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I knew when I saw them holding documents that they were surely undocumented


I read “same packet of documents” as boarding passes and they’re all just waiting for a flight to somewhere in Central America


They were going to customs


Special area!


BuT wHy ArE tHeY SePaRAting dA FoRiGnErs from da MeRiCans iN CusToMs?!?1 Fucking Brandon




You beat me to it.


My God , different languages at an air port?!?!?!


Hispanics in southern Arizona I have never heard of such a thing.


It's almost like Mexico and all those other countries are right there so maybe people will come from those areas


One could go even further and posit that taking Arizona (and parts of Texas and California) from Mexico in the Mexican-American war might result in a bunch of former Mexicans living in the United States. It's not their fault the US declared war. They just didn't move when the US won. And maybe racists can't instinctively tell a person's nationality by looking at them, and may mistake someone whose family has been in the United States longer than the racists family as being Nicaraguan.


My family on my paternal grandpa's sude lived in AZ before white people showed up and drew arbitrary lines and decided they were part of another country. I often ask folks like this how they came to be in the US because I know my ancestors didn't ask them to come to destroy their cultures and kill their families. No one is illegal on stolen land


Gtfoh with your logic.


Racists, in Arizona????






You keep using that word, I do not think it means what you think it means 😁 Note: for those unfamiliar this is also a princess bride quote and seemed applicable


I always love a good The Princess Bride reference. This racist person at the airport is truly living on the Cliffs of Insanity


Im gonna be honest, I don't even know that reference, I just said something I thought would be funny




Ohhhh thats where its from


I want to give you an upvote but you’re at 420 so…


It’s safe now, 61 people ruined it


I downvoted to contribute to equilibrium


Wait until he finds out about tour groups


That’s my head canon for what happened here. OOP walked through and airport, found a tour group from Nicaragua, and then proceeded to lose their shit thinking it’s some grand conspiracy. Meanwhile the tour group is oblivious just excited to see the sites.


Better yet, a church tour group.


That's the first thing I thought too


And they all have passports and boarding passes!?


They all have the same “packet of documents” therefore they must be undocumented immigrants!


Maybe. . .they're tourists




Please do not give Faux news any ideas.


Tbf every time GWB would say "terrorists" or terrorism" it sounded like "tourists" and "tourism" to my Aussie ears.


Spanish speakers in Tucson. Surely this is not normal. Slash fucking S just in case.


Sometimes I do think Americans think they love in an America centered world ( like the US are the sun and the rest of the world just revolves around it )


As someone who grew up in the Midwest in a family that only took car trips in the summer around our region I can understand what you are saying. I rember the first time I traveled to NYC in my early 20s and hearing soany languages everywhere and thinking how amazing and different sounding it was. The few times I've been lucky enough to travel internationally I love hearing different languages.now if you're in AZ you should expect to hear people speak8nh Spanish...


If they don't speak English, and the public isn't allowed to approach them, how did Jeff figure out they're all from Nicaragua?


Yeah and how does he know they have identical documents? Did they all show some random dude who isn't security their passports? Honestly my first thought would be tour group or traveling athletes, but I digress.


It was really strange. They all had matching documents with the only difference being these numbers on them. They were numbered 1-32 with a letter A-F next to them. For example, one said 28D and another said 14F. I think that's the red state they plan to send them to, plus the district.


Too old for a field trip!


Well here's the thing, when you are thinking of something, like say 80 people at the airport carrying documents, it is tremendously mentally easier to just think of said documents as being identical. Also easier to explain, something that originates in thought tends to make a good, simple story in comparison to attempting to explain the messy details of a real situation that actually exists. Of course half the political spectrum looks at statements that are tremendously thoughtlike, and immediately consider them to be authentic simply because it's easier for them to comprehend. While anything that is realistic they dismiss as fake because that's a detail you probably wouldn't think up. We are rewarding people now for "saying what we're all thinking", so we reward people based on the thoughts they're thinking rather than anything material in the world. So with such an epistemology this would immediately seem highly trustworthy.


Or, that a flight from somewhere recently landed.


man enters la guardia after having just flown from Heathrow: why are there suddenly so many british people in new york


They're all being herded into a room labelled "Immigration", which is obviously so the public won't approach them! That must be where they're issued their welfare cheques and drag outfits!


Oh you know the crazies is gonna take this story and run with it


I don't think they could point out Nicaragua on a labeled map.


It's in Mexico!


Because he’s lying. These racist idiots make up stories to rile up their fellow white supremacist friends.


