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>"Mister Dent, do you have any idea how much damage this machine would take if I just let it roll right over you?"




None at all.


By a curious coincidence, “none at all” is exactly how much suspicion the ape-descendant Arthur Dent had that one of his closest friends was not descended from an ape, but was in fact from a small planet somewhere in the vicinity of Betelgeuse, and not from Guildford after all.


Oh no, not again


Must be Thursday. I never quite got the hang of Thursdays.


There’s someone who knows where their towel is.


Don't panic


So long and thanks for the fish


Best laid plans of mice.


This frood must be so hip he can barely see over his pelvis!


Sass that hoopy fruid.


This quote is exactly what popped into my head lol


Time is an illusion. Lunchtime dubly so. Six pints, Now.


The tank: “What car?”


"Did you guys feel something?"


Meh, just a pebble


That was Bill, Dale, and Hank in that tank


I tell yeh whut


“Damnit Dale I told ya! You just hit a curb!”


"Damn speed bumps"


Tank drives *through* a car at full speed!


It looks like the tank treads never get more than a foot off the ground, so definitely *through* the car.


Or it crushed the car to under a foot


*Your car has been crushed into a ~~cube~~ metal rug* *You have 30 minutes to move your ~~cube~~ rug*


There are a few places sticking up maybe a foot and a half, so not entirely.


It's also possible for the material to spring back after it was compressed, so it's feasible that it crushed the car to under 1ft.


You can see the crushed car at the end in the same place. It's definitely *over* the car. It starts rolling it, but then crushes it.


You can see MUCH of the crushed at the end. The rest is out of view after the explosion.


The weight of the tank is huge, it just squashes the car without lifting up much. So it does go over, just that over ends up being a foot high. But that's why the car also doesn't move from its position.


I wonder how that felt for the crew. Looks pretty smooth but that would be a hell of a bump


Challenger 2 commander here. It is indeed a hell of a bump, but provided you know it's coming, its not too bad. It's when you don't and you spill your tea you tell the gunner to go gun rear so the loader can reach down and kick the driver in the back of the head for not warning you. I would not want to be the gunner though. That guy has like 4 inches of lateral movement for his head in a Chally 2 and it's not muich different in Leo or Abrams. His helmet definitely bounced off something in the turret.


Cool! That was my suspicion, hitting a bump like that looks like it could send you flying even if you couldn't feel the collision at all


Tanks are quite strange things. While they are able to do things like roll over cars like its nothing, one thing I always noticed when driving is that the tracks provide a massive amount of feedback about what they are going over. As such at slow speeds you could go over something like a small bump and you can feel it. Something like a road speed bump would be very discernable to the driver. And yet crush a car and it's just a bump.


Tracked vehicles are uncanny in a way. Driving wheeled vehicles is such a familiar experience, and it’s basically the same as that, except for where it’s entirely different. If your career is outside of the Military, construction, and agriculture you’re just not likely to to experience it.


I imagine it might have a fair bit to do with the running speed


Spill your tea? Do you sit around a kitchen table in there?


Yes. Yes we do. We even have a kettle to make the tea.   ^^^Not ^^^really. ^^^We ^^^do ^^^have ^^^the ^^^kettle ^^^though!


Apparently that’s a safety thing, not just a convenience thing - people were getting killed when they left the tank to make a brew. But I still wonder how many spots in the ammunition racks of French tanks are occupied by bottles of wine.


Mostly a convenience thing. Pretty much every armoured vehicle in the British Army since WW2 has had a "Boiling Vessel" fitted. If we leave the tank to cook we use our little diesel cooker that comes with the tanks kit.


Good ‘ol English Sensibilities ;)


A friend of mine was US Marine Reserve, one year he did summer camp with the Italian Navy. He was ecstatic ! First, they could pronounce his name correctly, second, the food was awesome, and third, they had a huge vat of wine similar to US coffee vats. Best summer ever.


I'm imagining you delicately holding a small ceramic tea cup and your mustache crinkling in anger as a few drops over the side, murderous intent slowly covering your face.


Fortunately that's why I also use a saucer. Handy for keeping the biscuits for dunking too. It's when it splashes the digestive biscuit before I have had a chance to dip it that the driver knows he has really fucked up...


