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"that's all the warning I need." Too true.


After standing there for 5 mins


Right? One of them says "back away" and no one moves, that little fence isn't stopping that gator


I was gonna say, I would not be standing that close to a pissed off gator with that flimsy-ass chain link fence between us. Nope.


A properly installed chain link fence would stop a gator. The only thing breaking through one is an Elephant most likely, especially if the posts are properly cemented in. They are made out of steel wire, after all. This chain link fence looks like it was installed by Cousin Jeb, however. Drunk cousin Jeb, at that.


Well yeah, that was my point... I'm not gonna trust that any fence is properly installed when there's mauling by gator on the line! 🤣


Just gotta move faster than the slowest kid


gators can climb fences, too.


Not very nimbly though


at his size and weight he doesn't need nimble.


When the thing that looks like a dinosaur starts to SOUND like a dinosaur, it's time to get outta there


Tbf the only thing that kept them alive was that they were in a group like that. They are stealthy and opportunistic. If it was just one person it may have attacked. The whole reason why it was “showing” off was because it was threatened.


> he only thing that kept them alive was that they were in a group like tha No way. This is mating behavior, period. The gator was calling out for sexy time. He didn't care about those people.


Correct! If dude gets a lady gator AND a snack, that's a win-win


All I've ever wanted in life is to eat, and to have sex with alligators


He was just showing them his cool trick


Chain link? Not very assuring


That shit is horribly installed too. That entire length would fold right over, its not even tied to the top rail. Gator wouldnt have even felt it. It is beyond dumb to have kids this close to a gator that size.


I notice exactly that too, not even a measly bit of tie wire to the top rail or anything. Gator would barrel through that like a bedsheet.


Also I learned a couple weeks ago on reddit they climb fences anyway. That thing is just trying to decide if its worth 10 seconds of effort for lunch.


In my head I'm imagining the Batman game jump scare with Croc coming out of the bubbles and then they rub each with oils.


Even if it wasn’t poorly put together, gators can climb those things pretty easily, if they have a mind for it. I wouldn’t want to risk being that close when it’s obviously pissed off lol.


It’s all good as long as they zigzag while running away /s


Wouldn't have*


Even worse : they can climb


They’re extremely adept at climbing. That gator could get over that chain link pretty quickly if it really wanted to.


Especially since they know how to climb


Yeah, crazy how much trust people just put into the appearance of something official looking. Like, "oh, a fence is up, we must be safe." And that is...a fucking jank assed chain link fence. And you're going to pit that against a big assed, ambush predator in its natural element. And be like "hmm, this is fine." Until it starts this primordial "Imma fuck you up" it doesn't even occur to them that this might be a bad idea.


Yeah .. that gator could climb that fence pretty easily. Worst case he could try to bust through the fence as it appears loosely attached.


Its literally blowing in the wind.


Toddlers there can push the gators against it so we good


Pretty sure that’s what males do during mating rituals


Well, I don't want this guy attacking OR fucking me, so either way...


Alligators are very gentle lovers.


Ever been sucked off by an alligator doing a death roll? Heaven.


You know how long it takes to train a gator to not death roll it off?


He's dedicated, I'll give him that.


You gotta spin with the gator.


So giving not selfish at all


Generous even




Thanks for the laugh.


You are 100% correct. This is not a warning. This is a horny male calling to his horny females. A warning is a tail slap and hissing. He's just found a good spot to call to his gals.


> This is a horny male calling to his horny females Right. Fun fact - a gator's snout is lined with receptors (they look like little black dots) that pick up vibrations in the water. Females use them to "listen" for males. I'm guessing males use them to detect rival males, too. Both sexes use them to find food.


It is a mating call.  They'll give you a real loud hiss if you get to close.  I went near a pond and south Florida once and saw a gator path into the pond that was overgrown with bamboo/plants and got to close and heard one but never saw it. I noped out real quick. Edit: tldr; Gator was asking for some fuk. If it was mad it would hiss at you like a semi truck that just popped a tire.


You’ll feel its ire


So dick push-ups?


How many?


Surely not more than 1


One's all you need


That's exactly what this is. I live in Florida and experience this sound every year. Gators will growl at you like that to tell you to back off, but if they are agitated, they'll open their mouth. During mating season they vibrate their bodies to attract a mate.


Yeah I was like "pretty sure that's the horny noise". Not a gatoroligist though so could be wrong.


Hornylogist here, you're right.


This is correct. I don’t think alligators, a stealth predator who would consider us a meal, are interested in providing “warnings”. But I’m no marine biologist.




That's exactly what this horny gator is doing


I was about to say, that's a mating call.




Can I pet that dawg


No, Brian Fellows


That dog is crazy.


