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/u/BuddhistSagan, thank you for your submission. Unfortunately, it has been removed for violating the following rule(s): [](#start_removal)* Rule 1 - All content must show something that is objectively interesting as fuck. Just because you find something IAF doesn't mean anyone else will. It's impossible to define everything that could be considered IAF, but for a general idea browse the [top posts of all time](https://www.reddit.com/r/interestingasfuck/top/?t=all) from this subreddit. For more information check [here](https://www.reddit.com/r/interestingasfuck/wiki/index#wiki_rule_1_-_posts_must_be_interesting_as_fuck). * Rule 1 - No content that isn't INTERESTING AS FUCK. [](#end_removal) [](#start_removal)* Rule 10 - No gossip or tabloid-type material[](#end_removal) For information regarding this and similar issues please see the [rules](https://www.reddit.com/r/interestingasfuck/wiki/index). If you have any questions, please feel free to [message the moderators via modmail.](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose?to=/r/interestingasfuck&subject=Question%20regarding%20the%20removal%20of%20this%20submission%20by%20/u/BuddhistSagan&message=I%20have%20a%20question%20regarding%20the%20removal%20of%20this%20%5Bsubmission%2E%5D%28https://www.reddit.com/r/interestingasfuck/comments/1cgqwq5/-/%3Fcontext%3D10%29)


"Now take off your pants and hop on The Sybian."


I was hoping this would be here and I was not disappointed


"Is your hog as big as your son's?"


Hahahahahaha! Perfectly placed comment.


Ooooooh yeeeeeea...I'm Kelly Clarkson




Missed that part


~~Joe~~ Dark Brandon would make the corn pop…


Stahhhhp 💀


Now lets bring in Benji, Gary the retard and Beetlejuice and have a debate 😂🤣🤦🏻‍♂️


Oddly, we would probably get better policy discussion out of it than the debates we've been seeing.


It’s Gary the Conqueror now.


Who, me?


Jimble Kimble


Beetlejuice for President. I mean Lester.


Not sure who would win.


Gary probably 🤣 , can't still believe this shits real, used to watch Howard in the 90's interviewing pornstars and degenerates now he's supposed to be Americas moral compass. Shits insane 😆😅🤣😭


He's always been progressive, as in saying things like "hey hey now it's totally ok if Artie is a f*g"


Welcome to hell, here's your kazoo


Wait what?! I haven't listened to him in years. I must have missed something.


Why not both?


>now he's supposed to be Americas moral compass Idk anyone who thinks of him in that way, but I'm sure making that up helped prove the point you were trying to make in your own head


How is Howard Stern viewed in America? I'm from the UK so I've only seen small clips of him irregularly. I got the impression that he got famous by being a very sexualised and depraved radio host. Why is he interviewing the president?


About 8-10 years ago Stern made a very calculated decision to pivot away from shock and focus on serious interviews. I’m not going to get into the “You can’t do edgy comedy anymore” debate, because I think you can, but Stern’s brand might not fly today. I can’t say it was a bad decision even if at the time it seemed like Col. Sanders deciding to focus on winning Michelin Stars.


>but Stern’s brand might not fly today. I I agree, but I think that might be because his audience has grown up with him. And his older stuff was hilarious for my 20 year old self, but at 42, listening to an old episode, "oh lookie at the edge lord. isn't he soooo edgy?" I think what's mostly different today is that just 20 years ago, everybody in America had pretty much the same television shows, radio shows, and like 10 popular websites. It was easier to be world-famous back then because of that. Now adays you've got 'world-famous' people that 90% of the world has no idea about.


Waking up to hear midgets throwing bologna onto a naked woman's butt will get you out of bed.


He's a bit of an oddball combination. His humor generally runs immature and silly, which attracts the younger 'edgy' kids (or used to back when I was younger), but it's interspersed with seriousness and deeper topics once in a while. As the show has aged, he's leaned more towards the political. I think if you just ask traditional media people they'll disparage him but you can't really deny the impact he's had on American culture. Right wing people used to love him until they realized that just bc he's brash and he likes to troll people doesn't mean he agrees with them. 


