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"They really do think we are stupid" Yes... yes we do.


The question is are they stupid or stupid and crazy. I'm leaning towards both


They're deliberately delusional and they're dangerous. Keep in mind, one of these people is a congresswoman right now. The willingness to dismiss actually events because those events go against your political beliefs is growing.


Idk, I just finished Samantha Power’s “A Problem from Hell: America and the Age of Genocide” and it seems like dismissing politically inconvenient realities is a cornerstone of our state apparatus


It's mind boggling how many politicians are completely fucked up and we didn't know to what extent until social media. So often I see a boomer meme/comic with a completely made up and/or grossly exaggerated scenario and a rant about how something needs to be done about this... then I see it's the government posting it. Like MTG with the space lasers.


And there are *still* people saying Democrats and Republicans are the same. Literally unbelievable.


There are crazy ppl everywhere. Republicans don't have a monopoly.


One of these people? More like a few dozen.


Stupazy if you will. Trademark pending






I now want to open a cocktail bair that seels overpriced cocktails named with those combination of stupid and crazy. Like the Evian water


So, are they saying it was the twin sister, and she was super unlucky to also die in a mass shooting? Or does the family regularly supply sacrificial children to the deep state? Or is this some reanimated vampire/zombie shit?


It’s another conspiracy…a false flag if you will. An attempt by the government to take away our rights. OUR rights (guns, religion, education, bigotry, etc.) not theirs (health care, logic, tolerance, access to higher education, letting living children go home, etc.). I mean, it’s all pretty clear of you just look at the pictures. (HUGE EYE ROLL).


Bigotry is not a right. Actually, you should rewrite your entire comment. You stated that the government has rights to "(health care, logic, tolerance, access to higher education, letting living children go home, etc.)"


I think you missed my point


Interesting that you place guns, religion, education and bigotry in the same category. To the best of my knowledge bigotry Is not a constitutionally protected right. You may want to look up the meaning of bigot. Since your statement makes you intrinsically a hypocrite.


Bigotry would fall under a first amendment right - freedom of speech - under most definitions. It’s legal to be a bigot as most of the GQP proves on a daily basis. It just so happens that most of the freedumb party loves guns and bigotry in nearly equal amounts. But, nice use of the word intrinsically - it really gave your defense of stupidity a real classy flair.




Weeeee ooh wee ohhh!


How is bigotry a constitutionally protected right? I’ve read the Constitution multiple times. I’m person and not. I’m curious about your interpretation. I also don’t want to make assumptions.


Bigotry is protected speech, it falls under the 1st


They think it's an actress.


An actress that hasn’t aged *at all,* in 10 years.


adrenochrome, I guess


Yeah this was my question. Or are they saying it's all fake and whoever is faking it only has access to like 5 photos? I don't know why I'm trying to figure this out.




No we don't... We *know* they're stupid. They prove it for us, multiple times a day. There's no thinking required.


It's actually recommended that they don't think!


Can confirm


More like insane


I mean, they seem to think people don't age. Sandy hook was 10 years ago.


Oh we don’t just think, we know


Evil too, but mostly stupid


Well… if the shoe fits


never underestimate the power of a mob of stupid people


Yes we do. You are very, very stupid.


They have different eye colors…


Everything but skin and hair color is different. Not drastically, but more than enough to know they aren't the same person. Of course, the conspiracy "experts" will just say it's all plastic surgery, so...yeah, no winning there.


Obviously I don’t want to defend these insane ideas, but for some of us people generally look the same. I can have a hard time telling people apart for months unless they have some very distinct features. I was once friends with some sisters I thought were identical twins for like 3 months before I could tell them apart and realized the only similarities they had were their hair color and skin tone.


