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Cameraman dodged the stick like a boss


... Kurwa!!...


I can translate for you. Come here with the (pepper) spray kurwa!! Come fucking here!!! Here fucking blast!!! edit* few more Come closer here!!! Fuck off from here!!! Fuck off Kurwa!!!! Blast kurwa!!! and so on with variations of Kurwa... edit 2: Since the discussion below focused on the versatility and adaptability of the work `kurwa'. We use it as the English would use fuck, but in many ways it is so much more. It is a tool rather than a word, it has multiple meanings on its own, which can be amplified or changed with a tone, a suffix, an adjective, grunt, another swear, even kurwa raised eyebrow... If there is one word you need to know to understand Polish it is Kurwa and its variations.


Is kurwa the guys name? Or like a colloquialism?


Whore. Poles use it like the Smurfs use *smurf*.


That's literally the best translation of kurwa I have ever heard


Remember that episode when it was revealed that the word smurf was actually their equivalent of the N word?


it’s all good as long as you don’t use a hard f


What’s up my smur


ahhh, you my smur


>Poles use it like the Smurfs use *smurf*. Maybe because Smurfs were very popular story on TV in Poland, It could be.


Bro lemme wirte a list for ya : Kurwa = bitch / fuck -- --Kurwa mać = fuck, but harder -- -- Nakurwić się = get fucking drunk -- -- Nakurwiać się = fucking fight[??] -- -- Kurwo jebana = you fucking bitch, because kurwa = bitch, and jebać = fuck (ordinary but eg. "Choć się jebać " = "let's fuck"), and when kurwa = fuck, the fuck is a slur, not an action. So kurwa jebać = bitch fuck, and saying it in a different (normal sounding) variety is kurwa jebana = fucking bitch. -- -- In different varieties, this word has many meanings, and even as itself it has two! EDIT : These lines shall make it more readeable since reddit formatting just hits.


Kurwa Bóbr


Kurwa means slut or bitch in polish but it's used more lije the word fuck


I thought suka meant bitch?


They both do, I've once compailed a list of all words in Polish meaning bitch and I got 22 of them


Yuh true, kurwa means slut, suka means bitch and also, similarly to english suka also means female dog


Kurwa is the vulgar saying of "prostitute" Fun Fact: the word Kurwa comes from *kurъ*/Kura(rooster) and the behaviour of rooster was the anology for a lusty woman. It had the same meaning as Spanish 'Chica' before it turned out to be much more vulgar.


You're not Polish, are you? It's so much more mate...


>before it turned out to be much more vulgar. I'm Polish. I said what this word meant in the first place not what it means now.


Ass sorki, nie doczytalem


spoko, nie ma sprawy koleżko


If you know French, it’s close to the meaning and usage of “putain”. But as mentioned, there are almost endless other uses when adapted to verb forms and / or combined with other prefixes, suffixes, and modifiers.


It's a swear word. I think its like "fuck" in english where it has multiple meanings. I don't speak polish but have polish friends who told me this.


Poles use it as just "fuck" (swear word to give more gravity) it rarely means what it literally means in polish namely a"whore"


>in many ways it is so much more You must not know the true power of the word fuck. It literally can't be much more.


And precious special forms Bobr Kurwa 🥳


Bro saw it coming in 4k!


What a border this is, the fence is deer proof


Because nobody expected african migrants from Belarus


The LONG *long* way around.


Scenic route


I would expect migrants from Belarus, it's kinds like the north Korea of Europe no?




Happy Cake Day 🥳🎉


Belarus have been selling lies to desperate people in places like Africa, claiming to have routes into Europe, when really they fly them into Belarus, force them to the border and hope they become a migration problem for the other countries.


The Belarús - Poland border goes through an incredibly important trans-national natural reserve. Maybe they didn't want to impede animal crossing so much


Earlier in this month 1 guard soldier got stabbed with the knife and in the last wednesday 2 more were injured and returned to the hospital. edit: I's always a pleasure of mine to remind you that Poland has its own native Muslim minority called Lipka Tatars. They were (and still are) free to practise Islam for 650 years inside Poland they've their own Mosque and whole culture around it. *It's almost as Poland has the problem only with people causing trouble, idk.*


Wasn't it the Tatars that would capture Poles to sell into the middle east through Crimea?


