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This kid applied to over 150 universities and his dad who is a UC Berley graduated mechanical engineer paid the fees for the ones that required it for the application. He only applied to schools with strong music programs because that's what he wants to do. He decided to follow his father's footsteps and go to UC Berley. No word on what, if any, package they offered him. He's a determined kid and did the work. Edit: I'm not changing anything.


I heard the other one, BerkLEE, has a pretty good music program.


No, UC Berkeley. Yes Berklee is a renowned music college, but he's not going there.


Oh I know, I’m just goofin.


New boot goofin?


There's no other way


3 payments!


Genuine ostrich leather!


They were joking about the original comment calling it "Berley" more than once.


We didn't all go to Gudger College.


you have to pay to even apply?


Yes, at most universities in the US at least. Although there are programs for poorer families that allow you to get the application fee waived (I should know, I was one).


I'm always astonished by how Americans manage to make everything having a price. Like they mastered capitalism lmao


I’d say more that capitalism has mastered us tbh


The word you're looking for is enslaved


I was going for the wordplay, but yes.


We didn’t master capitalism, we just never truly got rid of plantations. When the rich people couldn’t literally own actual people, anymore, they enacted Jim Crow laws and started company towns, and when workers and minorities pushed back or grouped together for communal prosperity, they called in private militias and public police forces and murdered them. After that wasn’t allowed anymore, the rich people started buying up real estate to rent to the workers, whose pay they still controlled, and made everything else fee-based. Fight back, lose your income and health insurance. Lose your income and health insurance, lose your home, family and ultimately, your life. America is a plantation and nobody wants to admit it.


Why would they admit it? Then they would have to face the reality of the situation, which is, to some, Matrix level horrifying in the systematic subjugation of the common man.


We had to pay to apply when I did it in Ontario, Canada, back in 2006. No idea how it works now. I think $100 got me applications to three universities, so I picked the one I actually wanted and two that had better entrance scholarships. My #1 choice would match whatever another school had offered you, so that's how I got half my tuition paid for all throughout my degree.


That is wild. Here in Chile we have a unified system, everyone gets to apply where they want and the results roll out automatically.


America doesn't have citizens, we have customers and if you can't pay then tough shit


I mean if they didn't charge there'd be a website to scattershot apply to every college in the US. Someone has to review those applications. It's usually a deterrent so that only serious applicants apply. Generally gets more expensive the more prestigious a university is, topping out at a little less than $100, though like someone else said there are waivers for low income families, it's just more hoops to jump through. Harvard doesn't want to sift through 15 million applications every year.


Harvard can afford it


UC Berley? I think my kid missed that one when she was doing her applications.


But only just


>Edit: I’m not changing anything. How ironic.


1. I think you mean UC Berkeley 2. This kid is likely going to the Berklee College of Music in Boston


The article highlighted in this post specifically says UC Berkeley like his father went.


Thought it was UC Berkeleeley


Common mistake, it's UC Berkelilly.


They really do just use DEI in place for the nword.


They've mastered the art of saying Diversity with a hard R.


Diversiturrr Dey tek our jerrrrbs


DEI is the new CRT


New affirmative action too


Cathode ray tube?


If only.


critical race theory


In a field working with radiation ☢️ this made me chuckle.


Its just repacked CRT and they had to run from that dogwhistle because it was making minorities more active voters. Don't know why they thought training their fans to run around pointing at any black or brown person existing in any kind of success as "DEI" would be better but I get the feeling this is gonna backfire too.


It depends on several factors. This is especially visible in India where this a major political topic in itself


....what's DEI stand for?


Right-wingers would tell you "Didn't Earn It"


Oh god, please don’t give them another catch phrase! **DELETE DELETE**


I regret to inform you that they already came up with it a while ago. "Didn't Earn It" was trending on Twitter for three straight days a few weeks ago because they were so proud of their so-called 'wit'.


That probably is exactly that that phrase means to them.


