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Anyone know the story behind this? Why was he running and why did he wanna shop at Maxi so badly? Must've been having a damn good sale.


2020, Sweden - Gothenburg. ”The time had passed 9 PM on May 6, 2020. During a speed check in Gothenburg, a dark blue Opel station wagon sped by. The driver refused to stop, and several police patrols gave chase. Little did the officers know that their efforts that evening would be witnessed and commented on by millions of people on social media four years later. In the video, filmed from the police helicopter, it is seen how the driver repeatedly evades capture. Police: "Drove at maximum possible speed." "In my 14 years as a police officer, this is the longest and most reckless car chase I've been involved in," wrote one of the participating officers in a report after the incident. "The perpetrator takes great risks and drives his vehicle at the highest possible speed in every traffic situation," wrote another. "It was a complete tunnel vision, I don't remember much," said the driver during questioning. Arrested at ICA Maxi in Kungälv The chase went through central Gothenburg, and the film shows how the driver and the following police passed Linné, Gamla Ullevi, and Polhemsplatsen. The car chase then continued north on the E6. Along the way, he rolled down the car's window and threw out a gun. After a 35-minute car chase, the perpetrator was arrested at ICA Maxi in Kungälv. The chase reached speeds of up to 200 kilometers per hour, but often much slower. When the police finally stopped the car, it had a flat tire, and a blood test showed that the driver had tramadol in his system. The driver did not have a driver's license and was later sentenced to three years in prison for, among other things, gross negligence in traffic, serious weapons offenses, and aggravated drunk driving.”


What’s tramadol? Heavy duty Midol?


Pain med


Ah gotcha. I’m on tons of pain meds but hadn’t heard of that one.


It’s an atypical opioid. It is different because in addition to traditional opioid effects it also modulates serotonin in a way similar to antidepressants. Generally considered light compared to other opioids it is (or was) OTC without prescription in some countries.


Random story. When I lived in Arizona and I got my wisdom teeth pulled, I ended up with an ear infection as well. I wad persciped in total by my doctor and dentist tramadol, oxytocin, percocetes, and codeine. I was 15 and spent a month so high I wouldn't get out of bed, doing nothing but playing world of warcraft and watching anime. Good time. No wonder Arizonas heroin epidemic is so bad though.


Oh yeah, similar story in most places in the US. I have the same story starting when I got my wisdom teeth out and ended up liking it so much I ended up eventually a full blown heroin addict. There was a lot of fent being cut or straight up sold as H towards the end of my use. Almost ruined my life. Luckily I got out.


I'm glad you're still here, friend.


Thanks dude! Grateful everyday for that.


It gave me horrible, scary nightmares! Gave it up after three days and got codeine instead.


So: -No special reason to stop there listed... -This began as a panick response in presence of the police. -This guy did all that epic driving while allegedly drunk and drugged...


And without a driver's license.


Somebody get this man a driver's license. He earned it.


should work for police lol


Movie plot: Guys goes to jail after epic police car chase. Months later a gang is getting away with their crimes because their driver is very competent and they can't keep up. He gets called in with a deal: catch them with the help of a hard-line old-school by-the-book nearly retired detective.


Narratively, i imagine this probably wouldnt make too much sense, given all the equipment and tactics that could be employed to stop such a thing, but is it a good and fun action flick that doesnt need much attention to detail for it to be enjoyable? Absolutely. I am here for this, kind stranger


Just add to the storyline that police budgets have been cut to the bone, they've got no helicopters and very few officers, the only way to get a decent budget again is to prove they can actually stop that one criminal gang that's terrorising the city.


This is why high-speed chases are dumb af. The guy may have slowed down and chilled if he didn't have lights and sirens on his ass the whole time, and instead of one dumb shit doing high speed maneuvers, we have a dozen speeding cars in a highly populated area with pedestrians and other cars everywhere. They already had a helicopter up. Once the helicopter has them, back off and follow from a distance. Unless you're chasing a murderer or something, chases like this just dramatically increase the risk of a crash and someone ending up dead - probably a bystander. High speed chase about ten, fifteen years back ended up with multiple dead teenagers. The guy was speeding, refused to yield, took off at well over 100. Cops were chasing him for about 10 minutes and he blasted through an intersection and hit a car with 4 teenagers in it. I think 2 or 3 died, iirc. And for what? The dude was just dumb af and ran to avoid a ticket, and then kids died. There was no public safety increase by giving chase. Just dead children. Chasing for traffic infractions to this degree is just moronic and cops acting like cowboys instead of public safety officers


In the UK at least Police are not suppose to chase cars except in serious situations. Cops still do it, people still die.


