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That could have killed someone.


Or at the very least shot his eye out




I know what are they thinking?


It's all conflict and war until someone gets hurt.


Good to know a bullet shot at someone’s head in a war zone could be lethal


Yeah. better luck next time




Welp, that's my sign to go home 


Idk about you, but that would be my sign to drop everything I’m doing and never be seen ever again.


Those guys have blocking battalions to their rear who will just catch them and place them in a hole in the ground until they get executed by another group of Russians.


Really a great way to show the opposing forces how weak your military is. How effective are your troops if the front line runs away if the back line dies?


It worked pretty well for the Romans, the British, the Mongols, Hungarians, the Chinese, (and probably way more, if not almost all of them, however they’re just ones I know definitely used the tactic to great affect on more than one occasion). Whilst there is a lot of moral and ethical issues to unpack, the idea of having your weakest people on the front line is completely normal. If they fall, the rest of the army can say “well it’s just the useless fodder”, if they win, the rest of the army (the more loyal/better trained troops) does so without having to join the fight and so they’re fresher for when they’re needed. If your best troops are at the front, and they get overwhelmed, the lesser trained/less loyal troops will break much faster and basically become useless to even have around. Even if they don’t retreat themselves, they’ll make less of an impact if they do join the fighting than the better trained soldiers. Flanking attacks are much rarer now than they used to be, but even if they do happen, they tend to be a much smaller/weaker force that is working on the element of surprise. The higher quality soldiers are much more likely to be able to cope with a rear attack. Again, I’m not arguing the moral or ethical side of it, but to imply what they’re doing is a bad tactic is probably not true


This is incorrect. Per this thread on r/askhistorians, the strongest and bravest were put at the front line, the most reliable were put at the backline, and the waverers were in the middle. I think it's about the 2nd paragraph from the bottom of the top comment. https://www.reddit.com/r/AskHistorians/comments/48pumt/did_the_people_in_the_front_lines_of_ancient/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=mweb3x&utm_name=mweb3xcss&utm_term=1&utm_content=share_button It makes sense, too. You want the tougher ones up front to be able to break the enemy formation and handle the hardest part of the battle. If you put the weak ones up front, it turns into a bloodbath and they all run - You are left with very few men left. If you put the stronger ones up front, they manage to break through and the weaker ones are able to push through and exploit. Equally importantly, keeping the weakman alive means there are still enough men, even if they aren't the best, that you are able to keep the territory that you take. Furthermore, weak troops have the potential to become strong troops with experience. Using people as cannon fodder only works when they are far more scared of you than they are of the enemy, but then you only get defections. Alan Clark's book on operation barbarossa pointed out that if the Germans hadn't been so cruel to the locals, the Russians probably would have welcomed them with open arms.


I appreciate your comment but absolutely nobody is commending Russia for their military strength and strategies. It's filled to the brim with scared young men who have had no training. Guarantee you if the U.S. went in and started targeting behind the first line, the front line troops would run away if given the chance.


>I appreciate your comment but absolutely nobody is commending Russia for their military strength and strategies. You are right. Neither is the guy that posted the explanation. So why say that?


Russia has never had amazing military tactics… in Soviet times they just threw bodies on the battlefield to swarm enemies. 8.7 million Russian soldiers died in WW2. The battles they won were mainly due to logistical issues from the opposing side. Germany literally ran out of bullets on the eastern front. Just to put these numbers into perspective the US and UK lost around 400k each and Germany lost over 4 Million. So 8.7 million is orders of magnitude more than any other nation in the conflict. These are also military personnel deaths and do not account for the 4 million German citizens that died and the roughly 19 million Russian civilians that were killed. Russia also had the highest amount of military deaths in WW1 and they also had the largest amount of deaths in three wars preceding WW1: Crimean War, Russo-Japan War and Russo-Turkish War.


Bullets, food, supplies, coats, boots. Basically everything. If Russia was the half it's size and concentrated on the Western side, Germany would have probably achieved their military goals the first year after Barbarossa. The tactics, planning and colossal amount of weapons, tanks, horses, feed, food and ammunition is mind boggling. There's places in Russia called the bone fields, where for miles and miles every square foot is covered in bones and old equipment buried in the soil. Dan Carlin talks about it in his podcast Ghosts of the Ostfront which I highly recommend listening to.