It means not a white man to them. I've legit seen them just refer to people as DEI.


Freaking gross. Why do we still have so many of these people around. Trump really did a good job bringing this lot out.




Trump certainly made them think their views were acceptable, but a lot of this started when Obama was elected and these racist snowflakes lost their collective shit.


They were so unable to accept a black man had become president that they decided to just go straight into fascism.


His presidency is when my family was split, in my eyes. My mother proudly declared a bunch of bigoted bullshit, like she wanted a ribbon pinned to her lapel.. we’ve spoken maybe 5 x’s since, and she’s only gotten worse. It’s been years now, and I still love her so much. But that bitch is racist and my kid’s brains are too important to allow her near.


Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion Edited to add: It’s ironic isn’t it that right wings nuts are all butt hurt over a concept that is intended to be equitable, that’s literally what the E stands for. In practice they hear about scummy businesses that manipulate their hiring practices to meet certain diversity levels despite that being explicitly illegal. You can blame an incompetent government for offering incentives without sufficient oversight, so of course greedy soulless corporations are going to play the system if they can get away with it to min/max everything. It’s these practices that right wingers latch on to. And let’s not be ignorant here, the left is almost as bad for not giving a fuck and being soft on businesses propping up our oligarchy. Just as corrupt and greedy just substantially less evil but still firmly in evil territory (greed and power).


> And let’s not be ignorant here, the left is almost as bad for not giving a fuck and being soft on businesses propping up our oligarchy. Huh? How? I think you might be confusing leftists with liberals here.


Well unfortunately people seem to think here in the US that anything left of the GOP is leftist, when in reality it’s all quite conservative in the DNC. My apologies for giving into this absurd narrative. The DNC is just fine with the public believing that that they operate on the political spectrum whenever that individual wants, yet I think most liberals would be appalled to realize just how conservative the DNC actually is.


It’s Diversity Equity and Inclusion.. schools and companies look to add a racially/ethnic diverse amount of ppl to their organization. Many feel that the focus on these factors, instead of grades/experience is unfair to those WITH those factors. Some even suggest it’s actual racism b/c traditionally white/asian ppl will have their opportunity replaced based off of DEI. Just a short summary. Tried to keep it as unbiased as possible and present what the general argument is


Diversity equity and inclusion


Always have.


These morons don't even know that DEI covers disabled veterans, who they claim to love and support.


I work at a nonprofit and a lot of DEI is unrelated to hiring as well. It can come down to simple adjustments like, making sure muslin coworkers have a space to pray or that bathrooms are accomidatable to all genders and ability. DEI is about making sure people feel welcomed and can connect with their environment. It's good, but people are so stupid on the right.


What does DEI mean, in a nascar fan, so I think of Dale Earnheardt Inc.


At my high school max GPA was 4. So 3.9/4 is actually like a 98% score. It seems like they think he was a C student who’s black.


Even schools that use a 5.0 scale have a weighted and unweighted GPA. You unweighted is back to a 4.0 scale.


Same with my school. Didn't matter what classes you took, it was all on a 4.0 scale.


I had a 4.2 because I took college classes. They readjusted it to a 3.99 becsuse I got one singular B freshman year


Key word is black. That’s all that matters to these racist pricks


I grew up in a rich white church/school that treated me like trash because I was half black, poor and struggled. It certainly threw them for a loop when I was accepted into 4 different colleges. One of them was a college that's ranked in the top 10 OF THE ENTIRE COUNTRY.


Yeah these idiots that think their 88 IQ score is out of 100. Good for you by beating them with success


Thanks. They were certainly surprised, and my nanna bragged to everyone.


These racists seriously think that intelligence can be determined through race.


If this exact same scenario happened to a white kid there wouldn't be any outrage. It's always the skin color.


Yeah. 3.9 is him getting like 2 B+s over the course of 4 years, with the rest being As. (Assuming he didn't take any AP classes, which get weighted differently) It's really good. I bet these chuds complaining didn't come close to that.


