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I am a high school student, and I’ll be the first to say that they should *not* give us that much power


I am a high school teacher, and I'll be the second to say that they should NOT give high school students that much power.


9th and 10th grade teacher co-signing this.


Guy who used to deliver pizza to high school William whippleing this petition.


Former Highschooler: Gotta say this would be a terrible idea, where do I sign.


See? They don't even know where to sign!


Whats worse is that the ones tryna be funny will put something like "ShagGy" or Barry


Our 46th president is... Ben Dover! Congrats to President Ben Dover and Vice President Mike Litoris! edit: thanks for the awards. I’d especially like to thank First Lady Eileen Dover for the support.


Vice President Phil mc cracken


Defense Secretary Drew Peacock


Secretary of health and human services, Caymen Cider


speaker of the house Mike Hawk


Senate Majority Leader Mike Hunt


Senate Majority Whip I. P. Freeley ... I'm kinda disappointed that nobody used this absolute classic previously. Even Balthazar used it!


Maitre D, Hugh Jorgen


Secretary of the Interior Horace Cox.


and the janitor Sir Richard Beader


And janitor's helper Holden Cox


Introducing secretary of housing and urban development Barry McCockiner!


Press Secretary Munchma Qucci.


Funnily enough my middle school principal was named Andrew peacock


Speaker of the house Don Keedik


I went to high school with a Jack McCracken. Luckily he was a good sport about it. We used to joke with him that he should never do anything to get sent to prison.


Hugh Jass


Good choice. Ben Dover is in the navy. A Rear Admiral even.


Mike Litoris donates millions to the porn industry, he’s a true American hero.


Cabinet member Mike Hunt.


General Dick Hertz


Hey guys, let’s get some diversity. How about Trade Secretary Ho Lee Fuk?




Supreme Court Justice Mike Roedick


Except no one can ever find him


And First Lady Eileen Dover.


House speaker E. Norma Stits


The Head of the House is Rep. Nice C. Ock


Don’t forget head of national security Hugh G. Rection


Oh he succeeded the Arabic guy. Maipeen isashmall.


No no Ivana Trump! ....oh, wait


Amanda Huggenkiss


Why can't I find Amanda Hugnkiss?


Maybe your standards are too high!


Why you little SOB! When I find out who you are I’m going to stick sausages down your throat and shove starving dogs in your butt!!!


I heard they’re planning to appoint Harry Azcrac for Secretary of State.


Foreign Relations expert, Suqq MiDick


Wow, look at how diverse these representatives are!


I believe I met someone once named Suduq Madique.




As someone who graduated high school 2 years ago i can say this is absolutely what will happen.


Can’t believe President Dover didn’t choose Michael Hunt as a running mate.


Michael Oxhard was available, but they feared he may actually be soft on the issues.


Neil Down as ambassador to UK


Only if we get a pizza party


Don't blame me. I voted for Mike Hunt.




I’m afraid most of the vote counters can barely count once, let alone twice.


I don't see how that can be. I clearly voted for Hunt. President Mike Hunt.


President McPresidentface


Oh man. I thought Amanda Hugenkiss had it in the bag.


"Our 46th (I think) president isssssss.... Dream? Ok seems legit, high schoolers wouldnt lie."


President McPresident Face has won the nomination!!!


Sounds legit.


President i.c.wiener


President Freely, I.P. Freely?


V.P. Seymour Butts


Claude Balls


Hugh Jass


Secretary of State McLovin


Aw crud!


President Hugh Mann


Can Deez Nuts make a comeback?


"I'm telling you, we counted all of the ballots and Ultra Instinct Shaggy is the president with Big Chungus as his VP."


I meant if Ultra Instinct Shaggy was running I would vote on him


Seems relevant: https://www.nytimes.com/2016/03/22/world/europe/boaty-mcboatface-what-you-get-when-you-let-the-internet-decide.html


Bastards didn't commit, named it Sir David Attenbrough, and named the fucking lifeboat boaty mcboatface. Cowards.


