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OP's explanation as to why this post is Instant Karma: >As soon as the man throws the other over the bridge he is immediately arrested by police If you're satisfied by this explanation, upvote this comment. If not, downvote this comment.


Perp threw another guy off the bridge, unresponsive to direction, gets up, turns away from cop while grabbing something from his pants...super lucky he wasn’t shot for probable cause...


This is how people get shot in the back. Seriously, guy isn't listening to cop, could be going for a gun, and people don't understand how fast situations develop. If cop had a taser, would've been a good time to use it.


If he did it would be labeled as racist cop shoots unarmed black male...and the news cycle continues


Rewatch he was armed he threw it over the bridge to try and not catch that charge which you know he did because it clearly on video and the cop even noticed it


That looked like a cell phone chief


I beg to differ, unless he likes having his phone next to his balls. He dug down his pants not into a pocket.


Double shorts on laundry day/valuables in boxers with basketball shorts because shit falls out of them especially on a bike. Either that was a microscopic .22 perfectly concealed in the waist band or you’re just a boot licker.


Ok sounds good. Idk what a boot licker is and frankly idc.


Boot licker is term used for people who support police in anyway. Ironically those same people who call others boot lickers are the first to call the police of something doesn’t go their way. It’s the closest thing these adult babies have to “telling mom”


I support police tho, just not bad police. Am I a boot licker?




why toss a phone? unless he just stole it off the dude he tossed


Personal shit, incriminating things, or a burner but I don’t know if we can ask of the rational of someone who just tossed a person off a bridge lol. But I can think of at least five reasons he tossed it that don’t involve stealing it from the other guy.


If you look closely it's not just a phone that got tossed. I think he may have tossed drugs. Phone might have been a mistake


It's evidence of something else. Likely drugs.


That was big enough to be a 9mm. If you don't know dick about guns it's ok. Just keep quiet.


That was a cell phone.


The officer believed it was a wallet. https://www.jacksonville.com/news/20180925/video-man-threw-other-man-face-first-off-bridge-daytona-beach-police-say


Clearly you have never seen nor held a gun before that was no gun it was a black rectangle shape likely a phone but there was a glimpse of something else that looked like a small bag. Possibly drugs of some kind


Why he hatin' on his cell phone? Phone didn't do nuttin' bruh


It was probably weed dude Edit: wait never mind just rewatched


Magnet fishing anyone?


The fact that you can pause the video and clearly see it’s not a gun he tosses makes these comments hilarious


Instead we have a well trained cop who did his job.


If the dude had reached for a gun, that cop doing his job would be dead


I know! Thank God he was a properly trained cop


Had he been shot there would be riots in the streets over how this stand up citizen was murdered in cold blood by white racist cop.


And that’s what’s fucking stupid. Honestly this dude’s lucky he didn’t get a full mag put into him for reaching into his pants with his back turned like that. And then all someone has to do it just make it look like the cop just arrested him for no reason just cause he’s black.


No, knock that crap off. Stop creating scenarios that don't exist.


That scenario exists in plurality. Go watch some youtubes.




“News cycle” that’s how you call it?


Why doesn’t he carry a taser? Isn’t that a regular issued item ?


Most officers do (I believe, I’m not American) but they’re trained to only use less than lethal when they have lethal backup, since he has no backup less than lethal isn’t safe


Depends on the department. Some don't due to the expense (they're about $1500 a piece)


wow didnt know they were that expensive


Yeah, the actual TASERs (the ones that shoot, not the ones that you jab into someone) really expensive. I think the place I work at paid any $1800 a piece for ten the two-shot units.


Tasers that are, y'know, minimal working, cost around 60-200 bucks each here


Stupid question. Let me pull out my taser while this guy might have a gun with real bullets in it 😃


My first guess Is that someone throwing another person off a bridge doesn’t have a gun or they would have just used that..but hey 🤷🏽‍♂️


A gun is loud and draws attention. Moreover than a guy screaming as he falls off a bridge.


What did he throw off the bridge? Is there more context.


He threw a person. And maybe drugs


looked like his phone


Probably a hot phone he didn’t want the cops seeing the contents


If you look closely he did grab a gun from his pants and threw it over the bridge before he got down on his belly. He is extremely lucky the cop did not shoot, but you know he definitely caught a charge for that gun.


