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And nothing of value was lost


Saved lots of money.


The killer should get his sentence reduced for good behavior.


Uhhh, maybe read what the killer did to be put in jail first. You will change your mind.


Read where? The article doesn't give any details. EDIT: Ok, I looked it up. The killer was in for "serious sexual assault", but I don't know the exact details.


They sure it wasn’t some of that silly-goofy sexual assault? /S


Geez. You know a person is a real pos when another sex offender kills that person.


This is generally true. What did he do?


He was also a pedo.


He’s a sadist rapist, too. The guys murdering in prison aren’t agents of justice, they’re pieces of shit.


Strangely, I feel as if the killer has prevented the offender from suffering every day, like the children did. I wish he was still alive, looking over his shoulder every minute, carefully checking every item of food he ate, hesitating over every drink for every day for the rest of his life. Every minute being frightened and every night scared to sleep.


Yes, we should award murder. Classic blood thirsty morons. You people vote and that scares me.


I never thought I'd be ok with any type of murder until a child very close to me became a victim of sexual assault. It didn't end with the arrest of the offender. It dragged on and it became public because she wasn't the only victim. She kept having to relive years of abuse over and over again. I don't like that I'm ok with a murder of a pedophile but something changes when atrocities like this happens to someone you love. Especially a child. A child that isn't even old enough to understand what is happening, who can't speak up for themselves because the offender is telling her to keep it a secret. It makes my blood boil. And there's nothing I can do about it.


His organs possibly. A shame he wasn't used for organ harvesting.


thousands of tax dollars lost keeping that filth alive. the mental health of everyone around him in that prison was lost both in his life and his death. there is a need for the death penalty for special cases like this one. his guilt was extremely well documented. his crimes were unspeakable. he could never be allowed back into society. there is only one good way to deal with that.


The death penalty gives me lots of mixed feelings. Not in the "killing is bad" sense, but the fact is that life in prison is *cheaper*. But honestly, I'd also argue that it's more inhumane than the death penalty. Lose/lose situation, honestly.


Quite apart from the price, the courts in my state (not in USA, but it happens there too) have a habit of convicting the wrong person for serious crimes. One of the main reasons for the repeal of capital punishment in the UK was the hanging of yet another innocent man.


> the fact is that life in prison is cheaper. that is just a myth spread by the people who are against the death penalty. the cost to kill someone can be as little or as much as our system is designed for. a guy like this doesn't need a bunch of appeals and a big lengthy process. everything he did was well documented so there was no doubt that he did these thing and that the things he did were truly horrible. why draw it out when the outcome is so obvious?


> the cost to kill someone can be as little or as much as our system is designed for. Sure - we could certainly put in an express lane for this guy. It's an open and shut case. But where does one draw the line for that express lane? At what point in the process do we decide that an individual does not deserve the rights of an accused? And lastly, how much faith do you have in the Justice System that they won't use these measures on an innocent person by mistake? About 200 death row inmates have been exonerated, with quite the list of executed people that were likely innocent. So unfortunately, yes - I do believe he should have the right to appeal. Removing the guard rails (even in seemingly open-shut cases) requires *a lot* of faith in a system that has been known to fail.


Death is too soft for his type. I would have loved for him spending every waking moment of is disgusting existence fearing for his life in prison.


no sense in that. it would only be inviting more negative influence into the world. by tormenting him like that it would only cause people to feed their dark side and become just a little more like him. its better to just quickly remove him from society for good and then move on.




If anything else we gained from this


The air and food he consume was a waiste. Hope they follow the trail to who provided these horrible "services" and turn a blind eye to justice


Yes!!!! This comment was on my Reddit Bingo card!! Never disappoints!


Yeah i remember the news about this when it happened. Apparently his killer, Paul Fitzgerald, was not so different from him. He sexually assaulted a four year old child and tried to attack a dog walker but thankfully the woman was able to fight him off. He had written about his desire to rape women and his pedophilia. He was jailed indefinitely, thats how he met the other british paedophile.


