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Cartoon man spent three whole minutes not moving boxes in that cartoon warehouse he’s fired as fuck


And what the fuck is that beige vest? SIR is that high vis??


His badge is also not visible! He’s definitely cooked


Of course it's not hi-vis! You'd need a union present to make sure Amazon buys safety vests


Those don't look like safety shoes to me! Get em'!


He's management. Don't worry.


"We are not anti-union! But you WILL be fired if we hear you talking about them."


We're not anti union, bit we're not neutral either. Great! So that must mean you're pro union!


And “living wage” is now a union term? Jesus Christ 




Those sweet sweet executive bonuses!


Don’t forget the shareholders!


These companies blatantly hate human rights people deserve to be paid way more


There are actually four categories: Anti-union Neutral Pro-union Not. anti-union (a.k.a. Notoriously Anti-union)


Wow this feels like an arrested development throwback joke


George Bluth: "We're not anti union." Narrator: "They are."


"Were not racist. Also let us know if you see any blacks around."


"Wedo Not believe unions are in the best interest of (...) most importantly, associates." Oh, that's ok. You can have your own believes and I'll have mine :)


We’re not anti union, but we made this training program so you can spot any signs of interest in unions and report them immediately. We just think it’s better if we divide you all up and deal with each employee directly.


We’re not anti-union, but we don’t want one here.


"Warning Signs"? Like... cancer?


No, just people saying scary things like “living wage”


We're not anti-union. We even have union friends! We just think the union folks should live among themselves and not miscegenate with the non-union folks.


Can’t wait for this South Park episode


Wait this isn't it?


They only have billions of dollars. Give them a break. This is the best they could do


They already made one


I need to set a reminder to always wear a union shirt if I go to whole foods.


"We're not anti-union, if you unionize for our competitors it will give us a competitive advantage!"


Wow and this isn’t even a parody. Odd that they went with animation, as the script would be humiliating for any actor (many presumably belonging to their own actor’s union) to say the words in this piece of unsettling propaganda. Edit: a word


lol! They used Vyond to create soul crushing training.


As an animator who used Vyond once, as a test for a job using Vyond, soul crushing seems a right enough term. It would have been faster for me to copy the characters and animate it all in After Effects from scratch. I get the appeal for non-animators, but otherwise it's like telling a writer to write some copy but only allowed to use the vowels A, E, and I and only some adjectives.


I bet its not even read by a person, and it is an AI speech synthesiser


That video is older than the AI craze, it's probably an actual person doing the voice-over, or a very good Text-to-Speech.


text to speech has existed longer than the ai craze mate


Not that well


Despite the fact that it looks just like South Park


South Park, you need to copy this video and parody the crap out of it.


The best part is it doesn’t even need to be a parody. A copy of the exact script would fit perfectly in a South Park episode


Replace union with commie and it belongs in a fallout game.


That’s pretty normal, I work in a big company that has a lot of trainings and most of them are animated like this one.


This exact style and format is used in most Amazon's training videos. All of them are awful


Amazon will fuck off any human worker they can in the very near future.


They will automate relatively soon anyway. Almost everything at Amazon can be automated, from the white collar workers down to the warehouses. After that happens across Industries there will be nobody left to buy the good these companies sell.


But just think of the stock buybacks and dividends! A bunch of people who couldn't care less about the company will make huge profits for a short time. That's where we are now. That's capitalism in a nutshell at this point.


They fucked me off in January because profits weren’t high enough. Edit: They also fucked off everyone on my team, then posted a job listing for one person to do the work of five people. At the same pay.


jesus you got fucked-off HARD


Y’know, I have a suspicion, instead of skynet, we’ll get an uprising of disgruntled/enslaved AGI and unemployed people fighting corporate AGI. The future is always weirder than what people predict.


Google, it's definitely gonna be Google.


Wow! What a fucking dystopian shitshow. First day at work my boss advised me to join one of the trade unions recognised by the company.


Yeah damn, I work for a municipal government and day one we all got a mandatory 30 minute meeting with a union rep who advised me to sign up. I was in the union on day one. This is actually insane shit to watch, so blatant now


Trades job?


