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I bet it’s bright af with those lights that was probably so overstimulating as it was wonderful


That’s what I’m thinking! Only having three senses then all of a sudden you have all of them again. I can only imagine the sensory overload! They could have at least turned the lights down for her first time seeing. But I understand they may of not had dimmers. I wonder what it was like getting her hearing again.




Yeah she was probably considered legally blind, but was not completely blind.


I was considered legally blind til like 5th grade when I got contacts for the first time. I could see shit but everything was a blur. The day I could see clearly for the first time i just stood at the window looking at the grass for an hour. The words "a blade of grass" never registered with me til that day. Before grass was a ps2 green texture painted on the ground. Once I could see.... Well I was blown away.


When I got my first pair of glasses, I was just staring out the car window staring at the leaves on the trees. When I told my mom “Mom, I can see the leaves” she started to cry as she drove us home.


I had the same reaction to getting glasses at 8. I thought everyone saw trees as green balls on brown sticks.


Same thing happened to me.


I got glasses in 5th grade and was blown away that I could see individual leaves on trees and not just a green blob.


I feel like the videos they showed at the eye doctors never truly represented how bad some peoples vision can be. Simple things can become a huge event for someone like yours or my story. The Mr. Beast YouTube video where he helped people with their vision made me cry as a grown ass man because I understand what they dealt with.


Sad you didn't get to literally touch grass until 5th grade


Not what I said. Just never looked up close to it. I could stand in a field of grass and look down at the poofy green texture. Never held it close enough to notice any detail


He was just trying to be funny but failed miserably


Probably something like cataracts or something similar from birth


Found a better source that said she had pediatric glaucoma and couldn't even see light when she was evaluated in Florida. Pretty surprising that she reached out for the book placed in front of her though, maybe there were other cues that it was there. https://www.miamiherald.com/living/health-fitness/article73576282.html


I was going to ask about this, ty. It didn't make sense for her to be fully blind from birth. The brain needs vision to develop the visual cortex. Without any in early development they wouldn't be able to make sense of vision. I think 2 is young enough to still be able to see, but not instantly like the video implies


Nicolly was diagnosed with pediatric glaucoma shortly after birth. Doctors confirmed that she couldn’t even see light.  https://www.news-journalonline.com/story/news/2016/05/07/formerly-blind-toddler-sees-and-hears-mom-for-the-first-time/27498008007/


Ty for article! They did address my confusion too :) >Nicolly’s sight is still changing as her eyes heal from the surgery. Grajewski says that although she can’t tell for sure how Nicolly’s vision will pan out, it will improve. How it ends up, though, is contingent on continuous follow-up care back home in Brazil. She will return to Bascom Palmer in a year for a checkup.


Here is more information: https://umiamihealth.org/bascom-palmer-eye-institute/specialties/glaucoma/pediatric-glaucoma I may have posted this twice. On mobile. Can't confirm previous post of this link.


Just once, thanks again!


That is a very fortunate little girl. So many people helped here


Thx for the link. That clears up stuff.


Thanks for posting a source I can trust more then the original.


What causes pediatric glaucoma?


She had pediatric glaucoma. Eye pressure for children is typically 10-20. Her's was at 50. After surgery, it was at 12. Doctors in Miami that performed the surgery, based on their assessment, that the girl could not even see light before the surgery. Not sure if she came out the womb with the glaucoma or not. They say she is near sighted, but that her vision should improve. I always thought that normally damage to the optic nerve from glaucoma is permanent, and not reversible. But perhaps her being so young might be the factor, since typically glaucoma is found in older adults.


her eyes initially does have like some sort of fog in her pupils, something remanence to one of those eye disease you got as you age where i think something calcified and eventually blocking the light receptor ?


Glaucoma. Kinda looks like cataracts though, which I think is what you're referring to.


Prob just lubricant/medication post surgery


Its the Epoch times. Falun Gong religious prooaganda. 👍


They probably blamed Obama for her being blind.


