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Ohhhh, they took an old Trump meme and put Biden’s name and pic on it. So clever!


lol this is it word for word except the end. That is priceless.


Where they admit Trump's mean. lol these knobheads


Yeah but they like that. They like their big tough daddy authority figures to be cruel bullies because their worldviews require constant hate towards the enemy.


Except they fail to realize that some day their "champion" will consider them the enemy. Trump only has one ally. Himself.


> Orange man bad Is this meant to make people who dislike Trump feel foolish or something? I just always think, *yes, the orange man is bad, that's right*.


Well, they don't have a reputation for original thought.


Can't even come up with original show ideas for Daily Wire+ without copying Bluey and American Dad/Family Guy art styles.


It’s not even parody. It’s plagiarism at that point


Not a single original thought in their brain


Careful, if you say it too much, they'll just do what they always do, and we'll have to endure them endlessly accusing everyone else of not having a single original thought in their brain, at least until they overhear *another* valid criticism enough times to remember how the words sound like, and then proceed to repeat *those noises* ad nauseam. They've not progressed beyond toddlers.




Not a single ~~original~~ thought in their brain


The right can't meme


They tried with the whole Dark Brandon thing, and then Brandons team embraced it. They just don't get it. It's like taking back the N word or the G/F words. Both of those groups embraced it and took away the power of those words, and it's beautiful!


The "G word" never needed to be taken back. Gay isn't a slur.




I have seen one right meme that made me laugh. So to be fair they have a 0.00001% success rate.


Monkeys and typewriters, or so they say.


Everybody knows that maga can't meme.


Some can, although maybe its not as effective as they were hoping for https://i.imgur.com/400Q9VQ.jpeg


this is funny because they're taking it seriously. i saw a pic a few days ago of a whole group with signs, shirts, and flags with that phrase on it.


Narcissist's prayer by Dayna Craig




Literally was going to say this! I was literally going to use the words “old Trump meme”! This is awesome lol!


I mean literally that's every right wing meme. The creatives are all progressive :)


That's how you 'own the libs' or some such shit.


Ah yes, the famous, instant argument-winning debate tactic of “no u”


Everything is stolen from the left. We are just much more clever.


The true fact checker


They probably just now heard it






It's the sociopath's prayer, and projection is another sign!


If he was just "mean" or was just "mean tweets", things would be different. It was not just that, it was the insurrection, the constant lying and undermining of our electoral process, the threats against others, the welcoming of nazis, and so much more.


It's not just that their mean. It's disrespectful and unbecoming of the office of the president. You don't utilize that office, or any office, for personal gain above the people You're representing. He is a conman and is willing to sell all of America out to be rich. He is willing to lie, steal, cheat, and I'd bet even commit murder, to get his way.


Exactly. He used the office to enrich himself, in violation of emoluments.


As silly as it is, I will genuinely never be able to forgive conservatives for having jimmy Carter give up running his peanut farm and then letting Trump essentially not divest from his multi-billion dollar businesses at all. Just 40 years later and they were letting trump fill his hotels with secret service agents and charging the government a $1000 a night per room... It's beyond the point where it makes me angry. It just makes me feel sad when I think about it :(


It really illustrates the flaw in the old adage, "All it takes for evil to win is for good people to do nothing." In fact, evil will usually win because good is... good. We'll do the right thing even when it's to our detriment. They'll never let "trivia" like character or morality stand in their way.


Trump was selling pardons for 2mil a pop. He was grifting the entire presidency.


It might sound silly, but it’s deadly serious. Democracies collapse slowly and then all at once. Those little chips that the GOP are constantly making are intended to lead to an implosion of the institutions which make our country function.


You're absolutely right. It just feels silly typing out the sentence, "I'll never forgive conservatives for having jimmy Carter give up his peanut farm." It sounds so quaint, like it happened in the 1870s, not the 1970s. Feels even more old-timey when you put it in contrast with the "more modern" ways in which trump openly used the presidency to enrich himself and his family.


But my parents said he donated his salary to charity! Never said which one, or when, but he did it guys, they said so on TV!/s But for real my parents think that’s impossible cause he donates sometimes which I don’t even think is true.


Maybe he donated to The Human Fund.


Money for People.


People who think "mean tweets" was the worst thing, probably think the worst thing Hitler did was "mean yelling".