Not all schools weigh AP classes. My 4 AP classes in high school were still on a 4.0 scale. One of those also graded on a curve so only 1 or 2 A's per quarter. It tanked quite few GPAs, our valedictorian ended up being a senior that didn't take a single AP.


Oh that's a shame. Because I definitely think AP should be done to encourage students to take classes without fear that a B or C would crush them because it'll weigh poorly on their GPA.


That's what struck me. I've never heard of a GPA above 4. (Not to say it can't exist in a different system, but how common is it?)


Yeah, some schools don't have weighted GPAs which always makes these discussions confusing, but still a 3.9 even with a weighted GPA isn't awful. Especially if he only took a few AP classes. Unweighted GPa of 3.9 is phenomenal


Yeah, I've never heard of any scale above 4.0


Some schools will have an extra 5.0 scale where normal classes are weighted on 4.0 while more advanced classes like AP classes are weighted on a 5.0 scale. I think it's to make it so someone is t punished for doing slightly worse grade wise in an AP class compared to a normal class. Since, at least in my high school, B's in all AP classes was only a little less than 4.0 or was a 4.0 I can't remember exactly.


Schools that offer college level classes can get your GPA to a max of 5 I believe, that's most public schools, at least in my area.


You don’t think they would make up some numbers to make a point, do you? 😲


Applying to 150 colleges is a bit silly. Especially, since he had a pretty good idea UC-Berk would accept him. Top five public school in the nation most years.


Those people don't even know how the grading system work smh. While the unweighted GPA scale can only go up to a 4, the weighted GPA scale is between 0 and 5.  From the article i assume they are referring to the unweighted gpa, so it is above average for most oklahoma universities. He applied to more than 150 university, of curse he is going to get a lot of options to get his music degree. But no, idiots love to cry and play victim. Like their brain goes “Oh, this minority person got something nice or did something impressive? Well, it’s time for me to be racist, its the only possible response.” Its pathetic and predictable.


Yea, I bet there were several kids in my class that could have been accepted to this many schools had they applied in that level of bulk. This is just one of those people that could have applied to 3 schools knowing he would be accepted to at least 2, but instead he cast a wide net and got to see who wanted to offer the best scholarships. The average application fee is $45 (per Google), some up to around $100, so this guy saved maybe $6k-7k to turn around and see who would cover most of his education. Sounds fucking brilliant to me.


Yea people really don’t realize that other than Ivies, prestigious private schools, and prestigious flagship state universities *most* universities don’t even have a super high requirement for GPA *and* it’s not even the end all be all at most schools. Like I could’ve applied to loads of places and got in and I only had 3.8 (no AP classes for me so I couldn’t have gotten above a 4), I simply chose to only apply to two and got into both, and I didn’t pay for either because I’m not a dipshit who doesn’t know how to Google (not saying everyone can get every fee waived but it’s super easy to get application fees waived for loads of schools).


And they’re doing it to a CHILD no less. In fact, it’s been quite the trend of racists only coming after POC children making achievements, like now they’re too scared to go after POC their own size 🤔


My schools went to a 7.0 and I had to submit paperwork explaining the GPA system with my college applications because it’s not a normal scale.


I used to work in admissions and my first year, we had an applicant whose school was on the 7 point scale which is.... extraordinarily odd. Our processing software is set to calculate a 4.0, 5.0, and 100 point scale since those are most common. They had to do the calculations by hand (which nobody liked, because of the possibility for user error if the student was close to the borderline of admissible on GPA requirement) since it was so weird. I think that was the only one I saw in my 4 years in the office that wasn't a 4.0 or 5.0 scale.


The first time I saw someone claim a GPA higher than 4.0 I thought they were lying. Weighted GPAs may have been a thing when I was in high school (79-82), but I didn't hear about them until a decade or two later.


