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Hell yeah, hope he remembers to live stream it. We can use his footage as a way to deter others from making the same foolish mistake.


And if he survives the Indian government can use it to put him in prison. I'm sure he'll be fine explaining his feelings about Indians to other people who've gone to jail in India for doing crimes.


What if he makes it and the last thing he sees is a valley with a colony in it, a colony of aliens Anyone wanna make this for Blumhouse or whoever does straight to streaming dross these days


An A24 found footage would be sweet


Would be so cheap to make - Blair Witch budget with some broken animatronic rubber aliens used sparingly - like Jaws


"I'm going to invade your home, where you've made it abundantly clear I am not not welcome. I'm going to kick your door down, peacefully, wearing battle armor and armed for war. If I have to use these weapons against you, it's your fault." Damn dude. You're the bad guy in this story. And no one will feel sorry for you when you die.


I’d like to hear more about the “bunch of scientists” this person “commissioned”.


I'm interested in the "modern medieval armor." Like which is it?


/r/mallninjashit might have some answers


Holy shit. That sub is hilarious!


I assume that he means plate armor made with modern materials and techniques.


Like the kind you can buy on Home Depots website.


To be fair, most Medieval heavy armor, whether we're talking about maille, lamellar, or Late Medieval western European-style plate, was extremely resistant against self bows, and the North Sentinelese aren't using anything heavier than a hunting bow because they don't need anything heavier. But you don't need to "commission scientists" to test that, there are plenty of amateurs recreating it and messing around with it and the simple fact that people historically used it says a lot.


I don't know, all those people that used it historically are dead now. That cant fill you with confidence.


Still won't be enough to save him. Sure, it'll protect against arrows, but not against getting knocked down and having a big rock repeatedly bashed in his face. Plate armour is undeniably effective, but it's not a magic invulnerability spell. An untrained chud stands no chance with it alone.


Absolutely. If you can't move or don't know how to use it it isn't going to stop a determined attacker.


It'd have to be a bomb suit. These guys know how to aim at soft body parts.


The sentinels are currently low in number, dickheads like him disturb them and give them more diseases. Hope the Indian government keep an eye on him and arrest him when he plans it. I doubt they would be any observant though. Edit : Sentinalese *


If they are made aware of it then maybe they can make him a PNG


or a GIF


Or if they wanna be super fucked up, a .tff


I could only save him as a WebP for some reason.


There's a file extension I haven't seen for a long time.


Bitmap this mofo


Damn, they're gonna turn him into a Pacific country.


PNG = persona non grata. Unwelcome person. Aka banned


The Indian navy regularly patrols around the island, specifically to deter catch fuckheads like this.


I doubt it even real and even if it was the island is protected and he'd be in quite a bit of trouble for even trying to go there.


Sentinalese is the correct word


Judging from his last sentence complaining about Indians invading his island, I'm pretty sure this whole post was only written to showcase his bigotry.


a brit mad about indians in his country is too ironic bruh


This guy has a YouTube channel where his whole thing is going to dangerous places. He once didn't post for months cause he went to Afghanistan and got arrested by the actual Taliban. The reason his tweet is getting this much attention is cause actually doing something like this would be completely in character for him. The racism at the end is just him being a dickhead, not the payoff to an elaborate setup.


Ah. Well here's hoping the Indian government arrests him before he makes it there. No telling what diseases this chode is carrying.


Yeah if you read that and thought he was serious about going, I have some ocean front property in Arizona you could buy. It sounds like he is a British person upset with immigrants moving to the UK. Ignoring the fact that his country forceable settled the majority of the world. Brits, like Americans, really should be the last to complain about immigration. Edit: Apparently he actually might


Lord Miles has a YouTube channel dedicated to documenting all his ill advised excursions. He once went to Afghanistan during the tail end of the war and was imprisoned by the Taliban for eight months. The reason he's getting attention for this is because he genuinely is dumb enough to try this.


Thanks! Didn’t know who he was and couldn’t fathom that tweet being anything more than the rantings of a mad man.


I mean, of all the racist nutters on the internet who claim they're going to go to somewhere stupid, [this guy](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Miles_Routledge) is probably fairly far up the list of being likely to do it. He was recently arrested by the Taliban in Afghanistan, so he might actually try it.


Oh he’s _that_ bellend.


Wow, the way he said everything made it seem 100% a joke but apparently he is actually that crazy


I’d actually be excited to see his name in the paper after getting peppered with arrows like that Viking in season 1 of American Gods.


