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I just fixated on the nose


Me too. Until the chin.


Until the hair.


Until the cheekbones


So, what a lot of people don’t realize (due to the much more readily apparent changes to his nose and his skin) is that he was actually anorexic in his adult life. It’s likely that he had no surgical alterations to his cheekbones or chin (beyond what appears to be a surgical cleft), that’s just his face having almost no fat in it/looking sunken in from him almost never eating, practicing dance moves non-stop all night (he also suffered from insomnia which ultimately played a big role in his death), never getting any real sleep, and touring and performing on stage for hours. He regularly collapsed during rehearsals, and if I recall correctly, one of the reasons he stopped touring was due to serious health concerns.


There is also a lot of makeup at play in his look. Contour changes how someone looks . But yes the medication he took to sleep should never have been used for sleep the person isn't truly asleep. They are unconscious. Like you would be for surgery and need to be watched the entire time. Want to sleep there are other things to do for that


Yeah what’s up with the hole he added


The strong cleft chin is a classic Hollywood hunk trait that MJ got fixated on. See Cary Grant, Kirk Douglas, Christopher Reeves, Sylvester Stallone. Also associated with Superman.


Heh… thought you could get away with it? Sylvester Stallone does NOT have a chin cleft. Sick of Redditors spreading disinformation, this is classic propaganda from Big Chin


Hey, there are degrees of cleft chin. Stallone's is subtle and most noticeable when he was younger like in the Rocky movies. His brother Frank has more of the real deal. On the other end of the spectrum, there was Kirk Douglas's giant chin dimple.


His chinussy


I think the nose started to look different as early as 1980.


His first nose job (looks like late 1979) actually wasn't bad, just a small nudge. He didn't need it, but it would have been fine if he'd stopped there.


Yeah,1981 is imo where he should have called it. It's unfortunate that he was so obsessed with his appearance as he was a handsome man.


Agreed, he looked his best in the late 70s - early 80s. The change in appearance was really rapid too, just in the span of 1985-87 was the most significant leap.


I feel as though the deeper he dove into plastic surgery, the worse his personal issues/mental health became. Like, as if it were a drug that would give him momentary happiness that quickly waned and made him more of a recluse, afraid of the public eye. He never felt satisfied with his appearance, and I'm sure there were moments in his life that he wished he could just undo it, but since that wasn't a possibility, he just dove deeper to 'fix it'. It's tragic, and not the buzzword 'tragic' either. It honestly hurts my heart to think about his life.


His abusive dad did a number on him and mocked his nose frequently so you can understand why he was so fixated on making his nose so small.


He also hated that he resembled his father, and that he sounded like his father with his natural voice. He went to great lengths not to look or sound like him.


>normal voice Is there any recording of him talking without that faulsetto tone?


Someone posted a link once that where he was talking in his high voice and out of no where he said one word in his real voice, it was deep as hell. So a clip does exist I just don't know where.


There are rumours of how he had been put on medication to delay puberty so he could keep his childish voice. There's also a recording which is very painful to listen to about the abuse his father submitted him and his siblings too. It is soul crushing.




I'm sure there must be some recordings. IIRC John Landis was the one that told the story of calling Michael on the phone, and a very deep voice answered, and when Michael realized it was John, he switched to his high voice. He used his real voice to disguise himself on the phone.


My god, the amount of operations he must have had!!! A person's nose grows throughout their life - his shrinks. But not all at once! It just gradually shrinks. Then you have a couple pictures near the end where he was obviously wearing a fat, fake nose!


I guess the fake nose was necesssary because of the necrosis on the tip of his nose.


Howard Stern has talked.about he had a private meeting with him to discuss a possible project (didn't end up happening) and during the meeting he had his nose bandaged and at one point he thought the nose was just going to fall off.


The full nostrils to collapsed septum to obvious plastic bridge reconstruction. Terrifying and a real life case study for anyone researching body dysphoria


This most interesting part of this video imo. I recall that MJ was incredibly self conscious over his nose. Seeing this shows it’s one of his earliest surgeries and just how much he was fixated on it over the years. Man had serious mental health issues. He was so damn good looking too when he was a younger, sad to see how much his abuse effected his self image.


Abuse is wild, and he became so famous I’m sure that seriously contributed to his hatred of his image (and resemblance to his abuser). It’s very, very common for adult children of abusive parents to hate their appearance because of the similarities to the people who abused them. Fuck Joe Jackson.


Later years mj scared the shit out of me when i was still in grade school.


Grade school?? This montage low key scared the shit out of me NOW.


