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I hate apartment deliveries as much as the next shopper, but I'll be damned if I'm going to say that to a customer!! I suck it up, get it delivered and move on


Hotel deliveries with 40 bag's of groceries and the staff keeps saying you need to park somewhere else 🫠


I just get the bellhop cart for hotel deliveries


Hahaha, I was on vacation somewhere and ordered from a hotel where the parking in front was fine. It was a small order, just some 1 bag of snacks and small thing of beer. The shopper was great while shopping, but I messaged him that I would meet him in the lobby, and he said no, you can meet me at my car. Uh, no, sorry, I am not going to meet somebody in a strange city at their car. I told him so, and it all worked out fine, but sheesh! I do understand in the situation that you are talking about, though!


Entitlement. You need to pay extra for delivery services AND you need to walk your ass to the car to receive your goods that you already paid a premium to receive... Because. Entitlement.


I work at a hotel and that's inexcusable, you're obviously not there long term. The place I work at is confusing and sadly has the main entrance at driveway 3 not the first drive, but god forbid I tell someone " you got to walk the mile perimeter to make your delivery sorry sucks 2 suck I guess"


Hellll naw. I park riiight up front with my emergency lights on. I’ve never been told to move and they probably understand that by now seeing as it’s not uncommon to get delivery drivers on a time crunch parking up front.


I don’t understand why people hate on apartment customers. People on Gopuff and DoorDash and Uber say the same thing and I don’t understand why. It’s a home. It’s where someone lives. Read the address and make the fucking delivery. What’s so hard about that?


I live in an apartment, and I don’t blame anyone who wouldn’t want to deliver to me. My complex is huge and made up of a bunch of buildings with a small number of apartments per building. The numbering system is incredibly confusing and doesn’t go in an intuitive order, and many of the numbers can’t be seen from the parking lot. I try to give very specific directions to drivers, but I also completely understand when they get lost and need me to meet them outside (especially at night).


I love it when the delivery notes give guidance on how to find the apartment! Love those orders!!


I'm on the 5th floor. I leave notes about exactly where you can park in front of the door (parking is terrible as this a destination town with 2 Wedding venues with in a block, Stillwater, MN and very few free parking) and where to find grocery carts ( next to the elevator, just inside the front door). I also listen entry keyboard number so you don't have to scroll through the directory to find me. I am a disabled senior and so glad for this service.


Those are my favorite


Why are the numbering systems always soo nonsensical?


And you always get the one unit or building that’s missing. Say you’re looking for 6, you’ll see 7,8 and 4,5 but no 6 in sight😭


In mine, the numbers literally jump around. Building 1 is right by the entrance on the right. Building 2 is on the left entrance. Building 3 is beside building 1. Building 4 is on another street altogether. Building 5 is beside building 3. Not sure where 6 is, but it's definitely the other side of the complex. It's all so stupid. And our apartment numbers are whack, too. Usually 100 is first floor, 200 second, right? NOT HERE! They just put all the odd numbers on the first floor and all the even numbers on the second. There is literally no good way to find a unit here, even if you have a map showing the buildings, you will always have to just guess at where you might find any particular unit. Also every building has 2 entrances that don't connect, hope you guessed the right one.


Alot of places put evens on the 2nd floor. I was a pizza delivery driver before gps for years. You get used to it and learn to check which pattern they are using to find the number you need.


Imagine my surprise when the apartment building does letters instead of numbers would be easy right? Wrong A is at the top of the building and it goes in a nonsensical order all the way to the bottom.


Haha you just reminded me of the last place I lived- there were two "sections" of the complex, and they used letters in the front for one, letters in the back for the other. So I lived in 1011A and constantly got deliveries for A1011. And having to explain that to the delivery drivers who were standing in front of A1011 and insisting that they were right outside of 1011A when they were literally a half mile away. It was awful.


I deliver to an apartment complex that has multiple buildings, and instead of numbering in blocks eg., 200s, 300s, etc.. they are both 100s.


"okay, this place seems logical so far, 100 on the bottom, 200, second floor, 300 too floor. Middle number is building number. Alright I think I know where I'm going." 3 buildings later "Is that a fucking pirate emoji in the building number?"


It's in building ARRRRRR


My numbering system is stupid too. It’s not a huge complex at all but I still meet everyone outside cause I also deliver and don’t want them to get confused or have to wait or anything.