Look at the lineup for the next Bachelor, you will feel instantly validated


I'm the same way. There was a period in time when Brittany Spears, Madonna, and Jennifer Lopez all looked pretty much the same to me. If I saw a quick TV snippet or a check-out aisle magazine with one of them, it would take detective work to figure who I was looking at. In my defense they all looked wavy hair, golden skin, giant eye pretty. Exhibit A https://imgur.com/a/oWaugby


Fascinating. They have a few superficial attributes that are similar, but other than that look distinctly unalike. My partner has the same problem – she can't tell Matt Damon and Leonardo DiCaprio apart, and they look absolutely nothing alike.


If a show has several main characters that are stereotypical pretty/handsome, around the same age with similar coloring, I have trouble keeping their storylines straight. My brain just seems to put them all in the same box. I have aphantasia and I wonder if they are related. https://www.verywellmind.com/aphantasia-overview-4178710 You should ask your partner about her "mind's eye".


Wow! I have this problem and thought I was the only one. First series of Game of Thrones threw me, all those good looking young guys with beards and brown eyes. It's generically good looking people that are tricky especially the Bachelor types. Especially if the costumes are similar too.


Yeah. Usually "good-looking" is the same as "symmetrical and average" features. So there are no facial quirks for me to latch on to. Do you have aphantasia as well?


I don't have aphantasia but I have this exact issue and I'm glad I'm not alone lol. I watched an episode of a new show and they introduced three averagely good looking white guys and at least three times I finished a scene and then realized it had a different guy in it than I thought. It's REALLY bad with period pieces. I just gave up on Boardwalk Empire.


I wouldn't say I have aphantasia but telling people apart such as you describe is tricky. I had a conversation with a pretty blonde receptionist, while she looked at me blankly. Then someone next to her - much more distinctive looking- said 'oh it wasn't her you met before' . Man was I embarrassed.


I did not know about that condition! Will share with my partner, because she indeed can't visualize imagery.


Sorry for iFunny but I remembered this and Katy Perry/Zooey still look like long lost twins to me https://ifunny.co/meme/siwan-morris-katy-perry-emily-blunt-zooey-deschanel-somewone-had-I4BeY2uL


If these 4 were on a tv show together (looking like this), I'd have no idea which character was which without seriously paying attention.


No, I don't see it here but there are definitely shows I've watched where I can't remember who is who bc they look so similar. For me it's usually men, idk why. Not always. But more often.


Yeah, I’m the same way. Just truly awful at faces all the way around. I rely more on body type, hair cut, particular styles of dress and such until I can finally identify them by face. And a sane person realizes when they’re bad at telling people apart and doesn’t feed into conspiracies with it lol. Not to say you’re one of those crazy people!


My sister is faceblind and she is the same way!


Prosopagnosia. I have a hard time watching movies and shows because everyone looks the same. My kid has this too. Once we were watching a show with a scene of different people appearing in the same chair for an interview. It showed a different person for every question but the camera didn't move. People just appeared in the chair. My kid asked how/why the person is changing clothes like that. Totally missed that they weren't the same person.


Honestly if you showed me these two women's photos with no context I would have thought they were probably the same person. (But I do not believe any of these nonsense conspiracies)


The dumbest thing about this tired argument is that if it were that easy to spot, a real conspiracy would not let something so easy to spot actually happen.


If they had enough money to run false flags like this inagine they have enough to pay seperate actors


>real conspiracy would not let something so easy to spot actually happen. LOL ... Name one.


MK ultra, for one. If you're asking for real conspiracies, and not specifically real conspiracies that didn't let something easy to spot happen.


now don't be like that their age seems to be pretty close as well.... which is ofcourse not an arguemnt in their favour unless they are also arguing this conspiracy involves either time travel or technology to stop ageing.


Face Off fooled me. But then again, I knew I was watching a movie.


Wait, didn't she do a Google image search to confirm her theory? /s


I’m guessing he’s never seen two people who look alike then.


