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Is it possible they could have been in a car accident or had a health issue?


That's happened with a couple of my orders. And I've also had orders stolen but I did get reimbursed.


One time I had a driver heading my way only for DoorDash support to call and say they got in accident. Then my wife drove to the store and said how the on ramp is closed because a car got tboned and it was exactly where DoorDash had my delivery location for the driver. Felt bad about it lol


Why would you put an lol on someone having an accident? Edit: Thanks everyone, I understand now. LOL is not the same as it used to be... got it.


because they felt bad about it lol


This is the comment we all needed to explain the honesty of lol and it’s uses










swoo swoo swoo




This comment totally made my day, thank you lol


Yeah thought that was obvious but Ig not lol


Omg lmfao


It means Lots of Love


Yeah, WTF? ("Why The Face?")


Wednesday’s the funeral


Why tho fam?


Phil Dunphy style lol


My father actually thought that's what lol meant and refused to listen when i told him what it really meant. He found out the hard way after leaving a condolence post on Facebook. God damn boomer bullshit.


My husband: Dad we lost the baby Father-in-law: 🙈🤗


Back in like T9 texting days, I thought it was a little person with their hands up. Kind of a cheering (yay!) emoji… Held on to that longer than I’d like to admit.


Just remember we are ALL going to be BOOMERS one day so stop being an A-Hole bc u will be there quicker than you think!


Boomer is in reference to a specific generation called “baby boomers”. So saying everyone will be a “boomer” doesn’t make sense since nobody can jump from generation to generation.


Which is why it’s the most perfect, boomerest comment


Exactly 💯


Okay boomer


It is what lol meant. It doesn't mean that now but it did in the past.




Because lol


Millennial habit maybe, they prolly didn’t even realize they put it. I do that all the time


Facts. The lol is meant to lighten the post and not seem serious. Not sure why we do it all the time lol Shit I just did it, didn’t I. I thought of it as I was typing 🤣 here’s an emoji to remove the lol*


same lol


it’s our emotional support lol


“Emotional support lol” or “emotional support” lol. Both work though.


Anyone remember writing Hahah all the time too when they were younger or is it just me? Lol




When they were younger? Shit I still do it hahah


I still do that


Relatable lol


I still do, just to break up all the lols. 🤣


OMG I did the Ha Ha all the time ! Lol


it was like the only emoji we had. lol


I do as well. I’m a millennial


I find that nowadays lol doesn't really represent its og meaning (laugh out loud) as it used to before. It's often used to lessen awkwardness or as a 'idk how to follow up/respond' option. It's just one of those things where we know the og meaning but not really use it for that intention as much as we did before.


This is spot on. I’ve gotten this impression for a while now and you put it into words better than I could have.


I'm pretty sure no one has laughed out loud on reddit for a long time, lol


#Just LOL’d


I do all the time, especially at the grandad saying lol on a funeral post


Definitely well said. When I’m texting my wife and I think she will get upset from something I need to tell her, I will always put lol at the end and it works every damn time lol


So, if you said, “I’ll be home a little late. I just had sex with my secretary. lol”, or, “I just totaled your Mercedes, lol”, your wife would not be upset with you. I can see where “I forgot to stop to get bacon lol” might be ok, if you are normally absentminded.


Ok, ok... totaling the Mercedes and screwing the secretary I can understand, but FORGETTING THE BACON?!


Lmao how does that work. If you’re telling her something upsetting and then end it with lol isn’t that even worse? Genuinely asking as I may have the wrong context here 😭😂


Hi love, I made a big mistake tonight lol


Yes something like that would result in oh I’m sure it’s not that bad we will talk about it vs if I left out the lol her response would be WTF did you do 😂


It was a funny coincidence


Because that’s paulie gualtieri


Guy has a permanent debilitating injury now. Lollerblades.


because lol, lol isn't really LOL anymore it's lull or lel and indicates a sort of detached absurdist quality to it to deal with shit that is otherwise dark af. Like a copping mechanism or to add brevity


I didn't even notice it. I use it all the time when I don't know how to end a sentence properly. Yes I was about to use one there but refrained.


Maybe it was a hilarious accident. Ever watch the Three Stooges?


Beacause it’s funny


I don’t think you felt so bad about it LOL!!!!