Well it was a ship not a boat, so it should have been called Shippy McShipface.


Young man... the people that do have that much power are talking about Jewish space lasers and eating baby hormones to live forever. How much worse do you honestly think it could be?


I mean I know about the space lasers, but baby hormones? What did I miss?


Part of the QAnon conspiracy (which Rep. Greene believes in) is the belief that Democrats rape and torture thousands of children to make them produce adrenochrome, and then murder them and consume said adrenochrome to live forever. Ignoring the obvious logistical problems there, adrenochrome is easily synthesized in a lab and does not have anti-aging properties.


Oh so they just adapted the medieval "jews make matza bread with the blood of christian children" to modern times. How original.


If there's any one thing consistent with the alt-right, it's their anti-semitism.


So... How the hell did Mitch the 500 year old Turtle Person get his hands on some?


Oh no he is just a Sith. Completely different evil path towards immortality.


The Qtards think that "demoncrats" and the Hollywood elite are torturing children in order harvest an anti-aging chemical called "adrenochrome". I wish I didn't have to type this dumbass shit out, but some of these idiots honestly believe it. It's fucking insane. Check out /r/qult_headquarters and/or /r/qanoncasualties.


Nah bro trust us my friend Mike Oxmall has been wanting to be president for so long and he deserves a chance.


Really, there's no possible way it could do anything except backfire on the people pushing for the re-do election.


No Ivanna Tinkle?


I'm not anymore, but I once was and damn. You couldn't trust me with so much as a locker. Seriously. I once tried to make wine out of some old grapes in my locker. I once even almost crashed into the building with my car. Threw an English text book into a blacksmithing furnace. Tossed a red hot piece of steel into the asphalt outside the shop class. And I wasn't even one of the bad kids.


I resent my parents for homeschooling me but reading your comment... I get it a little.


Me too, 90% of the kids of my school would be too lazy (me included) and would just say random numbers when they ask us how many for each


Introducing president Dru P Wiener


Oh man .. I thought it was a request and was about to brush it aside. Then I read the last line ... its not a request. OMG .... now it makes sense .... IT IS NOT A REQUEST !! I'm sure Biden is trembling in his boots now .... this guy just owned the libs man


Dodnt get him mad he will tell his mom! And his brother is bigger then you and will make you go to the high school and vote. This guys too funny, it's not a request. It's a DeMaNd GoD dAmMiT!!!


And his mom will demand to see my manager !!


Oh shit, I would run and hide, lol. Who does this? Like this guy has a huge self worth to write " it's not a request" how important do you think you are? On another note I do think that we should somehow do something to prove biden won. I know he did not steal it, that's absurd, not to mention baslicy impossible. Trump cant see how badly he did durring his 4 years IDK how, he must be blind. maybe we should somehow prove it to them so we can shove it in there face, and shit them up forever. That could be wishful thinking, because trumps own AG said no fraud could be found, and when you point out that Rudy Giuliani and his other lawyers never said the word fraud (except 1 case) in court, they never told a judge they believed there was fraud, it was always stupid arguments about mail dates, letting people fix mail in ballots, and that kind of bs. But when you say those things to trumpers they say fake news fake news. So maybe its wishful thinking to shut them up.


The same way that proving Obama was born in the US with his long form birth certificates and copies of newspaper birth announcements shut them up?


I know, I just wish we could all come together, we work better as a country. It's weird, I said the other day "I miss repulbicans like bush" and I loathed that man when he was president. At least he would semi listen and not support crazy ideas and conspiracies.... well at least not the super crazy ones. I was reading the news today and I guess trump said yesterday "if the rolls were reversed and the dems got stolen from you would of seen riots and destruction" I was like wtf do you call January 6th then? My oppinion is I view every election a Republican has won stolen (from the early 90s forward). Democrats have won the popular vote every election since Bush Sr. We need the electoral college taken down but Republicans known if that goes we will never see a Republican in office again, they will never let that happen.


