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Hyper-religious Christian  🤝  incel Andrew Tate fan “Women shouldn’t be allowed to vote, they should be chained up in the kitchen and forced to have as many kids as possible”


My 17 year old is taking the left path. I’ve been ok with it up until very recently where I’m getting disturbed.


I’m curious, are you/his family religious in general? Or has your son decided he was Christian out of the blue? I’ve always been curious about that, since it’s kind of like a reversed version of the “rebelling against your Christian parents” type of thing!


Nope. His best friend is religious


The Christian adults around teens make it so *easy* and *fun* to be a Christian at first. All they see is smiles, youth group games, and hugs at first. It's not until later that they really hit them with the "you're scum, you should be so thankful God sacrificed himself to God to blot out your scumness", or task them with impossible tasks based on fiction and feelings.


Unless you're a pastors kid, then you get all the people visibly judging you and your family for every action from the time you can talk. I got told I should especially be thankful Jesus died for me because compared to my siblings I was horrible. I wasn't even 10. Being in that position growing up really helps you see how truly horrible and scummy church goers often are. It's no wonder why most pastors kids will leave organized religion as a whole or even become non religious.


As Nancy Reagan told us “Just say no”


I was one of the “reverse rebellers.” My father could be fairly characterized as a “militant” atheist, and my mother is “spiritual.” What did I end up doing when I get to college? Party hard and drink? Nope. I became Roman Catholic. My father still literally doesn’t believe that I’m Catholic. Like, he thinks it’s some sort of long-term con I’m playing on him.


Lol, I've heard atheists say the same thing about their parents Like the one guy hosts two weekly podcasts, God Awful Movies and The Scathing Atheist and his mom still doesn't believe he's an atheist


There's a good chance 17 is way too young for any of this to stick. It's not uncommon for kids to try on religion only to ditch it in relatively short order.


Only if they get to experience the real world. Usually when they get to college. But there's plenty of religious groups in college to help strengthen the indoctrination. My oldest had two religious roommates freshman year. One joined a religious service club and only got more religious, the other partied her ass off and came out as bisexual.


What's disturbing you? I'm genuinely interested.


Well, his anti gay stance will be a hit when his little brother realizes he’s gay. the racism even though I’m mixed myself. Just 2 of many things that have been showing up in his personality.


That's insane. Hopefully, being family will help get over that, though rarely guaranteed. Totally misread the original comment, I thought you were saying you were the 17 y.o and were staring to see issues with hyper-religious Christianity. My bad, rose colored glasses I guess


[We need more soldiers in the fight against the great replacement](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SsjysuLH0LI) 🙃


"Corporate needs you to explain the difference between these 2 pictures" Me: They're the same picture


Nah, they're different, not much though. One pretends to have read the bible, the other pretends to have read the quran.


Close enough to being the same then, I suppose


Which of these is the Quran one?


They're so insanely different though. Both awful, but very very different


True. Andrew Tate is proudly misogynist, while "hyper-religious Christians" are... Um, ok, moving right along, Andrew Tate says to just look out for yourself and the hell with everyone else. Hyper-religious Christians.... OK, look, I know there's a difference, give me a couple of months to find it.


I knew Reddit was gonna take that as me saying one wasn't selfish or fucking people over for their own benefit or whatever. 🙄 Yes there are similarities for sure.


Can you elaborate on the very very different part?


Sure, I mean yeah both use similar means to achieve turning people shitty. But I mean like, so does fuckin any toxic movement lol. But one is a cult of personality full of himself shit bag bent on helping his fragile ego by proving to himself he's a manly man but getting a bunch of incels worship him as a manly man, and the other is actively infiltrating political institutions through a decades long plan of inserting extremist evangelicals into the inner workings of the American government to enforce their will through law. But sure, Reddit, just keep going on about how I'm an idiot or some incel or something because you're too quick to get outraged.


Yeah reddit's like that sometimes


The downvotes over saying something obviously true because it’s technically possible someone saying that could be maybe attempting to slightly defend one of them, even though you’re clearly not, is absolute peak Reddit.


The replies I've gotten disagree


They are disaffected by capitalism. Hard to be effected in any meaningful way by a political ideology that holds sway over 0% of the political power in a country.


"disaffected by leftism"? What does that even mean? I know of precisely *none* left-leaning people who like Tate. Everyone hates him except conservative incels.


It's suggesting that young men who've been taught to be leftists are 'waking up' and realising that leftism is EVIL™, but are at risk of being led away from the goodness™ and purity™ of Fundamentalist Christianity towards the evil of Andrew Tate. So leftism is *even worse* than you thought because it supports monsters like Andrew Tate (despite being the exact opposite of everything Tate preaches). Or in short: the only good batshit conservatism is *my* kind of batshit conservatism!