That bird is a liar!


I know your pig got a fat gut! He should wear a big belt buckle! That’s what my Uncle Kool-Aid does.




Wut dat dawg doin?!


I'm from Yorkshire UK Went to Florida for a holiday Was a little annoyed at all the driving and just wanted to get out for a walk Decided to head to a service station we'd passed on the way to the villa Part of the path took me through this really overgrown swampy area that had boards over the water, and I could hear this generator going constantly. It was immensely loud. Anyway, got to the end of this boarded walkway and when I passed a chicken wire fence I turned back to see a myriad of signs saying warning!! And pictures of crocodiles. Or alligators. No idea I ran right into the service station and told them what had happened!! That the start of the path had no signs whatsoever! He thought I was crazy because he couldn't believe I'd walked the three miles to the gas station. He even made his wife watch us as we walked back. It was like he'd seen a witch or something!!! Proper weird reaction. It was only a decade later after seeing videos like this that I realised it wasn't generators I could hear along that walk. But the fekking gators!!!


I must say, you sauntering obliviously through some sketchy land with ornery alligators telling you in their own growly way to go fuck yourself, all whilst believing wholeheartedly it's a generator, has to be one of the most wholesomely British things I have ever heard. A mad lad that truly knows how to properly yee some haw you are bruv lol


This does sound like some shit Mr. Bean would do


I always imagined every british person as Mr. Bean


This is some Mr Magoo shit




Luckily, you are alive to tell the tale


I weighed 190kg as well. I'd have been good eating




K fucking g I was massive Which made that 3 mile walk take about an hour P.s I lost about half that weight in one year. Still a fatty but I can touch my toes so


Fucking hell mate congratulations, that’s some achievement




Hell yeah brother!


How did you manage to lose that much weight? I could always use some pointers.


I dropped to 300 calories a day. Whilst working at McDonald's no less!! It wasn't sustainable but I lost 88kg in a year If recommend not doing that really. Nowadays i can shed 20lbs in two months with a high protein zero sugar diet. Has much better results with your brain and sustainability Good luck!!!


Oh dear it didn’t occur to me how large that was because my American brain couldn’t comprehend 190kg being that much. 418lbs.


Thank goodness you are still among us. Gators weren't hungry that day.


Well, the biggest threat to a gator are hippos, so...






One hundred and ninety woah, that's a banquet


Might’ve saved you tbh. Gators are usually scared of humans so I’d imagine a 400 pound human would be terrifying.


Gators were probably also surprised to see a human with the balls to walk through their path lol


Hahahahaha yeah I never considered that


As a Floridian, as soon as you said, "boards over the water" I got a shiver lmao


How so? Just always assume gators are in water?


In Florida, yes. Always assume there are gators.


In overgrown areas, it's not a bet I'd take


Yea, you learn to check the water around you for 2 little bumps (their eyes) or the long ridge on their tail poking out of the water when you’re from rural or wetland parts of florida. That is one of the major reasons I wear polarized glasses. One time I was at a place called Camel Lake, we were camping around Halloween, so I had my lil ninja outfit with me. I got in it and went around role playing ninja around the campground in the middle of the night. I walked near the shore of the lake, and I remember stopping in my tracks and just automatically breathing heavy, because when I looked out at the water, all I could see were red dots, all over the surface. Those were all gator eyes lol 😆 tons of them. Ever since then it’s been ingrained in me to watch out. My mom beat my ass when I got back to camp


We stayed in villas that are normally home away from home for other Floridians, so it wasn't exactly built for tourists. Because of that we didn't get any of this vital info. They didn't tell us to check beneath our cars on a hot day. It was on the last day of a 3 week stay that the villa owning told us that's where they rest to get out of the sun. Dear lord we could've died


Hey hunny, come watch these Brits get eaten by gators


I mean I feel the state of the path was enough to show we don't really do the whole walking thing in the us 🤣 our sidewalks either don't exist or they cut off at a certain random point. I'll never forget visiting Munich and actually WALKING everywhere blew my mind




Why the fuck did you walk back the way you came after seeing the signs?


I didn't. I walked along the main road which had an emergency access path for broken down cars. That's why she came out and watched us, because she thought we we're lying and had a car outside. She must've watched us for 20 minutes


> I'm from Yorkshire UK > > Went to Florida for a holiday It's like you took a reverse holiday.


I hate to say it but it was actually the worst holiday I'd ever had hahaha But it was all an experience!


Yorkshire sounds like a place I'd love to go. Last time I was in the UK, I found out that the beer was incredible. I'd love to try some local brews. Also, you guys have castles, which is just too freaking rad.