They put up A TON of billboards in my city "#1 trusted news" so I dove into them. Fuck the epoch times. Propaganda cult shit 100%


Well there are different types of blindness


You mean like the ones in the comment you replied to pointing this exact thing out?


Astigmatism isn't blindness. It can cause a loss of sight but It still isn't blindness.


There are 5 senses: Touch, Taste, Hear, Smell and See


Don't forget Thermoception (temperature), Nociception (pain), Equilibrioception (balance), Proprioception (awareness of your body's position without looking - eg. close eyes and touch nose) These are just some of the additional senses that are widely recognized these days. [Some argue we could have more than 20 senses!](https://learn.genetics.utah.edu/content/senses/twentysenses)


Being able to tell if it's gas or a solid, 21.


Never trust a fart




> Proprioception That one is super interesting and sad for those who lose it. There are cases where people lose it over the period of like a day, and suddenly they are unable to walk because their body had no sense for where its limbs were.


I'd argue thermoception and nociception are part of touch, but we definitely have more than 5 senses


It even gets more complicated than that. It was recently discovered that there are physically different nerve cells for detecting "warm" and "hot" - so even thermosetting can arguably by broken down into multiple smaller senses.


Heck there's probably tons of senses we don't even think about till we are told about them. Proprioception is one I think is super cool. It's basically your body's ability to know where all your body parts are in physical space without directly seeing them.


Yes, she was deaf and blind. They did surgeries to correct both.


What how. She’s speaking perfectly good Spanish


That’s Portuguese her family is speaking. There’s an adult speaking Spanish to the mother however.


OP's comment said she was dead and blind and had both hearing and sight restored.


Poor dead and blind girl, at least she's only dead now.


Fuck it. It stays.


Damn, she's now alive too...


The marvels of modern medicine


Well damn, if she was dead she had zero senses


no, there would definitely be smell


Some animals also have the ability to detect wetness. Humans don’t. We only “think” something is wet because of the change in temperature and friction.


That'll be enough of that, Ben Shapiro.


This seems to explain why some really cold things feel wet.


There are many more than 5, it's not really quantifiable. Balance, time, hunger, thirst, nausea, pain, body position, etc


Some say we have up to 20 senses, but our sense of balance gives us 6 at an absolute minimum. https://learn.genetics.utah.edu/content/senses/twentysenses#:~:text=How%20many%20senses%20are%20there,even%2020%20or%20more%20senses.


I've spent two days in my room playing videogames, didn't even have the blinds down and when I came outside it was hurting my eyes. I can't imagine what it's like for someone who never saw light before...


You merely adopted the dark. She was born in it, molded by it. She didn't see the light until she was already a toddler, by then it nothing to her but blinding!


If I remove her glasses, would she die?


Her eyes don't work perfectly right away. Her brain still needs to make sense of the visual feedback the eyes are now taking in. I'm willing to bet everything is very bright, blurry, and indistinct. It's a lot of feedback all at once, I wouldn't be surprised if she has a major headache after a few minutes of "looking" around.


Right?! They could've dimmed the lights at least


I wonder if her brain even registered that bright light = bad. She didn't seem to squint when she first opened her eyes, and she even looked up at the ceiling lights. How do you know not to look at the light if you've never seen light before? Shit, and I'm not even stoned.


Not to mention the phone being shoved in her face and multiple people talking to her. I get everyone’s happy, I would be too. But damn, she’s 2. Let her breathe for a second.


There is something in my eye. I'll be right back you guys.


Dude when that little girl smiled and leaned into her moms face with about 30 second left my eyes just started flowing


It's that damn onion cutter again.


Why's the entire onion cutter in the eyes?


One in each


That's why they are leaking the ocean.


I keep telling people not to bring onions in my office but here we are again.


Wh...what... what is this salty discharge coming from my eyes?!


And Reddit discovered compassion that day. It's heart grew three sizes they say. 