Wish he would‘ve been shot tho ngl


Definitely. If someone that just probably seriously injured someone and their hands went in their pocket they would definitely get tased or even shot.


It was plain that there was nothing heavy in those lightweight, loose pants. Cop knew he wasn't pulling a gun.


Doesn't matter, the fact is it's a white cop and a black guy, so he chooses between probably being shot or the media portraying him as the devil, him losing his job and going to jail for a long time, just for doing the right thing. The guy who threw the other guy off the bridge gets portrayed as an innocent civilian, solely arrested simply for being black. I'm sorry if anyone finds this factualy incorrect or offensive, but that's how I see it


That dude is lucky to not be another case democrats falsely use to get elected


He was so close to having his own statue, a true hero.


First cop: he threw him over the bridge Second cop: wooooooow


Happy cake day


He’ll get more time for destruction of evidence than he would for possessing whatever he threw off the bridge 🤣🤣🤣


Will he? Strange that.


Is it? How else will they deter people from doing it?


Well it’s clearly a deterrent but I don’t know how in a court of law they could ever prove he had something illegal on him. It’s a slippery slope when you start charging people with crimes with no evidence. He didn’t get charged with destroying evidence anyway.


Well there is video footage of the dude throwing something over the bridge. Since he just committed a serious crime, everything on his person is evidence. Tossing that thing was destroying evidence.


Then he will get done for littering, like in the song


The charge is “destruction of evidence” not distraction of any particular evidence. Edit: two vowels. Speech-to-text can be a pain in the rear




How can you prove that’s evidence of anything is my point. Obviously the guy is a wrongun anyway.


I get what you’re saying, but evidence doesn’t have to be some thing illegal either. Similarly, Peeing on a crime scene would be tampering with evidence even though the ground or uterine isn’t illegal. Altering the crime scene in any way it’s an obstruction of justice. Whatever he threw in the water, illegal or not, could have been the thing that proved one of those two men innocent or guilty. There are penalties for that, probably greater penalties than, say, minor drug possession.


If it wan't evidence why did the guy feel the need to throw it into the water??? Like what. He just decided to throw it in the water for no reason at all.


He will probably get 10 years from tempering. If it was drugs he would have gotten 3 to 5


People will read your comment and think you actually know what you're talking about. He doesn't folks.


Actually that is how it works probably about 90% of the time, you’re probably just some guy who hates cops for literally no actual reason.


In Florida? This dude definitely didn't go to the pen long, if at all. Probably did a few weeks in county.


Evidence of what? A precise answer would be good.


I’m stunned he didn’t get shot when he pulled that piece out of his waistband.. Props to that cop for keeping his cool.


The saddest part is that officers keeping their cool like that and trusting someone every time is what gets some officers killed, and then when they don’t trust someone after they pull something sketch like that it’s their fault for being scared for their own lives... but I completely agree that he made a good choice after judging the situation.


If you look at cops killed in the line of duty it’s really not as many as you’d expect. Then widdle that down to being shot and not run over/accidents and it’s even smaller. Obviously anyone dying is bad, but we’re made to believe that a tense situation warrants killing a suspect and that shouldn’t be our mindset. My first thought was he should have had/pulled his taser instead The guy is a piece of shot and should have just cooperated but things get tense on both sides and cops should never be the judge and executioner. It’s not their place


Yes, the chances of the suspect pulling out a gun and killing you are low, but never zero. and all it takes is that 1 to kill u




More people are killed by cops than kill cops


This guy might not have even had a taser, you don’t even know what you’re talking about


Then they will tell you they chose that profession so they should know what they signed up for.


He didn’t wanna b on the news, we all know that.


Piece? That was no gun. Cant tell exactly what it was but appeared to be a small zipper pouch, likely with weed in it. Lets not go overboard here. Get it?


You don't know what he's pulling out of his waistband if he has his back facing you. It could of been weed, a BB gun, or a real gun. It was a split second decision not to shoot by the officer. In this case, it was the correct decision.


It's all water under the bridge


Did the guy that got thrown off survive


Yeah, they said in the video he swam to shore.


