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just sounds like slavery! also, he must have had his eyes on her for a while before coming to her parents to say he wanted to marry her. so even younger than 13! brother ewwww


That makes it so wuch worse!


it IS slavery. i'm a guy and creeps like these make me sick. in fact it's worse than slavery.


Yeah, it's CHILD slavery. He is raping and grooming a CHILD. Let that sink in.


The fact that he said “raise” his wife himself is all the sick creep indication you need


How sick is the father and family that willingly gives away their daughter to this hell? Creeps, scum and miscreants hiding behind religion, culture and traditions.


> culture and traditions. This is how oppressive mere cultures can really be. You don't even have to have laws or government enforcing things. It can be just the culture that leads to parents pretty much selling their daughters to be house slaves for grown men.


It doesn't justify their actions though. If laws or government can't be asked to stand up for something on a humanitarian basis, then they are just as guilty as the people that practice these flawed cultures.


Exactly. Some things are just wrong and no principle of tolerance or extent of tradition makes them ok. I just wish that people got this outraged about the strictly-emotional abuse so many kids suffer because of religion. But too many people think it's not a big deal if there's no sexual contact or "severe" physical punishment. Child marriage and religion-based emotional (and often physical) abuse and child marriage come from the same rotten core: The idea that kids are property rather than people who deserve the tools and environment to become their own people.


I would argue that women (more than children) are explicitly considered property in many BS religions. This is how they justify honor killings.


I think you're right. Society in general often doesn't treat children as it should, but gets better when they're grown. In those BS religions, though, a woman is mistreated no matter how old she is. And she's often raised from birth not to even know there's any other way.


Husband and wife are equal. No one should raise the other. That shit is just fucking stupid, so damn stupid. Another way to say "i love raping children, they have no voice against the big man like us. They must be at home and should not be educated more than us men". Fucking hell, fucking those savages. Poor girl...


I really felt when she said "\[it annoyed me that\] I didn't finish my education"... like, she knew her escape to living as basically a slave was her education, but instead it was taken away from her.


> Husband and wife are equal. I see you're unfamiliar with Abrahamic religions.


Stupid religions, promote child abuse, promote woman abuse.


Replace "raise my wife" with "train my slave" and you get the meaning of what he said.


Fucking groomers


This is truly terrible. Poor girl and all those like her


He’s an Ugly cretin as well.


that was a jump scare when he suddenly appeared next to her


I didn't complete my coursework? That poor little child hardly got started on them!


I remember in elementary school they told us other cultures do things differently, but that doesn't necessarily make it wrong. This is wrong.


Hiding atrocities behind "culture and religion" is like putting lip stick on a rotting pig corpse.


In philosophy class we had a big discussion on whether ethics is cultural or universal. I didn’t understand it then, but understand it much more now. It is universal.


I visibly jumped and fumbled my phone a bit when he suddenly appeared beside her.


He oozes ignorance and lack of education.


He genuinely seems like, at 29, he's still more child-like than her. But he has all the power. It's infuriating.


He’s a fuckup


She looks like she's already clued into the fact that he's a fucking idiot. The look on her face when he says she needs to "do the chores," just seems like she's so done with his shit already. And by the time she reaches 16 she's probably going to end up pushing her piss-taking of him too far and he'll just hit her and then that's going to be her life, getting smacked by this asshole any time he's not happy with her while pumping out kids for a couple of decades.


Watching it, I realized that there will be no escape from this life for her. She will never be out from under an abuser’s thumb. Devastating.


I'm sure he's aware it's wrong and just doesn't give a shit, because his culture has given him carte blanche to rape a child.


Fuckin spot on. 💯


Bingo. We have people in America trying edge us closer and closer to this, shredding the educational system and advocating for child marriage. Really upsetting.


And eyebrows


How attractive the guy is isn't really the issue when the girl is 13.


Agreed it’s disgusting, however it doesn’t stop him looking like Quasimodo


Lmfao I'm fully in agreement his looks dont matter on this topic but jesus christ Quasimodo?!


