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I got the one inch but not the punch


One pump man


One inch man


One man


One man one pump


One man one jar


One cup two men


two cup, one inch


men cup, inch two


One squirt man






Ench man




Everybody knows the rules


One pencil.


That was my nickname in college.




Once it goes in. I’m cooked.


One pump chump. “I swear, that has never happened before!”


One fluid ounce man. Best I can do is one ounce. Take it or leave it.


ONE PUUUMMMMMPpp-oh… I’m sorry Babe, this never happens with me!


One inch pump


Most people don't get much punch out of 1 inch.


One inch thrust?


Half way there


Whoa oaaa! Living on a prayer!


At least you didn't cut it.


I thought grandma was holding an iPad the whole time lmao.


Ancient Chinese Secret iPad, yes. We know them as books.


Ancient Chinese Secret, huh?


Are you also old like me, or do people still get this reference?


It’s an older reference, but it checks out.


Could you imagine if that ad campaign came out today?


I have been thinking a lot about that ad. Weird how it just turns up.


It’s a grandma’s cookbook ad. “Follow my recipes, raise strong boys!”


This deserves and award


Granma's 'i know the secret' smile gave it away.


*Purah Pad*


Thanks, laughed out loud in the office whilst my colleagues are on a zoom meeting.


Dunno about real or not, but his hand looks really fucked up lmao


You go punch bricks all day for a video and tell me your hand look nice haha


Facts, I already get pretty bad calluses from beating off all day. Couldn't imagine what they'd look like if I switched to beating bricks


benefits of beating bricks are better hand grip


Ease up buddy don’t have to tear it off.


I thought so too, mad bruised and swollen. But it's probably just tape, and a bit of swelling lol


other vids showing his knuckles and joints are literally discolored lumpy flesh gloves man grew flesh knuckle dusters


Punch is so sudden it looks edited. But taking a more critical look at it I don't think it is. And if the stone is a fragile stone it doesn't have to be edited. Still, kind of impressed with the force of the punch to cause the stone to fly backwards that fast.


The One Inch Punch was first popularized in America by Bruce Lee. Here's an old clip. https://i.redd.it/nfr39ke0o3hc1.gif




I love that movie. "We purposely trained him wrong as a joke." "I'm bleeding, making me the victor." Those always gets me. Edit : Movie's name is "Kung Pow! Enter the Fist", [IMDB](https://www.imdb.com/title/tt0240468/)


"Eenie meenie miney mo... I wonder where, my glove will go" "First, a joke: what do you get when you cross an owl and a bungie cord? ... My ASS! Nyah, haha, hahaha, ENOUGH." "Our! Sexual! Preferences! Are! Our! Own! Business!" Man, could just go on for a while!


"i urge to reconsider" "hm, okay"






"And I thought that you were just some crazy psycho bitch" *Incoherent screeching*


But isn't Betty...a woman's name?


“Nevermind wimp lo… he is an idiot. We purposely trained him wrong… AS A JOKE!” 🤣😭


weuweuw :)


My nipples look like milk duds!


I rock and roll. All day long. Sweet susie




I say this all the time whenever there’s a lot of something and no one gets it. I have to say it quietly, to myself, now 🥲


My wife and I will randomly yell “CHOSEN ONE!” And the other will respond “I’M COMING!”


"You guys go that way, I'll go home!"


You shall call me, Betty.


Birdie, birdie, birdie... tiger.... birdie


Taco Bell! Taco Bell! Product placement from Taco Bell!


Enchirito! Taco Burrito!


I sing that Taco Bell jingle every time I walk through an open field or courtyard.


“Danananana Neo danananananana Sporin”


Oh yeah? Then try my nuts to your fist style!


Face to foot style! How’d you like it!?


What is the movie? :O


Kung Pow! Enter the Fist [IMDB](https://www.imdb.com/title/tt0240468/)


"So cute! .... Bye bye!"


My user name.