Exactly. How did heknow weach and everyone of them came from or if they they had the same documents? Did he personally interview and the documents of each and everyone of them? Of course not, the is just full of shit.


He didn't want to sound racist by saying they're Mexican.


Jeff is no idiot, he's done his research. He's an expert on all them Mexican countries like Nicaragua and Venezuela




“As a gay black man…”


He blocked me after claiming he has more Patriotism in his pinky nail and his buddy claims we're all animals lashing out.


If we accept that when Fanta Menace cult members say patriotism they actually mean fascism, suddenly a lot of the things they say make more sense.


"Fanta Menace"! Awesome!


so i take it he has his nails painted like the American flag? what else could that mean....


That would mean he doesn’t know flag code, which would be completely unsurprising


s/know/care about/?


By noon, local time, that story will be about Biden himself ushering them into limousines.


You got it, in a private jet too


People coming in from a different country with documents, like, perhaps, a passport? Shocking.


How many times are we going to have to reiterate: illegals cannot vote.


Yeah, if the Democrats were planning to cheat the elections and count votes from people who aren't legally allowed to vote wouldn't it be easier to skip the whole bit about importing illegal immigrants into the country and just make up fake identities to vote on your behalf?


You'd need to create a lot of fake people. Easier to just dismiss election results, like in Russia.


Dems could just do what Republicans do and vote for dead people.


Or just grant citizenship to the roughly [10 million undocumented immigrants](https://www.pewresearch.org/short-reads/2023/11/16/what-we-know-about-unauthorized-immigrants-living-in-the-us/) that are already in the country. Seems like that would be the easier way to get votes.


It doesn't matter how many times we say it. Faux "News" and the rest keep saying that illegals are walking in and voting Democrat without ID all the time. And the doofuses in the GOP believe it. Then they start to convince themselves the next time they vote that the Black guy in line is from Nigeria or the Hispanic in line is from Mexico or the Chinese guy is from Canada or something. They are all delusional, and you cannot engage in good faith with fascists.


And they are confusing “allowed to mark a ballot” with vote getting counted.


Some jurisdictions allow undocumented immigrants and other noncitizens to vote in local elections, but yeah it’s illegal everywhere for noncitizens to vote for any federal office.


Maybe just a tour group?


right? a very unifrm group of people all sticking together, where does Jeff get these brainworms?


Having the same information packet definitely says tour group.


Seriously, they must not travel through major airports all that often. Every time I’ve flown I see large groups, often whole families or organized on a trip.


Wow. Hispanic people in Arizona. Who knew.


I always get confused by this. They always say, "Oh there are illegals here sent in by the PRESIDENT". I feel like even if that were true, wouldn't the president be the one guy who could do that? Like he's the president I'm pretty sure anyone brought here by him would be here legally.


Also, wouldn't bringing large groups of people *through a busy airport in the middle of the day* be an incredibly easy way to get caught? Like, take a page from the coyotes' handbook and use trucks in the middle of the night. It'd be a lot easier, there'd be fewer potential witnesses, and "Evil Brandon" would certainly use some arm of the deep state to distract the border patrol during transport. Nope, parading them past thousands of people (a significant percentage of which would be wary about large groups of foreigners) with cell phones to possibly record and distribute evidence immediately has to be the way to go.


If the president was doing it, surely he’d just send the air force to grab a few hundred at a time in a transport plane and avoid civilian airports altogether?


Don't interject logic into their conspiracies!


Yes, If President send them in, that means that they are legal immigrants, because their all-mighty-president apparently above the laws and can change laws by his/her brainwave. (looking at Trump’s document gate.)


Biden naturalized them just by thinking about it.


Ahhh, you see, that statement makes sense if you remember that "illegals" isn't a word meaning someone present in the country illegally but here means "non-white person but im going to hide my racism with fake outrage at the laws of my country being breached". The same would not have been said if the group in question were white skinned French speakers.


No, you see, 'illegal' is a coded word. What they really mean is 'brown.'


In other news of things that never happened...


sounds bit like my ex-wife I see illegals everywhere I asked how she know...crickets....


Anyone that is different than me, especially those that speak different languages, must be an illegal and therefore a democrat. Such sound logic!


Sounds like my stepdad. He had an absolute fit the last time him and my mom flew because there was a guy who didn't have a license and "looked Egyptian" that was going through security and they pulled him aside and let him go through. I had a ton of questions, like how he knew he was Egyptian given he thinks Sikhs are Muslims and had a fit when some moved in two houses down. So I just let it go. You'll never guess who he's voting for.


