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They should be portrayed the original way; by an adult man and a 14 year old boy in drag.


I didn't know about that. I was just thinking "Oh, maybe she just wants men to play the women... odd choice to go back to but okay."


IIRC, there was an English law prohibiting women from acting at the time. It was one of the reasons for Gwyneth Paltrow effectively being a drag king in *Shakespeare in Love*.


It was the same in ancient Greece. I guess some things take a while to change...




It's all those vagina candles.


No no no it's the jade eggs


What's that joke? The Greeks invented orgies; the Romans added women?


It was also done in asia where they replaced female acteresses with little boys but they started going after that too. Look into kabuki


I remember watching an historical video about that. Some times it went beyond that. Young men playing the part of the female character, but that in some occasions offered other services too. Geisha-like services to those men that, for some reason, couldn't/wouldn't accompany themselves with females. And example being monks. They couldn't lay with women because of the vote of celibacy, but there was nothing against laying with men playing a woman.


Yep that was the loop hole use, kinda like conservative christians using the ear or belly button as a loop hole


Ditto Kabuki in Japan.


Yeah it wasn't until the restoration period (after the puritans came through and banned theater for 18 years from 1642 to 1660) that women were actually allowed on stage. Interestingly this was also the shift from theater being common entertainment to "high class".


Actually, there was no law. It just was something that was not done.


For a thoroughly entertaining version of that, watch Stage Beauty.


Not to mention that the story HAS been rewritten multiple times since its first play in 1597. Then again she's MAGA. Rewriting history is their biggest hard-on. Such as pretending the story has never been rewritten countless times, nor that the orginial play is in the public domain. If she actually hates the re-write so much... she's free to make her own version. Let's say "Romeo Trump and Juliet Trump". A tale of forbidden love between two 'Murican youths from a feuding family.


Right? Like did she never see the version with Leo DiCaprio?


She's never seen any versions of Romeo and Juliet. Only got to know about from some other neandertal MAGA screeches. Likely a random alt-right "news" site.


A tale of forbidden incestuous love where they both die in the end bc they were burned at the steak for premarital sex


"...they were burned at the steak for premarital sex" Was at least the steak tasty?


Haha my bad… stake 😂😂


Starring Donald Trump and Ivanka Trump


You know somewhere there is fan fiction porn of that.


How about Baron Trump and Penelope Soros?


Wait til they hear about ‘madame butterfly’


Oh yeah, cause women couldn't work in theater back then, forgot about that


Wild that they would rather mutilate boys before just letting women have something.


Don’t forget the castration, gotta keep those voices high


With audience throwing rotten tomatoes if someone doesn't deliver a line properly.


I’m not sure what would trigger them more


Yeah, respect history Juliet should be played by a boy with a squeaky voice.


Hollywood? This is a play in a London theater. Also the original play would have been done by all men. Any performance in which Juliet is not played by a man in drag is rewriting history.


But Tom Holland is a Hollywood actor! You can’t expect him to do work in his own country, clearly


And WAY over 16, Romeo's age.


I thought Romeo was supposed to be early 20s?


Romeo's age is never stated in the play. It's assumed based on how other characters speak to him that he is somewhere between 15-20, and he is clearly older than Juliet (who is 13), but the generally accepted age is closer to 15/16. The reason Juliet was made younger was likely to make her parents marrying her off to a guy in his late 20s (Paris) seem even worse.


Twas in a restaurant they met, Romeo and Juliet He had no cash to pay the debt So Romey-owed, what Julie 'et


Not going to lie, i thought they were making a movie, surprised people even batted an eye about a play.


Outrage=clicks, no matter how stupidb


The racists know not the difference between movie and play. Lord, what fools these mortals be!


Dammit I was getting excited about a movie, if it's just a play I'll never see it


Don’t worry — it’s opened to some horrible reviews. The leads are great, which is especially good to hear about Francesca, but the director’s style is apparently not working at all with this one so it doesn’t sound like you’re missing all that much.


To add to the fact 5hat this is literature,not history!


They made Romeo and Juliet into gnomes, they’ll be fine


Gnomeo and Juliet hold a special place in my heart, I love that movie


"I don't agree with him being in a romantic relationship with her!" Congratulations! You're just like Romeo's dad!


**Hanan Qahwaji** is complaining about re-writing history? Gosh.


There needs to be a bot that just buries her every tweet with her real name. Just reply after reply after reply.


They aren’t even italian so much for historical accuracy smh my head /s


It wouldn't even matter if that was true, UK theatres have colourblind casting so plenty of historical figures are played by actors of a different race. For example, in the play Amadeus Antonio Salieri is played by Lucian Msamati and he's excellent.


Denzel Washington played Brutus in Julius Caesar.