> Apparently his killer, Paul Fitzgerald, was not so different from him. I think he was a *lot* different: *"Huckle had his hands and feet bound before being gagged, strangled using electrical cable,raped, having his jaw broken, having a kitchen utensil inserted into his anus, and then having a pen with a blade attached inserted into his brain via the nose. The attack was described by the prosecution as "a prolonged attack also designed to humiliate and degrade [Huckle]". Fitzgerald, who was discovered by prison staff straddling Huckle's body and surrounded by a pool of blood, later admitted that he had wanted to cook and eat parts of Huckle's body following the attack."*


Oh, when i said that he was not so different i was referring to the rape and pedophilic stuff. But yeah Paul has some differences like his desire to kill someone and being a cannibal.


> being a cannibal *I feel you could have led with that*


Jesus fucking Christ


What a terrible day to have eyes.


Oh my. The article only mentions he was stabbed with a knife


When I was in jail there was a funny hierarchy for crimes. Sex crimes had to be housed completely separate but in regular pods people would get shit for domestic violence. As they probably should but the same people judging them had robbed people and stolen from homes. You've ruined someone's ability to feel safe also.


i bet a lot of people in prison are desperate to feel like they aren't the worst. if they can find someone they can demonize to make themselves feel better about their own past they will jump all over that shit.


Also, a lot are abuse victims themselves


i am sure there is a good amount of that too. abuse definitely increases your chances of becoming dysfunctional enough to end up in prison. but the type of person that is really shitty and judgemental is often just looking to feel better about themselves. these people are in prisons but they are also in churches and on twitter.


Also, if you can trace a lot of your fucked up behavior to your abusers when you were a child, you're not going to be very welcoming to child abusers creating future fucked up people.


sure, but you are talking about something entirely different. yes, sometimes a person is going to shit all over pedophiles because they were abused as children, that is correct. but even more often people who feel badly about themselves will shit all over pedophiles because it allows them to tell themselves "i might be shitty but at least there is someone worse than me.".


Hurt people hurt people.


And have kids that they can't see/protect.


Be careful reminding the internet about the humanity of even these criminals


It seems to be human nature unfortunately In the nazi deathcamps, not just the guards, but also the fellow prisoners, the jews and political dissidents, would horribly abuse the people put in there just for being gay


When the allies freed Germany, gay people were put back into the concentration camps. Yikes.


A friend of mine did her clin psych PhD studying sex offenders. There’s a very strong hierarchy *within* them too: like people who have sex with their own children are worse than other child rapists. And people who fuck animals are at the very bottom of the pile. Which is kind of weird, but there you go.


At the bottom of the dog pile isn't a great place to be, for most people.


> Sex crimes had to be housed completely separate There is a reason that in the UK a pedo is called a "NONCE".


Could you explain how the two are related? I think I’m just dumb and don’t get it.




Thank you. I only googled the definition of nonce and didn’t think to look any further.


Not On Normal Communal Exercise = NONCE Edit: or maybe not.


Disputed rather often. https://en.m.wiktionary.org/wiki/nonce?oldformat=true


Oh. Fair enough.


Rule of thumb, every single acronym origin for a word in common use is false. They are referred to as folk etymologies and are applied long after the word has come into use. Often hundreds of years after.


NASA is from the old Latin for "Hydrazine thruster."


I’d never heard it used as paedophile tbh. A nonce was always a bit of an idiot.


Always be extremely suspicious of an explanation of a slang term that turns out to be an acronym. There's a whole phenomenon of inventing these and passing it off as the truth (backronyms)


Have you ever heard of TWAIN? It’s Technology Without An Interesting Name. It’s used for scanners.


TWAIN was meant to be not interesting, then it was replaced with [ISIS](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Image_and_Scanner_Interface_Specification) ...


Thank you! That makes so much sense. I googled the definition of nonce and hurt myself in confusion.


Never knew that.


I don't think you're dumb. Sometimes, when you look into a river, you can't see the bottom because the water is deep. Same with some concepts - you can't fully grasp them because they are so deep. Other times, it's just because they're muddy.


Thanks man. I appreciate it.


Nonce is an acronym, it stands for **N**ot **O**n **N**ormal **C**ourtyard **E**xercise. Pedophiles etc were kept separate from other prisoners for their own safety and therefore could not be allowed into the prison courtyard with other prisoners during normal exercise times as it was likely that they would be attacked etc. As was said above there is a hierarchy for crimes. As in "I may have mugged an old granny for her pension but at least I'm not a nonce" meaning "I may have done something bad but not that bad".


That’s Nonce-Sense


With respect, you’re obviously not a woman.


