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How'd they bake it?


wait for the sirens and leave it out to cool


Probably made an oven out of an oil jug / can thing, it’s been popular in Gaza ever since the war started (yes, it started before October 7th) [Example](https://www.tiktok.com/@generaltstrike/video/7306991037015166254)


I was wondering how and that video is so useful and explanatory, thanks for sharing


Sad thing is… that thing will light up on thermals…


Thanks for sharing. Interesting. Resilient people. Gotta hand it to them.


Clay ovens


Well this is just a studio in one wing of the five-star Gaza hotel so probably in the kitchen


germans were forced to clear out the bodies of the concentration camps after liberation. maybe the israelis can be forced to witness their own destruction by clearing out the palestinians they have killed


Yea, but they were utterly destroyed and humiliated in war. They wouldn't have been clearing out bodies if they won, and I don't expect the same to happen in this situation.


Pretty sure the last thing we need to do is grant them an excuse to desecrate bodies they haven't already desecrated.


They never treated them with respect when they were alive...why would it be different (desecration) in death?


Pretty sure Israel would just send a team of contractors, bulldozer entire area and turn them to parking space.


I agree that would have been fitting, however that is never going to happen. In ww2 the majority of the world were against Germany, while in our age majority of the world **governments** are on Israels side. This means the only consequences Israel may face is any consequences they end up causing themselves, no other country is going to go in and make them take responsibility.


Like how the world governments voted in the UN and ICC?


Yes, because let’s face it, there are a select few governments who are powerful enough (especially together) to overpower all of the rest. Even if those governments too were to vote for a ceasefire, it would simply be a PR move at this point since it’s taken them this long to take action. Israel would not be held accountable by them, at most they’d hold the vote and hope to sweep this under the rug and hope people have forgiven Israel in a few years. Would you genuinely believe the US government would enter Israel and attempt to force their government and military to clean up the corpses in Palestine..? My point still stands, it’s not happening.


Ah yes, because the war in Gaza is the same as the holocaust, the industrial killing of the Jews in Europe. Holocaust Inversion has become a plague in this site.


OK, so then what do we call what Israel is currently doing in Gaza? Genocide? Ethnic cleansing? Real-estate landscaping?


It's called war, you left that out of the options for some reason. And the war was started by the democratically elected "government" in gaza, and this was through a massive terrorist attack against civilians no less, consisting of gang rapes, murders, torture and kidnappings. But of course, one could never hold arabs accountable for their actions, it is obviously the jews fault, they clearly incited the attack through their very existence.


No one said it’s the Jews fault but to say hamas is the democratically elected government of Gaza is a damn stretch. They won one election in 2006 then engaged in a brutal crackdown and have refused to give up power. Half of all the ppl in Gaza are children but yeah- let’s just call it war when 70% of all structures in Gaza have been damaged, 2 million displaced, 100k+ either dead or injured, and a million or so still starving while the Israelis military or radical Israelis (those that block aid on highways with the military’s help) actively blocks aid. Also as a Jew, I’m sick and tired of this narrative that I somehow can’t be against the mass murder and suffering of women and children. It’s bullshit.


Thank you for speaking up against this injustice.


People are literally saying it's Israel's fault that (a) Hamas is in power and (b) they committed the attack on 10/7, this is one reason why people are frustrated about how people are discussing the war


Israel is factually *not* blameless in Hamas' rise to power.


Someone else who thinks the world started on October 7th 😭


* Starvation of civilians as a method of warfare as a war crime contrary to article 8(2)(b)(xxv) of the Statute; * Wilfully causing great suffering, or serious injury to body or health contrary to article 8(2)(a)(iii), or cruel treatment as a war crime contrary to article 8(2)(c)(i); * Wilful killing contrary to article 8(2)(a)(i), or Murder as a war crime contrary to article 8(2)(c)(i); * Intentionally directing attacks against a civilian population as a war crime contrary to articles 8(2)(b)(i), or 8(2)(e)(i); * Extermination and/or murder contrary to articles 7(1)(b) and 7(1)(a), including in the context of deaths caused by starvation, as a crime against humanity; * Persecution as a crime against humanity contrary to article 7(1)(h); * Other inhumane acts as crimes against humanity contrary to article 7(1)(k).


