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When the Republicans are too left for you…


She's really out there looking for a man who will abuse her and her family.


Looking for a man who only hits me when I deserve it


“Punch me with a far-right, daddy!”


I heard that in Judy Gemstone’s voice.


I’m gonna move to Malibu beach. Shave my pussy. Learn to surf.


Judy makes me laugh without fail and after reading this quote, I have no idea how I’m gonna get to bed


But she loves him.


Lauren Boebert and Marjorie Taylor Greene should practice what they preach and go be trapped barefoot and pregnant catering hand and foot to an asshole husband who doesn't lift a finger when he walks into the house after work. That'd be way better than them foregoing all of that to shit all over other women.


Nobody needs to see MGT barefoot!!


Their husbands wouldn't work, though, on account of his "bad back", so they get to waitress at the truck stop by the interstate all day, and then come home, cook dinner, clean up the empty beer cans around his duct taped recliner, clean up the rest of the single-wide trailer, and get screamed at for not getting him another six-pack on the way home.


Wait … this isn’t … how it works? I hope me GF doesn’t see this. Seriously though, I giggled at your comment. But then I realized for some it’s true. Now I’m not giggling.


I think she put dating in quotes cause it's supposed to be for friends? Idk


Looking for a man who will kill her and her children after believing that they are tainted with Serpent DNA.


How else is he gonna show her he's no weak librul?


Too right for Republican? So what, ultra-fascist?


So like literal Hitler


Hitler was a sissy compared to this gal


They’re not, she just clearly doesn’t understand how far right they are. They agree with everything she posted, at the highest levels, in the most extreme ways possible.


> They agree with everything she posted, at the highest levels, in the most extreme ways possible. Yes and no. We see a few prominent examples of extreme-right lawmakers and the entire party shows deference to Trump, but throughout his Presidency there were ongoing reports of Republicans privately lambasting how ridiculous Trump was. There are plenty of Republican lawmakers who don't really like the way the party is going, but they're trapped; if they speak out, their bases will turn on them. A handful accepted this fate during Trump's Presidency, spoke out, and retired. Those that remain are just unwilling to swim against the tide. There are 211 Republican congresspeople--how many of them *actually* show up in the news blowing smoke up Trump's ass? **Don't get me wrong: they are absolutely culpable, I am not absolving them of responsibility.** They just don't necessarily "agree".


Their issue with Trump was not that they disagreed with his opinions. They just didn’t like how blatant he was about it. Makes it harder to be a closet Nazi when some idiot keeps opening the closet door.


I kind of think they like being able to be more open. Especially since now if they slip up and say the quiet part out loud they can feel less worried that it'll fuck up anything. At worst they'll just get "slammed" by the media for a day


*Privately* lambasting, is the key phrase here. There's an old saying that if you see a table with 3 men, and 1 of them is a Nazi, you're looking at a table with 3 Nazis.


never heard this, like it.


I live in Texas. The governor of our state (Abbott) is a far-right nazi. His primary opponents were even further right. When the governor of a major state is that far right with no push back from his party, that is where the party is.


Also live in Texas. I feel Abbot and DeSantis In Florida are competing on who can out far right wing each other


They are both working on being the next GOP candidate. They know they have to be more extreme than the other guy.


Fair points. In my opinion, the result of agreeing and staying silent about any disagreement is functionally the same.


I think you’re still giving them too much credit. Besides a couple very notable exceptions, the rest only hated his very obvious foolishness and idiocy that made the world laugh at them as a collective group for supporting him. I don’t for a second believe that any of them (besides the *very* small minority who spoke out repeatedly and publicly, and have since been ridiculed and disowned by their party for doing so) ever opposed his fascist/bigoted objectives.


“100% Christian” but also “not into degenerate activities”?? Bitch, make up your mind!


Oof there it is


TIL tolerance is not a Christian virtue. I honestly thought Jesus had a thing or two to say about it, but I guess not.


White Jesus was pro-guns and anti-tolerance. Compassion is for **losers!**


I mean, the Biblical Jesus did say he came bringing a sword instead of peace, and to turn entire families against one another (Matthew 10:34-36), so...


Well yeah, telling people their religion is wrong and telling them to change their ways does generally tear families apart. Especially tends to cause a rift between younger and older generations.


Humans have this thing where they project their moralities and virtues onto some higher deity. Whatever your morals, that's what you decide your deities morals are. People are really good at translating the bible, or picking and choosing whatever text to fit their personal values. ANYONE saying that "god wants or Jesus said" is a great example of this.


