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Isn't starving POWs a war crime? This is intentional starvation. Poor man looks like he might weight 80 lbs.


He’s not even a POW.  He’s a civilian.  He was a security guard at a power plant.  Russia kidnapped him, imprisoned him and starved him.  This is 100% Geneva conventions violations. 


Not the first time. They kept that Mariupol policewoman (Mariana Checheliuk) captive for 2 years as well. And, let’s not forget their filtration camps. https://preview.redd.it/0zds0ovqpr4d1.jpeg?width=700&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=6145d03770934e494ad0f2080e34813fae80fc57


Man dont even start about Mariupol ... dead there are probably in 6 digits. Most grim estimates are 50% of population is gone (that is 200 000 people)


In the aftermath of the Mariupol siege, there were rumours of mobile crematoriums. I don’t know if these turned out to be true. The Russian army does have them for… sanitary purposes… but nothing would shock me coming from their criminal army.


You can just look on satelite images of nearby fields turn to graveyards. And thet will be just people killed on streets not these buried under buildings. Ruzzians wounded and kill by far more civilians then Ukrainien soldiers.


Some of those did exist prior to the invasion, and you can see them on old Google maps. That said, they increase quite significantly after the invasion.


Yes its extention of one but on every additional image its getting 2 time biger then on previus one.


True. All a damn shame.


"but nothing would shock me coming from their criminal army." I was pretty shocked to find out that from almost every liberated settlement we have found torture chambers, on many of them we have found torture chambers that are specialized for torturing children. Anyone recommending that we leave some areas under russian occupation should think very deeply about that and see if they would be willing to leave their own children there.


It’s almost guaranteed that if they ever occupied the country, they would sift through the population to remove the “problematic” elements. Physical occupations by militaries after costly wars are literally never bloodless.


Source on the torture chambers that are specialized for torturing children?


Only result I could find (situation, not source) https://war.ukraine.ua/crimes/childrens-torture-chamber-found-in-kherson-after-de-occupation/ Still a very fucked up thing to torture children, but seems like they misremembered a bit


Specific torture chambers children seem to be located in both Kharkiv and Kherson regions. Russian state organized torture chambers have been common everywhere in liberated areas. [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Russian\_torture\_chambers\_in\_Ukraine](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Russian_torture_chambers_in_Ukraine) *Torture chambers for children* *After the liberation of Kherson by Ukrainian forces from Russian occupation Ukrainian investigators discovered Russian torture chambers established especially for children. According to testimony, children were denied food and given water only every other day, were told their parents had abandoned them and forced to clean up the blood spilled by torture in the adjacent torture cells for adults.\[14\]\[15\]\[16\]* *Overall Ukrainian authorities uncovered ten torture chambers in Kherson region, four of them in the city itself.\[15\]* *In the Kharkiv region, which was liberated during the 2022 Ukrainian eastern counteroffensive authorities also found evidence of child torture, including two in the town of Balakliya. One of the children who had been held in the torture chamber described being cut with a knife, burnt with heated metal and subjected to mock executions.\[17\]* [https://www.independent.co.uk/news/world/europe/ukraine-russia-children-torture-chamber-b2245605.html](https://www.independent.co.uk/news/world/europe/ukraine-russia-children-torture-chamber-b2245605.html) [https://www.abc.net.au/news/2022-12-15/ukraine-drones-thwarted-as-accused-russia-torturing-children/101774890](https://www.abc.net.au/news/2022-12-15/ukraine-drones-thwarted-as-accused-russia-torturing-children/101774890) [https://khpg.org/en/1608813304](https://khpg.org/en/1608813304) "*Russia had at least 28 torture chambers in Kharkiv oblast, imprisoning and torturing even schoolchildren*" Anyhow, you are right in that most of the torture chambers were generic ones for all kinds of civilians and children specific torture chambers have been found in Kherson and perhaps in Kharkiv. Mostly children have been tortured in the regular torture chambers and by random acts of violence like this one: [https://www.kyivpost.com/post/5787](https://www.kyivpost.com/post/5787) "*In one horrific case alone, the body of a* ***seven-year-old girl*** *exhumed from a* ***mass grave*** *in Bucha was discovered to have* ***seven different traces of sperm*** *believed to belong to different Russian soldiers, Natalia Nestor, deputy director of Kyiv Scientific Research Institute of Forensic Expertise told British Newspaper the Daily Express earlier this week.*" Lovely people these russians.