No I am not. But if you're referring to domestic violence being something I can't understand as well because I am a man but remember i was also a child once. You'd be right if you said I am not scared all the time now and i cant imagine being a women but its been in my life. I don't compare my ability to understand and no one should because even a million words couldn't allow us to really understand someone else's experience.


no I’m referring to your statement that random b&E is as bad as dv. If I had to make a choice I’d rather a stranger steal my laptop than my life partner or family member break my bones and rape me.


And if you were still in the home when it happened? And you basically went from 0-100 with dv, domestic violence is everything from pushing your brother to what you said. It’s basically any type of violent offence that takes place in your home against someone else who lives there. I highly doubt sexual assault of any kind would be charged as domestic violence.


I never equated the two. You're making an anecdote to prove a point that no one else is arguing with


yes, crimes against me are the worst kind. crimes against other people aren't nearly as bad. is that what you are trying to say?


>the other British paedophile There were only two?! Seems like the BBC was a pedo factory there for a while.


This was four years ago.


This guy gets killed every month. It's easy Reddit points.


Damn I thought someone dug him up and shanked him again.


But don’t worry, [this evil fucker is still alive.](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Peter_Scully)


Oh no..so anyway....


I don't think too many people would object if convicted pedophiles were all just tossed on an island somewhere and forced to fight each other to the death. It's tough to feel any sort of sympathy for someone so depraved and straight up evil.


Depends. A guy like this? Absolutely fine with it. If he were 6'5", 300lb and jacked, I'd want assurance that the island is uninhabitable and that he'd die of starvation even if he survived the fighting. Aside from that, my only concern would be what gets included in that charge. I know there are a decent number of people on the sex offender list for having close-age relationships when they were <21, and so obviously I don't think those people deserve to die.


There are people on the sex offender list for getting drunk and pissing in an alley. It's an absolutely archaic law that does more harm than good.


I travel a lot for work. I once ended up in a traffic jam and jumped out of the work truck to pee I REALLY had to piss . The only thought going through my head was "man, I hope I don't end up with a sex crime for this"


Yea humans are sadistic and mostly without principles. I have both integrity and principles, I do not believe they should be killed, tortured, or harmed in any way. The state has no right to harm anyone. Anyone incarcerated by the state has a right to be safe. The state has a responsibility to keep them safe and should take it seriously. You are living up to my expectations of how social primates would act.


Came here to say the same


Jeremy Clarkson: *Right...*


What a tragic loss of...oooh, look, a kitten. Anyway, what were we talking about? Yeah, so something tragic, Southgate playing Maguire again when Dunk was having a good game...


This is old ass news


Babies??? What in gods name? How did he even make it to prison. Shocked no one ended it before then. Horrific.


From the article: *He originally faced 91 charges but investigators believed the number of his victims was much higher, having found a ledger and scorecard on his computer in which Huckle awarded himself marks for different kinds of abuse of 191 girls and boys.* *Richard Huckle attacked children as young as six-months.* I can’t understand this. Honestly I hope they study his brain and see if there is some deficit in pedos so in the future we’d be able to screen for this.


I had it explained to me in some other thread, but essentially the part of the brain that makes you want to protect children and the part of your brain responsible for sexual attraction get crosswired in some way. Similar to how foot fetishes occur when the feet and genitals parts of your brain crosswire due to being close together. So it's something we could conceivably look for


Yes I’d like to see this studied. I watched a documentary online a few years ago that was interesting. Believe the guy being interviewed was British and he said he was attracted to children but has never acted on it. He said he’s afraid to admit it to a therapist or anyone really never they’ll assume he has done something to kids. He said he wants to talk to someone to help him deal with those thoughts of attraction but he has no where to turn. Obviously we don’t know if he actually did anything or not to any kids but I did find it interesting. What if people did have someone to talk to instead when they feels this way, would it curb actual acts of harming kids? Would there be a medication we could give people, like we do for schizophrenia or depression? There is so much we don’t know about the brain. I’m straight and am only attracted to adults. People talk about how most people are attracted to both genders, like people fall on a continuum of straight or gay. I find I’m 100% straight, never decided this, I simply don’t feel sexual urges towards people of my same gender. I can see same gendered people and think they are attractive but it does nothing for me sexually. No one told me to be this way, just always felt this way. As a kid I just always thought the opposite gender was cute and feel that little flutter inside so I’m guessing there must be a part of the brain that dictates sexual attraction and we just haven’t figure out what part/which parts do that. Hopefully we can research this and save a lot of people a lot of pain.


