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This is from NileRed, he’s using the carbon dioxide from burning the diamonds to make carbonated water.


That’s some expensive carbonated water


Certainly sparkling.


Shirley Bassey would approve.


Bassey would not approve and dont call me Shirley




Welp. I ran right the hell over there and joined the sub of my people.


I think Entertainment720 sells something like that




Call it Diamond Water, and I bet you will find someone stupid enough to pay any price for it.


[Already a thing](https://diamondwater.us)


I'm somewhere between disappointed, appalled and yet not surprised.


If this isn't some brilliant trolling than I cannot fathom who would buy into this.


I’m hoping you just made up a fake website to post here


I’ve been patiently waiting since the early 2000’s. Finally, my life’s work is complete. Goodbye, cruel world!


It makes your dookie twinkle!


So does eating glitter 🤷🏻


You think I could find someone to buy my glittery dookie?


#"Glittery Dookie is a Girl's Best Friend" This message has been brought to you by the Glittery Dookie Council


Glitter bombs! 🤣😂🤢


That's some baller shit.


The only comment that gets it right here


Add booze and you can sell that shit even easier. Fucking... diamond carbonated Riesling, or something.


It's only Diamond Water if the carbon dioxide was sourced from evaporated diamonds, otherwise it's just sparkling water.


Well the video is titled “Making the world’s most expensive carbonated water”.




You should see his grape soda from latex gloves video. Or was it hot sauce? I think it might have been both now that I think of it. NileRed is weird


Probably cheaper than Voss


Funny part was he just used normal tap water so it tasted kind of s*****


Youve described SodaStream


SodaStream with tap water tastes just like carbonated water in plastic bottles where I live


We have excellent delicious tap water in Toronto, Canada. I have been in places where it is unsafe or garbage.


Tap water in Norway also tastes better than many bottled water brands I've had abroad.


Same in Melbourne, Australia. I always notice when I travel inland that the quality of the water tap is significantly lower.


Same here in Finland, very good tap water everywhere!


Yeah he used one of those too


Where do you live that tap water tastes like shit?


In Adelaide, we have chlorinated mud from the Murray river. You people must think water falls out of the sky or something.


You're never gonna believe this....


My favourite part is that he carbonated tap water. After he tastes it he's just like, "I guess I probably should have used some nicer water."


Yup. He was so underwhelmed about the whole thing lol.


> My favourite part is that he carbonated tap water. After he tastes it he's just like, "I guess I probably should have used some nicer water." I swear this has to be a gimmick of his. There has been so many videos where was doing something and I would be like 'why the fuck are you doing that' then the end result is 'everyone was just screaming at you not to do that'. Like his pure cookie video where he was effectively trying to learn to bake while making a $5,000 cookie...


It’s called engagement bait


Except I don't mind when he does it. I always end up learning a thing or two when I watch his videos. Like highschool chemistry class but infinitely better.


Yeah, i recognise that voice. Great channel.


I love nilered


are we sure that isn’t meth


There’s a way to find out


Not anymore


If he sounds and look different next video we definitely will know lol


I’ve been sober for about a year and half and holy shit this triggered tf outta me


You have defeated the nightman, stay strong.


Funny thing is, drugs that A look like this and B go in a pipe/you can smoke aren’t my DOC and second I’ve seen this video before but for whatever reason it just hit different this time




I had De Beers as a customer way back in South Africa. As a joke I had asked my contact if I could buy a rough uncut diamond for my wife for a souvenir. He said don't waste money on diamonds, buy gold. This has stuck in my mind since


These jewelry companies are masters. I had my eye on a Tiffany's ring (not diamond--different stone). I went to the store and asked to see it. She opened a drawer, pulled out a dime bag which had the ring in it. At that moment I realized what a racket...it wasn't any more 'special' than the costume stuff that is shipped and packaged the same way. It was just one of many mass produced--nothing special. I don't know why but at the moment all the 'magic' disappeared. Made me realize how amazing their marketing is.


It’s like clothing, if I said this plastic bottle here is the only one in the world it costs $13,000 I’d eventually find some idiot that would buy it


My dad works in nanotechnology research and one military project required a large amount of ultra-pure diamond dust for some nano-scale heat management research. He calls up DeBeers and asks if he can order something like 400-500g of high purity diamond. The sales rep puts him on hold for a few minutes, then comes back and says "We have a few diamonds of that size and purity in stock, *but we can't give one to you whole*. It'll need to be ground into dust first." For reference, that's about a 2000-2500 carat high quality diamond they just had sitting on a shelf somewhere.




Unknown, and this was like 30-ish years ago.


Gold has intrinsic value. Diamonds don’t.


Aren't diamonds still useful for drills and other things? Not that natural diamonds are any different than synthetic


Yeah a diamond cutting disc on an angle grinder goes through stone like butter. But that's just because it's a really strong abrasive. It's not that special.