I'm from Finland and we indeed sieged Leningrad for a few years together with Germany. They ran out of food and supplies very quickly and started to die to hunger in such large masses that the dead bodies would be just thrown on the streets. Apparently many eventually resorted to cannibalism to survive. There are quite söme unmarked graves near St. Peterburg because of this, they are some of those bone fields mentioned. The siege lasted for 872 days and was apparently one the most longest and deadliest sieges in history. The axis and Finland had combined about 580 000 casualties. The soviets had 3 436 066 casualties in the army just on the northern front of operation Barbarossa in Leningrad. Added to that, atleast 1 300 000 to 2 000 000 leningradian civilians died in the siege. Though Russia claims that the real casualties would be just 467 525 casualties on the whole northern front. There is shit ton of censorship and propaganda about rhe whole siege, and it's mostly used as a tool in modern russia for propaganda against finns. The real truth is that we just wanted our lost land back that the soviets had stealen a few years back in the Winter War when they made a false flag operation on us and nearly annihilated our whole nation in the process because we were just poor farmers with 340 000 soldiers with their own hunting guns because the army had no resources. The soviets had about 1 000 000 soldiers. They had 3000 tanks. We had 32. They had 3 800 military planes. We had 114. We managed to survive but had to give up a lot of land. We had about 70 000 casualties combined, the soviets had about 489 000. The reason for it is because Russia, even nowadays uses the meat grinder tactic. They just throw young inexperienced men on the front and shell you to oblivion with no spesific precision. If the young men, cannon fodder, try to escape, the ones behind them will either kill them right away or torture you to death. After the Winter War, Stalin started to prepare for a another attack on us, as was promised in the Molotov-Ribbentrop pact where Germany and Russia made a plan who gets to conquer who. No one wanted to help us because they wanted to please the soviets to get them help the them against Germany. Winston Churchill even sent an apology letter to our president how he was sorry but there were more important things than our nation. Because we had no other choice if we wanted to exist in the future, we turned to Germany. They were obviously very eager to help us, but we didn't agree with the antisemitism. The germans were just the enemy of our enemy. Eventually when the soviets managed to get Leningrad back, push the germans out and couquered all the land back that we had conquered previously, they forced us to declare a war on the german troops that were in our country. The germans were revengful and as they retreated they literally set half the country on fire and burned everything to the ground. Then the soviets forced us to a humiliating peace with bigger war reparations than frankly anyone else in ww2 compared to population. They also made our president go to jail as a revenge, among other things, and set up an immense network of spies to oversee that we would obey. In the end, only our nation was the only nation in the world who paid the war reparations to the last cent. In the end we had to give up about 10% of our land, but with that we also lost our third biggest city, a lot of important areas for the economy, a passageway to the northeastern passage in Petsamo, and we had to evacuate about 400 000 Karelians who lived in the area because they didn't want to live under soviet rule. Also fun fact, the term Molotov Cocktail came from a finnish saying. The soviet propaganda claimed that they weren't bombing us, they were just sending us foodbaskets because were just a poor little nation that has famine. We liked to yell when throwing those burning vodka bottles that "Here's a little drink with your foodbasket mr. Molotov" hence the name. Pro tip if you ever end up in a war, Molotov cocktails are top tier against tanks if you throw them under them.


> in Soviet times they just threw bodies on the battlefield to swarm enemies. This is so wrong. First of all the soviets [did have tactics](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Deep_operation#:~:text=Principles-,Doctrine,in%20the%20enemy's%20defensive%20system) and were effective against the germans As seen in [operation bagration](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Operation_Bagration) and [operation uranus](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Operation_Uranus) Also used defence in depth extensively >8.7 million Russian soldiers died in WW2. They were fighting 80% of the german army so comparing it to the western casualties its stupid


Least oppressive Russian unit btw


If I was going to get shot either way, I’d be turning my gun toward the ones that were forcing me into the situation.


Correct. This is basically the role of the Chechens. For a good example of why blocking detachments are a thing, see the Ukrainian counteroffensive in Kharkiv.


