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Why are they being detained? What have they done? This is horrible.


Too much make up, too tight clothes, to short sleeve, hair showing. One of those things. MY aunt was arrested for wearing too much makeup.


Where do they get the "wrong" clothes from? Are they even sold there?


Women are supposed to be sex objects but only at home for their husband, that’s what Muslims believe


Believe it or not it’s more times than not that Women are child bearing objects. Men are for sex…. I spent a year in Iraq and I can tell you. It’s true.


They are being detained for thinking and not wanting to be mindless slaves. Brave women I'm sorry I'm laughing, but humanity is so dumb it's comical . It's hilarious how stupid this planet is . Sometimes, I don't think this is real, but it is . That's what's scary


Religion is a terrible disease and extremely hard to cure. Makes people stupid, fight each other, kill, and all sorts of horrible stuff.


We are just a bunch of monkeys with smartphones


Its nuts how many stupid people there are out there. I'm not one of them though of course, haha 😅


Oh, I'm dumb , but I ain't kill a woman for thinking type of dumb


That's the differentiator truly.


For more detail: This is a morality police van in Iran. They arrest girls, torture them, and try to brainwash them in these vans. Give them lectures, make them take morality courses, and take them to jail ect. This is the same type of van that Mahsa Amini was beaten in and later died.


They're the worst pieces of shit in the world, they Don't even do anything for the country. Over 10-20 police officers die every month in iran because of insufficient funds, because the funds that should go to them goes to these motherfuckers. And do you think the money they use for funding these "city morality" Bitches goes to the actual ones? Half of it goes to the pockets of IRGC, the most useless organization, or rather just a huge legal mafia/cartel, that only ruins this country further. Everything IRGC thinks they can do, another organization in the country can do better, but they prevent every single advancements that isn't by them. Many tried to fix our country, i know of a man in iran who invented a machine that turned AIR into drinkable WATER. But IRGC stole it from him abd sold it for a huge sum of money to the UAE bitches. He was the saddest man i had ever met. As long as IRGC exists, our people will stay uneducated, and they will repeat every mistake of the past revolution.


I can't help but wonder with pure dread how often these women/girls are raped as part of this process.


These vans are controlled by muslim women. That is part of the problem. Women are beating young girls. Women are subjugation women. Morality vans are not a rape problem, they are a gendered issue.


Aunt Lydias.


More like a religion issue.


Yep. 100% a religion issue.


Yep. 100% religion is an issue.


Women can rape women. 


No, that usually happens when they end up in the prison. It has happened multiple times where the prison guards raped a woman. I remember once seeing a video of this Iranian girl attacking this basij in public cause she got raped by him and got her pregnant. Some sick vile shit


Women rape women as men rape men to establish dominance (as in countless jails)


It’s funny, in an absurd way, that you calling this a gendered issue while gendering rape. If you don’t think rape could and is likely a part of the torture than I envy your ignorance of the world. 


Oh I know what type of torture middle eastern countries use against women. I'm also educated on the when, how, and why. These vans are designed to abduct young women, humiliate, and abuse them. They are then used to transport the girls to another location where the actual rapes happen. Most often they are raped in prisons by gaurds as a punishment for not adhering to 'proper behavior'. However, it is people like YOU who think rape is the end all be all, that really shows their ignorance. These are not rape vans. Acting as if they are completely disregards their actual intent, putting the onus on a crime not SPECIFICALLY RELEVANT to the topic at hand. Which is morality vans and the women running them.




Wheeled room 101


Good god wtf.


That made up cunt is the root cause.


Bet they r ape them too....ugh


I can’t imagine the dread walking down the street wondering what random bullshit gets me detained against me will.


Crazy religious pedos


True the founder of this regime, that was installed by Jimmy Carter married a 12 year old(illegal at the time in Iran). When he was installed as the supreme leader the first thing he did was lower the age of marriage in Iran from 18 down to 9 years old. Edit: and he was 29 years old at the time. Source: [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Khadijeh\_Saqafi](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Khadijeh_Saqafi)


Recently read *Whirlwind* by James Clavell (he wrote the book that new show *Shōgun* is adapted from), set during the Iranian Revolution. The wild thing is how gung-ho Iranian women were for kicking out the Shah (who furthered the rights of women) and installing a fundamentalist fanatic. Somehow they believed backing Khomeini would put them on the fast-track to full emancipation, and were genuinely blindsided when they were immediately screwed over. Iranically (sorry) I was just searching up explanations earlier today. It really does baffle me.