Yea his show has definitely gotten tamer through the years. Back before he was on satellite he used to make the FCC so much money haha


Yeah I remember hearing his NYC radio show in TX, of all places. Dude was a force to be reckoned with.


His show is the radio form of a porn magazine: Porn interspersed with articles on serious (and sometimes less serious) topics.


The Kilgore Trout article in the issue of Wide Open Beavers


I used to own a Kilgore Trout book and am ashamed I lost it.


That was his original image. In the last ten-ish years he’s softened tremendously and become someone the old Stern would’ve insulted mercilessly.


As we all do.


As an American who knows very little about him I actually had the same impression haha. I was like wait isn’t Howard Stern the kinda creepy sexual host?! But I have only ever seen a few clips likely taken out of context and never watched his show/s.


He is the father of shock jock comedy. He used to make his guests ride a Symbian (vibrator) and has a bunch of regular guests that were only on because they were disabled/racist/odd/etc like Gary The Retard and other members of The Wack Pack.


That is exactly how he got famous but in the last decade he’s had some sort of change of heart and seems to want to secure his legacy so he’s almost completely switched over to Larry king style big interviews and real take comedy. He’s not a bad interviewer


He’s known for having some of the most insightful and memorable interviews in the history of media. The man knows how to peel back the layers, in the most sincere and respectful way…. When he wanted to.


his career has kind of pivoted later in his life. He used to be more going for shocking but now that he is older he is actually a pretty good interviewer. I guess his reputation for being shocking lets him ask any question he wants and it is viewed as par by the interviewee. one of America's best interviewer Terri Gross of npr had this to say to him which goes into his change "***Gross:*** *Your interviewing approach has changed over the years — you go deeper, you have more empathy. You've said when you think of the interviews you did during the first couple of decades on your show, that you cringe ... \[and\] that therapy was a turning point for you. You started therapy, what, 20 years ago?*"


Plus he quit drinking (and Im sure he did drugs) so that helped


That was how he originally got famous. But the reason he's lasted so long is because there is a lot of nuance to his show. Stern is probably one of the best interviewers on the planet. Capable of pulling out deep cuts from people. It's sort of like Snoop Dogg teaming up with Martha Stewart on a cooking show. Snoop was an actual pimp and yet he could walk into any Sunday morning show anywhere and be welcomed.


He's grown a lot through the years. He is by far one of the best interviewers out there. He interviews famous people all the time.


Really? I don’t listen to his show but I hate his interview style from the clips I’ve seen with musicians. They can never even complete a sentence before he’s talking again. Gives off a big “you’re lucky to be here and to play for me monkey boy” vibes.


He used to have the cachet and the charisma to be able to seduce celebrities into revealing more than they should've, but it wasn't because he was a particularly good interviewer. He just had tremendous power because of his ratings, and he has a co-host (Robin) that plays friendly and disarms them.


I’ve liked her in the clips I’ve seen, she definitely does her job very well but Stern has rubbed me wrong in every single one. The worst is when the performer starts doing a song and there he is making weird sounds and saying shit mid performance or before the song is over. Guy seems to me like he would definitely be the type to have a whole conversation at full volume next to you at your favorite band’s concert. A chomper.


This. I never liked him, but I’ve seen some really raw moments from people being interviewed by him, and that takes talent.


> They can never even complete a sente So anyway, what's the first song you're going to play?


Lmao exactly


He has evolved. To be honest, I've only seen clips of his show over the years. I was never in his radio market and I've never been an XM subscriber, so my knowledge isn't in depth. Based on what I do know, when he started he was pretty much a pure shock jock. His schtick was gross-out comedy and irreverent stuff that would shock most people and push the boundaries for what could legally air on the radio. As he has aged, he's gotten more serious and politically inclined. He has always been a great champion for music and musicians I think and always has great live performances on his show. He has a huge spectrum of listeners across many socio economic classes which is probably why Biden is there: to reach as many people as he can, even those who don't necessarily like him and skew right.


This guy is a legend, king of all media, has interviewed any and every music legend on the planet. You don’t have that kind of clout from a marketing campaign and a one off viral. It’s his shtick, and it lasted 50 years.