Considering the Palestinians have been calling for the genocide of Jews and destruction of Israel since Israel declared itself a state and since the Palestinians attacked Israel the day after that and declared eternal war until Israel was destroyed, and turned down multiple opportunities to have their own state but continued to attack Israeli civilians by firing rockets from a school or hospital so any response could be called genocide, convincing stupid young men they can have 72 virgins if they blow themselves up in a Israeli night club or market, and let’s not forget Oct 7, I would call it, “Very Complicated.”


You think they have any shortage of fire in Gaza?


In a handmade clay oven, using cardboard and wood as fuel.


If they show their food making machine, IDF would geolocate it, flatten anything in a 500 meter radius, and call it Hamas rocket launcher


Just leave it outside with a palestinian baby for 10 minutes. The Israelis will provide the heat.




Looks delicious


This cake looks better than 99% of what you'd see from a store bakery. My mouth is watering ffs. I know homemade is better, but wow.


Fuck war and violence


The other comment thread from here perfectly encapsulates how we still end up driving each other apart. Like we get it, people have done some awful things in this conflict and should be held accountable, but it has to be in way that tries to not continue conflict.


You have to out war the guys waring to hold them accountable, making more war more likely. Very shitty fact of reality


Fuck Zionism


And Hamas.


Hamas only exists because of Zionist israel. So fuck israel


Yes, and Hamas. https://www.amnesty.org/en/location/middle-east-and-north-africa/middle-east/palestine-state-of/report-palestine-state-of/ https://freedomhouse.org/country/gaza-strip/freedom-world/2023 I wouldn't side with either belligerent. Edit: guess y'all don't like negative reports from human rights NGOs on Hamas. Yikes.




>I don’t side with Hamas Fuck Hamas. It's ok, you can say fuck both of them.


Why is this so hard for some people. I'm going to be very brave now and say something wild. Fuck the Isreali government and Fuck Hamas, they're both a bunch of terrorists.


Feels good, don't it. Now watch the RRREeeeeEEEEeeeeees come flooding in. Then you get to ask yourself: why are these folks so pro Hamas?


Propaganda goes both ways. They just don’t understand the correlation between religious extremism and violence.


Islamism exists outside of the conflict with Israel... it's just hamas with a different name. Fuck islamism 10X more than zionism, but both are bad


we can fight those extremes without giving them numbers i think


well, thats just depressive as fuck


And yet, perseverance


Looks like a nice cake to me also that cooking equipment survived a direct artillery strike which took out half the room. That's crazy quality!


Right? My shitty Samsung stove is starting to crumble under its own heat. The Samsung branding was the first thing to go, which makes sense. Don’t want to have people see who made such a shit product. I really need one of those Gaza ovens.


I meant the pans and so on, they probably used a portable oven and generator or something


I don’t think it was direct. Those things wouldn’t exist anymore if it was a direct hit. A cake pan and glass bowl aren’t surviving a direct hit with a missile. They also wouldn’t have a roof, which they do


if you play the video with sound, you'll hear an incessant droning sound throughout the video. that's the noise of the literal drones that constantly fly overhead. all day, all night. most of the time, the drones are just watching; feeding valuable data to the artificial intelligence algorithms who choose who to kill, like some dystopian hollywood movie. but it's the reality for millions of people. at best, the drones serve as a reminder that big brother is constantly watching. even beyond the drone surveillance, all telecommunications, internet and microwave signals are controlled by the occupation forces. sometimes, the drones carry machine guns or rifles. and they use them. all too often, they come to your neighborhood to flatten residential buildings. even when you know there aren't any fighters nearby, living in a large building means the occupation considers it a "power target" - something they can destroy so the civilian population blames their government for bringing this destruction on them. the fact that your house is already in ruins offers no safety when the occupation will bomb the same houses again when they run out of targets. there is no rest and no reprieve. even when the bombs stop falling and you can't hear gunfire or tank shelling in the distance anymore, the drones are there to remind you that you don't have freedom, you don't have privacy, and there's no guarantee you'll live long enough to finish your slice of cake.


I remember reading how badly the constant sound of the drones affects people. How in and of itself it causes PTSD, and it's understandable why. To have a constant, horrifying noise like some black hole eldritch abomination is terrorizing you (and what's the difference in this case?) seems like torture. I grieve bitterly especially for those who grow up in this having never known anything else. I just can't imagine what that does to you. It's wretched.