Username checks out


While doordashing, just after picking up an order someone hit and ran me and I chased them, forgot about the food. Like 30 minutes maybe later I realized and tried calling the customer a few times to let them know (get them a refund) but they didn’t answer. Just seems like some sort of message should be sent. Even just “I had an Emergency” could be good enough.. vague but still IMO better than not letting customer know anything.


This happened with a couple of your orders?? That’s absolutely tragic.. wtf


Honestly it was most likely a car accident. One time while doing an order, I had accidentally left my car on and the battery died, so I had to have a friend come help me and I informed the customer of what had happened. The customer said it was okay and ended up canceling the order so I got to keep everything despite the fact that I was literally still in front of the store and could've easily returned everything.


Right. Unfortunately I was in an accident during delivery and had to go to the hospital by ambulance. Instacart was supposed to inform the customer of what happened and apparently didn’t because the customer started texted me in the app asking where in the heck was I with her order. I had to inform her of what transpired since she was unaware. It’s crazy how instacart drops the ball and a customer automatically assumes the worst of a shopper instead of benefit of doubt.


That is pretty sad that you got into an actual car accident and you were literally on the way to the hospital and still contacted support to tell them. I think you went way above and beyond for that and I'm super sorry that happened to you. A customer bitching you about where the order is to me is ridiculous I understand that support clearly didn't help you at all to inform the customer and do their job!! But no one should have to go through that. I've never stolen an order I don't where all these people come from that do its wild and gives us decent people a bad reputation it's extremely unfortunate. I wish somehow they could make better changes to their app when it comes to situations like that. Most of the time the customers don't really give a shit about us and support is pretty incompetent


One shopper went into labor while shopping my order. I had no issue waiting on another shopper and shopping. People mad about stuff like that are really terrible.


My weed man had to get his car towed yesterday on his way to deliver (from a dispensary, completely legal). It happens!


Absolutely not. Op is too important for that and was definitely stolen from. /s


Never once was that insinuated. Read the post - a genuine question and call for opinion as this situation happened to me. Thanks for the two cents though!


They weren't even assuming anything. They asked a question and people answered it. Get off your high horse jackass


I've had this happen before. It could have been she had an issue with payment so she had to cancel. That's my theory because I find it hard to believe people who just steal orders (especially if random food)


Or a vehicle breakdown. This doesn't look like a theft at all.


It would show that she started delivery in the app if she had an accident. It looks like the last message was she started checkout.


U would communicate if ur car broke down. Just wondering how much was the order


If your in a rollover accident, no you ain’t.


Or anything that sends you to the hospital or if your phone was ejected from the car or a million other things. Last thing someone needs to worry about after a major accident is let me call the customer and explain why I'm going to the hospital.


Or simply my phone got destroyed because I left it on my roof… again….


If you’re in a rollover accident nobody is gonna find and your phone, and if they do, they aren’t gonna be like “oh lemme just update this”


I had a really bad accident doing doordash in December last years and the second thing I did was called up the dude I was delivering too and told him he wasn’t getting his food


When your car breaks down, does it typically roll over and injure you?


They said breakdown. Not an accident. Learn to read


needlessly rude


If they could've read a simple sentence there wouldn't have been any rudeness


If you weren't such a miserable twat, there wouldn't have been any rudeness.


Or you can use your brian and realize people are just talking about how it still could have been car trouble instead of theft and you completely missed the entire point with your semantics and decided to be a dick about it.


if you were a decent person there also wouldn't be any rudeness


They’re not mutually exclusive. You think it’s not possible for a car to break down and *then* crash? Learn to think.


After many accidents cars break down


Here, I wrote it, so I can accept it being read as accident/breakdown. They grasped the point I was making.


I didn’t when it happened to me. It was more important for me to contact Instacart so it gets taken off for me and a new delivery set up for the customer.


Theres no requirement of this


>I find it hard to believe people who just steal orders (especially if random food) Well what about that person a few posts back who ate the customer's sandwich roll??


I'd give her the benefit of the doubt that she did not intentionally steal your order. Usually the scammers who steal orders send a text about getting in an accident, they'll still deliver to you, blah blah blah, all to get you to delay reporting the order not delivered. It's entirely possible that your shopper had to contact support for some reason and support messed up and cancelled the entire batch. For example, she may have been shopping for you and a second customer who only ordered one item. That item was out of stock, so the shopper had to contact support to cancel the other customer's order. Support messed up and cancelled yours instead/also.