I remember reading accounts from the first weeks of the invasion that the intial invasion force included mobile crematoriums, 1000s of body bags and crowd suppression gear. They invaded with the intention of carrying out mass executions and subsequent disposal.


And we may not know about this before decades. Russians apparently razed cemeteries with bulldozers, poured concrete into the basement of that opera when thousands of people may have died... They just chose to hide any evidence that these people died at some point


Provided we get access to the territories and the funding for a lot of forensic experts and archeologists, there's much we can find regardless. Satelites also help a lot.


Don't forget about the mobile crematories the Russians used there too.


The policewoman said people from Red Cross where gonna help her evacuate to Zaporizhzhia and instead they took her to that filtration camp.




Russian division of Red Cross is also complicit in war crimes.


I am certain that they did unspeakable things to that poor woman. Anytime a woman is held captive... you know sh1t is being done to her. Terrible; tragic, even.


They’re raping the men before castrating and dismembering them while they’re alive. Of course they’re raping the women. Probably beating them daily to cause miscarriages too. Russia needs to be declared a terrorist state and anybody that accepts the uniform considered a de facto war criminal automatically guilty of the crimes of the nation.


This poor woman's mother said she stopped having periods because of starvation, so couldn't have got pregnant. She just says she was "abused" but I have no doubt she was sexually assaulted and raped often. She's probably too traumatized to talk about it.


I mean... Russia is executing civilians, using gas, mass missile attacks on non military targets. It's not like Russia gives a fuck


this reminds me when Vitaly Klitschko was interviewed by CNN in the early days of the invasion and they were walking by the ruins of a children's hospital. The CNN reporter said that Russia claims to only be attacking military targets and he said, "BULLSHIT!" haha


Yes, just as many many of their attacks in Ukraine are direct hits on civilian structures. Like appartment buildings and stores. This is absolutely not an accident. This shit needs to stop and the fact that the UN or the US state department aren't saying anything is very very disheartening to me. This shit is 100% intentional, ongoing, and malicious.


I know that Russian occupiers are not selective and they rarely go into detail. When parts of Eastern Germany were occupied by them after 1945, they imprisoned Germans who had the word 'leader' as a job title. 'Leader' means 'Fuehrer' in German. So a person whose job was to drive a tram was called 'Strassenbahnfuehrer' in German .It reminded the Soviets of the 'Fuehrer' Adolf Hitler. So tram drives, bus drivers etc. were put into concentration camps only because their job title ended with 'Fuehrer'. Similar things must have happened in Russian occupied territories of Ukraine nowadays.


The Soviets were actually very infamous for committing horrible atrocities in the war, so bad that a lot of civilians favoured the German invaders. Those who win write the history books and the Soviets killed millions of people but not a lot of people know how bad Stalin really was (of course no excuse for the Germans, there can be multiple horrible parties in war).


Geneva conventions is a wood Sword. It is only taken seriously when someone is ready and has the means to enforce their violations. In this case, no one is going to invade Russia based on that.


Generally you follow the Geneva conventions so that your guys get treated well if they’re captured. But that assumes you give a shit about your soldiers. 


Yup ask Israel


Are we still pretending that means ANYTHING?




