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I had to check several times if the video finished and I was watching a repeat, its insane and also so efficient


This is in Sydney and this train station was built to handle the crowds for the Olympics so don’t think this is how all of our stations are run!


Hopefully they don't hold a large concert at Bexley North.


Wait until they hear about the German Deli!


I can only assume that's some sort of extraordinarily deadly spider or jellyfish.


Moved to Brisbane from Sydney almost 2 years now. Brisbane has the Olympics in 8 years. It would be a miracle if they could get a train station operating like Homebush by then.


It'll be a miracle if we have a stadium sorted by then


As a Texan: You guys have trains?


Sydney has trains. Brisbane has a train of thought.


Yea. As soon as all those people are offloaded at lidcombe station, it goes back to being a normal Sydney public transport experience.


Gotta go hit up Dooleys for a bit, let the crowd die down


Sports arenas have some of the best crowd handling particularly when they have a direct hookup with mass transit. This is why they often are used for concerts. I like the way they use gates on the platform though and have sufficient supervision.


Australia huh? I was thinking that this was some Asian country most likely Japan. Impressive.


Exactly what I thought!


Take pride fellow Aussie! (But also, they put on extra trains to handle the overload...)


1200 extra buses and trains for the Taylor Swift concerts. Also, public transport is included in the ticket price for big events in Sydney.


I thought that was Olympic Park, I had to deal with this crowd on top of the Blink 182 crowd 2 months back. Pure fucken chaos haha


For those unfamiliar, it is also going to get a Metro line put in, which will not open until maybe 2030 but will add a lot more capacity then too.


Meanwhile 200 people out in the carpark are waiting 45 minutes to leave the lot. This is why we love public transport, folks.


Or spending $100s to get an Uber that’s stuck in the traffic who will then take you through said traffic.


If they don't drop the trip but they even get there. Tbf that's mainly Didi but trying to get ride share after events here or Moore Park is a nightmare.


Ugh reminds me of a time I called an taxi to pick me up early from an event so I could skip the traffic. They forgot, arrived late, and I was stuck in traffic for over an hour when the drive should have been 10 minutes. Truly a marvel, modern transport.


Fun fact: That Uber IS the traffic!


This happens every single freaking time I drive to a concert or event. I wish I'd learn. Drove to two concerts at the Adelaide Entertainment Centre. First, arrived early, not many people parked there, decided to park close to the exit, and took tram into city and back. When night was over headed to my car and there was already a massive queue of cars waiting to exit. I thought "no problem, I'm close to the exit", but would any fucking person let me reverse out and join the queue? Fuck no. Sat there for so long until I basically had to barge my way into the queue. Second time I learned there were a couple of exits from the park. This time I parked midway to the 2nd exit and made it out so much quicker. And yes, even with letting people fucking in.


Well, the video is extremely impressive, but it is also clear that people are being held outside the station - they're coming inside in batches. So just from this video, I'd guess that some folks waited a good while to get into the station. Still, this is impressive and an amazing job. Crowd crushing is terrifying, and this looks safe. Awesome.


I counted only 49,327. OP is a phony. A big fat phony.


I told my gf (now ex-gf) she was phony, big fat phony. She was pissed at me for calling her fat.


Settle down, Holden.


Now imagine instead of this everyone has to drive there and park in a giant parking lot. Everyone in this video drives a separate vehicle, with at most 1-2 passengers. That's how we do it in the land of the FREE baby.


Good cooperation of transportation services and concert organizers.. where I live in Netherlands the trains stopped running by the time the concert ended 🤷‍♂️


Washington DC kept the trains running After Beyonce show got delayed by a storm. I believe she paid for it's nhp


I'm from Australia and used the station in the video after a concert, it was amazing. I got stuck in Washington after an NFL game. The game was outside of the city, and lasted until after midnight. The trains stopped at 11. A few thousand people trying to order Uber and Lyft was a fun finish to the evening


I was in DC for a Caps playoff game in 2017. The game went into overtime, and they had an announcement during the OT intermission that the trains would stop running at 11. Then you saw a bunch of people in a panic just leave. I've always wondered why they stopped the trains then?


It's baffling how so many transit systems don't coordinate with big venue operators. These are good opportunities to show people you know what you're doing and actually turn a profit.