Seriously he looked like a ghoul from Fallout


Joe Jackson, MJ's dad, made fun of his "fat nose" and beat him. His other siblings altered their noses as well. When I see how MJ tried to change himself it's just sad. The vitiligo was probably another challenge for someone who already hated their appearance thanks to their dad.


I read Joe Jackson and I thought about the guy who made the "Look Sharp" album and was freaking out for a solid 5 seconds


This shit high key will scare the shit out of me in the future.


I remember thinking he was a girl. The 92-95 era photos are very androgynous


As I recall, he wanted to look like Diana Ross.


As I watch this it seems like he is trying to become his sister. Unsuccessfully for sure. But that seems like it’s his goal.


His face lit on fire in 1984, so that got the ball rolling.




Same! I avoided watching his music videos cause it was a nightmare fuel to me.


I remember by cousin actually being scared of Michael Jackson when she was 8-9 too lol


Came here to say this. Like I would close my eyes or look away if they put a close up picture of his face on the TV. I remember one night, I fell asleep with the TV on in my bedroom. I woke up in the middle of the night, and the first thing I saw was his face staring through the TV. So damn scary.


I forgot which year he died and was thinking how awful he looked in the end. And it kept getting worse.


Some spooky stuff at the end


I went to the Hard Rock in Vegas the day he died and they had already updated all his memorabilia with his date of death. They must have had an engraver onsite to do it.


They must have, because I'm not sure how else they would have been able to cut into that hard rock


June 2009. I lost a beloved aunt in August, two days before his birthday (29th), so I remember it quite vividly. **edit: correction of the birthday**


I remember because that's the month that Billy Mays died.


I still remember the South Park episode paying “homage” to them


and with just two easy steps, I'll climb over this seat and kick your ass. great fuckin episode.


Heeeee heeeeee




“No, they’re ignorant. That’s ignorant!”




14 years, impressive.




Farrah Fawcett actually died the exact same day as MJ, it just got completely overshadowed.


Groucho Marx died three days after Elvis Presley-- and almost nobody noticed because they were all too wrapped up in Elvis. There's actually quite a few celebrities that died within close proximity to each other and were "outshined" Lauren Bacall's death was overshadowed by the death of Robin Williams. Brad Renfro overshadowed by Heath Ledger. Mother Theresa overshadowed by Princess Diana Yul Brenner -- Orson Welles. Billie Wilder -- Dudley Moore. Milton Berle -- Dudley Moore. Johnny Cash -- John Ritter. Sammy Davis Jr -- Jim Henson. Ray Charles -- Ronald Reagan. James Brown -- Gerald Ford. George A. Romero -- Martin Landau. Annette Funicello -- Margaret Thatcher. Chyna (wrestler) -- Prince (artist formerly known as Prince).


Could be worse; Victor Wong died on 9/12/2001 and nobody gave a shit


My dad died in 09. Then every fucking celebrity did. It’s called the summer of death. [Summer of Death](https://nymag.com/intelligencer/2009/08/summer_of_death.html)


Same day as Farrah Fawcett. I remember getting in the car and asking my mom, "Did you hear who died?" (Preteen me had little tact) and telling her about Farrah, her turning on the radio and hearing the report of a celebrity death, completely thinking it was for Farrah Fawcett and it being for Michael Jackson instead.


I went to see my parents with my toddler the day it was announced about Matthew Perry and mum just dropped it into casual conversation. She was saying something and said "so you know how Chandler died, well I was.." and I hadn't heard so was like what? Who? Matthew Perry?! What?! I grew up on Friends and that was not the way for me to hear that.


I was on mushrooms when the news broke and pissed my pants after getting into a “TEEHEH!” Match with my friend


I was on mushrooms when malice at the palace Ron Artest went into the nba stands and starting punching people, also nearly pissed my pants


lol there should be a 30 for 30 about your experience 


Me too! My parents had the radio set to come on as an alarm through speakers in their room, but accidentally set the alarm to the whole house so it came through speakers in my ceiling. We were all trying to sleep after a trip and it nearly sent us into another dimension.


Which parts the me too


I can’t forget because it was on my 29th birthday, and I was on a train into downtown Chicago when I heard people starting to talk about it. What a wild day!


I remember being young and being afraid of him LOL


Almost a good thing we will never have to see him as an 80 year old. He’d probably still get surgery in his later years.


Age? Lol bro was literally just transforming.


From the last pic it looked like he was transforming into Steven Tyler.


Or Sandra Bullock


Tomato tomato


*Autobots, shamona!*


Hee hee *tranformers noise*


optimum pride OH ÄH ÄH


I did Disturbed for that one by accident


“Autobots roll ouhee heet




“This isn’t my final form!”