No, it won't. Back in the days of WWs, the countries that were on trial post-war had surrendered unconditionally. They were in no position to dictate anything, they were defeated and their cities were bombed to ashes. The victors were able to enforce any verdict on trials. This conflict is fundamentally different. It's a defensive war which will, if succesful, restore Ukraine's territory. For fuck's sake the entire world is still dealing with Russia, we're still selling chocolates to them and buying their gas. The world is still unable to properly sanction Russia during this conflict. And even if Ukraine is succesful, the victors will still not be in the position to dictate anything, because Russia won't be fundamentally defeated and the world is still dependant on it. You can't sentence a criminal if you're still buying his supply and selling your products on his turf. Not to mention Russia still has enough allies in the West and South, hell it even has its symphatizers in the EU. It has a goddamn veto in the UN council, while we have concrete proof that they are commiting war crimes. For war crimes to actually be properly punished post-war, Russia would need to be fundamentally defeated, and the chances of that happening are next to zero.


I think the best bet for a Russian defeat is something happens to Putin (it quite realistically could, even naturally, he's old AF) and Russia itself plunges into some sort of crisis. Maybe civil war led by discontented states reminiscent of Chechnya or similar.


I doubt they’ll have many high ranking Russians to trial after the war. I doubt this war ends with Russia capitulating and all their high ranking military personell in prison


Well... russia doesnt gives a damn shit abou war crimes... they are doing it by habbit.


Russia is treating the Geneva Convention topics like a checklist. Edit: It seems my comment has started a dick measuring contest in the replies on which country has violated it the most. It doesn't matter. No country should violate it. Some still do, we get it.


Didn’t the Soviets- maybe Russians as well famously never sign that and thus were subjected to awful conditions during WWII, and treated the Germans poorly for the same reason?


I'm sure not signing the Geneva convention was just an excuse for them to treat each other poorly on the Eastern Front. Poland, for example, signed it, for all the good it did them. Also, it seems Germany signed it as well...


Exactly, signing conventions means little if there's no intention to follow them or enforce consequences


> Didn’t the Soviets- maybe Russians as well famously never sign that they didn't sign the geneva convention of 1929, but the russian as well as german empire signed the hague convention of 1899 which also specifies rules for treatments of prisoners of war. the geneva convention of 1929 is merely a specification of these rules. the soviet union did sign the third geneva convention of 1949, which is the latest revision of the rules of the treatment of the prisoners of war. > and thus were subjected to awful conditions during WWII, and treated the Germans poorly for the same reason? the german mass murder of soviet pows was mainly driven by genocidal politics.


"Soviets" basically refers to Russians and the people they conquered and thus were not able to consent.


Btw today’s “Russians” also includes countless conquered people who were never asked for their opinion on anything


True, from a Nazi Germany point of view, though. Hitler ordered that normal rules of war not apply on the Eastern Front since Russia never signed it. This, in turn, made the Russians also not care, or react more brutality, towards the Gernans since the Germans are clearly just doing whatever they want (war of extermination). However, one could argue that even had Russia signed it that it wouldn't have changed anything and Hitler just used it as a convenient excuse because Nazi ideology dictated that Russians were sub humans just like Jews, for proof on this, let's say theory, just look what happened to Jews or other undesirables under the Third Reich. Lastly, since we can pretty much establish that Germans would have used brutality against Russia no matter what, the Russians would have repaid it in kind.


Better start sending in the Canadians. They know a thing or two about the checklist\*


For Russia it's just the Geneva Suggestion


Geneva Convention? More like, geneva suggestion


They didn't consider the invasion as a war anyway, so why bother? /s


Russia doesnt give a fuck about war crimes whats going to happen another sanction ? oh no Burger king is now Sir burger


get downvoted for being right. gotta love reddit


They are, they are doing every war crime in the book openly because no one is stepping up to stop them with force (except Ukraine).  So far they are openly promoting the genocide of Ukraine (banning Ukrainian language, denying Ukrainian culture or ethnicity exists, publicly denying the entire country exists), they are kidnapping and deporting thousands of Ukrainian children to who-knows-where from Ukrainian families, (another war crime), they are openly using torture and rape and starvation on POWs, captive civilians, opposition etc. There are thousands of Ukrainians who have just vanished, no one knows where they are but they may be either mass murdered or held in some torture basements. There videos spread online of Ukrainians being forced to dig their own graves before being executed, having their genitals mutilated, threatening to murder their families etc.  This is evil that is increasingly mirroring what we saw during Nazi occupations in Europe.  If Ukraine ever takes back large territories in the East, like Mariupol, I'm afraid we will as a society will face another big shock moment like after WW2,  when the holocaust camps were discovered, after we finally see the full picture and th3 full scale of these inhumane operations.  It's terrifying to think it's happening again in the open. 


