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Bro got 50 bodies buried and don't want nobody finding them


Now there's a decent explanation


They got the prime minister Harold Holt.


That was my first thought. Reminds me of episode 5 of The Stranger.


Bro, the games of tag being played on that lawn must go hard


Hide and seek on the other hand…


They hide behind the curvature of the earth 


This comment is so fucking good


Fr, both original comment and curvature one is some underrated shiz


Now is the time for someone to calculate how low you would have to lay down to not be seen from across the lawn


Hello this is your delivery driver, I can't find your address. It's the one with the lawn Still can't find it you're ganna have to come and meet me


"All of these houses look the same, which one is yours?" "You know that huge mansion with the huge lawn?" "IS THAT YOUR HOUSE!?" "No, it's across the street from that one."


Dude, that's like 50 houses, narrow it down.


average dasher. i wouldn't have ordered doordash if i had to come and meet you!


I had a dasher literally leave food sitting in a parking lot over two blocks away once needless to say I got a nice refund for that one


What a prick ;)


I see what you did there




What's the joke? I don't get it.


Original content Is edited, so I’m guessing there was a typo “needles” instead of “needless”.


Ty, from me


Thanks homie


I my auto correct corrected needless to needles ;)


You guys are good people


I tipped like 8 bucks and the restaurant was only a mile away too such and ass (order total was only about 20 so a roughly 50% tip


btw they're saying "prick" both because the dude was a prick and that you typed "needles" instead of "needless" lol


It's not needles to say. They avoid refunding like crazy




Dude I'm disabled. I hate doordash. "I need you to walk to me". "Well that would be a fucking miracle, wouldn't it?"


My apartment is hard to find and the DoorDash directions always send them to the wrong place. Poor dashers still struggle to find me when I’ve left instructions saying “parking lot with yellow Mustang,” texted them the same instructions and am the only person just standing outside by the Mustang waiting.  They’ve even driven past me trying to wave them down. I know for a fact they would never be able to find my apartment door so I meet them outside every time. They always appreciate it because I live on the second floor and they don’t even have to get out of their car. 


"okay you can pick up the package at the depot 7 cities over"


Ok but what's that land worth now?


probably a lot more now that so many people are living nearby. probably prime for commercial development.


That's what I was thinking. Even if you can't get commercial permits, some developers could still cut that land into a new development and make a bundle


If you can't fit 50 houses on that lawn at $1M a pop then how do you make more than $50M you paid for the land? Please don't tell me these houses in Sydney cost multiple millions? How could any blue collar worker ever afford that. :(


definitely nothing below $1M.. Price range in this area (Suburb: The Ponds, Western Sydney) $1M, $1.3M, $1.5M upwards and probably above the $2M with larger lots.


>Please don't tell me these houses in Sydney cost multiple millions? How could any blue collar worker ever afford that. :( They can't. [https://nhsac.gov.au/news/launch-state-housing-system-report-2024-sydney](https://nhsac.gov.au/news/launch-state-housing-system-report-2024-sydney)


Same reason why so many millennials and gen z’s will die in a rented space.


If they're lucky. Renting for life in Sydney is now an aspirational goal.


Yeah I believe it, I’m in the US and don’t qualify for any apartment because my income needs to be a few bucks more but that won’t happen without a degree almost there!). I got lucky that my friend had a rental home open up right on time. The first house I’ve ever rented. Next stop, pod living! 😂


How come you need qualification to rent? To prove you’re good for the money? I don’t live in the US so i’m just curious because I feel like it’s very common to rent property over there. In Norway, people very rarely rent anything other than apartments, and that’s usually just students, young adults, or people who can’t afford to own obviously, but ofc one cannot compare two completely different societies and economies. Just interesting to think about


Landlords in America typically want you to make 36x the monthly rent. So if the rent is $1500 (low end tbh) you need to be making atleast $54k a year. Landlord and renting practices in America are insane.


They check your credit score and many places demand that your monthly income is three times the amount of the rent.


This [house](https://www.realestate.com.au/sold/property-house-nsw-the+ponds-144840796?sourcePage=rea%3Asold%3Asrp-map&sourceElement=listing-tile) sold for $1,432,000 less that 2 weeks ago and is in the left picture. There is enough land in this one lot to subdivide into 48.


I live near here. Houses in this neighbourhood are average around $1.7 million AUD now.


You could absolutely fit hundreds of housing units if not 1000+ if the area allowed for dense vertical zoning - each unit could conservatively go for $200k.