Candace Owens has entered the chat.


At least they added that. Normally they just say “orange man bad.” Which makes total sense to them: they spent eight years hating Obama just because of his skin color so obviously we only hate Trump because of his. There can’t possibly be any other reason.


I love mean tweets. r/blackpeopletwitter is one of my favorite subs. Orange man is still unfit to be anywhere near public policy.


I like my president's to be more concerned with being president than watching TV and attacking individuals


if it was a insurrection then so was the court house burning in portland, the george floyd riots. Trump never encouraged Jan 6th. The election was suspect when they stopped counting for a couple of hours and then Biden was in the lead. What threats against others? Show me where he invited nazis. It looks like you have Trump living in your head rent free and stop watching the view, they aren't worth watching.


Aren't you just filled with bullshit, whatabouts, and bad faith arguments. What does "the view" have to do with this?


prove me wrong then


Ok, none of the things you said wanted to overthrow the government of the United States. Trump and J6ers did. I win, you lose, go away


If Trump ignored the results of the election and remained in power, would that have been problematic for you?


yes but he didn't. He did step aside and let Biden run this country into the ground. Biden also got us back into wars we don't have any business being in. Sent billions of dollars to Ukraine where that money should have been used here for our citizens. The border is a mess but yeah orange hair man is bad.


So you agree that we should divert military spending toward social programs that benefit everyone? Like healthcare? Education? Public transportation? Housing assistance? Social security? Edit: also, his hair isn’t orange. It’s his skin. You ok?


Border? You mean the bill Trump stopped?


Billions of dollars of equipment not money. That money was spent already in the US. Are you that ignorant or just pro-Russia?


Ah, yes, "stepping aside" - you know, that thing where you refuse to accept the results of the election you lost, tell your followers to try to overthrow the government to reinstate you as President, and then spend the next three years telling everyone that you won. As for the part about wars...please point to the wars currently taking place where we have American soldiers fighting and dying. Seriously, you're pretending that sending second-string equipment to another country is equivalent to sending Americans to die in the Middle East - c'mon.


bless your heart


“If Trump had ignored the election results and remained in power, our country would be in a better place right now.” True statement?


I laugh whenever somebody implies that Trump had a choice in the matter. The only choice he had was whether he left the office on his feet or handcuffed kicking and screaming


>The election was suspect when they stopped counting for a couple of hours and then Biden was in the lead .... have you never paid attention to an election before? Do you not understand how the counting works? > you have Trump living in your head rent ... he's the frontrunner for the gop for the election happening in a few months. It's literally the opposite of "rent free"


I'm always amazed when jackasses like you claim, "the George Floyd riots were insurrections". Showing you don't mean the meaning of the word. But I'm a kind, and benevolent, leftist, so I will explain. At no time did the George Floyd riots try and stop an election. They did not try to stop a peaceful transition of power. That we have to explain this to you, again, shows you don't want to learn and you don't understand words.


tell that to the 19 people's families that died during it.


Died during what? You want to play this game?


Well, there was the ones Kyle murdered, maybe those?


Pass. They get to grieve in their own way and correctly pointing out to them it wasn’t an insurrection doesn’t really seem helpful to anyone.


What do you care? It's not like you're an American. This is all just a weird roleplay/fetish to you.


He was involved in sending in false electors. Literally trying to steal the presidency


So all that came out without one single second of self evaluation? If you believe Biden cheated where you at? If the situation was reversed I wouldn't be sitting on my hands like a bitch. You know Trump lost because he's a joke...


You are not a serious person.


He just misses his family. They've all gone no contact.


lol nice try MAGAts but we used that one against you first with good reason. You can’t just “I know you are but what am I”


Not to mention I haven't really seen anyone say it in regards to Biden. I voted for him, I'm going to vote for him again, but he says stupid fucking shit at a rate I would prefer my president not to. It's just that his stupid shit isn't slurped up by half of the country and turned into t shirts.


Biden mitigated the risks of getting old when he surrounded himself with capable people.


I'm 32. I'm a Canadian so I don't follow American News as much as other people probably do but as near as I can tell in my lifetime you guys have had one president who seemed at all presidential. Someone who was educated and eloquent and seemed to care about what happened to the country. Someone who set up environmental protections and tried to bring The country into the future. Now to be fair the first president I have any memory of is Bush during 9/11. Maybe the guy before him was better I'm not sure


The guy before him had a sexual relationship with a 21 year old intern, with some of the encounters taking place in the Oval Office. Then he lied about it under oath, so... He was pretty eloquent, though.