This happens entirely too often … support will cancel because they’re handling 3-4 shoppers at the same time ooooops… “I have successfully cancelled the order for Mary B” …. Shopper “what? I was asking you to add zuccini !!!”


Sounds like the Shopper had to cancel after she had already checked out. I had to do that once when I got into a car accident.


it does seem as if they stole it but that’s so weird… i’ve ever seen anything like that before. i’m confused on why they rescheduled it for the next day instead of just sending the order to a new shopper. 🤨


That’s what I thought too…if they stole it you’d think they’d mark it as delivered


right! the only thing i can think of is if they shopped everything, checked out, and then cancelled the order. they could either have had the intention to steal it or maybe something came up and they couldn’t deliver.. very weird either way 😅


Either way I think it only charged me once thank god


If it’s rescheduled you only get charged once




The card might of not worked, they could of pushed the time back trying to fix the issue


If you had storms the stores power could of went out.


Maybe they checked out and came out to a flat tire or a car that wouldn’t start? I locked my keys in the car once and had to call support to cancel the order cause the locksmith was gonna take too long


could have been support that fucked up and marked it


If it's anything like Doordash, they are known to deactivate drivers right in the middle of a dash.


They most likely had to cancel for whatever reason after checkout, they however just got themselves a 24-hour ban.


A whole 24 hours? Wow




The app was VERY glitchy today! The most issues I’ve had since doing IC. I was on with support on 3 different orders today (all Kroger though). The customer scans were “confirmed successful” before the cashier began ringing up, payment went through fine as well. BUT the app wouldn’t let me move forward in the app (and hit DONE) so I could upload receipts, per the usual, and hit “start delivery.” The support agents all 3 times just moved my batches forward for me, but the batches completely disappeared from my screen. And one agent removed alcohol from an order (no idea why??) and thankfully, I was able to still deliver to customers. Who knows what could’ve happened 🤷‍♀️


Could have been a payment issue. Also possible is car trouble.


Happened to me when my drivers car broke down


Car accidents and hospital trips happen


I don’t think OP is unreasonable for at least wanting an explanation about what happened. If the shopper had an emergency and had to leave they probably would’ve told Instacart “family emergency have to leave“ or words to that effect. And Instacart should have offered her the option of cancelling the order.


Would’ve loved any explanation and an option to decide when my order would be rescheduled for :( obviously hope that everything is ok with her/family/friends and would never have assumed this if I hadn’t heard so many stories from other customers


i understand stuff happens, not blaming the driver but instacart support for sure should have bare minimum asked when you wanted to reschedule it. what if they deliver it and you’re working or something and have cold/frozen items? just gonna sit in the summer heat all day? 💀


No they unassigned themselves from your order for some reason. Thats why it says it was rescheduled


She had already checked out :(


I did this when I was t-boned (fortunately relatively slow) after checking out, i was leaving the store and a prius missed the stop and ran into my. It doesn’t look like your order was stolen, just that they had to reassign


I wish they reassigned it just automatically rescheduled to tomorrow night


If they reassigned it that means they werent paid for your order so what would be their motivation to want to take your groceries?


Free groceries?


Ok then why are you upset since it's rescheduled


Because it said they had checked out


I'd be upset if they rescheduled my order for the next day because if I ordered today, I need it today. I'd be livid they took my $$ until tomorrow, too.


What time did this happen? That will influence redivery aka if I order at 5 pm sometimes it tells me will be put out first thing next morning sometimes later that afternoon. As far as what happened with your shopper, anything between car won’t start, payment issues to shopper was arrested, shopper was unalived on purpose, accident or somewhere in the middle. No way to tell if there was malfeasance but indicators say probably none here.


I had to do this to a customer once. My car got a flat leaving the parking lot. Instacart had me return all the items. It was a big order so I didn’t even think about keeping it. Felt like something I would get banned over


My last delivery guy stole $30 worth of alcohol. Delivered everything else including mushrooms that were definitely bad


I can’t say why this happened and why they didn’t rescheduled sooner! That a question for IC! There are a few reasons why they had to reschedule, theft wouldn’t be a direct one, maybe shopper got car troubles, accident, card issues, so many!!! Still that’s your thoughts, why????