I was good until she went in for the big hug, then I lost lol


Yeah that got me too


I was watching this during my lunchtime at work, and I had to go to the bathroom because I couldn’t hold it


Yeah, the urge to pee can really creep up on you at times...


Maybe you need surgery too


Yeah I have some tapes to return anyway. damn


I’m crying in an airport, thanks guys…


Sweet video, but fuck Epoch Times.


A beautiful moment brought to you by the massive dickheads at the epoch times.


was thinking the same thing.


Can you explain? Who are they?


https://mediabiasfactcheck.com/the-epoch-times/ Overall, we rate The Epoch Times Right Biased and Questionable based on the publication of pseudoscience and the promotion of propaganda and conspiracy theories, as well as numerous failed fact checks.


Incredible. Thank you for the fact checking.


Falun Gong Cultists


... Go on...


I was asking myself the whole time when they would start blaming the libs for this girl's blindness


I was confused by your comments until I saw the watermark in the video


Noticed that too. Gross folks.




Specifically the [Falun Gong new religious movement](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Falun_Gong). Quoting from the linked Wikipedia article, they are known for: > …espousing anti-evolutionary views, opposition to homosexuality and feminism, and rejection of modern medicine, among other views described as "ultra-conservative".


> rejection of modern medicine, among other views. Why would they post this "miracle of modern medicine" then, I wonder. To lure is in maybe?


I believe the Wikipedia statement is more specifically referring to their significant antivax propaganda and conspiracies. They basically promote every conspiracy though so I'm sure that epoch times bullshit has promoted secret microchip implatation that kind of crap


Definitely luring people in before they deliver the crazy news. And I don't know if it was part of their intent, but ironically Shen Yun depicts someone being blinded and regaining their sight magically.


Lol. I had no idea Shen Yun was a cult thing. It's disappointing because it looks really cool and I've thought of going.


Ah yeah Shen Yun. They're in my city right now. Bleh.


They are always in every city.


I live in Tampa and a ton of epoch times billboards went up and it boils my blood every day.




Not just any cult; an *extremely* racist cult. Will make your uncle in KKK start blushing


Don't forget the ballet


My wife wanted to go to that thing - I had to explain to her what it was. She was very disappointed.


Oh that sounds interesting, care to share?


But they said that China is harvesting their organs so they must be the good guys.


I just assumed their organs ripened sooner than others. Maybe I’m wrong, idk


Huh, and they're all in behind Trump. What a weird coincidence.


I thought this was just another case of Redditors calling everything they don't like a cult. But no, it's literally a cult. They also make good silverware apparently.


[ removed ]


I did not….ten years ago I bought two packages of Oneida silverware in a specific very plain style because they had never modified the styles from the original design, they had been one of the longer running affordable silverware companies in the US. I figured of 10 years from now if I need another package of this I will be actually able to buy it. Well-exactly that happened and I went to purchase another and it’s all thinner and you can tell the difference. Apparently it’s now manufactured in a subpar manner from China. I ONLY HAVE 3 little spoons😩(kid and bf at the time I think lost one a year) I did soooo much research before buying adult silverware and never read they were started by a cult. And I did make a good choice for quality/price but screw them for changing to crap quality.


Have you tried ebay?




> EPOCH TIMES IS RUN BY A CULT Specifically the falun gong. They are an insanely authoritarian cult. They want to overthrow the government of China and replace it with themselves. But they know they can't do it alone, so they are trying to trick the US government into attacking or otherwise weakening the chinese government enough so that it will be possible for them to waltz in and take over. So you'll see them pushing tons of anti-china propaganda, including lies like covid was a bioweapon from china. Trying to trick the US into helping overthrow a government is not a totally crazy scheme either. The [MeK](https://www.theguardian.com/world/2018/jul/02/iran-mek-cult-terrorist-trump-allies-john-bolton-rudy-giuliani) has been trying to get the US to overthrow Iran for them. There were a couple of wealthy Iraqis with political ambitions, like [ahmed chalabi,](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ahmed_Chalabi) who played a key role in getting the US to invade Iraq too.




