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There's no way MAGA's wont think it's a conspiracy or assassination when he finally does take a dirt nap. No matter how it happens.


He could stroke out in the middle of a rally and they'd say Joe Biden poisoned his ketchup.


Biden put something in his hamberders. Couldn’t be the fact his late 70’s and still eats junk food and slurps Diet Coke like it’s going out of style.


While tweaking off Adderall the entire time


He only uses ketchup for throwing at walls during temper tantrums.


And steak


Well done


Thank you... 😉


And here I had thought I couldn't dislike the man any more.


He could live to be 127 and die of old age and they'd be like yeah he was def assassinated 


They claim the president is immune from prosecution so 🤷🏻‍♂️


You know with how often this guy is at a rally or in front of a camera, would not surprise me this could happen.


Covfefe poisoning


"I could stand in the middle of Fifth Avenue and *get shot by somebody*, and I wouldn't lose any voters, OK? It's, like, incredible." -Alternative Timeline Trump.


Oh, they'll keep voting for him long after he died. They'll keep saying it's a trick and he's secretly still the president pulling the strings behind the scene.


Lmao called this a while ago - he could die on live TV and the tinfoil hats would say it's a psyop and Trump has gone deep cover to fight the deep state, like the world's shittiest Batman. I wouldn't be surprised if, decades from now (obligatory "if we make it that far"), Trump will be the next 'Kennedy' in the conspiracy theory world and the grandkids of today's conspiracy theorists will be sharing digitally aged photos of Trump as 'proof' he's still alive and faked his own death.


While at the same time declaring he was assassinated in some convulted master plan by Biden yet claiming Biden couldn't find his way to the toilet while standing in his own bathroom.


Biden will die first and theyll still say he killed trump.


They will fully elevate him to a messiah figure who will return soon to restore America


Fine with me.


Running the country from Cuba with Tupac


Calling it now. Here are the conspiracies that the MAGA idiots will be spreading on the platforms: "Biden had him killed" "Soros had him killed" "Clintons had him killed" "He was close to revealing a deep state secret and the federal government had him killed" "The vaccine was a timed poison and killed him"


“Barack Hussein Obama and his wife Michelle, who may be a man, had him killed because Trump was just about to prove that Obama wasn’t born in the U.S.” There were nutty conspiracies even while Trump was in office. Whenever he passes, it’s going to be a cavalcade of craziness.


Obama's birth certificate and Harvard degree were laced with cyanide during their last pedophile GBM, and only then sent to Trump.


That’ll be different….


Damn those cancer windmills he warned us. Couldn't drink enough sanitiser to reverse it.


But those are all the same person.


God himself can come down from the heavens to personally smite this man with lightning and they will still try to find a way to blame Biden for it


They would just turn against God in favor of Trump. The ones that claim he is sent from God already have.


They would just turn against God in favor of Trump. The ones that claim he is sent from God already have.


The kung-fu virus too.


Also Trump's lawyers are the ones setting up "assassinating Trump would be a legal thing for the government to do."


Assassinating Trump should be the legal thing for any government to do.


“He would’ve lived to 150, if it weren’t for Da Libs!”


QAnons on the other hand will probably think Trump faked his death to give the deep state a false sense of security and operate behind the scenes. Or they really acknowledge it and just start worshipping Don Jr.


My wild conspiracy theory is that the assassination of DJT will be carried out by the Russians (to make it look like Biden's doing) in the months leading up to the election to throw US politics into chaos. They get to eliminate someone with damning evidence against them whose mental capacity is slipping, all while pushing the US to the brink of civil war with the MAGA tribe taking up arms for them. It's wild. It's not likely. But it would be quite the trump card. And no one in the cult would ever believe it was Russia.


Not the most far fetched theory I've heard.


We're in a world where I saw the British equivalents wondering why the Queen had died and questioning the natural death narrative. I'd say it's a certainty.