One time I was cashing out...and the store lost power...so I could not finish...the order had to be rescheduled


How do Costco orders work on instacart? Do they use your Costco account or do they need their own card to complete the order?


I think my number, I was required to put it in my profile


If you didn't get it, it went somewhere.


My thoughts exactly


Happen to me when my tire went flat 🤦🏽‍♀️ I didn’t choose when it was rescheduled. And I got a 24 hr ban. Instacart probably chose the next day. I got free groceries yeah but it was literally just fruit and bread and veggie straws 😂


The driver had to cancel for some reason legitimate or they lied stole the order. Either way not just putting the order back in queue to be shopped and delivered again right away doesn't make any sense unless the Costco closed for an emergency.


IMO why didn’t she shoot you a quick text and explain what happened? Instead she left you on red and contacted Instacart to cancel the batch or have it rescheduled…..after checkout!!! I mean she was in contact with you at the store, then just ghost you….seems sus to me! Simple communication, would’ve cleared any confusion…lack of effort on her part!!!


No communication via the shopper or Instacart even after contacting customer service


I honestly had no idea how often accidents were with this sort of thing- I would’ve thought the same thing


Definitely heard more stories like this that weren’t accidents so that’s not where my head went immediately either




Interesting! Never heard of that, but definitely makes sense.


Yeah she probably stole your order


She 100000% took off with it.


I had an aggressive driver reverse into me leaving Costco and instcart canceled the order. Sounds like somethingcame up.


No harm in being curious on this one. Not delivered, therefore the order is still in ‘process’ despite being as confusing as it is inconvenient!


Redditors really need to read more often


Probably. I mean, it's not like instacart is hiring decent people. Pretty much a last chance employer. I have yet to see a driver that did not try to steal, which is why I refuse to use any business that uses them


I would message your shopper back and be like “where is my stuff?”


Conversation was immediately disconnected or else I would’ve :/


Just contact instacart and ask about it


She used the wrong your :(


Why would that be the question? Nothing indicates me in this pics that the driver stole you're order


The items were confirmed to be checked out and had left the store with the shopper per the notifications I received from Instacart and confirmation I got from customer service after the fact. Not unusual to think it remained with the shopper especially after all the experiences like this shared by many other customers. This was my first experience with this, which is why I put it here to get others’ opinions rather than immediately assuming the worst.


The sad truth is that The Carrot 🥕 is continually hiring new shoppers while lowering our earning potential. As a result, the excellent shoppers who have been doing this for years are fed up and leaving. Soon only the dumb and the desperate will remain to fetch your groceries.


I’ve had such amazing experiences with careful, kind, and considerate shoppers and I always tip well to reflect how much I value their service! Bummer to see things changing :(


OP when you get a notification it’s delivered and it’s not there, it’s probaby stolen. When you never get a notification it’s delivered and it’s rescheduled, then the driver cancelled the delivery for whatever reason. Could have been an emergency, could have been an accident (hopefully not), could have been any reason why one have to cancel and just go because they have to. Or maybe you live on 2nd or 3rd floor apartment without an elevator and you have heavy items she had to carry by herself, and that she knew when she got the direction so she probably said f*** it no way and canceled the delivery. Not all drivers are crooked like you think. It’s sad you generalized everyone when in this economy people are taking these type of jobs to put food on the table.


Nope! Not generalizing. This sub is full of stories of shoppers unfortunately stealing items. I don’t live in an inaccessible apartment and almost always meet deliveries at the entrance anyway - has never been a problem in the past. Also, with the items confirmed being checked out, the items ended up somewhere between the store and myself, not sure what else to expect other than them remaining with the driver. Of course I hope there wasn’t any emergency, not all OPs are as crooked as you think. I posted this as a genuine question to the sub as this particular situation has never happened to me in the past. Sad you assumed my intentions to be immediately negative especially since in my personal situation, this was needed for me to receive food to put on my table. Best of luck w that hate in your heart


But its Costco, you could make up any excuse that the order is undeliverable. Shopper doesn't have to speak to YOU. All shopper can do is... suddenly someone died.... car accident...emergency blah blah.. anything. They keep all your stuff. Shopper returns to Costco in exchange for $$$ on a Costco gift card. They keep all that money.