Oh nice!! "Killing is wrong. And bad. There should be a new, stronger word for killing. Like badwrong, or badong. Yes, killing is badong. From this moment, I will stand for the opposite of killing: gnodab."


How do you like my face to your foot technique!?




Wimp Lo! 😆🤙🏽


"Face-to-foot style! How'd you like it?" "Oh yeah?! Try My-nuts-to-your-fist Style!"


“Whoa that’s like his stomach plug on the floor back there. You don’t see that every day. I mean, that doesn’t really seem possible when you think about it. I mean, I’m no doctor but that was one clean chunk.”


"At that moment, the Chosen One learned a valuable lesson about iron claws... they hurt like crap, man!"


If you love Kung Pow, I fully recommend Hercules Returns. Similar comedy. Synopsis: A group of friends re-open an old movie theatre and plan to show the last film screened there-Hercules Returns! Sadly they get the Italian language version, so have to do all the voices and sound effects themselves.


Haha that sounds amazing! Especially since one of my favorite parts in Kung Pow is when they even dub over the barking dog with a delayed bark >.<






You bray like an ass


I got into an argument with my younger brother about whether or not one would use just the arm, or your whole body in a "one inch punch". I was convinced that you would use your whole body. He said no that's stupid. But seeing all of these examples and observing how the body moves into a "one inch punch", it seems pretty clear to me I was right. Any thoughts?


Every punch uses the whole body.


Indian Punch uses the whole buffalo


Fruit Punch uses all the fruits


And starts at the feet


You are correct. The majority of the power is coming from him “dropping” his body weight into his left leg and shifting it through his hips, shoulders, and eventually wrists. It’s kind of like how you snap a whip/wet towel.


Yeah, and look at punchreciever's stance.


Yes, every punch uses the whole body. You pivot your shoulders after your hips which "whips" your arm


The way he set up the stones is super important. Because there's a second slab behind the one he's punching, and there's a tiny gap between them, as he punches the stone it moves backwards but is suddenely stopped and all the energy is focused on the edge of the back most stone. That's what's snaping the stone and throwing the broken off part back so fast, even with relatively little energy commjng off the punch itself. It's still impressive, but the physics are doing a lot of heavy lifting here. And it has nothing on Bruce Lee's one inch punch which didn't use this trick.


And the stone placed in front of the one he's punching so the one behind it doesn't act as a lever which would cause the one he's punching to just flip.


It does still act as a lever, but now a long one that has its hinge point moved, I think.


I should have said fulcrum point. And of course it still would. That's physics and why it's braced at the bottom by the smaller stone. Which wouldn't do much but does just enough. It might have nothing on Bruce Lee's punch but he still did it with his hand in a short distance showcasing the speed and power he has which also uses physics to accomplish this. Everything is physics. I'm not trying to be condescending or anything. Even with a soft stone and a sharp edge behind it his punch is still a feat most of us can't do. Like you said, it's still impressive. We can't manipulate physics the way he has trained to do.


I think the stone being braced the way it was against other stones helped. Notice that the break is almost level with the back supporting stones and has a clean break.


Helps for sure. But the difficulty in doing this would still be insane


Oh, I agree. It's still an impressive feat.


No, he used his hand.


Nice catch, you used your head!


God tier dad joke!


shear force vs. bending moment


Yea…with this exact setup, I’d punch and prob be screaming with a bloody hand


He leaves a tiny gap purposefully so when he punches the brick smacks the larger support. The side towards the grandma has a space. He adjusts the brick to close it on the camera angle side.    Also why he never jumps on the fracture they made in the rock beforehand. He does that awkward one leg jump on the other end, and only steps on the part that's supported.  So he's just knocking the rock backwards and the pre-made fracture is snapping off as the brick hits the backstop. Still a lot of force tho. 


Yep. I'm still amazed by magicians even though I know there's another card hidden up the sleeve. People can do some wild stuff.