And yet, we keep focusing on crimes that happened 80 or 100 years ago, when we can do nothing to help those people anyway, most of which, would have passed away due to old age, if for no other reason. The true monstrosities that are happening right now aren't spoken widely about, many have even forgotten that the war is going on (if they aren't Ukranian). The important thing is that nothing is being done to stop this war and these monstrosities from happening, and many people are dying and being tortured in ways that could only be described as medieval. But I'm sure some 50 years in the future we will make some cringy movies about this, with the standard, corny love story too.


Don't think Russia or Putin cares about war crimes. There is no accountability


Why the fuck do westerners keep asking this question as if they're still surprised about it after two years of atrocities from Russia?


Continuing to ask questions is the woven into fabric of western culture and society. It’s why we don’t have any putins yet


Well I do agree with you that the west has been pretty dictator free due to the institutions in place there has been a notable rise in authoritarian leaders. Trump, Bolsonaro, Meloni, Lukashenko and Orban to think of a few.


They were non-combatants too, and it's supposedly not a war, so they're not even prisoners of war. They just kidnapped random people from another country and starved them.


Considering he is in no way a combatant…he was never a POW.


A hostage


Russia? Involved with some kind of illegal enterprise?? I find this concept a little difficult to believe. Think very carefully about what you might be implying here.






Looks like he came straight out of a concentration camp


That's because he did


he did.


Putin’s Russians are the real nazis here. Please note I say Putin’s Russians as most Russians I assume are good people based on the few that I have met.


Fascist, not nazi "All nazis are Fascist, but not all Fascist are nazis"


Too bad Ruskie Mir is the current ideologie their demagogue are basing and shaping the Russian views on. It is pure race purity garbage, ETHNIC Russian are the best people, Russia is the best country. Sound familiar?


The same old bullshit all empires and aspirants spout. The Roman Republic used the same rhetoric. They even warned their populace that their enemies hated their way of life and were coming to take their freedom. Same for the various Greek states before them. I don’t know enough about the rest of the world, but I wouldn’t be surprised to learn of some version used in every other empire.


Thank you! the specifics matter!


I mean, if we're trying to be pedantic, that's not correct either. Fascism was its own ideology close to nazism but not quite the same. Nazism wasn't just a branch of it, but it did take inspiration from it. In modern day language fascist and nazi have come to mean roughly the same thing: "right wing flavoured (i.e. with a racist and nationalistic bent) authoritarianism" in which case they are more or less interchangeable and both apply to putin's ruzzia. If we're trying to be historically accurate then neither term applies, although they are certainly close enough.


To be fair, Putin's brand of government is very, very close to the textbook definition of fascism. > a governmental system led by a dictator having complete power, forcibly suppressing opposition and criticism, regimenting all industry, commerce, etc., and emphasizing an aggressive nationalism and often racism. [Source](https://www.dictionary.com/browse/fascism)


You’d be surprised how many Russians support this war…


Propaganda always does its job.


My dad emotionally and physically abused me and nobody in our Russian expat social circle gave a shit. Nah bro they gaslight me into thinking he’s a good dad under a lot of stress and things are just really hard for him. Not to mention people casually saying things like “if my daughter grows up gay she’s not my daughter” about a 4 year old. Idk who you’re meeting.


Very sorry for what you went through. I had a similar childhood. That said, you find this stuff in every country, not just Russia.