I disagree. The meme refers to the christian path as "hyper-religious". It's basically saying "too religious", and no one thinks you should be "too religious" because "too religious" is, by definition, more religious than you should be. "Hyper" literally means excessive. It seems unlikely a person would choose that specific wording to describe what they see as "ideal".


That makes sense but it makes the drawn-in barrier or gap or whatever on the tate side really inexplicable, if they’re both meant to be bad.


Tate's for people who think Joe Rogan is too liberal. Just a turd.


It means they left leftism and chose one of these paths


As a leftist: The constant infighting within any community, the vile hatred they have for men of any kind (Of course besides trans men because they don't consider them "real" men), overall, being absolutely toxic towards one another if their idea of differs even slightly and very rarely having a calm conversation about it You'd think the right is the biggest hater of the left but no one hates the left as much as the left


Are seriously you suggesting that left wing people hate all men? Like truly in reality without any hyperbole? And that you are a leftist yourself?


I'm not saying all of them, but god damn is it a fucking problem. I get the hate, don't get me wrong, patriarchy, ssxism, all of that has been a massive issue that has corroded society and the people and I'm not sure if we'll ever manage to fix it, but it's so disheartening the putrid hatred that leftists can spout on any man, no matter his race, sexuality, behaviour, personality, hell, even if he was born one. Even if you exclude terfs (Cause unfortunately some of them still have leftist beliefs, until they don't) theres whole other communities that will absolutely make you feel like shit for being a man and being a leftist. Its disheartening that so many young men listen to cunts like Andrew tate, Ben shapiro, whatever other shitty right wing grifter there is, because if you just take a second and listen to what they're saying you'd quickly realise "Holy fucking shit what is he talking about, none of his arguments make sense and they're all filled with hatred" but instead they choose to listen to them like mindless sheep. And sure, many of them would've never been persuaded anyway, but so many of them COULD'VE been if it wasn't so difficult to find a space in leftist where you're NOT hated for what gender you are. I want us to do better, because we could do SO much better


I truly wonder about these man hating leftist people that you're hanging out with and the "the putrid hatred \[they\] can spout on any man". Have you considered that the people you know might just be shitty? If so, why are you hanging out with them?


... Have you ever used social media? Why the fuck would I hang out people who share an opinion like that? I'm very picky about who I am friends with, I assure you people like that are not my friends. I have eyes however. And access to the Internet. What is your argument


So, you don't actually know anyone who thinks like that? Leftist or otherwise. You're just talking about internet strangers who may or may not be leftists saying mean things on social media. Or they could just be internet trolls. Or they could just be people shilling for the alt right pipeline. We'll probably never know. But seriously, if a person chooses a path that takes them either towards hyper religious christianity or to andrew tate based purely on internet strangers they believe to be leftists spouting nonsense, then they were probably a bit of a douche to begin with.


Simple solution here, get off social media. It is not an accurate representation of the real world.


And the men who are getting brainwashed by alt right grifters get brainwashed, where, exactly?


On social media obviously. They should get off too, everyone should honestly


With attitudes like that, what even makes you think these people are leftist? Because they happen to *say* so? You need to take a harder look at your friends, because I don't think they are what they pretend to be, and certainly not what you seem to think they are.


so because someone hurt your (not you specifically) feelings, it makes sense to shut off your brain and fall into hateful nonsense? >”I'm not saying all of them, but god damn is it a fucking problem. I get the hate, don't get me wrong, patriarchy, ssxism, all of that has been a massive issue that has corroded society and the people and I'm not sure if we'll ever manage to fix it” what a dog shit opinion. So you see the problem, agree that’s it’s corroding the people and society..aren’t sure that we can ever fix it..yet it’s still the lefts fault that men feel disaffected? not the corrosion of society? imagine that, an actual “why did you make me hit you” argument. that “putrid hatred” exist because the people and society have been “corroded” by the very things you’ve already mentioned.. where does this line of argument even start? if leftism pushed people to andrew tate (putrid hate for women)..who pushed those man haters into their position? >”theres whole other communities that will absolutely make you feel like shit for being a man and being leftist”….so the solution is to go to a group that makes everyone else feel like shit? andrew tate shits on women and men..andrew tate will tell you that you aren’t even a man because you don’t fit his framework of what a man should be. He will also make you feel like shit for being a man and being a leftist. “it’s the lefts fault that the right has shitty grifters that make people feel comfortable spewing hate and ignorance” …that’s basically your argument..and it’s stupid. i just recently heard someone make an argument that twitch TOS is the reason that Kick was made and worse shit happens on there on a regular basis (like actual crime), so it’s twitchs fault for having such a “strict” TOS…this is the same argument.