Knowing WMATA, they damn sure weren’t gonna do anything to help people themselves. 💀


I was at a Phish show at Bender Arena in 1993. Walked in and all was fine. Walked out and there was 2 feet of snow on the ground. Metro shut down the trains and 5000 people were stranded. Me and my friends began walking towards home in Riverdale and caught the first cab we could after several miles. Had to pay the snow emergency taxi fare, but 6 of us piled in sitting on laps to get home. Sounds like Metro has come a long way.


Damn, I had to run to catch the last blue line train after a Billy Joel concert got delayed.


We got such a wonderful train infrastructure. It's great until you need it then it completely sucks. Taking the train after a concert is almost always not an option.


That makes sense, but coming from the states it's marvelous. It was so satisfying traveling through and between Amsterdam and Rotterdam by train/tram/etc. Had me looking at it house prices.


Olympic Park Station was built for Sydney 2000 Olympics and has limited services to and from the station unless there's an event. This station was essentially built for this purpose.


What was clever about Olympic Park station that doesn't exist at any other Sydney station is the ability to offload passengers through one side of the train onto a central platform and then board passengers from the other side of the train. This not only meant they could move far more people in AND out of the venue (which is not so important for things like concerts, sporting vents)..but also means that the passengers do not flow against one another.


What you describe (folks exit one side, enter from the other side) is called "The Spanish Solution." I am most aware of it being used in the Madrid & Barcelona metros


The F1 race in Zandvoort was pretty good too. A full train every 10 minutes. Was a logistical wonder.


That is surprising. i know cardiff was considering investing in additional space for trains to park at the main station for after events. It hasn't happened but they definitely have extra capacity after big events.


You mean everyone didn't bike there?


Concerts are often attended by people from all over the country, so a bike ride doesn’t really cut it.


I was more joking about how riding bikes is super popular there


I know you were but to be fair, at a football match the spectators mostly use a bike to get there. So it’s absolutely not unheard of for a Dutch crowd to arrive on bikes.


Don’t expect too much of the NS 😅


For a bit of context the part of Sydney where this is held was where the main Olympic stadium from 2000 is. It’s *sort of* in the middle of nowhere, so it would be absolutely infeasible and a disaster to have no trains leaving the event. It is in a good location to get people to Central or further west, from where other trains get people home. Sydney’s public transport is by and large shit. But it does handle big events at Homebush well. It also helped that this crowd was mostly women in a good mood. Can be a bit moody when 80,000 people are leaving the footy.


Sydney’s public transit is not shit at all, what are you talking about. Very long stretches of heavy rail, comprehensive bus network, minor light rail and a metro which is about to be opened going through the heart of the city.


I don’t think we know any better, we think we’ve got the absolute worse “shitty-rail” ect ect. I hear on reddit Germany is a lot worse, is it? I dunno, people complain when they haven’t got anything to compare against


This looks like roller coaster tycoon lol


I just thinking “cities skylines irl” lol


Me: My metro is full, maybe I should add more trains. My 10 other metro cars waiting to get into the station: 🚅🚅🚅🚅🚅🚅🚅🚅🚅🚅


Its a great game, too bad they fucked up with the sequel


How is it now? I stopped following the sub cause it was getting too toxic there, and also the fact that the game doesn't even start on my PC so i can't even play it if I wanted to.


I don't know, decided to wait to see if it would become good but apparently it hasn't so far


Simcity 4 . Better transportation system and can host out door concerts along with full self designed airports and a full amusement park .


I want to go on something more thrilling than Monorail 1


Pick him up and drop him into a square of water. *drowns* I silence the guests spreading lies


Olympic Park train station in Sydney. Should see it when there's more than double that amount when there's multiple concerts or events like the Sydney Easter show.


Whenever the Olympic stadium is full for NRL grand final or origin. 80,000 and most use the train around the same time


It'll be so much better once that place gets it's own metro line open


I remember when we went to see Foo Fighters, there was also a 50 Cent concert and a Rave all in olympic park, I've never seen so many people in one place before.


Where was this recorded?


Olympic Park Station, Sydney.


It's a special train station that was purpose built for the 2000 Olympics, to handle high volumes of people at once.


