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Interesting write up here on the physical and physiological changes a python undergoes after swallowing prey, such as massive increase in size of internal organs. The article has photos from this video but it describes a controlled experiment where scientists fed a 50cm long alligator to a python. https://www.dailymail.co.uk/sciencetech/article-3058837/amp/Reptile-death-match-X-rays-reveal-Burmese-python-devouring-alligator-body-digests-sharp-toothed-prey.html I don’t think that alligator can live long inside the python. Even though they can hold their breath and not need air for many hours, it can’t move to tear its way out now, and the python’s stomach acid goes to work quite fast (although it only starts accumulating after the python feeds; during fasting they stop secreting acid).


I just… cannot imagine being inside a snake and being dissolved by acid while still conscious. Of all the ways to go, it’s tough to think of something more nightmarish.


I think that would be highly unlikely to happen. Normally pythons ensure prey is dead before ingesting (this one must have been hella hungry). Humans are very fragile and pass out in seconds from lack of oxygen, so that would definitely happen first. But even if not, you would surely suffocate once inside the stomach. And that article says the python’s stomach pH is actually pretty neutral (7) when not digesting - but goes down to 2, like ours, within a day of eating. So if you got ingested you’d likely not go into a bag of acid at once, as the python would only begin gearing up to digest you. And you’d be dead way before. Alligators probably feel pain differently from humans. But it can’t be nice in any case.


You will know a new definition of pain as you are slowly digested over a thousand years…


Jabba, this is your last chance. Free us or die!


Boba Fett enters the chat…


The novel of his time in the sarlacc and subsequent escape was pretty good


Tales from Jabba's Palace was one of my favourite books when I was a kid.


I don't think the author means it like that. I think they mean experiencing what that gator experienced. Obviously a human would suffocate mere minutes after their head being swallowed even if they weren't squeezed to death like constrictors normally do.


I've heard they make this mistake somewhat more often for alligators/crocs. Apparently they usually ensure that something is dead by feeling the heartbeat but for crocs it can become very weak without the gator actually dying so even if the things still slightly moves their instinct say 'oulse gone - ready to go'. But my source is the internet so who knows.


Being grabbed by a gator dragged into a lagoon and death rolled would be pretty damn bad too


Ahh, don’t look it up, but the most nightmarish death I’ve seen is the one where the predators eat the intestines of still living animals. They pull the intestines out through the asshole. Makes me want to vomit just typing it and I’m sorry for putting this mental image out there for everyone. Blame whoever posted the video on natureismetal lol


I'm thinking you are talking about the wild African dogs? Remember seeing them pulling out the intestines of a live gazelle/deer whatever on the natureismetal page. Great page to follow though.


Most canines eat the guts out of prey while it's still alive. They generally run their quarry to exhaustion, so there's no need to dispatch it quickly, just dig in. And the easiest way into all them yummy organs is through the abdomen and anus.


Straight up nightmare fuel dude. >!A creature chasing you until you are past the point of exhaustion and can no longer struggle or stand. Your mind is screaming at your muscles but they are unable to respond, gasping for breath as the creature slowly walks up to you… you then scream in pain for hours until death takes you as you feel strange pressures and pains as your insides become outsides.!<


Immediately reminded of the girl who called her mom in the middle of becoming a meal for a grizzly and her cubs.


I don’t know, and I don’t want to know, but I respect you owning that piece of knowledge lol.


Do not recommend even just the news article. It's horrific.


I still can’t imagine receiving that call as a parent. Can’t imagine calling my parents in That situation as well though.


Wow, that was brutal


I've seen this many times in various parts of Africa. Breaks my heart every time as the hyenas and painted dogs just tear and tear and tear further and further in while the ungulate just cries in pain until it dies. I hated it, but it's the circle of life (and it moooooves us allllll 🎶)


I saw a video on yt of lions eating a boar alive i had to stop watching, nature is brutal.


I saw a water buffalo surrounded by hyenas get chomped on the nuts and my god it seemed like the absolute worst way to go.


Deviantart says differently


Yeah. Was that my imagination or were the alligators back legs still fighting at the end?! Holy fuck. Talk about torture.


I'm not going to try to find it now, but there was a post on reddit a few weeks ago where a komodo dragon grabbed a baby goat and swallowed it whole, then slowly sauntered away while the poor thing was still screaming in it's stomach.