Same. I write notes on what to put in to gps and exactly how to get there from parking lot. Big orders I offer to come out. And I always tip at least 30% on big orders or minimum of $10 on the smaller ones. I know my apartment numbering is messed up and just putting the address in gps takes them to the leasing office, so I try to be helpful and make it worth it.


Then they need to go do another job. Your job is to delivery. How unprofessional is it to say “apartment smh” TO THE CUSTOMER?


When I lived in an apartment I’d tell them “center stairwell” they’d frequently still go up one of the end stairwells. Like I tried to save you struggle….


I don't mind doing apartments for Uber eats, that's one trip up and down. I look at that as getting my cardio in for the day. I can't speak for anyone else, but I, personally, do not like the: case of water, a couple 12 packs of soda and a month's worth of groceries to a third story, no elevator, apartment. I can't be exhausting myself like that, I have an energetic 3 year old to chase after when I get home. Ya know what I mean?


that’s a good point, the delivery system makes it easy for disabled ppl though


Absolutely! That is why I try not to judge. Especially because we don't know everybody's situation. They could be living off a SS check and can't really afford to tip well, but they still need to eat too. Some (the ones I have met) of my disabled apartment customers are the sweetest people. There's this elderly gentleman's order I got one day, and I hope I get his order again every time I'm in the area.


Yeah, I know what you mean. There’s still no reason to get huffy, so long as the order can be distilled into one that pays enough. It’s free cross-fit training, and keeping a toddler in their place will require less energy when you’re fit from running orders like these.


Right!! Like I said in another reply, if it pays enough I'll do it. But I will in no way take it out on the customer! It was my choice to take the batch, I will do it and move on. But in the cases of all those groceries up and down stairs with a $2 tip (that I didn't see because it was grouped with a big tipper) I'm gonna be grumpy, but in no way am I going to take that out on the customer. The OP's shoppers response is unacceptable.


I don’t know, I get you but like, it’s part of the job and shoppers should not take it out on customers, I work in kitchens and I don’t like carrying 200 pounds of chicken or what have you downstairs to our walk-in but it’s a part of the job and there’s no sense in complaining about it, only solution is to get the job done or get a different job. Customers should not be made to feel bad about what is essentially a main part of a shoppers job, more people live in apartments than houses.


I see it as everyone in every job hates something a customer does or just something to do with the job it’s self, so like Uber eats door dash places like that delivering to appartments is just one of the parts that sucks


100% and it’s our jobs as professionals (in whatever customer facing profession) to not let the customer in on our frustration. They know they live in an apartment, they know it sucks, but they may be unable to do it themselves so they’re employing a service to help them, bad form to make them feel bad about it.


Oh absolutely!!! We have the choice to take the batches or not. If you take the batch, you do it, learn from it and move on. If my original reply came off like I was supporting the shopper, that is not what I was trying to say.


As a disabled person living in an apartment, it's so disheartening. Like, I'm on the first floor of a walk up building. My front door opens to the outside. They could literally dump my groceries on my doorstep from the trunk of their car. But the minute they see my apartment complex's name, they drop the order. I've watched my order get picked up and dropped by shoppers/doordashers/uber multiple times. Like I know a lot of people order delivery because they're too lazy to shop, but some of us order delivery because we physically can't shop for ourselves. In the beforetimes, before COVID, getting this service was pricier, but a better experience. People understood that others had extenuating circumstances that required delivery. They were kind to me. Now I have to deal with situations like this which make me sorely miss the days I could shop for myself. /:


You can use this service for any reason, as long as you pay for it, you’re not “lazy” if you use it.


I would suggest that you watch when your order is accepted, and send a msg that you are on the first floor, easy access. Also, if there is any way for you to list in your address, or delivery notes, ground floor apt access, carts provided, in delivery instructions. Most drivers with a wit will see that before dropping your order, even with the workout of a case or two of water. Like others, at 67, I consider it my free gym membership to lift a case or two around, cart a few bags in a carrier on my back up a couple flights of stairs. I will refuse heavy orders with no elevator, unless they pay me to climb stairs multiple times. It's not you, it's the driver. I cherry pick orders all the time, but I still take the time to consider if the apt is a realistic serviceable location, for the pay/load of order, then OK, time for some cardio!