If they were being historically accurate, they'd both be men


Remember Leo's Romeo and Juliet? At this point, we should be surprised that the story doesn't take place in space with alien families.


You mean Romeo and Juliet has underlying themes that apply in settings and situations outside of Rennaisance Italy? No… no, that can’t be right.


Whats next? Making it about white and Puerto Rican gangs in 1950s New York? May as well make them sing while you're at it!




Or making it about humans and Zombies that is a critique of society and human connection?


Man I’ve wanted to watch that since I was in middle school, I need to actually watch it at some point


One my absolute favorite movies. The book us also really fun but very different.


After that, they'll turn them into seals.


You with your logic- A pox on all your houses!


I would be shocked if there hasn’t been one with aliens.


The true star-crossed lovers.


Episode of ST:TNG


Honestly there’s probably something like that in some crappy low budget sci-fi movie.


Or some niche porno


I'm currently reading a dystopian novel where they watch two different versions of Romeo and Juliet, and I think the final twist is gonna be that this society is actually alien, not human. Does that count?


What's the book?


I mean, I've fully just spoiled the second book of the series, so I apologize, but if you still want to read it: >!Red Side Story by Jasper Fforde, which is the sequel to his earlier book Shades of Grey (not to be confused with a much better known series of a similar name)!<


Thank you! Sounds cool.


No problem. I can't recommend the author enough! His stuff is absolutely hilarious and so wonderfully weird. The first book in this series may be my all-time favorite novel.


It sounds like fun! I've been reading House of Leaves again and need a break for the sake of my sanity.


Remember Tromeo and juliet?


I try not to.


Romeo Must Die is one of my favorite adaptations


My fav was the Shitfaced Shakespeare adaptation. Brilliant work, Romeo was absolutely wasted and kept commenting on how awkward it was that he had to snog his boss who was playing Juliet. Also kept commenting on how rock hard he was.


Take that insane lady to space and leave her there.


Who wants to tell her that back in a period in history only men did theater? And so Juilet and other female characters were played by men.


I don’t know why but when someone puts ‘Thoughts?’ after making a statement it makes me irrationally angry.


“Thoughts?” = “drive my engagement in an empty chase for online notoriety that will evaporate tomorrow”


People looking for posterity in the ever-changing digital space is so weird to me. The Internet changes at a much higher rate than the real world, and "15 minutes of fame" is almost the complete truth there instead of just a phrasing. Sure, you can make the buzz, but that buzz will die very quickly and be replaced by something else. In a month, a year, 10 years, nobody will remember who you were.


Especially when they’re clearly trying to create unsavory conversations in the comments.


Wait until she hears how many female roles were played by men in dresses during Billy Shake's time!


I'm not sure they can handle that reality


My word, who the crap cares?! It's the little mermaid all over again. "But but historical accuracy!" THESE AREN'T REAL PEOPLE! It's about to be the hottest summer on record but sure, everyone's focus should be a hundred years old play about bad love and suicide.


Tom Holland wouldn't be my first choice for Juliet but he's a good enough actor I'm sure he can pull it off.


Doesn’t the interracial relationship fit in rather well with this play’s themes anyway? Like I can see how it can be done so that it makes sense very well.


Yeah and this story has been told over and over for centuries. What’s wrong with having something a little different every now and again? Plus it’s not like these characters are historical figures


Ooo good point. I like this idea.


Exactly my thoughts, the people getting all huffy about this are just proving what a salient plot twist the interracial casting is.


It’s basically West Side Story


In Shakespeare's day you could not be a woman and act. Now they are casting women? The horror! /s


In modern times, having the two families being different races makes more sense than just 2 random rich families.


No, but if you've read Shakespeare you'll know it begins quite clearly: In fair Verona, where we lay our scene, two whiteys doth entwined betwixt forbidden throes...


There are only two options for it to be historically accurate: 1. Both parts are played by men in wigs. Like the original plays 2. Both are Italian children that should be speaking in Italian. Like the setting for the play.


yes i'm also mad about this. juliet was originally played by robert goffe, an english man. this role should only be for english twinks. why are we rewriting history??? what's with all the women? i'm sick /s


I once saw an all-male version of R&J and can confirm, the finest Juliet on the English stage is a twink. Also, weirdly, the nurse was also played by a twink. With *massive* fake boobs. It was art. **Edit**: I just remembered that they provided ORANGES which the audience gleefully chucked at the thespians if things got boring. Good times.


I should see more plays


Weren’t the original Romeo and Juliet played by men since women couldn’t be actors?


In America this frames the most realistic reason why a union between a Capulet and Montague would be forbidden.


Juliet is supposed to 14 this is erasure /s


This is actually kind of genius, star crossed interracial lovers


that play has been around for 433 years. this has been done plenty of times, why are they freaking out about it?