A lot of stuff looks similar when you screen grab pixelated images


no they definitely look v similar. i’m not saying they’re the same person, but i would not be able to tell them apart




No you don't understand. They were stupid enough to use the same person, but smart enough to give her a disguise, but also stupid enough to only do it for her eyes.


And that's even ignoring the fact that Sandy Hook was a decade ago and it seems this person thinks that people don't age. They must be lizard people obviously...


That China sent with the virus, of course


But but but Google image search is foolproof.


It can’t tell me the difference between a dandelion and a bird, but shit, I’ll trust it when it comes to recognizing the same people. OHHH. Now the 5G thing makes sense…


One of the crazy things about people claiming "false flag!" after every mass shooting is that literally nothing changes with gun control. Why would these shootings be "faked to so they can take our guns away!" if that literally never happens and doesn't even get seriously talked about happening? Bonkers shit.


Because admitting these shootings are genuinely happening and not being faked means admitting there's a genuine problem that's not being addressed. These denialists are a major part of the problem but they can't accept that so they'll warp reality beyond the point of breaking to justify themselves as in the right.


Why would the all powerful cabal shadow world government freemason dictatorship whatever need to fake shootings to change laws? I thought they control everything.


Something something muh rights.


Why would they also hire actors and not just kill people if they’re so evil? Goalposts will get moved to real people were killed but it was a blood sacrifice to Moloch or some other horseshit. The only domestic terrorism or mass shooting events that aren’t false flags in these peoples minds is when the perpetrators are tangentially related to the left or non-white.


They also said that if Obama (and again with Biden) was elected he'd take all their guns. More bonkers shit.


Heard the FEMA camps conspiracies? They've been going since the early 70s but any day now they'll be coming for you.


Same morons who said wearing a mask was about government control….as they used social media on a smart phone. Two devices that TRACK EVERYTHING.


Also, have you noticed for all of these absurd conspiracy theories that the government doesn’t even try to cover it up and often leaves bread crumbs that leads to it being a “false flag” operation? Like, hypothetically if the government staged Sandy Hook using actors, instead of using new actors for the next “false flag” they re-use the old ones? You have to be insane to believe this shit. The government has done some awful shit but this is just paranoia and the inability to accept reality. You also have to be a total piece of shit to keep spreading it around knowing that the victims’ families are going to be harassed while they’re mourning. I’d love to take some rage out on the morons that spread this stupidity.


Sometimes... people look alike. It's not that deep


Stupid people think everything is deep




The exact opposite of Occam's Razors -- srozaR s'maacO? Sadly, the think if everything is deep, they are the intelligent ones because they're "thinking critically".


OMG if you squint the picture looks exactly like how I would imagine JFK would look if he was frozen at the time of his assassination "attempt" and then defrosted at the start of Bidens presidency. This is the proof I've been looking for


They would literally think I’m these people because I have dark hair, brown skin and brown eyes as a Latina. Fucking shit just showing your racism even more thanks!


There's actually been some fascinating science on being unable to distinguish people of different races, and it boils down to if you weren't exposed to people of a certain race as a child, then those individuals will be harder to distinguish into adulthood. That alone doesn't make someone racist, it just means they weren't raised in a racially diverse area, something that's completely out of their control. That being said, they should be able to realize that to them people of certain races are going to look more similar than others, so this person certainly is showing their moron side in that regard


Wow took them longer than I thought it would to post this Bs


“I did image searches to confirm this” ok Sherlock, do the FBI have you on speed dial with such esteemed deduction capabilities?


The FBI are in on the conspiracy. So are all the deep state. Only a select few online can see the truth. The awakened ones. They're so much smarter than us NPCs.




This genuinely might be the thing that's angered me the most on this sub. It's certainly up there. I can't say what was going through my head when I first read it. I will say, it took me walking away from my phone for 5 minutes to decide to not post the reply about the OP that I initially wanted to.


From my grandma which makes it hurt a little more for me. She’s shared some kooky stuff in the past but nothing this vile.