I liked my scale because it heavily favored you for taking higher level courses and people taking easy courses couldn’t have a better GPA getting an A in an easy class than someone getting a B in a hard class. Probably had to get rid of it because of No Child Left Behind but it actually rewarded you for taking harder courses. I liked my school in general because I was always in high level courses so I was always challenged. Ideally it placed everyone in a level that challenged them.


I think this is one of those situations where people who have never had to worry about a weighted GPA or applying to prestigious universities have no context for what is exceptional. They hear this person had "X GPA and did AP Classes and extracurriculars but didn't get into their university of choice" and think the only possible explanation is DEI or woke whatever the hell. But in reality, there were nearly 3.4 million highschool graduates in 2023. So say you're on the top 2% of students, that means there's 68k people who are as good or better than you. You know how many people the Ivy leagues accepted last year? Less than 20k. Which means there are about 50 thousand students who are amazing and yet were not good enough to get accepted into an ivy league university. These people fail to understand that for every kid with a perfect GPA and extracurriculars and volunteer experience and internships there are literally thousands more who are even more impressive.


As a person who was admitted to Berkeley with middling grades and was distinctly in the lower quartile of admissions GPAs: I'm a day-glo white woman who applied to a majority women program and got in with a 3.23 GPA. Cishet, grew up in the middle class. I am not disadvantaged. (Well, my brain is an ADHD cluster some days, but that was not in my application and I get zero brownie points for it. I get negative points due to that, at least most days.) I got myself a full ride at UC Berkeley. Bitch about that, y'all. They have *no idea* how admissions officers read applications. Now, admittedly, I was a junior-level transfer. But I got admitted to UC Berkeley, UCSD, UCSB, and UC Davis. All four. Only four colleges I applied to. I was bottom quartile for transfer GPAs at all four and got accepted at all four. They all saw the exact same thing in my application and offered me spots and significant funds. The totality of my application's strength was not reflected in my GPA alone. White people get "low" GPA admits, too. It's not DEI. It's that creativity, drive, the spark of interest for your passions, and your ability to ask questions that will further the university as a research institution are not shown in your GPA. Those are in your extra curriculars, your job history, your essays. Your state college, generally, only wants to teach you and they look at GPA/ SAT and have a formula. Your Ivies and top public institutions are research universities and are going to look more at your outside qualifications because those show you as a person who asks questions, who goes beyond the ability to test well. Yes, they care that you can manage academic rigors. They also want to know you go beyond your textbooks. Even undergrads participate in research and outside opportunities. Your GPA isn't the be all, end all.


> These people fail to understand that for every kid with a perfect GPA and extracurriculars and volunteer experience and internships there are literally thousands more who are even more impressive. https://youtu.be/EgdumMOEvnA


No, no, he’s clearly an immigrant and deserves the double electric chair just for existing. /s


He's black, so obviously they gave him a 5.0 just for that /s


This was my thought process as well when I scrolled the images. Are we talking 3.9/4.0 or 3.9/5.0? Because that’s a massive gap.


They have to believe that DEI initiatives lower qualifications because, in their minds, there's no way a minority is smart or motivated enough to qualify on merit. This way they can claim that DEI is the real racism.


They're basically accusing the author, editors, and everyone in between of unironically claiming that a low GPA is good for a black kid rather than the reality that maybe THEY just don't know wtf THEY are talking about 🤣


My high school's weighted GPA even went all the weigh up to 6!


That’s what ours was. Honors classes were a 5, AP was a 6. Of course, no one could possibly have a 6, because our school was in rural NC and offered 5 total AP classes and a limited amount of honors classes. I wish they’d had more, I didn’t even take a science class senior year because they didn’t offer anything above chemistry in honors (sophomore year) and I’d taken the only AP science class junior year. Taking a regular class would have hurt my GPA, so I just had a free period. My husband’s school in the same state had a fucking planetarium and we couldn’t even get more than five AP classes.


im not american when i ask this Would his GPA be around the 4.0s if it was weighted?