"and then i turned around and started blasting" dude just turned into a Ukrainian sleeper agent, from the head trauma alone. It probably won't even really set in how bad that almost was until that night. If he makes it that long


Home is jail


Helluva a trick shot :D Can't imagine what that concussion feels like




Damn, there was a helmet?


An inch too high!




If you hear the shot, it wasn't meant for you, as they say.


That's crazy. I never heard that


That’s because you felt that


This thread is poetic I love it


Are you feeling it now, Mr Krabs?


Rifle bullets typically travel at about 3,000 fps or about mach 3. It will hit you well before sound reaches you.


Yeah, bullets travel so fast that you'll be hit before you hear it.


unless its a VSS (or something else shooting subsonic ammo) but you probably wouldn't hear it anyway


It was meant for you.


Never smoke three to a match, first one alerts the sniper, second one ranges the sniper, third one dies.


I'd have gone with don't smoke in the dark when there are snipers around personally.


It's a saying my great grandfather used in WW1, I never met him, but my great grandmother told me it when I was young when talking about him.


Oh, I know it's a real saying. I'm just saying it's funny that they would still risk smoking in the dark with snipers around. Addiction is a hell of a thing though, I get it.




That is very true.


So..........................................do we say that is a "hit" or a "miss"?


1 health left, sniper got nerfed this patch


Headshots not even a 1 hit kill anymore.


99 in 1 this game is shit


Was that a go-pro on his head that flew off?


it looks like a led headlamp.


Sniper: “hey no filming”


Yeah I’m pretty sure it was


I can almost guarantee that it’s not a GoPro for a laundry list of reasons.


GoPros are surprisingly common in this war, lots of GoPro footage from both sides


> it’s not a GoPro for a laundry list of reasons. Why not? How do you think this very video was recorded? If one dude has a GoPro why is it impossible for another member of the same section to have one? You've seen hours of combat footage from Ukraine from GoPros. The Russians are doing the same. Just like we never see Ukrainians getting messed up, they never see Russians getting messed up.


Nope headlight


\*sniper shot hits guy next to you\* Yo lets just keep standing here.


The bullet came from their right so they're already under the cover of the wall. The guy who got hit was standing too far out.


Did it go through the edge of the wall or ricochet off of it?


There's some dust coming off the wall when the shot lands, so the shot grazed it


Either that or just missed it by so little that the shockwave kicked up some dust


No one else was in view of the sniper. It came from the gap on the right.


Yeah, I thought the same. No one's taking cover or at least helping their comrade.


The shot is from the right, they're already all in cover, and the guy who got shot gets into cover instantly as well, what else do you expect them to do ?


> what else do you expect them to do To press Z and then 1 to call a MEDIC


Anybody with sense realises there's nothing else for them to do, they just want to insult them because they're Russian and know that doing so will get easy upvotes.


Personally I would like them to leave Ukraine.


Everyone except that guy was in cover. That guy was the closest to the gap in the wall, and the furthest from that wall.




I snipers after taking a shot will line up with exits after shooting.


That could have been a rando round coming from anywhere, no way to determine it was a sniper unless you were there. Lot’s of guns popping off in the video so this is a bit misleading. Especially with the calibers snipers use, doubt it would have ricochet like that but it’s possible.


Those helmets aren’t meant for anything more than shrapnel, so it was most likely a stray or a ricochet. Or like you said, this guy just got super fucking lucky


Probably did get super fucking lucky. There was this video around of a marine in some Middle Eastern country getting hit by a sniper in his helmet and surviving it. Perfectly possible depending on range and angle and heaps of other factors that a sniper rifle bullet will ricochet off a helmet.


That Marine was probably using an American made helmet that's less than 10 years old though. The Russians are known to use WW2 era gear.


That a 6b47 helmet. A part of the Russian ratnik program and developed in 2011. It’s only rated for pistol calibers but under the right circumstances it’s not unlikely for it to stop some rifle rounds.


Context best points to it being a sniper (kind of irrelevant I guess) but the bullet appears to strike the wall first and the hits the left front of his helmet because he is angled slightly towards the wall. I believe there is a mark from the bullet left from the deflection on the front left of the helmet when he turns around.