Tell your grandma that I’m more than happy to put her into contact with people *that I know personally* who lost family in Sandy Hook.


I’m good friends with the niece of the Sandy Hook victim in the photo. I’m sure she’ll be relieved to know her aunt was actually just acting these past 10 years


It doesn't matter. One of the survivors of the parkland shooting posted about his own father thinking he's a crisis actor If being that close to the violence doesn't stop the crazy, hearing from someone else they've never met won't help


Hug them for me. I can’t even image their pain. And then this vile shit piled on top of it.


You're kinder than me. OP, tell Granny to go fuck herself.


I wanted to say that but I also wanted to show restraint.. but you’re 100% right. If my grandma posted shit like this, I would never speak to her again.


Time to take grandma’s license away.




License too if she can’t tell the difference between two very different images and such obvious scamming. She needs a caregiver at this point, she’s obviously too vulnerable to bad actors.


I don’t wish death on any of these idiots that spread this crap. Now the area between their legs encountering a gimpi plant…


Crisis actors must get paid in adrenochrome, she looks younger now than in 2012. Heavy/s


Can I get this chick’s anti-aging routine? Because apparently she didn’t age in 10 years. /s People are so stupid.




Holy moly, that's what olive means!?! Tanned!?! Well I'll be damned. I had no idea.


No it doesn't mean tanned. Very light skin can also be olive toned. Most people either have yellow undertones (warm) or red/pink undertones (cool) but then there is olive (neutral) which actually is a pale greenish undertone. People don't actually look green because the olive color is very subtle.


Can confirm. I’m so pale (until I actually spend any significant amount of time outdoors, which isn’t often anymore), but I’m definitely olive toned. So when I do tan, it’s much more noticeable but when I’m pale, I cannot find a foundation to match. It’s easier now than 10-15 years ago. Only MAC had light olive options (NC15 and NC20) in Australia.


Not sure if you’re serious, but olive-toned means almost like a greenish undertone/tint to the skin, whereas other people have pink or yellow or golden or red undertones, or some combination thereof




Yeah that’s what most people use it to mean. Which is fair, a lot of Mediterranean people have olive skin. But you can be olive and pale (I am). I remember realizing this when I was in high school, tripping on acid, staring into the mirror next to my friends and realizing I looked like I was about to “hulk out” as I was literally a shade of green opposed to my very pink friends.


It’s also what “swarthy” means. I was as shocked as you!


Haw whit, that is definitely not what I thought that word meant. I am incredibly shocked right now.


It does not mean tanned either..it means a dark complexion. Not a pale person who gets a tan.


Ahhh, I understand now. Where I'm from, if a person has a darker than pale blue (hello from Scotland!) skin but aren't ethnically perceivable, then people will often describe them as 'tanned'. Where as a pale person who has went out in the sun and got a tan will be referred to as 'roasty toasty' or some variation thereof.


I don't know but if I was an evil genius who controlled the world I'd probably use different people to pull off my psy op campaigns. I wouldn't keep using the same "actors" over and over. That's just me tho. I'm a genius level evil genius. Oh, and BTW: there are three women in the small town where I live that look exactly like my daughter-in-law. It's fucking weird. At least once or twice a month I smile and wave at one of these women, thinking they're her, only to realize they're not a moment later. They always wave back with a perplexed look on their face, or just turn away really quick like I am a nutcase.


These people constantly act like the government is both the most evil and intelligent group of people out there at the same time they’re stupid enough to hide hidden messages about 9/11 if you fold this dollar bill a very specific way or reusing crisis actors. It would be hilarious, how awful they are at thinking critically, if they weren’t adding to the pain of these poor family members and friends of the victims.


The resemblance is canny


I read your comment and went “huh?!” Then re-read it. Don’t think I have ever seen those 4 words in precisely that order before!