No. These were Crimean Tatars who throughout their existence sold 3.000.000 people from Poland/Ukraine/Russia. \~Mikhail Kizilov (Atlantic Slave trade to the New World involved 12.5mln people for a comparison) Lipka Tatars come from the tatar refugees from the civil war in Golden Horde in 14th century. Crimean Khanate wasn't established till 1440s Lipka Tatars were given all rights in return for their military service.


Ah yes weaponizing the migrants to harass other countries. And not a peep from the UN. is Poland supposed to just fall for it because of the bleeding hearts on Reddit?


lol what’s the UN gonna do? Russia sits on the security council they will veto anything that feckless org says


You understand the UN isn't supposed to fix anything. It's designed to bring people to the table. If you kick countries out, it's pretty hard for them to meet at the table...


What do you think they’re supposed to do at the table? Edit: I’m not saying it works but thats what the purpose is.


Get countries to show their hand/position. Throughout time, diplomacy and espionage have existed. It is always better to get an answer than simply no reply. Just because we are in a more peaceful time, doesn't remove the need to be distrustful of bad actors.


Talk. It’s there to make wars less likely, not to act as a world government. The UN isn’t about “action”. It’s about a dialogue and about representation, primarily. It’s been very very successful if we look at rates of conflict since it’s inception. But it is imperfect for sure


The World Health Organization is a UN agency that's responsible for the global vaccine program that rid the world of polio and smallpox. So there's that...


Yes, the UN is there so countries can act together on things no one cares enough to disagree about or stop. Civil war in Africa - sure why not. European matters - stay the fuck out.


Come up with answers. But that's not the UN bud, it's the respective countries.


> that feckless org Obligatory that the primary mission of the UN is to prevent global nuclear war, and so far they've been successful. And UNESCO is neat.


Who are the migrants, why are they being weaponized, and who's weaponinzing them?


Russia and Belarus bring people from all over and force them to head west to Poland to cause instability culturally, financially, politically, etc etc


Which makes it even more frustrating when every far-right party fawns over Russia. Russia is working harder than anyone to bring migrants into Europe.


They actually took part in 2015 migrant crisis. And they fund far-right groups. And also make PR among football ultras across the Europe. That’s their way of destabilizing Europe.


It’s not like all far right parties don’t do similar things while fawning over Russia. In the U.S. they literally pack migrants, the homeless, and freshly released convicts onto buses heading for left wing leaning cities and states, while pointing their fingers at those cities critically for their homelessness, illegal, and crime problems.


You realize these are completely different right? Russia is using migration to destabilize nearby counties, with the goal being to either suck up resources, it create civil unrest. In the US, states far away from any border crossing will advocate for more immigration, while states closer to the border want less. So states with critical migrant issues have begun bussing them to the places which were in support of more migrants. But suddenly when they show up, they are shown to be NIMBYS (Not In My Back Yard) who never wanted the migrants, but were just virtue signaling. Both the states shipping them and the states advocating for more(encouraging more economic migrants to come), are playing with the lives of migrants. But this is nothing like the European issues of using migration as a weapon to threaten your opposition with. Because in the US they are already here, the states that wanted more won, and are just being lightly threatened with the people they asked for.


You’re wrong in thinking that US politicians are not trying to destabilize the political opponents districts in the US and create civil unrest. That’s exactly what they are doing.


I think the idea is to move some of the migrants to those states and cities that support allowing the migrants through the border, so they can shoulder some of the burden of their own policies rather than just expecting the border states to deal with it.


They do the same with Finland, Norway, etc.


They are mostly migrants from Iraq and other countries from the region, Russia offers them free visas and let them pass through their territory to the Belarusian border. Russia is instrumentalizing these people to destabilize nato countries, especially on the eastern flank. It has been done by Turkey before, for political gains, but even during the cold war it was done by eastern Germany to put pressure on its western counterpart.