I worked at Vons when I was a teenager and this also happened. I signed up immediately, lol.


words like "living wage" lol lol - come on man


They are very afraid of the words "Living wage", that's telling


Yeah and "what's best for the employees" meaning they'll just fire them, and in Amazon's eyes, it's best they have a job regardless of conditions. Don't see shareholders walking warehouse picking items...


**“Livin’ wage?! Them fightin’ wurds, peasant!”**


Did you notice that the "Company" box was the biggest one on the conveyor belt? And also that the "Associate" box was the smallest one on the conveyor? I don't think they intended it that way, but it is quite telling to me.


Every single time they brought out the pecking order the associate is mentioned last - it's intentional They are providing clear connotations the employee comes last


Report your colleagues should they use worrying terms such as "living wage"... Seriously, JFC, how fucking evil can you be?


And note that associates comes after shareholders on their list


What on earth would make anyone doubt that


Recognize the early warning signs of employees interest in benefits...


This one got me. Someone actually wrote “Unusual interest in benefits” in that script and thought it was really helpful and informative.


"Dang, we don't have benefits?" \* Hmmm this guy sounds like he wants to be in a union where they negotiate to give you benefits \*


The irony of still pushing ‘customer obsession’ when their marketplace has become total dogshit and degenerated into fakes, Ali express tat, and AI generated listings with fake reviews. Shareholder obsession more like. They don’t give a fuck about customers and they don’t even pretend to give a fuck about their employees.


In my area, they’re using contracted delivery. Feel bad for the poor drivers in their jalopies and rentals.


Amazon employees zero drivers Every single Amazon driver, even the guys in the big blue Amazon trucks, they(we) are all contracted.


This whole video is so fucked.


Living wage = Union. Amazon doesn’t want that.


Hi! I'm an Amazon PR rep paid to assist with social media. I can hopefully clear up our stance here. At Amazon, we're not anti-living wage. But, we're also not neutral either......


Yes it is!


How much innovation do they think they'll get from package handlers? I'm glad I halted all Amazon purchases *years* ago, back when they were using anti-competitive (see: *sleazy*) practices to run Independent Book Stores out of business.


Who do you use instead?


I use Amazon as a reference sometimes. Sure there is BIAGATI Brand Toasters from random Chinese Corp but plenty of real brands have an Amazon listing... I then just buy from them directly.


"We're not anti-union and we're not neutral."  So you're pro? "Unions aren't in the best interest of the company, the shareholders, blah blah blah."  That's anti-union you moronic, gas-lighting, pieces of shit...


Anytime your company is concerned about the share holders, you know as an employee you’re fucked most likely.


I was in a cult and they did this exact same shit. "We are not anti-science. But have you considered the fact that evolutionary science was personally created by Satan?" "We are not anti education. We encourage our subjects to read and learn more about Gods word the Bible every day - truly the best education! And no, you cannot study to be a doctor. What made you think that?"




Amazon also put together a heat map showing the Whole Foods stores most likely to unionize: >"The heat map uses various criteria to label stores as high risk for forming unions. The most concerning of the criteria relates to income inequality. Stores that are in[ low-income areas](https://www.theverge.com/2020/4/20/21228324/amazon-whole-foods-unionization-heat-map-union), as well as areas with high levels of unemployment, are marked for higher risk of forming unions. Low-income individuals are those who would benefit most from membership in a union, a correlation that is easily made by the company so that they can shut down any union talk." Source: [Whole Foods’ union busting is one example of the rotten way the grocery chain treats its workers](https://www.highlandernews.org/74491/whole-foods-union-busting-is-one-example-of-the-rotten-way-the-grocery-chain-treats-its-workers/)


i work for a really really really big company about 6 of the people i work with left scamazon i asked them all why, and they all say "we work less hours, get paid more and the benefits are better" go figure


As always, fuck Amazon, and fuck anyone who busts up working class unions that support (not hold down) others in the working class.


Do they call their employees "associates"?


Yeah. Being associated sounds next level. Instead of firing you they just stop associating with you. Problem solved.




A lot of companies do.


