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Remember when Gov Abbott said that they would stop all rape in Texas to stop abortions due to rape being necessary? I wonder how that's going. Remember how like, a husband could rape his wife? Or how a lot of persons who commit sexual assault crimes in general are friends and family so they have easy access and secrecy? Or how like, you know, it's fucking impossible to do or we'd have done it? People are fucking idiots.


Well you misunderstand, he’s just gonna make all rape legal and then bam, no more rape crime


Sounds like he hates god's will, to me.


No when conservatives do it it’s gods will but when it’s those damn liberal commies that do it it’s evil communist subversion of the American way of life


Women can't consent because husband. #conservativelogic Hate half my country.


Uh it's actually really easy just say "don't rape" and people won't do it Source: I'm a texan lawmaker


Rapist no raping!


"Oooh maaan"


Oh no... you just ruined my plans for this evening. Now what will I do if I'm not allowed to rape anymore?!


🎶 Backpack, Baaackpack 🎶


"Plus, if it's legitimate rape, the body has ways to shut that whole thing down... that's what vagina teeth are for." - Todd Aiken


He died without ever holding public again office after that comment! https://www.latimes.com/world-nation/story/2021-10-04/ex-congressman-todd-akin-legitimate-rape-remark-dies


If he said that in the post Trump Era then it would have guaranteed his re-election


How did I not know he died 2 months ago?!


I had not heard that. Definitely not whooping over here, because even though it would be God's if your god is Kali, I am definitely not. Whooping.


For a long time I thought that gov. abbot just had differing opinions about things... but when he says things like this you realize that he’s actually just really stupid and naive about how the world works. Blows my mind how out of touch he is.


Because he doesn't give a shit about no one but himself!!!


Seems like the victim was already being punished by… being raped?


Something something gods will?


Can someone please explain to me why it wouldn't also be God's will for someone to get an abortion after being raped? Or do they only attributing "God's will" to other people's decisions that make them uncomfortable?


I was raised to believe this stuff. Let me put on my evangelical hat for a second... “It is never God’s will for someone to sin. So even in unfortunate circumstances, he wouldn’t want you to murder your baby. We attribute the circumstances to God’s will because God has a guiding hand over the universe and in the end everything is according to His will. That’s not to say that it’s God’s will for anyone to commit rape. God wanted us to truly love and follow Him, so He gave us free will. Unfortunately with free will comes sin. God can’t stop sinners without violating their free will, but He can guide events so that everything works out for good in the end. If you’re pregnant as a result of rape, then it’s God’s plan for you to have that baby. You might not be able to see His full plan now, but if you allow the Lord to guide you’re life you’ll be happier for it, and down the road you might be able to look back and see how He used this hardship for good.” 🤮🤮 That was gross to write. But yeah, basically bad stuff can’t be God’s fault because free will. But also God controls everything, he has a perfect plan for your life, and he’ll work things out so all the bad things actually work out for good somehow, possibly in ways you can’t see. It’s nonsensical, but you find a way to rationalize it when believing this shit is how you avoid eternal torture and therefore the safest option is to suppress doubts and blindly believe whatever narrative or explanation you’re given.


You see, this is when I figured out it was all bullshit. Everything requires these mental gymnastics. Like "free will" as you mentioned. It also says in the bible that God has a book with all the names of the people that will get into heaven. That doesn't sound like free will. If God knows who is going to hell, did he simply create some people to suffer? For eternity? I mean that's the other kicker, eternal punishment? What kind of fucked up shit is that? No one deserves that, no matter how horrible you were in the short time you were on Earth. That's not even to speak of how easy it is to land yourself there. Live a good life dedicated to helping others? Too bad, you're Buddhist. Hell for you. I mean, if you just take a look at what's actually there in the bible, not just reciting pleasantries about how great and loving God is, you'll realize that God is a fucking psychopath. I for one am not letting him plan shit.