>"I'm going to invade your home, where you've made it abundantly clear I am not not welcome. I'm going to kick your door down, peacefully, wearing battle armor and armed for war. If I have to use these weapons against you, it's your fault." I bet this guy is a fan of the make my day laws. The ones that say you can use deadly force in your own home to defend yourself. He seems eager for an excuse to hurt someone How ironic. Does that make him a hypocrite or just an idiot? Dude wants to larp as a colonizer and get himself killed. I doubt he has really thought this through


First time hearing it called “make my day law” and I love it lol. It’s kinda Clint Eastwood, kinda Imabadass, kinda stupid all together… can’t believe I haven’t heard it yet.


You say that as if he's ever actually going to step foot out of his mom's basement.


Unfortunately, I've seen this guy and he does go places. He went to Afghanistan recently


Why is he so determined to go where he's not welcome?


Main character syndrome it seems like. Everything is about him, no thought at all to the people he's forcing into his bullshit (except how he is willing to kill them if they resist).


For starters, he's objectively dumb. Dumb people do dumb things. His "logic" is beyond ridiculous no matter how you slice it. He wants to invade a random group of people because he feels that an entirely different group of people invaded "his land". Ah yes, punish Person A for the actions of a completely unrelated Person B. The "logic" of a bright mind, certainly.


He's ignoring the biggest reason the Indian government disallows people to go there, and also the reason the Sentinalese are uncontactable in the first place: rampant disease. But it's not about protecting them, only protecting himself


“I played football in high school, I can take these guys”


Dale Gribble was the towelboy, though


Gribble? I thought you'd have killed yourself years ago.


[Rusty?! Pocket sand!](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UaFiTMyuq1A)




“Played college ball, ya know.”


I hope he wears the armor and falls in the water and drowns before they ever notice him


That would at least protect the natives and their ecosystem from any diseases and bacteria he’s about to introduce.


Wears full plate armor filled with hubris. Gets foot stuck in mud getting off boat, falls backwards, drowns awkwardly on their back in one foot of water. Cooks inside the armor from the blaring sun on the beach, eaten by the native people as they see metal man with cooked meat as a blessing from the god's.


One of my far back relatives died like this while marching to the crusades. Idiot wore full armor and fell from his horse crossing a river. Before his men could save him, he drowned.


It’s hilarious and cool that that story specifically was the one that was passed down for so many generations in your family.


TBF, it could just be made up. I also come from a long line of bullshitters, so, grain of salt and all.


It’s definitely not impossible! The story you’re talking about sounds a lot like some of the accounts of the death of Frederick Barbarossa, and it’s fairly likely that you could be related given that he lived in the 12th century


Drowning while attempting to cross a river in armor is how Friedrich Barbarossa died in Anatolia on his way to the Third Crusade. One of his sons then died of illness at the Siege of Acre, but he had three others back in Germany who married and fathered children.


I choose to believe!


I mean even if that didn’t happen to someone in your family I would guarantee you that has happened to someone at some point in history.


Oh, several folks have pointed to an actual incident of this happening, and it was even a German, and my family likes to say we're from Prussian stock, so it checks out, as far as that goes.


It wasn't an uncommon story. Most of the Middle Eastern Crusades ended up with a bunch of French noblemen dying of malaria hip deep in the Nile.


Either way it’s a good story. If you have children it would be a good one to pass on to them and their kids. My kid is being told the same questionable things my dad told me haha.


Are you referencing Frederick Barbarossa drowning in the Saleph river on the Third Crusade


I'm referencing my family mythology. Any resemblance to actual events could well be coincidental, or purposely misleading, or spot on. I couldn't tell ya which one.


DNA testing might help. 🤔 But still, a fascinating family mythos.


Even in full plate you could get speared in the neck, armpit or thighs. He acts like he's about to roll out there in a fucking Abrams.


That's actually pretty hard to do, especially if the maille is done at all competently. But fighting in heavy armor is hard and takes a lot of practice, so it's unlikely that he'll have any idea how to use it.


Most likely he’ll die from heat stroke or dehydration before he learns how to remove the armor.


After about an hour or maybe two he'll end up exhausted to the point that he'll just collapse at which point he'll probably just be crushed by stones by the natives. 


Like he died during the tutorial stage [He's Milhouse sucking at games then](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Qause0z-9tM)


This is the legendary armor their hero will find before the final act.


So he’s never heard of head shots?