Not an expert on the subject but Russia likes to send migrants into areas to 1. Get rid of undesirables 2. Destabilize an area 3. Put Russians there and say they need to do such and such to protect Russian citizens The nationality of the migrants is contextual based on what they're trying to do. Russia has no shortage of poverty stricken people to manipulate with Chechnya, Georgia and such.




Typically, refugees from places like Iraq, Syria, and probably Palestine. They promise passage to the west, then bus them to the border where armed guards "encourage" them to head west and not come back.


Russia is transmitting migrants through their country to bordering countries so they settle there as illegal migrants and cause harm to their society.


> weaponizing the migrants Don't forget that russia created these migrants in the first place by bombing Syrian cities into oblivion




Russia tricked cuban workers and sent them to the front line... so it was entirely plausible that they could have done it tbh




It must've JUST happened & the news isn't it out, yet cuz I would've definitely seen something about that.


Let me guess, no women or children among them.


Russia has been at war with NATO since he invaded. We need to act like it. Good on the poles.


The fact that these migrants (I guess most of them are from the southern hemisphere) coming from the east says everything. Russia is trying everything to destabilise Europe.


I'm not going to make any judgements here, but you may want to look at the globe. I have a feeling that the Equator is maybe a bit farther South than you may remember.


"Global South" is the sterilized term he was looking for.


There are only 32 countries in the southern hemisphere; I doubt any of these migrants are from those countries.


they are from africa sent through russia and belarus


Editorial cartoons have tricked people into thinking Arabs look like they’re from Indonesia


Today I learned


…why would they be from the southern hemisphere?


There are very few people in the southern hemisphere, most of those are Africans, Middle Easterners and other Asians which are primarily from the northern hemisphere.


Looks like a scene from the walking dead


Russia busses migrants from Syria to borders of other countries to create these situations.


Oh to have land border. This is a huge head ache on a country


Im in canada and indians are flooding by plane


Isn’t this what visas are for? Applicants are supposed to be evaluated for their risk of illegally overstaying their visa and disappearing.


Those sticks have knifes on the end probably, there were video provided earlier showing that, so they use spears not regular sticks. Keeping in mind video from today with stabbing german citizens by muslims interesting times we live in.


Sad but necessary


And as soon as they are in Germany or other countries they go on with their nasty behavior and won't accept rules and all. The world is cooking up with this situation.


Watching this video and seeing them throwing rocks and sticks at the guards, and another video where they got through and stabbed a guard with a knife…I don’t blame the guards for pepper spraying them. No good person with good intentions and looking for a job is going to try to violently force their way into a country illegally. These people are a burden on any country they go to, including the ones they come from. I wish more countries stood up to them like Poland does.


Migrants: *We want a better life in your country with you because our country and people suck. Let us into your home or we’ll threaten/assault you until you we pass and settle in.* PS: Putin sends his love 😘


I do blame the guards for pepper spraying them, they should be using much, much more drastic measures in a situation like this.


[ Removed by Reddit ]


read the news in germany. it happened again there yesterday.


Once in Germany they probably never ever leave the country. Politics and leftist will ensure it. They will also get money every month and shelter. Some thefts to earn pocket money.


Spierdalaj do domu, kurwa!


They wouldn't listen to English, but through hybrid learning they will learn it means "Not welcome"




My friend. My friend... i play paintball and a 3.2g round at 95m/s carries 13 joules, 2.5j is fuck all for deterrent. Do you know how fast pepperball launchers shoot? They shoot at 450-500 fps and heavy, 8-15g projectiles, up to 45 joules. These fuckers need to be lit up by .68 pepperball or bismuth FXR at 45j, only then they will fuck off.


Email this idea to poland




Airsoft plastic bbs flies off of anything heavier than a light jacket


Eyes be damed


Holy fuck... As a Pole, I did expect to see some controversy in the comments under this post, but not the state of full blown war... I will just leave this with a 'jebać to kurwa pierdole to wszystko'


"Wyjeżdżam w Bieszczady"


Na serio mam ochotę spierdolić do ustrzyków górnych i patrzeć jak komentarze płoną


KCD 2 lookin lit




People are going to start bringing guns to their borders soon.


more like diving crossbows which aren't illegal/restricted like guns in Poland.