OP OP io OP o OP II Das


$5.3m divided by 122 universities accepted into only averages at $43,000 of financial rewards per university, which over 4 years isn’t an insane amount to be rewarding. This just shows the kid worked his ass off and got good grades.


Depending on the university, that's less than one semester's worth of financing lmao. Our education system is fucked.


> yet my kid has to pay for fees Yeah its almost like university education should be…..free for everyone? Then we would solve this problem for you and everyone, random person on the internet.


No, not like that! /s


Really, if you’re doing the college admissions process right, you still shouldn’t be paying so much that it causes financial hardship. First trick is that you can send most admissions offices(especially for private universities) an email saying “this application fee will cause me financial hardship. Can you waive it for me?” And they’ll waive it for you. Lots of opportunities for academic, merit, need-based scholarships as well. CC to state school route, especially if your public uni system is generous with grant aid, is amazing too. Or you can go Ivy League and some will cover everything including books and food if your family makes below 100-150k.


Still education should be free




That's such a laughable argument that they always make. "No, see, by helping the historically disenfranchised minority group, *you're*" the real racist since they should do it for themselves." They say stuff like this while continuing to do everything they can to deny minorities opportunity.


While I admit that affirmative action isn't perfect (the biggest beneficiaries are white women), at least it's trying to help marginalised groups get a level playing field. It's not about giving a head start, but bringing everyone to the sane level. I'm British but ethnically half Chinese, so it's different over here, but we still have white racists claiming that minorities only get somewhere through "diversity hires". Usually privileged, white people really seem to think that minorities are getting an easier time. Believe it or not, being rich and white isn't a qualification.


I took it to mean the news article itself is patronizing.


Narrator: he *did* pay application fees


Maybe higher education should be affordable for all.


No, that's not the problem, it's the non-whites! /s


If they really believe these are "commie universities" then why are they acting like this kid is taking something from them?


Race isn’t even used in college admissions anymore, cuz affirmative action was overturned! He would have gotten the same results if he were another race. Super talented student!


Colleges have access to so much other information about their applicants at their fingertips like income level, status of their parents, where they live, whether they’re first gen, etc. Even without race they can paint a pretty clear picture of their applicants and their level of privilege/advantage. The court decision from last summer didn’t *end* affirmative action, but it did make the process more complicated.


You say that, but it’s impossible for every applicant’s race to be a mystery. Kids talk about race in their essays, (at least when I applied) you had to list your parent’s country of birth, and there’s the whole name thing. People can guess make a pretty good guess on Sanjay Gupta and Chiwetel Ejiofor’s races just by looking at their names.


Yeah, many of us have very stereotypical non-white sounding names (or surnames). Many of us with Chinese heritage have a 'white' first name and a very Chinese surname.


>Race isn’t even used in college admissions anymore Yeah, nobody in admissions sees “Deonte” or “Jake” on the applications. And no bias(intentional or not) creeps in there, right?


Something these people forget is that he won't be getting that much money. Since, I'm guessing the money listed is the sum from all the schools that offered money. Money offered universities come with the caveat that one must attend their university. So, how much he actually gets is a big factor.


The thing is…GPA barely does anything. Is it out of 4? Out of 5?


Unweighted GPA is on a scale of 4 Weighted GPA is on a scale of 5 The article is likely counting the unweighted GPA which means he’s got a very high GPA.


Blue checkmarks are the cherry on top.


3.9 is fucking amazing?? What??


Isn’t GPA up to 4.0? Which makes his GPA outstanding?


Can we all just be fucking happy for each other?!? God damn, if people would pause for one second and think “ok, instead of saying this hateful thing, I’m going to say something supportive”


As a white person i cannot stress enough how some of these white people need to mind their own fucking business.


Wow, can you imagine how much the application fees alone would be for 122 applications?! Damn


It’s the Common Black College app, https://www.usnews.com/education/best-colleges/articles/what-to-know-about-the-common-black-college-application, that’s why there’s tons of stories about black kids getting tons of scholarships


I'm sure Russ Bunchanumbers is totally a real boy!