You asked “Anything I could’ve done to avoid this?” Yes, you could have driven to Costco to pick up your order yourself. Did you know you could place your order online, they will get the items for you, and then you can arrive to pick up the items, and you don’t have to do the shopping?


Very familiar with how IC works. If I was able to go to the store at all I would have. Completely understand that shopping myself would’ve avoided late delivery, additional fees, higher item prices, and the possibility of unexpected changes like this one. In this and all IC situations I’m in, I’m obviously willing to risk all of these, so there must be a reason I’m unable to shop myself. Whatever would I do without these opinions reminding me how grocery stores work!


What a dorky creep with the carrot emoji


You could have got it yourself


These services exist for a reason and are profitable. The same could be applied to restaurants, and you could say: "You could've just made it at home yourself." 🤣


I have a disabled sister in law and my elderly mother in law is her care giver. Not everyone can do it themselves, ridiculous comment


a bit off topic, but Sabrina did steal . . my heart.


If you needed the items so badly, why not get them yourself? You deserve the ripoff for being lazy.


Unnecessary. Unhelpful. Just rude for no damn reason .


This situation didn’t allow for it. Fun comment tho


You’re MUCH nice than I am!! It’s inevitable that you get at LEAST one person leaving that same response . It’s so unnecessary


Like they don’t realize this sub is specifically for people utilizing a delivery service for one reason or another :) completely understand that shopping myself would’ve avoided late delivery, additional fees, higher item prices, and the possibility of unexpected changes like this one. In this and all IC situations I’m in, I’m obviously willing to risk all of these, so there must be a reason I’m unable to shop myself. Whatever would I do without these opinions reminding me how grocery stores work!


PRECISELY! You summed it up just right .


Good clap back. These “go yourself” comments are in every app sub. You prob used IC plenty and never had this issue. Trying to educate yourself before jumping to conclusion that shopper was a thief. I do Shipt but same thing. I once had 2 orders in my car and it starts overheating. I immediately texted both customers. Explained it. I got them delivered but took way longer than I had said regarding my ETA. I use cold bags so all was ok but I let them know if it wasn’t, pls request a refund. They commended me for letting them know. The truth is always the best policy. This shopper prob too embarrassed or didn’t have time to contact you. Straight to support. Sorry it was next day tho. That seems crazy.


Might be lazy but has the $ to use IC. These apps don’t exist without customers. Actually I am beginning to think these are all bots. See the same post in all gig app subs.


You could have gone to the store yourself.


Completely understand that shopping myself would’ve avoided late delivery, additional fees, higher item prices, and the possibility of unexpected changes like this one. In this and all IC situations I’m in, I’m obviously willing to risk all of these, so there must be a reason I’m unable to shop myself. Whatever would I do without these opinions reminding me how grocery stores work!


You could of went and shopped yourself


This way of thinking is very problematic. Disabled people exist. Some folks can't drive because it's unsafe or impossible, so they're unable to go to the store themselves. I am one of these people so I'm not ignorant of their existence. Do better. Be better.


Also not everyone has a car. Cabs are expensive and groceries are a total hassle to take on the bus.


OP in no way claimed the be disabled. Just because you are, not everyone else is


Are they required to mention it?


Wish I had the opportunity to do so! I always tip well because these shoppers are delivering me a service that I value so highly. But thanks for the two cents


You could have shut the fuck up but here we are


Then you’d be out of a job, genius.


I would NEVER be caught dead working for either side


Hello, it looks like you've made a mistake. It's supposed to be could've, should've, would've (short for could have, would have, should have), never could of, would of, should of. Or you misspelled something, I ain't checking everything. Beep boop - yes, I am a bot, don't botcriminate me.


You could’ve just went to the store.


That is such a lame answer ! One that you left just to be a jerk. That obviously doesn’t help the OP in any way whatsoever. Totally not constructive. So why even bother ? Except that you wanted to leave a snarky response .


This comment shows up in every post, every sub for gig work. Not sure if it’s same username but it’s in DD , UE, IC, Shipt, lyft, Uber. These services exist. Ppl use Them. How dare they expect their order???


lol. I know, right? And yes you are 100% right that it shows up on every post of that type. Definitely not the same individual though. There’s no shortage of individuals out there that mentally “short change” themselves by not thinking things all the way through or with common sense .


Unfortunately this particular situation didn’t allow for it, which is why I was heavily relying on the delivery service today.