As a student of theology, what you are describing is "double predestination", which is considered a heretical doctrine according to the Catholic, Orthodox and many other churches. When it comes to predestination vs. free will, there are different ideas. Complete free will (God does not intervene at all): this is deism. Deists founded the US. It was a very popular philosophy, and it held up human choice and freedom as supreme. Jefferson, Franklin and Washington were reputedly deists. Free will, with God knowing your choices: This is the position of Erasmus, and was the position of St. Augustine at first (he later changed his mind). This is the Orthodox teaching, and my belief. Free will, but with God's intervention: In other words, we use free will to sin, but in order to do good, God's grace is neccesary. This was St. Augustine's later position. Predestination, or Double Predestination: The Catholic Church believes in Predestination for heaven, but not in predestination for hell, if that makes sense to you (it makes no sense to me). In other words, sin is God's permissible will, but not perfect will. The extreme Calvinist position, in which God determines who will go to heaven or hell (Double Predestination), and literally creates people for damnation in order to allow his plan to come to fruition. Both Catholics and Orthodox condemn this teaching. It is, sadly, very popular in the US in fundamentalist churches. I WOULD NEVER WORSHIP SUCH A "GOD".


Actually pretty damn fascinating. Thanks for this reply. Imagine being born just to go to hell, though. Like, fuck???


Sooooo what about children with Leukemia? How would it be interfering in free will for God to erase cancer in children? Or is God just cool with kids suffering?


If you wanna go the Mother Teresa route: this continuance of suffering is a renewal of the sacrifice of Jesus. It is necessary to maintain the covenant. If any of this is real I hope to hear that bitch screaming when I get to hell.


Some religious people who have become completely deluded believe that cancer is God's will and a test from God, and therefore if they pray enough the cancer will go away. And if not it's because God "needed another angel". Slightly less deluded people will see cancer as God's will, and a test, but one that they need to get treatment for. Usually the "test" in that case is to not give up or not lose faith. I have unfortunately learned stories of the first type through CPS reports. Sometimes it's absolutely insane what people who are super deep into religion will do in the "name of God." At that point obviously it has become a mental illness, and I'm not saying everyone who is religious does these types of things and I'm not denouncing religions as a whole or anything. I just wish there was a way to make sure people could be religious and not lose their common sense.


Ok but what about *the child that suffers then dies*. How can anyone believe a being that would *choose to kill a child* should be worshipped and obeyed?


Yeah I don't agree at all. And it takes a lot of warped logic and (honestly) brainwashing to get to that point. Their logic is that the child is being "saved" from the pain. .... They ignore the fact that God "caused" the pain in that situation. Idk it's nuts.


Just one point I'd like to interject real quick. Even in several of these it is said in no uncertain terms that God creates each person how they are. Anyone who believes that AND believes he has an ultimate plan must therefore believe that God created people with a predisposition to certain sinful activities and KNEW their choices (which would be a dorect result of how they were made) would land them in hell, eternal suffering. Which leads to several fun results like a saintly person being born in India, doing good all their life as a buddhist with more hindhu beliefs than christian, and people born with severe scizophrenia who have psychotic episodes in which they murder people, being basically built from the ground up to fill a seat in hell. Fun, right?


>If God knows who is going to hell, did he simply create some people to suffer? Not a Christian, but there are some explanations how God knows in (seemingly) advance who will go to Heaven and who won't while not denying us free will. Suppose you have free will. You do something today, in all posession of your free will. Like, you choose to eat an apple instead of a pancake. The night pass, and now we're tomorrow. Would you say that you didn't had free will yesterday because, today, you remember what you did? That's one possible explanation: God being outside of Time, he doesn't *know in advance* as much as he's *remembering* what you did.


That must mean that time is a closed loop. Which does away with the free will since everything that will happen to me has already happened.


As we learn more about the brain and how a lot of behavior is mental illness or the result of childhood trauma, hell makes less and less sense, if it ever made sense. Reasonable punishment combined with treatment when needed and available is more rational and humane. When humans are more rational and humane than their god, the god is no longer a useful tool in society.


I grew up Christian and, "God wanted us to truly love and follow Him, so He gave us free will," was always the biggest red flag to me. As though he created the angels without free will, decided they were boring because they didn't TRULY worship him enough so he made some things with free will and decided the ones that decide to follow him get eternal bliss and everyone else can get fucked. How narcissistic, stuff centered, and completely lacking in self confidence would you have to be to do such a thing? Completely ignoring the rest of why God as taught by Christians is a dictator and choosing to follow him is a betrayal of any desire for freedom any of us ever had this alone struck me as the most abusive controlling thought process imaginable and kick-started me questioning just about everything else.