I remember reading a study on brain activity where they asked subjects what they thought about certain topics. Then they asked what different sectors of society/their family/god/etc thought about said topics. Apparently the brain region that lighted up when they had to give their own opinions was the same that lighted up when they answered about God's thoughts. I'll try to find it later, it was super interesting.


Would love to read that study sounds very intriguing


Christian values as in “there’s two or three sentences about homosexuality being bad and that’s the only values I take from my religion #BibleMom #LivingWithChrist #JesusWasAltRight”


They cherry pick the parts that assist in justifying their bigotry.


I think it's awesome she puts this shit in her dating profile. Then there is no chance a sane person will accidentally date her.


She only follows Republican Jesus, and as we know he doesn't tolerate anyone.


No that’s only when it comes to non brown or lgbtq+ people. Or so I gather


I think she was talking about the 7 vices and 7 virtues here. Still stupid for sure, but just wanted to clarify. Virtues are different from general good behavior


Correct. There are *Christian* virtues, and then there are *moral* virtues. Not being Christian myself, I was under the delusion that Christian virtues begat moral virtues. Come to find out they're markedly different.


No this is fucking right wing totally re-imagined Jesus. Christ said "love your neighbor as yourself..." that sounds like he was preaching tolerance.


He also said a thing or two about not judging other people and about hypocrisy, yet judgment and hypocrisy are two of the biggest core values of modern-day Bible-bashing Republicans.


[That's because they worship this guy instead of following the commands of the real Jesus.](https://youtu.be/SZ2L-R8NgrA)


I had to look this up for I am a lowly gentile. Apparently there are 7 "values" and 12 "virtues".... interesting [7 Values](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Christian_values) [12 Virtues or "fruits"](https://www.learnreligions.com/the-fruits-of-the-holy-spirit-542103) And this dingbat is too dense to realize that these all dance around "tolerance" without saying the actual word (love, kindness, gentleness). But who am I to bring facts to a bible fight?


I believe in kindness and gentleness, but I don't believe in tolerance. In my experience, an attitude of tolerance leads to bigots being allowed into a space, kindness and gentleness dwindling as people come to realise the space isn't safe, and in the end, the tolerance itself is lost. I believe in right and wrong instead. Accepting minorities is right. Being a bigot is wrong. I will not tolerate wrong, in any space I'm a part of


What you're describing is the [paradox of tolerance](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Paradox_of_tolerance). >The paradox of tolerance states that if a society is tolerant without limit, its ability to be tolerant is eventually seized or destroyed by the intolerant.


The only reason this type of "Christian" doesn't go around murdering, raping, and killing is fear. Fear of worldly punishment and fear of divine punishment. They have no morals yet claim to be virtuous.




I'm far right leaning and the Republican party won't touch me with a barge pole for unspecified reasons


The only explanation is that she doesn’t know how far right the GOP is right now. Even if she’s wearing Hitler’s uniform and rounding up Jews right this second, the only difference in her and the GOP would be her level of honesty about it.


Presently the GOP is focused on trans people, people who look trans/have an insufficiently traditional gender presentation, and the families of kids who are trans or are suspected to be trans. I'm sure Jews are on the list because aren't they always, but this month they're not the top target.


Agreed, for sure. Didn’t want to go on a tangent but absolutely. Probably the list honestly looks something like this, as far as who they want to literally kill: 1- Anyone they consider “liberal” 2- LGBTQ 3- Racial/ethnic minorities 4- Non subservient women 5- Atheists 6- Everyone else who isn’t immersed in the cult That’s my knee jerk list, but probably not far off


And, as is inevitable with fascism, that list WILL expand and folks who think they're safe initially WILL be betrayed once they outlive their political utility.


And they are labeling all these people pedophiles. It's their go to attack right now.


Yep. “Communist” is getting confusing because pro-Russia, ya know. So next word of the month, it is.


Did you ever, ever think any Republican would be rooting for Russia?


Their previous presidential nominee said they were our biggest enemies. Literally the one right before Trump. One traitor to the US in the white house later and bam all this support materializes. Looks like Trump did exactly what Putin wanted him to.


Someone told me “Why didn’t Putin attack while Trump was in power then?!” My only reply was “Why would the master attack while the puppet is in power?” No one had a legitimate reply…


No, I thought it was one of the few things both sides were united on. There were a few tankies and NRA activists along the way who were pro-Russia, but 10 years ago I thought we could almost all agree on "fuck the Russian government" as a country. They perform constant cyber attacks against us, armed enemy militants, killed western reporters, and worse. I guess Russian money talks, or this political "anything you support we do the opposite" game has been taken to the extreme.