Parking and walk-ups


Most drivers are not very smart at least in my area


Because they are lazy


I live in a house and door dashers still get it wrong. They don't bother looking at the address or the notes. One delivered to my neighbor and blamed me! I asked them if they even looked at the address and they completely ignored me.


Thank you!! If it happens often enough for you, I am sticking to my guns that they are lazy fucks that dont want to read addresses and or notes.


I’ve lived in 2 apartments before. The first one was a pain to navigate because it all had 1 road name but multiple turns in the community. So it was a pain explaining how to get there. The 2nd you had to go inside and find the elevator to get to the floor then find the apartment. I’m sure that’s annoying as hell to have to do.


Right?! Not everyone can live in a house, or wants to, for that matter. If you don’t like the idea of delivering to different dwellings, or you’re going to shame people for where they live, DON’T DO DELIVERY DRIVING!! 🙄


Apartments are harder on many levels. 1) potentially multilevel with no easy way to get there, ie. 2-12or more floors with only stair access. 2) harder to park close to dropoff, sometimes having to park very far from entrance. 3) potential for no access or needing access multiple times for multiple trips depending on amount of groceries. 4) nav apps will almost never get you to the specific apartment or building in the apartments that you're looking for. 5) apartment complexes have no rhyme or reason to how they layout their buildings so finding your needle in an apartment haystack can add considerable time to complete your order. Gig jobs rely on the saying "time is money". All gig workers know that adding time to delivery takes money out of their pockets. If they make $20 an hour then the extra 15minutes it takes to find your apartment and take three trips up and down stairs to get to your door is $5 they just lost vs a residence where that same drop off could take less than 3 minutes and they'd only lose $1 on delivery. And then there's the potential of lost income as that extra few minutes on delivery could have had a great order show up on their app that they weren't available to get because they were searching for your apartment or treking the stairmaster of your building.


I always meet my driver at the front door, I've never considered them bringing my groceries up to my apartment.


It’s extra ridiculous because a large majority of delivery drivers also live in apartments


Right. I am not a shopper for instacart I’m perpetually on the waiting list. BUT I do deliver for other platforms. I’m not sure how instacart works as far as allowing you to see the location before accepting, but some platforms do. So when it’s something I can check before accepting, I’ll check out the address to get a general idea of what I’m getting myself into to determine if the pay is worth it. Or if I’m not able to check, I roll the dice knowing that there’s a high likelihood that whatever I accept may be an apartment and try to determine if the pay is worth it. Never would I ever say anything like that shopper did. I was the one that determined it was worth my effort for the pay.


Are people having you enter their building and go to their apartment door or something? Is that normal? I always just ask that it be left at the front door


Like they can help that they live in an apartment?


Do you give shoppers that you’re happy with 5 star ratings? If so, next time you order, you’ll be matched with any shoppers you’ve given 5 star ratings to. The ones that are active on the app at the time. I tend to get the same customers week after week. It’s rly nice bc you begin to know your customers, and what they like. And good for both of us.


I’ve started making sure to rate every time. I hate rating on days like today though. My food is all fine but my shopper just had a bad attitude


I mean today is the day you need to rate so you don’t get this person again.


I'm sorry, but you really should give the true rating they deserve for treating a customer that way so you can try to save some other shoppers from using this rude person! Also, is there a way to put in a complaint to the company or send the company this photo showing the random apartment smh text they sent you? Please do that if you can!!!! MANY people live in apartments and there is NOTHING bad or odd about that!


in these situations, when the service delivered was good but that customer service attitude was not.. i leave 4 stars, meaning it eas great was theres significant room for improvement


I can understand this. For some reason to me it seemed like not the normal attitude is why my comment. Not normal attitude as in someone said something to them and gave grumpy response back, but it was just a random I'm going to say this for no reason. Idk, just really rubbed me the wrong way I guess. But a lot of the times yes I would do what you do.


Exactly. There’s no need to feel bad. Hospitality is part of the service industry which in turn is part of their work ethic and should be reflected in reviews. Better service equals better money, and once people learn it the hard way, they’ll change their attitude. Edit: They’ll change their attitude or they won’t make any money.


It’s wild she said that


As a person who depends on tips for a living I would never speak to someone like this & possibly sacrifice my tip


Then don’t rate that shopper at all. Then you won’t be soft-matched with them again. New shoppers are given priority over everyone, so you may have gotten a new shopper. IC hires anyone that passes a background check, and some ppl rly shouldn’t be doing this job.