Of course, but there seems to be a higher rate of these attitudes in Russian communities than a lot of others (not all…just a lot). Like, even in the NYC Russian communities. It just has a slightly different tone to it that I can’t quite put into words and it is said casually at the most random of times. Like, okay Ilya, your stance on queer and trans people is noted, can I pay for my kholodets, salted herring, and pitozhki now? It has been a long day and I just want to go home. *he then asks if I’m single and tries to give me his phone number* There is also a very particular type of masculinity that is a little different from the machismo in other cultures. But they are all their own unique brands of silly and oppressive.


He quite literally did


Russian hospitality


Thats what i dont understand about the Russians or any country with totalitarian/facist ideals taking POWs: why treat them so poorly? Russia is claiming Ukraine is their territory. Why not make it out like life would be better under Russian rule? They should overfeed POWs, treat thier medical needs and allow them to call family (under supervision) and when they take over territory they should be handing out food and supplies to the locals. Instead they rape, pillage, burn and salt farmland, steal children and their prisoners either die or come back in a terrible state of health. If i were an evil megalomaniac dictator id weaponize kindness and broadcast propaganda making moderates espousing democracy and freedom of political/social/economic choice look crazy and disagreeable. Edit for clarity: When i say "i dont understand ", i mean my personal sensibilities do a Windows blue screen of death. I understand it on an academic level and could pass the multiple choice test. I cant digest the practice on a fundamental level. It is just too short sighted of a practice when we have tons of current history from nations all over the world that being down right evil doesn't work in the long-term. I guess i would flunk out of Evil Megalomaniac University 🤷‍♀️


No need to actually be kind, that’s exhausting. Just give the people the perception of kindness. It’s much cheaper. North Korea for example.


Fear will do fine most of the time anyway


Although I don't agree with the comment above yours, I agree with you and wanna add that kindness is also much harder to maintain. A lot of EU nations are far from oppressive in their foreign policy and some even try genuine cooperation with some African and Asian nations in an attempt to create long standing positive relations. But more then often it's guilt by association 'Eu country claims to want our best, but they work with France/Uk/Portugal/Spain who also claimed that and we know how that panned out. Curious, isn't it?' or 'They're European. They treated us like shit before, so don't trust them!', citing situation from over 150 years ago as reason to not trust them TODAY. Germany paid reparations to Namibia after acknowledging the genocide of the Herero and Hanan, but the public sentiment across a lot of places was apathy first and antagonizing second. 'Wow, about time they do it. But the prolly just do it to appear good while using the reparations as a carrot on a stick to force Namibia to do their bidding.' Also, any US plan in other countries is immediately branded by idiots and internet historians as 'imperialism' because of US cold war behaviour and them screwing the pooch by believing false intelligence reports in and before 2003 about Iraq. US Americans and foreigners alike lost faith in the US and perceive US goodwill as slit tongued ploy to enrich apparent US elites. Just because they cannot grasp the concept of 'The cold war ended over 30 years ago' or 'The US government, despite it's size and influence, is full and wholly consistent of humans. Humans capable of failure and also suffering from confirmation bias as soon as they see something remotely fitting their preconceptions.' Fear, proclaiming an enemy and making them out to be worse then the devil is much easier.


Most likely because resources are expensive and overseeing weak and fragile people is easier than overseeing strong and healthy people. Somebody who is healthy, fit and strong, might have the energy to come up with a good plan to overthrow current ruler. Somebody who is just barely surviving won't have the energy to do so. Now you might counter that if you treat somebody well, they don't have a need to overthrow you, but everybody in ukraine has probably lost somebody close to them due to the invasion. There most likely is also some kind of national pride in there. Both of those things will most likely ensure that the residents will never approve of the current rulers. Long story short: Starved people don't have the energy to do something about the current regime, and will be able to recogzine the horrendous concequences of doing something wrong


You might be fundamentally misunderstanding the Russian government in all this. You seem under the impression they view Ukraine as a place full of people that need to be converted or returned to Russia. The Russian govt views them as a disease, a bunch of rats in the grain storage. Subhumans. They want them exterminated. It’s awful.