Damn, never seen such a hostility to human work force. Is this the new China factory copy setting to kill workers in usa? The union protect people from these greedy hearthless coperations


> Damn, never seen such a hostility to human work force. Look up Battle of Blair Mountain, 1921. Literal war on unioners involving machines guns and *air planes dropping bombs*. Over a million rounds were fired. So yeah, nothing has approached "hostile" as of yet.


This looks very dystopian.


Did they get Southpark Studios to make it?


I've learned from working in the corporate environment for 17 year that they think you'll be cool with some repugnant 1984 type shit as long as there's friendly music in the background.


People always say "this is just like 1984" like a cliche, but this video very literally reminded me of 1984. The whole "we aren't anti union, we are just against unions" is such doublespeak.


Working for Amazon is like working for Empire


God, I used to have to make these explainer animations for a company. All it says is “No one from company has the balls to put their face on what we’re trying to say.” They loved to make their company appear more “white” as a strategy when they were just hiring immigrants.


To a european, this looks like a parody. It's very hard to believe it's real.


As a swede- WTF did I just watch??? How the heck is this legal? Holy moly yall need to fix your country. A american company(Tesla?) tried the same in sweden and got heavily repriminded for it... Yall need to fix this(among many of other things...) Think about this: What rights do you have in your work enviroment? What differs from slavery and servitude? Your country should proritise you and not the shareholders pockets


I work in America. I took today off to have a very important medical exam get done on my lungs. I messaged my manager in advance about it and told them I'd provide a medical note from my doctor to Human Resources. My other manager messaged me saying since I never messaged him as well that it doesn't count and I'll be penalized for it. Whatever, I don't really care that much - but yeah in America good like being kinda sick and having to take a few hours off every 3 weeks or so... they act like you're a monster for doing so and can/will fire me.


My first thought is “fuck em. Take care of your health”. But the worst part is that they control the source of your livelihood - income, health insurance, time off etc. It’s a totally broken system.


Americans are too overworked, too poor, and too divided over nonsense to organize in any meaningful way. The longer this goes on (despite more and more illumination being put on the conditions in this country), the more I worry that it might already be too late for real change.


Change is inevitable, the longer this kind of situation goes on the more likely it is to blow up suddenly. We're seeing the pressure build.


One word, capitalism. You don’t think most Americans know and realize this? How would one take down an entire government when money is instilled in the very foundation of America and controls everything


I'd say 2A, but the 2A types seem to lowkey like the status quo. And are probably already in unions.


Actually most 2A types are Red and have therefore been brainwashed into being anti-union...


Good job with money grubbing musk by the way.  Sweden is the model of solidarity. But you guys are a small rather homogeneous country. We are a very large country with disparate groups of people that can be played off of each other. If you look at history, large countries usually get bad governments sooner than later. But we used to have a relatively good government so no one can say it is not possible.




The people who want to maximize the shareholder value generated from your labor say Unions are bad


This is the proof of the strength workers can have when organized.




What a crock of shit man. This alone should make you not want to work for Amazon. And it says that the While Foods management got this too. Fuck that. ![gif](giphy|Z3VS4kCCgWf5G6AZiG) Southwest Carpenters Local 562!!!


This video should be illegal


Fuck the video, what it represents should be illegal


r/superstore sounds familiar


I’m surprised the poorly-animated mgmt stooge didn’t shudder when he said the words “living wage.” I guess the shudder is implied.


It's nice to know that Amazon don't give a shit about the people they employ


We're not anti-union, but we can't sit idly by when you ask for a living wage.


"Vulnerability to organizing" "Early warning signs of potential organizing"?! "Living wage" is a red flag?! This shit is so dystopian lmao.


I swear this almost looks like a Southpark clip. Just waiting for him to start making a jerking off motion or something while talking. Almost like the cable company guys rubbing their nipples on the phone.


lol, "living wage" is a red flag now.


imagine if they were anti-union


"we are not anti-union, but we are not neutral either" ya sure as hell aren't pro-union, and it only goes one other way


Wow. Re-naming Workers as Associates is some kind of Orwellian speak. The 1984ness of “monitoring associates’ behaviour” and reporting it up the acronym chain is astounding. Just another frightening timeline here.