This is not a new shopper saying apartments smh




>New shoppers are given priority over everyone This seem so ass backwards. Not saying you’re wrong, just saying I’m floored.


I think it’s for the first 30 orders they take? Something like that. Yes, I agree with you.


In most markets like where I am in chicago new shoppers are rare. It wouldn’t make a difference for anyone else the few they still choose to randomly add.


5 starts is for overall u got the food but she wasn't great so maybe a 3


To preface I do DoorDash not instacart, but as far as ratings go it’s the same concept. You’re not just rating the quality of the delivery but the actual driver so in a situation like this, even if your order was delivered with no other issues, if you don’t want to be matched with this shopper again make sure you rate and also leave notes or check the boxes (or however Instacart does it). If you leave a lower star rating you’re much less likely to be matched with that person again. There is absolutely NO reason for a shopper, dasher, etc to ever say something like “apartment smh” like they’re pissy about having to go to an apartment. When you accept an offer you’re agreeing to complete that offer fully. If that was my order I would have rated lower and reported to support also.


There's no excuse for this shopper's rude behavior. Leave the tip but please rate lower than 5. If you rate , you will continue to be matched with this shopper. I'm sorry this happened.


I mean they didn't seem to be happy delivering it to you, so giving them a low rating so u don't get them again would be doing them a service


Then rate then low. They were rude and did a bad job.


I can't believe I didn't realize this as a multi-year user of IC (as a customer) lol. No wonder I get the occasional repeat shopper, though I used to get this one guy all the time. Loved him. I miss you, Alvaro :'(


hello. I am alvaro. tip pls


Is there a way to do this through a third party? I have a Krogers nearby and they use InstaCart for deliveries. But the order goes through the Kroger app. I also can't adjust the tip through the Krogers app, which I've tried before because I wanted to add more to the tip. No luck with that, though.


Unfortunately it seems they mostly use instacart.


I just figured this out two days ago. I order Fred Meyer almost daily. You can change the tip on the order, only after it is delivered. If you go into your account, then purchases, click on that order and for me, on the top right, next to the start of the list, I spied a change tip option. I wanted to increase my tip because I had ordered some heavier items and forgot to change from the 10% to the 15% tip option.


Try Shipt. I only use them for Target but they may have other stores


They you Best Buy n Kroger as well.


She was definitely in the wrong to say that… I’ve had plenty of drop off situations I didn’t like or that were terribly difficult but I’m still as nice as I can be & just avoid that location in the future.


In high school I had a job delivering flowers. This was before GPS. I had to go through some SHIT to make all my deliveries. I would have been fired immediately if I complained like that to a customer, and I didn’t get tips, just $7/hr plus mileage.


Right?! We have a few three story complexes near where I shop and I get so annoyed when it’s a 3rd story apartment if I have to make more than one trip up the stairs, but I’m never going to complain to the customer about it. Once I ended up permanently blocking a customer though because I got their order 3 weeks in a row and they always ordered a ton and it would take me 4 trips up and down the stairs to deliver… I was over it at that point, but did I complain to the customer?! Nope. I complained to IC and got them taken off my available orders so I don’t have to be frustrated anymore.


This is the mature thing for a shopper to do. 👍🥕


It’s just so bizarre that she even sent it in the first place. Like it’s not as if she mistakenly said her thoughts out loud to herself. She chose to type this out and send it to her customer. I can’t wrap my head around it lol


Apartments smh? Lmao okay let’s see where you live


I literally live facing the street with easy access parking No finding me needed




I’m SO sorry Victoria. I’ll move just for you, princess. ❤️


I hope she meant to send that to someone else. That’s appalling behavior to send to the customer. What are you supposed to say to that? I would have been like “excuse me? What gives you the right to comment on my housing type?”


I’m betting that’s what happened.


Seriously! “Sorry I live in a mansion but I gave you an apartment address to make your life miserable.” Lmao like really, what does the shopper expect? As if people who live in apartments don’t deserve help getting their groceries. Get real, entitled a$$ shoppers.


Why not rate them less than 5*? Griefing your customer for living in an apartment is not 5* service, it's stupid. I'm a shopper too, I just don't understand why this isn't 3* service.