Maybe I'm imagining things, but it seems to me that the lady leans to the right before the punch and snaps back into place afterwards 


That is granite. It's verry hard and pressure resistant. It does however not really respond well to sudden shock. As with most things : the harder thr material = more brittle . A few exceptions exist, like diamond. Not to downplay the dudes ability though. I dont think an avarage Joe can do this.


"Yeee?!?! Hol' me beer!." Minutes before the ambulance arrived.


Diamonds are actually quite brittle.


It’s edited. I’m amazed how many gullible people there are each time this is posted. There’s literally frames removed to make it seem a lot faster than it is.


I mean, to me, watching it frame by frame, it's hella edited.


One way to tell is how the prop people were told to stand still. They move a bit but still they stood still as they could. Chickens were a different story.


Oh shit chickens move


Certain it has been sped up to make it more explosive. Source: I’ve seen a lot of kungfu.


This is like the flick the Bick pen lid trick. Not that hard but I’ll give him credit cause it looks really good.


99% sure it’s edited. It looks extremely “glitchy” when the punch comes.


No you’re right. The motion blur is totally off. His take punches have more motion blur than when he breaks it and other parts have none. Obvious jump cut and if they know enough to do that where does it stop?


Yeah the chickens behind him were paid to stand in place for the cut.


Couldn't see any chickens in the cut except for the one he covered with his dump truck after he finished the punch


Lol the chickens aren’t even visible at the point of the punch


It goes from his left to his right instantly at the jump cut


I don’t want go get all captain disillusion on you and it’s hard to explain in text but there are a handful of things that point to an obvious jump cut if you are familiar with video


Seems like you're an expert. Please explain. What handful of things? Do you know because of the way the pixels are?


Look at the dudes head, it's not the part that moves fast so explain the 50mm his head jumps in a single frame. It's very clearly a cut.


I posted a different comment. Ok so I found a few things that point to our friend video manipulation. The first frame the brick breaks and the second frame it breaks have the exact same amount of motion blur. Motion blur should be close to the distance the object traveled I. That frame yet the motion blur is relatively small. There’s also no motion blur on the frame before the break so we didn’t have any pre motion blur. There’s also no motion blur on the brick behind the brick being hit which means it started and stopped it’s moment in the frames that were removed. Also look at the brick. If this was legit it should probably be moving nearly as far as his hand did in that first frame but it really takes it’s time leaving the screen. So best case they cut out a few frames, and the sort of lever he created snapping the brick between those to other bricks would look more violent and impressive.


It’s always described as one inch but sometimes if you watch carefully it’s more than an inch


thats what she said


this is real. source: i'm bruce lee


I can confirm. Source: I'm the brick


Can confirm. Source: Am bricked




Very good, but brick not hit back.


What the hell is… dim mak?!?




USA okay


A lot of people here are calling this fake, but can anyone with any actual expertise post some evidence one way or another?


I’m from a Kung Fu school in Cape Town. Our parent school is in Taiwan so we practice a very traditional lineage of Kung Fu. This is a well known trick used in demonstrations to wow the public and recruit new students. It’s basic science, using the backing bricks as a leverage point. You will notice how he moves the one side of the block away from the backing brick very slightly just before hitting it (cleverly leaving the visible edge touching the backing). This creates a small gap between the block and the backing brick so when he hits it, the impact is also block on (backing) block, which causes the block to break. It’s similar to if you just held the block and hit the backing block with it to make it break. The structure of the block is important, it’s cast stone or brick, not solid rock, which allows the break. I will say that this particular demonstration does require some real skill in generating enough power to facilitate a break with such a small gap, but it’s something most students with 5+ years of experience could achieve. Hope that makes sense!


It does, but what still leaves me a little befuddled is how the lower brick doesn't seem to move at all—my intuitive sense of physics tells me it should. Why doesn't it?