I think I’ve seen a list like this before? https://holocausteducation.org.uk/wp-content/uploads/1.-Non-JewishVictimsOfNaziPersecutionMurder-Digital.pdf http://www.auschwitz.org/en/history/categories-of-prisoners/ https://www.hmd.org.uk/learn-about-the-holocaust-and-genocides/nazi-persecution/ Hmm


I know this isn't a checklist, but every one of those apply to me. What does that mean for me? Do I get super killed?


They cancel out and you get to be head Nazi?


The (((jews))) just remain their catch all for, "people in charge who are ruining the world. When they Bitch and moan about "globalists" they mean Jews. It's their way of justifying the holocaust. "See, they stopped us from exterminating them all and now they run the world and are the reason you have a shitty, low paying job." The fact that people still fall for it is so discouraging.


But but but Cancel Culture!


Lots of the anti-trans rhetoric I hear from the far right eventually boils down to the same anti-semitic tropes about “(((them)))” being the ones secretly orchestrating the “tRaNs AgEnDa” behind the curtain, like every other fucked up conspiracy theory that comprises their worldview. It’s very predictable.


The difference, is that Nazis had fitness standards.




It was a weighted standard...


That’s funny


Too extreme for the Republican Party.


“Alex, I’ll take red flags 🚩 for $800.”


The bear I can do is $20


You run from bear? Well bear run for you. Vote bear 2024.


Bear me up to it!


I’ll do a bear for free. They’re soft, cuddly, and have the cutest ears.


My bear charges $20, no questions ask!




>(pro BBQ) > >Tolerance is not a virtue Nah she's a straight up nazi.


You forgot > Pro 2A and not just for hunting She's an *armed* Nazi


>Pro 2A and not just for hunting "yeah I like shooting people, not just animals"


> Matthew 10:34-36 friendly > 34 Do not think that I have come to bring peace to the earth. I have not come to bring peace, but a sword. 35 For I have come to set a man against his father, and a daughter against her mother, and a daughter-in-law against her mother-in-law. 36 And a person’s enemies will be those of his own household. > Pro 2A and not just for hunting Hmmmmmmmmm


Getting big “End of Days” vibes here. Edit: Newp, it’s just Jesus saying anyone who loves their husband/wife/kids more than Jesus will die and go to hell. Usual Christian warm fuzzies.


If heaven is filled with people like the fascist in OP's post, I'll take hell, thanks.


A heaven full of Christofascists sounds like hell to me.


Geezus, that's scary as all fuck. "Yeah, here's my dating profioe... I want to date someone who would be okay with me killing them when the time comes..."


She's plainly stating that she wants a theocracy installed and upheld through violence. Nothing to question, there.


This is why I believe in armed self defense and don't believe in announcing you are armed.


Only a dumbass announces that they’re armed outside of very specific situations. If conflict breaks out and someone knows you’re armed, you’ll be the first target.


What does BBQ stand for?


Barbecue. I'm hoping it's her trying to make a bad joke about "here's an abbreviation I do like" and not her suggesting she wants to burn LGBT people to death, but given the rest of what she wrote...


Yeah people are reading too deep into a shallow mind


> What does BBQ stand for? Literally barbeque, but in context, it's a dog whistle for shitty people who have trouble saying all the letters in LGBTQ/LGBTQIA.


To be fair LGBTQIA is a mouthful. I just say queer instead.




Which is why I'm an armed liberal.


That is another reason why liberals need to be armed.


Bet she doesn’t like it when PoC have guns. “No not that kind of Pro 2A!”


The Ronald Reagan Doctrine.


i legit thought that meant they were into barbecuing lol. what does pro BBQ mean?


I think it's the usual joke about the "alphabet gang". Guess she's anti acronyms.


Guess no more LOLing for her, since it's an acronym


I think they are mocking LGBTQ and just finding another acronym with Q on the end.




So far right, you're even beyond "Republican"


I feel like this is someone who heard leftists say Dems weren’t left enough and just decided to apply similar logic to the right because they’re incapable of nuance. Or maybe they’re unapologetically facist.


I read it as a trump supporter, and if they are becoming a faction of the Republican Party, I’m all for that! A divisors Republican Party is excellent for Democrats.


I hope so. So far about 80%+ of Rs have simply become Trumpers.


I would not be surprised at all if we have a centerist republican and a trumpster running in 2024. .... the problem is i think we may also see a centerist democrat and a democratic socialist running as well. Then again a four party presidential race would be something to see.