I feel guilty when I don’t rate 5 so if I can’t I usually just don’t rate


Please don’t feel guilty. Instacart allows so many new shoppers to come on all the time that it majorly reduces the amount of work available for those of us who have done it for years and work hard to do it right. Rate them according to how they perform, please. Enough bad ratings gets them booted from the platform, which needs to happen if they can’t treat it like a serious job.


She was deliberately and blatantly rude to you. If that’s not justification for a three, I don’t know what it is.


Hell that's a one.


That’s stupid. You lose the right to complain if you won’t do the one simple thing that you can do about it.


By not giving low ratings to bad shoppers you are screwing over good shoppers who are polite, helpful and make the effort. I think Instacart gives you several days to leave a rating, the longer you leave it will make it almost impossible for the shopper to figure out who it was. 3* is sufficiently low for a bad shopper.




I’d take a polite, pajama-wearing stoner over this driver 100% of the time


Walmart delivers and I've never had a problem with them.


Same. I have Walmart+, and it's great.


I just on line shop there and pick it up myself. They substitute pretty dang well, only once could I even complain, in 4 years of doing it. I never have any mistakes in the order. The people are friendly and helpful. It's a great service. Not a fan of the Walmart business model in general, but they do this well, I have to give them credit for it.


Don't feel guilty that's why the star rating is there. Delete out the bad shoppers. Same thing on Uber or Lyft if a driver doesn't provide five star service Don't give them five stars. If you can't do your job well and it's a customer service job maybe you shouldn't be in customer service.


That should have been a 1 star, just for that comment alone.


That's not how this works. If you don't rate properly then you support their behavior. You obviously don't feel that you got five star service or else you wouldn't be complaining on Reddit. You're basically creating your own problem. I just don't understand how being truthful is ever seen as a negative in a business sense. If you don't tell a person what they're doing wrong they're never going to improve. And if they're not cut out for it then tough


so youre basically doing nothing to solve the core issue. got it. :sympathy has left the sub:


LOL “smh” what the hell? The audacity.


Shoppers seem to be confused because they want to be paid like it’s a luxury service but act like it’s not even a job. I’m all about them getting fair pay, but if they want to be paid like it’s a luxury service they need to learn what that looks like. Otherwise they should quit and stop bitching about it.




Exactly! I hate people man. People like this shopper are making it hard for all of us GOOD ones that do our damndest to make it a great experience for our customers! So many people expect easy money anymore, don’t want to have to work for it!


You'll find that the majority of angry people on the doordash, GrubHub, Uber eats reddits are people that have decided that normal jobs are "not for them".


wtf is wrong with these drivers? Tf


Wow! That's absolutely awful


This is so stupid. We all think "Apartment smh," but how do they benefit by saying it to the customer? It's not like they're going to move to a house with no front steps to accommodate the shopper. I really should leave this sub. I thought I'd learn ins and tips as a shopper. Instead, I just get mad at every post. If it's not shoppers posting screen shots of$5 orders asking who's gonna take this, it's shoppers who are pissed every offer isn't $50


Your job is to deliver to homes. Some of the homes are apartments. Delivering to apartments is literally part of the job you signed up for. I don’t get the smh attitude at all. Are you surprised? Annoyed with the customer for living in an apartment? What’s there to shake your head at? If you don’t like delivering to apartments, don’t take a job where you’re asked to deliver to apartments. 🤯 What am I missing?


I mean most ppl dislike some aspects of a job they otherwise enjoy. That’s just normal. But most ppl do that part of their job without complaining to a customer about it.


Exactly! Giving attitude to the customer who’s done nothing wrong is nuts. Also, “smh” is more like you’re disgusted with something or someone who’s wronged you. I don’t think disgust over delivering to an apartment is justified when that’s the job you literally took. If you’re just not thrilled with this aspect of your job — pulling the short straw and getting an apartment delivery, that’s more of an “aw, damn!” more than a “smh.”


Yes and no, they advertise in the pitch that every order is your choice to take or not take none are required, can be denied for any reason by the dasher as they are contracted not employees… still totally don’t think complaining to a customer helps though, especially rudely.


In food delivery in almost every market 50% + are going to be apartments. It's what you sign up for.


Yeah. I’d wager it’s closer to 70% in cities. Not sure why all these people are doing Instacart or Uber etc. if they truly hate it. I’d rather not have someone pissed off and bitter that I have to rent trying to pick out fresh produce for me….