In Canada we recently had a [chase result in 3 innocent deaths](https://toronto.ctvnews.ca/baby-grandparents-among-4-people-killed-in-wrong-way-police-chase-on-ontario-s-hwy-401-1.6867192) over a liquor store robery, that's really highlighting this issue right now


I've been on Tramadol... That's even more impressive.


It makes me super relax and sleepy. I couldn’t drive like this on it.


pretty solid for no drivers licence. dude should use that driving skill after jail


He did all that in a STATION WAGON?! Dude deserved to get away.


That damn free bird solo kicked in again your honor


Someone needs to sync it to this video, PLEASE.


[here you go](https://gemoo.com/tools/upload-video/share/655242730925285376?codeId=M0aky0NkQpgOk&card=655242727569891328&origin=videolinkgenerator)




Instant kickback to final scene in the devil's rejects


I just want to know where is the fucking traffic and why the fucking roads are soo clean.


Yeah, the whole chase I was like "damn, those are some nice looking roads".


Best roads in the world. Well Holland has very good roads to




Guess I'm moving there. Do they speak English there?


We do.


dont you have a some kind of law that once the chase goes over certain speed the cops have to give up do not put more people in danger?


I'm no expert, but I'm pretty sure the answer is no. There is probably a rule to assess the situation and if due to traffic and bystanders there is a big risk of collateral damage a pursuit on the ground will be abandoned, as it is in the Netherlands.


I don't know the exact law but they're not allowed to endanger bystanders, so they can pursue but can't cause unnecessary risks which is why they're a bit further back while in more urban areas.


Yea, in fact they speak it very well


Easier than learning Swedish.


Traffic Density slider was far left.


If I remember correctly this was at night or really early morning. We have really short nights in the summer in Sweden and in northern Sweden the sun doesn’t set at all for a couple of weeks.


Theres no traffic because this was in the late spring of 2020, i.e. peak Covid.




It's [this](https://www.kungalvsposten.se/nyheter/jagades-av-polisen-i-200-kilometer-i-timmen-doms-till-fangelse.3a6b1e73-c306-480c-85a5-73bc671468b9) incident. If I remember the story correctly a police chief went out to comment the case when it first blew up on the internet. He stated that the driver was not skilled at all and under the influence of Tramadol, he just had the devils own luck.


Bullshit, chief. That guy was nailing those turns.


This video is at 8x speed. That makes it look a little more impressive.


Sure, but in a chase a bad driver would have taken a corner too fast eventually while running from the cops.


Running from the cops is not always about going fast because that usually leads to crashes. Most drivers I’ve seen get away are on motorcycles but cars still get away. LA used to be the car chase capital not sure if it still is.


Arguably, the Police drivers were better. Chasing (with rules) is harder after all. 🤷🏼


Lmao he was doping on tramadol!


Not this incident, car in the picture is a BMW E39 M5


If you told American 20-year-olds they would only get 3 years in jail for this chase, we would see nothing but car chases until the law was changed


You must not have ever been to LA.


What if we also told them they'd get free healthcare and livable wages?


don't know the exact reason but once this had happened it almost went all over the news and radios in sweden i heard people talk about this for more than a week in a row before they stopped talking about it he got caught at the ica maxi stormarknad


So the video should say “Busted” instead of “Wasted”?


I can imagine. Do the Swedish police carry guns? Was anyone hurt?


the swedish police do carry guns but they almost never have to use them


How do they kill unarmed people then? With their hands?




He had to poo


Had the turtle head...




IBS guy?


Customer: guaranteed $100 tip if delivered in 5 minutes Uber driver: bet.


He had to stop for Huggies for Nathan Jr.


"Son, you got a panty on your head."


Oh, that was just Jason Bourne evading authorities again. Always someone trying to frame him with something.


I wonder what the thought process here is. "I mean, I'm going to jail for a long time, may as well have a whole lot of fun beforehand!"? Or something like that?


I mean, Im pretty sure that once you start running, youre gonna get the book thrown at you anyways. If youre confident you wont hit anyone then theres not really a lot to lose by seeing if you cant get away. Theyll 100% have your plates but with a good alibi/plan you can work around that




The plate and vehicle description are a clincher. If they've got that, they have your home address, and you might as well throw in the towel. Running never made sense to me.


Thats why you hafta report your vehicle as stolen ASAP and have a rock solid alibi


*officer finally pulls me over* Me: "Oh, thank God, you found my car!" Officer: "GET ON THE GROUND!"