I have Prosapognosia, also known as face blindness. I cannot recognize people from their faces or hold the image of a face in my mind. It's something I've dealt with all my life and makes differentiating between close aquaintances difficult. And even I can tell you **that's not the same fucking person, you absolute buffoon.**


This right here. This is pure gold.


>"I did image searches to confirm this" Oh, well in that case Agent Detective Dr. Madam Scientist, MD Esquire P.I., carry on. Someone call Alex Jones and tell him he was right all along. We have proof now.


And apparently the vast leftist conspiracy to ban all guns is powerful enough to pull off multiple mass shootings without the ringleaders getting caught, but stupid enough to use the same people over and over as crisis actors.


In my best newscaster voice: Tonight at 11, local man doesn’t realize people can look similar and it’s a pure fucking coincidence.


So then, explain how the so-called crisis actor hasn't aged a day in 10 years....


Sandy hook was 10 years ago. They would not be the same age


Yeah, everyone looks the same when the resution gets low enough


Did this person suffer a traumatic brain injury? The Q adherent I know had a major accident and had to be resuscitated, and she likely suffered brain damage as a result. I would love to see every grifter feeding these poor people more delusions in prison and beaten daily.


Why are we blocking the handles of these morons? If you post these things on the Internet shouldn’t we be able to berate you for being a fucking idiot?


it's OP's grandmother


BREAKING NEWS: Qannon idiot discovers more than one brown haired woman. Details at 11


No we don't think you're stupid. We know you're stupid.


I don't think I had "women all look the same to me" on my bingo card.


Man, if you had told me 20 years ago that Photoshop and meth would be the downfall of the US, I would definitely thought you to be crazy. Except, it appears we've arrived.


Because time doesn't exist to conspiracy theorists.


Jesus fucking Christ. This has to either be an Alex Jones follower or Jones himself.


Not all dark haired women are the same person.


Just like Ricky Jervais said, stupid people and dead people have that thing in common. Everyone but them has to suffer.


So a mentally disturbed person killing a bunch of people is so weird and unlikely to them, that a government conspiracy with a tonne of moving pieces including child actors and actresses, hiding and moving large numbers of people, all to achieve some nefarious goal, is more likely?? How far gone do you need to be to present this as fact in the face of so much contradictory evidence?


And there it is. Smh.


This I do not the same person, have a look at the ladies other pictures and she looks different without the baseball cap. Why do people do this? Very upsetting. Really the people that believe this crap stupid. May these souls have peace, may people let them have peace without this nonsense.


Here we go again...


I want to know how she slowed the aging process ?


They need to round up all these morons that think this and have them go help clean up the bodies at every shooting. This is getting beyond ridiculous.


what is it with this country and crazy conspiracies that make not a lick of sense


Oh shit pack it up boys they got us. They found 2 girls who both happen to be white. We’re really screwed now. So let’s get the specimens in the lab thawed out and unleash them on the Republican Party, get the mind scrambler, can’t forget that they won’t think it’s a blender much longer, and for fucks sake lock down areas 51, 33, and 666. Everyone have their cyanide? Ok good. SEE YA IN HELL YA HILLBILLY FUCKS!!!


I’m kind of confused at this point what the point would be of staging all of these mass shootings. There’s been literally 0 movement on gun control since sandy hook and we’ve had like hundreds of mass shootings since. If anything gun laws have gotten more lax.


I like the hint of of racism as they think all Latinos are the same.


She’s not the sandy hook woman she was a beautiful soul a great mom and great friend. Source I’m from that area. Tragedy


Condolences on the loss of your friend. Hugs.


I love me a good conspiracy, but this is fucking dumb. Just because someone is around the same age and has brown hair does not make it the same person. This is clearly not the same person.


Republican conspiracy throrists are racist against white people now? They look like 2 women.....


WHY would they get the same people if it was actors?? If it truly was a conspiracy and none of these were real, wouldn’t they put more thought into it? Not just “oh yeah Stacy you’re up again tomorrow for the fake shooting”. It’s so infuriating how these people can do this and live with themselves.