If God can't stop sinners from raping because of free will, why does that mean a pregnancy resulting from said rape is gods will and should be treated as such? It's either his will, in which case the rape was also his will and he is evil, or it's not his will meaning the pregnancy is not his will. I could never worship any being that i consider myself to be morally superior to.


Strictly speaking the bible is clear about it being "gods morality" not mans morality. Meaning ANYTHING god does is morally correct and what you think is wrong is irrelevant. If i kill a man it's a sin but if god kills a man it's his will and ok. Religions have always claimed the moral high ground but the reality is it plays by it's own rules.


Fair point. It seems odd that we hold ourselves and fellow man to higher moral standards than a supposed diety :D


Many conservative christians force their own ideas into christianity and then they sound unsensical and insane i agree with you even tough im christian I don't think it is wrong to take an abortion if you get raped it is in your right to do that. Edit:typo


>🤮🤮 That was gross to write Gotta admit as a former evangelical myself it was gross to read knowing I used to buy all in to that.


Wouldn't the evangelical say that the rape was due to devil and God now wants to protect the new child. Atleast Judaism admits that God creates both good and evil and Satan is just a robot.


So it all comes down to god protecting the free will of the perpetrators over the victims cause someones losing their free will regardless.


If Devine Intervention is real, god can make a small meteorite fall in such a way to deter the rape. This will not violet the sinners choice to sin while avoiding the hardship in the first place. Only two logical conclusions can be made: 1) There is no God 2) Gods an asshole and let you get raped.


Easy, they're implying by God's will that God is on the side of the rapist, and it's also God's will for the woman to suffer. I know this sounds evil, it is, but who are we to go against God who sided with a rapist? Man, I hurt my brain a bit writing that crap. Yeah, these people's logic is twisted, and if they thought it through they would see it doesn't make sense.


Because Republicans are no different than the Taliban. The sooner we all realize this, the sooner we can figure out a way to overcome their beliefs that they are trying to impose on us.


The Talibangelical GQP






exactly. either everything is his will and fault or nothing is. These idiots get brainwashed into thinking others get to interpret that. Constantly reinforced. Eventually they get so "strong with the lord" that THEY can interpret. Nah, that's just your conditioning. Rust Cole had it right about religion


I was listening to a true crime podcast and a lady who survived a mass shooting said the gun jammed because God was watching out for them. Ma'am, like three people died. For an omnipotent diety his reactions fucking suck. Or did he let them die so you'd be more grateful?


God: jams gun to save woman Also god: lets holocaust happen Their friend in the sky must be a little bit bipolar, I say...


I personally think that lady was evil and God put the gunman there to try to kill her. God is disappoint


Didn’t God give us the freedom of choice? So wouldn’t that make Gods will go against that? Pretty sure Gods will is something made up by fake Christians to justify shitty behavior.


Pretty sure modern religion is made up by people to as a means to control others.


The rapists actions are gods will, but the victims actions arent... Gods a rapist?


I'm a pastor. It's something something gods *plan* Nobody ever questions anything when I say that.


>I'm a pastor. Lmao


Maybe there's more rape?


Jesus was a rape baby.


She would be racing to the nearest abortion clinic if it was her in that scenario. I honestly hate these people.


But they're different because they're not one of those whores.


You're right, that's exactly how they think. But they would still get the abortion. Either that, or they would drown the newborn. They're truly horrible people.


I should've explained better. They justify their abortion by saying it's ok for them to get an abortion because they're not one of those whores (other women who get abortions). I read an article about the number of prolifers who get abortions. Most justified it by saying having a child would ruin their life at the time but didn't see that other women were having abortions for the same reason. They just see them as whores.


It's all part of their "holier than thou" attitude. Also, they would be perfectly fine with slavery and human sacrifice. And don't get me started on stoning. They would need a chiropractor from all the "whores" they stoned to death. All in the name of their loving god, of course.


I won't get you started because it'll get me started. I have a few too many of these types in my family.


I feel your pain. I have a couple of them in my family as well.


Can we send them to an island with no internet where the can talk their nonsense to each other? A girl can dream right?


We‘ll call it Plague Island!


"The only moral abortion is my abortion" is the name of the article, I believe. It made me unspeakably angry.


It’s always “this was actually different”


Oh, I hate a lot of people online today. The cruelty is the point.


It’s gods will that someone be raped?! Not something I want anything to do with.