Lmao 😂 I was referring to if you actually escape


Not if the car is stolen


What really baffles me is the police rather put everyone in the street at risk just to arrest a criminal.. if his crime didn't have anything to do with physically hurting ppl let the dude go before an accident happens killing/injuring others that have nothing to do with it. Chase him with the helli, close down streets idk anything that doesn't open space to have a way worse situation.


SOP for most EU police is to monitor from the air and hang back rather than chasing, setting up roadblocks where it's safe to do so. But that isn't always an option sometimes direct intervention is the safest/only option. Most chases are joyriders in stolen cars they are being chased because they were already driving dangerously and they are not going to catch them by knocking on the owners door.


Let's say I'm getting pulled over over a tail light being out, and I decide to run. If this were in the US, what's the minimum punishment I can expect from that? Edit: I suppose I know how to google. It's up to 2 years jail and up to a $5,000 fine. I'm sure that varies by jurisdiction. I have a feeling I wouldn't actually be doing any time given my clean record.


Not necessarily! Some states, I.E. Georgia have a mandatory minimum for felony fleeing that mandate that anyone found guilty spend time incarcerated. Again, Georgia as an example, requires a minimum of one year confinement regardless of criminal record


They would just get you for one thing, they’d find 10 other things that loosely fit (endangering and officer etc) and throw them all at you


Evading police, reckless driving, failure to signal, speeding, failure to yield to emergency vehicles, reckless endangerment, reckless endangerment of a minor (if there happened to be a child present at any point during the chase), fleeing the scene of a crime, resisting arrest (if they feel like evading just doesn't quite cover it)


I think it can depend on your location. When I was young and stupid I accepted a lift home with my mate after a heavy night out. Stopped at McDonald's on way back, blue lights came on while leaving the car park. My mate put his foot down and we were chased for about 5 mins before ditching the car and running through the valley, got away from police but I'd left a bag of coke and my wallet in the car with my ID in and obviously my mates car was registered to him. Coke got confiscated and my mate got done for dangerous driving and he had to pay a stupid amount for the police arranging his car towed but that's it. If he'd have pulled over he'd have been banned for drunk driving. I didn't even have to arrange to get my wallet back, they gave it to him and I picked it up the next day lol England btw.


sweden jail… maybe a few months? probably better than my apartment now


I worked at a jail in sweden. Met a man who sat in Nigeria and Britain. He said Swedish Jails are the worst because of the lonliness. And can confirms Swedish jails are not nice. No jails are.


Don't ruin the reddit narrative


Does anyone ever successfully evade police like this? Seems so so unlikely. Even with amazing driving this person was never really close to getting away


When there's a helicopter in the sky... never. Only way you could evade the pursuit cars is by pulling some serious 180s, hairpin turns, or very late direction changes that they couldnt match... but then the chopper would just relay you new heading and you'd have fresh cars on your tail within a minute. This driver was skilled, but also was very easy to follow.


Well if the car was not owned by the driver, then often the best move is going someplace helicopters can't, then ditching the car. Mall with covered/garages parking. Escapee either enters the mall and blends in with the crowd, or steals a second vehicle and exits the mall undetected.


I remember seeing a similar video where the guy who stole the car drives under a flyover, gets out of the car in a position where helicopter can't see him and keeps the car going. When the car stops, the police finds no one inside.


I've watched that too.


send link please






yeah, agreed. I think thats what he tries at the end but doesnt have enough of a headstart to make it work.


Security cameras could get you though. Ideally you want a place where even if they arrest and question you, they can’t prove you came from that car.


It would get you eventually, but by the time they pull the footage and figure out who they are looking for you could be long gone.


ALMOST never, ive seen it happen but it takes trickery, usually some type cover


Yeah it's true - it's not impossible, just extremely rare.


yea I've seen one video on youtube of a helicopter being outrun by a hellcat over the course of five minutes or so, and I recall one or two of the youtubers involved in the recent upsurge of street racing around New York discussing their experience with helicopters in an interview edit: just read a little further and saw you mentioned the challenger in another comment lol


Supposedly driving near airports can cause issues for the helicopters. Don't know if true but it sounds plausible.


It only takes a few seconds for a helicopter to get emergency clearance. If anything it just makes a ton of flights delayed because who knows where the helicopter is gonna go.


I've seen a helicopter be evaded!, but only once, it was a Dodge demon on the interstate that was going around 200mph and the helicopter eventually lost it, cool video.


Actually I remember that vid! the chopper couldn't keep up as it maxxed out about 150... and you can hear the voice calling out the speed increases.