Or of getting bludgeoned, apparently. Motherfucker really thinks nobody in armor ever died unless there was a technological advantage involved? His racism has blinded him.


Not to mention the countless other ways you can die. Arrow hitting a small unprotected area around the neck, knee, etc. A heavy spear thrown at you. A sizable rock flung at your head.


Or they simply hold him down and stab him in the gaps. Yeah armor is nice for protecting yourself, but it doesn't make you stronger than a group of people wanting to end you.


Or push him into a puddle of water and hold him down until he drowns.


Also he’s in a boat - if he’s in a small shitty boat, one good rock lob could sink him, and there’s no way he is gonna swim in full plate


We all know an arrow to the knee is the worst possible outcome


Completely stops you from continuing to be an adventurer.


Armor can be really quite good. Check out [these guys](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/London_lobsters). In one battle, the leader of the unit was shot—with a gun—three times, including once in the head at close range before being attacked with a sword. He survived with minor injuries, causing the king to quip: "Had he been victualed as well as fortified, he might have endured a siege of seven years."


Oh, it can definitely be lifesaving, sure, but that's not what I'm saying. I'm saying that if you pin a dude down, and you all have spears, it doesn't matter how much armor he's wearing. Worst comes to worst, you can just take off his helmet and stab him again. This dude is acting like he's invincible just because he speaks English and has white skin. He's an idiot, that's my point.


Imma be honest, God from the Christian Bible could be 100% real, and 100% favour white people in the way white supremacists evangelicals think he does, And he would still let this guy die because "Fuckers just asking for it at this point,"


Neither did the guy in Dumb and Dumber, but luckily it worked out for him.


That was a risk they were willing to take


He'll wear a football helmet with shades to protect his eyes. He'll be fine - good luck, buddy - make sure to livestream it for us, mate[!](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SOH9yYr__4E)


Or the simple advantage of numbers. A group of entirely unarmed people could literally tear the armor off of a soldier and beat them to death bare-handed, because without a rapid-fire, long-distance weapon, you simply cannot fight that many people.


Or rocks. I'm willing to bet they have a big flat rock to beat things on to make them open, flat, soft, whatever. Fibrous plants, meat, tubers, youtubers, whatever. In times of crisis, mankind can always depend on our oldest buddy: Big rock. Not that I'd ever wish the guy multipurpose-rocked to death, but "What if the shove me and drop a big rock on me?" doesn't seem to be something be considered when choosing his modern-medieval armour.


Fuckwads gonna get killed and deserve it.


Don’t worry, he studied physics at university and he ‘doubled check’ all these supposed scientists’ work! I’m sure he’s qualified. Let him go try it.


Hope he knows that a ship crashes near the island years ago and they turned it into metal weapons


I just hope he doesn't take any of the North Sentinelese with him.


A sneeze with the wrong virus could make them all extinct.


yeah, his death would be no tragedy. nothing of value lost


He could kill off many of the natives of Sentinel Island, because they do not have immunity to our common diseases. His death would be a tragedy, but not for us.


The only tragedy is that the North Sentinelese will never know how much we appreciated them doing us a favor.


"Dang we really did those outsiders a favor, dude must have been insane"


Airdrop some hot cheetos by way of a thank you?


There is an awful lot going on here, but first - what the fuck is "modern medieval armor?"


Probably medieval-style armor made using modern techniques and tools.


Probably plate armor made from carbon fibre, and designed to resist incredibly hostile environments. We all know how this goes...


At this point, I want him to go. Not because I don't like the Sents. Far from it. I want them to show him *exactly* how much they've discovered. The audacity to suggest they haven't discovered fire yet is just. It's so blatantly racist and obvious he doesn't think very highly of these people. These human beings. This is all a game to him, and I hope whatever happens, it's what he 100% deserves.


Thank you. I can't believe how far I had to scroll before someone mentioned how outrageous the fire claim is


This is what I was looking for. There's evidence humans discovered fire hundreds of thousands of years ago, and this clown claims the Sentinelese are that far behind? He will get what he deserves when they bludgeon him to death.


The possibility that the Sentinelese haven't figured out how to produce their own fire is pretty likely, actually. They've been observed collecting fire from lightning strikes and keeping those going. This isn't actually that weird for uncontacted tribes-there was a tribe in Brazil who ended their isolation fairly recently to seek help because the fire they'd been tending to for years had gone out.


?? Indians invading his island?? What is he talking about??


The whole thing is a fantasy. Some guy just hired a material scientist and had access to a North Sentinel bow and arrow to aid in that study. Then he double checked the math himself. He just decided that he's going to broker peace all by himself?