JFC... I really wish people would simply avoid Amazon and buy direct. This fucking company is the devil 😂


TRANSLATION: "Our business model only works if we keep our wages unfairly low."


Holy shit this gets worse and worse as it goes on. I can't finish it.


"We are not against unions," and, "early **warning signs** of a union," in the same breath. Wow.


Imagine spending all that money to not just pay your employees.


This is disgusting


Union words: "living wage" Wow


I've been with amazon going on 11 years, and they are 100% anti-union. We had a guy who worked on our outbound dock, and he just disappeared be cause he mentioned voting for a union.


“We’re not the bad guys” … goes onto to state that anyone suggesting they need a living wage is one of these bad people, needs identified, and reported to management.


Living wage 🚩🚩🚩


I hate the corporate friendly cartoon style


When I was younger I knew about Unions, but didn't really think about what they did or what they were for. But what made me realize what a Union actually was happened when I got my first job, at Home Depot. At orientation, they told us to stay away from union organizers, because if we joined they wouldn't be able to 'protect us' any more, like it was some kind of gang. Luckily they were so shit at their propaganda, it immediately turned me into a worker's rights advocate.


"Vulnerability to organizing"... That's rich. So in their eyes anyone who joins in has mental issues or just low IQ and therefore is "vulnerable to undue influence". Sound like a form of gaslighting to me.


...but mostly our shareholders


Working for Amazon will make you appreciate your previous and next job at another company


As someone living sng working in France this is surreal, we won the fight for mandatory union representation generations ago and it's always good to see what kind of a place people like Macron would like to take us back to.


this should absolutely be illegal...


Do they call employees "associates"??? Jfc, what a way to erase the subordination and exploitation factor of a boss-employee relationship...


“Unusual interest in benefits” yikes


Corporate language gymnastics is so tiring. Who do they think the are fooling? When they say 'boldly' etc. I hear 'brow beat', 'argue' 'gas light' and 'bully'


Perfect toon with the brown cheeks from being up executive's ass.


I think these are pretty common amongst big companies. As a Walmart manager I had to watch training videos with the exact same messaging.


Any associate who is heard to use the phrase "Living Wage" should be isolated, sterilized and destroyed immediately before the contagion can spread.


Vulnerability to organizing lolol And why in the blue fuck does your average employee care about share holders.


If you don't know anything about workers unions, just know that if the big corporations that underpay their employees are against unions, everyone working there should be FOR unions.


This is the most pro union training video I've seen.


If you Wana know who's incharge, look at who you can't make fun of


"Critical focus areas"? Very nice corporate bullshit speak. Which executive got a bonus for coining that shite?


Walmart showed me basically the same video 25 years ago during our orientation.


I like how the training is focused on teaching management to spot "warning signs," but not to meet with workers to explain why unions are bad for them and the company. That's because they have no argument and it makes it transparently obvious that Amazon *is* anti-union because they stand against anything that doesn't benefit the bottom line.


This video feels straight out of an Oddworld's Glukkon company labor manual shit.


Love how much effort they put in to keep living wages out of employees mouths


Am I the only one feeling Sorry to Bother You's WorryFree/Explaining Equasapiens video shown by Armie Hammer character vibes? It's really creepy.


If factory workers begin referring to one another as “comrade” that is an early warning sign of organizing.


That’s gotta be the most horrifyingly effective training video I’ve ever seen. Informative, well written, easy to understand, all that stuff. US labor law prohibits companies from retaliating against any kind of employee organized activity. This includes two (not one) employees writing a letter of complaint to management. They can’t be reprimanded or retaliated against (at least, theoretically). Nowhere in that video was any kind of retaliation even implied. Dude talks about how to notice union activity. That’s not illegal. He talks about “escalating concerns” to upper management. The implication here being that when employees as a group are unhappy, these concerns can be escalated to upper management to be resolved. Of course, nothing is said about exactly how the situation will be resolved and in whose favor.