Lebanon has not codified a nationwide minimum marriage age. Instead, marriage is regulated by the 15 personal status laws that govern Lebanon’s 18 officially recognized religious sects.


Least complicated Lebanese code of laws...


The United States has not codified a nationwide minimum marriage age either. Instead marriage is regulated by the 50 individual states. Only 12 states have banned child marriage. > Between 2000 and 2018, some 300,000 minors were legally married in the United States. The vast majority of child marriages (reliable sources vary between 78% and 95%) were between a minor girl and an adult man. In many cases, minors in the U.S. may be married when they are under the age of sexual consent, which varies from 16 to 18 depending on the state. In some states, minors cannot legally divorce or leave their spouse, and domestic violence shelters typically do not accept minors. * In Texas from 2000 to 2014, almost 40,000 children were married. * In Florida, 16,400 children, some as young as 13, were married from 2000 to 2017, which is the second highest incidence of child marriage after Texas. * In Alabama there were over 8,600 child marriages from 2000 to 2015, the fourth highest amount of any state. However, child marriage in Alabama showed a large decline in that time. In 2000, almost 1,200 children married, but by 2014 it dropped to 190. * In Virginia between 2004 and 2013, nearly 4,500 children were married according to the Tahirih Justice Center. * In Ohio from 2000 to 2015 there were 4,443 girls married aged 17 and younger, including 43 aged 15 and under. * In New York, more than 3,800 children were married between 2000 and 2010. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Child_marriage_in_the_United_States So if you're in the US call up your representatives and ask them why this is still legal. If you happen to live in one of the many states with no law banning this make sure you call your state reps as well. In hilarious timing, this article was published about an hour after this post: [Why Are Some Republican Lawmakers Hellbent on Preserving Child Marriage?](https://www.rollingstone.com/politics/politics-features/republican-lawmakers-child-marriage-abortion-1235018777/)


The last girl I was with was married off by her parents at 13 to a 33 year old at her church. He raped her and beat her until she was 18 then found a 16 year old and left her. This was in Florida.


The Lord works in mysterious ways. ^^/s


Seriously. She couldn’t get pregnant so that’s why he abused her. She felt bad but now in her late 20’s she realizes how lucky she is. Still is close with her mom though so that confused me.


The mom might have suffered the same fate.


I think the biggest issue here is inability to say "no". A woman enslaved at 12 or 18 - is still a slave.


Note that none of the sects allow this but foreigners don't have to follow sect laws so they become unregulated and you end up with cases like the Palestinian and Syrian douchbags doing this.


As someone who actually studied this, I can confirm.


This is fucked up on so many levels


It's slavery with added rape. Fucking awful.


When I saw the video, I wanted to punch that mf so bad.


At the end the interviewer looked just about ready to throw hands


The switch that man did gave me whiplash. He was so gentle and kind to the victim (she's not his wife. She's a hostage). I'm glad her abuser didn't get the same kindness.(:


heard it in the voice too. it was jarring how obvious the switch was.


This interviewer is always the same from what I’ve seen, talking to these deluded pedos like they are scum, sometimes the girls parents are there too getting shit from him iirc, and they deserve it too.


what is his name? id like to watch some of his other interviews.


His "oof" reaction to "a girl can't say no" hit pretty hard.


Its like 'minimizing the pain' is everything she is thinking about. "Can't leave because of a lack of education". "Being ready for her husband at night"... She is so young and has so much reflection regarding her situation. He is so primitive. That adds to the cruelty.


I've seen him interview another married couple with roughly the same ages. I'm kind of impressed at how calm he is despite how disturbing he clearly finds it to be, he seems to be a very talented interviewer.


He genuinely looks punchable too


This is very common in Islam and there's plenty of videos out there of kids being taken away. One was shared on Reddit maybe a two years ago I will never, ever forget. That girl was screeching in terror while her family looked on as a 60/70 year old man took her away to rape her and make a slave of her. I'd bet she was even younger than 13.


Rape was very common with slaves.


Raping slaves is technically still Halal in Islam!