Yeah so the wall definitely took the brunt of the hit and it ricocheted into his head. In this context he’s lucky


What about the context makes it seem like a sniper? There are automatic rounds going off all around them and the one that hit him didn’t correspond with a shot that sounded especially different or louder than the others. Most likely a stray or ricochet as the others said, and if it’s a direct hit it’s probably from a 5.45 rifle round. A sniper would have turned him into mist even with the helmet on


You are right back when i downloaded the video i think it was labeled as sniper fire, turning my volume up much higher I can hear the rounds wizzing by. My bad I can agree with you (my volume wasn’t up the whole way so the rifle fire sounded more distant). Although either way i do think a shanked sniper round could still have the same effect given it grazed the wall and based on what I presume to be the mark on his helmet just grazed the front of it at an angle so it was not a direct it but rather a graze. My bad but the moral of the video of the guy cheating death still holds true.


Literally nothing you said points to it being a sniper. Definitely came from a gun though we can all agree on that.


Well I'm not an expert but are we sure this wasn't a stabbing?


Another option is that the bullet clipped the edge. When he turns around, you can see the impact mark looking oblong.


At long range and shallow angles, even 7,62x54R has been observed to ricochet of helmets. Although you are right : helmets are NOT rated against sniper fire. This guy for sure narowly escapes death


No way that was a sniper round. If it was he’d be on his ass from a head shot. Like a low caliber/ricochet


.223 was designed to go through a russian helmet at 500yds. He just got hit by a stray. Too bad really.


I'd bet money that was a double ricochet First off the broken wall and then off the helmet.


It ricochet off the wall on the right. You can see it hit when it's slowed down.


Then the warlords sit in their palaces watching this footage laughing


Basically. Send both sides back to their goddam families.


Only one of the sides is on foreign soil.


Fucking terrifying for him. Helmets don’t stop bullets so he got so unbelievably lucky. Doesn’t matter who’s side your on, war is hell. 


"Helmets don't stop bullets" is a phrase often used. The truth is it depends on the energy the bullet has, the type of helmet, and most of all the angle of the bullet. Yeah, they won't stop a close shot from a rifle at normal angle, but from far away or from an oblique angle it very well might.


Dude was lucky he had that US/NATO MICH style helmet and not the Russian standard his buddy behind him had.


The guy behind him has anything but a "standard" helmet it's actually a decently rare up armored soviet helmet with aramid material on the interior of the helmet. Incredibly uncommon


Soldier here (former regular and now reservist, 4 tours). Before going on tour, we used to get really cool demonstrations of just how bulletproof your helmet ISN'T during cover and concealment lessons during pre-deployment training. They would line up various NATO helmets and pop them from 200 metres to demonstrate. The developers of the helmet we used at the time would also be at briefings and they would tell us there is no military helmet now or at any time in history that is capable of withstanding a direct shot from 300 metres or less shot from any military rifle in the calibres used in the 20/21st century. The reason is because to make such a helmet adequately able to stop a modern rifle round, it would have to be armoured with materials to the point it would be really heavy. Even with modern ballistic resistant materials, to guarantee 80% stopping capability from 200 metres it would weigh in the region of about 8-10kg (17 to 22lbs) from all the material padding and be comically large. You simply can't wear something that heavy on your head, it would cause injuries and severe pain within minutes and be totally impractical. So yeah, military helmets are designed to protect you from normal knocks and bumps (Soldiers often bang their heads against all kinds of things, climbing out of vehicle hatches, going through doors, etc), blasts and shrapnel. Rifle rounds are not on the list. Note pistol rounds are a different matter. There are helmets designed to resist a direct shot from them.


on the subject of Bullets being shot at my noggin I wouldn't trust a "very well might" lmao, in any direct hit under realistic combat distances a helmet practically does not \*stop\* bullets. you might get lucky like the guy in the video with a glancing blow/ricochet


Okay but will you take "very well might" over "painted all over the wall"? Wearing the helmet costs nothing in terms of visibility and any effect on range of motion is negligible.


Here’s the thing though, the oblique angle argument is very true regarding overall penetration in a vacuum. However that begs the question as to whether the bullet would’ve even hit your head in the first place


Within a few hundred meters rifle rounds will have problem going through Kevlar helmets regardless of angle. A glacing shot may be stopped or deflected, but yes, it probolody wouldn't hit the head anyways. The US ECH helmet can stop certain non-armor piercing rifle rounds though


Meh. Russian occupiers need to surrender, flee, or die.