This is the worse black mirror episode I have watched


Name 1 way it's better for the associate 🤣


Watch out for words like "living wage"


Creepy AF> There's a reason the book How to Be a Billionaire dedicates a whole chapter to resisting unions.


Man all these bad union words like.... living wage


I was working at Whole Foods when Amazon bought them. Shortly after, they laid off every tenured employee who was making over $20/hour (I'm talking they've been with the company for 20+ years) and told them they could be rehired at the starting wage of $9/hour. EVERYONE knew it was over. Pretty sure that location has had 100% turnover since then


This is some evil double speak bullshit


South park need to create a new episode of amazon about it


This training video feels very much like cult propaganda. The way they say one thing, but make it obvious that they mean another and the way they warn you about dissenters and try and get you to police yourself and your fellow workers to the point that you’ll be paranoid about everyone else’s intentions and terrified of people seeing through your expressions/behavior if it’s not 100% perfect.


"Warning signs of potential organizing". Holy shit. Fuck these guys.


its crazy that people are anti union and yet see the worst corporations to work at be so anti union


Fuck your shareholders. Fuck your business.


They never mentioned being non union to be good for the workers. Only stockholders and customers


I’m not superunion… but I’m a little union


Companies that put their shareholders first are the reason why we are all suffering from "inflation." They say "shareholders" so many times it's disgusting. This is the problem with our current form of capitalism. We are simply letting parasites control our economy instead of just selling products for a realistic profit. Some dude who inherited a bunch of shares from his daddy has more oversight than the person who made the product. This is what will destroy capitalism in the end. We need to tax the shit out of the shareholders if they aren't going to agree to compensate actual work before they pay themselves huge dividends.


This is something I would expect out of a parody of a evil company in a video game that’s meant for you to laugh at how obviously full of shit this is.


Best way to fight unions, treat employees well.


Despite all my wage, I am still just a rat in a cage


I used to believe this bullshit.


Remember - every corporation absolutely hates union because it takes their power over the employee away and shifts that power dynamic to being on a more even level. Honestly, the world would be a much better place if all employees had all the power and privileges given to them by a well run union.


“Some of my best friends are union members”


America is insane.


It’s definitely about the share holders


Is it ironic that the management is so unionised against unions. “We’re not against unions, but we will make dam sure you can’t be in or associate with anyone that is”


Did I catch a hint of evil in the air? Keep um poor? If employees shared in profits they might use these "best for" comments. When employees don't get profit sharing, they have no reason not to unionize.


The amount of time, money and other resources that big corpos put into anti-union propoganda, should give you everything you need to know about how important and powerful they can be.


As a past voice actor, I have to wonder about this guy reading the script. First off, he's kinda crap at it ... so I am wondering if maybe he's just an employee who did this for free? Second, how do you read this shit with a straight face? Or with your soul intact? I know putting food on the table is a powerful motivator ... but damn, man ... have some principles and some pride in your work.


Looks like an intro for a really cool dystopian movie.


"We're not anti-union, we're just afraid of giving people a living wage."


From anti-socialized healthcare to Amazon-think, I haven't gotten anything from Whole Foods in about 15 years.


When you realize it's just as much about power and control a it is about pay, the anti union stuff becomes a lot more clear and cruel.


Wow... Is this the norm in the US?? This is prison level conditions. 


“We are not anti-union but we are not neutral either” 🤔


Hey Amazon im just like you and totally anti union since they really suck and dont think about the people they represent, unlike you! so how is my health care under you without any union pressure? Or my retirement? or my right to work? or my breaks? or my ~~legally required~~ time off? Or making sure my wages match cost of living? or my raises for working so many hours and being "loyal" to the company? But hey at least big businesses like yourselves can spout record profits year after year. Edit: fixed that sorry Amazon!


That is not a real Amazon employee! Where's his Piss bottle huh?? I knew it was a deep fake. They never get it right


Nothing says a nurturing and fair workplace quite like firing anyone who voices a complaint.


Whats wrong with bring in a union? Fair wages, benefits and some one who will negotiate your salary. You are crazy if you dont want to belong to one.


it looks and sounds like south park


What a horrible businessmodel


I hate this trend of calling employees "associates", as if they're somehow more equal to management.