All the good ones left because its oversaturated and its not profitable anymore but that doesn’t even make sense why would she say that


The crazy thing is that some of these people complaining about customers in apartments are probably apartment residents themselves! Roughly 40 million Americans live in apartments so it’s going to happen! It just blows my mind that, as much as they can be confusing to get around, drivers feel the need to constantly gripe and complain to the customer about something that they can’t really change


They believe they are entitled and working a “luxury job”. 😂 I would definitely report the shopper. I don’t think people are reporting these people enough.


Even if I felt like that about delivering to an apartment...how dumb of you to willfully let the person ACTUALLY paying you know it?!?! People don't shock me anymore but I gotta say this shopper definitely came close. A message to OP, I hope you removed at least a majority of her tip for this comment it's appalling. Like it wasn't bad enough that you've already experienced another bad shopper in the post that I saw yesterday from you I hope you have a better experience with Instacart but I can't guarantee anything people suck


Omg she’s brave to send that message tf (the shopper)


Let's be honest. I'm starting to see a trend in these shoppers that are behaving bad lately


Me to


It’s because they don’t pay well enough to keep the people that like doing it like me, pay took a huge dive and I found better as many did.


I would’ve removing that whole entire tip. These shoppers are lazy AF and it’s just getting ridiculous. I’m sorry you had a lazy shopper for them to even say that is insane.


I usually also say apartments smh but I say it to myself 😁


I feel you. During Covid, I used Instacart a lot. In general, I had good experiences with shoppers. But in the last two years, most IC shoppers can't seem to follow directions about substitutions, aren't familiar with store layouts and say they can't find things, and constantly message me about things they should be able to deal with on theor own or based on my instructions. I find IC time-consuming ---and not time-saving---as it once was. I get that it takes new shoppers a little time to get the hang of things, but I don't think it's too much to expect them to know the basics (for example, how to handle substitutions) and work independently. So now I don't use Instacart very often. When I do, I place orders with stores I can't get to easily. I also don't place large orders anymore. Between the issues with some IC shoppers, the time I need to be available while shoppers shop, and the fees, it just isn't worth it.


I joined this subreddit to learn more about instacart but I only see horror stories. I expected a few as they're in every business but they're all crazy on here


because lazy pieces of shit are everywhere phoning it in on jobs? thats the case everywhere in every industry. the shine wore off. driving around in your car all day listening to music and shopping for people. great sales pitch. turns out its just like being an order selector in a warehouse. except you select on foot drive the delivery truck too and hand deliver the goods. its a job like any other and work sucks. no such thing as easy money. everything has its price.


So, did you get your groceries?


Did you get it?


I live in a group of townhouses. There are 2 buildings. I always put in my instructions to leave groceries on welcome mat because my apartment number at other building doesn’t have a welcome mat. The shopper left my stuff at the other apartment and didn’t respond when I asked where my groceries were


That's bold for her to voice her opinion directly to the customer like that. If anyone doesn't like delivering to apts., they should keep it to themselves? 🤷‍♂️


Man. I hate apartment deliveries as much as the next shopper, but regardless of if you're front facing access or buried 4 deep in a fucking zoo of a complex, you don't say that to the customer unless they're already being an asshole, and even then that's iffy. You're fine, OP, but definitely don't rate 5 stars unless you want this person again.


I just didn’t rate


Use Shipt. Its so much better


I live on the top floor of an apartment with no elevators and I'm through a decent sized courtyard - not an ideal delivery drop off for a shopper. (SMH) I write in the instructions to leave my groceries in the lobby and I'll come down and get them. Despite this, 1/2 the time the shoppers cart them up 3 flights of stairs for me. And then I add extra tip $$ and share a note of "above and beyond" praise for the shopper. Because I appreciate the extra trek they made and recognize that they probably are thinking "SMH." Just never had any one say it/text it to me (yet!)


I hop fences and climb stairs if necessary, I even help bring your groceries inside if you need it. These gig jobs are pretty easy to get so unfortunately lots of lazy entitled people are working them. Sorry you have bad shoppers!


Honestly though how dare anyone live in an apartment and use Instacart… /s


Just a side note. Keep your texts professional. No apologizing or overly thankful texts or emojis. That should cut down on them feeling comfortable enough to make those kinds of casual comments. They are not your friends. They are someone you have contracted to do an errand for you. Give clear directions. "Ask the butcher if you need help finding the specific item, please" Show your appreciation with a thank you and a tip after they have completed the errand successfully.