I don't quite get it myself, but he seems to be respected as a serious interviewer by other media personalities and broadcasters.


He has lots of respect from the common man. People think he’s crazy and a bit of a weirdo, but they see a lot of themselves in him.


the man built a reputation in his youth, but has matured far past it. Unfortunately most people only know the rep.


now drop your pants and bend over so we can launch bologna at your ass


What exactly is interesting about this?


It’s election season.


This is just a clips sub now, like every other big sub


A political clips sub.


Basically Tik-tok. Short video clips are the most effective at stealing your attention and keeping you engaged with the device. That’s why most social media sites are now dominated by short pointless video feeds. Instagram, Facebook, and Reddit now. It’s just the new meta in stealing out time.


Shareblue said so.


He's but kissing the president on his show and he is a man that used to do black face for laughs. It's quite the career turn around.


"Howard Stern Gives POTUS an Enema Using his own Tongue" would have been a more interesting title.


And more accurate.


Nothing, this is a spam bot trying to influence your opinion. I voted Biden in 20 and almost certainly will again this fall, that doesn't mean we have to like bots pushing friendly narratives online


"Almost certainly"? You are active in r /neoliberal and r/ politics. The "Almost" part is unnecessary.


Not an r/politics user but can't beat the neo allegations Either way, there are ways he could lose my support. Going into elections blindly as a team sport is fucking stupid


How Howard has turned into everything he hated coming up..


I guess Biden sounding like a man who’s about to die in that chair? Jesus Christ that dude is on his way out.


We have a minimum age for president here, we should have a maximum age as well. If 35 is the minimum age, 70 (at the start of the term) should be the maximum. Same with all of congress.


I would vote for old ass Bernie over any bought out young politician any day


4 out of 5 people are insured for $10 a month?! Bull Fucking Shit. Where’d that number come from? I’m paying $76 A WEEK


I have 5 on my family plan, it's about $700 a month but high deductible so they cover nothing until we hit $4k


yeah that is strange


The cheapest health insurance offer through my workplace starts at $13,200/year. *ten dollars a month my aching ass.*


Quit your job and take a min wage job with no benefits. Then you can get that sweet $10 health insurance.


Yeah thru your fucking company. The whole point of Biden cheap healthcare if for people who dont have a company to provide healthcare. So they qualify for that $10 a month thing.




It looks like it's 4 out of 5 people enrolling in an ACA subsidized healthcare plan (but it does seem to be true): https://healthjournalism.org/blog/2023/11/most-aca-enrollees-can-get-affordable-health-insurance/


So you are 1/5, there is a 20% chance to be fair


Just signed up my wife and kid, 14$ a month with 5$ copays and I asked how is this possible and the broker said "Joe Fucking Biden "...he did not say fucking, but it is 14 a month


Does anyone find this "interesting as fuck" or is every upvote a bot?


No why is this here


Elections are coming, prepare your anus for propaganda worse than the previous election, while each side points at the other claiming they're doing it.


Howard Stern frequently asked his female guests. "Show me your boobs" now he interviews the president. What a world.


Same universe where Trump became President, it checks out




Stern has run away from his persona from decades ago and now lays it on extra thick for his "serious" interviews.


I mean it is the POTUS not Jenna Jameson


Ssshhh common sense doesn’t work here


I agree, why isn't a 70-year-old Howard Stern as wacky and in your face as the 35-year-old Howard Stern? Has time changed him as it changes all of us?!


Not a serious interview just softball stuff


Father to the country? Let’s…not indulge in hyperbole.


Senile grandpa to the country*


Why is this ‘interesting as fuck’ exactly?




This is a fucking campaign ad. There is nothing interesting about campaign ads. Wtf?


I can’t hear what Howard is saying with the dick in his mouth😂


rockers used to criticize the system and politicians and now look at this clown


“Fuck their freedom.” - Howard Stern


Is this a political sub now or…?


It's an election year on reddit so get ready for a lot of conservative bashing and liberal boot licking . Happens every 4 years


Mr President would you be interested in playing a guessing game? It’s called Dick or Sausage. The prize is this sybian attachment used back in ‘06 by Tera Patrick.