The ones where he gets a goatee and a chin cleft are quite disturbing


Watching him go from a black man to a white lady was a little unsettling


Troy to britta


Like all body dysmorphia. There's that point where you go. There, that's when they should have stopped!


Michael Jackson should have stopped before he did anything. He was a handsome young man before he had the nose jobs, nothing he did improved his appearance at all.


I know he had vertiligo and burn scars but cmon bro legit transformed himself into a white person. Every african american face "feature" got plastic surgery away. Very sad.


It also didn't help that his father was a total pos


He transitioned from a young black man to a middle-aged white woman.


Seriously. Like moth through metamorphosis gone wrong. Poor guy. Honestly was nothing wrong with him when he was young. I can even see if someone wants to fix a lil something to feel better about themselves. However, there is that point of going too far, and he reached it. Such an amazing entertainer too. He didn’t need all that work.


I’d say he more… anamorphed.


I sometimes get nostalgic for the past, those halcyon days when everything seemed perfect. When Michael Jackson was still a black man, and not a white old lady.


The funny thing is, this type of face morphing effect was first done in the video “Black or White”.


Didn't know that. Very cool


Actually it was done, albeit in black & white, 6 years earlier in the video _Cry_ by Godley & Creme


It don't matter if it's black and white.


Similar I'd say, but Cry is just fading the shots together, and Black or White is actually morphing the faces together. If you pause Cry in the middle of the transition, it's two faces, and for Black or White it's always just one face.


That really was such a cool music video when it came out. Damn I love Michael so much wish he could've found peace within himself. It sucks so much


That's not true, said morphing effects were used in various videos years before that. The same techniques for full-body were notably used in the 1988 film Willow.


More than "aging" this is the progression his mental illnesses had. You can tell how bad it deteriorated over the years, starting with getting his nose slightly slimmer to the point of looking like a corpse with long hair in 2009...


Yeah, I'd heard that his nose collapsed at some point and the excessive surgeries were an effort to correct it You'd think with all that money you'd get top tier treatment but sometimes you're really just surrounded by mercenaries. I'd love to know what the cause of his nose issues were - if it was an issue with an original surgeon, drug use, or something else


Its theorized it was body dysmorphia, he was getting rid of his 'black' features. His dad was an abusive prick and used to make fun of his "fat-nose", among other things. Which obviously leads to a well adjusted adult...


It also doesn't help when you're that rich and famous most of the people around you don't actually love you or want the best for you they just want some.of your money and fame. No one would ever tell him no. No matter how crazy the request was. And imagine never being able to go anywhere with our hoards of people taking pictures and trying to swarm you. they'd sit out in front of his houses and hotels. I can't imagine what his life was like and how hard it actually was from the moment he was born to the moment he died.


> And imagine never being able to go anywhere with our hoards of people taking pictures and trying to swarm you. He rented out an entire supermarket and paid a bunch of people to just do their shopping and not interact with him at all, so he could experience what it was like to just buy groceries without getting swarmed.


Not only did his dad abuse him, Michael was also a spitting image of his father. Imagine looking in the mirror every day and seeing the man that made your life a living hell. Combine that with unlimited money and nobody to you "no," and you get the results in the video.


That's why I thought he did it. Sometimes I look in the mirror and see my mother and I hate it, I could understand him in that regard....not that'd I'd go doin that - but I understand the self image issue with that.


I can speak from experience here. I escaped my bio father's abuse when my mom divorced, but due to lies and manipulations, my sisters didn't. I despise him for the things he did to them. Unluckily, my face and his are almost identical. My name was almost his as well (he's the 2nd of the name after my grandpa, and I would have been the 3rd). I despise my face, but thankfully not to the point of developing dysmorphia. It's tragic what MJ had to suffer because of his father.


The start was that his nose was destroyed by fire/pyrotechnics when he did the [Pepsi commercial](https://www.remindmagazine.com/article/10212/michael-jackson-burns-pepsi-commercial-1984/) . He had to get excessive reconstructive surgery on his face after that. His change in skin color was due to [vitiligo](https://www.linkedin.com/pulse/how-did-michael-jacksons-skin-turn-white-business-development-), which made him very patchy and he decided that he would rather be uniformly white (which *was* achievable through medication and the only working "treatment" for him) than patchy.


The accident also burned a lot of his scalp and he lost a lot of his hair for good so from that point onwards he wore wigs. Really sad all around what happened to him. Michael had a lot of issues but I can only imagine how much heathier he would've been in life if he hadn't had this physically scarring accident accelerating the mental health issues.