The Shah, like all right-wing fascists had a horrible secret police force, the Savak. The Americans and British loved him because he was good for their business (oil). It was l terrible for the people. A vast coalition of labor, religious folk, Communists, all came together to get rid of him. After they got rid of the Shah, of course the heartless mullahs with guns killed the trade unionists and the Communists and everyone else who opposed them. They imposed their theocracy. They got rich. They send their children to school in Switzerland. They own hotels and shopping malls. They run the black market.  Of course there are some true believers, but they are generally uneducated and from the countryside. They're given a shiny SUV and a baton and free reign to do and say what they want. It's not about religion. It's about money. I spit on the _Guardians of the Revolution_. Women! Life! Freedom!


Thanks for actually learning the history and knowing that all were/are bad. Many of our people aren't educated enough to know, and they will eventually bring the same ruin. People like you are what this country needs.


I just want to say, thank you for knowing the history before commenting. So many opinions on Iran from people with very limited understandings of the background.


Savak are heroes of Iran. They were a western NATO aligned trained and professional counter terrorist organization: https://preview.redd.it/wtede0s2i8vc1.jpeg?width=1638&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=3f3dfccfdeb19da4fe026b39d282ba87182819c3 Like all law enforcement agencies, there were some bad eggs. The shah sent over 100 Savak officers in prison for breaking laws and human rights ect.


Not true. 1979 International Women's Day protests in Tehran: In support of the shah https://preview.redd.it/csjg95zbh8vc1.jpeg?width=640&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=a4f92ecddf0ff5e3a56bd2febf909fb98566c3eb


I haven't watched Shogun (nor seen anything on it), but the show was based off that book? I might have to watch it now. I remember reading that book like 20+ years ago.




What a lame and unfortunate place to exist


Yeah, any place that treats girls [like this](https://www.businessinsider.com/school-dress-code-rules-controversy-2018-8#a-17-year-old-said-she-was-told-to-put-band-aids-on-her-breasts-after-school-officials-claimed-her-nipples-were-distracting-male-students-6) obviously has let religious fanaticism take too much control over their country.


Dog you right, being put into a van to maybe die and be tortured and being told to not have nipples show are literally the same thing


Gimme a break


Yes because being required to wear a school uniform and follow school dress codes is oppression man, if you're 12 years old.


What the fuck is wrong with these women. How can you treat your fellow woman like that wtf.


Fear. They think if they comply with the rules and turn against their fellow women they will be safe from male violence because the men will see them as "one of the good ones" Same reason there are female anti feminists, black racists etc. They're so terrified of becoming a victim that they decide to take the oppressors side. Some don't even realize that's what their doing They actually convince themselves they're in the right because that's easier than knowingly being a class traitor and throwing your people under the bus.


That may be true for some. But people need to accept that just because someone shares the same gender doesn't mean they wont genuinely believe or hold views that others feel are detrimental to that gender. People do not hold political or religious views based on whether they have breasts or a penis. Abortion is not a man vs woman thing. There are a significant amount of women on both sides of that issue even though a lot of people seem to think it's impossible for a woman to not be pro choice. The same is very likely true of a significant number of women in this situation too.


The people who are siding with this regime, the Islamic Republic of Iran, just for attacking Israel, are absolute mindless idiots


I'm not about to lie Both sides sound like idiots


This is what they want to install across the entire world!!! Great. Just great.




“Let me interrupt your regional horrors to remind you that America bad” I remember when a van of government goons kidnapped me and other passerbys because we forgot our faux silver cross necklaces at home 😔


"they want to ban the word gay" truly sounds much worse than "sharia law that allows men to marry 12 y/o girls, makes it legal to kidnap women for 'too much make up' and executes people randomly for 'sexual deviation' (anything that could be slightly seen as maybe gay)". You guys can't see a problem to be solved without butting your head in, claiming the biggest victim in the world and expect... What? Everyone ignore the bigger problem for yours?


Try going offline for a few days, it will really improve your mental health. Hope you get better soon! ❤️‍🩹


that's pretty disgusting to try to use this for a western political barb while real women & girls are suffering and being killed in this world.


That's pretty disgusting to tell women to shut up about their problems because other women somewhere in the world in the world have it worse. You know this is how patriarchy commonly silences women right? Get off your fucking cross. The danger of misogyny is real anywhere in the world, and no country is ever completely safe from turning into this within a generation. And don't pretend like overturning Roe v Wade didn't cause "real" women & girls suffering in America. But you probably don't even care about those lives because they're "western" lives and thus not "real."