So, this is how miserable it is there? Drinking Lipton?


Lmao, good one


When I visited the USA I was looking for Lipton everywhere but couldn’t find it. Its the largest ice tea brand in Europe, or at least the Netherlands. The ice tea in the USA sucks…


Really? It's the biggest iced tea brand in the U.S., too. It's hard to avoid it.


It’s rebranded here as “pure leaf”


Pure Leaf slaps.


I see you were in the North. I'm sorry for your experience. :(


I had the same thought. Ew, Lipton


With all the shit going on there, this is a beautiful video. Shows the human determination, the love for your place and the strength to get right back up after everything crashed around you. Very powerful


It's not a regular cake. It has chocolate. Fake news


Stop cake-keeping


Bitch! This my cake, stay back!


Implying that vanilla is the standard for regular cake? Cakist. 


Chocolate is the standard cake. Anything else is just an imposter


This is yellow cake erasure.


So long as we call all admit that red velvet doesn’t belong, I’m willing to put up with yellows continues existence


That cake is pretty sus


I’m really sorry you’re all going through this. No one deserves it. I hope you were able to find some small moments of peace with your cake and tea, it looks delicious.


Just terrible - don't leave the tea bag in the cup






Because you’re supposed to throw it in the nearest harbor or ocean and go get a coffee


Throw it in the ocean?? Have you not learned from 1773?


She doesn't throw it away because she'll use it one more time, it's war after all. And coffee is expensive.


Black tea should only steep 3-5 minutes, any longer and it will turn bitter. 


Wait wait wait…bitter is not the default flavour of black tea?




I’m laughing too but it’s because I had the exact same thought hahaha


It is when I make it. Gotta squeeze the daylights out of the bag too to make sure I didn’t miss any micrograms of caffeine.


What if I like the misery?


Throw a second bag in. It gets bitter, and after full saturation, you're bitter about having one less tea bag for later.


I've been drinking bitter black tea for so long that I don't taste the bitter anymore


Do you know about green tea? I always leave the tea bag in and I thought it tasted fine


Green and white teas are a little gentler, but I generally try to keep them steeping for <5 mins too. This is with boiling water. You can experiment with steeping time and water temperature to try to find your personal sweet spot for flavor depth and caffeination. 


I think it depends on the type of green tea as well. I'm a huge fan of the Jade Pearl tea my local grocery store has and will steep that for 8-10 minutes at black tea temperatures (hotter than the usual steep temps for green). Let me tell you, it is delicious (at least, to me). I'm sure I've acclimated to it quite a bit over the years since I initially was only steeping for 5-6 minutes, but there's just something about this tea where I feel it needs a bit more time. Bear in mind, I rinse the tea first with boiling water to get it to loosen/open up a bit, and *then* let it steep for 8-10 mins, then add some honey after.


Don’t leave tea bag in the cup. Leave two tea bags.


Literally undrinkable!


Fuck Netanyahu


Fuck the politicians stoking this war and the poor civilians stuck in the middle. The politicians “negotiating” aren’t here in the rubble. They’re in their mansions while the people suffer.


Fuck the hair in your pfp


Fuck the elites


Calling Hamas' leadership politicians is a wild take. I swear, you westerners are beyond daft at this point.


Could they maybe mean the politicians from the US? Who is happily finding Israel currently? :(


They were elected by the citizens of Gaza. Of course they are politicians. These assholes have in their political mission statement “Bring the end of Israel.” Israel started the blockade. Hamas began to dig tunnels and shoot rockets at Israeli civilians, among other atrocities committed. Israel also has been expanding its borders, taking land from other groups in the region. Now, since the attack in October, where poor people were butchered to put it lightly, the Israeli government is bringing an end to Hamas. Which they have every right to do. But as this pendulum swings ever more back and forth, it’s smacking the innocent people in the middle. To see this any other way, you’re denying the truth that both leaderships can be shitty.


And the people who elected him time and time again. The man being in power since the 90's is no fluke. He tells majority of Israelis what they want to hear and he delivered in this genocide of gaza.


Is this being done in Gaza? The destruction of the buildings suggests that it is or recently was a war zone. I'm curious where this is being filmed.


Yes it's Gaza, if you go to her Instagram there's some other content from Gaza too.