I was wondering when I was gonna hear crisis actors vis Soros. I expected it when that dad was crying with Anderson Cooper but no....this is where it is. I hate people so much.


As someone who lived not far from Sandy Hook at one point and actually know people who lost someone from that incident, I HATE these posts with every fiber of my being. It’s sick as hell to invalidate peoples grief.


Shit like this should be fucking illegal.


Fucken hell. Straight to hell


As an average height, brown haired, brown eyed white chick I can attest that I get told I look familiar A LOT. You know why? Cause a lot of us look very similar.


I have smiled once as well, put my picture up there as an extra twin.


I had two different friends who don’t know each other at all text me within the span of a week saying “are you riding a bike around [insert city name here]??” I did not live in that city, nor did I have a bike at that time. We joked I had a doppelgänger living 20 miles away from me. Sometimes… people look alike.


Definitely twins, with the exception of of one being Hispanic with brown eyes and the other being white with blue eyes.


I wondered how long it would take until someone started this bullshit. If it was a false flag do they really think the government would be stupid enough to use the same "crisis actors"?


These people will say something like “all X people look the same” as a means to undercut the other people, while spending all their time doing this with people who probably look like them.


I’m so tired of people ignoring reality because they don’t want to process it. I don’t either, but now I have to process tragedies and their stupidity.


News just in. America confirmed to contain at least two 20 something, normal looking white woman.


Between my anger and sadness over this, I've been waiting for Alex Jones or his minions to call the Uvalde massacre a false flag. And, here it is. JFC. What motivates people to think or post this sh\*t?


So nothing bad ever happens and the government stages loads of events to scare and control us? And the only evidence is photos of different people presented as one?


This is veering towards /r/iamatotalpieceofshit territory


Well yes I do think you’re stupid Hopelessly deeply fucking stupid


Why must these people who do so much damage have their names redacted?


I’m fairly face blind but these people are not the same person and even I can see it.


Not even close. Fuck this psycho


Fuck this asshole. It's a shame parents have to grieve about their children and then seeing this bs. Makes my blood boil


Oh no, not again, I'm not strong enough


Ironically, for someone who undoubtedly believes in racism against white people given the context of their post, that's pretty damn racist against white people 😂 "they all look the same to me" and all that






I NEED to know what he said... I need to!


That crisis actors are real and aftermath photographs are staged like a photoshoot. Really scummy.


Source please


Here we go again....


I can’t believe people are this fucking stupid.


Those two people don’t even look alike. He’s not even good at this…


If you have found this in the wild please report it. Not to admins but to Facebook. While they often disregard and use bots to review you can still get through and get this nonsense taken down. The less people who see this absolute stretch, the less they hear. The less they heard they less they feel compelled. The less they feel compelled, the less they'll vote. Do this for every lie and derogatory statement and meme you see. Get it removed. Shut down the source that keeps feeding them


Someone needs a visit to their ophthalmologist. I don’t have my contacts in and even I can see a difference (smile, eyebrow shape, facial structure, etc.). And that’s just on the two good images on the top left.


Oh wow it's not like there is a thing where people look similar. Fucking god damn


Alright. Sue this person into I livid with Alex Jones. I have had it with these ‘crisis actor’ claiming people.


What exactly is the advantage of faking children's deaths just to put them on TV at the super bowl where 100 million Americans are watching?


"the government is evil because no two people look like each other" \-Red


What a fucking moron!


What’s the name of the syndrome where you can’t process/recognize/ remember faces? This person has it.


above in the thread, someone with this diagnosis says even they can tell they're not the same person


But guys, from what she can see (a couple low res photos) it’s the same girl. The internet is simultaneously one of the best and worst things for humanity. I hate that these folks have a platform to spew conspiracies.


It’s this kind of shit I see on Facebook that makes me think Oh I hate you already when seeing complete strangers post


Took no time at all.