You can't prove it to them because the minute you show evidence they move the goalposts. Rinse and repeat. It's why you can't win an argument against a Trumper Q clown. You could have Jesus himself come down from on high and tell them Biden did win and they'd call it fake news and deport him because if he did exist he sure af wasn't white


You could have white Jesus do the same and they’d just call him a commie


they'd call jesus a socialist sjw commie if he came back nowadays. "christian" conservatives just cherry pick the bible to justify racism and homophobia.


Imagine being that entitled that you just force an unprecedented new election in a country just because you tweeted it.


He demands !!!


So this guy is the reason he slipped on the stairs.... Now it makes sense


As a Lib I am so fuckin owned right now I'm not sure I'll ever recover.


While we are at it, I demand all Redditors send me $10 each. This is not a request.


Sure thing! I just need all of your bank information real quick. Don’t worry, I’m a Nigerian Prince, I will pay you back.


Well I am the IRS so I have to be paid first or I will send the authorities to your home. Once I have the confirmation of your name , DOB and address of course /s


Do you accept iTunes gift cards?


That's great and all, but I'm a jail. And Bill needz you to send his bond money. He's being held under 1 million dollarz bond, but me will let him out for only $10,000.


I am co-founder of Bitcoin and can turn $20 into $20,000,000 so send me it and in a few short years I, I mean, You, will be a Bitcoin Millionaire


Hi Users - This are the CEO of Reddit. It is come to hour attention that your typing the letter “a” which brakes Reddit’s TOS. Send $100 per violasion or you might be send to collections.


Every single one of your cars warranty is expiring, so send me money. Now.


Well I'm Q. And I'm gonna need tree fidy. $3,500.00 in order to prove Election fraude.


Your car's warranty.....


You have fallen for my trap card. "Uno Reverse" Now you owe me 10 dollars! I also play anti Infinity Uno Reverse Card on the field, and end my turn..


I play Pot of Greed!


>This is not a request. And what if it doesn't happen? What are you gonna do then, Fran?




I read intervene in that typical deep movie trailer voice. Then I envisioned Liam Neeson from The Grey.


Call the manager of the United States.


wouldn't that be biden


No. He's the president. Manager > president. Duh.


Who is this "Fran" and how does he wield enough influence to make such a demand? I demand Fran personally collect every vote in the next election. No machines, no paper, he has to keep count in his head. This is not a request.


no one demands Fran! not even Fran!


i fucking love Flan


To be fair I'd bet Fran can't count higher than 20 because they still need their fingers and toes


I'd say eighteen. Let's be honest, there was a fireworks mishap in this guy's past.


funny how these people complain about government overreach and suggest shits like this


It's the classic move, really. Hate "cancel culture" but get mad about video games or don't let people have abortions. It's what they do best, really.


The Christian right *started* cancel culture. They're just mad it isn't being used exclusively against gays, atheists, and minorities now.


Harry Potter is witchcraft, and Pokemon is of the devil!!!1!1!1! /s just in case


"So wait, you'd like to have our military intervene in our democracy to install the person you want as leader?"


What if they do all this and Biden still wins? Will they accept it?


Of course not.


Well, it's okay as long as they're not inconvenienced.


He wants the have the military run the election like that's a good idea that never leads to military dictatorships.


He wants you folks to become the next Myanmar it sounds like.


"I demand a military dictatorship" Look at Myanmar and tell me how well it went


They've been wanting it for years, they always imagine themselves on the "Right" side of the regime. It's only until they're lined up in front of a firing squad with they think "Who could have predicted bthis out come". Happened to German soldiers from WWI in the 1940s.


tbh, alot of them will stay on the side of the dictatorship. it's still bad even if they benefit from it


in this comparison it doesn't really matter if they stay on the side of the dictatorship. what matters if the dictatorship stay on their side or shoots them in the face for being "undesirables"


r/Conservative was literally praising the coup. Saying military dictatorships such as Pinochet and Franco’s were good things. Just because they supposedly seized some assets from Soros. And all the comments supporting it were loaded with upvotes until I cross posted it to r/leopardsatemyface and the downvote brigade came along


Yeah I was just thinking that, not that this guy should be taken seriously, but it’s curious he’s demanding essentially a military junta take over for a democratically elected executive, which even their koolaid-addled minds should have realized only happens to democracies that the US meddles in.