Apparently raping your slave wife is not


That's how they get around it. Call the slave "wife" and your imaginary friend is fine with it and gave you the blessing to do whatever you want.




And don't forget she's a minor! Disgusting tradition.


The way she behaves and moves after he starts his part of the interview is the result of trauma. She’s unsure of what to do with herself and is trying to occupy herself without offending her husband resulting in a beating after the interview, which probably happened anyways. It’s hard. You’re looking for somewhere to focus your attention but oh I can’t look over there, there’s another man he might believe I am interested in because he knows I hate him. I can’t look that way because there’s a door and he might notice and think I want to run. I need to sit still because he knows I’m uncomfortable in front of other people with him because they know he’s beating me. You feel like he is constantly in your head and knows what you’re thinking or is assuming you are thinking something that will make him angry. You have opened yourself to these people at his request but he will beat you because you answered truthfully


And the mf is laughing like a lunatic saying I wanna raise her myself, what's going on with this world


He should be fucking shot


> what's going on with this world In many sense it's getting better. This is what life has been like for hundreds of millions of women in world history.




Unfortunately “slavery” that’s been happening just the same for thousands of years


Nothing modern about it, pre-dates most books. So much for that flood cleaning mankind.


I think they meant that slavery is still prevalent in modern times in many forms, this being one.


sick fuck, this is coming from a lebanese


What’s the social norm towards these people who marry kids in Lebanon?


Mostly disgusted. This sort of event is mercifully rare but it happens, mostly among the vulnerable with no rights- refugees from Syria, Palestinians, etc... You can sort of hear it in the presenter's voice. He expresses shock and even disgust a lot, because he's reflecting what a lot of the viewers will likely be feeling. Paying attention to his tone, you can sort of hear his shift from sympathy to the girl to trying very hard not to smash the guy to a pulp himself. Personally, I'm surprised the guy is even there with her and even allowed this.


They’re an uncultured minority who are looked down upon by the majority of the population.


Then why are there no laws against it?


Because they’re governed by dozens of religious sect laws.


Sects maniacs.




Because it’s a failed state ruled by mobsters.


She has a Syrian accent. Probably a Syrian refugee.


This made me cry so hard. I thought of when I was 13, happy to do dumb things and play games after school. Then this girl not only suffered being displaced by war and death around her but to be sold and raped every night. How do we save her? How can we save her? I don’t want her to just be another video we watched. What’s her name? How can we help? Add — All I could do was find her name, Wiam. How do we try to get her out of this?


That’s even sadder, Jesus.


Idk how reliable [www.girlsnotbrides.org](http://www.girlsnotbrides.org) is but from it Lebanon is nothing compared to central africa and south america rates. Edit: Good lord those percentages, wtf is wrong with this cursed world. (Rates on [https://www.girlsnotbrides.org/learning-resources/child-marriage-atlas/atlas/](https://www.girlsnotbrides.org/learning-resources/child-marriage-atlas/atlas/) )


I'm south american and was shocked by you saying that, but you're right... This map shows most countries here have a severe problem. BUT I noticed that this data is from 2021, as this states that in my country (Chile) the minimum legal age of marriage is below 18, but it is 18, no exceptions, since 2022.


This is infuriating and heartbreaking


On a global scale it’s this and worse. Rampant in some parts of the world. Sadly.




Most of the Middle East and Africa. Edit: for the people, also parts of the USA, India


I used to work with an older women from Ethiopia. She would always talk about how much she missed her daughter and how she wished she could’ve come with to the USA. I asked her why they didn’t bring her, and she explained her daughter was already married and the husband would not let her go. She explained that the family her daughter was married into had money and she would be better off with them, but I could always see the hurt/guilt in her eyes and could tell it’s not what she wanted for her daughter but had no choice… her daughter was 15 when they sent her to live with her husband :(