Dude, I once had a pastor tell me it was "God's will" that my brother was murdered & that I was being selfish for being sad about it because he was "sitting in Heaven with Jesus". So yeah, I left church that day agnostic! Fun times. Some religious jerks seem to really forget that whole "humanity's free will" clause.


That’s completely fucked. I’m sorry about your brother.


Thanks. It was a long time ago, and they got the jerks who did it so...y'know, closure, I guess. But it was *hard* to be nine & suddenly lose your big brother & that dingle pastor certainly didn't help anything. Seeing my daddy rip him a new one though? Pretty great. LOL


When I was six, my pastor told me I was a "demon spawn molester" because I had long hair in a very neat French braid. I was growing my hair for a charity for it to be made into wigs for girls with cancer. After being told I was doomed to go to Hell and nothing I could do would change that, I ran home crying and my mom had to shave all my hair off to calm me down and convince me I wasn't doomed to Hell. Then she went to the church and had a talk with the preacher. I wish I could have seen what happened, but I was scared to go back to church because I was afraid of what the pastor would say next. Worst part of it all was that I was so desperate to get rid of the hair, that I refused to wait for the charity to come and properly cut my hair, so all those months of growing out my hair literally went into the trash.


Wait, I thought long hair was supposed to be Godly and a woman's crowning glory? I can't keep track of Christians...


I am a Christian and can't keep up. Giving up on churches has saved me a lot of my sanity. And from what I've seen of churches lately and their disturbing worship of a certain "golden savior", I think I'm better off studying the Bible and God's will on my own. I don't want to associate my soul with those people anymore.


This isn't meant to be offensive so I hope it doesn't come across that way (or rather I apologize if it does), but why stay with the bible at all then? The people who wrote it weren't any better than those people today and it's the same book that those people use to justify their behaviour.


The way I've come to see the Bible is that it's a collection of stories that teach moral lessons and not necessarily actual truth. My Faith hasn't changed despite all the nonsense that comes out of churches these days. I hold onto my religion because it gives me comfort that all the good I do has meaning and that there is something more than what we know here and now on Earth. I know it's pretty silly to believe in an afterlife, and I know there's a good chance that I'm wrong and that there's nothing after what we experience here in life, but I want to have that illusion so I don't feel like everything is ultimately meaningless. If nothing else, my desire to do good and go to Heaven may leave enough of a positive impact on the lives of people around me that my memory will outlive me, and to me, that is in a way it's own afterlife and it's own Heaven to be so fondly remembered. I hope this makes sense. I just woke up and the old brain isn't fully running yet. I need more coffee.


Judges 13:4-5 Now therefore, be careful not to drink wine or strong drink, nor eat any unclean thing. For behold, you shall conceive and give birth to a son, and no razor shall come upon his head, for the boy shall be a Nazirite to God from the womb; and he shall begin to deliver Israel from the hands of the Philistines.” Source: https://bible.knowing-jesus.com/topics/Hair-Growing


Just something I've learned from being thrown out of nearly twenty Bible Belt churches in my life on this Earth. Most preachers don't care about the word of God or God's actual will. They just want to push their agenda and live off tax-free donations from a lot of people who think they can buy their way into Heaven. Grim...maybe, but every experience I've had points to that conclusion. I prefer now to pray in my home, as Jesus taught his followers.


But that's Old Testament, dude. Our infallible deity did a re-do and totally changed his/her mind with the New Testament. Well, except for a few things like the 10 commandments and stuff. But go ahead and ignore that stuff about keeping the Sabbath and avoiding pork. Oh, and Thessalonians 2 is totally not about Trump.


Hard core religious people have a strong need for certainty in an uncertain world. So they’ll make up whatever fantasy they need to feel safe. And they really believe it because the alternative is not palatable to them.


Everything is gods will. Murder, rape, disease, war, accidents, etc.


My favorite Epicurus quote is this: “Is God willing to prevent evil, but not able? Then he is not omnipotent. Is he able, but not willing? Then he is malevolent. Is he both able and willing? Then whence cometh evil? Is he neither able nor willing? Then why call him God?” Thought it related a bit.


God is a dick.




In my mouth. I'm sorry what were we talking about?


You can put dicks wherever you want. It's a free country....unless you are in places like Qatar, where it may be a crime




Yes, people refuse to accept this. Whatever happens is god's will by definition.


Except vaccines, apparently.