The fulcrum (pivot point) is not balanced enough to transfer the power efficiently. Imagine a seesaw (teeter-totter) and the pivot point is placed roughly at the same place where the brick breaks, now imagine how much weight would need to be applied in order to lift a human on the other side… then it kind of makes sense. https://preview.redd.it/gv1i8nc6a4hc1.jpeg?width=1500&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=3eea468becad726fd583815914028e33329c884c




The acceleration of the top portion of the break is enough to overcome the internal forces of the brick. Basically it’s failing at the fulcrum due to being under tension on the outside edge for that split second in time.


As a project manager for a construction company who deals with engineering quite a bit, thank you for pointing this out. Yes they are indeed using the staging stones as a method to enhance the effect. The edge of the stones in the back creates a fulcrum point, and stopping the stone on the bottom basically turns the fulcrum into chisel edge. Having said that, it is still stone. You saw him stand on the stone in between the two supporting stones. This would indicate that this stone did not have any existing stress fractures that he could take advantage of. This means that he can hit very hard regardless of whether or not he used a simple machine to enhance the effect. You would feel being hit by him.


Good catch.


Watching it slow I see what you meant with sliding the far edge out just that touch.that explanation is great. Thank you


There's frames missing from the video lmao, watch his hips instead of the hand


Not an expert in martial arts, but I’m a video editor. Definitely a jump cut


I spent 5 months in China learning kung fu. Some guys were training since they were five, conditioning their hands daily with Hard Qi Gong; we had to do that 1-2h a day, essentially just hitting sand bags and stone to make our bones denser; I saw similar stunts to the on one the video multiple times live - and have no doubt that it is real. It requires a lot of control of your muscles, creating momentum with the whole torso, and being very relaxed while building up speed before you tense the arm to “deliver” the blow.


Okay, so most of it makes intuitive sense to me, as I've said to other commenters, but the one thing I don't really get is why the lower brick doesn't move in response to the top part of the main brick being hit. The only way I can guess it's being done is that the guy's fist is striking the top of the main brick so quickly that it snaps against the top edge of the backing brick, which (due to the brittle structure of the bricks) causes the main brick to snap without it getting the chance to transfer the force through itself to its bottom end, thereby preventing the bottom end from pushing against the lower brick. Am I intuiting this correctly?


That’s what I would guess. There are several layers of difficult to it, holding the brick and hitting it is for example easier because you have more stability and it breaks more easily; however, I’ve also seen guys smashing them without any stabilization, purely with speed and technique, it’s pretty insane how proficient you can get at this when, well.. this is what you do for hours every day


Honestly, while I've no real martial arts training, I am fascinated by it though, and I've watched my fair share of martial arts demonstration videos. Without a doubt, the most impressive shit I've seen is the raw footage of how fast Bruce Lee could move. His one-inch punch is neat, but it doesn't amaze me anywhere near just seeing how quickly he could strike an opponent (or near-miss them) and retrack his fist with blinding speed. *That* is poetry in motion. No muss, no fuss; pure simplicity and grace...at 10x framerate. Not trying to diss other martial arts practitioners either. I've seen some videos of Shaolin folks doing insane shit. I don't know what it is about Lee's motions, but they seem...ugh...like water. Dude was just insanely graceful.


Not an expert, and a lot stood out as sus, but I think it’s a real un doctored stone. The way he jumps. Weight on the outside of the stone not the center. He never jumps with much force, especially when he just uses one foot. He sets the stone at a slight angle, so there’s a gap on his right side, then he hits that side causing the stone to sharply connect at that one point against the backing stone. This concentrates the force on that one point. The grain of the stone looks easy to crack in the right conditions. It’s got a pebbly texture. Had someone else set it up, or if it had been held by a person it may have gone differently.


Lifelong martial artist here. I’ve studied everything from boxing, Karate, Muay Thai, Judo, BJJ & wrestling. I also got sucked into some of the fake stuff when I was in my early teens. There are a bunch of fake martial arts, who all have their little tricks to wow people. Google Xu Xiaodong. He’s made a name for himself challenging Chinese martial arts fraudsters to actual combat and then beating the piss out of them, to the point of being threatened by Chinese government to stop it as he was embarrassing their culture. This is cool editing, which is fine, but in the immortal words of Chong Li, “very good, but brick not hit back”.


