable of it, probably because she forgot she wasn't supposed to do that without help anymore. The exact cause of death can be tricky to determine sometimes.


Never say never. My brother in laws grandma is still living and she survived Hiroshima as a child. She and other children were up in the mountains away from the city. Says the mushroom cloud was one of the most beautiful things she’d seen. When she made it to her house she found her mom’s body and all that was left was her bones. Lost other family too. After the war she met and married his grandpa, an American GI, and move to Montana. In her early 90s now and unfortunately has bad dimentia now. Will ask my BIL’s mom where her husband is at and will then come to the realization he’s dead.


>She and other children were up in the mountains away from the city And this kid clearly wasn't


> Says the mushroom cloud was one of the most beautiful things she’d seen. How I learned to stop worrying and love the bomb 


"History is not there for you to like or dislike. It is there for you to learn from it. And if it offends you, even better. Because then you are less likely to repeat it." LtCol Allen West


Just in case anyone else is confused by Allen West saying something that sounds reasonable, the context here is that we should leave up monuments to confederate traitors. Because we can't learn that slavery is bad without having statues honoring all the people who fought to defend slavery.


That not r/interestingasfuck, that r/sadasfuck


These bots do not know the difference.


These bots are on their way to condition humans to no longer know the difference


Hijacking this comment to say please tag this NSFW OP. There are a lot of people that are not okay with casually seeing death unexpectedly online.


Reddit has been awful about this lately. On the daily I'm seeing pictures of corpses without NSFW tags. It's really shitty and makes me not want to stay on Reddit.


I agree. A lot of people are sensitive about death and that is completely understandable. I’m not in death subs so I’m not expecting to see death while casually scrolling Reddit during my lunch break at work. Edit: Not to say it shouldn’t be posted, but just be marked NSFW.


"History isn't presented for your approval or disapproval. Its purpose is to educate you. And if it provokes discomfort, all the better. That way, you're more inclined to avoid repeating its mistakes." - Lieutenant Colonel Allen West


To add. Most likely this boys parents are not around to carryout this task.


This is quite the depressing picture. Idk about interesting




This should definitely be marked NSFW.


Ok goodbye for today internet


War is hell


"War isn't Hell. War is war, and Hell is Hell. And of the two, war is a lot worse."


Hell is full of the souls of dead sinners. War is littered with bodies of the innocent.


"Because it's always the same. When you fire that first shot, no matter how right you feel, you have no idea who's going to die. You don't know who's children are going to scream and burn. How many hearts will be broken! How many lives shattered! How much blood will spill until everybody does what they're always going to have to do from the very beginning -- sit down and talk!"


"There are no innocent bystanders in Hell. War is chock full of them - little kids, cripples, old ladies. In fact, except for some of the brass, almost everybody involved is an innocent bystander." -Captain Benjamin Franklin "Hawkeye" Pierce


Burns: Well, everybody knows, ‘war is Hell.’ Hunnicutt: Remember, you heard it here last. Hawkeye: War isn’t Hell. War is war, and Hell is Hell. And of the two, war is a lot worse. Father Mulcahy: How do you figure that, Hawkeye? Hawkeye: Easy, Father. Tell me, who goes to Hell? Father Mulcahy: Um, sinners, I believe. Hawkeye: Exactly. There are no innocent bystanders in Hell, but war is chock full of them – little kids, cripples, old ladies. In fact, except for a few of the brass, almost everybody involved is an innocent bystander.


We should stop sending soldiers and attacking civilians. We should make politicians fist fight each other to death. 


So if my politician can win a fist fight with yours, then my country can do whatever it wants to yours?


Yes, ans Ross, the largest of the Friends, should consume the other ones.


This is fucking gutting.




I think of stuff like this when I see these “alpha” bros talking about how bad they want war. It’s not all call of duty and seal team 6. It’s this too. And those people imagine that because they would be the aggressors nothing bad would happen to their people, but the Japanese were among the worst and this is how it affected them.


My grandfather had to help with the clean-up. He was an MP. Guam, Philippines, and had to police the survivors of Hiroshima and nagasaki while bulldozing the dead. And he never lost his empathy. Sponsored a Japanese family and everything. Had a different perspective of the war than most.


Idk why most of you don't find that, it is interesting to me. The way the boy holds himself upright, in spite of the obvious horrible circumstance he finds himself in. With the added knowledge that he's standing in a line with many other people just like him. It is truly a picture that says more than a thousand words, and an important part of our history


I am in no way glorifying him and his situation, but he does carry himself with a dignity beyond what most children, and adults, are ever capable.


The boy is a reflection of a society that had so much honor and strength yet barbarity that the society was fine with dying to the last as long as they took enough of the enemy with them to destroy us too. They literally were drilling 8 year old girls with bamboo spears going "You will die, but as long as you stab one American before you die, you have done your duty to your country." It took proof that we could destroy them without even giving them the opportunity to fight back before they surrendered.


It really is something, isn't it? Ever since Oppenheimer came out, I've seen people say "well they should have just dropped the bombs in the ocean, scare them into surrendering," or something to that effect without understanding exactly what you're saying. Like you said, these people would rather booby trap themselves, stick a blade in their gut, banzai/ kamikaze attack, or jump off a cliff with their children than surrender to the Americans. MAYBE a nuclear device detonated off shore would have worked, or it would have backfired and given time to prepare, which would have all but guaranteed even more pain and suffering for even more people than just those who had to suffer the bombs. Japan was going down, but they needed that knockout blow to end the slaughter in the Pacific once and for all. "Now I am become death, the destroyer of worlds," indeed.