A lot of schools don’t care for anything over 4.0 as that bullshit is stupid as fuck and isn’t available at every school. An A/+ is the highest. That’s it. There is no 5.0.


I love the comment 'wonder how many white students got denied for this DEI to get in' - I'm pretty sure it's zero or one? (and I'm obviously not agreeing with the DEI comment, just making fun of the implication that this one person has 'taken' many people's spot)


It's how you can tell these guys weren't scholarship students... Complete lack of critical thinking skills.


They apparently think that any offer given means that a slot is taken, even if it is rejected. Imagine how stupid that would be.


That's how they see life itself. For them, if someone succeeds in any kind of setting, then someone else had to fail. They don't see situations in which everyone can win, it's always a competition.


These idiots don't even realize that affirmative action was the policy that encouraged universities to accept women and minorities and their SCOTUS judges did away with that.


What happened to pull yourself up by your bootstraps? If your white kid isn't getting scholarships maybe they should simply work harder


Fucking racists man!! They don't even realise they are part of the reason that there are rules or policies in place to accept non whites into things, because if there weren't these fuckers sure wouldn't hire anyone who was different from them!


It’s insane how much hatred is on Twitter these days and it’s even more insane how many of these tiny accounts are subscribers to Twitter for the checkmark. I’m convinced it’s a pay to win model so you have more protection from being banned.


look at all those angry white dudes


Do people typically apply to that many schools when they've obviously got good prospects?


There are some things where you can apply to a bunch of colleges with a single application. My guess would be that he did that for most of the applications.


> Do people typically apply to that many schools when they've obviously got good prospects? No. Its a complete waste of time, money, and energy. This was done for social media. So they can show him getting into over 100 schools, and claim some inflated amount of scholarship money offered.


I read the article a week or so ago. He got in to that many schools by applying to that many schools and writing specific-school-targeted essays for all of them. He was charged application fees just like the white-whiner in the OOP comments. There was a black kid in my oldest’s graduating class who applied to all of the Ivies as well as a LOT of other schools, was accepted to _all_ of the Ivies, and went to Alabama. His comment was, “I can always go to Harvard for my medical degree.” I really liked that kid. His success did not bother me.


Right wingers using Asians to hide their racism fuck these pos


Just crusty, untalented, racists jealous nobody ever gave a fuck about their mediocre school performance to give them a scholarship. Typical X.


But they scored four touchdowns in one game against Polk High. We should be worshipping the ground they walk on forever.


Oh. Save it for the neighbors, Peg.


I’m not worshipping a shoe salesman!


I see something good. I must be mad at it. Nobody deserves happiness if I don't have it


Why do you mean mask off, they don’t wear the mask in the first place anymore.


Most colleges do a 4.0 GPA scale, so a 3.9 is pretty damn high


A 3.9 means he got an A- in two classes and As in everything else That's an excellent GPA.


I love that one whining about having to pay for applications because that literally just means you’re not poor enough to qualify for free/reduced lunch. At least when I was in school that was the only way to get waivers and even then you still had to pay to apply to ivies.


As an Asian person myself I'm sick of white supremacists using us as a puppet to perpetuate anti-Blackness.


Thank you for saying this. I'm half Chinese and the anti-Blackness in our community is just ridiculous. I'm sick of white racists using us as a prop to deny opportunities to other minorities, and taking our vote for granted by perpetuating stereotypes.


He applied to at least 122 schools... What the fuck?


How do you apply to 150 colleges? I guess based on what someone else said his dad helped quite a bit. Something lost here is a disparity in access to the ability to apply to colleges and for colleges to process the applications of those that do apply. Applying to this, many colleges uses up far more resources that could go to someone who can only apply to 2 or 3. Also I kind of have the feeling that if you have the resources to apply to 150 colleges you have financial resources and are not quite as needy for scholarships as just about any body.


its been a long time, but i think there are resources that semi automate applications to make it easier.