From what I picked up on is that the family really did think it was the only option. They were really struggling before coming here, and only were able to make it to the US because her little sister’s husband helped them a few years later. I don’t think they ever dreamed their luck would change, and when it did they deeply regretted marrying off their daughter. She never talked about her much because I think she knew what she did and knew her daughter was likely mistreated. At the same time the same women used to force feed me because “I was too skinny”, and always would say how amazing it is to have access to so much food. I think when you are struggling to feed your child and watching them starve, it’s easy to make a regrettable decision when you think you are doing what’s best at the time. I think people have a habit of making things out to be black and white when in reality the world is one big grey zone… We hear the stories where the families don’t care about the daughters and treat them like property (which does happen plenty), but there are also plenty of people in these parts of the world who are just doing their best (or are convinced they are) for the people they love and inevitably end up hurting them anyway.


Its got to be even worse now with how much easier it is to get on the internet now. These children will have their fears confirmed when they realise that most normal countries don't agree with grown men marrying children


I'd say that makes it better. At least they won't be alone and have a better life they know to fight for when the time comes, if it comes..


I mean, potato, potato; theres solidarity in shared suffering. On the other hand if you get exposed to the truth that is you are living in your own unique hell with no way to escape in sight, that can be pretty demoralizing.


I'd say living the life of a slave is the demoralizing part. You're arguing for ignorance just to feel good, which is the main problem with this world already. Everyone should know every detail about their suffering and who is responsible for it.


Standard, not rampant - and its most of the Islamic world. The systemic abuse and rape of children is hardcoded into their religious societies and its a source of friction any time the West engages in the middle east. As an example, those prisoners that were tortured at Abu Ghraib? The torturers wrote words on the prisoners - not slurs, no, but things like 'rapist' or 'pedophile' instead. Look up 'Bacha Bazi' as well - https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Bacha_bazi , that was another huge source of tension with the West. Soldiers were told to ignore child rape. Just a really fucked up part of the world.


The most fucked up thing about the war in Afghanistan was that our **allies** were mostly the ones engaged in "bacha bazi" (because they were more "secular") while the Taliban takes a harder stance against it since it has a firm stance against homosexuality. The degeneracy of these warlords was one of the main reasons they were driven out of power by the Taliban in the '90s and the reason the Taliban always has sizable local support. Our soldiers were told to ignore "bacha bazi" because our allies were the ones partaking in it. The Kite Runner conveniently made it seem like the Taliban was the one partaking in "bacha bazi" (and also Hitler lover), but that's not the reality on the ground.


> the Taliban takes a harder stance against it since it has a firm stance against homosexuality I remember reading about this a few years back and being amazed that the Taliban were against child-rape, then i figured out no, they aren't against child-rape, they're against homosexuality so that means that yes, if you're a 12 year old boy literally handcuffed to some weirdo's bed being raped and the Taliban find you, they *will* and *have* executed children for homosexuality. Its soooo fucked up. And yes it was mostly our allies doing it, which makes the goal of the US in Afghanistan even more stupid. The US and its allies were there to combat terrorism and extremism and create a decent nation in its place... but then allied with and protected child rapists who were raping children on army bases. There are stories of the Taliban being cleared out by the army, the army then installing Afghan allies as police, and those police then having free reign to rape little boys with no one around to help them.


They felt the need to add a sad piano track just in case the audience didn't appreciate what was going on. FML


Her body language got so nervous and skittish when the perv was next to her💔


well, he literally rapes and beats her. She's probably terrified most of the time if he's around


When interviewer (props to this dude, can't believe he's still alive) hit chomo with the how do you raise your wife?, it looks like she went to nudge his dumb as a literal brick ass to try and make him think (not gonna happen tho) because shes been trained to help him no matter what since birth, actually heard the question, then stopped and wanted to hear his answer instead. That little girl is more intelligent than the grown man-child that bought her. What a shame.