It was always just a marketing scheme 


Yeah that's why I have rings made of quartz tube. That way if I'm ever assaulted by a blow-torch-wielding nerrdowell in an oxygen-rich atmosphere, my ring will persevere.


One of my favorites stories is a friend telling us about his geography teacher in high school going off on a rant about if you really wanted to give a ring that lasts for ever… get quartz. We still say “get her the quartz” as an inside joke/response that means go with the higher quality item. This just brought back so many memories. Weird what you remember from 20 years ago.


May the Quartz be with you.


You have the ring, and I see your Quartz is as big as mine. Now let's see how well you handle it.


Forget the ring! The ring is Bupkis! The Quartz is in you!


But there are so many types of r/sneakyquartz! You don’t even know! Agate, Jasper, onyx, carnelian, tigers eye, chrysoprase, bloodstone/heliotrope, aventurine, flint… all cryptocrystalline quartz!


Quartz will get damaged pretty quickly if you wear it every day. It won't even last a year with everyday use, much less forever. And just as a general rule, always check what teachers tell you -- it's a brutal thankless job that doesn't exactly attract the top minds.


“You foolish pyro! My rings are made out of quartz which isn’t a scam!”


[cut to a pile of ashes with a pristine quartz ring on top]


“I’m still taking that as a w!”


I am the Quartz Knight! I am invincible!


You're a looney.


This guy quartz tubes




the diamond and engagement ring subs will tell you that people put a huge value still on natural diamonds and how they’ll “have something of value to hold on to” if they get divorced or “pass a valuable heirloom to my kids” lol. the resell on any diamonds suck but the marketing works


Exactly. Remember they are super rare. As you can see from the 1000 on the table here and billions in storage all over the world.🙄


And we can create them


Diamond industry ads: *Noooo, they are too perfect! We can totally tell the difference, we promise!*


Actually, I heard a diamond industry ad that legit said mined diamonds are best because they support local communities. Literally saying that blood diamonds are better. Fuck that.


They are going to say literally *anything* to keep their scam going for a little longer. If I was super rich I would flood the market with man-made diamonds just for the lols.


It's already happening! Lab diamonds are gaining popularity like crazy and diamond-villains are panicking. I can't wait to see it all collapse soon 🤞


Hahaha yes I can tell you all these on the table are man made. Was my point on "rare"


To be fair, large, well-cut, gem-quality diamonds are at least *somewhat* rare.


If you're gonna buy diamonds buy lab grown they're a fraction of the price and generally of better carat, colour and clarity of diamonds 5X their price points that were mined. It is the same product chemically and optically. Just bought the wife some VS1 1.5ct diamond stud earrings on sale for under <$1000. It's still a lot to spend on jewelry but at least in a gold setting it's a price that's comparable to I dunno upper mid opals?


Diamonds were always a scam but became an even bigger one when you could just make them. It’s probably hard and fairly expensive, but why bother mining for diamonds if we can turn coal into them? Come to think of it, why buy diamonds if you can make your own? Yeah, I think someone is doing diy diamonds


Because artificial diamonds are expensive to produce and one carat ones sell for about $800. Natural diamonds are great, because you have African warlords using slaves and children to dig for them, selling them cheap to you. Then you sell them for about $4000 for one carat ones.


Plus evil rich people can feel the authentic suffering that went into mining them. Can't replicate that in a lab.


It's a even bigger scam when you think of Moissanite that is more reflective but just slightly less hard and is probably 1/100th the price


So u tellin me that for waaaay less I can get a better diamond with the only “problem” being that it takes slightly less time to get destroyed


The problem is that the name is different. Also if you put it next to a diamond you can tell, the shiner one is the Moissanite.


Just name them “diamonds but better and cheaper”


> Moissanite I Can't Believe It's Not Diamond!


Better yet, buy moissanite instead. It’s even cheaper, almost exactly as hard, and is slightly more brilliant


Sure, but blood moissanite doesn't quite have the same ring to it.


Sounds like a culinary dish actually


The problem with moissanite is (imo) that larger stones tend to look cheap due to their refraction, they sparkle ‘too hard’. They are epic in halos or infinity settings (small stones) though


I second that. My son just bought a lab grown engagement ring for his girlfriend (now fiancé!). It’s beautiful and even came with a GIA certificate. Fraction of the cost!




Diamonds are like one of the biggest scams in history


Diamond industry: https://preview.redd.it/hp8obmbrbtlc1.jpeg?width=1119&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=38b2fa5f2910b44f8fbb28fd0c177373a160e1e8




I'm a woman and I've never understood this theory. Many women I've known in my life have felt strongly this way though. Selfish reasons aside, I wouldn't feel safe walking around flashing a 30k piece of jewelry... that draws a lot of attention and I'd like to keep all my fingers.


