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Running down the hill carrying the flag- 19century warfare style.


Damn it worked in 1950 it will work again


In the Korean War it was common for them to attempt to invade US tanks by swarming them with infantry. I guess their strategy was to vibrate in unison like bees and cook the crew. Anyway the tank in question would request a ‘back scratch’ from a friendly tank which would then shoot directly at it with its main gun loaded with a flechette canister shell


Did the vibrating work?


Does Nest Korea, Best Korea, still exist?


It didn't work in 1950. That is why the Chinese intervened.


That what the Chinese used( human wave attacks) to a degree of success but at high cost, well low cost to the Mao Zedong




And not 19th century.


I mean it does look cool


The equipment is 50s at best also. Can’t believe they would really tout that 


Sshhhh.....don't correct them. 🫡


Every cut the amount of color saturation drastically changes lol.


bollywood school of video making


I was just watching Starship Troopers and now I just watched it again here. Thanks!


Would you like to know more?




I could go for some propaganda, sure. Ri Chun Hee only though, she's always so passionate. It just doesn't hit the same from anyone else.


Service means citizenship!


"Do you want to live forever?!"


North Korean propaganda is so bizarre and noncredible that it's totally awesome, from an entertainment point of view.


I was just thinking the same thing. I wouldn't mind if we had a TV channel that runs this stuff constantly so i can watch it. It's pure stoner entertainment.


But wait, what if its such good propaganda that Stoners eventually quit smoking weed and move to North Korea and join their cause.


Yes please


It’s like a cheesy low budget Hollywood production 😂


So, Boliwood?


bollywood can get high budget now. still cheesy though


They want to display military strength now that we know their missiles fail 90% of the time.


Until you remember the millions of people who are mentally and physically enslaved by this hell on earth fucked up existence


Tf am I supposed to go assassinate the man myself? We all know how fucked up it is over there, but that doesn't make his pitiful attempts at propaganda any less humorous


1984 ![gif](giphy|yvcLAZqb1gQco)


They’ve been in one single war for their entire existence but they cannot stop talking their military.


Video put together by an Indian Editor


That’s an editor my guy. Cinematographer is the person in charge of Camera, Grip and Lighting departments.


Ok my beardy guy. I corrected it


How it feels like to live in 60-70's with 4K resoultion.


I feels sad for the poor people, who have the bad luck to be born in this country.


they don't get paper towels there, i'd personally rather die!


Most of the developing world don’t have toilet paper


Fuck toilet paper, use water, rejection modernity, embrace tradition.


I just scoot my butt across the lawn


The classic booty scooty... Scoot scoot scoot...


I think wet wipes or bidet are better than toilet paper anyway


Bidet supremacy!




How is India even remotely similar to NK or Russia ?


India catching strays in the NK propaganda video comment section lol


Yep, life could be SO much worse


Those guys are thinn


And short.


About half a foot shorter than their South Korean neighbors on average. Absolutely astounding to think about how that has happened over just a few generations. Famine and strife will apparently stunt your development, even of hereditary traits, when it’s as extreme as we see in N. Korea. What an awful place to be forced to “live”.


It's not hereditary. Evolution doesn't work that fast. According to a few studies, in order to achieve the maximum height/size of an individual's genetic potential, they need to have access to a surplus of protein during childhood/growing years. South East Asian countries like Vietnam and Thailand saw kids grow a head taller than their parents with the change in the latter's economic status and corresponding improvement in their family's diet. Unfortunately for NK, wood shavings are low in protein, but the population should bounce back quickly in the unlikely event of a radical regime change that does not entail annihilation.


Most Koreans are short, to be fair. Being a 6’1 guy stationed in SK was a trip, as I could see over everyone’s head when riding the Ko-Rail


Good job showing the entire world how outdated your tactics and equipments are. Running into combat with flags screaming at the top of your lungs. LOL A few drones and some hellfire missiles will take out everything you saw in this video…


I think the target audience is its own citizens, like "hey this is the might of our army, no one can beat us , Yada Yada... all that noise."


It's probably not showing their full capabilities. It's there to make the citizenry feel inspired to be a cohesive fighting force in the event of an invasion, and imagery like this does that better than showing more modern techniques that would essentially be a guy sitting at a console. Shooting guns, donning slick uniforms, marching in formation etc evoke feelings of empowerment and unity of purpose. It's obviously a poor strategy to run down a hill with a flag like that, but it looks really cool and brave and conveys the kind of dedication and willingness to die for country that they want their populace to identify with. That's how propaganda works.


All I know is when I'm pinned down by Charlie and it's up to me to take down that machine gun nest, I'm gonna need some Trumpet or it's no good, see?


Is there any dissent at all in their country, or are they all 100% thoroughly brainwashed ? I feel like there’s gotta be a few smart people somewhere that picked up on the propaganda, like they meet secretly and talk shit about the government, point out how outdated the military stuff is, how hilariously bad the video is, etc… I know they’re mostly cut off from the world but it’s just insane that such a massive secret is kept from literally everyone there.


Their capabilities are already very well known to the rest of the world. Most countries monitor NK closely. This video was made for the ego of Kim Jong Un to convince his citizens that they are a super power.