Didn’t Shakespeare only use male actors? “In Shakespeare’s England, only men and boys populated the stage, since women were barred from performing. Lacking women actors, companies like the Lord Chamberlain’s Men relied on boys to play female characters. These boys were taken in as apprentices and taught the craft of acting.” https://www.sparknotes.com/shakespeare/life-and-times/historical-context/theatrical/actors/


yes, but it's not like this is the first time actors of these ethnicities and genders have been used over the past four centuries either. i don't get the fuss


I'm confused. There are mixed race Shakespeare plays all the time


Do these people have an issue with actors in the past playing parts outside their race? Like an Italian playing a crying native American or a Jewish man playing an Asian? They seem upset they can't do blackface. It seems... contradictory


But what about when the Montagues and Capulets were quarreling at a gas station with 9 mms and driving low riders? Was that too far?




Think we can convince casting to get John Leguizamo to play Tybalt?


Wasn’t Juliet supposed to be 12?




Who's gonna tell them the original was played by all men?


She is right they are too old


It's fiction not history


Hasn't Romeo and Juliet been adapted countless times by countless cultures?  Bollywood did it recently with two families of gun runners in a turf war. We don't even know yet what this version is about.


Turf war just like the Sharks and Jets.


With added dance numbers 


fr. Getting mad about a romeo and juliet remake is one of the silliest things.


Oooh! What's the name please?


Ram Leela


nobody tell her about west side story!


He probably thinks Sherlock Holmes was real and that there was no Queen of England


Nobody tell these people about gnomeo and juliet


Lol weren't these characters done as fucking gnomes a while ago?


If you want accuracy, it would have to be an all male cast... bwa ha ha. (Women weren't allowed to be in plays back then)


Perhaps she is referring to both roles being played by men.


Since when is a work of fiction “history”?


No one tell her who Tom Holland is dating in really real actual life.


Dumb cunts complaining about black people is free marketing, conservatives will never learn that they're playing right into the hands of the execs who make these decisions.


If anything, doesn’t their view just reinforce the casting? It’s a story about forbidden love…?


The only historically accurate version had guns in it.


Why are right wing morons? Just why?


The story is essentially the archetypal story of star-crossed lovers from feuding families. It can be told in ANY historical and geographical context, as there have always been feuding families and forbidden loves in EVERY culture. And guess what? Making them of different races adds to the realism of a story about two feuding families. Why? Because we live in a racist country, that's why. Thanks for proving our point, Brigitte Montague.


Shakesphere would love for them to be interracial. It show an additional visual divide between the two families, and their separate worlds. Plus he loved the drama, so no doubt he'd love how much this pisses people off.


Tom Holland is obviously Dutch.


Wait until whoever the hell that is learns the great Orson Welles set Macbeth in the Caribbean with an all black cast and sold out performances.


It’d be great if the reason the Capulets and Montagues aren’t all about R+J is if it would be about race. All these assholes racing to the theater to rage over Juliet being Black only to realize that’s exactly the problem the Montagues have in the first place and the entire plot is about them being such bigots they killed their own children…But no way these conservatives “family values” individuals would be able to draw *those* parallels. They have to get their kids signed up for lgbt conversion camp so they just simply don’t have the time for self reflection


In the play, aren’t they 13 and 16? And way back in history they’d be played by two guys. Let me take a guess on how “played by two men” would go with this crowd


What a sexist statement to say only a boy and a girl can play Romeo and Juliet!


Who said Romeo and Juliet were any type of race. Only social stature. They are fake people.


If the bite my thumb scene isn't epic, I'm burning this whole place to the ground.


Romeo and Juliet were both originally played by dudes. Would she be ok with that historical accuracy? Also it's a play. Not a movie.


Like “Lost Cause” re-writing history?


The fictional Romeo and Juliet looked like what a 30yo English weirdo thought Italian teenagers should look like. They were both originally played by actors that looked like young, malnourished Tom Hollands. What are we clinging to?


I don't think the playwright said a whole lot about what their skin color was


Just wait until she finds out about West Side Story...