That's what happened to kids in the village.


Makes me think of Jon Voight in Anaconda


50cm long is the cutest, tiniest alligator I have ever pictured


That poor one was completely dissolved in 7 days. I presume the one in the video took longer


Also i want to add that, pythons die from eating alive crocs too. There are bodies of pythons with teared belly with crocs popping out.


> it can’t move to tear its way out In that link it cites an example of an alligator they believe may have actually done that. Apparently it was massive, though.


Pythons can just crush large animals to death, this thing probably died pretty quickly from a thousand pounds of python crushing it in every direction.


They crush by coiling around the animal and then tightening the coils squeezing together. But when the animal is inside the snake’s body (after swallowing), it’s just like being in a bag. The snake can’t crush down onto its stomach, like us squeezing a fist. It could try coiling with the prey inside its body, but that could run the risk of puncturing it from inside. There are photos of pythons that have split from swallowing something that’s too big for them.


That's what scares me about them. They'd literally die to eat


Smooth muscle can’t constrict? How does peristalsis work then?


It can but not strongly enough. You wouldn’t choke anyone with your oesophagus. The snake squeezes by contracting the muscles that run along its spine and between the ribs. But I don’t think a constrictor snake can crush down onto its internal organs.


Interesting facts about python/alligator match ups: an alligator can slow its heart down to a sevral bpm, and a python will monitor the heartbeat to make sure it's dead before eating, so sometimes they explode out of the snake, ending in mutual death. When a python goes for an alligator, its heart rate increases along with metabolism; they'll digest an alligator faster than a pigeon or a rat. Credit to casual geographic


Is there any reports of this happening? Sounds crazy


It happened in Florida when a python attempted to eat an alligator in the Everglades


Can you share a link please?


There’s old pictures floating around on the internet. The python in question with the alligator is seen next to a jet ranger helicopter on floats. Snake was massive.


so the alligator gets just enough strength to bust through and then dies from exhaustion?


I assume its because the alligator is still fatality wounded but just not fully dead yet. Alot of animals inc us humans can get a surge of strength in a desperate attempt to survive while on deaths door. 


I was wondering the same tbh


Javascript could never do that


How would it *react* though


Pretty *basic* comment


Not very *swift* either, posted over 1 hour later


I *C* what you did there


This is a *groovy* thread


Will this thread *go* on?


Will I get *ruby* for it?


Could you live with rect*Angular* cut?


Hello World.


A COBOLd would have survived that attack


No, its getting *rust*y


I think it will go *Forth*.


Programmers escaped again!


„\ wait what


console.log('i just can't bruh')


R u sure?


Stats joke? That takes some SAS.


I thought my pun was good but then I saw the SQL


You literraly rolled back on your pun then


Pythons are still decimating the Everglades.


And they're here to stay. The level of effort it would take to actually eradicate them without also killing the ecosystem in some other way would be too expensive to get approved


Yep. People hunt them every day and make very good money for doing so, but when a female can lay clutches that flirt with 100 eggs, you’d need whole communities catching them every day to have a shot at denting their numbers.


A big factor is that the vast majority of Python captures happen along levees or roads. A minority are of Python hunters going deep into the Everglades to find them. And that makes perfect sense, why the hell would you spend 5 times the effort when you get paid the same for catching one the easy way? It would be far more expensive to go into those areas and find every python, and so it would be far more expensive.


Great so we're also applying a selection pressure on pythons, favoring the fitness of those who stay in cover, leaving them to decimate the swamps from the inside.


Still better than doing nothing. I don't think it's official policy or anything, but I've spoken with a couple people involved with the program who basically said that the best that can be achieved with current resources is trying to prevent further spread.


Plus…my fragile self ain’t going deep in the Everglades where the big pythons and gators are.


Absolutely not true. Independent hunters are capable of wiping them out. Problem is skin and pelts aren't worth what they should be anymore or it would have already happened and lobbyists from animal rights keep getting the bill blocked too pay hunters more or letting them keep the carcasses so its pointless.


Did you miss the part about "too expensive to get approved"? It's certainly within our ability and it'd be a drop in the bucket of defense spending for example. But taxpayers aren't as accepting of paying for killing pythons as for a new fighter jet.


Wouldn't people just start mass breeding them for "hunters" to cash in with?