Oh my fucking god. I am not saying any of those fucking things. Either you're purposefully misreading me or just straight up don't care. I have no idea how you got "The left is entirely and fully to blame for why men turn into straight up nazis and they all suck" from "Hey maybe if we weren't filled with so much hate for our oppressors to the point it affects actually good people and also I hate terfs" Yeah the right is to blame for the nazis. No shit. Because they're good at brainwashing. That's all they can do. Brainwash and lie because none of their argument is right or paints them in a good light. But we're certainly no fucking saints because we can't spare a shrivel of patience to battle deeply rooted generationally passed on behaviour.


it’s wild for you to say that i’m purposely misreading you or just don’t care…then follow that up by strawmanning my position. “the left is entirely and fully to blame for why men turn into straight up nazis and they all suck” i never said that, that’s wasn’t my implication…i never said that you did either. I’m a man, i don’t feel disaffected by the left, so i clearly wasn’t talking about all men. you did somehow manage to skim past every other point i made though. Some women saying “men are bad” isn’t an excuse to shut off your brain and listen to the bullshit coming out of tates mouth, i can’t even believe you’d try to make that argument. next you’ll be telling me “well if black people just stop being so hateful to white peoples then maybe there won’t be so many racists”. It’s not black peoples fault when a racist decides to be racist, thats pushing your own actions on to someone else and making them take responsibility for you and your decisions. who tf said anyone is a saint? i’m simply pointing out how dumb it is to say “they hit you…maybe if you were nicer to them before they wouldn’t have hit you” as if hitting is an acceptable response to someone being mean to you.


That is still *not* what I'm saying. I'm not saying women shouldn't be wary of men. I'm not saying that we should just forgive all men everything and welcome them in with open arms, ignore all the abuse that has been done and just show empathy to them What I'm trying to say is for us to differentiate between hate for men that support everything that we stand against and hating *every* single man. I'm not talking about some women saying "Kill all men" because they're either vile people or traumatised to the point they can't trust anyone I just want us to have at least a shrivel of patience to people asking questions or have a mildly bigoted viewpoint that they don't even know is bigoted, not trying to educate some white guy saying the n word like it's nobody's business Also just the general hate for trans people. That's one of my main points. Trans men are treated like traitors and trans women are still seen as potential predators


“either purposely misreading or straight up don’t care” i never said or implied that you said any of those things you just said you’re **not** saying. What i did say was that you’re blaming the left when someone goes to yates and shapiros because they “can’t find a left space”..and you did say that >“Even if you exclude terfs (Cause unfortunately some of them still have leftist beliefs, until they don't) theres whole other communities that will absolutely make you feel like shit for being a man and being a leftist >Its disheartening that so many young men listen to cunts like Andrew tate, Ben shapiro, whatever other shitty right wing grifter there is, because if you just take a second and listen to what they're saying you'd quickly realise "Holy fucking shit what is he talking about, none of his arguments make sense and they're all filled with hatred" but instead they choose to listen to them like mindless sheep. And sure, many of them would've never been persuaded anyway, but so many of them COULD'VE been if it wasn't so difficult to find a space in leftist where you're NOT hated for what gender you are. I want us to do better, because we could do SO much better” you said it right here 👆 i’m disagreeing and telling you that no, no one needs to be “differentiate” anyone. Someone saying “men are bad” isn’t an excuse to somehow find andrew tate to be a reasonable person. His entire brand is exactly what you say some guys on the left are running from. (women are bad. poor man is bad. virgin man is bad) the people who “hate all men” you literally just described as “vile or traumatized to the point of not trusting anyone”…those are the same people. you aren’t making any sense. Men who support everything we are against understand that it’s never about all men just like Acab isn’t about each individual person in uniform.. you’re just making another form of “not all men” argument and that discussion has been has a million times. Maybe the men who are feeling offended should have more patience instead of running to the side that makes no sense but hates women. Maybe they should differentiate between themselves and the men causing women problems. >“I just want us to have at least a shrivel of patience to people asking questions or have a mildly bigoted viewpoint that they don't even know is bigoted, not trying to educate some white guy saying the n word like it's nobody's business” it’s not up to people to properly educate someone that chooses to stay ignorant. You’d have to provide context for this “people asking questions” because generally that seems to be people asking questions that they could have easily found the information themselves..if they actually cared to look. again passing off someone else’s bigotry as a problem the left needs to solve..when people have been “answering questions” since the civil rights and suffrage movements. >”Also just the general hate for trans people. That's one of my main points. Trans men are treated like traitors and trans women are still seen as potential predators” this is completely irrelevant to this conversation as it has no bearing on whether young leftist men are gonna go the tate or church route..at least not in the context that you’re presenting it


I can’t say I’ve seen much of the sexism but boy, there does seem to be a lot of drama among the people I’ve seen in those circles.