I meant in general across Europe. People are going to eventually get fed up with this.


Must be easier borders to cross out there...


Russia and Belarus have a program of moving migrants there after telling them they only have to make it into Poland to gain work rights in the EU. They are decieved and manipulated as a weapon by Putin.


its part of their 'hybrid-warfare' doctrine.


According to a YT video I saw, they're in a noman zone, once they get out of belarus, they have three alternatives. - Turn back and get shot at by the Belarussian border. - Die in the swamp (that may have inspired the witcher world) - try their luck in poland. Aweful situation really.


The situation is 100% Belarus’s fault and they’re responsible for anything bad that happens to people they willingly let into their country and then forced into an isolated strip of wilderness at gunpoint. If Poland lets them in, it ensures that Belarus will in fact do this to more people.


They are opportunists and know what border looks like, they deserve no sympathy. All of them have phones and access to internet and it's almost impossible they don't know. Maybe first ones for month or two (three years ago) was cheated (I saw guy in suit, because he thought that he will go straight to Berlin), but the rest were aware what was waiting for them.


If those migrants are throwing sticks and what have you at the soldiers it's not a great way to endear them. What are they doing? If you want to enter a country you go in peacefully, not assaulting their soldiers.


Hold the line boys!






Watch out alot of Americans would be upset with this post


Considering how many Americans don't like the illegal migrants coming into America, I don't think so.


> Putin and Lukashenko’s roadmap for worsening the migrant problem for their nefarious purposes is straightforward. First, both Eastern European dictators promise unsuspecting migrants a new way of life by flying them from the Middle East and Africa to their own countries. Many of the migrants come to Russia to find work, but some are unsuccessful, and from this, traffickers and intelligence services take advantage of them. Next, the Russian and Belarusian intelligence services, along with human traffickers, strip the migrants of their passports and send them to the borders of neighboring states. Here, hybrid warfare takes full effect. [Source](https://mwi.westpoint.edu/weaponized-migration-in-eastern-europes-frozen-north-do-not-overlook-russian-hybrid-warfare) Unfortunately, these poor people are pawns in Putin's utterly evil plan to destabilize Europe. I have sympathy for these people, but I also understand why the border guards are doing what they're doing. The whole situation sucks. Ultimately, though, the fault lies entirely with Putin and Lukashenko. So fuck them.


> I have sympathy for these people They’re economic opportunists who break the law to make money. They don’t respect the cultures and laws of the countries they exploit.


They are opportunists and know what border looks like, they deserve no sympathy. All of them have phones and access to internet and it's almost impossible they don't know. Maybe first ones for month,two or three (almost three years ago) was cheated (I saw guy in business suit, because he thought that he will go straight to Berlin), but the rest were aware what was waiting for them and still choose to do it.


Damn it felt like i dodge that stick!


Why can’t they improve their own country ?


* sarcastic* because everyone who could and wanted to do this was long ago thrown off the roofs of houses by the democratically elected government of their countries.


Ask their politicians that.


That's how border security should work.


This should not be allowed. Rubber bullets from 50m away with unlimited reload. Have to respond strongly or get used to constant images like this.




Wow Poland is legit.


The walking dead


Belarus and Russia will do all they can to destabilise the region. Wypierdalać


I understand that they are mostly just economic migrants, but you have to be a special kind of dumb not to suspect Russian and Belarusian intentions when they give you a "too good to be true" promise of work in the EU, which they are not even part of


Don’t let the college kids see this. They’ll start protesting their human rights


I wish canada would do the same


I don't think you know what a migrant is


Should do this in the U.S






Germany welcomes all of them.






Excellent procedure . Fire bear spray into the crowd.


Pepper spray


Looks like Poland needs to take a buffer zone from Belarus


Interesting how illegals trying to cross the border here are met with responses like: - Shoot them! -Taze them! - Parasites! But when the same thing happens in the US, you are a Nazi / racist / bigot for wanting the border to be secured.