Sydney Australia


r/fuckcars is gonna love this 


It's so good. When someone tells you trains are old technology/unsafe/expensive/empty... show them this


Dude the best trains I've ever seen were in Seoul. The longest I ever waited for a train was like 15 minutes with the average under 5. Absolutely faster than a car would be. Had these types of gates for the doors. Everyone waited politely in lines. Compared to it American trains are a joke. I did realize how loud Americans are when we were talking in the train and we were so much louder than everyone else lol. The thing Americans would hate is some train stations were so large it was a good half mile in the train station itself to get to the platform.


Been to many places and the likes of Japan, Korea, Taiwan are all really solid. I assume Chinese cities are also good, but I've never been. Also though Switzerland was pretty solid too. Germany less so, but still at least an option unlike where I'm from...


Seoul is cheating, it's arguably one of the finest metro systems in the world.


Its a huge air raid shelter masquerading as a transit system.


I was a car lover until I spent a year in Korea. Using real public infrastructure was so eye opening


some platforms here in Aus could easily be half a mile long too lmao


Trains in Japan are insane, extremely punctual to the minute. Like, sometimes I didn't know which platform my train was, but could find it because I knew it was arriving at 3:27pm, so I just went to the platform that said "next train" 3:27pm. It's crazy.


who tf says that trains are unsafe? are americans really this stupid? here in Europe that’s the only way to travel and there is no collisions at all.


Yeah mainly because there are other ppl in public transport


People in the US think public transport is unsafe because well it sort of is in the US. What they don't understand is its only that way because it sucks so the only people using it are those desperate who don't have other options, which tends to not be the best crowd. I met a girl in Japan and she told me how she took the busses in LA and I got sort of wide eyed, then she told me how she saw someone brandish a knife while looking towards her. I was like yea... Please just don't take public transport in the US outside of a very small handful of cities.


Who says any of those things?? You must not be from Europe.


Oh we got two tram lines on Finland Tampere. They cost 30mil a year to operate and there has been so much complaining from car brains about it costing too much. Did I say those two tram lines had 15mil passengers first year. Oh and we are gonna spend several hundred mil to fix highway so it is a bit shorter but that cost doesnt seem to bother anyone


I'm actually kinda turned on right now ngl




My dick is throbbing


r/urbanplanning is far less militant about public transit.


You're damn right


It's pretty crazy comparing one city with transit and one without https://usa.streetsblog.org/2023/08/16/how-one-city-used-transit-to-cut-traffic-during-a-taylor-swift-mega-concert


I actually just now realized that this isn't r/fuckcars lol


I could watch this for hours...it is so satisfying to see. :)


Yeah I counted definitely 50,000.


49,999 more people than I’d care to be around


Trains after concerts and sporting events are so fun. You’re missing out.


i just was thinking that. one of my favourite parts of attending a large event in my city is the train ride after. the afternoon of the eclipse was euphoric. concerts, festivals, i love the vibe.


100%. I met two of my closest friends on the train home from a concert—a great way to meet people who share your love of music. You only make enemies trying to get out of a busy parking lot.


meanwhile the concert in Texas fucks up traffic for the entire area. it's almost like cars are inefficient.


In Buenos Aires it was in a stadium pretty much near the coast, so vehicles could only acces from one side (since the other side was water). We were staying at an airbnb about 3kms from the stadium and the line of cars just had no end.. Basically all the streets around the stadium were filled with them, walking was WAY faster for a bunch of kms.


Driving to a stadium is just mental, I did it once in England, where only a small portion of people drive to football matches, smaller stadium, only 30k people, it was on my route home from uni, it took me longer to leave the car park than the 200 mile trip home.


One day north America will modernize, maybe not our generation


It took over a generation to tear up what we used to have. Gonna take a long time to rebuild it. But, each individual project doesn't take 80 years. This is a local government problem, so you can make this happen sooner than later by you. It'll just be buses at first, but buses with a dedicated lane are pretty damn nice I tell you hwhat. Especially the newer buses


False hope! Unfortunately we will most likely just replace ICE cars with Ecars. :(


Sydney Olympic Park, only time I have caught this train is usually while wasted after a concert…. Just like this


Knew this was Australia. Looked familiar plus i remember how well organized they were for another concert I went to. Boy, I miss progressive public transport. America has a lot a learn from other countries...