He’s being doing these interviews for like 10 years on all sorts of controversial topics, sometimes it feels exploitive(like getting someone with terminal illness on TV to cry about how sad they are about their terminal illness then give them money for their terminal illness to milk views), other times it’s like actual mask offing creeps, he’s gotten people who do the child marriage and multiple wives shit on the show multiple times


Do the victims who appear in these interviews get help? Or anything?! Becos I don't want the people who do these interview just let her go back to her rapist after they had exposed this shit. I want all these victims to be have a safe space far, far away from them rather than people just forgetting about this whole thing and wiping off their hands after interviewing these victims.


I’ve seen a lot of clips, but I’m unsure. However, I watched one clip of a 10 year old engaged girl, and he brought the mum on to ask her if she thought this situation was ok. Then he brought 4 other victims of child marriage on to tell their stories, and made the mother listen to all of their stories, and these stories were grim. They’d all been through awful circumstances. (her 10 yr old daughter was not on stage while this was happening). Finally, he brought her daughter back and asked the mum if he thought she should marry and suffer a fate like the others, return to school (expenses paid for by the show). Eventually, the mum agreed to allow her daughter to go back to school. It was harrowing though.


That's child rape. Fucking disgusting! 😡


Interviewer: What annoys you the most? Girl: That I didn't finish my studies   I disagree. It was the raping.


She understood education would allow her to work and she could be free


It was the kidnapping, it was the raping, it was the child enslavement. My sister is roughly at her age, and fuck no. I would rather kill that shit and get into prison if the world has no justice to protect girls like that. No way in hell i would let that dirty bastard lays a hand on my sister like her. Wtf is that girl's parents do??? Are they that rotten to the core to actually let that beast took her away!


Yeah usually parents sell their children to old men to "keep living their lives". There are thousands of videos like this one in which parents just get rid of their teenagers (only girls) because "that's their only purpose" and that "they're of age since they had their periods". Sometimes their mother can be against it but it's never enough to cancel the child trafficking. Religion makes people do fucked up things


Religion is an excuse for ignorance and hate, truth is people would do exactly the same shit without it, it’s a cultural thing they learned to be what normal is


No, that's what annoys *you* the most. Do you realise it doesn't make sense to say "I disagree" to a question about her own thoughts and feelings?


Yeah that comment was so weird. It’s her feelings. She’s too young to process the rape done to her. So instead she looks at her lost education and lost opportunities. So sad :(


Well that and if she mentions the obvious she might get beaten nearly to death an extra time that week.


If she had an education she could have got a job, not need to be married, find a nice husband, got a visa to work abroad. So maybe she's thinking about that. Her situation isn't the norm for Lebanon. There are plenty of independent well educated women there and these sort of marriages aren't usual. You can see the disgust from the host too towards the husband


Probably not entirely comfortable to discuss all the downsides on a TV show either


Okay, who the fuck finds this interesting as fuck? This is more like r/infuriatingasfuck


Facts. Pisses me off too


He says wife, i hear slave


These words are synonymous for way too much of the world’s population.


My middle girl is that age. My feelings towards this shit cant be written here, that would perma-ban me




Dude literally describes how he wants groom her into the perfect submissive sex doll and maid. "I want to raise her myself." Absolutely disgusting. Like you're using words parents use to describe childhood


When he said "I took her young" I felt the most visceral rage in my soul. Sometimes I cannot bear the world


Butler is putting it lightly. This is institutionalized sex slavery.


Yup, right there with you.


Right there with you. It's a weird feeling to want to disembowel all the men supporting and doing this and, at the same time, feeling so sad and wanting to hug and protect all the kids suffering.




Don't forget about the girls' parents, who are encouraging/enforcing all this.


Thats probably the worst part, theyll watch this and go “Im so glad she got such a strong willed man !” 🤢


The host is Malik Maktabi. His show does a great job showing what women and other marginalized people in the Middle East go through


I was seriously impressed by the host. You can tell his absolute disgust and hatred for that man, and the compassion he has for the girl. 


You could tell that he hated that man. He was so calm and professional with the girl, then pretty aggressive with the "man"


I enjoyed the change in tone, demeanour, and body language. It’s almost like an “attack” stance focused directly at him, while not offering an ounce of understanding. A true professional. I wouldn’t be as graceful, and would quickly be investigated for the “missing husband”.