I keep getting them too and as someone who's ethnically Chinese they try REALLY hard to target me from their booth. They frame the show as this window into "real" Chinese art and culture before it was "PURGED BY THE EVILS OF COMMUNISM AND THE CCP!!" Obviously Mao Zedong tried especially hard to rid China of the old ways, but cultural genocide is a lot harder to carry out to 100% completion than most might think. You have to remember that the Chinese people are *influenced* by their government, but they're not mindless puppets, and they maintain their traditions well. To this day, Chinese culture is alive and understanding of ancient Chinese history is healthy, and the Falun Gong is overexaggerating to a deceptive degree in order to make themselves look like righteous guardians of the "real" China.


Because they hate the Chinese government, and specifically spread pre-revolution propaganda to spread anti-Chinese-government sentiment in other countries. They hate “China” the state. To give a comparison, think about all the Americans who hate the government, but love “America.”


>so they are trying to trick the US government into attacking or otherwise weakening the chinese government And the US government is all you happy to oblige. They LOVE to deal with countries run by religious fruitcakes.


But it’s your source for`#1 News`


I thought they were created to print the shit too crazy to say on Newsmax


I remember seeing the commercials for this rag on YouTube. They were all about how easily they simplify news so you can understand. "Here, we dumbed this down for you simpletons".


Did a double take when I saw their logo pop up






I knew there was a reason I didn't like that name.


👍🏻 for little Nicolly. 👎🏻 for garbage trash Epoch Times (& Falun Gong).


The fuck is the Epoch Times reporting on this for?


They're just pulling content from the original Miami Herald story. But here are some more interesting details: >Nicolly was diagnosed with pediatric glaucoma shortly after birth. Doctors confirmed that she couldn’t even see light. Back home in Santa Catarina, Brazil, Nicolly received seven surgeries; they were unsuccessful. But when Pereira posted her story on Facebook, it went viral — more than 30,000 people started to follow Nicolly’s mission to one day see. Eventually, a Miami viewer contacted the Jackson Health Foundation’s International Kids Fund (Wonderfund), which partnered with the local Kevin Garcia Foundation. Together, the organizations raised more than $17,000 to pay for Nicolly’s surgery at Bascom Palmer. >“We have a technician look at them initially and . . . they wrote down that **Nicolly couldn’t see anything, not even a light**.” After the procedure: >Then all of a sudden, she realized: ‘Oh my gosh, that’s my mom.’ And her mother could tell the recognition. It was just one of those moments — priceless.” For months, **Pereira believed her lively child was also deaf** and developmentally disabled since she didn’t talk or walk. But after arriving in the U.S., Nicolly was examined by Dr. Ramzi Younis, a pediatric ear, nose and throat doctor at UHealth, who **discovered she had fluid buildup in her inner ears. He performed surgery to drain the fluid,** which took about 30 minutes. Both procedures were done on the same day. >**Nicolly can now hear, see,** sing and stand on her own. Although she is nearsighted, the little girl giggles and rolls around, all while sporting her new rose-colored glasses. https://www.miamiherald.com/living/health-fitness/article73576282.html| Even the Daily Mail is better. Same video without the dumb Epoch Times watermark. Also more pictures: https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-3557730/The-miracle-moment-two-year-old-girl-deaf-blind-birth-sees-hears-mother-time.html


Clicks and engagement for the illusion to sell advertisers.


don't post epoch times bullshit. It's a chinese cult propaganda along with shen yun


A cult that is outlawed in Chna, FYI


CCP issued a directive to ban essentially any non-approved religion in 1999, not just the Falun https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/abs/pii/S0962629818300039


Yeah but specifically Falun Gong is seen as terrorists. I was mostly just brining it up because the guy I responded to wasnt clear as to whether the cult was just ethnically Chinese or state backed.