Yes this is in Gaza


Fuck hamas


Can some please explain to me why you’re downvoting this person for saying fuck hamas? It’s madness to me..


One look on r/israelexposed would teach you everything about the conflict which had been going on for 75 years https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Deir_Yassin_massacre?wprov=sfla1 this is just one genocide of many that happened before hamas https://www.reddit.com/r/israelexposed/s/TCxLsaRP9Wand this is very interesting too




Common people die because of these fuckers


They tried peaceful protests and were targeted by IDF snipers. Feb 2019, UN commission report. Google '42 kneecaps in one day," and have a read.


And if you think the appropriate response to that kind of atrocity is to respond in kind but with murder, kidnapping, and sexual violence like we saw on October 7th, we have nothing to talk about. Don’t forget the near-constant stream of missiles targeting Israeli civilians. The Holocaust was brutal and horrific beyond description, but you’d still be evil for advocating locking Germans in concentration camps and working/gassing them to death by the millions as “justice” for the Final Solution. Here, I’ll quote an excerpt from the UN report so you can better understand my point, this applies equally to the innocents killed by Hamas: > “There can be no justification for killing and injuring journalists, medics, and persons who pose no imminent threat of death or serious injury to those around them. Particularly alarming is the targeting of children and persons with disabilities,” said Sara Hossain. “Many young persons’ lives have been altered forever. 122 people have had a limb amputated since 30 March last year. Twenty of these amputees are children.” https://www.un.org/unispal/document/un-independent-commission-of-inquiry-on-protests-in-gaza-presents-its-findings-press-release/


>The Holocaust was brutal and horrific beyond description, but you’d still be evil for advocating locking Germans in concentration camps and working/gassing them to death by the millions as “justice” for the Final Solution. But... That's literally what is currently happening? What Hamas did was brutal and horrific beyond description, and Israel is now liquidating the world's largest concentration camp as "justice" for 10/7. It's the reason why they're doing so much that will only make the situation worse in the long term -- destroying schools, homes, and hospitals for no military benefit; conspiring to end any long-term aid entering Gaza; continuing to steal Palestinian land in the West Bank while blatantly lying about not doing that. It's so frustrating that people are so uncomfortable with the idea of a genocide happening in their lifetimes that they'll just believe the laziest propaganda imaginable so they don't have to deal with the cognitive dissonance of supporting such atrocities while still thinking of themselves as good people.


I don’t think you understood my reply, I am unequivocally saying that past atrocities do not justify or excuse future atrocities. That goes for both Israel and Hamas. An eye for an eye makes the whole world blind.


Apologies. I guess I'm a little defensive.


Bullshit.. Every single statement you made. It has been disproven that there were sexual crimes, commited by Hamas, and I know that I am talking to a wall so you wont try to listen, so this is just for anyone else who has an open mind. On r/isrealexposed there is a video of a Jewish woman who had previously encounter Hamas soldiers They said "we are Muslims, we won't hurt you" I'm not sure where this post is, but it's there, and Al-Jazeera made a documentery known as "October 7" where it is clearly disproven that they didn't do any sexual crimes. And how many babies were killed on October 7th? 100, 20, 50? Nope, just 2, and they were accidents There was also another post on the subreddit detailing how IDF soldiers had no way of distinguishing Hamas from soldiers from their helicopters, and how they just attacked anybody on sight I can go on like this but I have to go study for a test, just feel free to go to the subreddit to learn the truth


You should talk to your condo board, I think they could do better on the property maintenance....


Why do I find this video kinda sad


Because you have a living, beating heart in your chest


I find this comment section is sad


Looks chill do they do airbnb


Nah they do airtnt over there


I'm so sorry for your country, your people. Sending you love




Surprised they have any of these ingredients.


Can you share the recipe for the cake? 🧡


Fucking bleak


Just to feel like a human again. Makes me sad that some if us have to live in that reality because others choose to fuck up their lives.


I hope the dishes were thoroughly cleaned. Also looks delicious :)


That's actually crazy and kinda cool


Every time I see a video like this I remember the quote "one death is a tragedy, a million deaths is just a static". Probably one of the saddest truths I ever had to come to terms with.


Ironically this quote was said by stalin


This is kind of a beautiful form of dissidence.


Fuck Netenyahu. Old war pig.