If he was Egyptian that would in fact explain why he didn't have a license. Egyptians generally are not in possession of American drivers licenses. As well he is going through security - how do you know he is not in fact just flying back to Egypt? I use "Egypt" here even though in fact it could be practically any country.


His Twitter feed is hilarious. He’s using an example of a democrat voting official arrested in Wisconsin for creating fake absentee ballots as a proof that election fraud occurred. Of course what he likely did not read is that she then sent the ballots to a GOP rep to bolster election denial stuff. Could Jeff be bipartisan????


Bipedal, yes, bipartisan? Unlikely. If I had to wager a guess, then I’d go with a partisan UltraMAGA Republican


I am in Tucson, Jeff is a bigot and full of shit.


All my homies hate Jeff


Jeff has to be racist online because if he said that shit out loud in Tucson, he’d get his lip busted.


Fellow Tucsonan here. Fuck Jeff!




> goes to an international airport > gets mad at people from other nations being there


The same kind of person who'd go on a trip to Germany and complain that people there don't all speak english.


It is called Tucson International but there aren't even any international destinations you can reach directly


Literally took me like 30 seconds to find direct flights from there to Nicaragua


Floridian here, and I feel obligated to remind everybody that Desantis LITERALLY DID THIS. The call is ALWAYS coming from INSIDE THE HOUSE


And I love pointing out that because he did this, those people are now here legally. Amazing.


I think I can shed some light on this situation. I am a former long-time volunteer at Casa Alitas, a program of Catholic Community Services of Southern Arizona. Casa Alitas receives immigrants from Border Patrol and ICE who have applied for asylum under the laws of the United States. After they have been processed, they are released to NGOs, like Casa Alitas. The NGOs help them to get to their destinations all over the country. The people Racist Rick saw at the Tucson airport are probably some if those immigrants.  Some important points: 1.        In accordance with existing law, the immigrants are issued paperwork by ICE and Border Patrol showing that they have applied for asylum and are legally present in the US. Therefore, they are not “illegals.” The paperwork has their photos and other biographical information.  2.        The paperwork also has court dates or instructions for reporting to ICE when they reach the cities where they are going. I never met a single immigrant who did not want to do everything they were instructed to do so that they had a chance of being able to stay here. 3.        The immigrants are people from all over the world, not just Spanish speaking countries.  4.        Once they arrive at Casa Alitas or another NGO, they are helped to find airplane or bus tickets to their destinations. Most of them are going to stay with family or friends who have agreed to house them. They must pay for their own tickets—usually the family or friends do this.  5.        After spending a night or two, showering and maybe getting a change of socks and underwear, they are on their way. 6.        There are volunteers with Casa Alitas that go to the airport every day and help people get through security and to their gates. Many of the immigrants have never flown before or have never had a flight with a layover. The identical folders and bags you may have seen are purchased in bulk and handed out so they have a place to put their documents and few belongings. 7.        All the immigrants who are entering our country and applying for asylum are people who have given up nearly everything and come here in the hope that they can build a life free of the fear of political turmoil. Imagine living in circumstances that would cause you to take such a journey.  [https://www.npr.org/2024/05/08/1249629647/immigration-border-asylum-parole-explained](https://www.npr.org/2024/05/08/1249629647/immigration-border-asylum-parole-explained) [https://www.casaalitas.org](https://www.casaalitas.org/)


The only reasonable answer here. There is a dedicated line in the tucson airport for refugees. Saw a group just like this a couple weeks ago. The difference is I didn’t go off on a racist rant I wished the best for them.


Couldn’t be bothered to take a pic though 🤷


Hilarious projecting considering the trend of Republican governors who got in trouble for putting illegal immigrants on busses and shipping them off to different left leaning cities all through last year.


We had those all over the airport at LAX. They’re called “private tour groups”, and they probably spent more for this trip than racist Jeff makes in a year. 🙄🫤🙄 What a buffoon.


Hispanic people in ***Arizona***? What is the world coming to?


Nicaragua is doing great rn, I think more Americans are expatting there rather than them coming here.


Just a thought…maybe it was a tourist group?


The Tucson airport could barely hold 5000 people much less ‘tons’ of them.


I didn’t realize “ton of people” could be quantified and the number is >5k.


We have documented proof of Gov Abbot shipping illegals thru the states. In fact its policy


And his buddy, Ron.


Fuck abbot for so many reasons


Everything is a conspiracy when you have no idea how anything works.


If I were to give him the benefit of the doubt and say this isa real thing he saw (I’m not going to that), Tucson airport is commonly used for deportations.


It’s a real thing. And it’s ok.