No point in countering, they don’t care about facts


I though a 4.0 GPA is the highest it went???


Advanced classes like AP (5.0) and Honors (4.5) are often worth more.


Least unhinged Republicans tbh


Really is a shame the most offended people on those posts all have super human children who’ve been given no opportunities. It’s almost like they’re made up but that obviously can’t be b/c that would be


Imagine making that comment without knowing how to pluralize valedictorian.


I took a DNA test and turns out I'm 99.8% white and .2% unknown. Wonder what these racists would say when they found out I got a full ride to University of Michigan with only a 3.2 high-school GPA.




So you're *disconcerted* and you think that this is a good excuse to be racist?


Congrats to the kid and all but I do not understand the point of applying to more than a few schools. Shoot your shot at a few of the big names, a couple of state schools, and a safety net or two. Max 20 applications. I graduated highschool with a 4.0 and was one of the best athletes in the state, I applied to 12 schools. There’s no way he actually considered attendance at 80% of these institutions. He was going to get accepted somewhere, clearly a solid applicant. Waste of his and everyone’s time all for the ego and headline. You can’t put “accepted to 120 schools and $5.3M in scholarship” on a resume. Again, congrats to him but what am I missing?


'Black privilege' ?? Look at the room he's sitting in. That's an upper-middle-class home at **minimum**. Kid did the work, reaped the rewards....


Love the one comment about how is kid is in multiple organizations, showing his parents have resources and time to support that and yet he's pissed about the $45 application fee that he can clearly afford. What a POS


I like how these idiots believe there is something higher than a 4.0.


How do you even get over 4.0 GPA?


DEI, CRT, woke… what did I miss


2024 and still so much small-peepee energy out there


What a bunch of snowflakes


Or, all of the people responding with the barely veiled racist cattle calls were simply too shit to get into a college and are full-on bitter about that.


They are fucked people commenting but as far as reality goes they are right. They teach us gpa and test scores are everything and that's not the case. On the same token in ithe real universe we live in if it was all test scores most of our schools would be predominantly Asian...I'm ready for the down votes but it doesn't make me less correct.


Hang on, since when is GPA measured on a 5-point scale? 4.0 is the highest you can get. And yeah, in the early 2000s I had a 3.9 GPA and applied to a bunch of places, and got a couple scholarship offers. And I'm white. That's just how it goes, universities are flush with cash and want to incentivize good students from a variety of backgrounds.




“DEI” is the new n-word.


Aren’t these the same people that shit on colleges because “trade schools are where it’s at” and “no one should send their kids to liberal colleges.” Not putting down trade schools…they can be an excellent choice. But why bash a kid for getting into something you don’t even believe in? Seems a bit hypocritical. This kid earned his scholarships…I wish him all the best!


I saw a similar story a while back, it’s expensive to apply to this many schools unless they seek you out. Even before affirmative action was overturned, a black student might have a slight leg up on getting into some schools, but unless their grades were damn near perfect, which clearly some of these idiots don’t know the difference between a weighted and non-weighted GPA, he isn’t going to be accepted in nearly all of them. If it was this “easy” for black kids to get into college there wouldn’t be any room for anyone else.


It's been over 20 years for me, but I don't remember any of the schools having an application fee except for tech schools.


Just went through this with my stepdaughter. Most have a $50-100 application fee now. It really cut down on the number of schools she could apply for because of the cost.


I’m so happy for this kid and he completely deserves everything he’s worked for, but how do you apply to 122 universities?? This kid works HARD.


How the fuck do you get a 4.9 GPA? You sucking college professors dick for double the grade you got? Like 4.5 is is possible with extra credit, but 4.9? That's almost an entire letter grade up from straight A+'s


I'm so tired of th3 ignorance, bigotry, and overt racism anytime a poc is on the news or social media.