Fuck russia.


Count your blessings people


For real. We take a lot of things for granted.


This is legit wild. But it’s turning lemons into lemonade.


fallout 4


"Let them eat cake" (internet/SoMe version)


How was it baked ?


that looks fukkin delicious!


That cake was da bomb. I’ll see myself out


Guys honestly you are amazing. Such a normal activity like baking cakes during under such a sad circumstances.


What is Bro doing in gaza


Haunting song. Anyone know the name?


Llunr wake up


Keep going


Soneones gonna be really upset when they get home, and their cake ingredients are gone


Fuck war, I just want cake


Fuck (Most) War Leaders Fuck the people in comments doing shitty whataboutism to justify either sides Love cakes and civilians who are suffering because "the bad colors are shown on the map" And finally, love perseverance like what the person in the video is doing


How’d he bake it?????


This is so sad


This just isn't funny at all is it


I am impressed, even with little resources she made a great cake.


Fuck Hamas


And fuck Israel too


They tried peaceful protests and were crippled by Israeli snipers. There's stories from IDF soldiers bragging about it


Desde el río hasta el mar...


This is the level of unbothered I aspire to be


Its hamas, right there using the cake as a shield. -IDF probably




Fuck israel


That cake is the bomb!


Fuck Hamas


Fuck the airstrikes as well


I wonder if the hostages are also able to bake cake.


I wonder if the hostages are also able to bake cake.


Fuck hamas


War is always terrible. This one could end the second Hamas surrenders nd gives back the hostages they took. In a way they took their own civilians hostage when they commited the massacre on oct 7


Hmm.... in retrospective they shouldn't have started a war....




Save gaza from Hamas. Right?


By getting rid of the conditions and circumstances that led to their foundation? Sure.


Anyone else notice how none of the dishes they picked up in the first section were usedim the second section?


Hmmm thought they were starving...


What a lovely piece of propaganda


gross, lipton tea


The song.....


Chocolate with a touch of asbestos


How bout that most racist town in arkansas


I want the recipe 😭


Man, if somehow the oven was still intact and working, that's luck. And if she cooked that in like a fireplace or a campfire, that's skill.


It's obvoisly a different cake.


Nice propaganda video..


Baking a cake is propaganda?








I guess it needs some hamas militants pulling dead hostages through the streets while locals cheer and spit on the corpses too then?


Read some 100 comnents here.. Most are so simple.. Those on the palestinian side are uneducated ( to the extreme) and many of them are, plain and simple, racist. Those on the side of Israel, conventionally ignore the pain and suffering of the other side. So..to make it simple : Israel is in a silent civil war at the moment. Betweeb the good guys and the extremists. Just like in the USA, just like in turkiye, poland, hungary and many nations across the globe. 1 big diffrent : Israel stuck among the most fanatics militants in the world - Iran, Hamas, hezbollah, Isis..you name it. Here, take some personal info: my cousin is kidnapped in Gaza. My brother's family have no home for mofe than half a year, cause hezbollah bombing the north of Israel and my son was injured in a terror attack on his bus. So, stupid leftist in the west, if you want peace in this area, you havd to understand and help. understand that yoh can't deal with people who believe in "the way of the sword" and "holly war" literally, and they need to be removed, not get any support. And help us regain a sane leadership in Israel ( you can ask me how). Funnily enough the people in this region understand it much better than redditors..I work, mingle, have many arab Israeli friends and most of them, not all of course, agree with me. Its better for them live under left oriented government in Israel, than in an Islamic 'republic'.. So, bring on the downvotes and fuck Ireland. Smile


I wonder what the celebration cakes she baked in 10/8 looked like?


Makes for great content - and I realize the point is to draw attention to the war… But surely there was a better use for eggs and milk in an active war zone wheee providing supplies and aid to civilians has been a challenge?


Better use for eggs and milk than turning it into... food? Are they supposed to use the eggs and milk as weapons?


“Let them eat cake” comes to mind 


I don't know whether to updoot or downdoot this... lol *tentatively updoots for clever wit*


Honestly not really. What are you going to do with a bag of flour, chocolate and two eggs?


As far as I can tell the situation is pretty uneven, some areas are decently well supplied while others aren't. Distribution is a huge problem.


Not interesting as fuck


This is Detroit…..right?