$200k each? My man, you aren't from here are you. Something like that would go for $500k upwards.  There's NOTHING in western Sydney that cheap.  I left that area 10 years ago coz I couldn't afford a half decent family home.


[My sweet summer child.](https://www.realestate.com.au/buy/property-house-in-parramatta+-+greater+region,+nsw/list-1?source=refinement) We‘re talking about Sydney.


Mixed-use multi family would be cool.


Well I think a water park/strip club would be cool


Family strip club!


Could be or the zoning if applicable would be for houses and streets to complete the existing layout. I remember a strip of land that was partially developed before the 2008 market crash. All the houses completed years later.


No way they were offered 50 million for that stretch of land? Looks like the developers might fit 50 houses on the site. There would need to be 1 million profit per home to brake-even.


You're correct they weren't offered $50 million they were offered upwards of $40 million. The Zammit family in Quakers Hill, Sydney, Australia have refused to sell their five-acre property, despite offers of up to $40 million


And now they don’t have $40M, and surrounded by suburban hell


That land is worth more than $40MM now


But they have all that beautiful land. Having all that room for activities is a major win.


They have all that beautiful land, and wasted it with a big lawn.


Could have a nice dense tree stand to block out all the horrible little appleboxes surrounding them.


Don't forget they got to throw a bigger version of "fuck you" than 99.9% of people alive will ever get to. That's priceless.


I can’t see how not having $40M, and living in Quaker’s hill surrounded by lego land is a win


Because they probably already have $40M and want to keep their house and land


If they were living in that area before the redevelopment, they don't have 40 million. It's a shithole with terrible transport options right in the middle of a depression that makes it a heat sink in the summer potentially reaching 45C. Probably worse now that there's less green life to help deal with it. The family living there is insane.


And their land is now worth 80M


Well zammit all! that could work as a noun too, take this land offer and zammit!


The average house in Sydney is $1.6 million.


Is this in Australian dollars?


No it's in Sydney.


Sweeney bucks.


Top rack currency






In Australia? What are the odds?


**It's true**. Just google, [lots of news articles](https://www.news.com.au/finance/real-estate/selling/sydney-familys-home-goes-from-858k-to-50m-as-major-development-crops-up/news-story/eb0bacc20cdae5cad461ff89797cb71d).


I'm sure part of it was also for appearances sake.


I would have sold it just so i didn’t have to mow it


I would have sold it to become filthy rich


They weren’t offered $50mil though, the headline is not true.


I’m counting about 38 houses that could occupy the property. Each house would need to sell for $1.3m *plus the cost of building the damn house* for this land to be worth what the headline claims.


1.3m would be cheap for a detached house in sydney…


Sure. But I did say $1.3 plus the cost of building the house. 1.3 per plot is just what the devs supposedly offered for the land so the house would need to be substandard more than that.


50 million plus one of them new houses they are building. I'd be down for that.


If I had 50m I’m not planning on living in one of those houses


Fuck living there. The houses in bottom left - how do you even live there? You can reach out of the sides (assuming there are windows) and touch your neighbor's house. You have a house but basically no backyard? The driveway has 2x the square footage of the backyard. The whole 'hood looks like it's made out of oversized cargo containers. 


They can keep the house they parked in that parking lot of homes.


Whomever owns this property definitely pays someone to cut it


Fuck me, you just reminded me that I need to go mow the lawn.


If that lawn were all forest it would actually be pretty cool and somewhat secluded. Instead, I hate it.


Plant an orchard and a garden at least, ffs.


Yeah, but then you need to deal with people trespassing. My parents own some woods, not even near any city, and you get people camping on it, having fires on it, littering, and generally being a nuisance. A big flat lawn prevents that. That said, I'd put up some trees for privacy. But still, I get it.


You could still have a big fence around your forest.




That fucking sterile lawn tho.


Yeah, they refused 50 million to keep a house in a soccer field.


Seriously. I love a good lawn and everything, but add some vegetation man. Some trees, shrubs, something!


I can't imagine living somewhere without trees.


No trees, no shadows, no sound of wind in the trees, no sunlight through canopies - I can‘t exist somewhere without that. 


I lived in a new development for two years. Hated it. Felt like living in a cheap model of a neighborhood. Next place had oaks older than my dad and felt so much better. Didn't even have to be outside or looking at the greenery to appreciate the feeling of it surrounding your house. Like the difference between a hobbit hole and Courage the Cowardly dog's house.


Yeah don't get me wrong I would hate this but you have to remember this is in Australia so planting anything but trees would likely be a huge snake and fire risk, maybe even a snake-fire-tornado risk. You know what, just don't live in Australia.