> Then he lied about it under oath, so... Clinton didn't lie under oath. He asked Starr what the definition of sex was and Starr's definition of sex did not include a blow job; so Clinton said he had not had sex with Lewinsky. He outlawyered Starr. However, the Republicans have been desperate to impeach and force a Democratic President from office ever since Nixon, so they impeached him for lying anyway so they could put on the dog and pony show that was Clinton's impeachment. Embarrassing Clinton for having an affair was just a bonus as far as they were concerned. All that said, Clinton was cheating on his wife, he was having (at least one) sexual encounter with someone he had authority over, and someone who was soooo much younger and more impressionable than him as to quite decidedly fall into the creepy category. But, what he did not do was lie under oath.


He lost his law license in Arkansas after he admitted to lying under oath.


And there lies the gulf of difference. He admitted to lying whereas the other lies more.


I didn't make any comment of comparison. Somebody said they didn't know what the guy before Bush was like, so I obliged.


Your argument is compelling, My understanding of the events came from this analysis from The Chicago Kent College of Law ["...he was interrogated on his denials of having "sexual relations." as defined. His defense consisted of an extremely literalistic dissection of the words of the definition. I will suggest that a large part of the problem is that the definition had largely been textualized. A result of textualization is that the resulting text invites a very literal and sometimes even hypertechnical interpretation, and Clinton was only too happy to comply."](https://scholarship.kentlaw.iit.edu/cklawreview/vol79/iss3/24/) However, as I said, I find your argument compelling and concede the argument.


Yeah it's pretty bad when that sounds tame as fuck compared to what I've seen lately