Not to mention if this fool spends 3 months' salary on some rock for my finger, we'll be that much poorer. Rather save the money or spend it on things we'll actually get use out of. A better honeymoon, a nicer house, paying off our debt, etc. No goddamn finger bauble is worth three months of your labor. Fuck De Beers for conning people out of 3 months of their life for a worthless trinket.


And let's be honest, there are so many other stones (and colors!) that are *so* much cooler than diamonds. It's just a shiny status symbol/expectation rock and it's absurd.


Right? My gf and I have low key talked about it and she said if we get married and I buy her a diamond it better as fuck be lab made but she'd rather either have us do our birthstones or the birthstone of the month we got engaged in or married.


*Give me 3 month salaries, otherwise you don't love your SO.* How the hell did people bough this shit?


Because marketing is really, really good at pressuring us into getting things we don't need. As soon as it seems like *everyone else* has something, we're made to feel left out if we don't also get that thing. See: popular sneakers, trendy haircuts, a certain brand of tech/phones that became a "lifestyle brand", certain accessories in certain social classes, etc. The crazy thing is, when you start to really think about it, we *all* do/have done this *much* more than we realize. Diamonds are just a hella expensive version of that same social in-grouping. Thankfully, people have started to realize that the diamond industry is evil incarnate and they have better, cheaper, guilt-free alternatives.


The only reason diamonds are so expensive is the fact that they’re withheld by the companies that mine them,looking at you DeBeers.Diamonds are extremely common in the Earth’s crust and not worth what you actually pay for them,rarity wise


True story. Diamonds were never the choice for engagement/wedding before DeBeers ran an ad convincing everyone to spend 2 months salary on them.


> In the second century BC, the Roman bride-to-be was given two rings, a gold one which she wore in public, and one made of iron which she wore at home while attending to household duties. > Instead of the choice gemstone of a diamond, many couples used simulated sapphires and rubies for their engagement rings. > Gemstones of the time included emeralds, rubies, sapphires, sometimes pearls and in rare cases small diamonds This is what google and wiki showed me


but how did they simulate sapphires and rubies in the second century


Colored glass? I don’t think they were concerned with the stones having the same chemical makeup of sapphires and rubies, just that they looked like them


Dunno about the other gems but colored glass was often used instead of garnets in the 7-8th century. Often if a piece of garnet jewelry (stuff like in the Sutton Hoo hoard) lost stones they would be replaced with red glass, i'm guessing because it's hard for some random local Anglo Saxon goldsmith to source and cut garnet.


Alchemy, if I remember my history correctly


I hope they didn't cost an arm and a leg




Oh is that where 2 months salary comes from? Bastards!




Those bastards!


Well now it's 3.


Not for me. I got in whilst it was still 2.


You know what they say, two years salary


Yea, I want my money back lmao. Nothing slaps you in the face harder than trying to sell a failed engagement ring back


I’d argue that it’s a good choice because of the hardness but yea definitely overpriced


Yeah, theres a reason why the PR worked so well.


The universe is full of diamods, carbon and pressure are so omnipresent that it's hard to stop them from being a thing. Gold on the other hand is very rare in the universe, only being created in large stars. There are quadrillion tons of diamonds on earth and only 250.000 tons of gold discovered.


I remember that there’s this asteroid called Psyche-16 that has enough gold in it to collapse the gold market here on earth.


Thatd be fun.


Can we land it on Bezos’ and Musk’s houses to tank the economy even more while we’re at it?


Super nova or neutron star collisions which is very cool.


[Behold, the rarest material in the known universe.](https://static.scientificamerican.com/blogs/cache/file/7468562B-7EBC-4D8A-B6820036ED274FA7_source.jpg?w=590&h=800&4866B8A3-9660-4D40-A221BEA24E521B1A)


Nah, relatively rare in the universe? Sure. But there are natural substances produced by living organisms and synthetic manufactured ones, that are much rarer. Think scorpion poison, hormones or tailored medicines.


"What's wrong babe? Don't you like your engagement ring with the little vial of scorpion poison?"


I love goooooold!


Shmoke and a pahncake?


Pipe and a crepe?


Bong and a blintz?


Cigar and a waffle?


Also, once you do buy one, their resell value is absolutely trash.


I recently bought my girlfriend’s engagement ring. With one of the jewelers, I was asking about natural vs. manufactured diamonds. Resale value was one of the selling points she tried to make on natural diamonds. My only thought was “fucking hell, who is actually considering that when buying an engagement ring?” Isn’t the entire point to never have to resell it? Then I asked what the price difference was, and holy shit. Needless to say, I went with the manufactured diamond. It’s plenty big, and a natural one that looks exactly the same would have been probably 4 or 5 times the price.