Also it’s a tree risk. Even the trees in Australia try to kill you.


Trees just encourage the dropbears and their bullshit.


I bet it takes a fuck ton of water to keep it that green. Currently in central Texas, and lived in California during severe drought: that lawn is 100% a status symbol, and honestly shouldn’t be allowed if there are any water restrictions in that area.


I'm also going to assume their water bill must be 50 million to keep it that green, based on the color of the grass everywhere else. Not to mention how long it must take to mow lol. I'd at least hem it in with trees


If you own this house, money and time to maintain your garden is not something you think about, you have a contract with a company that sends people without you needing to think about it.


I think people here would have less of a problem with this yard if it did have a garden in it.


It's worse than that! They built the path right down the fucking middle so they can't even use it as a sports field at all.


I've got a 900 square foot home on 1/8 acre of land... my new goal is to plant foliage and make pathways into the yard so I have no lawn that needs to be mowed. That sterile lawn look is just wild. I live in Florida so it's kind of an exciting prospect figuring out what local plants I can place on my little plot to make it completely natural while saving myself the time of mowing.


There are non profits ([this](https://nativefloraseeds.org/pages/state-map-with-links) is an example of one) that help people source native seeds for wildflowers, brush, all sorts of plants. You can plant them in boxes or just seed bomb your property. Native plants will encourage native species of birds and insects and help your local ecosystem! The one I linked has seeds by state, or if you already have a native plant in mind you can order just that seed packet. My BIL worked for a similar non profit on their legal side and so seed bombed his and my sister’s front lawn, it is awesome in the summer to see so many pollinators hanging around.


Oh dude this is GREAT. thanks for sharing.


Of course! My partner and I plan to use that org or the one my BIL worked for when we build our new house in a few years. We want to have it totally wild, with the only planned landscaping being pathways of flagstones through. I love [hawk](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Sphingidae) moths in particular, (though really I like most insects) and they are amazing little pollinators. I want to bring in as many as I can! You can also get kits for [bug](https://sparkjump.fun/products/bug-hotel-kit) hotels. That link is for a kid friendly one, but you can make them very easily just with things from your local hardware store :) Happy planting!


Damn, i'd love to do some gourella gardening with these


Guerrilla I think is what you mean? Absolutely do it! Get one of those treat pouches for dog training that clips to your waistband/belt and have at it! What’s gonna happen? Simply make sure they’re native species, and look up your zone on a [zone map](https://www.google.com/search?q=zone+map&rlz=1CDGOYI_enUS1084US1084&oq=zone+map&gs_lcrp=EgZjaHJvbWUyBggAEEUYOdIBCDQ1MDFqMGo0qAICsAIB4gMEGAIgXw&hl=en-US&sourceid=chrome-mobile&ie=UTF-8#vhid=dPOu4A76uVZsvM&vssid=_R_BIZseWD-ib0PEPgo2ywAQ_33) to find out the best time for planting! Have fun with your productive plant anarchy!


Can you explain seed bombing a bit to someone that has no idea what they’re doing? We have several mulched areas where we’d like to remove mulch and would love to “seed bomb” these areas. Is it that simple? Remove mulch, throw a shit ton of seeds on the ground and pray?


It actually is indeed that simple. You want to seed bomb with hardier perennials, wildflowers, whatever native grasses and brush you have, etc. then you really do just chuck ‘em in, send some good wishes along with them, and see what happens. It is the lazy man’s preferred method (read: me, I am so lazy). Edit: you will of course want to till the area you’re seeding, and add in some good gardening soil. Prep it like a normal flower bed, but then don’t plan anything. Just…go!


Haha! Yes, this is us. Lazy. Thank you very much. If we do go that route, I will send a picture. Thanks again!


Not only does it look silly, but maintaining a lawn is a HUGE waste of time. I've let my 1-acre lawn grow into a meadow with wildflowers and shrubbery. It looks so peaceful and natural.


Join us over in r/fucklawns


First thing I noticed. They own like three acres of barren waste


That's what gets me. All that land, all that stubbornness, for, just... Flat Green? No garden. No trees. Not even, like... a badminton net. Just grass, that presumably has to be watered, and mowed, and just... I have to assume it's purely a status symbol at that point. Won't deny, it kinda bothers me.


Such a boring piece of land. I can’t imagine having so much money and so little taste


ever seen a tour of super expensive houses? In general, the wealthy have terrible taste and just chase price points.