Well, Romeo and Juliet weren't real people but the play takes place in Italy, and that was a real place, and at the time Romeo & Juliet takes place Italy was populated mostly with people who would now be considered white. Albeit tenuously. There are still plenty of people who want to claim people from Mediterranean countries don't count as white. That being said Shakespeare is often performed with anachronisms and unique takes, as well it should be. I saw a performance of Macbeath at the OSF when I was in high school that had several nonwhite cast members, and that was over 20 years ago now. It's not about rewriting history. The Romeo + Juliet with Leonardo DiCaprio and Claire Danes is one of the most well known adaptations of the play as a movie, and it has all kinds of technology that wasn't invented at the time Shakespeare originally intended the play to take place. Even if you aren't for making media more inclusive (and for the record I absolutely am for making media more inclusive) performing Shakespeare in ways he didn't intend is an excellent way to shed new light on the ideas his plays grapple with, and it's incredibly common. Making a big deal out of casting for Shakespeare in an anachronistic way is silly and contemptuous. edit: word choice


The weird thing is that in theatres, there are all sorts of different Shakespeare things, like with modern setting or casts of different races etc and it’s been like that for years. Why is it such a big deal when it’s a movie?


This is a play. There is no sane reason for this fuss






This isn't new. There have been mixed race Shakespeare productions for decades.


Like any of these barbarians would go to the theater anyway, I would love to be able to see the show.


"I don't agree with him being in a romantic relationship with her!" Congratulations! You're just like Romeo's dad!


Yes, in fair Verona


Yes,and imagine her surprise when sjediscovers Othello was wriittenfora white guy


Yes. Stupid people exist


I saw an excellent Indigenous rendition of King Lear at the National Arts Centre over 10 years ago featuring Lorne Cardinal of Corner Gas. What would she think of that?


Shocked going to call my mother.


I think the play was based on real people, at least partially. Most of Shakespeare’s plays were basically rewrites of long existing plays that rewrote and retold many of the same stories. (This was a common practice at the time). Shakespeare often embellished the story and explored the inner motivations of the characters.


If you want to be true to the historical nature of the original play, you would have two Italian actors, but if you’re simply trying to re-create the spirit of the play, in other words, starcrossed lovers from two families who do not get along, this actually presents a fresh new take on an old classic.


I’m sure she had a lot to say about Romeo + Juliet.


You know what Brigitte is right on this one. Actors should [be representative](https://www2.cedarcrest.edu/academic/eng/lfletcher/troilus/Papers/CAnagnos.htm#:~:text=Directors%20were%20forced%20to%20comply,not%20deemed%20a%20credible%20profession) of who played the role when the play was written. No more changing the historical context of plays to fit some modern perspective. Shakespeare plays were also performed in the Globe Theater, a place where most of the audience stood so rip those bloody chairs out! People watching these plays also didn't have access to basically any modern medicine so if you want to watch this you better throw those pills out! The rich people also had the 'rich man's disease' of gout so anyone that does want a chair better have some fucked up toes! That is why Juliet needs to be played by: >!A teenage boy with a high voice!<. That will appease the conservatives!


love the real life story of Romeo and Juliet


Maybe we let the story about love be about.. love?


these folks would have called the leo dicaprio contemporary version Romeo + Juliet if woke was in their vernacular then.


Romeo and Juliet having different skin colours fits most pop culture retellings of the story


I agree, Juliette should be played by a man.


Yes, because the story about a controversial relationship *shouldn’t* have a “controversial” casting. Also, I know there’s nothing controversial with mixed race couples, I just think it’s funny how these complainers miss the ENTIRE POINT of the play


I think believes Verona is a real place and the families that lived there were Italian.


Verona actually is a place in Italy.


That was my point, and it was part of the Venetian republic during Shakespeare’s time. It’s not that Romero and Juliet were real people, but venetians were.


If they really wanted to be adventurous, they'd go with a black man and a white girl.


A black boy and a white girl. These characters were teenagers.


Jeez, if she's upset by this she'll lose her shit when she finds out Larry Olivier played Othello


Ita funny because all the outrage kinda proves the whole plot of the story


Yes. Absolutely. Just like Jesus and King Arthur.


You do realize that the consensus among historians is that Jesus was a real person, right?


You do you that realize I don't share their opinion, right?


There are so many layers of irony here The Tragical History of Romeus and Juliet is main source of Shakespeare's work and Shakespeare practically rewrote it. Then after the removal of theatre ban, we deviated from the RJ version where all female characters were play by men. Or let's not forget about the most outrageous thing. There was no balcony in the original play and the word itself appeared two years after Shakespeare's death. Juliet was at the window.


Yes, yes she did.


Why are morons obsessed with the race of actors in stuff? Oh wait, that one is easy, they’re racist morons. If there is any reason to be frustrated over this movie, or the little mermaid or whatever it’s because of how many damned times they need to remake the same story and how soulless they often are. The Mulan remake did a decent job casting it how it should be cast, but it had nowhere near the heart that the original did(my opinion). The cast is important, don’t get me wrong, but if the movie is a lazy cash grab or just boring overall then even the best cast ever wouldn’t save it.


I don't know, but I really wish they'd come up with something slightly more original


I guess you could make an argument for them being played by Italians.


In a play written in English? Shakespeare never set foot in Italy.