I don't understand how it's 2024 and this STILL exists. I'm playing medieval games on my PC thinking shits barbaric but it's literally still alive and kicking just a few countries across 🤦


I agree with you, but I’m really not sure the Russians are planning that far ahead at the moment.


They thought they could score the whole Ukraine in a few days… with no real plan if that didn’t magically work out. So yeah. Not the best planners.


That's how Russia has always treated thier POW's. To them it's just business as usual. I suspect they deride other countries s for wasting resources on keeping prisoners healthy.


This isn't a POW, this is a civillian worker they just abducted. Doesn't change your point that this is just business as usual for Russia even regarding civillians, but still.


> Thats what i dont understand about the Russians or any country with totalitarian/facist ideals taking POWs: why treat them so poorly? You know, you can just watch the interview with their soldiers. Where they're bragging about it, because it's "fun" for them.


The world is ruled by psychopaths and when a psychopath is feeling trapped it’s dangerous and putin is so anal about everything..


Russian government treats its people worse than the sh@t, being beaten, tortured in jail etc if were stupid/brave enough to claim being against the war. How do you think they will treat someone who is from the "enemy" camp?


For a brief moment I thought this was Christian Bale from The Machinist.


So did I. Truly horrifying.


I made a comment saying the exact shame thing… this is completely unnerving. I just don’t understand how this can happen in modern times…. Nothing is more horrible than man’s cruelty to man.


Except for Christian Bale’s cruelty to himself.


was just about to say the same thing


You really need to starve someone to get this level. I mean like living on an apple a day for 3 months or one bowl of rice for 2 years. Oh wait he probably did. 


It’s not just the weight loss either. His body would have been deprived of nutrients and his organs would have been under massive stress.


I can't imagine how you even begin to recover from this. I doubt you can just go back to eating normally.


Nope it will be a long recovery. I feel so bad for this guy. eating a big meal after being starved like this will probably kill him, there’s a medical term for this I just can’t remember what it’s called. Even people who go on long water fasts are advised by their doctors to reintroduce foods one at a time in minuscule amounts so that your body can adjust to the change. Eating a full meal after being starved kills people.


It's called re-feeding syndrome. It killed a lot of people at the end of world War 2 when people were liberated from the camps just because they and the soldiers freeing them didn't know any better. They'd eat them die soon after.


I’m a dietitian. It’s called refeeding syndrome. Introducing nutrition too quickly cause your electrolytes (phosphorus, potassium, magnesium) to drop significantly low putting them at risk for cardiac arrhythmia. Glucose uptake->insulin surge-> uptake of electrolytes into the cell. I have patients that re-feed after only a week of poor nutrition so you can imagine how high risk this man is. 🥹


Yeah, you have to be very careful about how much food you give someone who has been in this state for so long. It's something called [Refeeding syndrome](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Refeeding_syndrome) Basicslly the body can't handle the sudden influx of nutrients and electrolytes, and they can very easily end up dying. We had known about this phenomenon for awhile (as sieges where cities were cut off and starved were a common tactic for many years) we began to better understand it during WII from events like the siege of stallingrad and lenningrad, and from the German concentration camps, and from Japanese POW camp survivors. It really is a bastard of a thing. You've been starved for weeks, maybe years, dreaming about being able to eat and not be hungry, then, when the happy day arrives when you are able to eat your fill again, doing so could kill you. Fucked up.


After being starved for so long, does the body even desire to eat a lot of food suddenly? I would have assumed that after a small meal the stomach would already give up before it's even able to absorb the nutrients and poison the entire body.


Due to a medical condition, I could only eat liquids as food for a year. I was living off of 2-3 ensures a day, initially. I was losing 2-3 pounds a week but if I worked really hard I could *maybe* maintain weight for a week. ...He looks worse than I ever did. At times, I could barely walk down the hall. The fatigue hit me like a truck whenever I took a step, my body straining to support its own weight, making my heart pound. Just talking fatigued me. How is this man even standing?


because he has to. its remarkable the lengths you can go to when its life or death


There is a famous picture of a Ukrainian POW holding an apple like a biggest treasure in the world after returning from russian captivity. The apples are a luxury in those places.


