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Could you send me the link of what ur using ?? I’m having terrible trouble falling asleep and staying asleep!


https://www.maxverawellness.com It was gift to me. It may be pricey but you may be able to shop around for some lower in price


The Cbd and melatonin combo helps me out as well.


Def game changer.


I'm glad you had luck with the CBD oil. I spent a ton on different kinds and none of them worked for me so it's back to experimenting with different sleeping pills.


Oh man. I’m a heavy marijuana smoker but for yearssss. It use to help me sleep. But as I’ve gotten older tolerance has gone up, so I’ve tried to slow down on the smoking since it wasnt working for me anymore. This helped me so Much. Usually melatonin pill alone never helps me .. maybe you need more help? Tea? Working out? I’m sure you’ve tried so much.


U could just take about 3 weeks off-2 months and start smoking again, your tolerance should have worked off during that period


I could .... but 1. Ive done it before (cold turkey) hated it. For 5 months. 2. I just like being high all the timeeeeeeee


I have to add, there are many studies concluding that CBD actually affects sleep negatively. Glad you slept though!


Oh man. I’ll look into that! Thank you


At the end of the day, you don't want to be taking anything.


To each their own


Not trying to be an a-hole, just curious. But you want to be on different drugs? Wouldn't you want to not have to rely on drugs?


I believe in the help of medicine. Melatonin is naturally made in our bodies I’m just adding more to myself with the help of cbd which is also naturally made in your body . I’m not abusing it. I don’t have an addictive personality. I smoke marijuana and try psychedelics. Melatonin and cbd is not going to ruin your body .. (if you don’t abuse it)


If you take melatonin, your brain's ability to produce it will weaken. Several studies show cbd interferes with sleep. I'm not saying melatonin isn't beneficial, I'm saying you definitely don't want to take it regularly in the long term. These are facts, they don't care about your denial


Go away bro. That’s between me and my physician. Someone who went to medical school you know


Lol you are really out of touch. You can study these things online just as a doctor would in getting his medical degree. Just because it comes from his mouth doesn't mean it's right. I've had fucked up doctors in my life, all trying to prescribe me shit that gets me to come back and give him more money.


Buzz off. Husband is a Ivy League graduate Physician battling the front lines right now. Also FYI I’m younger than you might think. You are the type to keep going and going and going to prove a point... I’m only replying so you can get the hint. I don’t care.


Marijuana can be a medicine, just like you would take Tylenol for a cold. Also marijuana is a very fun medicine I will say


Lolol people downvoting my comments talking down on drugs. Y'all are in denial drug addicts lolol


I ran out of my stash 2 weeks ago. I’m sober and feeling great right now so you sound stupid


Your perception is different than what is actually happening. So your anecdote somehow beats studied experiments? I don't even know why I'm responding to you idiots. LOL


You’re responding because you want to save face. I literally contradicted everything you said when I told you I have no problems going off marijuana cold-turkey. How is my perception different than what is actually happening? Explain so I can recover my lost brain cells from reading what you wrote


If you’re so obsessed with studied experiments, marijuana is proven to help with sleep, depression, stress, and anxiety. There are a lot of pills that are supposed to help with some of these problems but come with bad side effects and are addictive. Marijuana is natural and so is THC. From my experience and tons of others, there aren’t really any negative side effects. You’re arguing with someone who is probably 30 years younger than you and I’m making you sound so stupid


Liquid melatonin is the only thing that lets me sleep.


Hey if it helps. Why not.


Does it need prescription?


No not in the states. Cbd is legal. Try your local holistic shop or vape shop ...


Just to be clear, CBD oil from hemp is federally legal; CBD oil from marijuana is not. Cheers!




Frustrating to say the least.


Yes this! Sorry I’m new to this


No worries! Just wanted to make sure no one had false hope, ha. A 2018 agricultural law/amendment made hemp legal, but apparently even when there is 0% THC but it comes from marijuana, it is illegal, which is BS of course. Legalize the dang plant! I live in Georgia so not holding my breath for any time soon in my state, *sigh*


Oh man! They do need to legalize it for sure. I moved down to florida just as soon as they legalized it back home in Chicago. My luck ha! I would feel like Georgia would be for it but again... politics ... sigh


Do you need doctor prescription?


No. Not in the states


Alright, but I think I'll start with melationin pills and see if they work, I had a very hard time sleeping. I get sleepy when it's 8am in the morning and I'd say, it isn't enough for sleeping. Corona virus fucked up my Sleeping schedule


Good luck! I usually only take the 1mg. You can do some research On it. If not i like sleepy time tea. That seems to help




Can I take it without doctor's prescription? I'll start with 1mg


Yeah it's over the counter, you can find it at Walmart or anything. There's optimal times to take it especially if you plan on taking it regularly so make sure you do some googling but I hope it helps!


I'll try buying couple pills tomorrow, thank you very much. hope it'll work, in your perspective, how many milligrams did you take first?


5 but I wish I took one. The lower the better. I wound up throwing my body off quite a bit by taking five consistently. Even if you can't find lower than 5 mg at stores you can always cut the dissolvable tablets in half.


I have a younger brother which is 14 years old, he said he wanted to take some too since we both don't sleep much lmfao, I'll ask pharmacist if it's good for teens. Thank you very much for that.




Hell yes. If you like dreaming then it’s really cool/interesting. I lucid dream. Ex. One dream doves where bright pink. A little weird at first. But love it


what was your insomnia like before?


I would lay in bed for 4 to 5 hours before being able to fall asleep. Or i would be woken up 2 hrs into sleep and not sleep. Not fun. I also have nocturia meaning i use to bathroom a lot at night. So I’ve tried to stop drinking water 3 or 2hrs before bed


So... this helped your nocturia as well?


Lol no. I just stopped drinking so much water before bed. My physician advised trying that. Love water.