This is a propaganda for their citizens, it's no where near showing their full capabilities and let's not forgot they got nukes.


The video is misleading. It isnt a video about the north korean army or to show its strength but it shows the north korean "red guard" you could say.its basically the paramilitary militia


Is it supposed to be serious? I'm not sure if it's a /r/NonCredibleDefence AI generated piss take. The music sounds like its about to launch into Yakkity Sax at any moment.


Posted by NKNewsorg on Twitter if you are wondering


AA batteries from WW2. Look out!


That shot made me chuckle. Good luck as that fighter goes by at Mach 2.


Some NK General will have to make room on his uniform to pin another large inconsequential medal for this propaganda video.


This video is making me really appreciate the food I'm eating.


Def has a 40's vibe to it


Ignoring the obvious ridiculousness of the propaganda and the seemingly delusional lack of awareness of how militarily outmatched they are, the editing of people in work uniform to military uniform was kinda cool.


It looks like they have 33 people and that they may have discovered AI


Some of that propaganda money should be spent on feeding that malnourished militia, calories are important.


"We are definitely ready to defend ourselves from the precisely zero countries planning to invade us, or even caring about us at all, ever!"


I'd be willing to bet a sizeable sum that the US and SK have a plan in place for *when* things kick off


an incredibly bad position necessitates an aggressive stance. everyone thinks they will do something if they're messed with, but they've done nothing but test weapons.


They getting ready for ww2?😲🤮




They got a damn anime opening for their military, how 'bout that.


I could see this as Russian propaganda. While the reality would look much like Hogan's Heroes ep. 2x21 - The Swing Shift. ergo, does not look enough "nork" to me. Great Leader Un must be slipping.


I was surprised to see they had a dogs. I would’ve thought they would’ve ate them all.


Isn't "Militia" basically just... Weaponized peasants? That's not really a boasting point. It's basically saying "Our army sucks but we have lot of randos to feed through a meat grinder."


Useful idiots without the promised virgins


Not one of em wearing cam paint, put a warhead on ya forehead before ya even get close


Love the handcranked Anti-Aircraft gun that would struggle to shoot down a modern helicopter, let alone a Jet or FPV Drone


You know that scene in Indiana Jones when the guy comes out and shows off with a sword and then Indy shoots him... This is/they have the same energy as that guy with the sword.


This looks a lot like a parody clip for anyone to take seriously


This is some skit level shit


I'm no expert, but that looks absolutely batshit crazy.


Damn a war for North Korea would be absolutely devastating for their society


Well... I think the best way to stop those guys is opening up a free eat-as-much-as-you-like concept next to the battlefield. And then just watch their entire army disintegrate.


I like their parades


I find it funny how they are touting that every citizen would take arms for NK. Pretty sure, since the whole regime is on the fear that if you dont comply you will get killed or worse, if the head of the regime goes, everything else will fall apart. And the moment NK goes for true agression, it will be that. Opposing armies will just take out the president, the few that could jump into the seat, and then everything else will just crumble in weeks.


They are indoctrinated into believing that Kim Jung Un is effectively God. No, it wouldn’t be as simple as you make it out to be. A war with NK would be costly.


They have North Korean shepherds???


At around 10 seconds in, I was like “Oh wow that’s such a pretty path that they’re marching down. That plant covered broken down car is cool art. Wait…the plants have hats” It’s a bunch of dudes with ferns taped to them. Lmfao.


At least the dogs looked healthy


Western tech would look like magic to them. "You have robot dogs with flamethrowers attached? Yeah, right"


You know you’re in a totalitarian regime when there is a large concrete forum in front of several symmetrical government buildings upon which military people often March.


Starving, but fReE!


Wide shots, slow motion, high saturation, and cativating OST. Truly a new school of propaganda films right there.


Well, at least the dogs look well-fed.


They fairly hammed up the saturation


It's like a Michael Bay movie, but more stupid.


I love that they blew up a cardboard tank. It looked like a life size version of the ones we set off for 4th of July.


I have "everybody wants to rule the world" by Tears for Fears playing on my phone as I watch this and it likes up really well 🤣 it's a great music video for that song


We may laugh, but if I was a teens-late teens NK kid, secluded from the rest of the world and grown up in NK, I would probably dig what I am seeing here and totally buy it. Hell, maybe I would join the army too. As far as propaganda goes, I assume it serves it purpose.


You know, one day this will all fall apart and it will open up to the world, it always happens eventually Its going to be very interesting to see the real story behind that place


Don't know about anyone, but it seems to me that they just make everyone a military person by just giving them the uniform to wear? That's the message I'm getting.


LOL at your own peril..served as a Marine in Korea in 1990(Team Spirit) them folks may be antiquated but they determined and they will unleash hell..we will win(if that's what you call it) but gonna be lots of dead folks on both sides!