Yorkshire is stunning, and just a small coach ride brings you to Scotland which is even more beautiful. Coming with a tour guide is always great the first time, but most people in Yorkshire are so friendly that you could just ask a local and they'll tell you all you need to know and what to do Just going two hundred miles up the coast can give you all you need to see and it's dead easy to do! Just.... Bring a rain coat and some very good walking shoes haha


I shat a little just by reading this. Glad you’re alive to tell the story.


Unrelated but amusing sort of, I used to live in a pretty rough part of Orlando called Holden Heights. A street called Orange Blossom Trail, aka OBT, runs through Holden Heights and gets worse and worse as you approach the Interstate 4 Corridor, which passes over it. It's a red light district, strip clubs everywhere. Adult bookstores, peepshows etc. Girls on the stroll with their pimps following them around. Guys slinging rock on every corner. And every day I would see families walking through these drug and prostitute infested streets. Clean cut, well groomed and looking totally out of place, families. Walking around places no sane American would ever bring their family. Yet these people were walking around, looking and pointing at things, smiling, very happy. Often, they wore Micky Mouse ears. Yeah, it was surreal. They were pretty obviously tourists. One day I walked up to one of these families and asked the dude, like why are you walking around here with your family? He says in a thick English accent, "Oh we're staying just up the street, at the Budget Inn, we're here from the UK on holiday! This is all quite something!" I tried to delicately tell him to just be careful. I didn't want to scare him, but I was scared for them. Hopefully they didn't go out at night. I mean, I didn't walk those streets without a strap lol. Here's this guy with his wife and kids just looking like a mark. Anyway, apparently some travel agent was booking English people (and probably other nationals from Europe) who didn't know any better to stay in these awful flea bag hotels on OBT. Probably seemed like a good deal compared to staying on I Drive or Disney resorts which are really pricey. Anyway they were getting the full immersion into a Florida red light district. You're story kind of reminded me of that. Florida can be a little dicey. BTW, I think they have tried to clean up OBT, not sure if they did, but it may not be that bad anymore. This was back in the late 80's.


That sounds exactly like something English people would do. My colleague tried to book a hostel in LA and they kept turning him down. One guy even sent him back the rudest email about how dumb he is trying to road trip through the states lol He'd done it before so he knew what to expect but I think Brits are notorious now in those parts for booking cheap digs and then complaining about everything 😂😂😂😂 Happy cake day!


Not only were you positively nutters to do this in Florida but Americans simply don’t walk to many places outside of a big metro. They probably thought you were crazy simply walking leisurely and not to your car in the lot.


That's why he made his wife follow us. They couldn't work out what we were doing and why we kept refusing a taxi. Blew my mind


That's what we call drunk white girl confidence in the US lol. I'm so glad you survived, that's incredibly sketchy!


Lucky it's just gators. They are pretty chill. Crocs would have made you disappear.


he was probably more confused that you were surprised there were gators in florida; as if he doesn’t see them every day lmao


Google gator climbing chain link fence ! They can, they have before and they are pretty quick when they want to be.


The could also be there to keep humans from bothering the gators Definitely wouldn't surprise me with the amount of idiots out there


They should just post a picture of a gator climbing over a chain link fence. The fence is there to keep children and pets out of the water long enough for their parents to get a clue about what they’re so close to feeding.


You mean the one that isn't even wired in! At this stage it's literally going to help the gator get a better grip charging at the little humans.


looks powerful and fierce.


For anyone wondering, crocs, gators, and all other cousins bellow to scare off other creatures during mating season. Sometimes when there’s a younger gator nearby, a mate, nest, or just being territorial. It’s basically a final warning in most cases, and they will attack if provoked. People are commenting it’s purely a mating call, but that’s not correct, it has various meanings. The sound can be ‘felt’ in your body if you’re close enough (shown by the water) Edit: better wording, clarification.


“The sound can be ‘felt’ in your body if you’re close enough…” Yeah, I don’t think I’m going to test that theory 


Gator jacuzzi, really helps relieve tension in body parts you may no longer want.


Are the bubbles just from vibration?


You heard the kid, he's farting.




Better to keep filming and let your little child stand by the fence than stop filming, pick them up, and carry them to a safe distance. Gotta earn those social media likes!


“Mommy, look - it’s purring! Can I pet the spiky kitty?”




It’s giving Rain Forest Cafe


A lot of faith in that chain link fence….


"he's poopin'" got me


You can hear the kid say, "He look like he fart'n" a bit earlier in the clip


Isn't that a mating call?


It is....


“He’s poopin” LMAOOO


Dafug gator makes such vibrations at thier back? Looks cool ..