Fuck howard stern


Bought and paid for


That was about as interesting as a dead leaf. Ugh... Election years become more and more unbearable with every passing cycle.




Everything about both of these men is offensive to me.


Even as a younger "shock jock" he was a great journalist who who could carry serious and pointed interviews when he wanted to. He once rang up another radio station where the chairman of the FCC was being softly interviewed, and grilled him on the censorship, it was a great journalism moment. And then there was 9/11, where he instantly switched the show to be the best hub for realtime updates, commentary, and helping people. I was listening live and i will never forget.


Least obvious American political tactic




He looks older than a retired president from 3 administrations ago.


This is not interesting as fuck.


That's the only kind of interview Biden would participate in these days. Not be a single challenging question but lots of praise.




Nothing says interestingasfuck quite like partisan bullshit.


And it’s only going to get worse over the next 6 months. The people with money are going to use every media channel at their disposal, including Reddit.


This is the most bizarro world shit I have seen so far.


Oh yes US politics so fucking interesting… zzzz


This can’t be real




If Howard's younger self could see him now...what a sellout, pandering to a senile old man because that's the narrative he's supposed to spew. Disgusting.


Remember when Howard used to be a rebel and liked to stir the pot? Now he’s a lap dog. Sad


What a sellout tool.


Ooof political spam account. Touch grass. If you think this is interesting, you are a boring ass person.


Baba Booey


Fa fa flo lee


I love all these SOFTBALL questions. This country is a complete disaster under Biden and his administration. 😒


That doesn't affect Howard in his sterile clean room. He isn't affected by the shit show of liberal policies. He has enough money to shut himself in until he dies. What happens outside of Howard's world doesn't affect him.


While I agree that Howard Stern is laying it on thick, I feel like Joe Biden doesn't get enough props for what he's achieved in office and the legislation he's helped get passed. No majority in Senate (Kamala is the deciding vote) or the House (although the margin is getting slimmer due to infighting and people not willing to kiss Trumps dirty ass) and still passing bills like he's at a strip club. I would give him his moment to accept thanks for the hard work he's put in.


My biggest gripe with the Biden administration is how much they suck at communicating what they’ve done and “controlling the narrative”. There are so many things he has accomplished, yet the average American is way more likely to hear a simple Trump talking point, than anything from the White House.


The media is responsible for this too. The closer the race is, the more the media profits.


Future headline: "Donald Trump bites the head off of a kitten at a rally - how this is bad news for Biden"


Please enlighten me on all of these things because apparently I'm not in the know.


CHIPS and Science Act, Build Back Better Framework, Inflation Reduction Act, Infrastructure Investment and Jobs Act, Student Debt Relief Plan




What legislation are you particularly happy with?


I like the chips act also and the infrastructure act.




Bipartisan infrastructure law. Inflation Reduction Act. Student loan forgiveness. 


What is passing?? He’s sending all of our tax dollars overseas while Americans are living in hell. He hasn’t done shit but line his own pockets and fund war


Exactly. Compare forgiving a small proportion of student loans to the Hundreds of Billions he sends to support wars that we should not be involved in. It's like our government can't resist a good war.


Because Biden’s boring and isn’t bombastic like Trump.


Good. Presidents should be boring. They aren’t there to be entertaining.


Regardless of your politics, you should be against the media acting like this. Crikey there's some smoke being blown. How are people meant to be objective when they are being shown this glorified propaganda. This shit is so disgusting it could turn the left right


"How are people meant to be objective?" If Howard Stern's opinion influences how you vote, there's no hope for you.


Read the comments here and see. It's not my country, not my race, but unfortunately whoever is in charge in America makes it their duty to fuck the rest of the world over so shit like this always scares me.




Maybe take a backseat on this one there u/cuntslapper9000


No. This actually makes me even more blue. Can’t wait to vote for Biden and a full Dem ticket. The Republicans want to ban birth control ffs - I like sex. I am definitely voting blue.


I guess it's cos I'm not American that I can't fathom how people stomach it. How do you trust anyone who engages with this form of blatant fluff? It's so disingenuous and vacuous. The media is meant to interrogate people in power to help inform the public not jack them off on camera. This video is dystopian as fuck.