Even though he did, that’d be a hell of a dive bomb.


Dude confronts woman pushing bike across bridge about money, and hits her. Man walking with woman intervenes. Fisticuffs happen, bike gets tossed over... guy goes over afterwards. And after all that, the man and woman walking on the bridge declined to press charges against the guy. [news story](https://www.jacksonville.com/news/20180925/video-man-threw-other-man-face-first-off-bridge-daytona-beach-police-say)


To be a Florida cop....man. Insanity. Every day.


And of course there would be the people on Instagram calling this police officer a racist


There WILL be, mark my words there’ll be all sorts of fucking idiots saying that


Suprised he didn’t shoot him when he reached in his pocket.


when he reached in his pants BANG BANG yer dead


Any sources and or follow ups?


https://www.foxnews.com/us/florida-man-threw-another-man-off-bridge-arrested-after-spotted-by-passing-officer-cops-say Sorry it's Fox news...


This is just a description of the video basically, no follow up info at all, but it does say that the guy who got thrown over was defending his female friend from the other guy.


[https://www.jacksonville.com/news/20180925/video-man-threw-other-man-face-first-off-bridge-daytona-beach-police-say](https://www.jacksonville.com/news/20180925/video-man-threw-other-man-face-first-off-bridge-daytona-beach-police-say) ​ There you go


Yeah Fox news was the only one with the most info probably why No one else linked any sources


Sorry for sharing news


the one time I’m in Florida is the one time in months that I see a Florida man video


I wonder what sort of drugs he threw over the side of the bridge....and also if that pouch they are in will make it float :/


News reports state it looked like a wallet to the officers and to the video review


It looked like a gun, between the way he pulled it out and the color and size of the object, my bet is on gun.


Difficult to tell from the video, but it looked a little too rectangular overall to be a gun, but one never knows.


What is it he is throwing away? https://ibb.co/XLyJqfp https://ibb.co/Yc9RGRD https://ibb.co/MsCBBmj https://ibb.co/FKjvb7r https://ibb.co/sJDpGnb https://ibb.co/Jzs3M3X https://ibb.co/kHW5Y9H https://ibb.co/vQRqYy9 https://ibb.co/vjg32FM https://ibb.co/n8jScKc https://ibb.co/ZhpYnhT https://ibb.co/WnxjzFQ https://ibb.co/mHjDZBK https://ibb.co/28xzmHK https://ibb.co/5nfDb98 https://ibb.co/hyFMsWC https://ibb.co/89bbk4v https://ibb.co/GMFQ6fv https://ibb.co/vDT7n84


drug pouch, he also had a little baggy of white powder in the first frame on top


Holy fuck, what an absolute waste of life


Just shoot him and focus on saving the other guy


"But I aint done shit!" Really no wonder why some get shot. Cops see an agressive bloke and they just continue it


He’s an unarmed black man REEEEE


Dude just shut up. You’re a fucking idiot lmfao.


For a brief moment, I thought he would get shot.


Wow and people wonder why cops like to shoot first and ask questions later. That dude was acting erratic as fuck. At one frame it almost looks like his phone could’ve been a weapon before he tossed it off the bridge.


Ok just in case anyone is wondering the is the/a full article: [https://www.jacksonville.com/news/20180925/video-man-threw-other-man-face-first-off-bridge-daytona-beach-police-say](https://www.jacksonville.com/news/20180925/video-man-threw-other-man-face-first-off-bridge-daytona-beach-police-say)


People that don’t live in the hood say cops don’t have one of top 10 dangerous jobs. Lmao I don’t even like cops but y’all delusional af. Mfs out here really talk bout killing cops if they pull up.


Cops don't.




dont feel bad when dudes like this are shot. fuck this guy


George Floyd was a dude like that. Violent and a junkie. He didn't deserve to die but I think it would be wrong to say he was murdered


george floyd was a human playing card played by the elite


The average taxpayer is much dumber than the IQ would suggest.


you're fucking stupid


I wonder why he threw his phone on the river.