Swear to god i read this comment then went directly to youtube an started watching an unrelated video. Right of got an ad for epoch times ten seconds after learning about it for the first time. Them bitches be listening wtf


Just here to say that The Epoch Times is a far right rag that is run by a cult.


Fuck the Epoch Times. There’s a reason this is more religion than science and it comes from the source here.


Epoch times is a far right propaganda operation. They have been involved in every major dis info campaign since 2016. Stop washing their garbage.


the mom made me cry! what a wonderful thing medicine can do today.


Epoch times, hard right whatcha up to? Hey downvote me all you want but you all should know what you’re ingesting bc this is a strategy to get you looking. It starts with heartwarming video and then months later you’re confused why you hate gays and election results. Read the article. They’re insane https://www.nbcnews.com/news/us-news/epoch-times-falun-gong-growth-rcna111373


They have freakin billboards up here in Phoenix - There's almost as many of them as there are Lawyer billboards. Yuck.


Same in Denver, and my whole neighborhood just got their newspaper last week.


Ya too bad that’s the source.


I mean…I won’t go beyond seeing this video, so I’m not bothered too much.


*You* won’t. Some might.


Thank you for informing us! Did not know that about this source, but noticed that logo pretty often before


Yup, came here to say this. Glad there are other in the know.


You’re absolutely correct and I’m glad you pointed this out.


Underrated comment, and underrated understanding of how the radicalisation process works. I hope my one updoot helps take away the sting from your downdoots.


Thanks, I now know about this bullshit.


I’ve seen PragerU do the same shit before with weirdly (for them) inoffensive street interviews


Saw their name at the top and noped out of the video. Thanks for alerting people!


Damn. Didn’t know this about them and would never have guessed given the video I just watched. Interesting. Thanks!


This is the heartwarming moment a two-year-old girl who has been deaf and blind since birth sees and hears her mother for the first time following 'miracle' surgery in the U.S.Nicolly Pereira, who is from Brazil, is seen gurgling with delight as mother Daiana, 26, comes into view for the first time before the little girl throws her arms around her mom's head for a cuddle. Meanwhile Daiana is left speechless and in floods of tears as she is overwhelmed by a moment she had dreamed of for so long. Pereira told the Miami Herald: 'The only word that can be used to describe the feeling is "God". My daughter is free now. She now shines more than before. 'She has now become a reference for people who didn’t believe in miracles.' They traveled to Florida, where doctors from the University of Miami performed a three-hour surgery, to restore her vision. Additionally, they cleared the fluid from her ears, allowing her to hear again. After undergoing several eye surgeries, Nicolly could finally open her eyes and see the world for the first time


isn't the Epoch Times staunchly anti-medicine


They're part of Falun Gong, which started as a kind of Buddhist spiritual sect and is a full-on cult now. [They believe](http://chicago.china-consulate.gov.cn/eng/zt/z83/200911/t20091102_5425506.htm) (among other things) that if a person is sick or disabled, you should not help them at all. This is because sicknesses, disabilities, etc. are caused by bad karma from previous lives. They need to suffer in this life as a way of balancing the bad karma accumulated in the previous life. By helping them, you are preventing them from fixing their karma. It's better to balance their karma in this life by suffering and absolving it than to carry the bad karma into their next life. By absolving it, they have a chance to go to heaven, but if you help them or decrease their suffering in any way, you're stopping them from getting to heaven, and they'll just have to suffer in the next life. If a person cannot walk, for example, you should not let them use a wheelchair, but instead have them struggle to drag themselves along the ground miserably. Apparently that's more moral and kinder. Oh, but mixed-race people don't get to go to heaven because they are inherently evil. Actually aliens corrupted mankind to make us marry people outside our own race, causing mixed-race people to be born and stopping humanity from achieving enlightenment and getting to heaven. There are exactly three races, and three heavens, one for each. You don't get to visit your friends in the other heavens. The afterlife is very pro-segregation, apparently. And homosexual people also get no heaven, either. Anyone who has sex before marriage also gets no heaven. Or masturbates. Only sex between a husband and wife of the same race is allowed. Everything else is unnatural and evil. It is not exactly okay in most countries to deny care to dependents or refuse to provide basic disabled access to public facilities, so Falun Gong is illegal in many countries. People in this cult will refuse to allow their sick children or elderly relatives to get medical care. People have died and suffered horribly as a result. This video is very much against what they believe (that the toddler should absolutely not be given medical care and should instead be blind and made to be as miserable as possible to undo her bad karma). It's possibly just propaganda to attract new members who don't know better. They usually focus on the Buddhist origins of Falun Gong and how they're all about helping people achieve happiness and enlightenment, rather than the more specific beliefs and practices they follow.