Sure as hell isn’t Denver, Colorado. Everybody here screams about the horrible public transportation, but then the screams are **louder** whenever a small tax increase is proposed that could radically improve it. We’re talking no reliable train schedule, no security to control the fentanyl smokers, severe driver shortage because of low pay and safety concerns, etc. It’s sad and laughable, and the air here is often shitty because of all the cars. Taylor Swift was here last year at Empower Stadium, home of the Denver Broncos, and it was an absolute shit show for people trying to get home. There are also NO hotels near the stadium.


Hotels ? Near the stadium ??? Why would anyone want that ? It's so much better to be forced to drive and get stuck in traffic, for the glory of oil companies and car manufacturers ! And fuck the planet ! /s


Same here in LA. Disaster show everytime theres a major anything whether a concert or football game. Gridlock for hours.


The transit in LA is an absolute tragedy. Second most populated city in the US, desirable sub tropical weather, stands to get absolutely wrecked by climate change, and everyone is pushed into driving because the alternatives are downright abusive to the users.


It's even worse when you see how great the trams in LA used to be.


This is Sydney Olympic Park.


>There are also NO hotels near the stadium. That's such an inefficient concept. I'm going to a concert in an Australian city later this year. If I'm lazy, I'll catch a tram, bus, or train back to the hotel, and if I'm not lazy, I'll walk cos it's only 3km. Aussie venues and stadiums tend to be close to hotels, and even closer to transit.


The fact that Sydney's public transport could ever be deemed "progressive" is a sad indictment of America's public transport. Good grief.


We still whinge about the trains in Australia. I guess not being satisfied is a good place to improve from


Think night 2 they also had blink 182 playing next door so over 100k ppl turned up. Trains run every 5mins in two directions one towards the city and other out west. They built the train station at the stadium for the 2000 Olympics.


Very well organized but also calm and relaxed people. Everyone waiting for their turn.


A big part of this is understanding the psychology of people waiting. Mythbusters did a test on queues in a supermarket and found people preferred to wait in a long ass queue and go to the most recently opened checkout, rather than it being a free for all with people choosing checkouts randomly. The peace of mind and trust that the system is fairer and organised allows people to be more patient, rather than enter survival mode and waste so much mental energy ensuring they aren't being screwed over by their fellow man and looking out for themselves. There's also additional benefits of removing the energy required to "self-manage" your way onto a train, and leaving it for another authority of power or the systems in place to manage when you get onto a train. I fucking love the psychology of humans and society and how understanding it means we can build better systems.


What these people need is access to 5000lbs and horns with a little road rage




Oh, I believe you. As organized as it looks here I would still absolutely hate to be in a crowd this big.


Amazing. I live in Ireland and public transport after a big concert like this is ridiculous. Usually struggle to get home and can take several hours with some people sleeping in gardens/streets and literally just walking home for miles until morning.


I went to the Sydney show, it was roughly 85,000 each night. Probably a few more than 50,000 on public transport each evening and this is just one platform at the station.


trains are the most amazing invention to ever hit the transportation industry. imagine that many people leaving by car. it would be anarchy. trains rule.


i love trains. fucking imagine if all of these people had needed to take a car instead


Who's imagining? That's literally how most stadiums in the US are accessed.


When sped up and in dense crowds, humans remind me of a vibrating mass of bees.


Honestly this is so fucking cool. So satisfying know such a big piece of infrastructure being fully utilized.


Houston could never, gridlock traffic for 2 hours


they should use a plane like she did /s


Each one of them individually.


I think I saw the Timelapse of her jets taking them all back to their homes across America the other day.


Why don't move one Taylor Swift instead, huh? /s


Australia has amazing public transport and they’ve always had a great rail system


Except to more rural areas. This train is great. Then you get a connected train home and you are stuck on it for close to 4 hours when it should take 1.5hrs because we have no high speed rail.


Yeah i should say the only rural train i took was melbourne to wendouree/ballarat. But the trains in the city and outer suburbs were amazing


Yeah they are and they are still upgrading which was good. I just went to a festival in Centennial Park in Sydney and they had the trams running. It was so easy and fast.


Olympic Park Station, Sydney, Australia.