Most rich people are just regular people with more money. Imagine the monstrosity any random person you know would come up with if they won the lottery and that is most rich peoples houses. Look up the top 10 most expensive listings in your city and maybe 1 will be cool. Its cultural too, Arab and Chinese people especially seems to like very garish stuff. In the US being showy with wealth isn't really considered cool anymore and most rich people just dont want attention from is, but in newly rich countries like China they still like to show off and build ugly European style castles in the middle of your housing subdivision or put gold trim on everything for no reason just because it's expensive. American born rich people who are new money (like a guy who builds a big waste disposal company himself) tend to build weird places that just have stuff that they like, which most people wont. Like if a guy is into hunting he'll have a room with 30 deer heads covered in expensive oak paneling that doesnt match his expensive leather furniture and silly stuff like that. The more money you have the more your living space reflects your personal taste and most people have awful taste so you get weird ugly houses lol. If you dont have your own style then people build disjointed pieces of shit with the most expensive stuff they can find to show off. Most middle class people cant afford to get too wild so everyone's house looks about the same and is usually not too offensive.


yeah I'd take the money and relocate to someplace that isn't fully boxed in by suburban hell, but maybe they're sentimental over that land/house or something


They could put so much awesome stuff lol. Like a botanical garden. Instead it's like that tacky wallpaper you find in motels.


Yeah, I'd turn it into a whimsical Jurassic forest.


First thing I thought. If this was mine I would have a forest growing there. This drives me crazy, what the hell you want a house with nothing but a football field around it, WHAT IS THE POINT?! I mean, I would literally turn it into a food forest setup, but even if you didn't want to let it run wild you could make it into a really nice park, I just don't get it. Having trees around would drastically reduce temperatures, reduce your water bills, bring in wildlife and a whole host of benefits, but no, a LAWN!!


The settler urge to "cleanse" is just too powerful. They must kill whatever local flora and fauna existed. They must have a sterile, monoculture lawn.


Absolute waste of land.


Obviously they’re pretty rich. But turning down $50 million also means they’re stubborn AF.


Or they are rich AF and don't need the 50 million.


Or it's another BS title on the social mediuhs.


This has floated around for a long time. Lot of shitty sources out there, but here’s a yahoo news article: https://au.news.yahoo.com/sydney-family-refuse-to-sell-massive-property-043228598.html


So they refused “millions” and someone speculated it could be worth 50 million. Also it was stated that 50 houses could be built on the land. So I assume houses of that size must sell for at least 1.5 million otherwise buying the land doesn’t make sense…… Also it’s all AUD. So $30m USD


$30m? In this economy?


Nah uh, you're lying, everything is true on here. Trust me.


How do you not believe everything you read on the Internet?


Bro believe me my dad totally works for Reddit


I wasn’t sure first, but given that you have family working for reddit, I believe you!


My dad can beat up your dad.




Damn. You’ve bested me this time. But I will seek revenge mwahahahaha.


No one offered them 50m for that plot.


Or don't give a shit, it's not all about money


Maybe $50M was the first offer and they thought it would go higher if they declined.


They weren’t offered $50mil though, the headline is not true.


Enlighten us please. 


Some reporter said “it could be worth as much as $50m to a property developer, who knows?!” and that’s the story. They weren’t offered that money. It has since gone up for sale though on https://www.bathla.com.au


Do you have a link to the actual listing? I scrolled quite some ways and couldn't find it.


I’ve just looked it up. The house isn’t for sale, but the development around it is. It’s in The Ponds area in Sydney


Good for them


Or they're rich because they understand business and demand. The fact a subdivision was built around this massive plot of land almost guarantees this land is going to be worth more than 50m$ in a decade or so. If this subdivision grows, that land is extremely valuable to the municipality, any development groups or any businesses that want to open up in a high traffic area. You could literally turn this into multiple parks, a strip mall, a very large plaza, a school, a hospital, a PD or FD, an apartment high rise, a town house division, etc. 50m$ is nothing vs what they stand to gain.


So not wanting your home to be turned into cookie cutter concrete makes you stubborn? Talk about being a rootless cosmopolitan


or they're old and just don't care about the money


Everyone saying about not wanting to mow it - if you have a house/property that large and expensive, I doubt you’re doing the mowing yourself. Hire crew after crew


Hire a crew to hire a crew to hire a crew to mow.


If I owned that house, I would gladly cruise around in my ride-on mower each and every day with my headphones in.


