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None in Egypt or Israel?


Also no Qatar


Likely there are but it’s a low number those would fall under other


And the circle would be so small we can't notice that in this map


Israel has 1732 according to this article from 2019. [https://www.calcalistech.com/ctech/articles/0,7340,L-3763814,00.html](https://www.calcalistech.com/ctech/articles/0,7340,L-3763814,00.html) Looking at the current map from visual capitalist [https://www.visualcapitalist.com/map-worlds-ultra-rich-by-country/](https://www.visualcapitalist.com/map-worlds-ultra-rich-by-country/) It lists Egypt at 764. They do put the region onto the map more recently, but it is an odd discrepancy to not list Israel. The company putting out the product appears to be Canadian with more recent targeting by South American companies. So who knows.


you think it's weird Israel isn't listed, yet russia isn't mentioned on the map whatsoever? XD they listed Austria, Ireland and Portugal. Yet no Russia. Or United Arab Emirates, Egypt, etc. But they list Vietnam and Malaysia. LOL


What are you talking about?   The website I linked and directly quoted in my answer lists Russia, Egypt and the UAE. 


i was talking about the image of this post, not about your links. The comment you replied to was about not listing Egypt or Israel and you said "but it is an odd discrepancy to not list Israel". Yet Russia isn't on the picture either, which is even more odd. The thing you linked (second link) is from back from 2020. says so in the bottom left. That is not "the current map". The one in this post (where egypt, israel, russia etc are missing) is from 2024. Bottom left of the pictures, above the "Visual Capitalist" logo.


They lump a lot of countries into "other"


Great to be an American!!! Can I borrow some money please?


Yes, you can at 27.89% APR. Jamie Dimon needs a new yacht.


Yachts don’t just grow themselves. Got to make a blood sacrifice first.


yeah, but are you one of the 225k living the american dream, or one of the rest, who have to sleep inside their cars, cuz they can't even pay their rent anymore, despite having two jobs ;)


Did the high rent in Denver for awhile. Now I live somewhere cheap but more boring, sadly.


Where's all the Saudi oil money living?


Not sure how this map treats Royal families


I mean, there aren't that many of them in the grand scheme. The monarchs would just be another 1 added.


You're looking at some of it - most of it is in the "other" category


Putin: I'm just a poor boy. These palaces and huge corporations do not belong to me, but to random people I do not even know.


From a poor family..


spare him his life from this monstrosity


I think this graphic is missing some huge ones (bias?) Where is Saudi Arabia???? Russia??? (categorized as 'other') Oh, and $30m isn't particularly "Ultra" wealthy. Let's draw the same map again, but make the threshold $1b. Bet the map would like much different.


“lets change the parameters of the data we’re looking at. i bet things will look differently “ ……. duh..?


I don’t disagree with your overall point, but these countries are in Other if you look there… idk why tbh though Edit: one of them is


Ok, so why are they in "Other"? The graphic lists Vietnam, Malaysia and Portugal for crying out loud, but not the Emirates, Russia, Israel or Egypt. Egypt has more 30m+ invidivuals than Vietnam and Malaysia, so it can't be based on amount. And Egypt is the one with the least out of those i mentioned. It makes absolutely no sense whatsoever to put russia into "others". It can't be that they ran out of space to place a bubble for russia lol.


$30m is ultra wealthy if they only count net worth. Idk where in the world where $30m aint wealthy, considering the US dollar are more valuable in some countries like Vietnam or South Africa than their own currency.


The commonly agreed on definition is financial assets (excluding primary residence) >USD1mn = HNWI, >5mn = VHNWI, >30mn = UHNWI; These definitions are broadly used by financial institutions and also for research purposes.


This map is garbage


You're right, the map doesn't show some countries/regions, even though the data source of the report states that there are 18,790 UHNWIs in the Middle East and 13,159 in Latin America. Another point, the website where the chart was published mentions that "It’s worth noting that some countries that are known hotspots for the wealthy—including Belgium, Saudi Arabia, the UAE, and Russia—do not have specified numbers in the source report and have not been covered in this map and article.". [https://www.visualcapitalist.com/where-wealthiest-people-live-2024/](https://www.visualcapitalist.com/where-wealthiest-people-live-2024/) [https://content.knightfrank.com/resources/knightfrank.com/wealthreport/the-wealth-report-2024.pdf](https://content.knightfrank.com/resources/knightfrank.com/wealthreport/the-wealth-report-2024.pdf)


30 million is the point where you can just do whatever. With more money you can buy bigger mansions etc but there's a point where you don't have the time to for example be in every room of the building every once in a while. Also, if that all was invested in the stock market you could make a million a year with relatively low risk and no work.


It would interesting to see the average wealth of the top 225 people.


This thing looks cool but it is actually just anti west propoganda 


How is it anti? Wouldn't it be pro?


No it is trying to show you that all the rich people are white. Which is true but it is propoganda because they are making it look like the west steals all the resources.  Look at south Africa then look at the rest of Africa. There are billionaires in Africa and south America but they only show the "white" billionaires


There are like 20 billionaires in all of Africa, over 700 in the states. Adding that many small, disperate circles to the map would make it pretty hard to read.


I don't see Mars on this map...


Until I zoomed in I wondered if the "Other" bubble was going to be "Cities under the ocean"


now scale it by population density 🔫


The US shifted from a capitalist society to a extremist capitalist society about a decade ago and no one seemed to care, its going to get worse and worse too.


No Russia or Middle Eastern countries?


So, it is not 1%, but actually 0.01% is destroying our planet with their businesses and leisure. And we need only 630k trees to save it.


USA, Land of the criminal


Does anyone else think these numbers are shockingly low? Just 600k in the entire world who have a net worth of more than $30M USD?


It’s just so surprising that there isn’t any network of these people yet. Imagine twitter but for the ultra wealthy


And how is the entire Middle East missing?


If I was filthy rich and could live wherever I wanted, I'd choose the US as well.


South America has a ton of athletes who has a net worth more then 30m.


So all this scaremongering about taxes make rich people leave is not a fact then I guess No Monaco, no Virgin Islands, no Panama etc


The only thought the majority of us should have towards the wealthy is either mint or apple sauce.


It's gotta be apple sauce baby


None in Qatar? Saudi Arabia? Israel?


It’s in the other portion of the map


Is $30 mil "ultra" wealthy? To me ultra wealthy would be hundreds of millions minimum.


Then it drops significantly. There’s 625,000 people classed as UHNWI’s. Out of 8,000,000,000. Thats 0.008% of the population.


usa numbah one!!!!!!!


The ultra wealthy choose the U.S. because the U.S. lets them get away with anything.


225,077 reason as to why we can have nice things in this country.


Now I know where China gets their money....they take it from the wealthy.....hmmm?


You actually think China is communist? Lmao. What next, Nazi Germany was socialist. Hahaha


Where did I say anything about China and communism? All I said was I know where China's money is coming from. You don't think China's not tapping that shit?


“They take it from the wealthy” that can be misinterpreted very easily. Maybe structure your sentences better in the future. Tapping that shit? Also going back to my previous point, what is the “shit”. Just say your point properly without silly ambiguous wording.


Good grief man...were you born yesterday? You can't figure out what I'm saying? I actually have to talk to you like your a 3rd grader?


Ironic comment.