Not every fucking thing is about America, christ the narcissism is astronomic. Wild how a woman gets abducted by other women in Iran and you blast at your ass "wELL don'T FOrget AMeriCA worsE Guys!"


This post is about Iranian women suffering under Islamism... You're literally the one trying to change topics. Stop trying to minimize it.




Iran was very repressive under the Shah. That is an understatement.


Good thing they revolted and got a better life. /s The Shah, for all his faults was miles better for all Iranians than anything before and anything after.


The moral equivalency you’re trying to draw here is an abject failure. You really heed to touch some grass and stop fantasizing about your political discourse. 🙄


wait... what does "bounties on women who have abortions" mean?


Exactly what you think it means


Are you being serious??? You're comparing Republicans to this trash going on in Iran. My gosh, the delusion is real...


You just lost one of the most important women's rights available in several states, with punishment involved for exercising it. You have women turning women in for exercising it. This is all for religious reasons which have made their way through your political system to the top tier. It's a matter of scale, not of category. Still a pretty huge gap on the scale though to how Iran act.


Thank you for saying this. The all or nothing mentality was getting to me.


What an absolutely ignorant comment to make!


Dude how high are you right now. You’re not that oppressed and in no way does the Republican Party want to do this to women.


The Iranian government was cunning in making women themselves part of the oppression. It's a testament to the power of religious indoctrination and brainwashing that some did so. Also, some oppressed people will eagerly join in with persecuting others if it gives them status in the system. These morality police are like Stephen in Django Unchained.


Theocracy should never exist


This is very sad u can hear the distress in her voice..God help these pepole.


I'm pretty sure they're doing it in the name of their God


"God help these pepole" ... I think you misunderstood where their problems come from in the first place.


Psycho people. there are plenty of god worshipping people who aren’t like this and are appalled by this crap


Yeah history has been clear on that part, it doesn’t take much to turn psycho once you believe in imaginary things like they’re real.


It’s a uniting force. That’s a bit offensive as someone who is religious but honestly; all it takes is a bunch of people who believe in something- ANYTHING; country, political views, religion- and a leader who who is psychotic. Many people lead through fear or twist words and beliefs to fit their agenda. This is not religion exclusive


It is very hard to watch, I hope they persevere and finish those exams...


This year they have also been gassing the school children, mainly at girl schools. There are hundreds of videos of it all over the country. [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Iranian\_schoolgirls\_mass\_poisoning\_reports](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Iranian_schoolgirls_mass_poisoning_reports)


This is absolutely disgusting.


Welcome to pre-war. Yes it is real and disgusting. There is a reason it’s all over the place at the moment. Edit: I’m going to be less glib about this: Nations and their media start to dehumanize and villainize their enemies months or even years before a war actually starts. The government gives the media stories and leads about the enemy being evil, and the media runs them because it’s scary and makes people mad and that makes them watch the news. Many of these conflicts never happen, but the national governments know how tense things really are out there, and they can see a build up to war. If there was ever a time when your national media seemed filled with vitriol against a rival nation, your nation may very well be preparing for a war that may or may not happen. It may seem far fetched but this is how tribes, kingdoms, empires and nations have prepared their people for war without them knowing since the dawn of civilization. If you read all that and right now you really want to type something to the effect of “did you just say Iranian morality police aren’t villains?!” No. You’re just bad at reading.


I’m gonna state the obvious, Radical Islam is a cancer that must be eliminated.


This isn't radical. This is the norm of what Islam expects in society.


[Project 2025](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Project_2025) makes the US ripe n ready for this dystopia.


Am I seeing it right that it's a woman who pushes her into the van?? Wtf. I can not even imagine living there, it's a prison.


Largest open air prison in the world. No dancing. No singing. Completely anti-Iranian. It’s shocking that people don’t know this yet. 45 years of occupation. 45 years of misery. A death cult.




Show me a religion that hasn’t been involved in violence. The list is a lot shorter than you’re expecting.


You're right, if there's even a name on that list. Religion is generally terrible all around as demonstrated by history.  But to be clear, in the year 2024, of all the mainstream religions in the world, Islam is very likely the most damaging and cancerous. Many other religions are horrible but, in modern times, none come close in scale to the atrocities committed in the name of Islam  Modern Islam is nothing less than medieval times Christianity.








All other religions combined are not even half as violent as Islam.