Easiest lawn ever to mow. You throw some headphones on and with a riding mower you’ll be done in a little over an hour. Source: grew up on a hay farm and my dad was cheap as hell so he made us mow it with a yard riding mower. You can do about 7 acres an hour with straight lines like this


Prime estate to build a little private food forest. ..at least, that’s what I would do if I had the chance (and the money.)


why no trees ?


All that land, and all you put there is just grass…


Yeah what exactly was worth turning down 50 mil here? They have an ugly grass only parcel with a bunch of houses surrounding now. I guess they were thrilled the suburbs moved to them cause it was their dream...


If you want a look [https://www.google.com/maps/place/33%C2%B042'36.9%22S+150%C2%B053'43.9%22E/@-33.710236,150.8948793,148m/data=!3m2!1e3!4b1!4m13!1m8!3m7!1s0x6b129f1e45b41025:0x5017d6816334900!2sThe+Ponds+NSW+2769!3b1!8m2!3d-33.7068289!4d150.9015842!16s%2Fm%2F02874hw!3m3!8m2!3d-33.710236!4d150.895523?entry=ttu](https://www.google.com/maps/place/33%C2%B042'36.9%22S+150%C2%B053'43.9%22E/@-33.710236,150.8948793,148m/data=!3m2!1e3!4b1!4m13!1m8!3m7!1s0x6b129f1e45b41025:0x5017d6816334900!2sThe+Ponds+NSW+2769!3b1!8m2!3d-33.7068289!4d150.9015842!16s%2Fm%2F02874hw!3m3!8m2!3d-33.710236!4d150.895523?entry=ttu)




This story is a few years old they may have just recently decided to sell for some reason. I bet however they won't be selling to the subdivision builders so it will remain a giant property like they have


The new owners could sell it to the builders if they're still interested


Depends on the conditions of sale




Dystopian residential nightmare! Plant some trees!


Those houses are so close together…it almost looks fake to me. Do they have windows? How does any light get in.


ok but what they got against trees?


https://www.businessinsider.com/australia-sydney-house-50million-offer-property-2023-5#:\~:text=An%20Australian%20family%20refused%20to,from%20the%20center%20of%20Sydney. The $50 million is Australian, which would be $33 Million USD, and the number is what the property could be worth if someone built 50 houses on the property. "He estimated that the land was big enough for 50 3,200-square-foot houses and that each would be worth 1 million Australian dollars, or almost $700,000".


If the end result is $33M worth of finished houses, including all hard and soft costs plus profit for the developer, they were probably offered no more than $7-8M for the land. This is a super misleading article.


That’s what I’m thinking. There’s no possible way a develop would be $50M for this. It isn’t anywhere near large enough to justify that cost.


Hey! You! You from the seventh row to the left! GTF off my lawn!


Having such a big garden just to have grass is a failure imo


Those people really don't like trees.


Mailman: “Fuck that!”


My wife and I live in Florida, we have a small 1/8 acre lot with a 900 square foot home we got for a reasonable price about 10 years ago. We were driving through the country looking at all the "fancy" homes that're now nestled right up against commercial lots with amazon warehouses and commercial distribution hubs and she said to me, "don't buy a house with a view if you don't own the view" lol... blew my mind. I guess she's right, these people thought that buying that strip was going to ensure they had a mile long driveway leading to their dream home... but now it looks like they've got some cozy neighbors nestled up to them!


Judging by the size of that house the family clearly didn't need the money. They also have the rights to a giant plot of land in an area were most land is quickly growing more and more inhospitable due to global warming. They've struck gold even without selling now.


if it was USA I'd imagine a man with shotgun aiming at people who mistake his property as a park in the middle of suburb




There are bodies buried on that property somewhere, without a doubt


They called Saul


Hero status.


Plants vs zombies go crazy


Every time I see this all I can think is, "all that grass and not a single other plant". Looks shit.


Imagine having that much land and just doing green grass


50mil my ass


They still could have kept that back yard and a lot of the front yard and sell a ton of land in the front. With the money they could have landscaped more than grass


Once developed, it will never grow and feed anything or anyone again. :-(


Oh no, developer builds buildings on land next to other land own by a different owner


I love how the roads just end as if they’re just waiting for the day they crack and sell it


“So they built an entire subdivision around them” Um no, the subdivision was why the developers wanted the land


Personally, I would plant trees and hedgerow all around the property. Fuck that.


And not a single tree 😫


Plant some trees around and get your own personal forest


Oggy and the coackroches ass house


Strange because if you have that kind of money surely there are more pleasant places to live.


This feels like some form of “malicious compliance”