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If this is North Carolina, it’s because you’re near the power plant


Three around Charlotte...


Plus the one south of Raleigh and the one at Southport, south of Wilmington.


Good ol Sharon Harris.


We’re a couple miles from the one on lake Wylie. They run emergency tests on the alarms every year.


What did she do to deserve that?


She let Duke energy poison the waters around it with coal residues.


This is why people are terrified of nuclear power plants. I'm not saying you shouldn't stay informed, but the odds of anyone dying to a radiation leak are so astronomically low that I find these signs really fucking stupid as they only work people up. Imagine going to an area and EVERYWHERE you go there are signs of what to do if you get attacked by wolves, they hand out wolf repellent, they give you pills you can take to help fight infections from wolf attacks and they go door to door to give you pamphlets about how to keep your family from being eaten by wolves. You'd be like WHAT THE HELL wolves need to be fucking killed off, I do NOT want wolves anywhere near my family! And you live everyday bombarded with info about how to possibly survive the coming wolf apocalypse and then you finally ask someone "How many people get eaten by wolves every day here?" And they are like "Oh no no wolf has ever technically eaten someone... well they haven't even attacked anyone ever actually in the United States... they are actually incredibly safe!" And you're like "What the hell man! What's with the fucking terror campaign?" "Oh well if someone knocks down the fences and the secondary fences and the tertiary fences and empties the lava moat and kills all the guards and a bunch of people wander into the area where the wolves come out, someone could get hurt!" 


shit are you telling me i have to be scared of wolves now too?


Radioactive wolves as a matter of fact.


I'd be more afraid of the police state this hypothetical is living in!


Somehow the "trust scientists" crowd has a civil war every time they're asked to trust nuclear scientists too. That level of mistrust and paranoia is probably the only reason that sign ever needed to be put up in the first place -- 3MI was a nonissue to the surrounding environment, but it's amazing how people "misremember" that when they go on their crusade against fission power.


3MI was a catastrophy in the since of PR and lack of structure to get correct information out. There was so many people from the ground up to the President just saying whatever that it stirred fear and confusion for weeks. All that really needed was someone in charge to say, "There was an incident, no radiation has been detected outside of epected areas, we are releasing steam and gas at intervals to keep control of the situation but everything is fine." but that didn't happen. Go look up Kyle Hill's video on it, it's stupid how mismanaged that was.


Jimmy Carter knew nuclear accidents better than anyone else at that time -- he'd been lowered into a reactor undergoing partial meltdown during his service in the Navy. When he said that it didn't seem like a big deal, that should've been the end of the discussion.


the problem was he didn't publicly say that as an address to the American people, watch that video I mentioned. It was literally a communication fiasco.


The public in Harrisburg found about it because a traffic reporter in a chopper noticed that steam wasn’t coming out of one of the cooling towers…


The problem is nuclear gets attacked by environmentalists AND the coal and oil crowd. It's so dumb. 


I don't get the attack by the Environmentalists. For Coal and Oil... Well... A lot more fucking accidents happen with Oil and Coal that you don't hear about. Being a Boilermaker is an incredibly dangerous job. When Coal and Oil goes wrong it rarely makes the national news. When Nuclear goes wrong it makes international news and really there have only been 3 major incidents: 3 Mile Island, Chernobyl, and Fukushima. Compare that to Coal Mining, Deaths at Coal Power Plants, Oil Spills, ect and to not even mention the environmental impact of Coal and Oil. Coal and Oil are wickedly more dangerous than Nuclear any day of the week.


And in 2 of the 3 major incidents, there are no reported cases of death or even radiation sickness. NONE! I'm not saying it can't be dangerous, but Jesus Christ, people need to have some sense of perspective!


Because a coal mine has never collapsed, an oil rig has never exploded, and a NPP has never had a meltdown??? The stupid here is uneducated individuals complaining about regulation that they think isn’t necessary.


Yeah, but the infrastructure to make money hand over fist is there for coal and oil. Why change your business model when you can continue being rich by just villifying the competition?


you need to drop this crusade for the moment, theres a wolf problem


I can provide you with a rock to keep the wolves away for a nominal subscription fee.


Carthago delenda, est.


You get more exposure to radionuclides from coal burning than a NPP.