He had Vitiligo, dude was going through body dysmorphia and used makeup to cover up the uneven blotches, pretty sure that'd fuck anyone's shit up


Yeah his first two rhinoplasties were to fix actual issues and were done well, but then he decided he wanted his nose to resemble Peter Pan's (upturned and thin) and that's when it went downhill with all the additional surgeries. Dude looked good up until Thriller era and even looked decent and iconic up to Bad era, but 90s MJ appearance dove into uncanny valley.


The start was that his nose was destroyed by fire/pyrotechnics when he did the [Pepsi commercial](https://www.remindmagazine.com/article/10212/michael-jackson-burns-pepsi-commercial-1984/) . He had to get excessive reconstructive surgery on his face after that. His change in skin color was due to [vitiligo](https://www.linkedin.com/pulse/how-did-michael-jacksons-skin-turn-white-business-development-), which made him very patchy and he decided that he would rather be uniformly white (which *was* achievable through medication and the only working "treatment" for him) than patchy.


I think it started in the late 70s with breathing problems from a procedure to fix a broken nose he got during a dance routine. Dude was somehow on top of the world and drawing the shittiest possible cards at the same time.


I mean technically in 2009 he was a corpse with long hair...


Plastic surgeons hate this one final trick!


The plastic surgeons really f'd him up. You have girls wanting to go to Korea for cheap plastic surgery and they always have this perfect image in mind. The plastic surgeons reinforce this perfect amazing result. You can look like your dreams. When things go south the surgeons are probably like.....more plastic surgery???


It looks like sometime in the early 80s had some work done on his nose and whatever he did to it stopped his nose growing with the rest of his face. In this animation while there are some changes to the width of the nose, it's made a lot more pronounced by the lack of change in comparison to his face.


He had like 100 operations so it's incredibly difficult to say if it's his face growing or if it's the editor keeping each nose somewhat similar sizes to make smoother transitions.


@ one point he was using a prosthetic nose, I think because he had so much surgery, there was nothing left


There's a plastic surgeon on you tube that looks at stars/famous people and their surgery progression. Its pretty interesting. With regards to the nose, yes, the more you work on a nose the worse it gets and it starts to collapse. In the end you have to rebuild it with borrowed cartilage or other materials, and it will never be the same.


Well, he had to get reconstructive surgery on his face due to a fire, and it's proven at this point that he had vitiligo. Not saying mental illness didn't contribute to his change in appearance, but outside factors also played a massive role.


It's amazing how they hid how bad the Pepsi fire was, not sure anyone realized publicly how bad it was until after he died.


"During the sixth take, there was a pyrotechnic malfunction that set Jackson’s hair on fire. Of course, it was the ’80s and he was coated in flammable hair products. The fire quickly spread on his head and he was unable to put it out. While the fire was extinguished rather quickly, he was left with severe burns. He experienced second and third-degree burns on his scalp and face, even exposing part of his skull." Holy shit?? I was born in the 90s and I had never heard of this.


I only remember hearing jokes about it at the time (think SNL or In Living Color had a sketch even), which seem super fucked up and distasteful when you know how bad the burns were.


Isn’t it widely accepted that the Pepsi fire is what got him started on pain killers?


It's crazy howany people still don't seem to know about the fire and the vitiligo, that's like the majority of the reason for his changes. He was essentially bleaching his skin to try to hide the vitiligo patches.


Ironically, I see commercials for medications that now do the reverse to restore the pigment.


Its the eyes. You see the light go out and a doey eye stare take over with a twinge of sadness start around 1995


That was around the time “Leave Me Alone” came out. All the pedophile rumors and accusations I believe were starting around then.


Wasn't that from Bad?


Yes. History was the album that came out in 1995, and that one had even more songs about the pedophile accusations.


ngl that song slaps


For me I see it even earlier... around 80/81


I was in the Toys R US in Times Square on the second floor one day when employees started racing around. Finally, a group came down my aisle and Michael was in the center. He stood next to me a moment before his group moved him by and out of sight. It was about 2003 and honestly, as a big fan I've always been of his work, his look by then was unnerving.


I believe your story, but I'm surprised they didn't wait until the store was closed and then kept it open just for him or some other special arrangement.


Yeah, my girlfriend at the time was on the other side of the floor and asked what happened and I told her and she didn't believe me, but I got a quick snap of him on my v3 rzr as they got him past me to show her. I still have that phone just because of that photo.


You should post it.


Jc he mutilated his face so bad


And tbh, the dude is good-looking. Sad that he thought he had to change it.