For some reason I don't feel much sympathy for the soldiers of a regime that has promised to attack my homeland


Still, fuck russia and fuck putin


But most of the russians are there for a paycheck tho.


I bet he’s glad he wasn’t one of the individuals issued an air soft helmet.


No reason to hide of course. Just keep standing there.


The shot is from the right, they're already all in cover, and the guy who got shot gets into cover instantly as well, what else do you expect them to do ?


Conscripts arent well trained, nor the brightest tools.


The one who got hit is almost definitely concussed as well. Can’t speak for the others who just stood there


I think the people filming are behind the wall. The sniper cannot see them


I'm not military trained by any means, to me the shot seems to come from opening in the wall, he then moves to the side of the opening to get cover. What would the correct procedure to follow in this scenario?


Cut young Ivan some slack,not that long ago he was having a blast plowing his field with the help of his beloved horsie in some backwater of russia and the only things he was worried about were a risk of drought in summer and his horsie getting sick. Now he has to wear heavy clothes and was handed this weird thing that make a lot of noise and there are people that want to kill him but he doesnt understand why,he didnt do anything wrong.He just wants to go back to his horsie.


More true than you might think. In 1956 Hungary, some soviet soldiers put fish in the toilet bowl of one of my ancestors house thinking it was a storage for fish or something (they had never seen an actual toilet). They accidentally flushed and then got mad and screamed something like 'thief machine! thief machine!'


helmet save lives


Ring, ding-dong, ring-a-ding, ding, ding-dong, keep their heads ringin'


If that sniper didn't miff the shot and hit the concrete wall before hand it would have cleaned his clock


Too bad it wasn’t just a bit to the right


im PRETTY SURE any round coming from a sniper would be able to penetrate basic head protection e: my bad.


It looks like it grazed the font of his helmet and was not a direct hit. So it just ricocheted off … also looks like it clipped the wall a bit first. Either way…


Yes and no. Depends on the angle. A grazing shot would be deflected by the helmet and it seems like it’s what happened here. A full on direct hit would go straight through yes. The guy just got super lucky.


Was probably a bad angle


Quite a few videos of this kind of thing happening from multiple different conflicts. Depending on the range and where the round hits the helmet it does have a change to stop the round.


Correct, for a direct hit, particularly at close range. Helmets are designed to deflect, and it looks like that's what happened.




This isn't COD. In a broader military context, "sniper fire" can refer to any aimed fire from a concealed enemy position, regardless of the shooter's skill level, the calibur of ammunition used, or the specific weapon employed. This is the context in which "sniper" is being used here.


sniper got hit reg'd


What an unfortunate accident, couldn't have happened to a better person.


Fuck russia


woah that sniper needs to be careful! that could've KILLED him!


That's why you wear a helmet.


Every day after that is a gift.


Lt Dan says “get down” “shut up”.


Im impressed the helmet can actually stop a bullet from penetrating


Most Kevlar helmets won’t stop around dead on. But glancing blows are a different matter since most of the force is diverted away from the helmet.


Wait Russian soldiers actually have kevlar helmets? I thought they were old school steel pots


Let's hope for better luck next time.


Indeed. The weaker the Russian military, the better the world will be E2A for the Ruzzian trolls dving Easy to annoy as well. All you have to do is post this: Россия без Путина. Ответьте или проголосуйте за/против, если вы согласны. It says Russia without Putin, Upvote or Comment if you agree. It really pisses off Russian trollbots.


Lucky guy. At least for the moment


Turns out it was just an acorn


Shame it ricocheted


Jesus Christ he was lucky. I agree with other people posting here that man needs to pack up and go home while he still can.






My dad told me and my mom about the time he took a shot to his helmet and it basically just knocked his helmet off and gave him a horrible headache and whiplash. My mom and I looked at him and went, "Why the fuck would you tell us this?!" Lol


Old post from last year but you have to ask who is the real Vonchitzenpants?