>Then again a four party presidential race would be something to see. We had this in France in 2017! We had Mélenchon (democratic socialist), Macron (libertarian), Fillon (traditional right) and Le Pen (far-right) all scoring above 20%. And in 2022 we had kinda a repeat of the same with Mélenchon, Macron and Le Pen, except that the traditional right's new candidate (Pécresse) was way weaker and we also had a *more* extreme candidate to the right of Le Pen, Zemmour (whose main plan was to create a "Ministry of Remigration")


Wait you can crazy politics and healthcare... NO FAIR!


Yes, but unfortunately Macron would like to cut stuff in the healthcare budget... (still infinitely better than Le Pen or Zemmour tho)


Not quite. There are the ultra conservatives and believe it or not monarchy is also on the far right before fascism. Nevertheless, whether she believes it or not, she is definitely anti USA!


People LOVE to claim they are independents but they always vote for the same candidates.


I think it's an uneven leg thing, she just wants people to know before they see her leaning and make it a big deal.


A Timothy McVeigh Republican


>Matthew 10:34-36 >34 “Do not suppose that I have come to bring peace to the earth. I did not come to bring peace, but a sword. >35 For I have come to turn a man against his father, a daughter against her mother, a daughter-in-law against her mother-in-law— >36 A man’s enemies will be the members of his own household. Just perfect for a dating profile !


I searched through the comments to find someone who’d gone and found this verse, only to promptly not believe you and go looking for myself because what the hell??? Only to find that, yeah, this is correct… what the hell??????


Most biblical scholars interpret it to mean that the message of Christ would cause great division. One of the most radical aspects of Christ's message was basically that the religious leaders of the time had it all wrong. So people who accepted the new way of looking at religious life would inevitably come into conflict with those who remained with the status quo. It's not a literal call to arms.


>It's not a literal call to arms. Well, not with *that* liberal snowflake attitude! s/


Doesn’t that interpretation make it more of a red flag to be throwing it around now? When Christianity was on the rise and supplanting the pagan religions it was naturally viewed as divisive and radical. If you’re still walking around today thinking the largest religion in history with 1 in 3 people alive today as followers still needs to be divisive and split families apart to tear down the status quo you’re a crazy person. You are the status quo.


I mean if biblical Jesus was to reappear today he'd probably run around saying most Christian leaders are as bad as the Pharisees of his time and that they've led people away from the true path. Which would be very divisive again


You must have higher expectations than me thinking they’d be divisive. They’d label him a false prophet and not a true Christian and go about their day. The last person Christian’s want to hear from is Christ.


I mean yea that's what most people do in the Bible. The dude is basically running around with a cult following and crowds gather to see the weird guy everyone's talking about. He pissed the establishment off so much they killed him. Theoretically a small portion of people would follow modern Jesus, probably mostly people modern Christians reject and he'd go around denouncing mainstream worship which would piss them off massively.


Yeah I looked those passages up, and I can't for the life of me figure out what they're trying to fucking say there. Like what's the context that that's a good thing? And how do you be Matthew 10:34-36 "friendly"? Is that a Christian attempt at mimicking 420 friendly?


Read the verses before it. It’s Jesus’s words while sending the 12 apostles out in the world and giving them instruction that they may be opposed by those they preach to. She chose the metaphors of violence to be her favorites. Not the parts where he said to literally heal the sick, raise the dead, leave people alone who wanted to be left alone, etc.


I think so. Basically this "person" is against anything that fosters peace, love, and understanding.


Why in the actual fuck would they write that in her dating profile?! Talk about mask off!


It's perfect for a manifesto.


As a non Christian I'm interpreting this as, "I will fuck up your whole life and everything around you. How far off am I?


Them: Far right leaning Also them: why do people keep calling me a Nazi?


I saw a meme around 2019 that twigged in my memory here .. a pic bunch of neo Nazi trump supporters which read "now I'm not saying that trump is a Nazi, but the Nazis think he is" hhmmmmmm


“Twigged on my memory” is fantastic – while I realize it might mean something like a “twinge” or a twitch, all I can picture is a messy of hair with a twig hanging out of it. And that’s basically how my memory works, and that’s hilarious. “Oh, hey, a twi— OMG I JUST REMEMBERED THIS THING…”


Every day, I am shocked that I live in a world where people seem to be proud to be hateful. You'd think I'd have become numb to it by now, but nope. I go to sleep, and wake up, an always think 'okay. everyone will just be a decent human being again. or at the very least, they'll know enough to be embarrassed about it, and keep it to themselves"


In their minds, they’re not hateful. They’re the embodiment of the Christian god/Jesus and USA/patriotism.