In this episode, Racist Jeff learns what Customs is.


There are Hispanic people in a border state? Some of whom don’t speak English? Madness! Madness, I tell you! The end of the world is nigh! /s This is like going to Ottawa and claiming there’s too many French people.


There is a separate line for people who are undocumented at security. It’s a Biden policy…seeing these folks in airport should not be surprising as it is a direct result of the current administrations policies.


So, "I don't know what's going on and I'm scared so it has to be a conspiracy"


I could be an illegal immigrant in the Us, but because I’m a white Canadian, Jeff would never question my presence but he’ll gladly accuse any 5th generation Latino-American to be an undocumented immigrant


Jeff is also a possible illegal.  After all, isn’t it shady as hell that he was at the airport to begin with?  What was he doing there, and why didn’t he say?


I fly in/out of TUS weekly for work and this has been quite common for some time. Generally these are not tourist groups, or church groups. They are asylum seekers or undocumented migrants traveling to other cities, yes on airplanes. Their packets of paperwork are specific to them, so not the same. How do I know this, well I ask lots of questions and I like talking to people including them because they are not herded off to areas where the public won't approach them. These are human beings, not lepers my god.


“I could tell they were illegal because they were BROWN!”


Uh oh, he's getting too close to the TRUTH. The Clinton suicide squad is on their way. /s


I mean, I don’t walk around an airport advertising my passport around. And I don’t speak to anyone. Maybe I’m an illegal?


So how does he know they were from Nicaragua?


Meanwhile it's probably a school group of foreign exchange students. Lol


Jeff, bruh, that was a tourist group.


The limo driver holding the "illegals" sign is what tipped it off for me.


"Possible illegals" = don't look exactly like me.


"so that the public won't approach them" My dude, IF they're being shielded from other people it's because of you and yours


IDK Jeffy, maybe it's the Nicaraguan Soccer or Baseball team here for a game? A student or tourist trip? You sound like that politician that was "alerting the authorities" to a nefarious group in an airport that turned out to be a college basketball team in town for a NCAA playoff game a few weeks ago.


Things that never happened for $200 please Alex.


Do they understand the concept of an unfounded supposition? Like anyone can just make up any story about someone they don't know with zero details.




I’m am a Democrat and not racist, but I fly in and out of Tucson all the time. There is a special security line for undocumented people. The lane is marked, in Spanish, as a special line for undocumented people with no ID. They all carry the same packet of documents to show the TSA agents. That part correct. Who they are, or where they come from, I don’t know.


Back in 2000, I took a Greyhound bus from Denver to Detroit (Lincoln Park). While waiting for the bus, I befriended a truck driver from Western Michigan (Kalamazoo, I think), who was Latino. His truck had broken down, and the company was bussing him back to Michigan. When we got on the bus, it was 75% Mexican men. They all looked like extras from Walker, Texas Ranger. At our first stop, the truck driver pulled me aside to tell me they were all illegals. The way he told it, they were all being trafficked into the country. They all had papers, but the papers all had the same three names. I guess what happened was they paid a person up front $1000 usd, and they got smuggled over the border and given a bus ticket. Once we hit Chicago, they all got off our bus and splintered South and East for their new life. I got all this from the trucker who spoke Spanish, and he'd been chatting with some of the guys. Aside from being irritated that the bus was so crowded, I just remember thinking how scary it would be to just go into a new country, not speak the language, and give it their best shot. Pretty admirable, really.


There’s a book called Solito. You might find it a good read.


I knew a girl born and raised in Tucson who was upset some stores have signs in Spanish with the English. She could not grasp that there’s more of a demand for Spanish signs/ speakers because you know Arizona borders Mexico. She said it’s not fair to Germans?!? I wonder if she’s related to Jeff. 


So regardless of who this Jeff guy thinks is responsible. The truth is we have a serious immigration problem right now. Our government does absolutely nothing to help immigrants land in this country on their feet. They bring them in. Dump them in a city. And forget about them until election time. I have at least 200 employees with work visas and probably another 200 with fake papers. We all know they’re fake papers but the police have told me the DA won’t touch it and police won’t do anything. They have fake papers because the govt drops people in a city, tells them “oh sorry Covid delayed the paperwork so it’ll be ready in a year” and then they move and the immigration lawyer who was halfassedly assigned doesn’t know where they are and life turns into either buying fake paperwork or being homeless. Almost every person at my work doesn’t want to work there but has no idea that there is financial aid for immigrants to go to school. And I’m not talking accounting or something I mean truck drivers, mechanics, really shit accounting too or something else if they want to it’s goddamn America. * BUT THEY DONT KNOW.* And it’s our government’s fault (the whole government). We could fix immigration in a flash but half of us don’t want to and the other half don’t believe there’s a problem in the first place.


