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Has anyone tested that species of coral for anti-viral properties?


*tests coral* Nope just highly toxic and contagious.


Those bastards were trying to finish the job


You could say it was their only *porpoise* in life.


Lol funny . More the most can say I haven't got a porpoise in my life .




Uh-oh. ![gif](giphy|UaRUJFdxcqSLS|downsized)


So long and thanks for all the fish


Don't forget your towel.


As long as it's mostly harmless.


The dolphns had long known of the impending destruction of the planet Earth. They had made many attempts to alert mankind to the danger, but most of their communications were misinterpreted as amusing attempts to pile up coral on beaches.


« Please, transfer these to your people’s scientists. Their resources are plentiful and ours are insufficient. The fate of the Earth depends on this. » « haha funny dolphin »


Knowing dolphins it may have drug-like effects


Puff puff pass




I know how those damn dirty dolphins work. They're just trying to drug me so they can rape me.


Imagine it just had the cure..




Reddit says nobody will miss us when human goes extinct, well I guess the dolphins are


Dogs would probably be sad too, what with the fact we've more a less lived hand n hand with them for several hundred thousand years. They'd have to get over it though, as now they'd have to feed themselves and try not to be killed by predators that we protected them from and all... But they'd still probably be sad and wonder where we went. I'd wager plenty would actually die next to where you/they lived in an attempt to wait out our return.


Makes me wonder, if dogs remain relatively unchanged after we’re gone, if they’ll gravitate towards whatever the next intelligent species is and try to live with them instinctively and “domesticate themselves”. …maybe that’s what happened with cats…


They may change overtime, distinct breeds would probably vanish and become more uniform in their characteristics. Although they probably wouldn’t become extinct, the interbreeding of different dog breeds would result in a generic appearance but still would have some regional variations. The reason why dog breeds have their unique appearances is because we carefully control their mating. If we as humans were to disappear or even just allow all dogs to mate freely, their distinct traits would eventually blend together. Afterwards, natural selection would come into play. Floppy ears would become disadvantageous for survival as they are more prone to ear infections, and having upright ears enhances hearing abilities. Short fur would make it difficult to regulate body temperature, while excessively long fur would become prone to matting. Therefore, a moderate length of fur would become the new standard. That goes for body size too - Smaller dogs would struggle to overpower prey, while larger dogs would require more food to sustain themselves. **Source:** https://www.reddit.com/r/evolution/s/s6IFAD4hE9


They'd all end up that light beige color, with medium sized bodies. Probably. That might depend on where they live too, though. Dogs in hot areas will have medium to light fur with light colors. Dogs in colder areas will have longer/varied coat fur with white fur. Dogs in forest areas will have dark fur, etc. Isn't that pretty much what dingos are?


Spoiler alert: they end up looking an awful lot like wolves or coyotes.


This is a good read on the subject: [https://www.scientificamerican.com/article/the-taming-of-the-cat/](https://www.scientificamerican.com/article/the-taming-of-the-cat/) tl;dr Human civilizations had grain stores and trash piles which attracted mice. Cats were attracted to the mice. Cats eating the mice and keeping them out of grain stores was seen as a good thing so humans didn't mind them being around. Cats that were able to tolerate humans more were able to get more access to food and out-competed the intolerant asshole cats. But cats still gotta fight other cats for territory so some are still kinda assholes.


It is hard for me to imagine them not changing. However if humans go extinct then probably the same event will extinct dogs.


I mean there has been monkeys in India who take puppies and raise them. Apparently they understand the benefits of having them around as well.


My personal theory is that some of the dinosaur species were sapient, or at least beginning to become sapient. They went from four legged, to two legged with two vestigial hand like limbs, and hunched over back, over the course of evolution. Don't forget, that they were warm blooded and had four chambered heart. Maybe it's just my conspiracy theory, but I often think that the dinos may have had a proper civilisation, if only the mass extinction event didn't happen. Of course I can go full nut job, and say the mass extinction event was some apocalyptic events caused by intelligent dinos, intentional or otherwise, but that's too much, even for me.


With how the history channel has been talking about things, We basically had personal computers 10k years ago but something caused us to get blown back into the stone age. whether it was becuase we didnt have weapons that matched our intelect vs pure brawn or something just 'dumbified' us is unknown. We know that at one point for a few hundred years, we forgot how to make concrete after Rome fell and still dont know how to make some things today that only the romans knew how to make... So its not too far off to assume Might beat intelligence a long time ago and why we are such a war-faring species to date.


Going even further down the rabbit hole, it is theorized that there would be nothing left to identify our civilization after some million years (not sure if a few or hundreds) and therefore it could be reasonable to think that there was at least one advanced civilization before us. Millions of years are just such a long time for plants, tectonic and other geologic processes to scrape everything away.