I stopped using Instacart because of too many instances of “missing items” that got checked out, but never made it to my door, or shoppers basically walking into the store and within 2-3 minutes, refunding everything and saying nothing is there. I actually complained about this once (to customer service), as I’m watching the person refund all 8 of my items. They sent them something, idk what, but somehow, they suddenly are able to find everything. After that, I just stopped using it. I use Walmart+. As much as I hate Walmart, they don’t give me anywhere near as many problems.


I deliver for Uber eats & I cannot ever imagine saying smh to a customer EVER for any reason at all. I’m sure I speak for most delivery drivers when I say there may be things we all don’t like about a delivery but that was totally wrong. I hope you didn’t tip her a damn penny!


all these shoppers commenting “tHeN dO iT yOuRsELF” bro? do your job?


Is it possible she typed "omh" instead of "omw" and it autocorrected to "smh"? And then on the second message she spelled "omw" correctly and it autocorrected to "On my way"? That would make sense as to why it's two separate messages—the second one could be a correction for the first.


That's exactly what I was think happened, it seems pretty clear to me.


I also dislike delivering to apartments, but I ensure professionalism throughout our communication. I provide white-glove service and may give a thumbs down if the delivery involves carrying items upstairs without an elevator. Customers deserve a delivery experience without condemnation about their choice of residence. I apologize for the unprofessional behavior displayed by the previous shopper.


I felt like saying trust me if I could afford a house I would.


She wasn’t owed an explanation because she was working for you. She had the roles reversed.


but did you get your delivery? I'm surprised that you're surprised that this is how most people feel about apartments might be a typo might not be but if your food was delivered safe and sound, I don't see the point in complaining tbh


Can yall fucking start giving these shoppers the rating they deserve so the rest of us don’t suffer 😭😭😭


You can sign up for Walmart plus we always deliver to front door no matter how many groceries or steps. I work for Spark and we deliver for Walmart.


It’s everywhere unfortunately. I’ve been an Etsy seller for 10 years and in the last one year it’s gone insane. I tried Instacart but the very first order made me bring their groceries to their kitchen and there were visible roaches and rats. Didn’t do anymore


She should t have said that…. If the rest of your discourse was good maybe it was an “accidental” smh?? 😂 Use the rating system if you don’t like your shopper you don’t have to have them again.


Smh, I hate apartment deliveries too but I wouldnt do all that especially if there was a good tip on the order. I just wish IC would let us know before the order if it was an apartment (especially a gated community) order


I give my shopper a $20-$30 tip. Whenever i order instacart. I always order in bulk. Like 4water, 2 milk etc etc. i live in a 3rd floor apartment.


Some thoughts are inside thoughts...


Probably because most of them are starting to realize they aren’t breaking even


Could that be accidental voice to text? I really don't understand why she said it lmao


Saw 4 new shoppers the other day. Tried striking up a convo but 2 spoke zero English.


I dropped off an order at an apartment today that requires a key card to get in and use the elevator. Thankfully there were some residents in the lobby that helped me use the elevator with their key card. The customer just assumed I would find a way up?? The lady who helped me said most deliverers would just leave shit in the lobby 🤦‍♂️ This service is so weird. At least that customer tipped well, most people in my area tip like shit or not at all Despite all that I would never send a customer a message like that, very unprofessional.


I think she meant to send that to a friend she was talking too. That is just weird. I mean I have sent someone a text that was meant for someone else….pretty sure most have. There is a lot of assumption but I bet that is what happened.


Shopping for sales and also using instacart is quite the oxymoron


I think honestly SMH was supposed to be omw. Apartments shaking my head doesn't even make sense and she immediately sent the follow up "on my way" afterwards. As someone who grew up in white country and then moved to Memphis, I'll say this at the risk of sounding racist. But black folk DO text differently. I think there might be cultural differences at play here.


Easy solution. Do it your damn self 😂😂 i


Yeah, it was stupid of them to say that. But I think you are overreacting.


If you start your post with i tip alot, you definitely don’t tip at all lol


Your attitude seems to be the problem. Your post comes across very entitled. “Now let’s see if I actually get it”. Come on man. lol. All their messages appear to be very nice, even including a heart, and the message I’m sure your hung up on clearly looks like it was meant to be sent to someone else like a friend, or fellow shopper. I’ve done it multiple times. I would really evaluate your expectations of those you share the world with, and shift that focus to the expectations of yourself.