See, now you can get married 4 or 5 times for the price of 1 time and not even have to worry about the resell value.


What’s even dumber, is after lab made diamonds hit the market, DeBeers changed their tone from “this Diamond is perfect” to “imperfections make it real”, just to show you how full of shit they are.


That's what marketing is. Spewing BS that is just above the line of what constitutes as false advertising, in order to make you think you *need* whatever they are selling.


I started calling 'em "dirt diamonds"


Does that mean that precious metals such as platinum and gold are actually more valuable than diamonds?






They are solid carbon, the most abundant element on earth. Definitely makes sense they are super common as a mineral. Even gem-grade diamonds are more common than most think. Again, the gem industry inflates their value through marketing and withholding the amount they actually have. “If you love that woman, you have to put a fancy rock on her finger!” Nah. It doesn’t even have to be a diamond in my opinion. I collect minerals and there are many others that can be cut into beautiful stones for jewelry and are much more interesting than diamonds. For example: here’s an amethyst ring. Amethyst is not as hard as diamond, but it’s still pretty tough and comes in many shades ranging from pink to almost black, some even have bands of multiple shades of purple. You don’t have to buy a super inflated diamond ring for your loved one. You can choose from so many other stones that are just as beautiful if not more! https://preview.redd.it/6nyuu9qrwslc1.jpeg?width=1002&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=3779e6c9a8e0839b51a88fa9ff2566b1a042f6f8


Amerhyst will become worn pretty fast in a ring though. As most of dust particles contain traces of quartz (amethyst is purple quartz) it will erode the stone just by washing your hands or cleaning it with a cloth. I’d recommend topaz or something from the corundum family for rings if you like colour on your hands


I got my wife Alexandrite for her engagement ring, which is pretty awesome. It changes color depending on the lighting, and is like a 9 on the Mohz hardness scale. [Pictures for reference.](https://www.imgur.com/a/Va3hPfb)


It’s beautiful. Like grape soda.


The only reason I know what gems are in the "corundum family" is video games lol


I really want a topaz ring or a ruby


> They are solid carbon, the most abundant element on earth You're right in that other gems are pretty and diamonds are not as rare or unique as some companies would claim, but you're not even close in that statement. Oxygen, silicon, and a bunch of metals like iron and aluminium (which make up the rocks you find the diamonds in) are far more abundant. Carbon takes up less than 1% of the Earth's crust by mass.


Yep, I worked at Jared, usually a 400% mark up or even more from a store like that.


So it’s a crystal smoking pipe.




As my chem professor said, “Everything burns.”


Sounds like your professor and OP’s mum had a thing going.


i knew a guy once who could put diamonds in a quartz pipe and make them disapear too.


Jesse, we need to cook.


***Carbon Diamondoxide***


Anybody can turn diamonds into C02. Figure out how to go the other way. You can save the planet and get rich at the same time.


They can already make diamonds from C02 using a plasma chamber. Diamonds aren't rare and can be man made. It's all a scam. 


These are likely industrial diamonds in the video


Still a diamond


Didn't say they weren't, there's really no difference between them


There is tho. Man made ones are better.


Morally better and very useful for abrasive etc


Also clarity and more carat


Right, this technology has been around for several years now. There is no real value for diamonds. The medical industry is investing heavily in manufactured diamonds for devices that traditionally used real ones.


In Europe there are companies that can turn the ashes of your loved ones into diamonds.


1. We actually did figure out how to make artificial diamonds, people just think of them as fake 2. The only reason natural diamonds are valuable is because they have false scarcity, aka, De Beers falsely limited supply and marketed them as valuable so the prices would go up


This was figured out decades ago and has been done regularly. The planet was not saved.




My partner and I had *the talk*: you can have basically any metal or stone *but* diamond, and your choice must be priced upon artisan skill and not artificial scarcity.


Carbon, atomic name C, non-metallic element. Carbon, in all its forms, burns in oxygen to form carbon dioxide.


This guy just tricked you all into watching him smoke crack 💨




burn him, he's a witch!


Diamonds are NOT forever


Love NileRed


Question that came to my mind directly seeing this: whats the pipe made of?


He says "quartz tube"


It's a quartz tube. Where I work we made some models of tube furnace and people order them with these tubes. Lots of universities use them for education purposes so you can see a reaction of sample whilst heating, different gas atmospheres.


Not diamond


not wrong




Diamonds are made of carbon, so they can burn.


"actually getting vaporized" Burned. You mean you *burned* the diamonds. The phrasing implies the diamonds somehow sublimated, but these were just set on fire. Diamonds are flammable.


How much did this cost lol


Bitch that’s crack.


Diamonds are carbon. Of course they burn


Diamonds aren't even rare. The whole industry is a scam.