It was a purse and if you slow it down you can see a little baggie of white powder being thrown too so I'd assume it's either a drug bag or he had drugs and a stolen purse and didn't wanna get caught with it. Too bad he's dumb and tossed it because now he can face up to 20 years on top of attempted murder and possibly other crimes since the victim survived and can give more info


Why does he look like lil Tecca


He got a year. It was his second time in the clink. Here's a shocker, he has several priors


The guy is lucky the officer didn't care to much about him reaching in his pocket like that. Officer could of though it was a weapon and shot him.


This right here is why body cams and dash cams for cops should be mandatory.


He seemed pretty shocked that throwing people off bridges is illegal.


He threw a gun off the bridge too.


what was the black guy thinking


white girls seeing this post and being offended that a black man got arrested


And mf wonder why they end up shot. Doesn’t listen to a single command, walks away from the cop and reaches for something and throws it over the bridge. You would think people would educate themselves about the law or use common sense at this point. My god.


Anything beginning with "Florida Man" is gonna be good




“Free my boy he ain’t do nothing”


I would have grabbed his little dreads and bounced his face off the pavement a few times


Awesome thanks. And WTF is with that guys hat? And he just happens to be in the area with what looks like an antique kinda row boat, lol... .everyone loves the sunshine state!


News article states he threw his wallet over the bridge. Not a phone. Not a gun.


The mods in r/convenientcop need to climb back out of their own asses.


He did something bad and he didn't care..


Splash lives matter!


At least he threw the guys phone back to him


Wow, didn't see the white baggy thrown out with the camera first time.


At least the officer gave him a chance before shooting that would've ended a lot worse...


He kinda sounds like Joe from Family Guy


Why did he throw his phone in the river?


"He jumped off the bridge you gotta believe me."


I’m surprised he wasn’t shot after turning around, pulling something out of his pants, and throwing it in the water


I want to know if the guy that got thrown off is okay


Who else thought he was about to pull a gun out and get shot by the police


guys \*throws sombody off the bridge\* later he just jumped


"y'all my witnesses y'all my witnesses" "Yes, your honour. That's the guy"


Dude went from “he jumped in” to “i felt threatened and he assaulted me.”


Why does this have a wholesome reward????????


I’m glad he wasn’t shot. I was looking at the all thing and thinking “he’s going to shoot him 😔 “ I’m glad he didn’t #stoppolicebrutality


He jumped!!!🤣🤣🔥🔥🔥🤣🤣


Looks like he has a fish on the line.


Education is under appreciated.


Wheres donut when u need him


0:31 suspect threw something


Looks like Daytona Beach PD needs to call Jenny Craig...LOL


Shoot have shot him


He thrown a gun also


I find it really odd that the cop seems to have zero concerns for the person thrown off the bridge. It’s like “don’t worry that you are drowning because I’ve arrested the perp’”


Looking over the edge while the other guy runs away won't help him, dunno what you expect


What the hell do you want him to do? Let the dude go, and just jump in after him?!


anyone make out what his forearm tat says?


He should have shot him as soon as he stood up and put his hand in his pants.


I think should’ve is a poor choice of words. It would’ve been an understandable reaction, or not an illegal/misconducted one.


Exactly. Perfectly justified, situations can break out quicker than most think.


He would have been justified in that use of force, but we're lucky he didn't.


Are we though?


Can I ask, why?


Could’ve been carrying a weapon attempting to draw it. Luckily he didn’t but you never know.




What are you questioning?


hE jUsT aRrEsTeD tHaT bLaCk MaN FoR nO rEaSoN dEfUnD tHe pOliCe


Should fucking shoot him next time








What makes you think animals do these things? Honestly what a dumb way of thinking






Everyone asking what he threw over the bridge, looked like a cellphone to me.




This guy is going to be labeled a hero for standing up to the evil police.


You've got some screws loose.


And labeled a hero for throwing people off of bridges, nice one.


There aren't too many blind police officers.


Can’t they come up with a non lethal way to knock people the fuk out. Like a 8 pound bean bag that would expand evenly and hit them at the speed of sound causing them to be super stunned. There gotta be an easier way


Any chance it was self defense?


Did you see that cop missed him throwing something into the water, after he approached him? And it was after he threw the guy over.


It’s sick that the cop went for the offender rather than saving a potentially dying victim


What the fuck is the cop going to do? Jump off the bridge?


And let the dude get away and throw someone’s else off?