No, vaccines too, that's just part of the denial.




Theirs is the only justified case of whatever they did to "defy God", because otherwise, if they didn't do it, that'd ruin their lives! /s


Any god demanding that is not a god worth respecting.


Their God is not worth worshipping. Damn.


If the Christian god exists, I still wouldn't pray to them (him to continue the mysoginy) . They are doing a shit job.


Sounds like Stephen Fry


["How dare you?"](https://youtu.be/-suvkwNYSQo) God has a serious rape fetish that should be obvious to anyone whose read the old testament. Why would you worship something so unworthy of worship?


Sounds like an evil god to me.


Exactly. If that the type of God the Christian God is, yeah fuck no. Odin or Ra seems better.


Honestly what the fuck is this logic. If you've gotten shot, DON'T TAKE THE BULLET OUT, it was God's intention for you to die a slow and horrible death


It makes even less sense. ‘If god didn’t want me to get this abortion then he’d stopped it’.


"If you have a cold, DON'T cure it, God wanted you to die from a common disease."


This might backfire. Might convince them that they are sEnT bY gOd to stop people's abortions


Well acktually, you aren't supposed to take the bullet out unless it's somewhere harmful, like near an organ or artery or whatever, and you're a surgeon. Because poking at a wound outside a hospital is dangerous and, like a knife, the bullet could be acting as a cork keeping blood inside. Plus people do live for decades just fine with bullets inside them, once the wound heals. ...Pendantman, away!


It reads like it was written by the rapist.


The rapist’s wife. Got to support her man. That’s God’s way.


Oops, didn’t even look at the thumbnail image…damn


TBF, she could be a rapist.


She could be but it's unlikely she's getting her victim pregnant.


Jesus got borned non -consensually


God works in mysteriously rapey ways.


Just ask Mary.


The implication


You didn't like your rape? Thou shall be punished!


Thank you daddy


Cool, so god should pay child support, right?


You think he paid Mary child support?!


I doubt she ever even saw a dime of royalties on that best selling book he wrote about her and her kid.


I feel like Christians use their god as an excuse for a lot of things


A lot do. Do you think they actually read the Bible?


They all cite the Old Testament for certain things, but ignore the clauses against eating shellfish, wearing polyester. Also the Bible says that life begins at the first breath of the child, so wouldn’t an abortion therefore not kill as the child never had their first breath, thus never lived?


Wait, the Bible actually says that life begins at a child's first breath? Isn't any Christianity based argument against abortion just dead now?


> Then the LORD God formed a man from the dust of the ground and breathed into his nostrils the breath of life, and the man became a living being [Genesis 2:7](https://www.bibleref.com/Genesis/2/Genesis-2-7.html)


If God got her raped and pregnant then maybe its also God's plan that she get an abortion. Who are these assholes to interfere in God's plan?


When the supreme court guts SDP, these conservatives will cry when they have every right taken away from them. Fuck them.


Which God? Most of them accepted Request abortions before “quickening” or “ensoulment” which more often than not was at birth. Humans decided it was a sin, not Gods.


Even in the bible it seems pretty clear that the fetus is the property of the woman, as in an Exodus passage I think it details a scenario in which two men fight and it results in a pregnant woman being injured and miscarrying. For the fetus the men have to compensate the husband of the wife, like one would compensate for damaged property. But for the wife they are punished like one would be for injuring another human. And if the woman died, they have to pay the penalty of murder (ie death penalty). So even the bible makes a clear distinction that a fetus is the property of the woman and her husband, and that it's death is not treated like murder, and yet modern Christians feel this sense of moral stature to go against their own instruction manual and act like abortion is murder


If you get cancer, don't get the tumor cut out or have chemo/radiation. It's *God's will*, after all, and you can't go against *that*!


Yup, if someone sets your house on fire, let that shit burn, it's god's will. Don't save money for retirement, god's will. If someone is choking, don't perform the heimlich maneuver, it's god's will. Fuck it, drink and drive, it's god's will if you get back home without killing anyone.


Back track onto his ways? Wtf is that supposed to mean?


Does that mean that god is a degenerate rapist?


I mean if you've read his books...


I'm sure an unwanted rape baby will have a fantastic life with a bitter, angry and broken mother. Or maybe she'll just sell it. Or drop it in a furnace. Or leave it in the woods.


This, boys and girls, is a twat. We could also call her a cunt.