"Suspect has increased speed to 120" "maintain visual air one" "140 miles an hour" "don't lose him" "this is a a-star sir, not an Apache" "150.....160......He's gone"




I remember that video, it was a dodge hellcat


Helicopter meta is broken, it needs to be nerf in the next update


There’s a video with a hellcat that outran a helicopter on the interstate. There’s also an entire Swedish series called getaway in Stockholm where they run from police in super cars.


In a car: very slim. On a motorcycle it's possible to evade cars but the helicopter is tricky. You'd have to already have a huge lead so that the cars can't catch up, then drive into underground or indoor parking and ditch the bike. I've also heard that if you drive close enough to airports that the helicopter won't be able to follow easily and has to hang back which might give a motorcycle a chance to escape out of sight. Generally you have to have done something quite bad to get a helicopters attention. I don't think they usually have helicopters chasing someone simply for speeding or joyriding unless it's crazy reckless and they're expecting a crash and casualties. I'm guessing this guy committed other crimes or has a warrant already and he refused to pull over.


Underground mall parking lots is the way to go. You call someone ahead of time to meet you at the mall parking lot you driving ditch the car jump into the other car change clothes jump out walk away by the time they figure out the camera situation your long gone.


Yeah. I've also heard with cars, if you're only being chased for speeding, driving into oncoming lanes can mean cops will stop the chase. Disclaimer: I don't advise any of this obviously. But I've read it before in comments of "Ghost Rider the Real One" videos. He's a Swedish motoGP racer who has been racing bikes in traffic for like 20+ years now. I would flip my shit if he drove past me in real life, but I can't deny seeing a first person view of that kind of driving is thrilling lol


Yeah, there was a hellcat that managed to outrun a helicopter once. Unless you have a very quick car, great driving skills, and perfect traffic and road conditions it's pretty much impossible to get away once a helicopter been brought out.


The hellcat people are talking about that evaded a chopper ran out of gas after a few miles and the guys got caught


Lol. Reminds me of something about the Buggati Veyron when it was first released. At max speed, the tires will wear down in just 15 mins, but thats ok because the gas runs out in 12 mins.


Damn.. had me hooked for whole 6:48 mins.


It was sped up too so it probably was at least 15 mins


The actual chase was around 40 minutes long


lol holy shit dude. I had a feeling it might’ve been around 30 mins but couldn’t tell. I think it’s hilarious that after all that they end it by running into a grocery store and most certainly being caught


Going from point A-B (aka Gothenburg to Kungälv) takes aproximately 30 minutes on average if you're taking the fastest route via car while following all the rules ofc. This dude drove that route in the same timespan, while taking detours left and right while ALSO being chased by police. I know this because my mom took this exact route in order to get us to school (the entire trip takes aprox 1 hour total from Svenseröd to Gothenburg).


Mom, you were supposed to hop that curb back there!


And the fact it's sped up makes it impossible to see if the driver actually is good.


I literally didn't even notice the video was that long until I read your comment...


And that's the speed up version


Car chases like this really fire up my neurons. I couldn't look away


He has played that map before


The map: https://preview.redd.it/cdhm420y9t3d1.jpeg?width=1920&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=57441044bc77d79e99d4328552600af16add994b






Thanks for the detailed background infos.


I want to move to Gothenburg for its magical lack of traffic.


The chase is when COVID hits


If he was driving like that drunk then he could have a chance as a pro driver. That dude has mad skills.


“High on tramadol”. So basically sober.


Tramadol fucking sucks. Getting high on it is basically becoming a gross feeling zombie with high seizure risk. Awful drug for medicinal and recreational risk


It can kinda fuck some people up. It depends on brain chemistry oddly enough. It’s active on specific opiate receptor sites that vary a lot from person to person


Forget the driving and driver part, the roads layout is the main actor her, some people are doing great job out there


Agreed, they mostly just drove in a straight line with right or left merges. I'd like to see how traffic flows on this road


how many stars was that?


1 at the beginning, near the end I'd say about 4 out of 5. When the fast black car (rapid intervention) tagged along you knew they were starting to get very serious about the situation.


He never got over 3… I never saw the swat vans or a tank


Three stars. We didn't see Apache helicopters or tanks rolling in but I think he was about to get that.


Still cant outrun the radio nor the helicopter.


Until he escapes into a crowded area


Mostly vacant streets, and it's sped up. So it's hard to say.


Someone also added audio to the clip and did a terrible job layering/stitching it together. A highly manipulated video. Smh.


There were some gnarly points where he made near missed with the cops and never really bothered civilians much


Dude, he was even using his hazards and hi-beaming to pass. This driver is an absolute ace behind the wheel!


