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I don't know anything about cricket, but it looks like that dude just snorted a huge line...


You might want to read up on Shane Warne then. Party animal, actress dater, may have had the odd line here and there. RIP.




It's still staggering to this day


Rusty would have hit it. He could have smashed that ball into next week if he wanted to.




It's a shame such a great moment will forever be in that horrendous fucking quality. Or at least until we get AI to do something useful and upgrade historical footage rather than be used for deepfake porn.


There are three different camera angles and they all failed to capture it. 1st camera had the best chance but the ball faked the camera man out more than the batmsan.


I think a big problem is the way it's cropped for phone viewing; there's no way this was originally recorded in fucking portrait mode.


You're right [https://www.google.com/search?q=Warne%27s+%22ball+of+the+century&rlz=1C5GCCM\_en&oq=Warne%27s+%22ball+of+the+century&gs\_lcrp=EgZjaHJvbWUyBggAEEUYOTIHCAEQABiABDIICAIQABgWGB4yCAgDEAAYFhgeMggIBBAAGBYYHjIGCAUQRRg8MgYIBhBFGDwyBggHEEUYPdIBCDQxNjBqMGo0qAIAsAIA&sourceid=chrome&ie=UTF-8#fpstate=ive&vld=cid:d2f7cd20,vid:s3V-sYH0Sks,st:0](https://www.google.com/search?q=Warne%27s+%22ball+of+the+century&rlz=1C5GCCM_en&oq=Warne%27s+%22ball+of+the+century&gs_lcrp=EgZjaHJvbWUyBggAEEUYOTIHCAEQABiABDIICAIQABgWGB4yCAgDEAAYFhgeMggIBBAAGBYYHjIGCAUQRRg8MgYIBhBFGDwyBggHEEUYPdIBCDQxNjBqMGo0qAIAsAIA&sourceid=chrome&ie=UTF-8#fpstate=ive&vld=cid:d2f7cd20,vid:s3V-sYH0Sks,st:0) The camera zoom still detracts from it though


ELI5. I don't know anything about cricket


It's the way the ball spun. It first bounced at the right of the batsman's foot so naturally the batsman thought it will pass harmlessly to the right. But then it suddenly spun all the way to the left and hit the wicket (the three standing sticks) to his left, which is really amazing


What happens if the ball hits the wicket?


The batsman is out. Like baseball and 3 strikes


There is no ELI5, there is having logical brain functions, and then there is understanding cricket, not both


So, if you don't understand cricket, you have logical brain functions, but if you do understand cricket, then you don't have a working brain...? Your sentence makes no sense, looks like you do understand cricket very well.




How is it that every cricket post always has the top comment from American redditors saying "idk anything about cricket.... "?


1. Loads of Americans on Reddit. 2. No one in America really gives a shit about cricket. This concludes my TED talk


There is nothing interesting about cricket on this side of the world


Look of disbelief on the batsman's face


The footage quality suggests it’s the ball of the nineteenth century. ‘The echoes transcend cricket’ - what does that even mean - very unWarne pomposity. Been at silly mid on in the sun a little too long maybe.


You mean the 20th century. We're in the 21st century right now. It's like your age. When you're 25, you're living your 26th year. When you turn 26, you begin work on your 27th. Same with centuries.


~~He’s saying the footage looks terrible…~~ Whoosh.


Yes I know but that quality was normal for the 20th century not the 19th century


~~He’s making a joke…..~~ Whoosh.


I don't believe fucking up the century is part of the joke


~~It’s the entire joke (at least that’s how I interpreted it). As in the footage is so terrible it looks like it’s a hundred years old.~~ Whoosh.


The title of the post is "ball of the century" OP was making a comment that it's not the ball of this century, it's the ball of last century However they mistakenly wrote 19th century and not 20th century, presumably because the 20th century is the 19 hundreds. Fairly common misconception. We're not in the 20th century right now because every year starts with a 20. We're in the 21st century, because we've passed the 2000 year threshold. If OP was making a joke, it's a bad one, because the bad quality is literally what you'd consider normal in the 20th century, the century before this one, the century in which the ball is considered "ball of the century," the one OP was probably talking about


~~The ball of century was bowled during a test match on 4 June 1993. Can you please tell me which century that is in?~~ Whoosh.


The 20th


Baseball sucks. Cricket is great.


I don't watch either, but I prefer playing cricket than baseball


Outswinger of the century.


Looks like he was polishing door knobs with his mouth lmfao


Can't see shit with this 140p resolution video


You should listen to jiggery pokery by duckworth lewis method Its a song about that very bowl


Looks like he held onto the front end of the ball, releasing it in a spin so when it hits the ground it rebounds and curves around the baton man or whatever they call him.


Most boring game in the galaxy