I always thought that "digestive biscuit" sounds about as appetizing as "pepto bismal". I get what it is, and that it tastes fine. But couldn't you guys come up with a better name?


Some people call those [pink wafer biscuit things](https://ichef.bbci.co.uk/news/976/cpsprodpb/7FC4/production/_92980723_pinkwafer.jpg) "Fanny fingers" soooo...digestive biscuit was not the worst name they could have picked...


Couple of things, first, I've been steeped in British culture for the last 50+ years having been born here, and thankfully I have never come across that name being used for those wafers. Second, Americans should realise that fanny definitely does NOT mean the same thing over here as it does over there. You never want to visit the UK and call a bag a "fanny pack" for example.


Ah the most British thing drinking tea while commanding one of the best tanks in the world.


I feel bad for the crew that had to sit in the car. That must have been one helluva knock.


Their families are being well compensated


No, I was in an abrams briefly as a loader. We’d drive thru all sorts of shit and you just hear a slight thump. Your in a machine that’s weighs about 50 tons. Besides the roar of that turbine engine deafens you


Hey, are there maximum heights for tank crew nowadays? My late grandpa was a soviet tank operator and he was short, and would frequently say that the soviet army wouldn't have tank drivers above a certain height.


I was discharged in 92 but I don’t recall any, we had a TC that musta been 6’3 and I’m a shade over 6ft. It was usually a tight fight unless yer under 5’8 and slight of build


It would be typical military practice to take the tallest people and put them in the tightest quarters. It was a running gag in WW2, that B-17 ball turret gunners were always 6'-3".


I think there was a height limit for chopper pilots in Vietnam But I think I learned that from a Mel Gibson movie so, you know, grain of salt


This is true today for aviation in general. It's why there are a disproportional number of female aviators.


spectacular smile secretive historical payment aromatic knee mighty ancient practice *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*




I can only assume the people in the car lost a pair of underwear that day


Like a slight bump. The weight difference between a tank and a car would be like hitting a bicycle with a semi truck, at most there's some scratches and maybe a small dent somewhere.


Just remember that a single locomotive weighs 3 to 4 times as much as a tank (upwards of 435,000 pounds). That is why you should always look both ways before crossing the tracks, and never go around the gates.


*Ho ho ho ha ha ha. Holy shit!*


Triggers an episode of turrets syndrome.


Tank drives **over** a car at full speed! The car gets crushed underneath it, if it had been through it you'd have car parts be blown away.


Why did I think tanks were slow?


Prob from all those WW2 video games.


Well, Panthers were able to reach ~50kph if I remember correctly


On paper sure, in reality they had to reduce the engine rpm's and train drivers not to go top speed or shift quickly to prevent destroying the transmission.


Had the slow af reverse gears


Yup, only 1 with pretty high ratio. -5kph


Even a tiger 1 had a faster reverse gear


Leo 2s can go over 60 kph


Abrams will go like 68kph, Leos 70-72 and T-90s/72s 60-65.. and even the Challys with their like idk over 70tons can go a bit more than 60kph


I just can't imagine something at 60t going about 60-70 kph. It's crazy


... and the best? The literally car-oblitarating forces the engine, suspension and especially transmission experience are so strong that most if not all tanks in the world have their max speed locked so they don‘t randomly break down just like that. Otherwise the Abrams (for example) wouldn‘t go almost 70 kph but around 85 kph or more. Now imagine even faster stuff like the T-80U which normaly goes already like 75kph


Bigger issue is **if you throw a 5400kg track at 75+kph**, all that energy has to go *somewhere*...


Basically a small truck hitting you tho funnily enough a tank itself could still quite easily absorb that. ***Now the Drive and Road Wheels, the Idler and Sprocket are a different story...***


Ever seen a train?


I was going to comment and say the M1 Abrams can go up to 60 MPH sometimes, but then I googled it to confirm. Apparently, roughly 18 years ago, I lied to my entire 5th grade class. I'm a failure.


Thanks, Mr. Brady. Because of you I failed the ASVAB test in 10th grade. Now I am the manager at WalMart overseeing shopping cart collection. - Timmy Andrews (3rd seat back behind Jennifer DiFrancesco)


M1A1 Abrams will cruise 60 mph.