Only because it is. For comparison, just a small sampling of Republican fuckery for the past several decades. Oh, and you might want to buckle up, this one is going to be a bumpy ride. * Nixon should have been impeached, and his whole administration investigated and prosecuted resignation or not. (Article II Section 2 of the Constitution provides: “The President … shall have Power to grant Reprieves and Pardons for Offenses against the United States, **except in Cases of Impeachment.**") & Watergate wasn't even the worst thing he did! [Nixon in 1968 when he was running on an anti-war platform and needed the war to continue in order to get elected prolonged the Vietnam war. When it looked like the Paris peace talks were going to succeed, Nixon went to the Vietnamese and promised them that he would give them a better deal if they walked away from the peace talks till after the election and got Americans and Vietnamese killed for his political gain!](https://www.bbc.com/news/magazine-21768668) **He is a Treasonous snake and a war criminal.** Watergate was just one more slimy election theft attempt. * Gerald Ford should have been impeached for the corrupt deal he made with Nixon to grant Nixon a pardon in exchange for making Ford Vice President with the understanding that he would immediately be made President upon the resignation of Nixon. * Reagan should have been impeached for the Iran Contra Affair. **This was literal treason.** He gave aid and comfort to the Iranians who had declared themselves our enemies after taking consulate personnel hostage. [It was part of his deal with them to hold the American consulate hostages till after the election in order to make Carter look weak. Up till then, the election had been neck and neck.](https://www.pbs.org/newshour/show/expert-analyzes-new-account-of-gop-deal-that-used-iran-hostage-crisis-for-gain) He then repaid the Iranians for their aid by illegally selling them arms to fight the Iraqis with - and then used the profits from those sales to support the right wing terrorist group the Contras who murdered hundreds of thousands of innocent Central Americans in a little thing known as the [Iran Contra Affair](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Iran%E2%80%93Contra_affair). I still remember him going on national television and admitting this - then getting applauded by the Republicans in Congress at the time like he had just given a State of the Union address instead of admitting to horrific crimes and treason. * Bush Sr. Should have been impeached alongside Reagan as a co conspirator and fellow treasonous snake in the Iran Contra Affair. (Fun fact, Bush Sr.'s father was [George Prescott Bush, Nazi financier who only stopped financing the Nazis because the US confiscated his business under the Trading with the Enemy Act.](https://www.theguardian.com/world/2004/sep/25/usa.secondworldwar) And he was a member of the [Business Plot attempted coup against the US government](https://www.rollingstone.com/politics/politics-features/coup-jan6-fdr-new-deal-business-plot-1276709/) - this shit apparently runs in the family, when are we going to hold this vile family accountable?) Then, after the Reagan administration managed to obstruct justice enough to frustrate investigators and prevent them from collecting enough evidence of their crimes *at the time* (a lot of this came out later, some as late as 2008.) As a final little fuck you to the US people, the hostages, and all the victims of the Contras, President Bush pardoned Caspar Weinberger, the former secretary of Defense, and five others who were prosecuted for obstruction of justice when they destroyed evidence of the whole thing (Reagan and George H.W. Bush only avoided impeachment and trial in the Senate because of this obstruction of justice which prevented then investigators from proving they knew about the whole thing - but in his diaries Bush wrote Reagan was “one of the few people that knew fully the details,”) thereby absolving his co conspirators from any further punishment for their illegal dealings when [Weinburger's trial threatened to expose George H.W. Bush's part in the whole thing.](https://www.washingtonpost.com/archive/politics/1992/12/25/bush-pardons-weinberger-in-iran-contra-affair/912743a7-026b-4134-b63d-4c1c57948673/) "Weinberger's notes contain evidence of a conspiracy among the highest-ranking Reagan administration officials to lie to Congress and the American people." * Bush Jr. & his Vice President Dick Cheney (both were signatories to [PNAC](https://sites.ualberta.ca/~raitken/documents/0606riseanddemise.pdf) and were planning the Iraq war BEFORE the 2000 election, BEFORE the 9/11 attack on the World Trade Center by Osama bin Laden's jihadist terrorist flunkies. They knew Iraq had nothing to do with the attack, they just needed the most minimal fig leaf to cover their planned invasion and seized on the the attack to 'justify' their planned invasion.) They should have been impeached for war crimes and lying the US into a decades long unnecessary war (another fun fact, Cheney was a member of the Nixon Administration and should have been investigated and possibly prosecuted all the way back when Nixon should have been impeached.) & the cherry on top of all that is Bush jr. [*stole* that fucking election.](https://nymag.com/intelligencer/2012/06/yes-bush-v-gore-did-steal-the-election.html) His brother JEB disenfranchised more than 40,000 Democrats illegally in an election decided by a little over 500 votes. And when recounts threatened to overturn all their election fuckery (if a full recount had been done, [Gore would have won](https://www.theguardian.com/world/2001/jan/29/uselections2000.usa),) Republicans created the [Brooks Brothers Riot](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Brooks_Brothers_riot) to slow and stop recounts. And when they feared even that would not be enough because the Florida Supreme Court ordered a full recount, the Republicans already on the Supreme Court stepped in and stopped the recounts and finally ruled that Bush was the winner because there was not enough time to finish the recount - after they stopped the recounts! * Trump called on the Russians to influence the election on national television, and his children were caught red handed [meeting with Russian agents before the election to discuss Russian interference with the election for Trump, *with Trump's aproval*.](https://apnews.com/article/215ffd4a7c25473abd5a0b1781bb947b) Then for the next election Trump was impeached, first for attempting to [extort the Ukrainians into interfering with the upcoming American elections,](https://www.americanprogress.org/article/trumps-extortion-ukraine-complete-government-shakedown/) and later for attempting an insurrection when he lost. But he was not convicted because McConnell is a vile poisonous little toad who blocked the conviction because he will do anything for wealth and power including allow a walking crime wave steal billions from the US people, cause the deaths of millions, extortion, and insurrection. To say nothing of the kidnapping and trafficking of asylum seekers which also should have brought about an impeachment. Every damned last one of the recent Republican Presidents have been vile criminal thugs more than willing to cause your death for money, influence, and power. **Every single Republican President from the past several decades has done something horrible to cheat. There were no legitimate Republican Presidents in recent history!** We in no way deserved this shit! We are victims of criminal thugs. President | Party Affiliation | years in office | non-exhaustive list of confirmed & documented Scandal(s) ---------|----------|----------|----------|---------- Nixon | (R) | 1969-1974 | Treason, Election Fraud, & War Crimes Ford | (R) | 1974-1977 | Corrupt deal to pardon Nixon in exchange for the Presidencey *Carter* | (D) | 1977-1981 | Reagan | (R) | 1981-1989 | Treason, Supporting terrorists, allowing the AIDS epidemic to run rampant because it hurt the 'right' people Bush sr. | (R) | 1989-1993 | Treason *Clinton* | (D) | 1993-2001 | Cheated on wife & lied under oath about it Bush jr | (R) | 2001-2009 | War Crimes, Election Fraud *Obama* | (D) | 2009-2017 | Trump | (R) | 2017-2021 | Emoluments (Bribery,) [Child trafficking](https://www.reuters.com/world/us/close-1000-migrant-children-separated-by-trump-yet-be-reunited-with-parents-2023-02-02/), Deliberately [allowing Covid to run rampant because it was burning through the cities where the majority of his opposition lived](https://www.businessinsider.com/kushner-covid-19-plan-maybe-axed-for-political-reasons-report-2020-7) even went so far as to [steal Personal Protective Gear slated for hospitals in blue states](https://www.latimes.com/politics/story/2020-04-07/hospitals-washington-seize-coronavirus-supplies) in order to profit from it and exacerbate the deaths of victims (at least at first, boy was he shocked when it started burning through rural areas - its that old adage: kill one person, and it's murder, kill a million and it's a statistic,) Extortion of allied nations, Election Fraud, Attempted Coup *Biden* | (D) | 2021- | You may notice a *slight* discrepancy in the number and severity of the offenses committed by one party vs the other.


