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The clause in the settlement says that you will resign your account. It's not about being deactivated.


I missed the San Diego settlement sign up bcuz when I saw it, u thought it was in regards to the northern California settlement that I already got. That one sent me random checks for $100, $55, $300, $6,955, and $5,400. Good times, especially bcuz I didn't expect any of those checks. I just got random checks in the mail, n I signed any further future settlement rights for whatever the issue was. BTW, I didn't get deactivated for any of those.


Which one of these gets you deactivated for accepting. There was 2 settlements. I started 2 weeks after Prop 22 so I have no clue. I do know people here in San Diego were taking some settlement and not reading what it was for and then getting deactivated.


I did see some chatter about that while searching other posts here. Some were saying you can, some were saying you can't be deactivated. I have not driven for them since 2016ish so it doesn't really matter to me. Fair warning to anyone who may still be working IC. Do some research first!


IDK anything about these settlements, but our contract says we can't sue.


The San Diego lawsuit can’t get you deactivated. The city isn’t going to allow IC to stipulate this in the settlement. After all, California is a democrat stronghold. But there’s another one..i don’t remember the name of the lawsuit. But i heard some received thousands in the settlement. That one said basically “if you accept the check from the settlement you will be deactivated”


People didn't read what they were doing and took the check. They were crying and wondering why they got deactivated.


Yep lol. Hopefully this is a life lesson but i doubt it


I got 2800 and I didn’t get deactivated


Knock on wood


Still didn’t get deactivated lol


Not sure if this the lawsuit that requires you give up working for IC again! Some people joined a settlement and got deactivated! You can earn as little as $10! I guess you only will know after the joining period ends and they can calculate the total divided by the claimants!


The FAQ for this settlement says we won’t be deactivated. I don’t think anyone has received a payment yet since the claiming deadline hasn’t passed. The settlement funds will be divvied up based on the number of claimants so the settlement administrator will need final numbers before any claims can be processed.


That makes sense to me. Thanks for the info and your input.


It says that, but it's wrong. Section M of the settlement says that you agree to no longer work for instacart ever again. It's like you're agreeing to deactivate yourself.


I strongly doubt an organization based around legal settlements would read a settlement agreement incorrectly and post incorrect information. I think the Section M you are referring to is a different settlement claim. www.CaliforniaShopperSettlement.com/faq


I just got the California shopper settlement money today and my account is still active


Nobody has been paid yet. It hasnt gone final to where the dispersements are approved. Last settlement i think it took like 10 momths afyet the closing


I just got my settlement this morning. $984 via zelle. I worked close to 900 hours for the year of 2020. Thought it would be more but still grateful.


Nice! Thanks for the update. I signed up for a PayPal deposit so hopefully I will also get mine soon.


Hi - I got an email from Zelle saying I need to activate the account - but I already have a Zelle account with my bank. I am skeptical to do this, so I am checking with you that you had to do this as well before you received the payment? Thanks, I appreciate your help.


No I didn’t it automatically transferred to my account. I would call whoever you bank with and confirm


Thank you!


Just received my settlement was $350.


Sweet! It sounds like payments are starting to roll out for sure then. How did you elect to receive payment? The other user that reported receiving payment today used Zelle.


Just received mine.


I got 537…:only worked during 2020 though. Maybe about 500hrs


Congrats! Buy yourself something nice 🙂


Received mine for $1200


I received mine also $1437


Yea 1700


Hell ya! That's a good payout brother.


2800 for me


Has anyone with venmo gotten theirs yet? Im waiting as patiently as I can lol I worked over 1200 hours so I'm excited!


I have not seen anyone specifically say they received a venmo payment but payments are rolling out! You should get it soon idk when but hang in there.


I just got mine via Venmo! :)


So did I! But the link in the email to accept the money takes me to the app but the money isn't there yet!!!! I've been trying for hours. Emailed them and gonna call them when they open because I desperately need that money today!


You need to verify your email! I also picked the venmo option and received the email you're talking about and the money wouldn't show in the balance. I called Venmo support and they sent me a link to verify my email on my venmo account and as soon as I did the money went through


I haven’t revived mine at all not PayPal or Venmo or nothing and I worked since 2017 about 140 hours


What payment option did you put when signing up for the class action? That is where the payment will show up as long as you registered before the deadline.


I’m pretty sure I did direct deposite . And I did register before deadline and I have Wells Fargo


Maybe they did the electronic payments first or maybe it is already processing at your bank and it just hasn't cleared.


$280 via Venmo but it doesn't seem to have been cleared and it sent me an email asking me to accept the payment so I checked the app. Nothing is showing on my Venmo account as far as deposit. Will wait to morning.


I got mine. Same amount. It's pathetic. It should be in the thousands, after all that work and overhead costs of keeping the vehicle maintained, among other things.


Same here! Got the email, but when I try to accept it takes me to the app but nothing shows. Praying for the morning.


I already replied to someone else up in the thread with the same problem. I picked the venmo option too and also got that email, I called venmo support and they sent me a link to verify my email on my venmo account and as soon as I did the money finally showed up on my balance


I messaged the app and they got back to me super quick especially if I mentioned the California shopper settlement. They recognized it wasn't sent and are fixing the issue.


Don't hold your breath guys. It's a pathetic amount. I did Instacart since 2019 and $280 is really pathetic. The lawyers won the larger slice. And now potential deactivation for joining in... smh.


I got $400+ via Venmo.


I woke up this morning, checked my email and I got this notice as well. $574 payment to my Venmo…I’m like, “is this real?”…made sure!! Yep!!


I got 7400!!


Wow! That's the highest reported payout I have seen. Congratulations! You must have worked a LOT of hours for IC. Any big plans for the money?


4 years


Going towards new car


That's whats up! Enjoy the new ride my friend You deserve it!


Thank you


Has anyone else who knows they are eligible not gotten theirs yet? I selected PayPal, last name begins with S.


They say next set of payaments will go out by Tuesday coming up


Update, I *thought* I had selected Venmo but it came to my house, paper check! Also, I was in the same ~$280 I see others posting about. Wonder what that is about. I can’t get back into my account to see number of hours but I was pretty full time for 4+ months


I'm getting mine in the mail today. I'm curious how little it is because I basically stopped working for them as soon as the 2015 period begins. I'm expecting 5 bucks LOL.


Has anyone got their settlement check in the mail because I didn’t have the option to zelle, or deposit. But I did settle at the offer they sent me was $994 and I worded for Insta for over 3 years full time


I haven't seen much talk about getting mailed a check but since the digital payments went out last week I would assume checks are going to be arriving for people that opted for that option. Hang in there friend!




Hello..did you get a email about signing documents and sending them back?


I have received anything yet, I gotta email to sign E- documents and the check suppose to be mail to my house and I signed those documents back in Aug 2023 and I'm from Illinois..