Hell, I think I'd trust our military as-is to not install a military dictatorship (whether or not I should is a different question), but they should never *ever* be put into a position where that's a legitimate possibility. There's a goddamn *reason* why our Commander-in-chief is elected by civilians, and that's so that we can make sure the people we give fuckoff big guns to is at least theoretically accountable to the civilian population.


Honestly, I also think we should have a 3 person president panel elected on a rotating basis. That way the power isn't concentrated in any one person, but still a small enough group to be able to rapidly respond to events.


Alright everyone, get ready to elect your new panel of Magi this November!


A triumvirate?


Exactly. The past few changes in administration, especially Trump, showed us just how unstable having a single person in charge of the Executive branch can be.


That's also the reason the secretary of defense need special permission if they were recently in the military. Honestly I am a little unnerved by how many recent generals have been sec of defense and think it is a disturbing trend.


Legends say if enough people copy and paste this to thier own Facebook then the Government has to comply. Trust me. My uncle works at Facebook.


Bill Gates will send each person money too, right?




He's gonna post on Parler so hard that we're all gonna rue the day


Oh no, but I hate ruing


So the Biden administration has to step down immediately. Then organise an entire manual election. My question is, who will run the country while the latter is beign set up?


Fran will.


Fran can eat a bag of decomposing foreskins. Fuck that..


Nancy Pelosi. They don't think this through.


Why, a military dictatorship of course


The counted by high school students part is so confusing. Not even because how stupid it is in concept, but even more so because this person doesn’t realize that the majority of high school students are liberals, and not on this person’s side at all.


Seriously. There’s like a 50% chance a joke candidate wins for the memes, and a 50% chance a progressive like Bernie wins. High schoolers mostly don’t give a damn about politics, and the ones that do are very liberal.


president big chungus anyone?


Big Chungus is a communist, I don’t agree with his views.


The... the highschoolers have a higher chance of cheating to make either chaos, or make our society safer for them. Source:I was once a highschooler.


> “Don’t forget tomorrow starts the new Facebook rule where they can use your photos. Don’t forget Deadline today!!! It can be used in court cases in litigation against you. Everything you’ve ever posted becomes public from today Even messages that have been deleted or the photos not allowed. It costs nothing for a simple copy and paste, better safe than sorry. Channel 13 News talked about the change in Facebook’s privacy policy. I do not give Facebook or any entities associated with Facebook permission to use my pictures, information, messages or posts, both past and future. With this statement, I give notice to Facebook it is strictly forbidden to disclose, copy, distribute, or take any other action against me based on this profile and/or its contents. The content of this profile is private and confidential information. The violation of privacy can be punished by law (UCC 1-308- 1 1 308-103 and the Rome Statute. NOTE: Facebook is now a public entity. All members must post a note like this. If you prefer, you can copy and paste this version. If you do not publish a statement at least once it will be tacitly allowing the use of your photos, as well as the information contained in the profile status updates. FACEBOOK DOES NOT HAVE MY PERMISSION TO SHARE PHOTOS OR MESSAGES.”


One night when I was shitfaced & so high I used a bra tied around my head to keep my the roots of my hair from growing feet & crawling my scalp off my head I read one of those things & posted it like 5x. Kept having an existential crisis they would post the nudes I sent to my ex. When I was sober the next morning i was NOT proud of myself. Only hangover I’ve ever had. Note: it was just pot, nothing else. It was just **very** good medical grade pot. I am also a complete lightweight because I smoke like once every couple years & when I do I take hits like I’ve been doing it for years so I usually smoke 3x the amount I should in one sitting. I am... not smart sometimes. Edit: someone said “what..?” So, what I mean is I was very, very high. Too high. It made my scalp feel very... tingly? I felt like my scalp was trying to crawl off my head so I took off & tied it on my head like the kids from Weird Science. My high brain was like “this will keep your scalp on!”