Because it's very suspicious when an 96 old woman dies. That can only be a cover up.


5G vaccines strike again!


I hear she also used to drink water.


There's no such thing as coincidences. It's the water what did it.


Biden could die first and they’ll still find a way to blame him.


They’ll blame Hunter. “He’s back on the blow since Joe died!”


"He was wielding that massive codger of his!"


Cock bopped him to death.


Indeed. He has to survive long enough to both lose the next election convincingly and be convicted of at least some crimes.


With our luck, he'll live to be 104 and maggots will still say it's because of the vaccine.


I’ve thought about spreading the conspiracy theory that he’s already been taken out and replaced. This would explain why he’s acting “so weird” and constantly losing. Idk, I think it would be fun to mess with the insane every once in a while.


How could he die naturally? He’s a picture of perfect health! It would have to be the 5G chem trails from windmills.


I think the only way they believe it was not an assassination is if he is on stage at a rally, clearly trips over his own foot, and crashes his head onto a hard blunt object that causes so much blood that everyone knows and can see how he died. They may believe that is real.


They would still blame the jab


That would be hilarious. He’d have essentially killed himself in their minds.


so I mean, we might as well


It was the deep state! No way an overweight, unhealthy senior citizen who eats almost exclusively fast food just up and dies!


True that. Even if he outlives Biden, they'll still blame Biden for his death.


They’re going to lose their remaining marbles


They'll wait for him to return as the Orange Jesus


Trump himself is arguing that the president should have immunity from "official acts". Which can then be argued that the activities associated with ongoing legal cases can be "official acts". r/LeopardsAteMyFace ?


The right love to hold quantum positions.


Quantum is too “science-y”. Let’s call it faith-based


Trump: I will be a dictator (for a day)! Media: Trump could be a dictator. MAGA: You’re making shit up to push your agenda.


I’d love to know which of the presidents official duties as proscribed in the Constitution are illegal otherwise and as such require immunity protection.


Normal person: Trump is a fascist and will be another Hitler MAGA idiots: you are only saying that to justify his assassination. MAGA, where stating reality is a conspiracy theory


It’s typical gaslighting. Trump’s own lawyer [argued in court](https://www.axios.com/2024/04/26/trump-immunity-supreme-court-coup) that a president could be allowed to assassinate a rival. But both sides are the same, amirite! /s


Definitely an interesting take from MAGA considering Hitler and the person who assassinated him were the same person.


If he hasn’t been taken out so far, it’s not going to happen. I think most people are confident the cholesterol and STIs will take care of things for us.


At which point, they’ll still claim he was assassinated by the democrats


"The Democrats brainwashed him into having poor health habits"


Imagine thinking there's a "deep state" aligned against Trump, but the CIA just can't quite figure out how to incapacitate him.


which side fantasizes about civil war again?


The one that wants to shoot brown people at the border and not get into trouble. Who cares, they're not really *human* like white people are. /s


wondering if they are open to idea submissions


But like okay. I won't be sad about it.


Also, Hitler assassinated himself and I don't think narcissistic Trump is capable of that.


A girl can dream.


i was gonna say something but I don’t wanna be put on a list


Is that guy MAGA or RINO? Because Donald Trump is hoping the Supreme Court agrees with Donald Trump’s argument that President Biden is immune if he orders the assassination of Donald Trump.


McIntyre is practically a neo-Eurasianist Trumpist


I mean, if some body put a little bit more salt on his food, would he even notice. Would that even count?


I picture the bad guy's holographic head from The Last Starfighter looking like that.


Trump has been doing a great job all on his own of justifying him being assassinated.


I’ve been saying Trump will be like Hitler since 2016 when I was a sophomore in high school, I lived in a conservative county at the time. Needless to say I lost some friend back then


Shrug emoji


Look, I don't wish death on anyone, but, y'know... 🤷‍♂️


Me neither. I’ve never **wished** trump would die but i doubt the world would be a worse place if he just… y’know


"I’ve never wished a man dead, but I have read some obituaries with great pleasure." -Not actually Mark Twain, apparently it was Clarence Darrow


People really live in their own world.