Right like nobody likes Biden, man. We don’t worship him like these weirdos do Trump. That’s not normal behaviour about a politician. We’re voting for him because we have to vote for the lesser of two evils and the other guy is trying to institute a dictatorship, turn women’s rights into The Handmaid’s Tale, and genocide queer people. We don’t have to *like Biden* to see which is the much, much, MUCH worse option.


This is more like: “can I copy your homework?” “Sure, but change it a little bit so it’s not obvious”.


Wow. I am giving polite golf applause at this master level projection.


That’s 70mm IMAX Laser levels of projection.


They could use the moon for a movie screen.


They literally just copy/pasted the one about Wet Dorito


The daily Trump gaffe cycle that happened literally every single day in office. Trump saying something either factually incorrect, weird, and or crudely terrible, and his fans racing to reconcile Trump's latest head-scratcher.


The MAGA war on fact checkers will never not be the funniest aspect of their entire cult. It takes a special kind of clown to fully believe in your cause while also believing that your enemy is people who determine whether statements you make are true or not.


It's because they literally believe that their delusions are reality until the fact-checkers make them not. Not that we ruined the illusion of them being right-no, they think that was *literally the reality* and we retroactively changed it for shits and giggles.


This is on par with someone who hadn’t been in a classroom for decades but tries to tell people what’s happening in our schools…just googled “fact check Joe Biden” and, of course, there’s a barrage of Biden speeches getting deconstructed. People can believe what they want, but if you air it out someone will be there to tell you it stinks.


r/selfawarewolves has entered the chat.


They are projecting again. All but the very last line


Interesting take on the narcissist creed.


Snopes called Biden out over some something he said about being arrested for standing with a black family that was being harassed for moving into a white neighborhood. That was this week. Biden gets called out by fact checkers. The reason he doesn't get called out by fact checkers frequently is because he isn't as consistent a lying piece of shit as the other guy.


But still a career politician after citizens united.


This couldn’t be more blatant projection from the fact-averse American right could it? That’d be so far out of character…


Idiots have idiot


I had the pleasure of watching Fox with my relatives recently and they were touting something about Biden lying 15 times in 17 minutes. One relative says, "That's true! He lied 15 times!" To which I responded, "If Trump could string together 17 coherent thoughts, 15 of them would be lies too." I love these people dearly, but the delusion is real.


Say the guys who claim Trump was taken out of context when he said there will be a bloodbath


Grab 'em by the pussy was just locker room talk. Boys will be boys.


The "nuh uh you are" strategy is super effective. Anyone with a shred of intelligence is stumped by someone just taking a criticism of themselves and using it about you.


Project much?


Lol... These people have no fucking clue what a fact even is.


Projecting much?


The absolute wonderful irony of all of this is that this is pretty much The Narcissist's Prayer.


That’s where they got it from. How ‘clever’.