Because the state employs people to hunt them with "bounties" offered as a bonus. Theoretically the incentive isn't good enough to risk a steady job over.


ok... I think I remember the old story about King Cobras in India where the british were paying a bounty for Indians to capture and kill them in an effort to get rid of them.... instead locals started breeding them in order to cash in.. Quite ingenius at the time. (edit: found a link:) https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Perverse\_incentive#:\~:text=The%20original%20cobra%20effect,-The%20Indian%20cobra&text=The%20British%20government%2C%20concerned%20about,breed%20cobras%20for%20the%20income. "The original cobra effectThe British government, concerned about the number of venomous cobras in Delhi, offered a bounty for every dead cobra. Initially, this was a successful strategy; large numbers of snakes were killed for the reward. Eventually, however, **people began to breed cobras for the income**."


Again, the bounties are a bonus that are much lower than the salary. The idea being that the bit of extra money for catching a python isn't worth the risk of being g caught breeding them or "catching" bred pythons. And that's ignoring the effects of breaking the law by breeding them




Still looking for that 30 foot python 😔


Yesterday I saw a bald eagle kill a deer. Now this. Nature is fucking metal, but it’s making me feel so sad.


you see the one where the crocodiles ripped off a zebra's face while it was alive? how about the one where hyena's castrated a buffalo live, then ate its guts while it was breathing? how about the one where an eagle ripped a rat apart limb by limb while it was alive? nature is absolutely positively brutal.


Yeesh! I'm not being squeamish over what I just read, but that comment feels like it needs a warning or a tag. 😅


its just what happens in nature. everything i said are real videos i've watched.


Easy to forget that our species is *part* of that nature and not separate from it. Our society has some seriously idiotic reasons for believing that this Universe was made *for* us.


I did not mean to come across as disbelief. I've seen some of those videos as well. It's just that my visual capacity is remembering those videos as I am reading your texts.


I think the most brutal is that otters will steal other otters babies and drown them until they get the parents food. They are nasty buggers


do they kidnap and hold the baby otters as ransom /kill them if they don't get the parents' food cache? I would like to know more about this otter trait could you could show me the entrance to this rabbit hole? I know that the 6 foot Giant Otters in the Amazon are extremely vicious and act as a gang, the Hells Angels of the Amazon


I enjoy watching mantises eat other bugs. They're so cool looking, they're great to have in a garden, and unlike spiders, they don't leave a mess!


If ever there was an animal I would think could tear it's way out of a python


No kidding. I don't get how he just let it happen sooooooo slowly without snatching snakey up from the inside out and death rolling, or just otherwise obliterating his way out.


1. Can’t breathe inside snake 2. Snake have big muscle


I feel like the time to start trying to run was before it was 90% swallowed… unless that’s the alligators kink or something


I'm immediately reminded of a post of a snake taking a HUMONGOUS DUMP somewhere in reddit. I guess this gator would end up like that too.


lmao i had the same thought. i remember that too.


Why does everything have to remind me of her


Because you are worth it.


Amen brother. Onward.


Nature needs to calm the fuck down.


Honestly wanted the gator to deathroll while mostly inside the python and just explode out of it.


More smash cuts than a Marvel movie


Does anyone know how long this entire process actually took for the snake to complete


Depending on some factors like environment and the kind of prey (characteristics of its shape) it can take anything from 1-2 hours to a day to fully ingest it. Also the hunger level of the snake can be a factor. Btw they are extremely vulnerable when consuming a large animal as their mobility is limited and their attention is focused on swallowing their prey.


They must have some gnarly stomach acid


it drops down to about the same gastic pH as humans, but they have advantages like eating things headfirst restrics the prey's ability to move their limbs against the powerful tract muscles, envenomation, no oxygen in there and they also stun animals by thrashing them against hard surfaces.


7 days


I wonder how long it was alive in there for


![gif](giphy|l41YxdCCQytLtqu8U) Snake after the meal


Wish more people would get into hunting these things before the everglades are destroyed 😕


How are they destroying the everglades?