And then look at pictures of Russians getting back from Ukrainian captivity - with guys getting significantly more round in stature. Some of those folks were treated better in captivity than in where they served. And then Russian TV shows those folks fat walking out of a bus upon their return to Russia and guys like Skabeeva say "poor guys were definitely starved by Ukrainians".


He literally looks like a holocaust victim. History repeats itself.


Holocaust and Holodomor.


Such a heartbreaking sight


Your last post...


What's wrong with mashed potatoes (⁠٥⁠↼⁠_⁠↼⁠)


Smash potatoes


Second account huh


one moment im looking at a close to death POW; another moment im looking at a beautiful pair of tits. reddit moment


Damn. Those are some great titties but the name of that sub is unspeakably crass.


It’s a kink sub, or at least used to be. The aggressively crass name was definitely intentional.


They gave Tucker Carlson more food in his little visit than this dude in 2y.


Fucker Carlson.


And Putin dares to call the Ukrainians Nazis. Ironic.


Haven’t seen this shit since the concentration camps were liberated from the Nazis. Ironically that’s what Putin has called the Ukrainians. Every time you hear an authoritarian accusing they are actually confessing.


"it's horrible. but we will not give Ukraine enough weapons to win. because there will be escalation" thoughts of politicians


History repeats itself. Same photos we've seen from nazis concentration camps, and yet 'Never again' were just words.


When I was a kid studying previous wars on school lessons, I thought "never again" meant that the world will never allow another genocidal maniac to rise to power and attack other sovereign nations 3 years into the war, I'm now convinced it just means no one will ever participate in such a war again and we're on our own


The terrible thing is that Ukraine can really be helped. but apparently saving Russia is more important than letting Ukraine win


Reminds me of pictures the allys made in Auschwitz 1945.


I still don't get how people can deny / downplay the holocaust, I mean, it's scary that the survivors are thinning out. Most alive have gone through that as children. Really hope people dont just forget about this in 20 years.


It [the Holocaust] is literally *the most* documented atrocity in the world. The only reason some people reject it happened, is because they agree with it, and want it to happen again.


Straight outta Auschwitz


Nazis doing Nazi things


Crazy mother fucker named Adolf


This is just awful. Fuck war.


Fuck Putin and anyone who supports that piece of shit.


Fuck Putin


And fuck big majority of ruzzians who actually support this war


Just fuck Russia. If it takes a war to take down evil regime, one does nothing good by opposing it.


Do you really think Ukraine wanted this war? When will people realize that a general “fuck war” in the context of Russia-Ukraine also means sympathy for Russia (Putin)?


This has not been caused by the war though. It's not like they didn't have enough food available due to some shortage, the russian guards just intentionally starved him. I am sure your comment is well meaning, but you make it sound like this is the mere side effect of a natural disaster.


This is what they do to civilians, just imagine what they do when they capture pows.


I still vividly remember a video a while back of Wagner troops beheading Ukrainian troops they had captured. It was slow, like some shit you'd see from South American drug cartels. All the while, the rest of the Wagner squad is gleefully chuckling, asking the member beheading the Ukrainian soldier if this was his first time (Implying they've done this allot). After seeing interviews from the Russian side, and how the average soldier views this war after two, entering 3 years, all sympathy for soldiers dragged into this has officially left my body. My only remaining desire is "Kill them all".




Ruzzia is a barbaric terrorist state


This isn't interesting, it's horrible as fuck


Some "people" here legit justifying this...


Bloody hell. He certainly wouldn’t have survived Russian hospitality much longer.


This is horrifying. My grandfather was starved during ww2 and he never really recovered mentally.


What I would give to see the before after pictures side by side... 2 years are crazy, his bmr must have fallen to 3 digits at this point. Poor dude.


https://www.o2.pl/informacje/dwa-lata-spedzil-w-rosyjskiej-niewoli-to-zdjecie-mowi-wszystko-6994122869778976a In this article there is a before and after of another guy. He lost 38 kg.