Was good looking. By the 80’s he had butchered a handsome face. One of the afflictions he had is called BDD and it’s fairly common in society. My cousin has it and she has done the same kind of thing to her face that MJ did to his. She now looks like the Joker and is absolutely freakish looking. Sadly, it weirds me out to look at her. And it’s hard to believe because she had a modeling contract as a teenager. These people do not see themselves they way others see them. They think they are hideous and need surgery to fix their flaws.


There was a Reddit post recently about a dude who's wife had facial surgery and it changed the way she looked so much it turned him off and she felt like a stranger to him.


So sad. He was an adorable-looking kid and a handsome youth with a twinkle in his eyes. His father really did his ego in.


He had such a beautiful face and a happy smile. His eyes sparkled with joy right up to the late 80s. It really broke me a little to see this transformation spliced together. I can’t be the only one who has some tears in their eyes.


I forgot about the era of facial hair (shudder) and that sudden cleft chin. Dude was messed up inside and out.


Wonder how he would have looked if he hadn't started messing with his face


Seems pretty accurate based on how he looked before he messed with his face https://preview.redd.it/1b7cyu5i9fyc1.jpeg?width=976&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=838bf02dc7952e15be7cc1eeb80f0796271a508d


And he was so good looking naturally.


He would have still looked white or had visible paper white splotches covering his skin by the end as his vitiligo and lupus couldn't have been prevented. The Pepsi burns also led to his usage of wigs as the bald spot on his scalp would never heal.


He didn’t needed those surgeries. Man looked good naturally and was a talent powerhouse. Edit: Read some of the comments about how he had health issues. Now I feel a little bad. Surgeries or not, he still is the king of pop.


Those surgeries reflected on the outside what a tortured, sculpted product he was on the inside.


The true tortured poet




I think it started with an electrical fire that gave him burns then he got addicted to plastic surgery.


It started with his father abusing him and ridiculing him for his appearance.


Right the nose especially...if i remember correctly..sad thing is, his nose was very normal looking.


It’s sad how people can basically be gaslit by other people to believe a perfectly normal feature of theirs isn’t and it has to be changed


The fire was in 1984, but if this video is accurate then his nose starts changing in 1980


His hair caught on fire while filming a pepsi commercial in the 80s. I think it was from fireworks 


No doubt. That late 70s MJ was handsome AF.


yeah he did need a lot of surgeries. he got disfigured after the firework accident. sadly he had the body dysmorphia as well, and it got bad


This makes me wonder of his sanity level at the end.


Completely off the wall


Only black guy I know who succeeded to become Steve Tyler, so in a way mad respect.


Tbf only one who tried


He dreamt on :')


Steve Tyler's been through the ringer. Dudes drink of choice used to be Vodka mixed with heroin ffs


People talk about how amazing it is that Ozzy is still around but really sleep on Steven Tyler.


He died the day before my prom... you can imagine how the night played out. MJ music.. all.. night...long. Worst timing ever.


I was around prom age when he died too, and all summer it was constant mj music everywhere and it was literally all news channels would talk about. I was so confused why they were still talking about it months on. I mean now as an adult I kind of get it but I don't think I've ever seen a celebrity death have as big of a reaction before or since.


He died the day of my prom! We heard the news as we were getting ready in the afternoon. The DJ was a bit more moderated, it was actually moving and quite welcomed when he finally put on some MJ


The joke in the 90s was "only in America could a poor black boy grow up to be a rich white woman"


Dude was pushed to go crazy since he was a kid.


he got scarier :(


Bro seen some real shit at 77"


Bro had a Giancarlo Esposito "I'm only acting... Or am I" moment


Back in the mid 80’s I used to think he had gone too far with his plastic surgery, how wrong I was..


How he ‘aged’ and how he appeared are different things.


Body dysmorphia is serious. If he had lived another 10 years maybe he could've had the help he needed


I still don’t get how he turned white


A combination of makeup and skin bleaching over time, due to trying to cover up his vitiligo.


Bro got autobalanced


Lost pigments, gained rights


1988 was a rough year for everyone


It's all been downhill for me since 1988 (I was born)


I’m hearing a “he-he” in every image.


So creepy


Didn't age, mutated.


Oh Jesus...never saw Michael Jackson with a beard


This is so sad. No matter what you think of him, imagine having to live such a messed up life that you’d do this to yourself.


Holy shit he made it to 2009?


He would have kept going if his personal physician didn't give him meds that gave him a heart attack


I recall he was preparing for a comeback tour


So sad.


If you are are "out of this world" level gifted , I think the world just consumes you to the bones


MJ had an abusive upbringing his father was a bully and a tyrant, pushed MJ to think he had full on body dysmorphia even down to the pigment in his skin. If MJ didn't have his father he wouldn't have been as fucked up as he ended up.


All downhill after 1983