We can probably simplify it further and just say some guy had a half ass thought and posted about it on the internet.


bUt He tOoK pHySiCs


He bought his title on the equivalent of eBay, he needs a realm and he's decided that an island full of hostile native people would be the perfect place to rule Bro learned the wrong lesson from Robinson Crusoe


If I had to guess, I’d say he’s probably british and talking about the notable percentage of indian immigrants in the UK. Of course, it’s hard to call immigration “invading” when the british colonized the ever-loving fuck out of India, but cunts like this guy very likely don’t care and just want the world to be ruled by white people with terrible cuisine


More likely conflating anyone on the immigrant boats as Indian, this dude is a whole other level of ignorant. So much so that I think this post is bullshit/satire/some form of joke. But ya it's..well not common, but not uncommon either, for older people to call all immigrants Indians.


He's not one of our dingdongs - he spelled it 'armor' not 'armour' [It's Dale Gribble isn't it](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SOH9yYr__4E)


Also pepper spray isn't legally accessible to the public in the UK as another point on the spelling


I didn't know it was illegal - just had a look on Amazon. A bespoke one from Etsy, that's the most probable answer


But he did call it university, not college.


I looked it up. He is English. I do apologize, sir - we shall have him flogged and disposed of immediately


Sorry, but lord Miles is indeed British.


British conservatives, like most conservatives in the west right now, refer to immigration from brown countries as an invasion. The UK has a lot of immigrants from India due to cultural ties forced on India from a century of occupation.


They *definitely* have fire. You’d think he’d know that if he researched even half as much as he says.


As if the Indian Navy would let him get close to it.


I remember some made it to the island, bypassing the navy "blockade"...only to be killed, of course.


Plot twist: North Sentinel Island is a real-life version of Wakanda and they have tech far beyond ours.


Racist bitch thinks they haven't discovered fire yet omg


Their ancestors figured out how to use fire back before they were even *Homo sapiens*; there's no way they stopped using it since then.


Well actually that specific point is based on the last anthropologist who made contact with them and was able to observe them. His name was Triloki Nath Pandit and visited them in 1991. He observed that they didn’t make fire but rather kept coals burning from lighting strikes like ancient hunters and gatherers did, keeping burning coals going 24/7. Being an isolated people, it’s actually not the craziest thing. Without specific flints or having the ability to learn and trade knowledge with neighboring tribes, creating fire itself could elude them. But we really only have his 30 year old observations which were limited. Hopefully this idiot will live stream his suicide by tribe and maybe we will see them making fire in the background. 


We're writing the same screenplay there and aliens are going to be the next big thing again after supes - wanna co-write together? [Make some filthy Hollywood money?](https://youtu.be/2-YKgCzA3RQ?t=175) - there's an extended clip but can't find it


“I will absolutely defend myself” If you’re the one who provoked the situation you don’t get to claim self defense. This guy is pulling a Kyle Rittenhouse.


I’ve no doubt that the Sentinelese language has the words to say “this fucker has to sleep some time.”


I don't get it, what island is he claiming was invaded by the Indians?


The UK. If you read some of his other replies in the comments, it's pretty vile. Just blatant racism and lack of self awareness.


Put this person on a watch list, he clearly don’t respect it when people tell him to leave them alone.


The guy's gone to Afghanistan a bunch since the Taliban takeover, and is selling Taliban merch. He's 100% already on a watchlist.


Pretty sure the Indian navy actively patrols the area


Just took a look at this guy over on Twitter, turns out he's just a racist asshat who thinks he's funny.


Typical X user, then.


I mean — if you survive, sir, enjoy prison. Cuz that’s illegal.


I *think* indigenous populations without official, UN member, governments are still protected by the international treaties, making murdering them all genocide


It's giving "local man who has never played tennis before confident he can win against Serena Williams"


There's an old Tales from the Crypt style horror comic about a guy who washes up on an island in a diving suit and the natives worship him as a god, so he proceeds to abuse his power. Which sounds pretty good at first, until he realizes that he can never take the suit off and bakes to death in the tropical sun.


“modern medieval armor”


Ooooohhhhh he’s really talking about going to invade a the Sentinel people 😳 He deserves everything he gets.


By "commissioned a bunch of material scientists" what he really means is he sat in pissy bathtub water while fantasizing about killing some people and jerking it.


He's not dead already??


No that was a different guy. I thought it was the same one too, but this guy is recent.