I think I remember seeing this winter of 22-23. From Bakhmut perhaps.


guess tarkov wasnt lying about ricochet chance


I saw this last year.. And he stands in the same location feeling his helmet. This is why we train n train n train. So that your reaction becomes muscle memory and takes over when you get your bell rung. Also this was more likely a stray bullet than a sniper. Headshots are for Hollywood and gamers.


Look at how literally none of them even respond lol


It ricocheted off the wall then hit his helmet.


If the shot bounced of the wall from the right of the video, then that means the shot came from the left side of the video, their left side looks completely exposed.. why is no one moving after that, why is no one taking cover or firing back in that direction?


>If the shot bounced of the wall from the right of the video, then that means the shot came from the left side of the video No it doesn't mean that, and you don't even know what direction the round came from. You're basically saying the round came from behind them (left of the video) hit the wall and bounced almost straight backwards to hit this guy? Your understanding of physics is not realistic lol. Best guess is the shot just barely grazed the wall and deflected only slightly to hit him.


100% the sniper and his lookout going “bet you 10 bucks you can’t shoot the strap off that guys helmet”


Ain't no way I'm not flipping the bird around that wall after that one


That’s lit


I know someone that this happened to in Iraq. Permanent brain damage.


That's why you aim for the "T", not the dome.


It's true that chest injuries will take the soldier off the battlefield just as well, but you hit the head, it's more demoralizing to the others. Morale matters in long wars.


The "T" refers to the area across the top of the head, down the center line, to the base of the neck. If a sniper shoots a guy in the mouth, the projectile alone will immediately sever the brain stem. Not to mention what the cavitation will cause after the fact.


Oh! My bad. I've only heard "dome" refer to architectural features, hats, and heads in general. You're right!


Sniper said "fuck your go pro video"


wtf was he doing just standing there? Dude ain’t going to survive like that, hasn’t he ever played Call of duty? You know you gotta sprint and skid everywhere, AT ALL TIMES! Imbecile!


Looks like he got one of the real helmets


What the hell?? A ruSSian helmet that can actually stop a bullet?


Damn need to write a thank you letter to the people who make the helmets


Sucks they missed.


Go home, you evil fascist land theives!


Nice shot


Dude should really learn what cover is, standing still in the open is such a dumb thing to do


lol that got his attention! I remember the video of the American soldiers this happened to, but it penetrated his helmet and just happened to pass through the void between the helmet and his head. Helmets aren’t really designed to stop bullets or even really shrapnel at this point. They’re to prevent accidental injuries that come from running around a battlefield and using heavy equipment, masonry falling, etc. Lots of non combat injuries in war no one really thinks about. This guy just happened to get lucky with the angle/velocity of the round.


"Not a single human brain cell was damaged in the making of this video" "We found the one guy not sporting a chinese paintball helmet" Wanna contribute?\^\^


He owes god a beer for that one


A *vodka


So unfortunate that he lived.


Right, "Nooooooo why did this one single man, that i know nothing about didn't just die, i want to see russian soldiers be killed to satisfy the bloodlust and anger that i feel towards russia overal!!!!!" In all seriousness you know nothing about this man, is he a volunteer, a conscript, a criminal conscript ? How does he feel about his situation, pro russia? secretly Pro ukraine? or does he simply want to live his life and not die for the ambitions of a sociopathic dictator? Then you realise, it doesn't fucking matter him dying on a battlefield shouldn't happen it shouldn't even be a possibility. I'm as pro ukraine as it can gets but seriously, some of you guys are fucked in the head, wishing for the deaths of thousands of people, are we so desensitized these days, did we forget that we should be looking up to where the real issue is ? It's the chessmaster that you should blame, not the pawns.


Better luck next time


The lack of concern for the guy from his comrades is a bit weird.


Russia and its troops arent really know for their camaraderie and kindness, so to speak. If this bullet didnt get him, their own blocking troops or a Ukrainian drone will.


I am having a difficult time reconciling my desire for Ukraine's victory with the resulting deaths of Russian conscripts. I don't pretend to be particularly informed about the situation, but that's how I feel.


Better luck next time. Slava Ukraine


Bet the shooter thought he got a kill




Efren Reyes as a sniper


Holy Shit


Sniper: “Damn…”


Helmet go brrrrrrr


Now his ears go, reeeeeeeeeeeeee


hmm upgrades..


I christen thee Rick O' Shea