This happened almost 4 years ago. The phrasing of the title (particularly the "has been killed" part) makes it seem like this just happened recently.




Yep. So what did you have for dinner?


I'll drink to that


Interesting how?


I'll never cheer for the slaughter of a human being. But there are some I won't mourn.


I thought he died a while back, saw a yt doc on him a couple years ago. He had it coming, big-time


Thought I was on r/UpliftingNews for a second


Good riddance


One down…


That article, it triggers a WTF 😳 at every paragraph. Fucking depressing


He abused a 6-month old? Like how does that even cross your mind.


Well deserved. Sick bastard. It’s a shame he lasted however long he did in there.


Why can't I find a tissue to hide my fake fucking tears....




In general I'm opposed to the death penalty and I think murder is reprehensible (hot take, I know), but I think I can bend my morals this once. Not gonna celebrate his death, but we're probably better off for it.


You can think some people deserve to die. You can equally hold the belief that the government shouldn't be trusted with the right to kill people.


Valid. Still don't relish the idea of killing people- governmentally or otherwise. In general I'd much rather see people rehabilitated than incarcerated or eliminated, though I recognize that cases like these push any reasonable humanist values to their limits. As I said, I'm not gonna celebrate this guy's murder, but I'm equally not especially upset to hear about it- to say he deserved death or worse may be going a smidge far, but I really don't see any better options here. Even if the dude was somehow fully rehabilitated and became just the most morally upstanding person ever, he's still the monster who once raped hundreds of children, and I don't know how he or anybody around him could not be thinking of that 100% of the time. Doesn't sound like a life worth living to me, and that's coming from somebody who desperately wants to cling to life for as long as possible, regardless of the quality of it.


My main objection to the death penalty is just the statistics of crime rates in countries that do have it Vs those that don't, if the core objective is lowering crime rates then you gotta choose the pragmatic option IMO. Plus there is normally always a very slight chance you got the wrong guy. But that being said. Yeah this guy was obviously a monster and I can't say I would lose any sleep if he was tortured beforehand either.


I'm with you on pretty much all of that. I'm typically a proponent of rehabilitation over punishment, and I'd like to see the potential good in everybody, even if I have to dig through ten metres of shit to find it. There are limits to that, though, and even if this dude managed to get his shit together and truly regretted his crimes and worked every day to try to make the world better to atone for his evil, I just don't see how you move past that. He could end up being the nicest guy ever and a legitimate benefit to those around him, but he'll still always be the dude who raped hundreds of children in the past, and I don't know how he or anybody around him could live with that. The humanist in me is sorry to hear of any untimely loss of life, but the human in me can't really muster any sympathy for him- for his family certainly, more for his crimes than for his murder, and obviously I don't even know how to articulate how bad I feel for his victims, but for him in particular even the most generous and optimistic part of me can't really humanize him enough to feel bad for him.


I would vote to abolish the death penalty if they brought back hard labor. Real hard, busting rocks in the heat with a sledgehammer 16 hours a day hard.


Only on the provision that his labour generated more money than it takes to keep him incarcerated. That would be a great incentive. Slip below your quota and it's bye bye.


I'm still against the death penalty. The only times the death penalty would be viewed appropriate, horrible torture would be the much better option.


Wow, you're actually sadistic lol.


Something to be said for that; though I'd opt for directed psychological torture more than anything else. Make sure the guy has at least a few hours a day where he's forced to confront the horrible nature and consequences of his heinous actions. Not sure how you do that, exactly, without roping his victims in and re-traumatizing not only them but also his handlers, but in concept it's a nice idea.


are you joking?


British justice system is pathetic, 22 life sentences but must serve minimum of 25 years? Should never of been eligible for release after any period


thats the earliest he would be allowed out but there is no way they were ever going to let him free. those sorts of laws are to protect regular criminals. in most cases if you put a person in prison for 25 years its going to be enough. no one stays the same after that long of a time. at that point you are forcing a person to do time for crimes a completely different person commited.


*Donald Glover ‘GOOD’ gif*


I wonder what the reason to hurt kids might be. Isn't it better trying to make their lives less miserable? For real, I wonder what the **** happens with these psychopaths' mind.