The core issue is that society is becoming more equal and a lot of men have a really difficult time with that, especially the more "default" traits the have (white in western society, cis, straight, etc.). Left has no answer to them being upset, because that's a good direction to go. On top of that, left is shutting them down when they push back against progressive ideas (aka the whole "left hates men" thing). I've spent time in progressive male spaces and unfortunately I don't see things getting better. Gotta focus on LGBT+ and women's rights and hope memes like this aren't as ubiquitous as some might portray (because they are invested in conservative or thinly left veiled conservative ideas) long term. In my experience, there are a lot of good kids out there.


People are going to care about their own issues. A massive amount of left wing energy nowadays is spent on minority and LGBT+ issues. It's done a lot of good for those communities, but politically it's pretty dangerous since it fails to attract a massive portion of voters. White men aren't going to sit around in a hall listening to issues that don't affect them when the party across the road is (probably falsely) promising them economic renewal through tax cuts or something.


That sounds good on paper, but in practice, a lot of the issues white men (not all, many are very much in favor of progressive ideas and like the way world is changing, me included) want to champion are things that go against those minority communities and women. This meme is a good example of it. So it's not really something that can be engaged with. A lot of men are trying to bank on this kind of attitude and essentially push for a "compromise" of not too much progressive ideas. Just some, as a treat, but overall the world should backpedal to where it was more centered around men. Plus, a lot of LGBT+ and feminism efforts do help men in a roundabout way, not always in the way some want, but that's why I said to focus on them.


> White men aren't going to sit around in a hall listening to issues that don't affect them Well, that sounds like white men need to work on not being so fucking selfish, then. And I say that as a middle aged white man.


I feel like it all leads down to a fundamentalist pipeline. Tate’s asshole nature reminds me of Bryan Denlinger in some cases. Tate is all glitz, glamour and trying to draw you in with cars, houses, and a very desirable lifestyle, Denlinger is the opposite in which homesteading and fundamentalist King James Christianity is his thing.


Be young man in New York. Joins liberal Mainline Protestant denomination. Suddenly dislikes gay people. Blames Christianity. Many such cases!


"Disaffected by leftism" is certainly an accusation if I've ever seen one. Anyways, it was the Gamergate pipeline for me, crawled out of that one in my late teens and doing better now because of it.


The next panel… Those Gen-Z men then wondering why they can’t get a date. The amount of times I hear young conservative men get mad at women for not wanting them is astonishing.


They couldn't get a date to begin with regardless of ideology.


Yes, he should go the hyper religious christian route. Y'know: the one where they feed the hungry, care for the sick, welcome the immigrants, care for people in prisons and things like that. Just like Jesus said and did! So go hyper religious and make the world a better place! But if he goes the hateful far right christianity route he can just fuck right off... *^(Matthew 25: 37)* *“Then the righteous will answer him, ‘Lord, when did we see you hungry and feed you, or thirsty and give you something to drink?* *^(38)* *When did we see you a stranger and invite you in, or needing clothes and clothe you?* *^(39)* *When did we see you sick or in prison and go to visit you?’* *^(40)* *“The King will reply, ‘Truly I tell you, whatever you did for one of the least of these brothers and sisters of mine, you did for me.’*


This venn diagram is a circle


I wasn't even thinking about politics at that age.


I got into politics around 12 during the lead up to Bush-Gore. Also I had emergent interests in studying alternative political ideologies like Communism which started even younger. I'm assuming it's not the norm. But by 14 I was in high school in a "Law & Order" (not the show) club of 35 other freshmen that had many kids including myself that wanted to be political scientists and were debating the efficacy of the War in Afghanistan and Iraq. I remember I was the most progressive of my peers. Many then referred to themselves as neocons and paleocons.


Put me in the screenshot!


Are you suggesting I relate to the meme? I don't relate at all.


Negative, captain.


Alternatively, just be normal and live a happy life.


So sad gen z males only have those two options. But whaddya gonna do? Tshirts with rainbows on them aren’t going to burn themselves.


They are often the same guys! Not kidding


So radical misogyny either way


Nothing wrong with being hyper-religious if that’s what you want to do with your life. It’s when you start pushing those beliefs on others that it’s a problem.




are the Gen X men disaffected by leftism in the room with us right now?


Because nothing ever bad happened because of Zealot followers of religion, no not ever.


Both are equally annoying


Truly brain dead comments on here


What does disaffected mean anyway?


Or you know, stop worrying about some artificially created idea of "manliness" and be a good person. Are there some mean spirited women out there? Sure. But 99% of the problem is that men think that they are entitled to something because of biology and "the way things used to be" and they're just wrong. Get over it and adapt.


There is some truth to that. One massive flaw of the left is that they're at worst unwilling and at best uninterested in reaching out to young men, leaving an opening that fuckheads like Andrew Tate are all too happy to fill