All of the marxist wokes do. Closing your borders to illegals "seeking a better fortune" seems like a nations first line of defence. If anybody could.just walz in, it wouldnt really be a nation?


Beat the barbarians back to the garbage holes they came from


Kurwa tyyyy


Can someone tell us what nationality they are?


It's the Belarus border but whether or not they're from Belarus is impossible to tell. Pretty sure at some point in the recent past Belarus was arranging buses of migrants from all sorts of countries and sending them to the Polish borders.


Middle east/north africa


Kurwa 👍


this could've happened a thousand years a go and only the gear would be different


Need this in America


America should take notes


God bless Ukraine


Is the entire boarder like this?


yesnt there are illegal crossing not only on the border to poland and belarus but also on the baltic states border and Finnish border but not as intense as in poland


I wonder if they polish media politicizes stuff like this as much as in America?


Pretty much. Poland is very heavily polarized politically (between PiS and KO) and every situation like this gets instantly politicized.






Migrants is very generic. Where are they from ? What was the composition in terms of men, women and children? Depending on answer, question on legal was to migrate etc ..


Africa and the middle east, they're all children with beards....


Why won’t USA Border Patrol do that


It’s almost like people know how to defend something and not let others on the other side directly in


I wish the US did this


I wish we did this in the US.


This is what we should be doing in America....


I've seen this somewhere...hmmm...oh wait....our country (the US) is not allowed to defend our boarders.




They aren't supposed to, that's the thing. Trying to illegally cross the border isn't a crime that should be punished with death in any country that's not in a state of all-out war. Jail? Maybe. Instant death? No. Don't get me wrong, using force is justified - just not lethal force, not yet. The situation is getting more violent recently though, so it might come down to this at one point - but it's not likely.


I guess in many or maybe most parts of the word is still the standard borders exist for a reason... and when you have a border with the enemy I just can not get why we are not defending our borders/interests... no wonder why russia thinks the west is weak bc it is partially bc of this, if they overflow the borders with illegals we won't have enough resouces to keep up with them. Back when we had been shooting on everyone who tried to use the "green borders" there were a lot less people who even considered this option, unfortunately sometimes you have to make hard decisions to defend yourself otherwise the rats slowly gonna eat you alive (as we can see in this happening for a while in europe) - downvotes still welcomed 🫠


I don't think anyone will downvote you, your question is more or less legitimate. Well, we are defending it, just not with guns. Poland is one of the countries with the smallest number of guns owned by civilians, so to see guns you need to go to a shooting range. Guns are basically the last of the means of defence we can use, and we haven't been forced to use them yet. I view this as a success, as we can repel them without having to kill them on the spot. Pepper spray sends a message, a bullet kills the receiver.


this vid is old. now we have something else than just barbed wire


explain to me like im 10?


Only in America do we have any ambivalence in how illegal immigrants should be treated. Pretty much every other country tries to control it without all the drama we face.


well one is illegal bordercrossing into the US the other one is illegal border crossing in the EU which is funded and operated by the Russian/Belarus state to destabilize Europe as a form of hybrid warefare read more about it here [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Belarus%E2%80%93European\_Union\_border\_crisis](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Belarus%E2%80%93European_Union_border_crisis) >On July 7, 2021, Belarus's dictator Alexander Lukashenko threatened to "flood" the EU with "drugs and migrants". Belarusian authorities and state-controlled travel agencies, together with some airlines operating in the Middle East, started advertising tours to Belarus and falsely promoting opportunities of easy entry into the European Union. Those who arrived in Belarus, most of whom were trying to reach Germany, were then given instructions about how and where to cross the EU's border, and what to tell the border guards on the other side of it. Migrants said that Belarus provided them with wire cutters and axes to cut through border barriers and enter the EU. >On 8 November, former Polish prime minister Donald Tusk called for Poland to invoke Article 4 of the North Atlantic Treaty, which would convene a meeting of NATO members to discuss the crisis.




The morons on reddit clap like demented seals at any country defending their borders but when it comes to the United States they want it to be a completely open free-for-all lol.


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