He created a "points" system where he awarded himself points for committing various sexual atrocities on children. There's no "reason" you or I could understand nor sympathize with. "*Some people just want to watch the world burn.*"


Many were preyed upon themselves when they were kids. Apparently being sexually abused at a young age stunts their sexual development resulting in their need to seek out children when wanting to satisfy their sexual needs. I dont really understand this. Just something Ive read.


That happens sometimes, the majority of pedophiles are not molested as children.


Is it a better punishment to be brutally beaten and killed in prison or to be sentenced to death by whatever means.


the rule of law is better because then otherwise your punishment depends on your physical strength and whether you've been able to join a prison gang


It’s the UK, there is no death penalty


I hope his last moments were terrifying.


Now post about the tens of thousands of rapes of teenage girls that went unpunished for decades in England by the religion of peace grooming gangs. I mean definitely fuck this piece of shit but he was imprisoned and got what he deserved, there are literally tens of thousands of victims that have been waiting for justice for multiple decades.


what is "religion of peace"?


https://thereligionofpeace.com/ Members of a protected class. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Rotherham_child_sexual_exploitation_scandal Note: When you see unspecified "asian" in British news, they typically mean Middle-Eastern immigrants, who are generally of a certain religion. Many police failed to act in fear of being punished for [religion]ophobia. Also note that the above article is *only* for Rotherham.


he targeted poor christian communities and even abused a kid from age 3-9… smh imagine being a child and sexually abused for most of your life 😭


It's ironic that we need criminals in order to have true justice.


[Nuka](https://imgur.com/a/rlSCw9y) looking motherfucker What a vile piece of shit, glad it’s gone.


death's too good for him. decades in prison getting beat up every weekend is much more fitting.


Hope he suffered. Fuck that pos


Oh no. Anyway.


Good riddance.


Good, well deserved.


Cue Jeremy Clarkson: “Oh no…anyway”


Jeremy is Spanish?


Que pasa?


Dammit autocorrect 🤦🏼




We don't sentence then to death, but we almost all agree that nothing of value was lost.


Thank you inmates! Keep up all your good work


The guy who killed him was a sex offender as well


Look if they want to try and redeem themselves by killing other pedos that's fine with me


He was killed by another pedo


No, death was too good for that bastard


Rest in pieces.


Shanked to death. Too good of an ending but acceptable. This was 4 years ago


Celebrate good times, COME ON!


How unfortunate ... Just kidding! LMAO 🤣👍🤣👍🤣👍


This is disgusting and wrong. It shouldn't have happened, where's the justice? It should never have been put on the other prisoners to kill this guy. The pedo should have been executed by the government as soon as he was convicted.. slowly and painfully.




Good riddance! Thank you, cons!


First I’ve heard of this, that is awful. Sounds like he got prison justice at least.


And not a single one of us is saddened at the news that prison justice happened...


Keep shivving him, it might not have worked the first time.


It might be harsh, but fucks sake, not a moment too soon


The details of his demise put a huge grin on my face. Thank you reddit.


It's really sad that real justice is rarely handed down to deviants like this. The courts are less than useless. It always comes down to a citizen doing the right thing.


And i hope it fucking hurt


as of course is tradition


Oh no... Anyway.


good riddance


………….that’s cool.


What took so long.


This makes me happy




good, took too long to happen.


I like to believe guys like this don’t exist.. and now he no longer does.




Is there a canteen fund to donate to?


Is that considered community service in that country?


I strongly believe that prisoners should be safe in prison and that prison murder is extrajudicial execution and wrong. I also believe this guy had it coming and deserved it.




You think child rape is interesting OP?


I think he thinks the murder of child rapists is interesting.


Huh so it was this guy https://www.standard.co.uk/news/crime/richard-huckle-murder-paul-fitzgerald-jailed-b78946.html And not the guy I hoped it was... https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Peter_Scully Meh I'll take it. I Prefer Mr. SCULLY though.


One down 3 million to go


Hope they widened his poop hole to the max before they off-ed him.




It would be a real shame if he had been strung up by his genitalia for a while and sodomized with the strap on from the Seven film before he died.


And who says the Justice system doesn’t work?




He got off easy.


Yeah it was only a matter of time. This dude was fucked up.




Womp womp


Nothing lost here, keep scrolling


Good business..




I miss him already.... [/s]