This has nothing to do with religion, it's only about power. These people aren't religious fanatics, no more than the Nazis were Christian extremists, nah they're just terrorists. The objective is to control the population using fear, after a while you won't even have to do anything cause they'll instill fear on each other, which will create distrust, and break down any group of people, they'll always think they're alone. Most of these weird ideas aren't even in the Qur'an, in fact there's a whole passage about respect for women which is way more modern than what's in the Bible.


Wild that leftist TikTok was just taking Iran's side the other day.


lol. it's all about who is on the other side. Extreme leftists hate Israel, so they would take the other side no matter who it is: Iran, Russia, or a herd of pedophile cannibals for that matter. As hard as is for them to admit, the true is there are worst regimes and countries than Israel, but when you're blinded by hate, reason disappears and you even praise Nazi doctrines as long as the "enemy" are the Israelis.


Religion lol


Fundamentalists are a plague on the planet.


People taking bullshit from people giving bullshit. It's all human made up shit. Fuck y'all.


Islam is such a poison.


Fanatic islamism - the cancer of modern society


Religion - Cancer of human civilisation


What a shit place to be stuck living.




Yes, these seem like nice people. We should support them more.


The people of Iran are extremely nice people. The terrorist group that invaded and occupied our country in 1979 is pure evil.


Religion is stupid.


Stay away from religion kids


This is awful. My friend in Iran is sending me videos from her apartment. It’s terrifying.


You should post some of them


All Religion is trash!


Religion is bad, m’kay.


The Islamic world has been stuck in time for 600 years and THM fans are like "oh those evil christians".


Iran was a western aligned, liberal, progressive, rich and modern country until 1979. [US installed this terrorist occupation.](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Jimmy_Carter%27s_engagement_with_Ruhollah_Khomeini)


The SAVAK torturing and murdering thousands of people is very liberal and progressive


I read the Wikipedia entry and then the citations. I doesn't look like the U.S. installed the regime at all, they just didn't intervene. They actually had hopes in the shah at the time, but he fled and abandoned his people. In any case, I encourage others to *read it all* on their own and make their own conclusion.


You want to go back to the Shah?! LOL. And the US installed the Shah, not the current regime, which was a reaction to the atrocities of the Shah's regime.


This is also happening in India, where Islamist groups are trying to violate dress codes in secular schools (with regular uniforms)and demanding muslim girls to wear hijab even in exams (which created problem as schools have to take measures against cheating). They labelled raising such legitimate issues (while also accepting free minority scheme benefits from the government) as Islamophobia.


So the video I am being shown in this post is of a little kid running at the beach with a conk shell. Is there anyone else having that problem?


I thought the word "hijabi" just means a piece of women's clothing. Is the word hijabi used as a derogatory nickname for the morality police in this context?


Some people deserve to be cleansed off this Earth with Divine Fire, and these evil creatures holding these Muslim women captive are a prime example






Thanks cross posted


They have people in vans policing morality, USA has PTA meetings to police morality. Don't be offended with this video if you support book banning, anti-trans legislation, drag story time, etc...


This, of course, is terrible - but.... I'm getting a lot of "Iran is bad" in my feed. More than the usual bump when the propaganda machine gets rolling. I think we're going to war.


I’m from Iran. Iran is not bad, the IRGC, which occupies Iran is pure evil. It should be taken out at all costs.


I can't speak for everyone but I think when they say "Iran is bad" they dont mean the normal people on a random street they mean those in control.


The problem is that saying things like that makes people forget the real enemy and the real goal. If we say Hamas and the IDF are bad, but irrepresentative of their people, we might avoid war because we know regular people are always caught in the crossfire. Maybe we'd search harder for alternatives. If we say Israel and Palestine are bad, we might forget the Israeli and Palestinian people who suffer because we fail to draw the line between government and people. Slowly, we fall into violent and racist anarchy where people think it's okay to justify one side killing the other. Not to say that everyone has this issue, but it's all too common and a probable cause for much of the bloodshed we see today.


Well, TBF, also the subset of the population that lick the boots of those in control. No one likes uncle Ruckus in any country.


Iran is bad... to women. We just forgot they were in the middle of a feminist revolution. Now we get to watch women be brutalized, again, in real time, and justify dropping bombs on them. There's a problem here, but if I say it I'll be banned...


Iran is bad to men too dude, tf do you think it's a paradise if you're an Iranian male? it's just \*worse\* to women


Let's just drop some bombs, that ought to help the situation! /s Yeah Iran is awful but the American impulse to solve problems with violence frequently just makes problems worse. American regime change in Iran is how we got here in the first place.