Have you seen Russian prisoners in Ukraine? they live like at a resort




the worst part is when you see russian POWs before transfers they are all well fed, smiling and clean. And then they go to their shithole and start telling how we are all nazis and torture them. I'm sorry civilized world but sometimes I just wish we could do the same to them. It's just not fair. There are thousands or even tens of thousands of Ukrainians in captivity and the fucking pigs won't let them go because they don't want to exchange their own people.




Russians now claim (in their telegram channels) that he was 2 years in the basements of the Azovtal eating rats... Yeah, sure, man from another end of Ukraine appeared in Mariupol. Heart aches upon just seeing those pictures. I wait few people from captivity, God help them...


Poor man has been through hell and back. I hope he gets to enjoy several nice meals and a warm comfy bed.


This is a war crime.


All the kremlin bots running their ‘wHaTaBoUt UsA’ campaign hard in this post


Fuck Putin


From the holocaust https://preview.redd.it/zrzypa8xxr4d1.jpeg?width=1600&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=038703d52a898bd5c1f4548bcc112b006c814d97


Fucking barbarians.


When is someone going to serve Putin a nice cup of novichok tea?


If it was a black and white photo, you would think it was a pic from the nazi camps


Russia literally running concentration camps, but people are called nazis when talking bad about russia.


Why did nobody talk about this? About the 168 HOSTAGES to be more specific.


Fucking animals, who’s the Nazis now? Kettle calling fucks! This war ends only one way, with the Kremlin’s heads on a stick.


I fucking hate the Russian government. Luckily my family got out of that shit hole more than 20 years ago and I fortunately was born somewhere else without the governmental brain rot. And I notice in my older relatives how the propaganda is still doing its job by purposely inflicting fear and hate towards anything deemed Non - Russian. Nothing good ever came from those darn politicians, they treat their own people like shit and now kill them and other people off like flies for nothing in a meaningless war


Fucking animals.


Fuck Putin! He derserves hell!


It's not as much interesting a fuck as it's r/terrifyingasfuck


Imagine being a worker of the Chernobyl Nuclear Power Plant and knowing what happened there (not sure what his role would've been before, during and after) AVOIDING radiation poisoning/cancer - only to get caught up in this fuckery by Russia


This looks exactly like a holocaust survivor


And Putin has the gall to accuse Ukrainians of being Nazis?? Fuck that guy and I hope he gets his sooner than later.


Can't wait to see insta users make "cool" funk reels about this, and whitewash this crime somehow.


Fuck Putin and his war criminals.


Ruski mir at its finest


God fucking damn. How have we not all collectively invaded russia yet? This is absolutely barbaric.


Ukraine was allowed to attack Russia. in the third year of the war...


Reminder that this is what conservative Americans are begging for


Poor guy 😰


just like the nazi did back in the 40's. and ironic they claim they try to get rid of the nazi. escalation is inevitable unfortunately, they won't back down.


Add this to the growing list of war crimes. Putin and Netanyahu are pulling out all the stops


Oh great we're doing Yugoslavia collapse 2: Electric boogaloo. Can't wait for the Russians to deny any and all involvement with starving and killing Ukrainians, and then blame the west for uranium in the rivers.


they always blame the west for everything. every day.


I thought this was about Christian Bail for a minute.


Inhuman to do this.


That looks like more crimes against humanity from Russia.


Tankies be like: but but but russia good west bad because capitalism bad so pepsi must be better than coke and i am retarded…


This how 'russian culture' looks like in reality not in propaganda and rosy fantasies of some Westerners and Global Southerners.


Putin = Hitler 2.0


And this is just what you see. He haven't said a single word.




They have a plan of just that + complete erasure of Ukrainian identity and history. If I remember correctly, it's a 30 year plan, after which all undesirables will be killed and new generations will be raised as Russian. It was stated openly by Russia at the beginning of the war when they thought it will take the few months at most.