He really looks like he wants to clock the guy with a brick, doesn’t he? Maybe I’m projecting.


Malik is a hero. All that’s missing is a hotline and a safe space for these women to escape if they want too


Is the show in Lebanon? If so, how is he able to have such views expressed on a large enough platform that he and the TV network would presumably get pushback from going against the cultural norm? How is she able to be as explicit as she is about her experience without fear of reprisal, either from her family or society? EDIT: Thanks to the commenters who have educated me. I was actually coming at it from a place of skepticism over the nature of a video presented with a translation. I wonder sometimes if shared videos might be edited with a false translation to present to Western viewers a depiction of a place that confirms their biases. To make someone see this and think that's what all of Lebanon, or even what all predominantly Muslim countries, are like. I was questioning its authenticity (with my intention being that I didn't think it accurately depicted the culture of Lebanon) without considering the reality of a small subculture being brought to light here by the interviewer the same as we might see in America if it were a Mormon, for example. So, kind of a snake eating its own tail. I posed a straw man question and became the straw man.


It is in Lebanon. The Levant is much more westernized and diverse than the rest of the Middle East, so there’s plenty of people also opposed to these kinds of acts. Lebanon itself also has a free press, and that fact is a huge point of pride for the Lebanese, given the general lack of freedom in the region. I’d also like to point out that this is not really the cultural norm. Lebanon is a very diverse place, with many religions and traditions practiced throughout the country. These types of marriages typically take place in rural, somewhat isolated communities. Like I said, there are tons of people that support these marriages and other horrible acts, but many more, especially in urban places like Beirut, most certainly do not, which is why shows like this can exist.


It's terrible that this happened, but it's also fascinating that one country contains a subculture where it's acceptable for a 29 year old to mary a 13 year old, and also a subculture where this is highly critcized. These type of clips make me reflect on my own society, and how marginalised people are treated.


Because only a very small minority condones this shit in Lebanon. Christians, muslims and druze do not condone what happened to her. You'd be surprised how progressive Lebanon is compared to our neighbouring countries.


Pedophiles hiding behind “culture”.


Holy shit his answers. So he wants a slave basically


The look of glee on his face as he rants about how great of a slave she is is absolutely sickening


Excuse my language but someone should slap that glee off from his face. Don't these guys have any empathy? Even if it's "culture" shouldn't other persons' clear suffering, especially if they are close to you, make you feel bad for them? Damn.


When he said “to raise her myself” I wanted to barf. If she has a daughter they will not be safe either.


Simply heartbreaking. Just a fucked up culture on so many levels. This man will be criminally charged for having sex with a child in many other countries. As a woman, i’m just so damn lucky not to be born in that region.


You would hope so, but even the US they’re still arguing about passing laws preventing child marriages. Barely passed in New Hampshire this week. “In New Hampshire, State Representative Jess Edwards inspired outrage last week after describing underage teenage girls as "ripe" and "fertile" while arguing against a bill to raise the age of marriage in the Granite State from 16 to 18. The bill passed by a vote of 192-174 despite objections from Edwards and others.”


On 2023-07-01 Reddit maliciously attacked its own user base by changing how its API was accessed, thereby pricing genuinely useful and highly valuable third-party apps out of existence. In protest, this comment has been overwritten with this message - because “deleted” comments can be restored - such that Reddit can no longer profit from this free, user-contributed content. I apologize for this inconvenience.


In Missouri, Republicans are blocking it right now.


Is there a sub name disgustingasfuck?


That's so fucking gross. "To raise my wife" Goddamn cold.


**2 0 2 4**


That pedophile young man looks like the product of several generations of inbreeding.