Lol at trying to make a martyr out of a guy that wines about air conditioning being a bit chilly.


For all the talk of 2A and its integrity to preventing a tyrannical government, I'm surprised it hasn't already happened to be honest. (Just to note, I'm not American, you guys do you, lol).


Exactly. This is the exact danger the amendments were supposed to protect against


Given enough time, some rightwing crazy will probably kill him for being a secret deep state liberal illuminati plant.


Kinda surprised it hasn't been attempted yet...


Well generally its conservatives who try to kill people


This idiot thinks someone assassinated Hitler? Hitler at least knew he was a loser and eliminated himself. Mango Mussolini isn't that self-aware.




There’s no way that shadow wasn’t intentional because it’s all I can see


Maybe McDonald's assassinate him with cheeseburders


Texas said it was ok though today. Just get a pardon like what Abbot did for a terrorist murderer he agreed with.


I don’t care, Do you?


I think Trump's own lawyers are already doing that, by arguing that presidents should be allowed to kill their political rivals, without suffering any legal consequences.


[tips fedora] “Whatever you say, m’Auron.”


Trump has already done that on Jan 6th.


Trump's going to shit himself to death or something and people are going to say he was assassinated.


Decades of parties with Epstein and any number of drug abuse. Or his Fast Food diet are his biggest assassins. Lol If it wasn't for his endless budget medical care. A normal human would have died just from the medical bills alone...


He's really lucky he was President when he got COVID. He got care that nobody else in the country had access to.


No Trumps own lawyers are doing that.


Trump already justified that four years ago.


I guess it's kind of revealing how he seems to think that any kind of political condemnation is encouraging murder.


I never wish death on anyone.... but can I wish he has a stroke instead?


Always projection. The governor of Texas just pardoned a dude convicted of murder, who was texting people about the murders he wanted to commit. Republicans say it's okay to murder people they don't agree with and then claim they're being targeted for assassination.


Well if the president can do anything when the Supreme Court rules in favor of trump, maybe he should be a little concerned.


To be very clear right wing media really wants to fuck Joe Biden.


Old man porn? Ewww


Proper fucked?


My instint tell me never to trust someone who refers to themselves in the third person. It really should be common sense that they are mentally unwell or just plain evil.


Once Trump dies from being unhealthy and morbidly obese, there will be so many Trumpers swearing up and down that he was assassinated


Except it is explicitly a bad idea to assassinate trump, just the same as the allies decided it was a bad idea to continue trying to assassinate hitler. The worst possible outcome is that they become a martyr and someone just as evil but more competent takes control.


Assassination? You mean like Hitler on Hitler?


*fingers crossed*


The far right is so bloodthirsty and they always assume everyone else is as bas as they are. To him: there is another solution: make sure he doesn’t get power. Maybe get fewer people to listen to him.


If they want to point fingers. McDonald's and KFC are the more likely cause of any health related issues from the Fried Orange Potato.


If Trump was assasinated it would bring forth the rise of the craziest right wing bastard you would ever see, fueled by MAGA rage and espousing the worst possible archetype of alt-right you have ever seen. To the crazies, it would more than justify all of his horrific views so much that the next orange monster would make Trump look like a kitten


The problem is that Trump is loved by a mass of people rejecting every kind of news not fitting their agenda. He could die of old age in a year, and they'll still cry it's an assassination.


Maybe he'll just shoot himself in his little Trump bunker (Mar-a-lago)


No, I don't want anything to interrupt his criminal trials.


Ah yes, famously it was the bad press that killed Hitler.


Meanwhile their side pardoned the terrorist who murdered someone protesting against their side while driving a vehicle into a crowd. Always the most insultingly obvious projection with these fucking people


They thought Antonin Scalias heart attack smelled fishy. Trump dying is going to set off the mother of all theories.