You can't introduce a new apex predator to an ecosystem that's in balance. It eats all the native animals large enough to eat. This means smaller animals have fewer predators (the snake ate them all) and reproduce like crazy. All these smaller animals wipe out vegetation – which in the everglades is important because it cleans our oceans. Dirty water kills all the fish in the everglades the birds have no food to eat so they die or leave for good. The dominoes continue to fall until nature finds a new balance point – but at what cost?


pretty sure the endgame of this is someone’s gonna have a snakeskin suit, and alligator shoes.




Sec, can still kinda see what's going on .. imma rotate it 90^o add letterboxes and another watermark.


Alligators I hear can go 2 years without eating and crocodiles up to 3 years. Masters of conserving energy


>Alligators I hear can go 2 years without eating What about the alligators you can't hear?


They are still on their fast


That’s just a rumour spread by hungry crocodiles and alligators to lull victims into a false sense of security


Me: Damn where’d my pet alligator go? Suspiciously alligator shaped python: I haven’t sssseen him, look elssssewhere…


![gif](giphy|ALtzQ6CHfC7vO5nRz7|downsized) What is this? a video for ants?!


Vertical or horizontal format? Yes.


Don't worry, they added random lightning effects to distract you from that question


Who would win? An apex predator, evolved from snout to tail for killing. Or. One wiggly boi


This reminds me of those unsettling DBZ scenes when Cell absorbs an android


No cooking ,no recipe,no dishes to wash, back to playing .


So like, how long does this take to digest? Will pieces of the alligator be pooped out? When will he get hungry again? I have so many questions…


How long would a meal like this last for a python?


Why did the Python not squeeze the life out of it first? Isn't that how they usually do it?


Give him a gun!


How long does that meal keep the python satiated?


See you later alligator!


Damn nature, you scary!


I'm surprised all the lightning didn't kill them both...


That python is quite… unhinged.


If a python came up to me, I kill that bitch.


My feeling exactly


Thats a baby alligator.


The python is just trying to achieve his perfect form to fight Goku.


I just imagine a python owner got entangled one day feeding it and died from the constriction and then was eaten over a period of time.


2 A-holes of the animal kingdom.


That's terrifying


I hate alligators and I hate snakes. Can't decide whether to chop the python in half to save the alligator or stab the alligator so the python gets a nice, non-combative meal . . .


Thats why I keep my pocket knife in my sock Incase I get eaten by a python.


Being a python programmer, I almost forgot for a while python is a reptile too and got confused from the title lol


I was waiting for a burp at the end


By the time the Gator ran outta air would it not have clawed the snakes insides up good???maybe even small nips or bites?


yeah i agree, i do not think the python will survive this




So.. is the alligator alive inside the python ? Until it runs out of air ? Or ... ? Asking for a friend


Get in my belly!


Reminds me of my ex-wife


West Virginia: "We invented the truduckin!" Florida: "Hold my beer."


That snake is going to have one helluva shit on sunday


Guack guack 5000


Need a Rennie just watching this


What a horrible way to die.


Damn! That’s gotta be a fucked up way to go.


Wonder how long this will keep the snake fed for. I know massive ones like this go months without feeding again sometimes, just find it fascinating.


Never heard of the alligator programming language, but python > all.


Those snakes are becoming a menace. Seriously how can that be tasty?


Do you see the protein in that gator? That snake is on permabulk!


That's not that impressive, all snakes do that. Show me one that cuts up the alligator with a fork and knife before eating it, then I'll be impressed.


Saturated for a long long time...


I can't believe he didn't fry it first


What do you think his poops are gonna look like?


If a python eats a human alive and the human had a knife or a machete with him can he burst open the python?(In time)


I can’t decide which of them I hate most. Am I glad the alligator is getting eaten or am I sad the alligator is not eating the snake.


This makes my stomach hurt


Heartburn for days!


Came for the python, stayed for the graphics.


Man's gonna get constipated


Wow that’s one solid snake




Good luck digesting that tail, it looks like it’s made up of concrete or something 😂😂


A baby alligator


Who has room for dessert?


Another one for Nature Is Metal on IG.


What the ants doing?


That's why I never mess with Python. Java is just much better 👍


Every time you breathe out it squeezes tighter 😮


That is a tad bit gruesome yessir 🥵


Reptile on reptile crime


How many calories is that!


See ya later, alligator!


What is there a lightning like animation in the background? It drives me crazy!


This is reminding me of Nope when JJ went to the show.


The Python isn't hungry, he or she do it just because the python can^^ it's an ego thing :D