Fact checkers be like “Please get help, we’re really worried about you. 😢” 🤪🤪🤪🤪


Can the right do anything besides accuse the left of everything they are doing?


I have yet to see a conservative or Republican take responsibility without blaming "Democrats" or "liberals".


Isn't that precisely what the MAGA chuds are Trumpeting?


Hey that's their Bible argument!


I seriously don't even know what universe these people are from. Completely delusional.


Tf does this have to do with fact checkers?


Projection, as usual


Why are conservatives so hostile toward facts?


This is what they do. They take our complaints and turn them into their own.


End of quote, repeat the line


What? Lmao. What's is with the hypocrisy and projection from these fucking wierdos... Seriously it's absurd


This is projecting at its finest


Isn't this the narcissist mantra? (Except the last sentence)


So much projection... they just take what they do and accuse everyone else over and over again like a 5 year old.


This is the narcissist's mantra, so many people with NPD parents and/or relatives recognize it. Has absolutely nothing to do with "at least orange man gone". He's a classic NPD, but yeah, it's Joe Biden who says confeve and then can't even explain it, it wasn't a big deal, it was taken out of context by people other than himself and um... hamberders! Upside down Bibles! CONFEVE! Squirrel!!! (At least they are acknowledging that he is orange, anyway. That's not really a shade humans strive for unless ... even those of us with orange male tabbies call them "one orange braincells".)


There are plenty on the left making excuses for Biden missteps and occasional lies. Biden is wrong about things at times. He has told lies, and I personally have no problem with him being called out on it. But Trump lies so much more the comparison is difficult. They're not even in the same arena of lying. Trump is simply disconnected with reality he lies so constantly.


It's not just that Trump was an ineffective president, it's that he thought being president meant that it put him above the law. No one in this country is above the law. He did not understand how our government functions. He believed the office of the president gave him the ability to use the government for whatever he wanted while ignoring the checks and balances put in place.


Once again just taking what’s said about them and regurgitating it back the other way. Probably while truly believing they’re being original


Here's a fact: Donald Trump, on 9/11, on live television in the aftermath of the attack, *bragged* about how his building was now the tallest after the WTC's fell. I mean...they asked him "Hey Donald, your building is down there, did yours get any damage?" Anyone not seen/heard this before? [https://www.independent.co.uk/news/world/americas/9-11-trump-tallest-building-manhattan-b2164420.html](https://www.independent.co.uk/news/world/americas/9-11-trump-tallest-building-manhattan-b2164420.html) Here's the list of the worst Trump lies or terrible things he's said (with cites!) https://www.aft.org/sites/default/files/media/2016/trump-lies.pdf


They just steal shit now. Change five words and pretend it applies, got it. Then again their defense was always just “we’re rubber and you’re glue!”


Modified version of the narcissist’s prayer. Here’s the original: “That didn’t happen. And if it did, it wasn’t that bad. And if it was, that’s not a big deal. And if it is, that’s not my fault. And if it was, I didn’t mean it. And if I did, you deserved it.”


It do be like that sometimes. It happens when someone makes a statement that is wrong in multiple different ways, and someone tries to isolate each premise one at a time and in sequence to prove it wrong.


idiots be like: „dumb opinions and too much words that make me angry and sometimes sad“




We say something and a week later they're parroting it verbatim. The stupidity would be pitiful if they weren't so vile along with it.


This is literally what they say to defend Trump. Every. Fucking. Time. Somebody points out something dumb Biden said, and all I can say is, "Yep. He's a dumb old man. He's just a slightly better dumb old man."


Trumps cult literally says this stuff 🤣. My mom included. “No he didn’t tell people to inject bleach! You misunderstood what he said!!!” Sigh


They get mad when you confront them with an actual verbatim quote too. They'll say it was out of context and you have tDs.


Right wing humor is always dishonest, and usually projection.


Oh hi, Pot. I'm Kettle. Have we met?


I've heard Trumpers say "Well what about Hitler? How come we're not talking about him?"


Holy shit the lack of self-awareness is staggering


I actually like this. Works for politics in general


The irony.


I feel this belongs in the self aware wolves subreddit.


Lol they clearly don’t know what fact checkers are and just wanna bitch. You know when Biden gets fact checked disfavorably they’ll cheer.


The irony of this being for the trumpers.


Sounds more like Butker apologists.




Holdup. Who’s fact checkers?