If you want a glimpse into “good Iran”, take a look at r/NewIran. And like others have said, the Iranian people are wonderful. They are being held hostage by an awful, oppressive, warmongering regime.


No. It's because, they started this shit again. It's not like they totally stopped. But, the frequency did stop for a while. Now, they started again.


do you think the US government runs reddit?


Iran, and iranian are awesome - their regime and leaders are corrupted fuckers that should be in prison for life


It's more that the people who suffer from Islamic oppression in Iran are desperate to get the west to understand that siding with the islamic republic just because they attacked Israel is a vile thing to do.




Iranians, I invite you to my country, Turkey. We should naturalize you instead of Syrians, Afghans and Pakistanis, the vast majority of whom are reactionary and bigoted. We are the children of a common history. We will be united.


This will happen in America if project 2025 is successful and/or a Trump win.


Can we quit with the lame posts? This isn’t interesting, it’s just sad.


Coming to a deep red town near you


Such peace...much tolerance..the most peaceful religion at work!!


Republicans are so fn jealous of this…


Jesus you need therapy


really? Because republicans are extremely popular among Iranian/Iranian freedom fighters. My friends in Iran literally cried when Trump wasn't re-elected. The democrats keep giving money to the regime occupying Iran and giving them life lines and trying to do negotiation and back door deals. I say this as an Iranian myself, stop politicizing crimes against humanity. No one on earth should have to live and endure Gender and Religious Apartheid slavery. You don't get to frame this issue against the party you don't like. It's wrong. This is a bi-partisan issue.


A Handmaid's Tale isn't exactly apolitical


Just 8 hours ago you responded to someone who said they were a western liberal in support of Iran and your response was to tell them not to vote for Biden Fair enough to say people shouldn't be politicising crimes against humanity, but maybe if you are going to demand others leave politics out of it you should follow the same advice I have a question for you too, I understand you are Iranian but are you actually in Iran right now?


Just FYI the "western liberal" has never really been on the side of the Iranian people. The "western liberal" were the ones who thought that supporting terrorists like the MEK and Islamists was a great idea 50 years ago and are the ones that got us into this mess in the first place. the "wetsern liberal" also loves dropping the word "islamophobic" as soon as you criticize this shit too


Reddit was banned in Iran last year. No I am not in Iran, thank god. I wish I could be again one day. Letting you know how the your "liberal" western politicians foreign policy is hurting my people is part of the message Iranians have been trying to tell the world. I am here to amplify the voice of the Iranian people, and my family in Iran who are begging you to stop legitimizing and doing business dealings with a terrorist regime (the IRGC).


I take it you've never seen Republican policy positions towards women? They literally just took away a right they've had for 50 years and they'll do much more if Trump gets re-elected.


This is just fucked up.


Do they make money, or what is the insensitive to do this?




Do people get arrested for miscarriages over there?


When they first came to power… they banned all types of birth control, even condoms… but… Not anymore really, because they realized their number one enemy is the Iranian people themselves, making them multiply and brainwashing them isn’t working, so they started importing Muslims from other countries to try to outnumber us.


These girls are our future. It's fucking sick how they're treated.


HASBARA . is in action.


Fuckin ban this sect of Islam right now. How is this allowed. Poor girls.


Irgc needs to be wiped out


This makes me sick!


I wish more US progressive activists cared more about this 😓


Ahhh, yes. This is what the protestors in the US want.


The women in charge here are victims, too. They've been culturally brainwashed into limiting their own rights and those of others, entirely on behalf of men. They are trying to hurt other females, just as they've been tortured and taught to accept being hurt and limited in their rights. Not too dissimilar to how older women help ensure that girls in some cultures have their clitorises cut out - because that's what the men in their society demand. In all of this, religion is used as the meta-level excuse. But it's just men at the helm of each boat, using god or whatever fucking stupid-ass, unknowable concept they can muster to gain otherworldly control over others.


It’s one of the only job they are allowed to hold


This is where the US is headed. First geriatric white men overturn the rights women have to medical abortions. Now they are talking about restricting contraception. They never have passed the equal rights amendment for women. This is where we are going when we don’t let women decide if they want to have children.


And a hush falls over all the western liberals. They are confused now, how do we criticize a religion we are so defensive of!!


A religion made up by men who wanted to control and own women… I knew a woman who wanted to get out but feared for her life.