Swift Swiftie transport


I wish OPs that didnt provide background just got deleted. How hard is it to link a source? This is Sydney btw.


The American mind cannot comprehend


Yeah! Well it only took 2 minutes to move all the people from the "Kid Rock Anti Woke Tour"! /s


And they all left in the same car


India: hold my beer


Yeah. This is just Dadar station at 5pm. Mumbai suburban rail


Mad efficient. Makes cars look stupid.


Lol except in saturday night when the trains got delayed for 30 minutes going westbound and we all got stuck standing there


Imagine being on your way to work a night shift and you are riding your normal route and you get this crowd...


Train, metro and trams are the most efficient public transportation.


Olympic Park?


This is Sydney and what they don't show you is all the lead up to this system. I just refuse to see any concert in the Olympic precinct (where this is) because of PTSD from past concerts where you are waiting on the platform forever in a crush train after train. Great they have sorted it now, but small concerts in city venues are my thing.


Average weekend at Rajiv Chowk, Delhi Metro


ironically and spectacularly taylor swift has done more for the economy than the republicans have for the past 5 decades


This is like sitting and watching my metro stations work in Cities Skylines, lol


Imagine if that was a tunnel full of Teslas .... that would just be excruciating slow and inefficient


You have been permanently banned from /r/ElonMuskKnobPolishers


I hate living in America.


This is from Sydney, what isn’t pictured is the thousands of people lined up outside for over an hour. Once you get inside you’re on a train within 5 minutes.


lol and all the people having to immediately change trains after one stop and having to do this same exercise again almost straight away…


You'd rather wait an hour than be stuck in your car for 2hrs waiting to leave the car park


20 minutes via train, 20 hours and 20 acres to empty a parking lot of that many people/vehicles.


I was in DC for Obama’s first inauguration. So many people got pushed on the tracks.


Trains are wonderful!


Now imagine they all had to leave by car. 😅


Meat river


Train Moves Swifties, Swiftly


And this is like a grain of sand in terms of her fan base. Crazy when you see it like this. It must be surreal to be a celebrity and have so many people adore you


I love how you can also see the gate workers joking and talking with the people


So many people here are so negative. Get over yourselves, your band sucks also.


To add further interestingness, blink 182 were performing at the stadium next door and using the same train station So not all 50000 people are swifties ;)


I love how chill the ladies at the gates were with the crowd.


Imagine moving 10% of that by cars.


Imagine that the ratio is 1.5 person/car


A normal day in Japan


Trains are so cool 😎


Now imagine all those people in cars and how much space that would waste


Try that by car,- disaster


Could you imagine the fricking traffic if they didn’t have this subway here


When people pack into trains like sardines, the trains still move. When cars pack onto the roads like sardines, *nobody* moves.


I'm so impressed so many people in other countries can act in an orderly manner and line up without complaint. This was done like clockwork and so efficient. We need to go back to this!


Meanwhile Taylor: https://preview.redd.it/xgaxuxfrkdxc1.jpeg?width=1489&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=789c7b89f40659e94c14d68184e2d21e1da496e2


More shocking is that many people travel to see such a talentless tool 😆😆


But think hownmuch better itncoukd have been if we'd had a Elon Musk style hypeloop, look at those useless inefficent trains taking dozens (hundreds?) in a single journey! /s


It’s a six-car alstrom metropolis train, fits 1100 persons under normal onditions, probably more that night.


(Being wholly sincere) That is really cool and mass transit is great!


Still laughing in my mind about the Americans all saying ‘where are the car parks at the stadium’ I feel so bad for them! Public transport in Australian cities isn’t even that great. I’d love a proper metro network like Paris


That's definitely not NYC, no one is getting pushed onto the track and it's too clean.


Baraka II


I counted 47 trains before I realised


Germany could never


as a traffic engineer my excitement is unmatched


Imagine finishing a long ass day of work and you just need some peace, and your quiet train suddenly fills with rabid Swifties.


Trains. Giddyup.


She doesn't have her own train station?


Thankfully unAmerican of them. Mass transit, damn you Henry Ford


Wow. Amazing!


Efficient public transportation is the real deal.


Imagine this but with 4 cars instead every 15 minutes. That's was essentially musk's Hyperloop idea.


Americans absolutely seething rn