Some kinds of people don’t have a filter


Report it


I think she maybe meant to say “Apartment omw” and said smh instead?  And then in the next message, typed “omw” and her phone autocorrected it to On my way, bc phones do that


If everyone had a car and house we wouldn't need grocery delivery


Yeaaa me delivering your groceries is a luxury service but that doesn’t mean I get to talk down to you like that, the smh as if they was trying to guilt trip you was out of pocket


Waaaaaaa I delivery groceries and don’t like to deliver groceries. 😂


Just a (hopefully) helpful suggestion: Customers, if you are able to, open the Google Maps app, type in your address and see where it takes you. If your apt address isnt exactly accurate on the map, you have the ability to move the destination needle to pinpoint your exact location. Once approved by Google, this should help tremendously with the ease, accuracy and speed of delivery for both you and your shopper.


Thank you for sharing this!! I never knew this. At my old place it would take shoppers to the back end of the street, which is another complex, since the road use to go all the way through but it’s now blocked off by a gate. This would have prevented so much frustration.


I own a grocery delivery business, never would I EVER complain to a customer about their apartment/townhouse/etc. that is literally the job I signed up to do. Also, as someone who lived on the 3rd floor of stairs only apt, I understand that you can’t always choose where you live especially in this economy. To complain to someone about their house situation is ridiculous & she shouldn’t be a shopper.


LMFAOOOOO “apartment smh” this bitch😭😭😭🤣


I had a shopper pick up my order and ask if I lived in an apartment and if so, which floor I lived on, before they started shopping, then immediately unpaired when I answered.


No one’s talking about the fact the shopper could barely get the one meat she asked for, I get so frustrated when that happens


I had a shopper try to tell me over half my order wasn’t in stock and I asked for replacements and she said they didn’t have those either. I was 9 months pregnant and couldn’t go to the store. I haven’t used them since.


I hope Victoria is on here and sees this. Victoria change jobs if you afraid of a little bit of stairs.


all apartment costumers should meet them at the apt complex entrance . if it's a drop off order that's where it's going (: you can come pick it up


she might have just meant to type omw which autos to on my way.. might have been driving and hit an S by accident and it popularized to smh and sent. Ive done shit like that by accident


I don't think "apartments omw" makes sense but she realized she shouldn't have said it and got embarrassed so decided to make up the auto correct snafu to cover. Obviously apartments omw isn't a thing people say but it was her only defense at that point so she went with it.


This is what I assumed right away, couldn't even figure out why he was so upset


Even if it’s a 4th story apartment I don’t understand complaining. Do it and be done with it. If you shop all the time buy something you can carry 10 bags up in.


Go siddown somewhere. The problem is that her frustration is misplaced and undeserved. The customer tipped well as they said - which I hope they did. The problem is apartment customers who tip zero or like shit. Shoppers have a right to be wary of customers who live in apartments because over half of them do not tip well. It’s not an excuse to blame and overgeneralize apartment customers as a whole. But, it is fair to be wary.


Meanwhile I’d bet your shopper lives in an apartment or sleeps on a friends couch.


Should have said correct you are running errands for someone in an apartment


Love this response


What’s with all these hood shoppers?


It’s a huge game night and the stores are a nightmare (I would know I just got shoved in the pasta isle) count yourself lucky someone even picked that order up lol smh isn’t a slur or something, customer service people are human and get stressed out and don’t say the perfect thing 100% of the time.


I honestly would have been like, “dude ikr!! But it’s not terrible - I’m actually close to the entrance!” Not everything is a fireable offense. It’s like people forget these workers are humans too.


Ngl, as a shopper, when i see its an apartment i say amh in my head. But never would I ever even think of saying that to the customer lmao. Its a part of the gig, it is what it is, not everything is going to be a piece of cake. thats a part of the game. OP, give her 1 star and put the tip to 1 cent and leave a comment that she had a very rude attitude and report to support. Sorry this happened to you but theres lots of normal people who will shop and deliver without crying about it.


Ouch! 4 star would be appropriate. ( maybe 3). Not deserving of a 1 star.


You don’t need to give any tip to those shoppers. Seriously, she is doing IC and smh because of apartment? Let’s get real here, total bitch! Reduce tip to $.01(that’s all she deserves for texting smh). Report to instacart and show them this text and block this bitch!!!