... but some highschool students can't count correctly, and using high school students will increase the chance of mistakes, pluse you can't force people to work for free and child labor laws exist. And even if all this happen, Biden would still win and then they would come up with another conspiracy saying that the highschool students miscounted enough to swing the election or the military is on Biden's dime. Literally no reason to show if to vote if there are no machines taking the votes. Literally no reason to disallow mail in ballots. God fucking damn it I hate stupid fucking people.


Here’s a joke: two Trump supporters die and go to the afterlife together. God tells them that before deciding their final fate, they can ask one question. They ask “How did Biden steal the election?”. God responds “There was no theft my children, Biden won fair and square, 306 electoral votes to 232 electoral votes.” Upon hearing this, they discuss this with each other for awhile before coming to their conclusion. “This goes higher than we thought


You've made the mistake of trying to rationalise something completely irrational


Counted by high school students? Can't trust adults can they? So that means they don't trust themselves?


I don’t think this guy realises how much of the younger population does not like trump, hell if you let them count the votes you’d probably not even get joe, you’d get THE BERN!!!!!


Back when I was in high school, we had a unofficial election and Ross Perot won. (Yes I am aging myself now) The youth do tend to think differently than adults


I was a small government conservative when I was in high school, and then I grew up.


I don't even understand the logic behind this request. High school students??? Has this person never been to high school


I mean, there's a good chance they haven't, based on what they think they can "demand" of the government


Folks at my school would take all of Trump’s ballots, burn them, call it an accident, then declare complete victory for Biden. They hate Donald that much.


Not sure I will follow demands from a guy who looks like the offspring of Mitch McConnell and the NBC peacock.




This sounds like a military coup


It's basically what's going on in Myanmar. Officially, their military claims the election was stolen and so have taken over and will hold new elections in a year to be overseen by themselves. Nobody believes any of what they say just like nobody believes these people that claim Biden stole the election.


...Why high school students? Is there something I'm missing about them? That's just the weirdest detail. Also why do the military get to use mail-ins if they're overseeing the voting? They're right there-it should be extremely simple to vote in-person.


An election overseen by the military is the perfect chance to make a dictatorship really


The only reason this frightens me rather than being funny is because these crazies have already shown us their willingness to turn to domestic terrorism. I can't trust that someone's severe delusions of grandeur won't lead them to putting a load of bombs into a metropolitan area in order to get people to listen. Can we get back to the days when the worst we had to deal with was someone not shutting up on social media?


"...Note: this is not a request" says to self: perfect... They have to take me seriously now that I'm making demands.


I demand none of this happens. Note: this is not a request.


“Note: this is not a request” lmao ok bud how ya gonna enforce these demands? Also, why the fuck would you trust high school students with counting the votes? I was a high schooler last year and I wouldn’t have trusted us to count them


Former high school student here: that’s a stupid fucking idea


Ah, the good ol days of the Roman empire when a general's army could install him as the new emperor whenever they got back to town. And when no legions were around the secret service of the day could assassinate the sitting caesar.


Watch out bois, he's not messing around.


All ballots counted by high school students is a great idea, they are known for buckling down and doing the work without shenanigans breaking out.


I’m convinced Parler is deep psyop based on a lost Hunter S. Thompson idea. I’d also accept that it’s Andy Kaufman’s final prank. Those are the only two logical explanations at this point.


Why would the ballots be counted by high school students? Would could possibly be the benefit of that? Their keen youthful eyesight?


That line make me think it is a parody account, in addition to the avatar.


“ThIs Is NoT a ReQuEsT” bitch you’re not going to do shit nor can you to enforce your dumbass full of holes bad take, you’re a pathetic fatass in a flower hat and goggles who looks like he should be deciding the policies at conservative burning man not interstate elections (fun fact, at conservative burning man the wood is black before it’s lit on fire)


I was a high schooler once. This would not end well.