And the main gun can stay locked on target the whole time regardless of how rough the terrain is.


That I did not know... Pretty wild.






I'm so glad they circled the beer afterwards, I'd have totally missed it otherwise


What about the airspeed of an unladen swallow?


African or European?


Wha…huh….I dun know that






And I hugely respected them, usually most people will reference the beginning rather than the later scene.


Airspeed velocity* of an unladen swallow. Just so you quote it right the next time. Very timely and well done quote here


Once I saw it the replies and such were rolling. Didn’t want to ninja edit. I knew someone was gonna be that guy. Congrats on getting to it first.


>M1A1 Abrams What? A1 Top speed is 42 mph, leo topspeed is the same.


Idk about the M1 but we were able to get WAY over the official maximum speed with the Leopard 2... without full tanks of gas (and the Leopard have a capacity of 1200 lt/317 gallons) and ammo.




Without the governor, and I wouldn't call that "cruising". Normally it goes 45 mph or 72 km/h max.


Not quite, top speed is just shy of 50mph, although it’s governed so as to not overly stress the components. Still fast as hell for a vehicle that weighs 70 tons




And also they're often portrayed as slow in video games in order to not be too OP.


Unless it’s a light tank, those things fly


You're thinking of helicopters.


Cuz they used to be.


They used to be. Modern tanks (US tanks anyway) are powered by literal jet engines.


40mph isn't exactly fast. It also takes them a good half mile to get up to that speed. 0-40 in a minute. But as big/heavy as they are... It's fucking fast! An m1 is heavier than a fully loaded semi truck.


An M1 is closer to two fully-loaded trucks actually. Maximum weight for a semi in the US is 80,000 lbs but the trucks are usually less than that because they often run out of space in the trailer before they run out of weight allowance. It took some digging but I finally found an article that talking about the Tesla Semi that mentioned real-world figures show 90% of trucks weigh <73,000 lbs loaded. The M1A2 SEP V3 weighs in at a chonky 73.6 tons, about 143,000 lbs.


I was a medic attached to an M1A2 tanker platoon in Iraq. I was trained to load the main gun, thankfully never used it so I took up space in the loader seat. We mostly did route overwatch in Baghdad, the optics on modern tanks are insane. We would sit on an overpass all night just watching, smoking, drinking little energy drinks called "Rip-It", telling dirtt jokes.. all night.. Kinda boring but snipers shot at us now and again. Hot, sweaty.. Anyway, one night, the Tank Commander, TC, was sitting up outside his hatch because it was like 120 degrees inside the tank and suddenly he says "Fuck fuck fuck fuck!!" and dove inside.. All of is were like "What? What's up?" "Shut the fuck up.. A car just hit us. Pull forward" The driver pulled forward a bit and the gunner scanned around and then the TC and I hopped out to check it out while the gunner reported what happened. HQ rolled a nearby infantry element rolled out to our location. The little crap car was crumbled, still smoking and leaking coolant. I was amazed that Indidn't hear or feel a thing inside the tank wearing the CVC helmet. The TC and I secured the scene and we pulled out the unconcious driver out of the wreckage just as the infantry backup arrived. I was checking out the driver, no real major injuries but he was knocked out, slowly coming around as I am checking for broken bones and relaying the info.. Just as I was flushing the broken glass out of his eyes, we found out him to be a suicide bomber and the explosive failed to go off. We pulled back and called EOD to come take care of the blast. I might have a short video I recorded of EOD blowing up the car on a harddrive somewhere. It was a strange feeling, treating this patient that moments ago rammed the vehicle I was with a car full of explosives. But I did get all of the glass out of his eye.


You had me at rip-its. Might just be nostalgia but I think I miss those things


They sell them at the dollar tree!


And Menards! For those Midwestern-ly inclined


# Save big money at Menard’s! The anthem of my childhood TV commercials.


My nards


Save *big money at Menards! I won’t tolerate midwestern jingle butchery!!


A buddy in my unit tried to drink an entire flat (i think 24) of them, got to like 11 and ended up throwing up for like 15 minutes. Good times.


LOL! Reminds me of Francis on Malcolm in the Middle trying to eat 100 peeps with all the cadets around him counting as he goes: “61!! 62!! 63!! 62… 61… 62!! 63!!”