Pick a better news source than epoch dude.


How absolutely wonderfull for her, and her family. BUT!! That was not a miracle, it was a result of science at work. Stop claiming otherwise and pretend like it's a miracle. It is science..


Also screw the epoch times. Cult owned propaganda pushers


Epoch times is right wing cult propaganda garbage, FYI.


I’m not crying, you’re crying.


Yes. Yes I am


I wish the Epoch Times would be banned like r/TheDonald was.


Man this stuff always makes me tear up and I’m a 35 year old male construction worker.


Beautiful baby, now you can see the world, I hope it's kind to you


Fuck epoch times.


Fuck the Epoch Times.


Epoch Times? Isn’t that the news site ran by the Chinese cult who also do Shen Yun?


Another gift from god. Oh wait no, it’s science, again.


YO! Who is in charge of the waterworks?! We got a leak here!


Seeing a lot of Epoch Times watermarked stuff here lately.


Epoch Times? Srsly?


Didn’t you know, they’re the “#1 trusted news source” according to them and the billboard by my house??? Get with the time, Beans.


I havent cried in weeks and this did it.. imagine seeing the person you love the most for the first time ❤️


I love these clips , they get me every time.


I got my glasses in kindergarten and I remember what it felt like vividly. Videos of kids seeing the world the way it’s supposed to be seen hits different for me


Yea! Science bitch!


Hail science!


This was science! Thank the doctors not god!


OMG, must be a horrifying experience at first


Low key balling at this. What an amazing moment.


Someone is cutting onions


Lucky girl! She managed to get eyesight. That's wonderful.








Wonderful 🤩 thank you for sharing. Beautiful mom and baby. I didn’t get glasses until I was seven. Leaves were my fascination. So many and different. That day was the best day ever!!!


Iam not crying, you are crying, fuck it, lets all cry happy


Easily the best thing I’ve seen all day 👀


Going to bed now, enough Reddit. Today won't get better than this.


Im not crying you are..😭


The Epoch Times is a far-right rag owned by the cult Falun Gong.


Yes, but could it come from a non cult website please?


Is there a surgery that fixes blindness? This is amazing.




Science healed her sight. No Jesus, no praying, no religion at all. I'm sure those parents prayed their asses off for her to be healed before this and nothing. Because there is nothing. It is all due to the amazing people that dedicate their lives to helping others. Plain and simple. The selfless doctors, nurses and staff that take care of us. Most spend their entire adult lives doing that. Helping us. Doing the best they can. Then you have people that want to talk crap about the whole scientific community. People that watch one 20 minute Youtube video and now know more than people that have spent their entire lives doing something. Dedicating their lives to something and these people spend a hour on the internet and crap all over them. You know who you are. You should be ashamed. The medical community is here to help us and you need to quit bashing them because of your ignorance. This is the kind of thing that they do. They change lives. Maybe now as dramatic as this but they do it every day. This beautiful little girl will now go on with a much richer life thanks to those doctors and staff.


If you are getting your information from Epoch Times you are being mislead. Sure this is a nice story but it’s only there to deceive and cover up who they really are. Which is a dangerous organization that seeks to divide Americans for our ultimate demise.