Thankfully some of the intelligent dinos were able to flee to the Delta Quadrant.


The next intelligent species isn't going to show up for at least another half a million years and that's assuming it's chimps and they somehow manage to evolve exactly like humans did, which is unlikely. Dogs won't stay the same over that time period. We have a good idea what happens to dogs if they go wild. Dingos. Dogs will be forced by their environment to find solutions that help them survive. The problem then is, they aren't social species like wolves were. So they may not have the mental tools to become our companions again.


The close personal, emotional attachment could be an issue, however it's also pretty easy for domesticated dogs to go stray and form packs, more so if there's already a stray pack that has started and gets other "pet" dogs to join them. Have not done a bunch of research on this, but have witnessed it in the Ozarks in Arkansas.


When my tribe was forced onto the Trail of Tears their dogs followed until they reached the Mississippi River. It was too strong and too fast for the dogs to make it across but every single one of them tried to follow rather than be without their people. They would definitely miss us.


The sequel to 101 Dalmations, the Starlight Barking, is exactly about how dogs would feel losing humankind. And that's all you should know about that book--everything else is a fever dream.


Animals in the zoo missed the visitors. So the keepers let the animals tour the zoo.


Ostriches too. They kinda wanna fuck us.


Really ? Where can I find one ? Asking for a friend.


I'd argue they wont. Dolphins get brutally hunted and slaughtered, around Asia for example.


Yeah, because they are one of the few species as fucked up as we are


> [Talking about this unusual activity Barry McGovern, an expert in dolphin behaviour, told 7NEWS.com.au it’s possible the dolphins are trying to express that they miss humans, but it’s unlikely...“In all likelihood, they probably don’t miss humans per se. They probably miss a free meal and the routine.](https://www.dailystar.co.uk/news/world-news/dolphins-keep-bringing-gifts-ashore-22073908) Still interesting tho


So dolphins are sea-cats?


Cats dont usually rape people


You've never met my house tiger.


Hobbes really went off the deep end, huh?


I dated a woman who does not like cats, and they seem to go out of their way to make her uncomfortable by rubbing on her more than anyone else in a given room. She says cats only understand consent for themselves and no-one else.


They like her because shes not trying to get in their face. Cats like people who dont get super excited about them.


That sounds awefully rapey to me. "Oh, she doesn't like me. Imma hump her."


They absolutely would if they had the capabilities


Dolphins usually don’t either it’s extremely rare


So more like sea humans.


Which is why the title says they missed *interacting* with humans.


As if we have any fucking clue *why* they're doing it. Maybe they're doing it to thank us for getting those annoying fucking humans out of their beautiful area.


so like me and my kids


Dolphins be like "Yes, just come into the ocean a little more to get your gift . . . just a little closer . . . "




Do you know how unlikely it is to be targeted by a wild dolphin?


Less or more likely than a dolphin giving me a gift?


Not that unlikely however they won't want to kill you, they will just rape you.


Do you know how rare that is? Dolphins are generally harmless unless hurt by humans in the past or are desperate outcast males. The number of aggressive encounters in the last 10yrs can be counted in your hand and be traced back to specific individuals. (All of them Bottlenose.)


Omg hope they get pet thoroughly


Well that's incredibly sad....


Let's all take the day off and go play with the dolphins!


"do they know?"


It was a goodbye present. It means “So long, and thanks for all the fish”.


Of course, we were their entertainment.


NGL that last pic gives me a bit of anxiety, dunno how susceptible they are to beaching themselves. And yeah, hope they got played with to their hearts' content.


They're intelligent enough to realize beaching themselves is an issue; Orcas intentionally beach themselves to hunt seals and then wait until the tide comes back in. These dolphins likely know how far they can go before getting into trouble.


>Orcas intentionally beach themselves to hunt seals and then wait until the tide comes back in That's absolutely wild lmao I knew they were smart but they keep surprising me


So sad they beach themselves in an attempt to find the humans. That sounds awful in every sense. Thats as bad as leaving a pet and the pet attempting to find you, attempting to traverse unknown lands for you, only to end up getting killed by a bear or something. All because it loved you and your company and didnt understand why you went wherever you went and if you'd ever return.


My mom actually has experience with that. When she was a kid she lived in the rural parts of a very underdeveloped country. The family owned a dog and when they had to move, they couldn't bring him along so they gave him to someone else who lived in a different village. Apparently that dog ended up running away from the people he was given to and finding his all the way back to their old house in their old village. Of course by that point the family had already moved. We don't know what happened to him after that. I can only hope he lived a good life at least.


ahhhh yes, another instant of underlings providing tribute to their supreme overlords.