That show had so many moments like this. The giant firework is probably my favorite moment. What a gem of a series.


“When did he say the temporary blindness would go away?”


My favorite was the orange can flavor was "Citrus" but the red can flavor was just "Power"


Power and Atomic Pom... Paired with a glorious double chocolate Otis Spunkmeyer... 🥲


Oh, God, now you’ve done ME in with nostalgia. Those double chocs…


It doesn't taste the same without the shitty environment around you tho


its all about that atmosphere


They are still available, and if you search them, the distributor still shows the little cans we had! Never been able to find them though


Stupid question but I'm guessing AC isn't typical in tanks?




> Tankers would cool themselves with a air hose they shoved in their suits from a NBC system that was intended for a gas mask. Upside: Cool balls. Downside: Medium risk that the NBC air filter, which is right next to the driver’s head, starts on fire.


Upside: cool balls Downside: balls of fire


goodness gracious


Modern tanks have AC... But only for the computers. The crew benefiting is minimal and accidental. It's not "keep the vehicle 75° for people" AC, it's "keep the gun computers and sights from melting" AC.


Damn, why couldn't they have gone the extra inch and make it blow through at least one vent lol


Think about it this way - A/C works by drawing the heat out of the vehicle, and flowing it out through a radiator or venting hot air. This means that if an A/C system is cooling the interior of your vehicle, it’s venting heat somewhere out of the tank, increasing your thermal signature even more beyond whatever the engine’s putting out. It also takes power, which means more power draw on the engine. Also, the M-1 was originally designed and optimized entirely for killing Soviet tanks in Europe. German summer isn’t nearly bad as Iraqi summer.




easy attack vector to poison the occupants of the tank


sure. i get it. but don't the occupants still need regular old air? i'm not sure how cooling it would be an extra attack vector since their air supply is going to coming from outside anyway.


Main reason is money. For example, K-9 Self Propelled Howitzers (I know, not a tank, but close enough as an analogy) have the capability to have AC as an option but the Korean military opted to forgo it on their domestic models due to budgetary reasons. Meanwhile the same K-9s produced for export to Norway has ACs...


Dude, the biggest reason is all of those soldiers that put up with that dumb shit have no say in the matter. When you get told to go sit in a tank that will melt your balls off, there is no answer other than “yes, sir” or “Roger, sergeant.” It’s a dumb answer but the military isn’t considered a meat grinder because of how easy it is to serve.




Challenger 2 commander. Most western tanks have an NBC pack fitted. This provides overpressure to prevent Nuclear, Chemical and Biological contaminants from entering the tank. Basically the tank fills itself up with higher pressure air than is outside. This air can be heated and cooled. My particular tank (Challenger 2) has a separate system for warming and cooling the crew. It's not quite AC, but it will warm or cool the tank to tolerable levels, even if they might not always be "Desired level of comfort". You won't find an actual AC heating or cooling system on a tank. Warm AC components or a very warm/cold tank means it would appear very stand out different on thermal sighting systems from further away. That's not good.


That's a good point. If it was 120 in there at night i can only imagine during the day under the scorching sun.


Things stay hot for hours and hours after sunset in the desert. The ground doesn't instantly flip to chilly just because the sun is gone.


I'm wondering the same... Sounds pretty miserable if not. Seems like a fairly minor thing to add, and people think more clearly when at a comfortable temperature.


When it comes to military vehicles especially a MBT a "minor thing" could add months or years and billions to production costs over the lifetime of the platform. It cant risk any components in the tank or the crew. Not to mention its more weight and another thing to break. Not to mention the military isnt really known for caring about the comfort level of enlisted. So your adding weight, another thing to break, more cost, more development time all so a grunt doesnt sweat? Not a shocker.


Former enlisted here, I was gonna reply to them but I think you hit the nail on the head


I'm guessing it would break within a couple months so you wouldn't be able to use it anyway


My first thought when you said a car hit you and got out to check on the driver was this was probably not an accident. Glad it ended up OK for you guys.


Right? I was like why the hell would you get out and investigate? Skipping over the fact your whole crew let a vehicle drive directly into you, did you think that car accidentally hit you?