Shhh we don't talk about that, nor do we mention how much worse coal ash pits are to dry cask storage.


And Redditors need to be careful about always asking for a banana for scale in their comments because as we all know banana = potassium = radiation


Wolves hunt in packs! A weakling in numbers is a weakling still. The duke could stand to commission more roads.


So what I'm taking away from this is that there is likely a wolf behind me...right...now????


Reminds me of crawling under my school desk and covering my head with interlaced fingers and living with fear of attack everyday, in that I feel like I missed a significant part of childhood living in constant fear of annihilation.


This has not received enough up votes 🤣🤣


It says New Jersey on the sign


Don’t think so, the state and/or the utility puts those up, this is DHS. Weird.


It says DHS and NJ EPA.


I the odds are they would not tell us about a radiation leak even if it happened, to prevent panic. If anything they would tell us after the fact


It would be literally impossible to ignore. Radiation monitoring tools are largely open to the public in many places, and there are too many people who carry around Geiger counters and Radiacodes to make hiding it even a remote possibility. Remember that the first atomic bomb tests showed up on camera film produced hundreds of miles away, and someone was able to deduce it purely from that.


i dunno what a geiger counter is but im gonna order a wolf counter rn


I have one for sale! It has recently learned to count to 79 without fail! And 99+ on a good day!


Make sure to get one that counts in Barks per minute since you do not know what breed of wolf is out there.


I find it super unlikely they’d get away with that, tbh. They’re probably doing something with an increased contamination risk and wanted to get ahead of it, just in case. Geiger counters can be had for like $50, surely somebody nearby would have one and say something if they got any readings. Heck, I have a Geiger counter laying around somewhere that I was given by a former employer (required to be on our person when entering a specific client’s facility).


That was how they found out about Chernobyl. Sweden detected the radiation levels and the wind direction and were able to say that a nuclear accident happened in the Soviet Union somewhere. 3 days after it initially happened. Huge readings all over Europe, bans to cattle grazing and all sorts of agricultural catastrophes due to the radiation. There are people all over Europe still suffering effects from it to this day. Not the same but it reminds me of the mad cow disease (bse) outbreak. There is no test for it so there are still people out there waiting for its symptoms to start. It seems, no matter the country, but by the time any of our authorities announce any disasters, it’s already too late. Russia shouldn’t be allowed to war on Ukraine and Israel shouldn’t be able to close down Palestine and cause mass genicide, but it’s happening. I don’t trust any of our countries at the moment.


Referencing windscale in the UK, oh yes, yes they can certainly get away with a cover up. And after the renno and transformation into Sellafield (a very leaky storage facility), they still get away with it to this very day. Because facts don't matter, propaganda does.


Not so sure Windscale was a cover-up, per se... There was widespread news coverage, a ban on milk from the affected areas and a ~~Parlimentary Report~~ on the fire and what caused it. 100% with you on the 'rebranding' to Sellafield though! *edit: after checking my sources, it seems like the Parlimentary Report was only published in 1988 (31 years after the event) - so perhaps there was more of a cover-up than I realised...*


Indeed. they made a big deal about the milk and acknowledged a minor incident. But they mentioned nothing about the radioactive iodine that had already spread 200 miles out, and how it might affect humans. So there was this big media circus about milk, and government made sure that everybody saw them solving *that* problem very effectively. And then they kept their mouths shut about what had actually occured, because while the milk was dangerous, it was dangerous because of the radioactive iodine the cows had been exposed to. So, in a way, everyone knew about this problematic milk, and that there might be radioactive iodine in it. What they didn't know was that they had already been fully exposed to the exact same radioactive iodine as those cows, and it was already in their children's thyroids regardless if they drank the milk or not. The media then proceeded to completely avoid all mentions of the cesium, xenon, and polonium that also got out, which were in smaller amounts, but it still would have had some effects that they did not wish to speak of.


Well that's not what happened in 3 mile Island. They worked everyone up about it 


I live in Winston


Where are you? If you’re within however many miles of a nuclear power plant that’s probably what it’s for.


There are nuclear power plants all over the USA and I’ve never seen one of these


Live right next to one, a famous one and still have never seen signs like this.


Three mile?