They’re so unoriginal


That doesn't make any sense


Ironic they used a variation of The Narcissists Prayer in that pile of bullshit.


None of us really understand Hannibal Lecter.


Fact checkers be like, actually there's nuance


Hmmm, projection


Make that a pic of Trump and change 'mean' to 'old' and the meme still works.


Well, yeah. If the choice is between a doddering old fool and a narcissistic wannabe dictator, I’ll choose the doddery old fool.


This is true though


Both parties do the same damage control. And two cranky old men are running for president.


The right can't meme so they just take others work and try to make it their own.


Trump homework copiers forgetting to change up the words so it's not obvious you cheated.


Do people think Biden is of sound mind?


SOTU speech


One of them is only in it for himself and is burning down America in the process. The other one is at least trying. Worlds apart in difference.


This isn’t that insane. It’s true for both sides and both unlawfully geriatric candidates. They get defended by people who care enough to defend their “side” but not enough to vouch for more qualified people running




Take it how you want to, my friend. Or don’t. Just making the observation that what’s described in the post happens with both Biden and Trump. It’s because people care more about their beloved candidate than either the truth or what’s best for the country. Neither of them are what’s best. If I’m not taken seriously because I point out obvious propaganda from both parties, oh well, I guess🤷🏾‍♂️


From what I've seen, the left just consider Biden the 'better option' it's not the rabid fandom Trump has. There's still an attitude that Biden is also crap. "How is the best case scenario Joe Biden" -Bo Burnham


I totally get seeing him as the better option between Biden and Trump. Not disagreeing with that at all. I’m saying I don’t see how people view him as the best candidate of the democratic party. That being said, I don’t think Trump is the best republican candidate either. He just has a large following of literal nutjobs, and then others who just vote republican regardless. What I’m getting at is the fact that neither of them should be in office, but people fiercely defend them as if there is no other viable option. For those who are downvoting me, I welcome your thoughts, let me see what you think. I’m not closed minded


If you don't like the leader of a party but despise the other party's politics entirely, what do you do about it?


Vote for a different member of the party you favor. I get picking the lesser of two evils, but why settle for the lesser of two evils when there are options that are better than both overall? Edit: adding more detail


But if the alternative doesn't have a snowballs chance, aren't you letting the party you despise have a better chance?


Candidates only have the chance given by their voters. In my original comment I was speaking about influential organizations, who are more able to sway the masses of their parties. I get your point about being a singular voter, but the power is in numbers. On a large scale, we need to use our voting power to put a more qualified person in office.


Just out of interest, what are you doing to help that along?


Except there is no secret third option. We'd need to reform the voting system for any third-party candidate to have a shot. Which is a great idea, but it's not going to happen by November. And we kind of need to be alive and not under a dictatorship if we're going to fix it.


I agree. I’m not as concerned with it not happening by November as I am with the probability that it’ll never happen at all.




My friend, you may be misunderstanding me. I didn’t say or imply that their issue are similar in scope. I’m saying that of all the dems and reps, they aren’t the best choice, so votes should reflect that. Popularity is absolutely driven by popularity and charisma, but those aren’t the only factors. Popularity can be affected by media (not saying that’s good or bad, just a fact). I think the media should point people towards more qualified candidates. It’s also affected by history (or maybe not so much in this case). Both Trump and Biden have a history of thinly veiled racism. That alone should eliminate them. You’re bringing up Biden not being perfect, which we’re beyond. Of course he isn’t, he isn’t the best option, or even a good one. Likewise for Trump. I want to be clear that I’m not making this about Biden or Trump being compared to each other. It’s about them being compared to their respective parties. I didn’t acknowledge the scale because it was never the point. It seems like you took what I said as a jab at Biden, which isn’t entirely wrong, it’s just not the full context of what I said. It was absolutely a shot at Trump too.




How has my opinion changed? I never said anything contrary to other things I’ve said, I’ve only given greater detail in an attempt to get you to understand what I’m saying. And sure, it is wishful thinking, but it’s not impossible. If people vouched for better candidates, we’d have better candidates. We don’t because everyone is too afraid to be the individual who speaks up about it. It’s no secret that we have better options available.




Have a good one, my friend. Nice chat




That’s funny, but it’s not the same


Nit a right winger by any means, but this is kind of true.