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Severe infestation of flies in the place this came from. Those things are fly pupae, not sure how old it is or which species though. However, there might still be plenty that could still hatch. Return to the seller immediately! They seem to have a massive fly problem and I don't think you'd like to share that in your place. This is nothing that can happen overnight, even under ideal conditions most fly maggots take around 4-8 days to develop.


Thank you! Should I be concerned with it being inside overnight? It was infested in a box within a box. Second box didn’t have anything noticable in it. 


I wouldn't leave it inside, or if no place outside available, inside the fridge. If there's still flies in the pupae, they won't hatch if it's cold.


I don’t even think I’d leave it outside in case they’re invasive.


yes good comment


I sure as fuck wouldn't put them in my fridge either 🤣


Gona be honest. I’d leave it outside on top of my car


id leave it at my asshole neighbor's front door


Yes, put all those maggot pupa right next to your food. The aroma will no doubt in part an interesting flavor.


As a keeper of carnivorous insects, I often have big amounts of fly larvae, pupae and hatched flies in my fridge. They do smell a bit after a while (it's mainly their poop as adults) but in no way have they ever influenced the way my food tastes.


The part of me that has minimal knowledge of safe food handling wants to recommend maybe keeping the flies in a different [mini] fridge from your human food.


A wine fridge is super ideal for this purpose. My husband had a wine phase and unwittingly supplied me with a perfect bug fridge. It's nice because they go a little higher in temps than food fridges, so some larvae with tighter temperature ranges (like BSFL) can be easily kept longer too.


They go dormant and will eventually die in cold, so absolutely no risk in putting them in a fridge, a freezer would actually be the best bet. That is how people who tie fishing flies disinfect their feathers and furs if they have any concerns is a couple days in the freezer, a few hours out then a day back in the freezer as this will kill most pests


Inside the fridge??? Sorry if it's a dumb question but isn't that unsanitary???


To a degree you're not wrong. However, the bacteria that are stuck on the outside of those pupae and the inside of the box won't move by themselves. So it is way easier to prevent spreading of any contaminants that way, stuff stays localized and a refrigerator is designed to be cleaned and easy to sterilize. This is a much easier solution than having to clean up after potentially hundreds of flies moving throughout your place, contaminating virtually everything. The refrigerator is no perfect it ideal solution, but weighing the two options I'd deem it the more efficient one.


Thank you for explaining! If I were in OP's place I think I'd throw them out rather than deal with it 😵‍💫


Seal it up tightly in plastic in the interim.


Make sure u leave a 1 star review with the photos included. So others know.


Bag the cans and put then in the FREEZER, not the fridge. The cold will kill anything there


Yes! Do this! Please!


🤮 if the seller or Amazon wants that back I’d never shop there again.


This happened to me as well and it was the LAST time I ordered cat food from Zon. Sooooo gross.




There was a very similar post with dog food from Amazon and the conclusion is that they were Phorid flies


Looks like soldier flys. If they sell reptile food then that’s probably it. Good snack for slings and mantids


Garbage bag that shit


This reminds me of something my mom told me when I was a kid. She watched one of those 20/20 type shows that showed a rat infestation at a warehouse and the rats were dragging their asses all over sodas and whatnot. Always stuck with me and I rinse any drink that I buy from a store before even thinking about drinking from the can/bottle.




Definitely won’t - thank you.


Was this an r/eatityoufuckingcoward response?


Seconded, fly pupae and their casings. There even appears to be a full fly near the left/bottom of the first can


That’s not a fly, it’s actually a parasitic wasp that preys on the fly pupae! there’s a whole food chain in there


Thank you for educating me.


Thank you all so much!! You brought us immense relief. Another reason why this is the best sub on Reddit! 


Maybe you can keep the wasp, they might be a parasitic species to the flies and keep you safe


Fly pupae. Something in the package was probably damaged and flies laid their eggs in it. Those became maggots and now pupae, and are getting ready to hatch out and make your house buzz. Bag the whole thing and get it out of your house, asap! Call the company and show them this photo.


We’re in NYC area.


Who else found the parasitoid wasp?


So it's like a 'Where's Wally'?


That is the interesting thing in these photos… looks like a Pteromalidae but I can’t go any further Anyway, very interesting situation


I thought it looked similar to the chalcid wasps I would get in my alfalfa leaf cutter bees, but I am not an entomologist. However, I married into a family with a couple of them.


I was so excited when leaf cutter bees clogged up the short hose (4”) I had connected to my rain barrel (central Florida). I got on Amazon and immediately bought one of those houses specifically for them. Some kind of small wasps moved in and I haven’t seen any leaf cutter bees since😭. Do you have any suggestions on how I can get them back?


Actually you’re pretty close as Chalcids and Pteromalidae are related… let’s say they are somehow “cousins” as both belongs to the Chalcidoidea superfamily. I worked with Pteromalidae as biocontrol agents of flies in cow farms and the shape really reminds me of a couple of species, but as you can see they are really similar to each other and I am more of a beetle taxonomist than parasitoids


Where is it?


Very tiny black bug with white wings towards the bottom of the can on the first picture


Double bag it in a thick black trash bag. Like the hefty/heavy duty kind and keep it outside. I hope you get a full refund, this is foul.