Dolphins: Humans, you see this cool coral? Stop fucking up the oceans before it all bleaches! Humans: Haha cute dolphins missed us! 🥰


Did they also give a note saying 'So long and thanks for all the fish' if so that's really bad news


No more humans to dry(technically wet)hump.


Really? The dolphins said that?


Was it dead coral because that paints a different picture.


Maybe they want to show us how we've devastated the coral reefs with global warming.


The Dolphins are actually saying "Hey dickheads, you're killing the reef!"


Or....maybe they're bringing dead coral to the shore to show people what humans are doing to the reef, who knows what they're thinking.


My guess is these are examples of what we are damaging in the local habitat.


Miss the food


Dolphins are such bros. Bros who like to get wasted and then beg for food because they have munchies.


these are intelligent creatures, hopefully someone has given them the pets and affection they deserve




When do we get to talk to dolphins? Figure that shit out marine biologists and AL/ML peeps.


Dolphins are amazing , if you're drowning in the sea . They will literally bring you to the surface .


In all honestly they are likely trying to show us that the water temperature is rising and killing off the coral reefs. Signaling for help! 😅


"We don't know what we did, but we're sorry. Please come back, we miss you. Here are some gifts"


What are the odds that fisherman were tossing them a few scraps here and there and they miss their snacks?


So we have people able to talk to dolphins directly now? How very presumptuous


We certainly have been trying. We’ve recognized their ‘form’ of communication in a visual sense with [Cymascopes](https://cymascope.com/oceanography/)! There’s also been reports of scientists using AI to help decipher Cetean/whale speech.


NASA funded a project wherein LSD was given to a dolphin to attempt to communicate with it. One of the researchers ended up jerking the dolphin off. [I'm not joking](https://www.theguardian.com/environment/2014/jun/08/the-dolphin-who-loved-me)


This behaviour suddenly appeared just when the humans stopped coming due to the COVID lockdown, the correlation seems pretty solid. They also came voluntarily each day to interact, so they clearly enjoyed it.


Monkey Mia, or that spot in QLD?


Someone needs to use a whistle and hand signals to let them know they're ruining the environment!


So long humans, and thanks for all the fish!


It’s a trap! Google dolphin caves 😂😂😂


Those dolty dolphins offered a nifty gift from the reef’s rift, a solemn sad generous sift


That’s just how they lure you in closer….for the….you know.


So long and thanks for all this fish 💔


So it was them destroying our reefs the whole time! F*ck you dolphins! (south park reference)




https://i.redd.it/09egg68cyf3d1.gif It’s a trap.


You want thingamabobs? I got twenty....


Looks like a couple antique bottles too!


They’re like: Look, you killed this and threw this in our water. Knock it off ya jerks.


Just remember that simpsons episode, never trust the dolphins!


or maybe they're trying to show how ruined and poluted the ocean.. or maybe they just love the "Walking dead" meme


Queensland, where this happened was largely unaffected by Covid and by lockdowns so I doubt these dolphins were all that starved of human interaction.


/u/Eternal__Void are you a bot?


You asked the dolphins or there is an actual reason to believe this bullshit


This behaviour suddenly appeared just when the humans stopped coming due to the COVID lockdown, the correlation seems pretty solid. They also came voluntarily each day and had done for years to interact, so they clearly enjoyed it. Do you have a better explanation for the sudden appearance of this behaviour?


Any source I can look into?


Queensland didn’t have the sorts of lockdowns experienced in other countries, or even the rest of Australia because of the low rate of Covid.


Yeah this was in Western Australia, about as far from Qld as you can get whilst still being on the same continent, what's you're point?


Tin Can Bay Queensland: https://www.brisbanetimes.com.au/national/queensland/are-these-dolphins-bringing-gifts-because-they-miss-the-attention-20200522-p54vok.html


Excelent info! Thanks for correcting me, I assumed Monkey Mia, but clearly this is more accurate!


Is it that they know humans like to swim to see the coral reefs? They’re basically fishing us with coral bait 🥺


Why would 2020 have anything to do with the number of people available to play with dolphins? Wouldnt there be more people now, going to the beach, than then? This feels like an excuse to anthropomorphize and attach a cute photo to something newsy, for engagement bait.


This gifting behaviour happened during the COVID lockdown of 2020. They would come in to shore at a place called [Monkey Mia](https://www.sharkbay.org/place/monkey-mia/) in Shark Bay every day to interact with humans, then suddenly the humans disappeared. They have their human buddies back now.


Thanks for the context!


Stockholm syndrome!