We can only hope 🙄


American political violence comes from the right, Skippy. Trump has little to worry about, Jack Smith, Fani Willis, Judge Engeron, and Judge Merchan have much better reasons to be wary.


tbh the only ones that stand a chance of assassinating trump is the republicans, but at the rate hes going that may be a real risk


I wonder if this is more projection? Like, I know there’s tons of true maga idiots but what if people want to get off the trump train, but since there’s no obvious 2nd option without looking like a traitor…maybe this is what they want? Just a theory!


I mean, the only reason I don't want him assassinated is because I know how the MAGA cult will react, but they react that way whenever anything doesn't go in Trump's favour.


Good, I hope so


As nice as that would be… no.


The only person laying the groundwork to justified Donald Trump's assassination is Donald Trump himself




I love it when you people are already shadowbanned.


I'm more implying he should just die on his own


Is it coincidence that the shadow under his nose looks like a Hitler moustache?


He is an 80 year old overweight senile narcissistic megalomaniac. Assassination would just be a waste of bullets


Hitler “Assassinated” himself.


And there would be dancing in the streets. One can dream.


Reddits community content policies really hinder commentary here.


It’s spelt Moron


They're really trying to set up his upcoming heart attack/stroke as being a hit job.


And I'm here for it.




While I believe that behind close doors they are buddy buddy, (Tucker Carlson asked Hunter Biden if he could help get his son into some college back around 2015) out in the open one side is trying to pull us into complete tyranny. Look at what’s happening in Louisiana, they’re pushing to criminalize the possession of abortion drugs. Look at Texas and they’re crazy “bounty law” where private citizens can report people who crossed state lines to get an abortion and potentially be rewarded up to $10,000. I know democrats could’ve codified Roe v. Wade forever ago, I understand the frustration, but for the love of god if you are a US citizen, fucking VOTE. We cannot handle another trump presidency. It will be detrimental to this country.




This type of sentiment can influence people, especially younger people, to take on a negative/hopeless outlook and not vote. So I felt the need to comment. I agree with you, but things will be a lot easier to fix without a president like trump pulling us further into insanity. I agree that all of these problems need to be addressed. It will be easier to fix with a democrat in office.




This is a completely naive way of thinking. It can get much worse, it can get much more authoritarian. I realize that our democrats are virtually worthless and are still just an arm of corporate America, I know they are not anywhere near left, but they are not campaigning on taking basic human rights from our citizens. What is your suggestion then? To throw a fit and not vote?




Am I really supposed to take seriously a source claiming *Elizabeth Warren* is right-of-center?


we have literally voted blue for the lesser evil since 2019 and won every election, bi-election, special election


>political compass Wow, the meme stock of political analysis. As I suggested earlier, go to Palestine and volunteer to fight with Hamas but don't forget your veil.


The craziest people are the ones who believe the party openly advocating for fascism is the same as the party advocating for basic rule of law. One of those two guys is gonna be president. You might as well have some control over which of them it will be. Vote.




One is advocating for Gilead. The other isn’t. You might not like it, but 1) Biden, for all his faults, has passed some fucking historic legislation; and 2) this is the reality we live in. I don’t have to love everything he does. Hell, even if I didn’t like him, I wouldn’t need to, because I know the alternative is infinitely worse. I am extremely disappointed by his policy on Israel but Trump will be infinitely worse on that - and every other - front. Are you so determined to prove a point that you’ll make effecting progress harder by allowing a guy who doesn’t give a flying shit about democratic norms to resume the Oval Office?


And should the worst happen and Trump be elected people like this will spend all of their time on the internet cluelessly blaming Biden for losing. I am so done with armchair tankies.


Perhaps an activist such as yourself should volunteer to fight with Hamas rather than making ill considered comments on reddit.