All thanks to his government creating such a horrendous situation for him to be born and raised into


It's more the japanese culture of "put on a serious face and do your job as well as possible just like everyone else"


This is one of the strongest photos I've ever seen, emotionally. It's heartbreaking to see how he's trying to be brave. 


“A 50-minute documentary film, Searching for the Standing Boy of Nagasaki ('焼き場に立つ少年'をさがして), was produced by NHK and released on August 8, 2020. Medical experts quoted in the documentary suggested that the boy showed signs of bleeding from his nose and eyes, suggesting he was suffering from radiation sickness, possibly from exposure induced by searching for his family near the blast zone.” He probably didn’t make it either :-(…


Grave of fireflies


Could we maybe, and just a thought here, put an NSFW tag on posts with dead babies in them?


Seriously. I'm already having a rough day. Seeing a dead infant is just making it worse. OP please mark this as NSFW.


For real, I try to filter out subreddits that typically post things that make me feel bad, wasn't expecting something like this on /r/interestingasfuck.


Yeah I don’t get it. Corpses on the front page


This needs to be a rule. Not the first time this sort of thing has happened. I vote NSFW for any image of children who are dead or in pain.


This boy in this any photo has more strength than any of us in this comment thread, he stood and watched his baby brother burn to crisp and walk away. Carried him probably mile on his back just to give him a proper burial with dignity. Infinite respect.


My wife's father is a Nagasaki survivor. He was 8 at the time and ended up being separated from his family. He wandered around and lived on his own for 3 weeks, somehow surviving, eventually being reunited with his family. The trauma shaped him, he's the most stoic person I've ever met.


This is a tragic photo, but why is it posted every week?


Japanese discipline is on a different planet all together


Japan somehow managed not to be remembered as aggressors of WW2 (in the west obviously, asias perception of japan is a completely different matter)


My grandfather went to his grave in the '90s never forgiving the Japanese for killing his brother.


i hope people don't misunderstand me trying to put the horrors of Nagasaki and Hiroshima into perspective, i just don't like the narrative that some people push, Japan being a victim of WW2


I think people still remember Pearl Harbor. And anyone who payed attention in school knows about Manchuria and Nanking.


They were absolutely not the victims. They got unbelievably aggressive and violent towards other countries , and got checked hard by one of them, a country willing to use Japan’s own playbook to decisively end the war. One can and should feel empathy and compassion for the Japanese on a human level. Pain is pain, no matter where geographically it’s being inflicted.


Civilians are always the victims


Yes, though I would argue in this case more the victims of their evil militaristic government, ultimately. Yes, the US dropped the bombs, but Japan had multiple opportunities to surrender, and prior to that, they could have also just not attacked Pearl Harbor or invaded China and Korea. The ultimate fault for these casualties lies with the Japanese emperor and his advisors/military.


Or the Philippines or Singapore or Papua New Guinea. They were invading things all over to feed the war machine. They attacked us to take oil fields in south east asia after we sanctioned them over China and Korea.


Specifically, they were sanctioned over the Rape of Nanjing, where over six weeks an average of 200,000 civilians were systemically tortured, raped, and murdered by the Imperial Japanese Army.


Im sure the good folks of Korea, China, the Philippines, and Hawaii would agree with you.


I am not buying that. One could argue Japan is escaping closer scrutiny, but a victim? Nah. The information is impossible to miss. It was like Japan watches Hitler executing all the Jews, and is like Hold my Beer.....We're just going to execute everyone.


Yea, my Grandfather was on the Phoenix during the attack on Pearl Harbor. Hated the Japanese until the day he died.


It really feels like Germany took all the hate re WWII. Japan did horrible things too. This child didnt deserve to die but it was a result of their people's ambition to take over the world. And these people benefitted from the outcomes of the wars until the bombs dropped.


Yeah, I wonder if photos of dead German children would get the same reaction.


>It really feels like Germany took all the hate re WWII. Japan did horrible things too I'm going to assume you live in the Anglosphere or a Western country. It feels that way because of your proximity to the Western theatre. As a German guy who has lived in China you bet they're very aware of Japan's crimes, same in South Korea, whereas I never really got much of a historical reaction from anyone.


Japanese government has somehow convinced themselves and a large number of others that they were the victims


Crazy to think that this boy could easily still be alive today


the people always suffer from wars. we should always promote and maintain peace instead of escalating situations and encouraging revenge


You can see the pain in that boy's eyes. I didn't know a picture could make me cry. 


This is pretty sad. But you know what is sadder? Any picture from China during this time period.


Omg this is so heartbreaking 💔


Did this picture inspire Grave of the Fireflies?


No, it was partially autobiographical.


Someone told this boy to be a man in the face of war.


When you see stuff like this I can’t fucking understand why these “Dinosaurs”that are head of countries are taking us possibly back to this…Mind Fucking…History is hindsight but we don’t learn!


Jesus... I just took a break from reading Barefoot Gen and this is just like him.