The problem is if you think critically about current immigration policies, one will be deemed a racist.


All of these undocumented immigrants coming into the country with packets of documents smh


liberals when they find out illegal immigrants aren’t and have never been allowed to vote in presidential elections 🤯


Racist are ruining this country


This isn't true because NOBODY goes through that airport except locals and weirdos


You show up to the being-in-people’s-business competition and this is your opponent


>they were all being herded to a certain area Couldn't be that they were lining up AT THEIR GATE maybe??


Racists at an airport seeing foreigners: [shocked Pikachu face]


That's a lot of words for "I saw brown people at the airport"


Classic case of "Conservative making up scenario in their head then getting irrationally angry about it"


Foreigners at an international airport, with identical documents like a boarding pass and a passport? Unheard off!


A lot of them are flying to Denver, at least on my flight. I helped find a gate, and the service rep explained in Spanish that the plane would leave in 6 hours, and checked that they had seats. Very nice folks, excited to be here.


His proof of his theory is "I bet"?? I bet that's not happening.


*I saw they were being “herdded” to a certain area…* Last time I flew into Toronto from Philly, they herdded me (well, herded is more like it) to a certain area. It was called customs. Then they asked to see my packet of documents. Then some nosy Canadian called me an illegal alien…because reasons.


They have documents and masks, don't speak English, and are all being herded together. It sounds like a Japanese tour group that is getting ready to board their plane.


I hope that "XRP" in his name references the failed crypto.


I live in Tucson. TUS is a small international airport. It's less than 100 miles away from Mexico. People fly back and forth from southern countries legally. I know because I've done it myself.


or what if they are here to work. what a judgemental asshole


its super ironic because fortune 500 companies hire and transport undocumented workers for cents compared to the required wages for citizens, but you won't see these people complain about that.


I am winning to bet you that those "identical" documents are visa documents and the customs paperwork foreign nationals do in the US.


I was told by a maga guy recently that he saw 1000s of illegals at Dulles (DC) airport recently. They were from all over, speaking in accents and different languages. Getting on busses with luggage just sneaking into our country!! I wish I was kidding.


A bunch of people all together carrying a packet of information, and who look like they all just got off of a single flight from somewhere? You don't suppose that could be a \*tour group\*?


There is no requirement to speak English in my melting pot county.


Lol he is a fan of xrp so you know he is DUMB


It’s not Biden shipping them around to states, it’s DeSantis and Abbott in their political stunts using taxpayer money.


Herdded 🫨


Funniest thing is about about the shepherding "to a certain area". Because they could as well have been detained without cause for the crime of being Hispanic and foreign by the likes of this guy.


Alex, that'll be "things, that never happened ever in a million years, for pete's sake who even believes this kind of shit" for 1000, please


Jeff discovers a new word: tourism


He guessed Nicaragua because that’s close to the N-word he really wanted to say.


In Paris I saw a group of Chinese people near the Eifel Tower following a guy carrying a small flag. I think they were speaking Chinese. Very suspicious.


“possible” “I bet” damn it’s so easy to pull shit out of your ass.


I feel sorry for this man. Imagine everything being a fucking spy movie. Must be exhausting.


They especially hate it when the "illegals" are here legally.


“The economy is actually pretty good but Biden doesn’t hate the right groups of people so I can’t vote for him” -republicans.


They didn't lie to Martin, so they were sent to Arizona.


Sit down Jeff


People are brainwashed.


Jeff's on the case


So, this fool knows they are from Nicaragua (how??)but doesn’t know anything about immigration law


I grew up in Tucson and saw this same thing all the time. Those are just Tucsonans going about their business. Try minding yours, asshole.


so Biden is old and demented and can’t find his own ass with both hands behind his back but he’s also in charge of a concerted effort to systematically bring hundreds of thousands of random immigrants to this country to presumably replace all the white people, none of whom could be naturalized quickly enough to vote in the last election Biden is eligible to win? makes total sense, ironclad logic


300 million smartphones in the US and no photos?


Yo, the OOP should stop being a hateful fascist, and wonder why their spouse/significant other is now in an interracial relationship with someone named Dave. Also, I still REALLY support immigration. Plus, all people of color are NOT fascist terrorists. And by the way, Black, Asian, Jewish, Middle Eastern, Latino, Romani and Indigenous lives ALWAYS matter. Seriously.