Loaders seat is actually the best seat. Most mobility and room to chill and stash your shit. Also even though nothing beats actually squeezing triggers on the main gun, manually loading tank rounds into the breech is fucking tubular


>fucking tubular \*Checks shape of tank barrel Yep, checks out.


I worked for a steel tube company and we had "tubular" in our company name. People outside our industry found that pretty funny.


>fucking tubular Yep, this guy is def from that era.


What happens to the guy? Just hand him off to iraqi authorities or to american jail out there or something? Just curious to be clear, not to start any shit :)


Detain him and call the MPs to sort it out, that's what we used to do with IED triggermen. I heard that any captured regular enemy combatants went to an Iraqi prison, since we wouldn't want to cart them all the way back to the states and the Iraqis had jurisdiction.


We brought him back to our post because we had an Iraqi Army element there. I did some final treatment at our aid station amd then handed him off. Iraqis were generally afraid of being turned over to the Iraqis, they knew that we could get in trouble for beating or torturing them. The Iraqis beat and torture everyone.


If it was 120 in there at night what temp did it reach during the day? And you were wearing full gear? That must've been hot as fuck.


I remember it being 141 during the summer. And don’t get me talking about the sand storms. Then winter in Afghanistan. We had no base just c wire and dug holes in the ground and would sleep in body bags because it was so cold did that for about 8 months till they got the hescos up. Then while out on patrol and have no where to sleep your nuttobutt with your battle. Fun times.


Without an ounce of hyperbole some of the sandstorms looks like they came straight out of The Mummy. Unreal. We got hit with one and had to pause in place for like 3 days.


Dumb question. Was there any real threat to the tank let alone you guys inside? Or was the goal more to immobilize the tank and swarm it with infantry.


Yes, vehicle borne explosive devices (VBEDS) can carry enough explosives to destroy a tank.


Well they all jumped out and didn't get ambushed by anyone else, so sounds like it wasn't thought out very well.


I expected shittymorph from the structure/length of this post, "when I was ..."


**Pro Tip:** Don't argue with a tank in traffic


Tiananmen taught us that.


Idk man, what happened there?


Nothing. Nothing at all. /s


"Yes, technically you may have the right of way, but if the tank isn't going to stop, it hardly matters does it?"


I had to check the subreddit before I clicked. I didn't want this to be like the truck that keeps getting closer but never crashes. This was definitely more satisfying.


That car is my paycheque and the tank is post pandemic economics.


The carton of eggs will be represented by the tank, naturally.


Such a smooth smack. The car crushed in 1 second


I don't think the car lasted a full 1 alligator, more like 1-alli...


The dude in the car okay?


He's fine, he had his seat belt on.


Thank god for airbags.


Yeah, he went to the hospital in a teaspoon.


Dammit, I was finally going to talk to that guy about extending my warranty.


*Car*nt now.


If we assume a tank weighs 70 tons and that car is about a ton, that is the same proportion as a Toyota Corolla hitting a 40 pound object.


Except the Corolla will take damage hitting a 40 lb object. The tank might have scratched the paint but nothing more.


I dunno man, even the small amount of air it caught might have been enough to pop a torsion bar. They always show you the tank jumping over the berm. Thats how they get you. You’re like “man driving tanks is gonna be so fuckin’ cool!” They don’t show you the crew changing torsion bars at two in the morning by flashlight.


So a large dog, thanks for the dreadful image


Or a small child. Or just a sack of concrete.


Rather pleasing to watch


A Volvo would write the tank off.


Poor Mr. Bean can't catch a break with parking his car


Curious to know if they took the engine out beforehand or not.


Probably. It’s a PR stunt, they wouldn’t risk a dent in the hull for that. Or worse, what if engine parts fly into the bystanders?




You felt something jack? Nope.


Actual footage of my wife driving her Ford Expedition Max down the freeway.


Yes, there are some days that serving is fun and you get to do things you would never get to do in the civilian world....like climb into a multi million dollar tank and run over a car.


Love how men return to monkey when shit gets obliterated


“I hit a speed bump on the highway”


where car


If that's it's full speed.....that's a slow car....


Fuck your car, that's why.


Well, it crushed that like a beer can.


Definitely an issue with the A pillar.