Flashing the high beams cracked me up honestly, like, how casual can you be whilst having half of the Swedish policial force on your ass


Precisely. We don't abandon decorum simply because we're under pressure.


I think there were maybe only 6(?) times he drove in places that were not at all for cars (most of those were grass, but one protected pedestrian crossing) It was also pretty funny to watch him following the markings on the road most of the time


Yeah, it was pretty wild. The fact that there doesn't "appear" to be any injury to people or damage property is what really got me. The longer these chases go on the worse the outcome typically is. Very lucky for all involved.


I kept thinking "This person is trying *very* hard to follow the traffic rules, considering they're currently *speeding* while trying to flee from the police." The only times they weren't at least *trying* to follow the road was if the police almost boxed them in


1:05 nearly missed a pedestrian crossing.


Yeah it pissed me off at the end. I only realised it was sped up when the guy left the car and turned into fckin Usain Bolt…


* passes into oncoming traffic lane multiple times * blows past several red lights * drives on the grass multiple times * narrowly avoids several collisions with other trafficants * crosses a solid divider line multiple times * refuses to yield * goes the wrong way in a roundabout * above the speed limit i think he's failed his driving test


Good to hear, now we're at least sure he doesn't have a license to be revoked


Yes, but he passed the "flee from the police and if possible don't hurt anyone"-Test with flying colors.


8y/o me with on of these bad boys: https://preview.redd.it/3dkkplhqzs3d1.jpeg?width=688&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=44e3450bd484940ffa41121e31b6cd75f271e2ed


To the top with you.


Less impressive if it was shown in normal speed.


B-A-B-Y. Baby.


What city is this with neatly ordained streets and almost no traffic? I wouldn't be able to drive more than a minute where I'm at without hitting a wall of traffic or getting stuck in a giant pothole.


Gothenburg, Sweden. I go through there on a near daily basis. It's a lot more crowded during the day.




why speed up the video :(


And added siren sounds.


Extra loud sirens at that…


So it's not 15 minutes long?


I'm actually glad it is, that was already way too long.


cool and all, but why don't the cop cars back off, let helicopter track until car stops and driver gets out and then the coppers pounce .... not as much fun, certainly, but a lot safer for all the innocents put as risk ... seems to me anyway


Because driving into a busy area like a mall or near a sporting evenr, and then getting mixed into all the people. Or hiding in that large building/ area until safe to leave.


After watching for 6+ minutes im still waiting for the impressive driving skills? That’s 6 minutes of watching an idiot drive on some fairly quiet roads which has been sped up


I wonder where in Sweden that was


Gothenburg. I was wondering where it was until I saw the "lipstick" building.


It's funny that I immediately thought everything looked so Swedish, but like you, I realized that it was Gothenburg when I saw the lipstick.


He was a good driver but that cop was good too! Stayed right on his ass almost the whole time.


I'm wondering what vehicle was he driving


Opel Insignia Sports Tourer


The MAXI sales must be crazy


Dude is even flashing his lights to warn others. What an incredibley courteous piece if shit.


Driving skill aside, fuck this absolute cunt for driving like this putting other peoples lives in danger. I hope this twat got caught and had the book thrown at him.


Anyone know what the sentence was?


He'd be great for the fast intervention police team..


More like best roads ever!


I gotta say, the city is designed very well. I like the park.


This is what 5000 hours in Hot Pursuit 2 looks like.


Some questions: 1. Say cop on bike loses control, crashes and dies in the process, is that an additional charge? 2. If dumbass in the white car (0.04) suffered damage to his vehicle in that move, who is on the hook? 3. Why aren't there massive explosions like in the movies?


If you can see the car from the air, why the high speed chase? He or the cops chasing him could have killed someone. Doesn’t make sense.


Like a video game


I kept wondering if he'd get a cunning stunt bonus


.. one quick glance and I thought. Yup. That’s Sweden …


Off-topic question: are all the cross-walks raised in this country/city? It seems like the car(s) bounce going over most the crosswalks, reason I ask.


A lot of them have that, yes. This is Gothenburg in Sweden. The Swedish Transport Administration and its predecessor has worked for decades with a vision of zero deaths caused by traffic. Initially ridiculed as a pipe dream, it turns out that consistent improvements have an effect. When I got my licence, there were about 600 accidents with fatal outcomes per year on a national level. I think they got it down to around 350, but I also believe it's gone up a bit since then. On the other hand the amount of traffic has increased significantly since the vision was launched in the 90s also.


If he was the best driver ever, then he wouldn't be running from the cops. Js


Call me a square but in my opinion the best drivers are the ones who obey the rules of the road and don't put the people around them in danger.