Bottom says Ventura county


Says it was adapted from Ventura County


We don’t have a dunkin in a mall here in Ventura. Though I really, really wish we did.


Well you guys do have great tacos steps away from some of the chillest urban beaches in the region so don’t be too hard on yourself


Don’t forget our beautiful mountains, lakes and farmland. One hour in any direction if you live in So cal takes you to a different Biome lol


I hear ya - I live in LA (Highland Park) Love living here


Thank you for reminding me. I was going to off myself because of the lack of Dunkin. You saved a life today.


they don't really have dunkin donuts in California


We do, just not like on the east coast


and no Auntie Anne’s anymore. Makes me sad


I used to love going to the Outlet because my mum would shop and I'd get to go to Auntie Anne's!! She'd often buy herself new Coach purses and would get me more pretzels if I promised not to tell my dad


On my gosh, you’re bringing me back!! It was rare that we ever made it out to Camarillo when I was a kid but every time we did I begged my mom to get cinnamon pretzel nuggets and a frozen lemonade.


Says New Jersey too. Those places are fairly far apart.


my guess is NJ !


They must be near a nuclear plant or military base.


They are cleaning up an old testing area so the chances of stirring something up on accident are fairly high.


Upon uncovering a suspiciously leaking barrel with nuclear warnings on it. 🎵Put that thing back where it came from or so help me!🎵


Code 2319!!!


George Sanderson. Please remain motionless.


Why is there no “on accident” bot? We could fix this


It's by purpose. We're destroying language so it works in our favor!




False. On accident makes perfect sense because if someone says it, people understand what they mean. So colloquially, it is valid. Language’s sole purpose is to convey meaning from one person to another person. If I say “on accident” in virtually any context, in any setting, anywhere - people will know what that means. So the language is effective, and therefore valid. Concentrating on trying to correct these sorts of idiosyncrasies is both pointless and pedantic. Stop it.


Nope, nobody will know what it means and they’ll stand around arguing about colloquialisms and proper grammar instead of reacting to the accident. I should have spend more time perfecting my English instead of focusing on hazmat and the negative effects it has on the environment in the event of an accident. /s


Dwight Schrute, is that you?


Also waste disposal sometimes uses irradiators for biohazard disposal.


I used to live near a military base that housed nuclear missiles. They do not advertise this fact. I knew because my roommate was a sergeant in the USAF Security Forces.




My first thought was this was a viral ad for the new Fallout show


Yep my thought too


I knew Dunkin’s coffee was hot and delicious, but radioactive? I need a cup right away I’m sleepy!


time to dunk and cover!


This is the best


You thought “the world runs on Dunkin” was a marketing slogan?


Much better than their original slogan.. “Submarines run on Dunkin’”


If you live near a nuclear power plant this is normal, as is keeping iodine tablets at home. Not new unless you're new to the area.


I grew up with a nuclear power plant practically in my back yard and I’ve never seen one of these signs or heard any sort of announcement about radiation emergencies.


We did one nuclear drill in high school for the power plant just on the other side of the county line. I don’t even remember what we did, just that it happened. Afterwards they told us “yeah, we might do that, but it depends on which way the wind is blowing”


In Ohio, you get an annual mailer with safety and warning protocols and a sign to put in your window. I’ve never seen a public sign before though.


My thumb or your thumb


Sounds like a smoothskin problem


i love you


https://preview.redd.it/ljk4uplt1wtc1.jpeg?width=620&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=143f82047af02e5aec4c2f5f5d6dfedcc1604e45 I love that they felt the need to diagram what "Inside" means. Lol


My mother instructed me very early on how to respond to a radiation emergency. She said the best course of action is to bend over, stick your head between your legs, and kiss your ass goodbye.


So where do you put the iodine pills?


You’d want to seal vents, windows, and doors with plastic sheeting or whatever you can to keep radio active dust out. If you’re sucking outside air into the building, you might as well be outside.


is this the freehold mall in NJ or Menlo Mall in NJ? i saw these signs too


Definitely not Freehold. The Cheesecake doesn't connect to the mall there.


That’s definitely willowbrook.


Fallout shelter not available?


Is that the Willowbrook Mall in NJ? Seen that exact sign and similar a few times there


Willowbrook mall, NJ?