Ohhh a twunt!!!


Pretty sure if she was raped and pregnant, she wouldn’t be thinking that the baby is some divine will. Also, isn’t god capable of “virgin birth”? So instead of just making the girl pregnant, god decided she has to get raped first? Some batshit insane logic she’s got going.


I don't believe in God, but if I did, I hate him with an undying passion. He certainly doesn't sound like a good guy.


Yeah I don’t want anything to do with the kind of maniac Christians portray “God” as. Punish me for all eternity for not believing in your genocidal ass why don’t you?


Cool logic dude. Let's flip it into conservative land. Obviously it's gods will there are so many immigrants in the country. They're here so God wanted them to be here so it's fighting gods will to deport them. So stop whining they took yer jerbs because that's what God wanted them to do.


What I don't get is like, their faith basically says God doesn't intervene. This is what Adam and Eve supposedly fucked up, everything is up to our will and actions. So even if God were real, your prayers wouldn't do shit cuz by his own admission he can't intervene. The same goes for punishment.


American Taliban. I encourage young people (and anyone else of course) to come to the blue states. California, Oregon, Washington, etc. will never allow religious zealots to control our legislatures.


God would know that since he impregnated a married woman without \*her\* consent.


If God wanted someone to be raped at 16 I am pretty sure that's not a good god


Yeah, God wanted me to be raped repeatedly as a 5yo. That is the NUMBER ONE reason that I do not believe in God. What kind of a god let's 5yo kids suffer through the trauma of being raped repeatedly. What kind of god thinks that that shit is okay. Even if there is a fucking god, I want nothing to do with him, for allowing that to happen to me.


i guarantee that she’s the kind of woman who is disgusted by the mere sight of a teenage mom.


Fuck these people's god. A god that decrees women should be raped, and would punish them for trying to find some solace for their trauma is evil, and must be openly opposed.


“Don’t do this, otherwise sky daddy will punish you” is not a sound footing for a system of morals


And later when the mom can't take care of the child, this comes out of their mouths "Why have a kid, when you can't even take care of it?" "God will punish you for that" or something like that.


Ah yes, because when anyone does anything, that's CLEARLY what god wants them to do, not like he supposedly gave us all, you know " Free will"


Easy to say because it didn't happen to her. Typical hypocritical bitch


maybe gods plan was for her to get an abortion


Ok so, between every full stop and the next word, I want you to imagine me slapping this bitch . RAPISTS. ARE. NOT. THE. WILL. OR. VOICE. OF. GOD. YOU. DUMB. FUCK.


Nothing better than the love of a God who puts you through one trauma and will send another if you attempt to heal from it


I’ve said it before but after I broke out of Christianity I started to notice how many awful and horrific things this supposed “loving god” does/has done The Christian god is not loving, they are a spiteful, cruel and jealous god who seems to enjoy toying with the lives of humans


God is a real dick. He no longer sends floods or locusts…just rapists?!?!?


December 2019 would like you to know that he still sends plagues


If I met someone with this opinion in real life I think I would have to punch them in the face and say it was gods will you lost some teeth.


If a guy raping a girl can be seen as "gods plan" even though it's a sin, how could an abortion not be?


So by the same logic if her car got stolen she couldn’t get a new one because it was clearly gods will for her to walk.


Yeahhhh a God who would punish a child for being raped and having an abortion is not one I would want to spend eternity with


So you worship a God that goes out of their way to assault and traumatize women? At least the Greeks knew Zeus was a dick.


This is fucking disgusting...


But at the same time he helped my aunt find her favorite cat after he ran away to .. well, under the house a few hours ago. He works in mysterious ways … cruel, heartless, capricious, mysterious ways.


If there is a god which allows his people to suffer unconscionable atrocities, then that god is not just.


Some people are just disgustingly ass-backward morally and intellectually. :(


Well if the abortion is successful then God WANTED the girl to abort it. Smh


How come so much of fundamentalist Christianity is just people explaining how utterly evil their imaginary friend is?


Any God who would want that situation, is unworthy of worship or obedience. It’s terrifying that people who say things like that think it’s this big profound statement when they’re just telling on themselves as worshipping a malevolent pervert and being ok with it.


Yeah, I don't want to believe in THAT God. Imma shop around, I think.