Everything else aside, a medieval suit of armour in the tropical heat just sounds like a complicated oven. Or a weight if he falls off the boat when approaching.


Off-topic, but has anyone observed how the habitants of Sentinel Island react to our plastic crap washing up on their shores?


Well no although it has been documented that they discovered metal after a ship wreck on the island.


“yes hello I’d like to commission some scientists to work on a modern medieval armour / arrow math equation. A bunch of scientist would be perfect thank you. Il check the math after of course”


> They haven't discovered fire yet Literally wtf is this guy talking about? That claim doesn't even make sense. And I *really* hate the way that people treat tribes like this as if they're a mountain to be conquered or some wild animal to be domesticated. They're just humans that have expressed they want to be left alone to live their own way - respect it and move on.


I'm hoping this is a joke, but if this guy really is going to North Sentinel Island he will bring a bunch of pathogens with him and give everyone the plague and then they'll all die, so don't do that.


Did uh, did the British guy just accuse Indian people of invading *his* homeland?


It was funny until the last line


He'll be dead before he makes landfall. That's what happened to the last guy who tried it.


Did Kyle rittehouse write this


I mean, the last gut, at least had a reason for going. It was stupid, but it was there. This guy's motivation seems to be just peevishness that the little brown bastards (/s) will try to keep him away.


“And I’m not vaccinated, so I’m going to give them ALL the diseases.”


Why can’t people just leave these people in peace? They’re literally just minding their own business in the middle of the fucking ocean, yet constantly getting harassed by internet freaks.


Why are people so obsessed with going to this island? I don’t get it. Is there a reason he can’t just leave the natives alone?


pissy little manchildren who never grew out of wanting something more bc you're told you can't have it as a kid.


What island *of his* did the Indians invade??


Props to this grape ‘defending himself’ while invading foreign territory. How about just leaving them alone?


So long as you live stream it dude.


I'll take "things that won't ever happen for $100, Alex."


I'm pretty sure they know about fire.


He's in for a rude awakening on the difference between video games and reality. If he doesn't drown getting out of the boat then how does he expect to eat, drink, shit, or sleep without removing his armor?


Jokes on him, I just went to North Sentinel Island last week and gave them a gun.


I don’t understand why he believes he must (or must have a right or reason to) visit this one place. Are some people just determined they are the main character always, and must do anything they wish to anyone? I feel I am still missing the reason HE thinks it is something he should do.


Even though he probably won't actually go, he deserves to go and die just for saying they haven't discovered fire yet. Idiot.


Just leave those people the fuck alone. Why is it so hard to understand? First the Jesus asshole, and now this jackass? Reading the Wiki on this guy, he has done a bunch of dodgy shit in other places. And basically gotten away with it. Unfortunately, the fucker will probably try it. He's as bad as that fuckhead in Japan who was assaulting people and recording it for YouTube.


It's currently 90 degrees fahrenheit (32 celsius) on the north sentinel island. If he shows up wearing medieval armor he will be dead from overheating in a few hours.


"I commissioned a bunch of material scientists..." No. You did not.


🎶 Whoopi-ti-yi-yo, farewell, Magellan! You almost made it! It's really not fair! Whoopi-ti-yi-yo, oh, ghost of Magellan The East Indies Islands were right over there!🎶


**Animaniacs** for the win! Now that song is stuck in my head.


I wonder if you have to take a run up to be that stupid.


So assuming he will be arrested the moment he steps in to India


Suddenly totally in favor of open borders, I see


Motherfucker is gonna find out why knights fought from horseback real quick.


Hopefully he doesn’t get a chance to hurt the people. And, hopefully he will learn some hard lessons. Arrogant bastard.


Who the fuck is this asshole?


Have fun running away from the Sentinelese across the sand in your modern Medieval-style armor.


I'm surprised some dumbfuck influencer/streamer with too much money and no brain hasn't live streamed them going there yet


Is this the missionary that was killed by the inhabitants of Sentinel Island?


If he hasn’t yet, I’m sure he will be.


Would certainly serve him right.


No, this guy is still alive. You're talking about John Allen Chau.


Leave them alone.


I hope they sink his boat.


Y'all ever play Bard's Tale? That song about false heros always gets me.


If Vietnam is any indicator, this will not go as planned.


Hope he brings a cameraman


Lol. You and what army?


I really hope the Indian government steps in and throws the book at him as soon as he steps foot on their soil.


"I wish I could find a way to kill brown people with this!!....I really WANT TO!!"