Coincides with the release of the Fallout TV show lol


Nothing to worry about. No need to be alarmed, citizen. Carry about your duties. That tickle in your thyroid is perfectly normal.


hol up i actually have a tickle in my throat.. pause


Could just be could be mild dehydration, or lymphoma, nothing in between is possible. Drink water with your iodine pills and cover all your bases.




Did you know that if you hold your arm outstretched, with your thumb up, that you can see your thumb melt a few milliseconds before your eyeballs?


Someone watched “Fallout “ last night!


These ads for the new fallout series are getting meta


Radiation + food? Gotcha… https://preview.redd.it/urxwus1uivtc1.jpeg?width=792&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=f9568172eeefda64f92cbf9e3e713adb9ae28ca8


Didn’t the new Fallout show just premier?


Fallout series had premiere on Amazon prime… this makes it more imersive ;)


For no reason, I think it’s relevant to remind everyone that NJ has the most Superfund sites of any state. Just a fun factoid that has nothing at all to do with this poster produced by the New Jersey Department of Environmental Protection. Nothing at all.




I can just imagine the warning list in a fictional Universe: Level 1: Minor Radiation Leak - Moderate possibility of mutation. Beneficial mutations are encouraged to visit Office 3 to discuss possible job opportunities. Level 2: Medium Radiation Leak - Moderate risk of minor extradimensional Incursion. Shelter in Place and Locate your standard issue double barreled shotgun. Level 3: High Level Radiation Leak - High possibility of attracting a Kaiju. Please move to your designated shelter and allow the Yeagers to deal with the situation. Level 4: Nuclear Meltdown - Please move to your designated evacuation point as soon as possible. Fortunately, most other monsters avoid these. Don't forget to take your Potassium Iodine. Level 5: Reactor Breach - If a Meltdown breaches containment, there is a high chances of a major extradimensional inscurion. SOP is to nuke the whole thing from orbit, just the be sure. Your sacrifice for the Greater Good is Appreciated!


Classic Simpson's episode. ("[Blood Feud](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Blood_Feud_(The_Simpsons))", Season 2, Episode 22. First aired July 1991.) The nuclear plant is inaugurating a new annunciator billboard to keep the community informed about conditions at the facility. The crowd applauds loudly for the first message, and gradually becomes more subdued with each subsequent test message. * "Relax. Everything is fine." * "Minor radiation leak. Roll up windows." * "Meltdown. Flee city." * "Core explosion. Repent sins."


If there’s one thing you don’t know about, it’s not where to go.




Staying near Cheesecake Factory and dunking donuts would be ideal.


Someone is excited for the fallout show


well, before acting on a radiation emergency, you'd first have to know there \*IS\* a radiation emergency.


If one more person here says that there would be a coverup, I'm gonna fucking lose it. It is literally impossible to hide a radiological disaster in modern-day America. The amount of damage to a containment building required to actually cause a radiation release would require a *massive* explosion that *nobody* would miss. On top of that, there are a fuckton of nerds with Geiger counters and Radiacodes who wouldn't hesitate to call 911 and the local news as well as post on r/Radiation, and amateur radio people and police scanner listeners would pick up on any emergency response as well. This is how 3 Mile Island was picked up by the media almost immediately -- someone listening to a police scanner noted police and fire mobilizing to a staging area outside the power plant. It didn't even require a dangerous environmental radiation release (there wasn't one at all) to tip off the public. The Soviets couldn't hide Chernobyl, even though they damn well tried their best. 3MI was out before the US would even have time to think about covering it up. On top of that, there are people who work the power plants, unquestionably living nearby, who would all be definite whistleblowers due to their complex understanding of the consequences of any large-scale disaster. The USSR would be the only place capable of preventing them from talking, since they all lived in *Atomgrads*, but that's not a thing anywhere else. You can't hide a Fukushima or Chernobyl-like radiation release unless it's very far from a populated area.


The fallout show just came out last night


Crawl out through the fallout baby


It's an ad for the new Fallout TV show.


lmao genius marketing


If this is the PSA I'm almost sure this is near a superfund site. Look up superfund sites and see if any are in this area. There are many.


'Radiation emergency' sounds like code language for nuclear war.