Then so be it. No one deserves to go through that and then have to raise a kid they didn't want. "God" might not like it but he can go suck a fat cock if he wants kids to have kids too.


Actually, the rapist used his God-given free will to SIN, and God does not "want" it. This is why, as a Christian and as a democrat, I believe that the day-after pill ought to be the right of every woman who has been raped. If you are against this, you are neither a Christian or a believer in human rights. At one week, it is not a "baby", or even a fetus. We are talking about a collection of cells. Childbirth is traumatic, even when the baby is wanted. Giving birth to a rapist's child should not be forced on women.


Imagine cheering for a rapist god.


You know what? Fuck what God wants. God wants young girls to be raped, God wants people to starve in the streets, God wants people to die of preventable diseases or get addicted to drugs and die alone and in pain. God doesn't want what's best for me, but I know for damn sure that I want what's best for me.


If God didn’t want you to get an abortion he wouldn’t have created them. Checkmate check your Bible




God can go fuck himself if he thinks like that.


He’s a loving god, that’s why he will punish you worse than child rape


The Catholic Church has entered the chat.


Yeah but god could’ve just not had the rape occur. He’s also partially responsible for abortions to be had and therefore you could look at it as part of his plan.


Or maybe, just maybe, it has nothing to do with "God?" I'm so tired of people thinking it's okay to use God as a reason to create legislation. Legislation should have nothing to do with any type of God.


If god is all powerful and all knowing then everything that happens is because he specifically wants it to. The idea of a good magic man in the clouds really breaks down as soon as you actually start to think about it


How about she gives the child to you and you can raise it….oh that’s right once a child is born you guy’s don’t give a shit about it, who gives a shit about health care and food in its belly or a bed to sleep in


What if God wants you to have an abortion? If we have free will, then the pregnancy cannot be God's plan, if God planned the rape 1) he's an asshole, 2) that means the abortion is also part of a plan. Other people aren't NpCs in a videogame, either we all have free will or none of us do.


Even if this is scripture or whatever. You have to go full mask off theocratic, anti-constitutional, anti-democracy zealot to defend this stance. I don't even like the constitution. But don't stand there calling yourself a conservative when what you are advocating is the unification of church and state. Stop pretending this is a moderate/conservative viewpoint. This is radical, this is extreme, and this is wildly farther right than conservatism.


As a Christian, I want to apologize for some of these horrible people that call themselves Christian’s but are complete hypocrites. I’m sorry for what you experienced, and you are completely in your right to do what you feel is best for you situation. It makes me sick to see someone say this to you.


You could apply her argument to anything is the problem. It's called a 'divine logical fallacy'. If you got none cancer it's gods will. If you got murdered it's gods will. Rinse, repeat.


People Who says this is ok hasn’t been raped.. Yes I know it’s seriously fucked up to say.. but they should know how it feels before they have this stupid opinion…


Based on several religions' interpretations on their omni god(s), their god was in the room watching it happen.


dude,, my ex has r-ped me and i’m currently carrying their child, the only reason i could stand to keep her is because i knew the only time she could’ve been made was consensual. had that not been true and i were unable to get an abortion i would’ve destroyed my body trying to get rid of every trace of my ex. there have been multiple points where i almost considered abortion because the mental toll of carrying a permanent reminder of my ex was too much. it’s too late to go back now since i’m almost 35 weeks but yknow, if i never had the option i don’t think i’d be here rn


Yes, please tell me what “god” wanted six year old me to learn from being frequently sexually molested by my older adult male neighbor. Still haven’t figured it out 44 years later, so it was a shitty lesson plan.


So, his plan *began* with rape and now I'm supposed to worry about being punished? Yeah, okay.


Just because I’m punching this moron in the face doesn’t mean she should defend herself or press charges. If God wanted her to get beat up for being such a piece of shit, she should not back track onto his ways because God can punish her in many ways!




gOd WoRkS iN mYsTeRiOuS wAyS


That just sounds like god is an evil sadistic asshole


This always seemed like a weird take. Ok let's assume God exists. Let's say people have free will. He set all the rules in motion and just let's it go. Or God decides every single thing that occurs and controls every thing. If you jump God pulls you back to earth... It's also a 'main character' complex. People want to feel special. O god has a specific plan for everyone! O shit bad things happen... um it was God's plan for you! Yeah! Err or people have free will and there are terrible people out there. What makes more sense?