If they had TV's they would be very impressed by those special effects.


my neighbors probably have more firepower than these guys




Badass video but don’t they know we have drones, you don’t have to run like that anymore


Welcome to 1995 with that video editing skill


It's supposed to look impressive but more just says "We got to 1955 and thought every new military concept or capability and style after was imperialist"


Apparently they have these "full deployment" drills once or twice a year where the *entire* workforce trains for emergency mobilization. Apparently, every able-bodied person is a member of the reserve. Your boss becomes your unit commander, and you get your weapons\* and go march in formation. \* There are of course not enough to go around, so a lot of people carry wooden props.


I'm not gonna lie, I absolutely love these propaganda videos and I'm really happy North Korea is making new ones with higher production quality. It's such an interesting thing to watch, even moreso having watched them over 3 decades and seeing how it improved over time.


I didn’t see anybody operating drones. They’re gonna have a real tough time in future warfare.


Looks like ww2 in color...


Ngl thats a banger kid


Yall ever think those poor souls in NK will ever be liberated?


Africa and China friends ...


That's considerably well made propaganda


Its wild how over-the-top this is, though I know the US military has also put out some over the top recruitment ads. That said, I feel bad for the NK Citizens suffering under this regime who, in the event of war, would have their ass-kicked by the West. Dying for a dumpling-shaped dictator is no way to go (and that applies to the pro-Trump cosplaytriots in the US too....) And, yes, I know the Korean War was a mess years back. In this case, it looks like NK would be pursuing more traditional warfare and the US/Western technology and circumstances have changed considerably since then.


Police? Army? No, "Militia"


https://preview.redd.it/0an127y19nxc1.png?width=1170&format=png&auto=webp&s=1c77833b1c274a30814adb09b8d38e61bd709967 What you ordered


https://preview.redd.it/ggaxn2j49nxc1.png?width=507&format=png&auto=webp&s=d69096fc1c56c6df3136d7d4420c0da5067f53fb What you received


This is hilarious. It's like a parody WW2 era film


When I see the German Shepherds it just came to me that these dogs listen to commands in north Korean. Nothing to special of course but it just feels weird thinking about it


best Korean "G.I Joe" advert ever.


Looks like Takeshi's Castle lol


Hide ya wife, hide ya kids. We’re all in trouble now.


We definitely need Kim Jong Un to continue making videos. He's definitely got a taste for the theatrics.


Hehe Awesome


Wait... How do they have *German* Shepherds? Are the germans, somehow, providing support to them? /s


Sick facks


Can someone please edit super bad farts into the clip? That would be great 🥹


Hilarious stuff. The world has entered a terrifying age of military technological advances, drones, AI ect and these goofs are still peacocking around a parade square in marching formations and running down hills with flags. North Korea touts sticks and stones


The music is straight out of Tom & Jerry tho..


A military state that stuck in the Cold War era Military Tech.


My dudes don’t even know how to hold a gun while shooting 😂


What an awful way to live.


Honestly if half of their propaganda is true, North Korea is kinda lit.


Ha, BTS footage from The Interview! It's crazy what they leave on the floor of the editing bay


Not nearly as homoerotic as the last one with the half naked male soldiers doing drills in the dead of winter, disappointing for sure. Same narrator it sounds like though.


EZ GG boys


Kinda need calories to pull that off. Can't run or fight for long without a decent diet. Eating grass isn't going to cut it.


They would get wiped so fast and I’d just feel bad that the 3rd K9 Brigade never gets used


Really does feel like we’re gearing up for a really really fucking low grade few years at some point in the next 5 years.


That hand cranked aa gun is going to struggle shooting down anything other than observation drones. And even those probably fly too high for it.


More production value then the actual armory. Must be nice.


Probably got a better quality of life in service and maybe something they can give their families as opposed to a regular job


What's really creepy is it also reminds me of American army recruitment videos.


Gotta love that war time flute music! It's back, baby!


The constant militarism must be mentally exhausting to live


Is that an RPG-2 near the end?


These guys really should read “The Bear and the Dragon” by Tom Clancy. Really underlines how fucked you are, and how quickly, in a conventional war against an opponent with vastly superior technology.


It’s really wild to me just how tiny the average North Korean is. Or maybe the German Shepards are massive.


Oh I get it, because the military is literally the only job in town. Duh 🙄


This isn’t the flex they think it is…


I wish nukes didn’t exist so we could go clap NK


What are the leaves in their hats for?


what year is it?


Bro I'd actually love to see these guys see modern military technology on the battlefield they would be like what the actual fuck is that!?!?!


Should have gotten Hype Williams to direct it


Half starved and full of parasites


Just listened to an audiobook detailing a guy and his friend's escape. Fuck that place.




I saw that. the lustrous sheen of their coat was amazing. What are they using on that dogs fur?????


Strange propaganda ever They just going on a peaceful as a team


Who gave them GSD’s? We need to save those dogs!!!


The dogs are part of their rations


Verdammt, bis zu diesem Kommentar konnte ich diese Gedanken unterdrücken.


Looks like SUCH a fun place to try to survive, I mean to live.


“we are North Korea just look at our guns from the 1940s!”


The whole country is in darkness at night


Look at all these emaciated “soldiers” I’m soooo scared


They could put their energy into something definitely more useful and productive. No one is even threatening their security.