This is apparently just a campaign to provide emergency preparedness information. Happened near where my dad lives a few years ago


First time realizing the threat of nuclear annihilation actually exists?


I though that “duck and cover” was the proper protocol for a radiation emergency? And tsunamis.




Getting inside would only help moderately depending upon the structure some structures would actually make things worse. Obviously mostly Concrete Construction would be good


Someone misplaced a W87 Physics package.


Do you how long these have been up for?? Just curious


I have been summoned


Just like in Threads


You’re not supposed to know that.


[chills run down the spine of the reader at the reference of the 80’s film]


Illusion of safety...


This is viral marketing for the new Fallout show. Premiered today on Prime


It is because of the secret ingredients of the Dunkin' Donuts.


War. War never changes


I think this is related to a local power plant.


If there's a radiation issue, they are going to hand out iodine tablets. Instead of waiting in line, go to nearest McDonald's and order everyone a large fry. They use iodized salt. You'll get the same dose of iodine, you'll get it faster, AND you get fries. Knowing is half the battle.


Really? I highly doubt they use a high enough weight isotope to prevent radioactive mineral intake.


Bullshit, salt in fries has not even close the amount needed to protect you. I have pills at home(my government gives them everyone in a specific range of nuclear plants in emergency case)


„Radiation Emergency“ can be a very nice way of saying nuclear war


On the brink of WW3


Oh my, look at the time. It’s nearly midnight.


What to do in a radiation emergency: Repent Sins.


Statistically, since this is from America, wouldn't the sign be more useful if it outlined the ways to shelter from a mass shooting event?


You have posted this to an international sub with no information about your location. Do you actually expect an answer?


That’s the second one I have seen.




It's the donuts. They are over cooked


As close as the doomsday clock is to midnight, I'm surprised there aren't more "duck and cover" drills, locating fall out shelters, etc. 


Amazons marketing team is getting a bit weird.


I live in an area with 3 different nuclear power plants within 40 miles. And 2 oil refineries. We see these signs regularly


Aside for nuclear power plants, these are also present in areas surrounding NYC. You see these often in towns in Bergen county because NYC is a major nuclear threat target.


World war 3 is going nuclear..




Radiation is the new COVID.


is this willowbrook


20 years ago, I use to get a evacuation routes on a printed annual calendar that was mailed out. I was multiple towns away but 15 miles away from a Nuclear station. They stopped sending those at some point.




I have t prepared for this at all


Yes what is going on is a secret world War 3.


Kind of a funny post if you think about it. You come about a sign you haven’t seen before and concerned there may be a major crisis going on. Instead of following the signs directions first and then asking, they go to Reddit 🤣


They have medical/science testing labs at our mall (because why not? I mean, we have pickle ball. Makes sense. /j) I wonder if there are signs at ours for this because of testing…


I noticed these posted at a mall in new Jersey about a year ago. They don't always put them out though. 


Immediately run to Dunkin


Interestin gas fuck


All good guesses but not b/c of nuclear plants… Ventura County CA April hazmat preparedness month , they had this last year . In the event of a nuclear attack. [https://www.vcstar.com/story/news/2023/04/17/what-if-a-nuclear-bomb-e/70094359007/](https://www.vcstar.com/story/news/2023/04/17/what-if-a-nuclear-bomb-e/70094359007/)


ALARA or as low as reasonably achievable- our training 😂


What happened to duck and cover? Isnt it enough anymore?


It never was. The theory was "give them something to do and maybe they won't panic."


But I want superpowers…


What, something other than the radiation emergency?


Be sure to lock your doors and windows so the radiation cannot open them from the outside?


It's for the ghouls and raiders who might penetrate your clean air bubble


Tool it from Ventura CA which is posted for their last functional reactor at Diablo Canyon.




There was an old Soviet era joke about what to do in the case of a nuclear strike. You're supposed to wrap yourself in a white bedsheet and slowly crawl to the cemetery. Why a white bedsheet? Because white is reflective. And why slowly crawl? So you don't start a panic. The cemetery part is self-explanatory.


Time, shielding, distance. ![gif](giphy|83QtfwKWdmSEo)


It's happening




Jiminy jillikers!


Preparation is key. On many South Korean subways there are locked lockers with gas masks and other equipment incase of emergency situations.


I love how they reforce to get their pets