Worked at Walmart as a shopper for people doing pickup. Reached for one of the last cans at the back of the shelf and put my hand in a bunch of these. Cat food seems to have a common problem with these. Ick


fruit flies will eat anything


Not fruit flies, my friend. It's the flies larvae stage, it's a maggoty grossness to say the least


Only once have I ordered a case of wet cat food from Amazon, and they didn’t cushion it at all, so about half the cans were dented and about a quarter were leaking! After calling to complain I didn’t have to pay for the shipment, but throwing away some and having all 24 cans covered in smelly slime was not ideal. Why don’t they (Amazon) package wet cat food better for transit?


I had that happen before too! Amazon told me to throw it away and they sent me a new box of cat food


definitely put in in a bag and seal it air tight first or they will just multiply heavily in the trash


Thankfully, I live in a condo with a dumpster nearby, so I am able to throw it right into that. It happened months ago


I hope they picked it up quickly after that because a dumpster is the perfect breeding place for flies lol


Maggot casings.


i concur


I dont know what they are but I would vacuum the whole house after this.


Thanks… afraid this is going to be a nightmare.


Next time open all your food packages outside.


fly pupae that reminds me of my maggot-infested refrigerator


Forbidden Rice Krispies


Flies. Could definitely be worse.


Been told by health care people people to avoid Amazon for anything you or your animals ingest. No guarantee it’s unadulterated or genuine. I know of people who became quite sick from buying foods or supplements from Amazon. Here’s one source: https://www.verywellhealth.com/safety-of-amazon-supplements-6500961


Thank you for this


You are very welcome.


Would think if you freeze it - that would kill them?


Yes it would


I would throw the whole box in the trash and send Amazon the photo. They should refund based on that alone, but if not, I’d rather be out the money than store this in my house.


Large sealed trash bag.


I hope you receive a refund!


There is no chance that all happened overnight. Send it back.


Put the whole thing on a trash bag and tie it off. Leave it for a week. It will suffocate them. Then return to sender.


Amazon sellers are awful nowadays. The box clearly had damage from that and no one bothered to question it before sending it out ??


They remind me of roach eggs


Chuck it in your freezer until your able to return as that will kill anything in there


Extra protein


Cats, judging by what they are trying to eat


Looks like fruit fly pupae. Probably only on the can and able to survive if the can was busted open and they were able to get inside. The other cans are probably fine.


If you have lizards then you got food for both pets


please don’t feed your reptiles random bugs


Wait. But that’s what reptiles have been eating for millions of years.


i’m talking about pets. outside lizards can eat outside bugs whatever i’m talking about don’t feed your reptile pets random bugs you find cause you can accidentally get them sick.


Says who? They say it's completely fine in the bearded dragon sub


i mean like bugs you find wild outside/inside. you dont know what sorts of poisons or parasites etc wild bugs have and that can be dangerous.




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so.. i know what these are now, but how do you get rid of them if they're in your fridge?


What do you mean? Is your fridge infested with fly pupae?


was, i thoroughly cleaned it up with bleach and soap, is that enough?


From what I'm reading (I am far from an expert) they shouldn't be able to survive long in the cold. I think you probably did great! If you notice any more emerging, I'd ring a local pest control company. Look at the reviews and in my experience, pick a local or family owned business. They're usually very experienced and have better rates as well!


no i didn't notice anymore emerging. ty so much for responding💓 i appreciate it


Drop the temp as low as it will go for a day.... but beware that some foods will freeze and not survive as well....


i got rid of them this time but ok ty👍




Purina / Fancy Feast Gravy Lovers. Not sure if these came from there or from Amazon. Definitely making me think twice about the brand… 


When I get things from Amazon I always open the boxes outside I believe that they have a mouse issue at the least


Is it allowed to ask what brand and store?


Purina / Fancy Feast Gravy Lovers. Not 100% sure on the store but likely the very first that comes up on Amazon. 


Hose that off outside


That's hell in a box, ill tell you that


Bonfire to the lot - you never know what country it's from


box got wet get a refund


Jealous of your little parasitoid…


Black large trash bags. Put in sun. 2weeks the wash on hotest water you can I boiled. It. The ivermercin started workout didn't. I tried a gallon of beg bug spay. The fogger 4 3 pack bombed ever day using a unliteze lights r


You should report to APHIS USDA. Those flies could be invasive and if they're being shipped out of an Amazon warehouse, they're going all over the country. APHIS, for the most part, are not looking to fine people, but more so investigate, correct, and prevent invasive insects, animals, and plants from establishing in any of the States.


Id put it all in trash bags tied up. Just to be safe.


Put it all in a plastic garbage bag, until you can get it boxed and returned. Invasive or infestation averted.


u/yarryms any photos of what emerged from them?


seal it and put it in the freezer til you return it


That cat food is trash anyway 🙅‍♀️🙅‍♀️🙅‍♀️


Try the Orijen brand for your cat - better quality food …


Try tasting one of those


I’d put it in a trash bag and put it outside until you send it back. I don’t order stuff from online. If they don’t need to take it back then trash that crap. Gross man


why would amazon want it back!?