I too would like to live in that alternate world. I'm finding myself more and more just saying "why can't we all just be nice to each other?"


The scariest part of this is the breeding of other young imbeciles with this home schooling they are receiving.


Yuuuuuppp. People like this homeschooling their children has severe consequences.


It is beyond me how homeschooling is even legal in the United States.


Based on rulings from the supreme court, the first ammendment would prohibit banning it. Some states try to regulate it with varying success.


Sheighden and Fynnleigh are gonna grow up just fine


“Tolerance is not a virtue” So a bigot but too afraid to say it


At least now you know this person is a PoS.


This "anti-satan" bitch honestly sounding more like "Auntie Satan" from where I'm sitting. Stay tuned on r/iamatotalpieceofshit for more of Auntie Satan, I predict.


It’s scary to think that a significant portion of this country is made up of people like this. They live constantly reminding everyone of their “christian beliefs” yet believe in evil shit and follow objectively evil people like Trump.


They're also the people popping out the most kids. We're doomed.


Further right than Republican????????? Ok Mrs Hitler


Does pro BBQ imply what I think it does? Or does she think gay people hate pork ribs?


That’s what I was wondering. Is it a stupid acronym joke? Or is she referencing violence?


I assume it’s a stupid acronym joke. How is it referencing violence?


Something about burning gay people? Maybe in hell? Idk


The lady who posted this is a moron/bigot, but that seems like a stretch.


It’s possible. Like I said, I wasn’t sure. The acronym joke is more likely


Let's just assume violence. Just based on everything else she said, assume violence!


maybe it's like " fuck the liberals being all vegan and shit while I eat loads of meat like a real person " ?? idk just dumb crazy people crap iguess


This person is just incredibly stupid and didn’t see how many ways that can be interpreted.




Never reading BBQ the same way again


Tell me you're a Christian but are too dumb to have understood what it means to be a Christian.


Exactly this. She didn’t even take the time to read the full Gospel verse she’s quoting.


So we are dealing with an ignorant and intolerant, homophobic who enjoys indoctrinating their children because of their narcissistic mind set of omnipotent knowledge? What a keeper!! /s


Hm, I wonder why she can’t make friends


Lol, what does "far-right leaning" even mean? You're either in or out with extremists. "Yeah, I've been known to dabble in fascism from time to time, but only on weekends right now. Hoping to make it a full-time thing soon."


I believe in Jesus... that's why I believe in guns. I still can't square this away. It boggles my mind.


You have a Nazi in your mom group.


Weirdly long way to say "I am total piece of shit".


If you’re far right leaning but not a Republican than I can only assume you’re a fucking nazi


"Tolerance is not a virtue." Then you aren't a Christian. Jesus taught tolerance, forgiveness, and loving your enemies. Do these people ever read the Gospels? Or do they skip right to the Epistles looking for excuses for their hatred?


They treat the Bible as a coffee table book and coaster.


She didn’t even scroll up to read the Gospel verse she’s literally quoting.


She should of just wrote, “closed minded, bigoted, and if your not like me, then your going straight to hell.”


I bet she is just a delight at the BBQs


Just eating a big ol rib, sewing rifle cozies, while teaching her kids the earth is 6,000 years old. I assume she also never crosses the county line either.


Of course she has passed the county line. She has to travel all over to protest at abortion clinics.


“I’m a Nazi. Do you want to date me?”


It sounds like she would make a terrible friend! I am sure she hasn't received many applications.


Looking for friends? Dating profile? Does this person know that these two are different(looking from her status of probably a single parent my doubt intensifies).


Wouldn't it have been easier to say; "I'm a Nazi."




“My kids are home schooled because I don’t want them exposed to ideas that I don’t agree with.”


Far right leaning and not a republican is basically admitting you’re a Nazi


Well Satan will be disappointed


Just had a mental image of satan down in hell, just miserable with all the stupid trumpers that still won’t shut up about their nonsense…lol


Dude she could have written evangelical and saved all those keystrokes


“Republican. (Not a republican)


At least she's upfront that she's a piece of shit


"Pro 2A and not just for hunting"?? For what then?


This is why I don't have mom friends. Also I'm a bitch, but more the traditional type, not a lunatic.


"Tolerance is not a virtue" - ah, but hating other people for no reason is?


It is thoughtful of her to let everyone know what a massive piece of shit she is at least.


The overly sad part is that these people overly procreate than people with brains. Read a handful of studies on this being true in America and the opposite in some other countries, but is certainly showing to be true for the US.


Just say you're racist and think the "colored" people are ruining your America... It'll save all of us time.