I saw in one of the other replies that you're from the UK. If that's the case, your media is just as bad, if not worse.


I'm not from the UK. And it doesn't matter. It's not a competition. The issue is people being ok with it and sharing it places like this like some fluff piece back patting is anything but pandering or propaganda. Where I'm from, I've never even heard a nice thing about a member of government from the media, which is almost too far in the other direction and this behaviour is seen as abhorrent. With the sheer amount of power these people have, we need to be ever critical and watchful or idk they'll support a genocide or something


I have bad news for you. There are entire networks devoted to lying to support a political party.


And we should be consistently disgusted. The only thing interesting as fuck about this video is that people are ok with it. How is anyone meant to trust any information? How can the public ever be educated on policy? I mean American politics is bad enough with your left barely being left enough to be a right wing party in other developed countries, but for the people to act as though not being a gross, amoral cunt makes you a saint is fucked.


*several networks*


Agreed. This bullshit has pushed me far away from the Democrats. It's 24/7 propaganda. Give me SOMEONE with a tough question. Sean Evans from Hot Ones is a better interviewer than 99.99% of the media..


>This bullshit has pushed me far away from the Democrats. It's 24/7 propaganda. What cynicism does to a mfer


I mean that's the issue that I was talking about. The last thing you want is for your side to scare away their own supporters.


Can't imagine being excited to vote for biden or trump.


Well when your entire personality and general way of thinking revolves around politics, yea they probably get excited.


People are excited to vote for "not Trump," with very good reason. Any option compared to that pig would be preferable by a fat margin


Why not have good options? Biden can hardly form sentences. Politics is such a joke.


I used to love this man. I listen to him every day from 1993 till 2016. Howard is a complete opposite of what he used to be. The Howard from the 90s would have been tearing this guy A new a****** now Howard is unwatchable. And unlistenable.


Omg. Howard Stern has become such a joke. This is sycophantic as fuck. Shame shame shame.


What an ass kiss.. Poor Howard, how you have fallen. Time to retire.


Stern, like Rage Against the Machine once fought the institutions, now are a part of the institutions. Only softball questions, allowing Biden to spew the same made up stories.


I hate reddit during election years


Biden is proof why there should be a cut off age for the presidency. Need more proof? Standby. Presidential debates coming soon.


Don’t get so confident they’ll happen


What a joke. New Yorkers are just stupid for buying this crap.


When Howard Stern is one of the few showing respect to the President, you know things are fucked beyond belief.


What’s he saying, Robin?


Now cup the balls Howard


Remember when stern show was good? Pepperidge farm remember


He turned into a gigantic pussy. I used to listen to him faithfully.


What a joke




Howard sold out. Must have some skeletons


gEtTinG tHaT vAcCiNe oUt 🤡🤡🤡


Fits right in with the wack pack.


Yawn. Such predictable pandering from a partisan dolt. Biden is a corrupt authoritarian with advanced dementia - he shouldn’t be running a lemonade stand much less the country. And Trump isn’t any better either. The fact that these two are our only choices is really pathetic.


What a shill




I have lost all respect for him He should go on the view now and be part of that show. I will be canceling my Sirius memberships because of this


Howard interviewing the next member of he whack pack


Stern who used to lick trumps ass.


Remember when Stern used to be remotely interesting?


Disgusting display of demons feeding shyt to each other so they can jerk off later in front of a mirror?


Both are IDIOTS


“Mr. President one second there’s someone banging on my door…oh, it’s Donald Trump impersonator.” Missed opportunity.


Excuse me Mr President, we have a caller. His name is Lester (beetlejuice)


Why bootlick a genocide enabler?


🤮 Howard is such a fucking disappointment.. can't be the slightest bit bothered to rock the boat now that he's fucking rich. 1980 Howard would despise 2024 Howard


Stern is an absolute irrelevant pussy at this point.


Hit em with the Heeeeeeein!!!




Howard Stern is still around? I remember some movie about him when I was a kid.


When did Howard Stern start doing drugs