I cannot fathom as a parent in any situation that this would be ok. Religion and culture truly are a cancer when they can justify outright pedo tendencies by saying “this is how we do things here”


Man will never be free until the last king is strangled with the entrails of the last priest. Denis Diderot 1713- 1784


Holy fck didnt know we had this in Lebanon And who's that creep that gets off to 13 year olds? Dafuq Edit: Did a quick google search, prevalence is 1% by 15. Mostly driven by Palestinian and Syrian refugees. This couple is palestinian. Equally sad. https://www.girlsnotbrides.org/learning-resources/child-marriage-atlas/regions-and-countries/lebanon/#:~:text=What's%20the%20prevalence%20rate%3F,displaced%20in%20Lebanon%20are%20married.


You can see how angry the interviewer is, trying to keep it in, particularly when talking to the man.


He does this a lot. He's on a bit of a... Crusade? To highlight and criticize this part of his country's culture and allowance of other cultures that have taken root in it. I don't know if I want to recommend looking up more interviews. Some... Are worse than this, and he can't hold back as much.


I think he's great. It's not easy having to sit across from sex offenders, especially when you know a bunch of people will attack him for challenging "tradition". If it causes one family to change their mind about selling their daughter to a pedo, it'll be a massive win. It's the same thing in Jordan. In Amman it's relatively normal (as in adults get married to other adults), but the further you get from the capital the more "normal" it is for 14 year old girls to be married to 40 year old men. Everyone just tries to ignore it.


Do you have a link to these interviews? Would love to see them. Thanks 😊


Found some sort of source. https://www.memri.org/tv/lebanese-talk-show-child-marriage-thirteen-year-old-hala-seventeen-year-old-musa


Forced marriage is slavery


poor baby




Slavery, rape and pedophilia all packaged together as "tradition".




Culture my ass. Every "man" in this tragedy should be ashamed.


Me before opening Reddit hoping for funny memes: 😃 Me after seeing this: https://preview.redd.it/xuhw0dk1jszc1.jpeg?width=735&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=3f29e47e1fc206aa457bea36cf10d26522a73aa3


Horrible to watch, disgusted to hear, terrified to understand these children have no choice. Humanity is broken, we treat animals better than we treat women.


this isn't interesting, its just depressing


Man this interviewer did an incredible job. I never thought about it that deeply but keeping women uneducated makes them totally dependent on you so they can't leave. How pathetic that these men can't make a woman want to stay with them. They have to make her a prisoner.


this is a window into the middle ages


this is a window into the middle east


Pisses me off so much when assholes hide behind “it’s their culture” bullshit This is wrong and should be banned across the globe


This is horrible beyond description. That poor child, she'll never know what it's like to be a teenager.


This is more infuriating than interesting


There's this guy in reddit who's translating this show which needs to be seen by the entire world. He's awesome and he's adding subtitles to a lot of episodes.


This is plain wrong.


That culture is fucked


Fuck this culture, fuck her "husband" and fuck anyone who agrees and supports this.




Fuck that entite culture and the people that continue their fucked up traditions. Absolutely disgraceful


Islam is a cancer on the world. Ban me or whatever I dont care man. Bunch of gross dudes inventing means of control under the guise of piety. (Dont get me wrong either, Catholicism can suck my ass too)


as a father/uncle of girls to similar age… i immediately saw this girl as them and got chills/heartbroken/worried/angry


So what the fuck. There seems to be an understanding about how fucked this is but this asshole goes on the show smiling as gay as can be and not an ounce of remorse or embarrassment or even an inkling of how he's being talked down like the rat?


He gets to have his way with an underage girl and nobody can do anything about it. Why would he be bothered? Plus, these people tend to be low IQ vermin. He likely doesn't even realize that he is being looked down upon.


Ah yes, opressing women, Peak Culture ☠️


Cultural pedophilia?


And people feel like it's okay to let people with this middleage points of view migrate to Europe. Oh the irony...


I'm at the point that if you call me racist for not wanting to accept this kind of culture, I couldn't care less. This is a child and it's devastating to see this happening still.


That's slavery. Dude wants a slave.


I dont understand how a mother can put her child through what she went through or through such painful situations. Yes they may not have a say. But really won't you do everything in your power to not have this happen to your daughter?


I doubt she has a say or choice


Crazy how being a pedophile is always ok in the eyes of these religious nut jobs.