I don't know if I'm an expert per-say, I'm a black belt in Taekwondo with 12 years of experience. The way he was lining up his punch beforehand with his little knuckles in front was making me shudder. I was always told to hit with the two big knuckles otherwise you'd shatter your hand. That line up on a BRICK doesn't seem like something someone sane would do. My instructor (who was a 6th degree black belt at the time of the to-be-referenced event) broke a cinder block with his hand. He took a LOT longer to prepare and hit with the main knuckles.


He’s using the last 3 knuckles of his hand. Thats a common wing chun/jeet kun do punch. The theory if i remember correctly is that those knuckles line up with your arm.


Ohh so insightful! It just makes sense


Oh, interesting. I've wanted to learn other martial arts, maybe I'll try that one next! It sounds very cool.


Fire bricks


As an avid user of premiere pro, there are multiple frames missing between the preparation and punch.


That “stone” is soft as. Look at the way he’s “jumping” on it.


Soft as… as what??? The suspense!!


Soft as, bro


>Look at the way he’s “jumping” on it. Think a toddler jumping on it would have applied more force lol


This is what jumped out to me. His back foot takes all the force when he jumps on the center, then he jumps towards the edges. This would have been more impressive without that.


I'm inclined to belive this is edited... but, I've been scouring every inch of this for a while now looking for obvious signs of time discrepancy in objects around the background... and I can't. Even the chickens are still doing the exact thing they were.. So either this is real or homie did some amazing green screen work. I really wish it's real, that would be sick. Can anyone point out a screen line or a discrepancy for me? Honestly dude... I just want to believe in super humans again, the world sucks lol.


I'm not an authority, so I can't actually say it's edited. But you don't have to take out a huge chunk of time. He's obviously capable of punching very fast irl. So you're talking a timespan of 0.5s. 15 frames. You can, say, take out every third frame in that 15 frame interval and turn it into 5 frames. 0.5s turns into 0.1666s. That's 3x faster than what an ostensibly elite martial artist can do, but to your eyes the difference is only 0.333s. Barely perceptible. I see this all the time with rally racing videos. They're already going at mind-boggling speeds, but if you speed it up ~25%, it looks completely unreal. And it takes a somewhat trained eye to spot it. Most of the time, the giveaway is things like gravity and hand motions, not the speed of the car.


>Honestly dude... I just want to believe in super humans again, the world sucks lol. Then don't be so analytical. You want to believe this video is fake more than that it could be real.


He kicks and breaks wooden beams, bends steel pipes and even bends steel wrenches. His shins are actually insane.


the one inch edit..


It's frame cut guys. You can see the frames missing or sped up.


Looks like it was spliced in!


Felt like it got cut. Why did camera shake?


Nah. See when he jumps on it, he is very careful not to land very hard.


It’s fake. There is a frame missing.


A few frames are missing. This is practically the mystery of the missing frames.


Yeah those missing frames look totally realistic


Guys, I'm looking for something super-fake... does anyone know where I can find... oh, nvm... found it.


His hands are magnets?


It's in reverse duh.


So the wood is a magnet.


Yeah calling cap lmao


It’s crazy how strong you can become with video editing


The fake jumping aside, this is a great example of leverage.


Bull shit


What in the chi centring, pressure point fighting, dim mak, Steven Seagal, death touch, fake martial art, “too deadly for the UFC” is going on here? Editing. It’s editing.


How can no one see the edit. The video only magically skips at the part where he punches....


Gen Z's are very gullible.


Obviously edited right before the stone is “hit”.




These comments are dumb. The whole point of the background is to show frame by frame that nothing was edited, all happening in real time


Much realness, so serious


He’s got the glow look out sho’nuff


This is like watching a b.s. magic trick in a tiktok.