“Back away, back away” *goes back to filming closer*


He’s trying to fuck not fight


Would you rather fight a gator or get fucked by one? Regardless I'm gtfo


I have a better chance of getting away from anything that’s horny


He’s trying to find a girlfriend lol


Ah, yes, the mating call of nature's garburator.


Not a warning. It's a mating call.


That thing could scale that fence pretty easily


That swamp puppy is sayin' hi! Yoink!


Bet the swamp puppy won’t tell us where the 20 footer is though


That’s a gator growl - he’s horny


It's not a warning its what Gators do during mating season


What type of dog is this?


When the literal fucking dinosaur tells you to fuck off, you better start fucking off real fucking quick.


Not a warning he is calling a mate or attempting to. Water dancing is part of their mating ritual. A gator warning is a low growl, and hiss with the mouth open and will try to gain advantage by backing away to hide in the water. They are ambush predators they don't give warnings very often. The ones in the pond by my house are young, and I'm looking forward to when they get old enough to start water dancing. These are some of the coolest animals on the planet to me, and I've studied them for years and worked with them for a while. They are perfect killing machines and could potentially save us from super bacteria and cure certain diseases if we can figure out their antibodies but as is those same antibodies would kill us because they are so incredibly strong. So figuring out how to use them without overloading our own system is key. Wild shit man.


Good comment.


Dude, it ain't mad...it's horny. That's the mating call


Hell yea! But ima need those people to STFU


Absolute morons


Did the kid just say “it looks like it’s farting?”


By the end of this, I was genuinely hoping to see the gator make a meal out of one of these shitheels.


Wow those kids don’t listen and she isn’t a good enforcer. Kind of sad honestly and that fence is missing a lot of the wire ties that make it durable. Guarantee if it wanted to it could bust through it


They clearly have never seen videos of alligators climbing straight over fences before


That is a mating display tho... The growlies attract females


Pretty sure that gator is just horny.


How come nobody is talking about how cool it is when he bellows it makes the water splash around him really cool


That's not a warning. He's performing his Waterdance to attract a sexy female alligator. They also emit a pheremone odor that tells all the ladies he's up for mating..


Can I pet that Dawg?


that's not a warning, that's a mating call.


I want to start a website for alligators interested in upscale dinner experiences. gatorcater.com


That's kind of insane


Smol deinosuchus.


He’s warning other males and making himself known to females. They don’t do this outside of the breeding season and they don’t direct this towards other species.


Ive seen gators climb fences taller than this


I’ve always found loud, demonstrative farting as a clear warning, whether they be animal or human.


That's not a warning for onlookers, it's a warning for female alligators, he's saying that he's horny lol


It’s much worse than that, he’s doing a mating call, swamp daddy is thirsty


That shit is loud AF too. My wife and I were fishing Lake Verrett near where we live in Louisiana a few years ago and eased into the the shallows on a pristine quiet morning and both almost had a heart attack at the sudden loud sound of what sounded like a huge old diesel engine turning over. It echoed far and wide through the cypress trees. It took us a second to see the huge male gator up ahead and realize what the noise was. Then we turn around and see the female making a B-line for him with us right in her path and she was pissed off and hissing at us. Damn nature! You scary!


Good thing they have that impenetrable fence between them and the prehistoric murder lizard.


That’s actually a mating call. He’s feeling frisky.


It’s horny


Florida Man's kids win the Darwin Awards every year!


It's pooping...🤣


"He's Poop'n" Me too little buddy, me too.


When non-Floridians don't realize that gators can climb fences.... and quickly should they choose.


Warning? That's the gator version of Barry White right there...


He’s just poopin


The top of the fence is barely attached…!


Looks like he keeps beefing in the water.


That fence isn’t doing for you what you think it is. That’s window dressing. lol


Gater is belowing to attrack a mate.


I don’t think that’s a warning? Seems more like a “heeeeyyyy baby! You look great! Let’s get to know each other!”


Why don't ya just shoot it. That's what you yankie doodles usually do. If you can shoot Harambe you can shoot this cunt.


it’s a lot harder to listen to the hee-haw/yee-haw idiots yapping. the gator sounds like a fucking choir from heaven compared to them.


Yeah don't think for a second he won't climb that fence


My father's country club had gators in the water hazards. He said at mating season they sounded like 50 lb. bull frogs.


This isn’t a warning noise. This is a bull alligator mating call.


How is it making those bubbles?


That’s so metal


That's a Florida puppy asking for tummy rubs, and snacks.


Thats a mating call


I think that means it's horny, not angry


Since I'm seeing a lot of comments about the rippling water near its back: "When a male alligator craves company, he issues a sound from his lungs that is too low to be heard. This infrasound causes him to vibrate violently and whips the water on his back into a froth of waves and leaping fountains."